The baby grinds his teeth: is this a problem? Creaking due to frequent stressful situations. How does a grinding sound come about?

Bruxism is a fairly common problem, which is understood as either during the day.

Most often it occurs in childhood.

Parents who are concerned about this phenomenon should immediately contact doctors with questions about why the child grinds his teeth during the day, whether this indicates problems in the baby’s body, and what actions need to be taken.


Sometimes even an experienced doctor finds it difficult to determine the true reason why children grind their teeth during the day. Moreover, the examination does not always show any deviations.

So, of the most common factors that can provoke bruxism, it is worth highlighting the following:

Hereditary predisposition plays an important role. A daughter or son can inherit a similar feature from one of the parents. However, there is no need to worry about this. The child will forget about this habit over time.

The connection between teeth grinding and helminths

Teeth grinding in children is often associated with helminthic infestation.

However, this belief is outdated and does not find scientific evidence in our time.

This point of view is shared by older people.

Mentions also appear in folk medicine. In order to believe the fact that there is no analogy between bruxism and helminth infection, you need to understand where such a myth arose.

So, the factors that refute the theory of the connection between bruxism and helminthic infestation include:

A number of factors confirming the assumption under consideration are also identified.

Not all young mothers and fathers know that medications, intended to combat worms, are toxic. That is why the most suitable and safe remedy Only a specialist can choose.

Health Hazard

If your baby grinds his teeth for a short period of time, then there is no need to worry.

When bruxism has become a common occurrence, the child may experience the following unpleasant consequences:

  • at the age of two years, tooth enamel is still very weak and can be easily damaged and destroyed;
  • epilepsy;
  • numbness of the jaw;
  • in the process of constant friction, the tooth may become loose and sensitivity may increase;
  • In addition to pain, the baby runs the risk of getting sick or;
  • constant tension in the muscles of the face and jaw causes severe headaches;
  • a long-term phenomenon under consideration (for example, 2-3 years) can lead to a violation of the integrity of the joints, chronic inflammatory processes and improper growth of the dentition;
  • Not only the teeth, but also the surrounding soft tissues can be injured.

Doctors will help you identify emerging problems at the beginning of development and take action:

There is no cure for teeth grinding in a child. complex process. In addition, it is painless and does not require special expensive medications. Treatment methods depend on the cause of the abnormality.

Action plan: how to treat?

As soon as the cause of a bad childhood habit is identified, decisive action should be taken. Despite the fact that the pathology is common among young patients, it is still difficult for young parents to cope with worries and worries about their baby.

Night grinding of teeth can warn of the presence of disorders in a child’s body and have serious consequences. Why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep? What are the dangers of teeth grinding? children's body? How to help a child cope with a problem? Detailed answers to these questions can be found in this article.

In medicine, teeth grinding is called bruxism - unconscious compression of teeth, accompanied by their creaking, which is not associated with the chewing function of the dental system. If a child grinds his teeth in his sleep, this is not at all a sign of any disease. In most cases, bruxism goes away on its own as the baby gets older, but this does not mean that the problem can be left to chance.

Teeth grinding is observed as in healthy babies, and in children with certain developmental defects or pathologies. Experts note several factors that influence the child and provoke the occurrence of bruxism. These include:

  • the child has experienced regular stressful situations or systematic fatigue;
  • Availability inflammatory processes associated with adenoids;
  • first signs of epilepsy;
  • formation process;
  • teething.

Help to understand the causes of the manifestation will help detailed consideration all these factors.

Creaking due to frequent stressful situations

The child’s still unstable nervous system reacts to the slightest factors of excitement, which for adults may seem like a trifle. For example:

  • quarrel with peers;
  • change of school or kindergarten;
  • increased activity of the child before going to bed;
  • visit of guests.

Children also react strongly emotionally to their parents’ screams. This can be either a shout at a child or a quarrel between adults. Negatively affects the child's psyche and computer games.

