The dog sneezes heavily. The dog often sneezes: causes and methods of treatment. Is the common cold contagious to humans?

Like any animal with a well-developed sense of smell, a dog perceives the world with smells.

The nose is the most important part of the body, "assistant" in understanding what is happening around. Therefore, problems with this organ cause discomfort to the pet and require prompt and timely intervention by the owner.

There are a number of reasons why a dog sneezes frequently.:

  • allergic reaction;
  • foreign object in the nose;
  • getting injured;
  • cold from hypothermia;
  • disease.

These cases need to be able to, if not recognize, then pay attention and show four-legged friend veterinarian.

Advice!If the dog sneezes frequently during the day, there is discharge from the nose, and this does not go away the next day, then you need to contact veterinarian. If the discharge is bloody, you need to go as soon as you notice a symptom.

There are also natural situations why a dog constantly sneezes. This can happen if, during a walk, the dog sniffed pollen, dust, cigarette smoke. If some small particles get into the nose, then the pet sneezes in order to get rid of foreign objects. If these are single or short sneezes or the discharge of transparent snot, then you don’t have to worry, but it is worth paying attention to the condition of the animal, whether there are any changes in behavior, breathing.

What can cause constant sneezing and snot in dogs?

If the dog sneezes and snorts several times a day, and this happens on a walk, when new smells appear, then this is normal. If the dog begins to snort, sneeze and breathe heavily due to snot in the nose, then you should immediately pay attention to this factor.

Allergic reaction in a dog - snot and sneezes, what to do?

Symptoms allergic reaction pet are:

  • constant sneezing;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • watery eyes;
  • swollen nose;
  • whitish discharge from the nose;
  • constant scratching (itching);
  • the appearance of irritation on the skin.

Allergies can appear from too strong household odors. chemicals, perfume, cigarette smell, new food, mold (fungus), dust particles.

It will be better to introduce new foods into the pet’s diet if we cook for dogs with our own hands

Important! If the dog began to snort and sneeze often in the apartment, pay attention to where and when this happens. This will help to quickly find the cause of the allergy.

Foreign body in the nose

If the dog suddenly began to snort furiously, rub his nose against objects and shake his head, then it is likely that he got hit in the nose foreign body.

Using tweezers, try to pull out the obstructing object. If it doesn't work, go to the doctor right away.

Getting injured

There are times when, during active play, the animal hits something hard, and the owner does not notice this.

Important! If you notice blood or bleeding from dog nose contact your veterinarian immediately.

The dog has a runny nose and sneezes, how to treat?

In animals, even hardy or large breeds permanently living at home, there is a weakening of the immune system.

Therefore, if you walk the dog in frosty weather for a long time, then take care of the ammunition.

Suits are sewn for all breeds. If after a long walk the dog has a runny nose and sneezing for two days, the formation of crusts on the wings of the nose, then he caught a cold.

If after 5 days the animal does not stop sneezing, and the snot becomes yellow-greenish and thick, you need to give medication, as this is already an infection called rhinitis.

If the animal is coughing and breathing heavily, then this may be the beginning of pneumonia.

Advice! Crusts from the nose are removed with a solution of peroxide or warm water, and then lubricate the nose with petroleum jelly or a greasy baby cream.

infectious diseases

Canine distemper (Carré disease) at first, it manifests itself not only in the form of a runny nose and cough, but also sudden lethargy, refusal of the pet to eat, increased water intake, discharge from the eyes and vomiting.

Symptoms of a disease such as adenovirus are purulent discharge from the nose, crusts, watery eyes.

Important!If the animal does not eat during the day, lies, vomits, then you need to contact the clinic urgently!


If a situation occurs when the animal is not injured, but is actively trying to get rid of something that interferes in the nose, that is may have tumors or polyps. If something is wrong with the animal, and you cannot understand what it is, take it to the doctor.

Cases where veterinary assistance is required

If the animal has sneezing, coughing, wheezing, nasal discharge (including bloody), vomiting, refusal of food occur in time longer than a day and you cannot determine the cause, go to the vet as soon as possible.

Treatment methods at home

carry out self-treatment only when understanding the causes of dog malaise.

  • If the animal is cold and snotty, then you can drip drops of "Pinosol". Dosage - 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.
  • A natural remedy for a cold is onion. Grind one onion, squeeze out the juice, dilute it in half with water, moisten a cotton pad with the solution and put it in the dog's nostrils.
  • Vitamin A can be instilled with a pipette in liquid form.
  • When crusts form, 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide can be instilled into each nostril, when they soften, remove them with a cotton swab.

