Involuntary contractions of the leg muscles when falling asleep. Why does a person twitch during sleep? Diseases that cause myoclonic seizures

Has it always been like this for you?

Happens to me too))

I noticed it in children too))

Psychologist, Family psychologist NLP trainer

I read somewhere a long time ago that this is quite normal, and I’ve never worried about it myself

You didn’t say what happened to your thoughts at the moment of falling asleep and what images appeared in your dreams.

This happens to me too, sometimes I dream about something like I’m walking, and suddenly I stumble, shudder violently and wake up

Psychologist, Narrative Practitioner

I like these feelings))

I want to know opinions - is it true that I have a fright or is it some kind of disorder, or maybe an illness? Where should I go to see doctors or a psychologist?

Psychologist, Psychodiagnostic Specialist

thanks for the tip

Could you please tell me the name of the analogue?

Psychologist, Psychotherapy Ericksonian hypnosis

and they worry me!

I want to know opinions - is it true that I have a fright or is it some kind of disorder, or maybe an illness?

one of the reasons for flinching. unconscious dream. in other words. the body has not yet relaxed. and the dream \picture\ has already begun. 99% of people cannot remember what exactly they dreamed about \ because they are not conscious \

Psychologist, Narrative Practitioner

This happens to me too, however, before it happens it seems like I’m falling, and at the moment of falling I flinch

and they worry me!

you have nothing..

Psychologist, On-line psychologist

But still, something is wrong with me!

What exactly worries you about this? The fact itself? Or that it could be a symptom of something? Could it have something to do with the moment of flinching? Or something different?

as if I was falling. and at the moment of falling I flinched

Psychologist, On-line psychologist

It seems to me that I experience something terrible in my sleep, sometimes even before I start, a groan escapes me, so I think that something is wrong with me, it’s not just muscle relaxation in sleep.

And in dreams, do I understand correctly?

Psychologist, On-line psychologist

Yes, but I don’t see the dream itself, sometimes there is a feeling of falling and some kind of horror from which I shudder and wake up.

Berlin (Germany)

Do you have such feelings in life?

With physical fatigue, muscle tension.

Psychologist, On-line psychologist

How old are you?

How old are you?

This is therapy, it is quite difficult to dig out and track such relationships on the forum.

Psychologist, On-line psychologist

That is, I really need to see a psychologist in person?

But I judge by myself, I don’t really like to find out details in correspondence.

You can look for a specialist here and work in the dark.

How to get rid of shuddering and cramps when falling asleep?

The sensation of shuddering or muscle twitching when falling asleep or during sleep is common in both children and adults; this phenomenon may be initial symptom epilepsy (Simmonds' myoclonus) or simple hypnogogic twitching of muscle groups: sometimes a person wakes up from a sharp jolt, which in a dream is seen as a fall or a collision with something.


There are several theories that explain why a person starts off while falling asleep. Immersion in sleep in a person is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate and breathing, and a decrease in the activity of all body systems. For the brain it is like a small death. And in order to check whether the owner is alive, he sends impulses to the motor structures. Complete muscle relaxation can be interpreted as a fall, so flinching is an attempt by the brain to wake up a person and warn him of danger.

Scientists also define hypnogogic seizures as a reaction to stress. For example, during a session, students' sleep is more intermittent, restless and often accompanied by twitching.

Or it could be a manifestation of restless legs syndrome. A person complains of a feeling of discomfort in the muscles of the lower leg (itching, burning, tingling, pressing or bursting pain). Moreover, such sensations are more pronounced in the evening or at night. During sleep, rhythmic movements of the lower extremities often appear: they are stereotypical, repetitive; most often accompanied by bending or spreading the toes or moving the entire foot. Sometimes the condition progresses and spreads to the upper limbs.

With insufficient nutrition of muscle tissue, cramps may occur. This compensatory mechanism designed to increase blood flow to a certain area, which improves trophism and eliminates the cause of “starvation”.