The baby’s emotional excitement is manifested by involuntary clenching of the dental system, causing teeth grinding. However, it should be noted that if a child grinds his teeth due to nervous tension or fatigue, then bruxism also manifests itself in daytime. This is caused by constant overstrain of the nervous system.

Stressful situations also include cases when a baby is weaned from breastfeeding. The sucking reflex + a stressful situation causes temporary bruxism in the baby. By the age of three, symptoms disappear.

Bruxism due to sleep disturbance

Pathological sleep disorder is the most common reason pathology. Grinding of teeth occurs for the same reasons as in the first case - the baby’s body is not able to relax. At such moments, the child experiences changes in breathing, pulse and blood pressure. Other manifestations of sleep disturbance: talking in the middle of the night, screaming and somnambulism (popularly sleepwalking).

For infants, teeth grinding due to sleep disturbances is difficult to recognize. There may be other reasons here as well. But in older children, these disorders can be reinforced by nightmares. The child experiences unexplained awakenings and problems falling asleep. Such an emotional state of the child should be a reason to visit a neurologist.

Teeth grinding due to teething

Bruxism due to teething is observed in babies up to one year old. During this period, the baby’s gums become very swollen, inflamed and itchy. Therefore, the resulting creaking can be considered attempts to scratch the gums. After all the teeth have erupted, the symptoms disappear. Another feature of this reason is that there is no creaking during the daytime. This is explained by the fact that the baby consciously scratches his gums with toys or pens.

Problems with the nasopharynx

The problem with creaking may arise due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the adenoids. As a result of this process, the baby’s nasal passages are blocked, which means their air passage is disrupted. Symptoms of such disorders are snoring and bruxism.

Maxillofacial pathologies in the form of malocclusions

In children over 3 years old, teeth grinding can be reproduced due to disorders of the dental system. These disorders include any type of pathological bite. Obliquely or crookedly growing dental units do not touch each other correctly, and excessive density of contact contributes to the reproduction of grinding. To solve the problem, you will need to consult a dentist (or orthodontist).

Bruxism due to muscle tension

When there is a shortage in the human body important elements in the form of calcium, magnesium and B vitamins, convulsive muscle contractions are reproduced. This symptom can manifest itself in all muscle groups, which include the jaw.

Bruxism is inherited

Some experts claim that bruxism is hereditary. It is not worth talking with certainty about genetic predisposition, since this pattern has not been fully studied.

Association between teeth grinding at night in children and epilepsy

Sometimes, when parents complain about grinding their teeth, doctors recommend checking the baby for epilepsy. Such a decision is quite justified. The fact is that the signs epileptic seizures are not always clearly expressed and noticeable to others. Sometimes only severe teeth grinding can be a symptom of a minor attack. A qualified neurologist can refute or confirm the existence of a connection between bruxism and epilepsy.

Reliability of information about the connection between helminthic infestation and teeth grinding in children

Sometimes the nighttime creaking is repeated during the day. This also needs to be taken into account before deciding whether to treat or ignore the problem.

Daytime teeth grinding in a child

Sometimes parents turn to the pediatrician with the problem of their baby grinding his teeth during the day. In such a situation, you need to pay attention - only during the day the child reproduces the grinding of his teeth or even during sleep. The cause of the problem should be looked for when the creaking repeats at night. If the baby squeaks during the day, then it is more likely bad habit, which he could see somewhere and try on his own. In this case, weaning him from his bad habit will be very problematic. Most likely, the baby liked the process and it does not cause any pain. In this situation there are two ways out.

  1. You can resort to punishments that are acceptable in the family, since stories about damaged enamel and harm to the body will most likely fall on deaf ears.
  2. You can try to ignore the problem without giving the child the impression that it is bothering adults. Children under 6 years of age rarely fix their attention on one habit. But if you use force and constantly focus the child’s attention on the problem, he may become fixated on it and the question will remain open for a long time.