It is worth noting that there are dog breeds that naturally have a flattened nose (pugs, bulldogs, etc.), and such breeds sneeze more often than their long-nosed counterparts. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their sneezing Special attention.

If we consider pets in terms of resistance to cold, then decorative dogs are more prone to colds, so they are walked in clothes.

Service dogs have an undercoat, so they are less likely to get cold.

Hunting dogs require careful care. So if the dog sneezes, what to do? No need to self-medicate, it is worth contacting a veterinarian.

Important! Prevention from possible frequent sneezing and snorting can be keeping the house clean, removing dust and dirt, avoiding things with strong odors, limiting allergens in food.

Useful video

In the video, the doctor of the veterinary clinic talks about the main causes of coughing and sneezing in dogs:

Quite often, sneezing is a symptom of an infectious or colds.

Causes of sneezing

There are many reasons why a dog sneezes, the most common of them are:

Elimination of sneezing

The fight against sneezing in an animal should begin with diagnosing the disease, therefore, before doing anything, you need to visit a veterinarian.
If he found an allergy in a pet, it is necessary to find an external irritant and get rid of it. After the dog is isolated from the focus of allergies, sneezing, teary discharge from the eyes and other symptoms will disappear on their own.

If a foreign body is found in the dog's nose, you can get it yourself, without the help of a veterinarian, but it should be borne in mind that even trained dog will not tolerate when an extra object is pulled out of her nose.

Most likely, during the procedure, the pet will try to wriggle out and run away.

Such a diagnosis as polyps can only be established by a veterinarian after a biopsy. Polyps can be removed surgically. But there is a possibility that after a while they will appear again.

Sneezing, which is a symptom various infections, cannot be cured at home. Your pet must be examined in veterinary clinic. In such a situation, only a doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

With a strong hypothermia of the dog, a significant drop in body temperature will occur, blanching of the mucous membranes may appear, and the formation of blisters and swelling is also possible. In case of hypothermia, the animal must be warmed and taken to the veterinarian.

Sneezing is a rather suspicious symptom that can be triggered as protective function body and disease. And the animal is not always ready to cope with it on its own. Therefore, do not ignore when the dog sneezes, but take the pet to the veterinarian for examination.

The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract - the nose and nasopharynx communicates with external environment and therefore very susceptible to various irritants and allergens. It is also the first to react to the penetration into the body of airborne pathogens and infections transmitted by airborne droplets.

The body of dogs and other highly organized animals reacts to the penetration of foreign particles into Airways sneezing. This reaction allows you to get rid of them and restore normal breathing. If the puppy sneezed once, then this is most likely just a mechanical cleaning of the respiratory tract from infiltrated debris. But if this happens many times in a row, the pet snorts, sniffs, coughs, then this may indicate an illness. This condition requires immediate medical attention. In this article, we will consider why a dog sneezes, what is the treatment in each case, and what preventive measures exist.

Seeing that the dog sneezes, the owners wonder what to do? Exist different reasons sneezing. Methods of rendering medical care animal in each case should be selected individually.

Here are the most common reasons:

  • ingress of foreign bodies into the nose and nasopharynx;
  • injury to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • inhalation of irritants;
  • polyps or tumors of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx;
  • allergic reactions;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • heart problems.

Foreign bodies in the nose and nasopharynx

If the dog sneezed once, most often this indicates that dust or other airborne particles have entered the animal's nasal passages. Perhaps this is sand, earth, plant seeds that fell into the nasal passages when studying the area. A single act of sneezing allows the animal to perform mechanical cleaning of the nose and nasopharynx.

A more serious situation occurs if a foreign object is stuck in the airways. This happens if the dog sneezes and snorts, begins to rub his nose with his paw. When joining nose bleed, it is highly likely that the nasal passages are injured foreign object. Injury can also occur during a blow or a fight.

If sneezing does not bring relief, the owner should inspect the dog's airways and try to remove the foreign object. If necessary, seek veterinary care at a specialized clinic.

Formation of polyps or tumors in the nose and nasopharynx

Neoplasms in the nasopharynx give similar symptoms. The dog sneezes many times in a row, shakes his head, may be observed bloody issues(sometimes with an admixture of pus). Often there is difficulty in nasal breathing. The dog is snoring, breathing heavily. This means it starts oxygen starvation. In this case, the dog's body needs urgent help.

Professional diagnostics given state can only be carried out in a veterinary clinic. X-rays are used to determine the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms, and its nature - by taking the material for a biopsy. Treatment is predominantly surgical. In the event that the neoplasm is malignant, the dog will need to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


The dog may have an allergic reaction. It is quite often localized in the upper respiratory tract, since it is there that foreign particles penetrate during breathing. A number of substances that are allergens can cause it in a dog. The most common of these are:

  • plant pollen;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • mold;
  • household chemicals with a pungent odor;
  • flea collars;
  • bites of blood-sucking insects.