Myoclonic jerks in epilepsy

Simmonds nocturnal myoclonus is recorded in half of patients with epilepsy. These are stable seizures that occur mainly at night and tend to progress. In the future, they can be replaced by tonic attacks of a generalized and focal nature.

Twitching may be limited to one muscle group, or may affect several at once. They also often change their localization: one night an arm or both legs may twitch, and the second the facial muscles of the face are already involved. Myoclonus may be asymmetrical or may affect adjacent muscle groups; the joint is rarely affected. The appearance of seizures may be associated with an acute lack of oxygen in the brain tissue, the presence of pathological epileptic impulses or degenerative changes in cells (which is more typical for older people).

Hypnogogic jerks

The real reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been studied. In the Middle Ages, a startle while falling asleep was called the touch of the devil.

Now scientists disagree: some believe that seizures appear during the change from one phase of sleep to another; while others blame the hypothalamus. This part of the brain responds to changes in breathing and heart rate and sends signals to make sure “everything is going according to plan.” Thanks to sharp muscle contractions, the vital functions of the body are checked.

Startling during sleep is more common in children. In this case, the child sweats when falling asleep, is restless, and rushes about in his sleep. A child's dreams are different from the dreams of adults. The subconscious of children is not so heavily loaded with experiences and consequences of nervous overstrain.

The structure of the brain contains two systems that are opposite in their activity. The reticular activating system is most “energetic” during wakefulness and responds to vital important functions(breathing and heartbeat) and is located in the brain stem. But the hypothalamic nucleus is responsible for the process of falling asleep and regulates sleep phases. At the end of the working day, the second system is activated, and the person gradually goes to sleep. But the first system is not going to give up so easily and fights for control over movements. And therefore, against the background of falling asleep, the legs and arms twitch, sudden movements appear, and the convulsions are myoclonic in nature. Sometimes these sensations are integrated into a dream, which is manifested by a feeling of flying or falling.

Sleep paralysis

If the sleep-wake system is disrupted, sleep paralysis may occur. This is a frightening phenomenon, which is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, fear of death, and hallucinations.

Sleep paralysis occurs due to the fact that the brain “gets ahead” of the body. In fact, you have already woken up, but the processes of motor activity have not yet started. This is where the sensations of stopping breathing, suffocation, “the feeling that someone is sitting on me, my heart is stopping, I’m suffocating, my legs don’t obey.” Panic fear can cause visual and auditory hallucinations that are hostile in nature. The more impressionable the person, the more obvious these visions are. Some see flashes of light, others see frightening creatures, and some describe furry paws that squeeze the neck or chest.

The fastest way to get rid of sleep paralysis is possible with full awareness of what is happening. Prevention methods include normalizing the sleep cycle, active physical exercise, and reducing stressful situations.

How to get rid of twitching

If shaking during sleep is a sign of epilepsy, then successfully use drug treatment clonazepam, carbamazepine, valproic acid injectable or oral form. The use of neuroleptics gives good results.

If muscle twitching is a reaction to sleep disturbance or stress, then it is better to take preventive measures.

Try to regulate your sleep schedule: it is better to fall asleep at the same time in a well-ventilated room without irritating stimuli. It is better to avoid overeating before bed, as this does not contribute to easy sleep and a peaceful awakening.

Of course, it would be ideal to try to avoid stressful situations and protect the nervous system. You can take light ones before bed sedatives: tincture of valerian or motherwort.

All information provided on this site is for reference only and does not constitute a call to action. If you notice any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate or self-diagnose.

Startling when falling asleep - causes and treatment

Startling while falling asleep is a physiological phenomenon in which the muscles of the body spontaneously contract (sometimes this process is accompanied by a cry). Such convulsive contractions can be repeated cyclically every minute. At the same time, sleeping people behave differently. In one case, the attack leads to a sudden interruption of sleep, in the other it does not affect it in any way.

If the startle when falling asleep in adults is not caused by pathological reasons, then it is considered absolutely normal. Most often it occurs against the background of excessive nervous fatigue.