When choosing the second option (ignoring), parents should be sure that the problem of teeth grinding is just a habit. Otherwise the child will be threatened Negative consequences bruxism.

Possible consequences

Sometimes parents are calm about teeth grinding. This is especially true for primary dental units, which still laugh. Is this the right decision? Consequences of bruxism:

  • the integrity of the enamel is damaged, which provokes increased sensitivity teeth;
  • the fixation of dental units in the jawbone is disrupted and the risk of their loss increases;
  • the pathology can remain for life and be permanent (in such cases, the dental tissues become thinner almost to the roots);
  • with prolonged grinding of teeth, disorders occur in the temporomandibular joint;
  • in the process of regular clenching of the jaws can be injured internal sides cheeks and tongue, and this threatens infection;
  • risk of hearing problems;
  • frequent headaches;
  • the risk of change increases appearance and face shapes.

Constant tension of the facial muscles during teeth grinding leads to the child having a headache the next morning. In addition, such tension does not allow the body to relax, and the baby does not fully rest.

What to do if a child grinds his teeth at night?

Bruxism at an early age serious consequences does not attract. The problem will concern general condition child – constant headaches and pain in the dental system. First of all, parents need to monitor how often the baby grinds his teeth. If this happens rarely and for a short time - serious violations No. But when the grinding continues for more than half an hour and several times a night, you need to look for the cause of the pathology.

You can seek help from the following pediatric doctors: neurologist, dentist and pediatrician. They will determine the cause of bruxism and prescribe appropriate treatment.

You can help your child yourself in the following ways:

  1. If teeth grinding occurs due to nervous tension, you can use relaxation activities. This could be listening to relaxing music, reading quietly, taking warm baths. In some cases, consultation with a psychologist may be necessary.
  2. If the reason is teething or overstrain of the facial muscles, warm dry compresses applied to the baby’s cheeks are good.
  3. Warm milk with honey has a calming effect on the child’s body, which should be drunk daily before bed. Milk can be replaced with drinks from healthy berries and herbs (consult your pediatrician before use).
  4. A massage will help relieve tension and relax your facial muscles. No special training is required here. Before going to bed, it will be enough to stroke the child’s face, cheeks and shoulders in a circular motion.

It won’t hurt to make the baby and general massage, which will help relieve stress after an eventful day.

Prevention measures for bruxism

To prevent bruxism, it is necessary to create a correct daily routine for your baby. Often changing your daily routine correct order helps get rid of an existing problem.

The daily routine for the baby should consist of the following points:

  • going to bed no later than 21:00;
  • a full day's rest;
  • good nutrition (do not overfeed the child before bedtime);
  • after 7 pm, stop all active games;
  • Before going to bed, avoid eating foods that stimulate activity in the nervous system;
  • compulsory evening walks;
  • connect the child to physical therapy.

Grinding of teeth in a child's sleep may be a consequence of his emotional overstrain kindergarten. Parents should pay more attention to their child, asking him about his day. If the baby expresses his excitement, you need to try to calm him down and try to resolve the issue with the teacher.

Every parent should understand that grinding teeth at night is not a bad habit for a child. This is rather a signal that the baby’s health has worsened and health problems have appeared.

Young parents are naturally frightened when they hear teeth grinding from the direction of their baby's crib. Many people immediately rush to pharmacies for anthelmintic drugs, since from childhood we were taught the “truth” - if a baby grinds his teeth, it’s definitely worms. But don’t rush to feed your child pills, because teeth grinding can have many other causes besides roundworms and helminths.

Daytime bruxism is much less common than nighttime bruxism.

Bruxism concept

Bruxism in young children is a consequence of contraction masticatory muscles. Strong friction of tooth enamel causes a characteristic grinding or squeaking sound. This phenomenon is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, increased breathing and heart rate.