In the event of an allergic reaction, the following symptoms are usually observed:

  • the dog coughs and sneezes;
  • possible liquid discharge from the nose;
  • sometimes lacrimation joins;
  • mucous membranes often become inflamed, making it difficult to breathe.

Can exacerbate the disease allergic dermatitis, severe asthma, eczema. Treatment consists in identifying the substance that served as an allergen, eliminating it and prescribing treatment in the form of taking antihistamines.


If the dog sneezes frequently, it may have caught a cold. Cough, sneezing, fever, lacrimation are the main symptoms of infectious and colds. In the event that the virus infects the lining of the stomach and intestines, vomiting and diarrhea (stomach flu) may join.

A high risk of the disease is present during seasonal epidemics, especially if the dog is long time walk without special clothes. At the same time, there are sneezing fellow tribesmen on the dog playground, which makes infection inevitable. The main provoking factor of infectious diseases is the low immunity of the dog.

It is possible to avoid infection by following preventive measures:

  • limit walks during epidemics (time spent on the street should not exceed 30 minutes);
  • in cold weather, dress your pet in special dog clothes;
  • vaccinate it regularly (the first vaccination is done immediately after the end of the period of changing teeth).

Infectious diseases are fraught with serious complications. The most dangerous of them are pneumonia, distemper and leptospirosis.

Hypothermia of the body

The consequence of hypothermia of the body can also be diseases caused by pathogenic microflora of bacterial origin. The most common is rhinitis. The dog constantly sneezes, this is accompanied by green discharge from the nose with bad smell. Purulent rhinitis in dogs is treated with nasal antibiotics.

A sharp narrowing of blood vessels when leaving the cold from a warm room can also be accompanied by sneezing. Pale mucous membranes, internal trembling, cold paws and nose testify to hypothermia of the body. This reaction to the cold is especially susceptible to small dogs with short hair. If the dog starts to get sick, you should urgently place it in heat, wrap it in a blanket, attach a warm heating pad to the limbs. This method allows the dog not to get sick if he has a strong enough immune system.

Heart problems

An older dog sometimes sneezes and coughs due to heart failure. This symptom appears especially clearly in nervous animals during a period of strong shock. Particularly susceptible to such reactions toy poodles and pinchers. Stress for these dogs is very dangerous. Therefore, you need to monitor their condition of cardio-vascular system. Must be periodically preventive examination in a veterinary clinic. Animals that start to sneeze need to have an ECG done to rule out heart disease.

Reverse sneeze syndrome

The condition in which the dog convulsively draws in air is called a reverse sneeze. The act of sneezing is to forcefully exhale air through the nose. With a reverse sneeze, the opposite process occurs. These convulsions are explained respiratory movements, the fact that part of the elongated soft palate when inhaled, it is sucked into the windpipe, and thus the dog tries to clear the airway. A tight collar or a strong-smelling collar can contribute to reverse sneezing. Chemical substance. Especially susceptible to this disorder are small breed dogs with a small trachea and a short muzzle (brachycephalic).

Similar movements appear if the dog chokes and reflexively tries to push the foreign body out of the windpipe. In most cases, this condition occurs in healthy dogs, but sometimes it may indicate the presence of worm larvae or polyps in windpipe. So when a reverse sneeze occurs, it is recommended to examine the pet with an experienced veterinarian.

Sneezing is a physiological process that allows you to get rid of foreign particles or microorganisms that irritate the nasopharyngeal area. But, at the same time, very often sneezing is a symptom serious illnesses respiratory system, the consequences of which can be serious. Therefore, if there is any suspicion of a pathology, it is recommended to undergo diagnostic examination at the veterinary center.

07 February 2017, 16:27

Absolutely any dog ​​owner who loves his four-legged friend very closely monitors the health of his pet. Some dogs even perceive sneeze very suspiciously, thinking that she is sick with something. Therefore, many dog ​​owners ask why the dog sneezes? It should be noted here that sneezing after waking up two or three times is a normal body reaction for many dogs. This reaction is especially manifested when dust enters during training sessions, or while running, and also if someone nearby has used powder or aerosol.

You should know that sneezing is the first sign of irritation of the nasal mucosa in a pet, which occurs due to stimulation of the nerves in the dog's nasal passages. However, if the dog sneezes almost all day, then it should be without fail check the passage of air in the nostril of the dog.