Theories for the appearance of startles in sleep

This topic has been studied for quite a long time, but scientists still do not understand the reasons for vibration in the body during the night or nap. Unconscious and uncontrollable seizures muscle contractions The following four theories explain:

  1. Immediately before bedtime, at the moment of falling asleep, a significant slowdown of all internal processes occurs (the heart beats slower, the intensity of breathing decreases). The brain regards this situation as a near-death state and tries to activate the work internal organs, sending nerve impulses to motor structures. As a result, the muscles contract and the limbs twitch. At the same time, in a dream, a person most often sees frightening dreams about falling from a great height. Our brain draws such pictures for a reason, in this way it artificially stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline.
  2. According to the second theory, cramps when falling asleep are a natural reaction of the body not the transition from one phase (stage) of sleep to another. In other words, the spasm is the result of the transformation of the superficial stage into deep sleep.
  3. Many doctors correlate twitching with stressful situations that we encounter during the day. In addition, muscle contraction during sleep is explained by improper or unstable functioning of the central nervous system (in children, this phenomenon is most often associated with underdevelopment of the central nervous system). In other words, when falling asleep, the human brain re-analyzes negative emotions, causing the muscles to contract.

The latest theory says that seizures are nothing more than a physiological malfunction in the body. For example, insufficient oxygen supply to muscles, deficiency of magnesium and other trace elements causes a person to make involuntary movements.

Myoclonic spasms

As a rule, such twitching is mostly diagnosed in absolutely healthy people. According to experts, this is a normal and natural symptom. It is accompanied by irregular twitching of the arms or legs and most often manifests itself immediately before bedtime or after a person has fallen asleep. Myoclonic spasms have one characteristic difference - they are not concentrated in any place and often change their localization. For example, today a person’s leg will twitch during sleep, and tomorrow the arm muscles will contract.

As a rule, myoclonic twitches appear due to the following reasons: insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, interruption of hypnotic and sedatives from the first generations (benzodiazepines, barbiturates, etc.). In addition, such convulsions are caused by neuroses, depression and other mental disorders.

Degenerative cellular processes and pathological impulses of the epileptic type also lead to this phenomenon. All this often causes the appearance of restless legs syndrome.

Restless legs syndrome

“Periodic leg movements during sleep” is another name for this syndrome. It appears during falling asleep and directly during sleep; it differs from myoclonic twitching by specific electrophysiological features. Restless legs syndrome is a sensorimotor disorder. It is accompanied by discomfort in the legs, which are at rest. In particular, this pathology is accompanied by a feeling of tingling and burning in the legs.

The human body shudders and vibrates, the legs hurt - all this leads to a deterioration in the quality of sleep. Unconscious movements of the lower extremities (flexion and extension of the fingers, rotation of the entire foot) slightly reduce the intensity of pain.

Most of the syndrome is diagnosed in elderly people. However, it also occurs in young patients under 35 years of age. The risk group does not include teenagers and young children.

If your leg twitches, the reasons should be sought in the following pathologies and unfavorable factors:

  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • uremia (as a consequence renal failure);
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • compression of the spinal nerve;
  • complications after gastric surgery;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • arthritis;
  • heart failure;
  • vascular diseases;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • injuries spinal cord and so on.

Restless legs syndrome is often observed during pregnancy. But if, in addition to this factor, no other causes are found, it does not pose a danger and goes away on its own after childbirth.

When a person with restless legs syndrome jerks his legs and wakes up, the cause should also be sought in excessive consumption alcoholic beverages and protein metabolism disorders.

Getting rid of the problem

People often ask what should I do if I fall asleep and occasionally startle? To fix the problem, you need to know exactly what is causing it. In cases where seizures are the result of a disease, treatment should be directed at the disease. That is, it is not the symptom that is eliminated, but the root cause itself.

For example, if muscle contractions and twitching are associated with epilepsy, the doctor should prescribe antipsychotic medications. medications. In particular, Clonazepam, a drug from the group of benzodiazepine derivatives, helps well. Valproate acid reduces the risk of night cramps. If seizures are detected in children who have had infectious diseases, vaccination will help.