Teeth grinding in a child most often occurs at night when he is sound asleep. But there is also a daytime form of bruxism. According to statistics, about 50% of children suffer from this disorder.

Night creaking sometimes occurs in half of children

Teeth grinding in young children is not classified as a disease. This phenomenon is similar in nature to sleepwalking or snoring. Accordingly, this is only a symptom of some processes that occur in the child’s body.

Why is this phenomenon dangerous?

Nighttime teeth grinding in young children can cause sleep disturbance, as it prevents the onset of the deep sleep phase. There are not many such attacks, let’s call them that, during the night; they last about 8-10 seconds. Over time, bruxism fades away without outside intervention.

If a child grinds his teeth more than 2-3 times at night for months, this can lead to abrasion of tooth enamel, injuries to the temporomandibular joint, cheek tissue, gums, and tongue.

The process of tooth destruction due to bruxism

Causes of nighttime teeth grinding in children

Bruxism in children can be caused by the most various factors, and not always something serious. But you also can’t leave everything to chance, because teeth grinding at night can indicate more than just that the child has had an emotional day.

If your son or daughter wakes up in the morning with a headache, aching teeth or soreness of the facial muscles, you need to be examined by a dentist, and, if necessary, visit a neurologist, gastroenterologist, ENT specialist and psychologist. Bruxism in children has the following causes.

Experienced stress, increased emotionality, excitability and even aggression. If a child has had a day full of emotions and impressions, if something has greatly upset or angered him, he may not only sleep poorly, but also grind his teeth. More often this is a one-time phenomenon, but in a prolonged stressful situation (divorce of parents, death close relative, difficulties at school, etc.), bruxism can become chronic.

Sleep disturbance and depression often accompany bruxism

Teeth are being cut. When a baby’s baby teeth appear at 8 months or 10 months, they often experience insufficient closure and cusp contacts. In this case, the child grinds his teeth at night until they are completely ground.

Neuralgic problems, namely a disorder of the nervous system, also lead to childhood bruxism. Inflammation in the neurons of the trigeminal nerve is especially dangerous.

Grinding of teeth in this case signals serious problems in the functioning of the nervous system.

Malocclusion. Improper structure of the jaw apparatus can cause contraction of the jaw muscles in children during sleep.

Malocclusion is the cause of bruxism

Inflammation of the adenoids. Doctors say that teeth grinding in children is almost always observed with enlarged adenoids. Especially if the child tries to cough with gurgling sounds at the same time at night.

Heredity. Sometimes a child grinds his teeth at night not because of problems in the nervous system, fatigue or any diseases. Sometimes the reason for this is a hereditary factor. So ask your parents if you ground your teeth as a child.

Nervous stress in children leads to teeth grinding

Daytime bruxism in young children

Why does a child grind his teeth during the day? Experts attribute this phenomenon to issues of psychology. This is observed when the baby is stressed, psychologically overstrained, morally tired, or has hidden aggression.

Doctors tend to believe that daytime bruxism is more of a bad habit than a pathology.

It has been noticed that children grind their teeth during the day from the very beginning. early age- from 7-8 months, when the first small incisors appear. In this case, there is no need to be afraid or panic, as your baby is simply getting used to the fact that something new has appeared in his mouth. Take this as an exploration of new objects and your own capabilities.

Worn teeth in a child with bruxism

Symptoms of nocturnal bruxism

In addition to the fact that your child grinds his teeth a lot at night, which you may not hear if you sleep in another room, there are other signs of nighttime bruxism:

  • headaches after waking up;
  • jaw pain;
  • pain in the TMJ joints;
  • tinnitus;
  • Shoulders, neck hurt, radiates to the back;
  • eyes become sensitive to sunlight;
  • dizziness;
  • depressed state, depression;
  • poor sleep at night;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • loss of appetite.