Sneezing in dogs is not such a rare occurrence, but it should not be ignored. If a dog sneezes - what to do in the first place, how to identify the causes, is sneezing accompanied by any other symptoms? In fact, sneezing is a reflex by which the body wants to get rid of something foreign in the nasal cavity.

Causes of sneezing in dogs

There can be many reasons for sneezing, including:



foreign body,



Heart problems,



If the dog sneezes while walking, do not rush to sound the alarm, single sneezes are quite appropriate. Everyone knows that a dog tries everything by smell, so often dust, earth, seeds or pollen of plants and so on can often be in the nose of a dog. If sneezing is frequent and other symptoms are added to it, then you need to figure out why the dog is sneezing, whether it is sick, whether it should be treated or taken to the veterinarian.

If the dog sneezes and snorts, rubs his nose with his paw or waves his head, darting from side to side, then this may mean that something is stuck in his nose. In this case, blood or other secretions may come out of the nose. See if you can remove the object yourself, if the answer is negative, you should not hesitate and take the dog to the veterinarian to remove the foreign body from the nostrils.

The case when the dog sneezes blood and at the same time drinks a lot and greedily, may indicate an injury. You may well not have noticed that on the run, the dog stumbled upon something solid, and if you remember that she hit something, then you can’t do without a veterinarian - you need to identify the degree of injury in order to avoid complications and consequences.

As strange as it may sound, the cause of a dog's sneezing can be its age - if the dog is already "age", then it is quite possible that sneezing indicates heart problems. If your pet is already a decent number of years, then ask the veterinarian to do an ECG and carefully listen to the heart. This should be done especially in cases where, shortly before the onset of sneezing, the dog has experienced large physical exercise or something out of the ordinary, such as being frightened.


Dogs explore the world with their nose, they have a highly developed sense of smell, so in modern world with a difficult environmental situation and an abundance of artificial smells, an allergic dog is not uncommon. What can trigger an allergy in a dog:

1. Tobacco smoke, especially if the owners are non-smokers, and on the street (at the entrance, and so on) you passed a smoking person;

2. Plant pollen. Such an allergy may be seasonal when a particular plant blooms;

3. Mold;

4. Dust;

5. Household chemicals, especially if it has Strong smell, and an allergy can even manifest itself on an aftershave balm (of course, the owner);

6. Insect bite, may suffer serious consequence and even a threat to the life of a pet;

7. Flea collar, seemingly harmless at first glance;

8. Food bowl;

9. Certain food.

Allergy symptoms can be different, if the dog constantly sneezes, she has pruritus, there is a cough, snot, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, irritation appears on the skin, in some cases even hair loss is noted.

An allergy in a dog can be both permanent and seasonal, if you notice that the symptoms are similar, go to the doctor and he will prescribe an anti-allergic agent for your pet.


Single sneezes in dogs should not be cause for concern, however, when a dog coughs and sneezes for a day or more, it can be a sign of a cold. A cold can be accompanied by lethargy of the animal, swelling of the eyes, coughing, the presence of snot, and so on.

In today's world with an abundance of clothing for dogs, it is not entirely correct to walk in cold weather without clothes. For any breed, gender, size of dogs, there is their own clothes that you can pick up even without leaving your home via the Internet, and the courier will bring you to the door of the apartment. Dress your dog in cold weather or don't take him for long walks.

Of course, many believe that a dog can be walked without clothes, they say, nature has provided for everything. Of course, she did, but most dogs now live in apartments or warm rooms, and this leads to the fact that the dog's body loses its ability to warm up in cold weather. Dogs living in the yard and dogs living in apartments react differently to the cold, this must be taken into account.

During illness, the dog should be fed often, but little by little, so that the food is always fresh, not sour. The consistency of food should resemble porridge. During the illness, it would be advisable to limit the pet's communication with other animals, so as not to infect them and catch something new while the immune system is weakened.

The canine flu virus is very dangerous, easily transmitted by airborne droplets between dogs. To reduce the risk of disease, veterinarians advise vaccinating pets once a year. Vaccinations are allowed from the age when the puppies had a change of teeth. Puppies under the age of six months have the most vulnerable immunity, so special attention should be paid to their health. By noticing the disease in time, you can save the animal from the most dire consequences. If the dog has snot and sneezes, then you need to rush to the doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


The reason why the dog sneezes a lot can be infections oral cavity. As a rule, sneezing is accompanied by such symptoms as an unpleasant smell from the mouth, tooth decay, swollen gums. You need to treat the source of the problem, that is, the infection, although in life they are quite rare.

One of the many reasons why a dog often sneezes can be a swelling in the nose, although this condition is not so common. To determine the usually prescribed x-ray of the sinuses.