But attacks are often diagnosed in completely healthy people. In this case, they are usually provoked by external stimuli. To get rid of them, protect yourself from negative emotions that overly excite the psyche.

Consult a specialist, he will help you determine exactly the reason why you shudder in your sleep and prescribe sedatives or sleeping pills. This will improve the quality of your night's sleep and minimize the number of startles and muscle contractions.

Have you woken up because your limbs are vibrating? The following are simple, but effective tips will help you sleep well. But they do not apply to cases where convulsive contractions are caused by pathological factors. So, we recommend:

  1. In winter, avoid frequent hypothermia. Always dress for the season, wear warm gloves and winter boots.
  2. For those people who often wake up due to startling, we advise introducing foods high in magnesium, potassium and calcium (green vegetables, milk and dairy products) into their diet. And the best thing is to completely switch to natural products, eliminate the consumption of processed foods and stick to your diet (eat at the same time every day).
  3. If you often twitch in your sleep, it is recommended to minimize your intake of medications, foods and drinks containing caffeine. It overly invigorates the nervous system. This also applies to smoking - such a negative habit increases the risk of cramps and muscle contractions.
  4. Always get ready for bed in advance. A few hours before going to bed, it is advisable to take a warm, soothing bath. You can add sedative herbs (mint, chamomile, valerian and some others) or essential oils. Can't take a bath? Not a problem, local hand and foot baths are good for relaxing your limbs.
  5. Move more often while you're awake. This way you can always keep your muscles in good shape.

You shouldn’t be afraid that you’re twitching in your sleep; what’s worse is an incorrect lifestyle, which can lead to more serious consequences.

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Doctor, for some reason I am constantly tormented by lucid dreams.

This is not for me. Go out the door, along the corridor to the left and into the next dream.

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Myoclonus - startles when falling asleep and their causes

Startling while falling asleep is a physiological phenomenon in which muscle contraction occurs and sometimes even a sudden cry may appear. When falling asleep, a person may make sudden movements of the limbs, which can be repeated every second for a short period of time, or can be repeated during a night's sleep. During such a shock, a person may not feel anything, or he may wake up. Trembling is considered a normal phenomenon that can occur in any person from time to time, but it is most likely to occur during nervous fatigue. Tremors can be synchronous in different muscles or asynchronous; most often they are arrhythmic and accompanied by movement in the joint. In medicine, this phenomenon is called myoclonus. Tremors are classified according to the cause and location of muscle tension.

Depending on which muscle group is spasming, the source in the nervous system is determined. In this case, myoclonus is cortical, brainstem, spinal and peripheral.

  • Cortical myoclonus can be sudden and is most often triggered by movement or an external stimulus. It can be focal, multifocal or generalized. Cortical myoclonus often contributes to flexor muscle spasms.
  • Brainstem myoclonus occurs in the brainstem due to increased excitability of receptors. Reticular myoclonus is often characterized by generalized axial jerks, with proximal muscles being more involved than distal muscles. Reticular myoclonus can be spontaneous, actional or reflex.
  • Spinal myoclonus can occur with heart attacks, inflammatory and degenerative diseases, tumors, spinal cord injuries and other diseases. In most cases, it is focal or segmental, spontaneous, rhythmic, not sensitive to external stimuli and does not disappear during sleep.
  • Peripheral myoclonus occurs due to injury peripheral nerves and plexuses.

Most often, myoclanus is classified into: physiological, epileptic, symptomatic, psychogenic and essential.

Physiological myoclonus

Physiological tremors during sleep can occur under certain circumstances in a healthy person. In this case, the cause of shuddering may be severe fear, intense physical activity, hiccups and other phenomena. Most physiological causes can be eliminated. If you experience trembling caused by increased anxiety and worry, you should consult a psychotherapist. Myoclonus caused by fear can be not only physiological, but also pathological. Increased physical activity can cause sudden muscle contractions that do not require treatment. With hiccups, the respiratory muscles and diaphragm contract. This phenomenon may cause overeating, or may be a symptom of a gastrointestinal tract disease. Hiccups may be caused by toxic influences or they may have a psychogenic cause.