Find out the cause of your child's anxiety

Diagnosis of the problem

When a child begins to make creepy sounds with his own teeth in his sleep, parents or relatives immediately notice this. But only a specialist can diagnose the problem. A visual examination is performed by a dentist. If this is not enough, the child is given a special mouthguard - a Brookschecker - for the night. It is inserted into the mouth of a small patient while he sleeps at night, and then sent to a doctor for checking. Based on the condition of the remaining dents, he can get a picture of which teeth bear the most stress.

Mouth guard for the diagnosis of bruxism

Treatment of bruxism in children

Parents should understand that if a child rarely grinds his teeth in his sleep, bruxism is periodic, there is no need to sound the alarm and take the child to the clinic. You will scare your baby even more. But if your daughter or son has been grinding their teeth for several months, and more than the prescribed 8-10 seconds in such cases per “attack”, you need to consult a doctor.

You already know why children suffer from bruxism, and therefore it is advisable to visit not only the dentist, but also other specialists (see above) to determine real reasons and eliminate them already.

Dentist consultation is required

What to do if a child grinds his teeth? After 7–8 years, this phenomenon usually resolves itself. But at this time, you can ask the dentist for special mouth guards that prevent the abrasion of tooth enamel. If you experience bleeding gums due to regular jaw clenching, your doctor will prescribe a gel for treatment and fast healing wound

If the child has already started school, but the problem constantly reminds itself, it is required A complex approach to her decision. Regular grinding during sleep can cause many dental diseases in future.

A complex approach

Based on the results of an examination by a dentist, the following treatment methods may be required:

  • psychotherapeutic;
  • dental;
  • medicinal;
  • physiotherapeutic.

The doctor may prescribe wearing braces to correct the bite or replace crooked fillings. To prevent the abrasion of tooth enamel until the end of treatment, the child may be prescribed constant use of a mouthguard at night.

In case of infection with helminths, prescribed anthelmintics and complexes with vitamin B, calcium, magnesium. To bring a disturbed psyche back to normal, the lungs are prescribed by external stress. sedatives and sleeping pills. To reduce pain syndrome prescribed for the muscles of the face and neck therapeutic massages, facial gymnastics, warm compresses on the cheekbones.

Getting ready for bed should be calm

  • Give your child an apple or carrot 10–20 minutes before going to bed. This will put stress on your jaws, causing them to need more rest at night.
  • Try to put your child to bed an hour earlier than usual for better rest.
  • Try to limit watching TV or playing computer games before bed, as they are overly stimulating. nervous system. Instead, make it a habit to take your child for a walk before bedtime. fresh air, read good books, listen to relaxing music.
  • Monitor your baby's daily routine. It is necessary to alternate mental and physical activity.
  • Your child’s peace of mind can be supported by affectionate communication, participation, maternal hugs, and praise.

Eating carrots before bed will relieve muscle tension

Solution to the problem of daytime bruxism

If a child grinds his teeth during the day, this indicates his nervous tension, pent-up anger, irritability.

Accordingly, it is necessary to learn to speak with a child in a confidential manner, listen to his problems, and suggest a solution. If you practice yoga or meditation, teach your child this too. Tell us what self-control and auto-training are. These practices will not only help you get rid of bruxism, but will also help you a lot in the future.

Keep track of your physical and psychological health your baby. Even a small detail can be important. But at the same time, do not get carried away with diagnostics - everything should be in moderation.

Teeth grinding goes away on its own over time, but if it is quite pronounced and alarms parents, then it is better to consult a pediatrician for advice.

Why does a child grind his teeth?