Dogs with a naturally flattened nose are more likely to sneeze than other breeds, but this is not always a sign of any disease.

As mentioned above, sneezing is a reflex when the body tries to get rid of something interfering inside, why the dog constantly sneezes when she has snot - the body is trying to remove unnecessary mucus. One of the rare diseases is adenovirus. Additional symptoms to sneezing, runny nose is added conjunctivitis. Often these symptoms are confused with the plague, so it is important to show the animal to a specialist in order to avoid dire consequences. Adenovirus can sometimes be accompanied by diarrhea and/or vomiting.

It is possible that sneezing is a manifestation of bronchitis or pneumonia. With bronchitis, a dry cough appears, and with pneumonia, the cough is accompanied by shortness of breath and signs of intoxication.

There are cases when a dog sneezes and throws out liquid food through the nostrils. These are physiological disorders (pathology) that occur when the hard palate does not grow in puppies or when the relaxation of the sphincter of the vestibule of the esophagus is disturbed.

Prolonged sneezing provokes swelling in the nasal mucosa, which leads to difficulty in breathing. You can check for nasal congestion in a dog with a mirror - just bring it up to the nose and watch it fog up.

After hypothermia, a dog may develop rhinitis - green or purulent discharge from the nose with an extremely unpleasant odor. The cause may be a bacterial or fungal infection, as well as infections upper jaw and a foreign body not removed in time.

So, to summarize, what to do with a sneezing dog in the first place: identify the cause of sneezing. If it is problematic to identify the cause on your own, you need to contact the veterinarian, and the sooner you do this, the better for the health of the dog and the calmer for you.

Pay due attention to dog health - do it on time necessary vaccinations, do not allow hypothermia of the pet. There is nothing terrible about taking your dog for a walk in a costume, nowadays the range of clothes for dogs is so diverse that even the most fastidious owner will be able to make a choice.

Monitor your pet's diet at all times, and it's also best to avoid contact with other dogs that may be carriers of the virus. If the dog sneezes occasionally, there is no need to be scared, but sneezing for a day or more with various symptoms speaks of a disease that needs to be identified and properly treated. Do not delay a visit to the veterinarian if you experience incomprehensible symptoms.


Is your dog sneezing constantly or often, or sneezing and coughing? What to do? First of all, you need to find out why the dog is sneezing. Sneezing is a reflex sharp exhalation through the nose, the purpose of which is to remove foreign particles and mucus from the nasal cavities.

Causes of sneezing

  • If the dog sneezes a couple of times, this is completely normal, especially when it happens on the street, during games, in dust or on dry ground. Exhaust gases can also cause sneezing. pungent odors aerosol dispensers and fertilizers.
  • If the dog often sneezes and at the same time shakes his head, scratches his nose, breathes noisily, and discharge or blood flows from his nose, this means that a foreign body (twig, needle, grass seed or something else) is stuck in his nose.

In this case, the dog must be urgently taken to the veterinarian to remove the foreign object.

If a dog drinks greedily when sneezing, and blood flows from its nose, and damage is visible on the muzzle, it may be injured. For example, while running, I ran into a hard object. In this state, it is also necessary veterinary care to determine the extent of damage.

With periodic sneezing during the day, especially accompanied by a runny nose (while the dog often licks his nose), the former should be suspected. The dog needs to be given rest, do not strain it exercise, to measure the temperature. If the dog has watery snot, no therapy is needed. With mucopurulent exudate, "Sofradex" is instilled into the nose, drops of dexamethasone with neomycin, 2% solution boric acid, 0,5% solution of zinc sulfate; carefully lubricate the nasal mucosa with 1% erythromycin ointment, 5% synthomycin liniment.

Most often, sneezing with a runny nose in dogs occurs when viral infections. The most dangerous of them are adenovirus and canine distemper.

  • When (occurs in animals under 2 years old), sneezing is accompanied by a runny nose, redness of the nasal mucosa and conjunctivitis. accompanied by occasional diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Also, the dog may sneeze with such infectious diseases, like acute pneumonia. They are usually the result of hypothermia in dogs.
  • With bronchitis additional symptom there will be a “barking” dry cough, and with pneumonia, in addition to coughing, the dog will have shortness of breath and signs of intoxication.
  • The cause of sneezing in a dog in the house may be. Most often, animals react this way to caustic perfumes, including aftershave lotions. Many dogs are allergic to cosmetic powder.

Sometimes a dog sneezes while eating, expelling liquid food through the nostrils. This is a physiological pathology that occurs when the puppy does not overgrow the hard palate, as well as in violation of the relaxation of the sphincter of the vestibule of the esophagus and a defect in the muscular membrane of the esophagus - the diverticulum.