Essential myoclonus

Essential myoclonus is quite rare hereditary disease. The disease begins in at a young age, usually from 10 to 20 years, and is not accompanied by other mental and neurological disorders. Another form of essential myoclonus is nocturnal myoclonus, known as periodic limb movements. This disorder is not true myoclonus. The disease is characterized by repetitive movements in the legs in the form of extension and flexion at the hip, knee and ankle joints. Such periodic movements during sleep can be combined with restless leg syndrome.

Epileptic myoclonus

The cause of flinching in in this case is a disease called epilepsy. Epileptic myoclonus can manifest itself in the form of single twitches, photosensitivity epilepsy, idiopathic “stimulus-sensitive” myoclonus, myoclonic absence seizures.

Symptomatic myoclonus

Symptomatic myoclonus develops as part of various neurological diseases:

  • Storage diseases, which are represented by a number of diseases in which a characteristic set of syndromes is revealed in the form of epileptic seizures, myoclonus and some neurological and other manifestations. Many of these diseases develop in infancy or childhood.
  • Hereditary degenerative diseases of the cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord.
  • Viral encephalitis. Especially a disease caused by a virus herpes simplex and subacute sclerosing encephalitis.
  • Damage to nerve endings in diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs, in addition to disorders of consciousness.
  • Hereditary degenerative diseases with predominant damage to the basal ganglia.
  • Damage to nerve endings as a result of exposure to toxic substances. In this case, tremors during sleep may occur due to poisoning or an overdose of certain medications.
  • Encephalopathies caused by exposure physical factors, can also manifest as a typical myoclonic syndrome.
  • Focal lesions of the central nervous system.

Psychogenic myoclonus

Psychogenic myoclonus usually begins suddenly. In this case, shudders can be systematic, or they can occur with great frequency, resembling an isolated incident. Improvement is observed with distraction and psychotherapy.

Attention! The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation for use. Always consult your physician regarding any diagnosis or use of any medications or treatments.

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Startle when falling asleep in adults treatment

Health for life >>>> Startling when falling asleep - causes and treatment

Startling when falling asleep - causes and treatment.

Many people are familiar with the condition when, at the moment of falling asleep, they suddenly feel a sharp shuddering of the body or limbs (or one limb), sometimes accompanied by a feeling of falling into an abyss, which they say “fell into sleep.” There is a momentary awakening, after which the person falls into a deep sleep. This not very pleasant phenomenon, which sometimes frightens the person himself and unnerves his bed partner, makes one wonder: “Isn’t there some kind of disease behind such twitching?”

The disease is not behind this phenomenon, but such a complex process of falling asleep indicates that the person did not have time to relax sufficiently before going to sleep, and the brain (which controls all stages of falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up) did it for him - intentionally jerkily relaxed the muscular system to transition to the next phase of sleep. In medicine, this kind of startle when falling asleep is called hypnogogic (sleep-induced) convulsive syndrome, which is provoked by muscle fibers of one muscle bundle contracting simultaneously. As a rule, such cramps occur when the muscles of the cervical region relax.

In order for this kind of cramps to occur as rarely as possible, you need to learn to relax on your own before going to bed, which means not leaving physically strenuous activities until the evening, taking warm baths that relax the muscles of the whole body, doing light massage cervical region and head.

Often a person, without realizing it, even in a lying position does not allow the muscles to relax (for example, when watching an exciting movie, computer game or reading a book, the muscles continue to be toned). Exercises help control this relaxation process: lie down without a pillow on a flat, soft surface, put your arms along your body, close your eyes and try to relax the muscles of your fingers one by one, then the entire hand, then the forearm, shoulder, then move to the other hand in the same order, after then proceed to relaxation according to the same scheme lower limbs. Gradually, a feeling of heaviness appears in the limbs - this indicates that the muscles have relaxed.