Bruxism can occur both in healthy children and in children with certain pathologies or developmental defects. Most often, a child grinds his teeth for the following reasons:

  1. Stress. Young children are very sensitive; overstimulation of the nervous system can arise from what adults consider to be the most insignificant factors. Active games in the evening, a quarrel in kindergarten, a visit from guests or new experiences can negatively affect the labile child’s psyche.
  2. Sleep disturbance. The most common reason why a child grinds his teeth at night is pathological disorders sleep. When the jaws are clenched, it changes arterial pressure, pulse and breathing. Experts attribute nighttime creaks in children to the same phenomenon as talking, a series of motor actions during sleep, or somnambulism. When this is accompanied by nightmares, problems falling asleep or waking up for no reason in the middle of the night, then emotional state the child should be given Special attention and contact a neurologist.
  3. , sinusitis, and polyps. Almost all children with similar respiratory diseases tend to grind their teeth; with sinusitis, bruxism is less common.
  4. . A child may begin to grind his teeth in the first year of life, when his first baby teeth emerge. The gums hurt and itch, which causes the child to involuntarily clench his teeth. In this way he tries to scratch the inflamed gums.
  5. Malocclusion, maxillofacial pathologies. Purchased and congenital changes structure of the jaw apparatus or malocclusion are a common reason why a child grinds his teeth at night. An examination by an orthodontist will help identify such pathologies and correct problems.
  6. Hereditary factor. If the child’s parents showed signs of bruxism in childhood, then the appearance of teeth grinding may also appear in their offspring. Genetic predisposition is not a well-studied cause of this problem. In addition, teeth grinding in children can be caused by many other provoking factors, so this phenomenon should not be attributed solely to heredity.
  7. Weaning. In infants, teeth grinding occurs much less frequently than in children 2-6 years old. A stressful situation and the sucking reflex can cause temporary bruxism in the baby.
  8. Muscle tension. An acute lack of such important elements as magnesium, calcium and B vitamins causes convulsive muscle contraction. These symptoms can appear in any muscle group, including the jaw.

In the population, the phenomenon of bruxism is observed in 50% of children. For the vast majority, it does not cause problems and goes away on its own. In these children, episodes of teeth grinding at night last no more than 10 seconds. If a child’s teeth grinding during the day or during sleep lasts more than 10 seconds and is intense, then there is a risk of damage to the teeth and surrounding soft tissues.

Severe attacks of teeth grinding during sleep cause the child to wake up in the morning with a headache, toothache, or even unpleasant sensations in the facial section. The phenomenon is quite dangerous if it continues for several months or years. When a child grinds his teeth, the pressure on the hard tissue causes significant wear and tear, and the joints connecting the teeth may also suffer. lower jaw with skull bones.

Early wear of dental dentin leads to the development of caries or tooth sensitivity. TO possible pathologies refers to acute or chronic form inflammatory processes in oral cavity And abnormal growth dentition.

What to do if a child grinds his teeth?

Parents should know that if a child grinds his teeth occasionally for no more than 10-20 seconds, then most likely this is not a reason to panic. Rare phenomena of bruxism are usually associated with emotional overload such as negative emotions, and positive impressions. For most children who do not have problems with bite, teeth grinding goes away without a trace by school age.

In the event that parents note grinding of teeth in different time day and night and different situations, this should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Often the reason why children grind their teeth during the day and in the middle of the night is due to structural pathologies maxillofacial department skull or malocclusion. Reveal possible problems An examination by an orthodontist will help. To prevent dental problems, your doctor may recommend custom-made mouthguards or protective overlays for your teeth.

Neurotic problems are identified by a neurologist. In this case, bruxism is treated with medicinal sedatives, aromatherapy and special relaxing baths.

Pain associated with teething or discomfort for the child after completion breastfeeding, can be reduced using rubber teethers or gels with anesthetics. Moderate amounts have a positive effect on the child’s nervous system. physical exercise and regular walks.

With bruxism, the administration of vitamin and mineral complexes often helps. Correct ratio These components help relieve spasms due to lack of necessary substances.

Teeth grinding in a one-year-old child during the day can be corrected by diverting his attention to other activities or conversations.

If teeth grinding occurs only at night, then in the evening you should take a long walk in the fresh air, then take a soothing bath. The family should have a calm environment; it is better to postpone the reception of guests and active games to an earlier time.

Pediatricians recommend putting your child to bed one hour earlier, since bruxism is caused by excessive fatigue. Children with similar problems need psychological support parents, their attention and warmth, this helps them get rid of fears, discomfort and sleep peacefully all night.

According to medical statistics, every third child grinds his teeth. Doctors call this phenomenon bruxism. Teeth grinding is neither a disease nor a pathology, but it also cannot be called the norm.

Causes of daytime bruxism

Quite often, children begin to grind at two or three years of age. And by the time the child enters first grade, the attacks of bruxism go away on their own.

The reasons why a child grinds his teeth during the daytime may be:

  • Increased emotional background.

Daytime bruxism in childhood is most often provoked by the child’s lack of ability to express his emotions and get rid of internal experiences. The baby is unable to hide his feelings and grinding his teeth is an expression of his negative emotions.

  • Heredity

Next probable causegenetic predisposition to bruxism. If the baby’s parents themselves suffered from bruxism, then the likelihood that the baby will make similar sounds is very high.

  • Individual reaction

Very rarely, teeth grinding can be a peculiar reaction to a certain irritant.

  • Incorrectly formed bite

Malocclusion is a very common cause of bruxism. Children trying to get rid of muscle tension Due to the incorrect position of the teeth, they begin to “grind in.” This is why daytime bruxism occurs.

That is why, if a child grinds his teeth during the day, he needs to be shown to the dentist as soon as possible. Only a doctor will be able to identify the existing pathology of the dental system. If necessary, special pads are prescribed to be worn that will protect tooth enamel child from abrasion.

But doctors identify a group of specific causes of daytime bruxism in children:

  • A baby may suffer from daytime bruxism during teething. And then the grinding sound is an attempt to calm the baby down. painful sensations in sore gums.
  • Sometimes bruxism is a bad childhood habit. The baby could one day accidentally make an unusual sound, and he liked it. And now the baby reproduces it at every opportunity.
  • In very rare cases, grinding may indicate a severe lack of calcium in the baby’s body. A deficiency makes the enamel very weak and therefore does not protect the teeth very well. And with the help of friction, the child tries to remove the unpleasant sensations.

How to help your child with daytime bruxism

If the mother notices that the baby persistently grinds his teeth during the day, then it is necessary to note the duration of the attacks and frequency.

Children's pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky does not advise taking the treatment of bruxism too zealously, since in many cases the condition does not pose a danger. In addition, the doctor warns that teeth grinding has nothing to do with the child having worms, as was commonly believed relatively recently.

If the baby begins to reproduce unpleasant sounds during the period of teething, he needs help. It is recommended to use special gels that will relieve pain from irritated and itchy gums. Special children's teething toys help in such cases. The baby will be able to chew on them, relieving unpleasant symptoms.

An incorrect bite requires contacting a dentist, since only a specialist can solve the problem in this case. The doctor will be able to determine the causes of malocclusion and give specific recommendations to eliminate the problem.

In case of daytime bruxism, the baby must be shown to other specialists. Ideally, carry out full examination body. And then the pediatrician, based on the test results, will be able to suggest the cause of bruxism attacks and select adequate treatment. In most cases full diagnostics and further elimination of the detected cause helps to get rid of both the underlying pathology and attacks of grinding.

Bruxism is very common in emotional children. That is why it is necessary to protect children by all means from stressful situations. Unable to relax the nervous system, the child may express his negativity in the form of teeth grinding. Pathological condition can accompany hyperactive children. Especially if the baby is experiencing emotional overload, or he is entrusted with too many different responsibilities. In this case, you need to try to remove all stimulating and provoking factors from his life, paying him maximum attention.

Sometimes children grind their teeth just like that, without any reason. They just love the sound. Here it is necessary to switch the child’s attention if he is still small. If an adult child begins to grind on purpose, then he needs to be explained all the negative consequences of the bad habit.