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Night shudders in adults - normal or pathological

Startling when falling asleep or during sleep worries many, and first of all the question arises as to whether this is normal or pathological. In such a situation, everything depends on the cause of the phenomenon. In most cases, it is not a disease, but accompanies natural physiological processes in the body to which the body reacts. Treatment requires shuddering, which is accompanied by convulsions, since the latter are not the norm.

Most often, the problem is faced by people suffering from constant nervous overload and chronic fatigue, when the body does not fully relax even in sleep. In order to understand whether it is necessary to treat shudders when falling asleep, you need to find out their cause.

Possible reasons

Doctors long time are studying the problem of startles at the moment of falling asleep. Today, 4 theories have been developed as to why tremors appear in the body when falling asleep. They look like this:

  • Dying states - the brain, while falling asleep, identifies changes in the body as dying and takes actions to restore active functioning. Muscle contractions occur in order to activate blood circulation in the body and the person shudders intensely. During this same period, most people experience nightmares (usually falling from a height or diving under water without the ability to emerge). Such artificial stimulation of danger projected onto a person is produced by the brain to release adrenaline, which should improve the condition. This explains most cases of why a person twitches at night.
  • The transition from the stage of superficial sleep to deep sleep - during deep sleep the human body completely relaxes. If there is excess energy in the muscles, at the moment of transition from one phase of sleep to another, they are discharged by twitching. Extremely rarely, a seizure may occur.
  • Stress – when the stress is chronic, and negative thoughts and emotions accumulate over a long time, the brain begins to analyze them during the period of falling asleep, although consciousness is already turned off. Due to this activity, nerve impulses are strengthened, which leads to tissue vibration before sleep. Most often they wake up in such a situation.
  • Lack of oxygen - if the oxygen content in the air is low, then the muscle cells begin to experience its deficiency, which is why the brain sends impulses that cause their contractions. This is necessary because at the moment of shuddering, blood circulation in the tissues increases and they receive the required amount of oxygen.

Most often, flinching is one-time in nature and does not appear regularly. In such a state, a person usually does not apply for medical assistance, since twitching does not bother him.

Myoclonic spasms

Myoclonic seizures occur due to various reasons and is noted as irregular twitching of the arms or legs just before sleep or immediately after falling asleep. The following reasons cause myoclonic spasms when falling asleep:

  • brain asphyxia;
  • abrupt termination of sedative medications;
  • abrupt termination of taking hypotonic drugs;
  • mental disorders;
  • degenerative processes in the cells of the nervous system;
  • depression.

Myoclonic spasm has no localization. Because of this, it is natural that the patient’s leg twitches one night, and the arm twitches the next. In healthy people, a myoclonic attack can occur if the oxygen content in the air is very strong and sharply reduced.

"Restless Legs"

Restless legs syndrome is another common cause of startling in sleep, which can wake the sleeper. It most often affects adults over 35 years of age, although young people are not immune from it. The phenomenon is caused by the fact that in the legs there are discomfort, which a person does not record in a dream, but the brain gives a command to eliminate them. As a result, muscle contraction occurs, which improves blood circulation and eliminates discomfort. This explains why the legs twitch.

It is unlikely that you will wake up with restless legs, but if this happens, then congestion is already strong

Waking up in such a situation does not occur often, since the sleepers do not startle much, and this does not lead to changes in body position. However, the quality of sleep is greatly deteriorated, as the deep sleep phase is constantly disrupted due to vibration. Because of this, even after a rest of 8 hours, a person feels weak and general malaise. Such twitching occurs mainly at night. Awakening in this situation can only occur if congestion in the limbs is intense and the movement to eliminate them is strong.

The following causes the problem:

  • lack of iron in the body;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus – only type 2;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • complications after surgery on the stomach and upper intestine;
  • pinching of the spinal cord processes;
  • varicose veins;
  • severe hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • venous insufficiency of the lower extremities;
  • arthritis of the leg joints;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • traumatic spinal cord injuries.

Quite often, the appearance of “restless legs” syndrome is associated with pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus compresses the veins and impairs blood circulation in the legs, which causes twitching. If there are no other pathologies, then the condition is not dangerous and resolves itself after the birth of the child.

In cases where awakening occurs regularly when starting during sleep, the cause should be sought in defects in protein metabolism or alcohol abuse.

Twitching in epilepsy

For patients with epilepsy, shuddering at night is quite common. More than half of patients suffer from it. Seizures occur at night, causing awakening. They tend to progress and intensify as the underlying disease develops. Gradually, the tremors are completely replaced by focal attacks.

Startling when falling asleep in adults can affect either one muscle group or several. They have attacks and a tendency to migrate, when contraction occurs, either in the leg or in the arm.

Sleep paralysis

People who suffer from tremors during sleep sometimes also experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as sleep paralysis. With it, a person is unable to move, experiences an acute feeling of lack of oxygen and strong fear of death. Visual and auditory hallucinations also often appear. What makes the condition especially serious is that the victim at this moment cannot call for help, since the tongue is also paralyzed.

The phenomenon occurs due to the fact that coordination between awakening and the beginning of physical activity is disrupted. In fact, a person wakes up, but the brain has not yet registered this and does not send signals to the muscles to begin active work. In order to eliminate the phenomenon as soon as possible, a person must realize what is happening to him. As soon as this happens, the brain actively turns on and everything returns to normal.

The problem is solved by normalizing sleep and rest patterns and reducing stress loads. When the problem of sleep paralysis is eliminated, the nighttime tremors also disappear.

Ways to eliminate flinching

First of all, it is necessary to establish whether night tremors of the limbs are associated with natural causes or diseases. To do this, if it is impossible to identify it on your own, you should first contact a therapist. After initial examination he decides whether the patient needs treatment and referral to a specialist, or whether his condition is not dangerous.

If the presence of diseases is established, against the background of which the flinching appeared, it is necessary to correct them. For this, the person is referred to a specialized doctor, who determines the method of therapy. For some, a light sedative before bed may be enough (with increased nervous excitability), while others will need lifelong maintenance therapy (with diabetes mellitus and so on.).

You need to drink more water - regular, not carbonated

Patients must improve their drinking regime. This is due to the fact that if the body does not receive enough fluid, a person develops chronic dehydration. Because of this, the blood becomes excessively thick and night twitching of the body, legs or one leg occurs, which should improve metabolic processes in the tissues. The easiest way to fix this problem is. Just drink 6 glasses daily clean water without gas, excluding liquid food, tea and coffee.

For epilepsy, the use of antipsychotics is indicated to eliminate night shudders or microseizures. They allow you to correct the state of the nervous system and eliminate the problem.

When there are no diseases

If a person who regularly shudders in his sleep is not diagnosed with illness, work must be done to eliminate severe evening overload of the body, ensure relaxation of the body and relieve nervous tension. There are many simple and pleasant ways to do this.

Half an hour before bed, take a bath, maybe with essential oils

  1. Warming - when the body is warm, the body does not need to activate blood circulation, and, therefore, twitching is unnecessary. In the evening, a few minutes before bedtime, it will be useful to take a bath with essential oil. The water temperature should not be too high to avoid overheating, but sufficient for pleasant warming. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. You can’t lie down immediately after a bath; you need to sit for a minute. This is necessary to restore normal heart rhythm.
  2. Evening walks - when twitching of the limbs occurs due to energy not wasted during the day, helps hiking in the fresh air. They speed up metabolic processes and burn remaining energy, which will lead to problems when falling asleep. The walk should last minutes. There is no need to strain your body and walk fast or even run. You need to dress in comfortable, warm clothes according to the season so as not to feel the cold.
  3. Eliminating screens before falling asleep - TV or computer negatively affect the brain in the evening, overloading it with information and awakening it with its intense light. As a result, when falling asleep a person is not in a sufficiently relaxed state, which is why shudders develop. It is better to read a book (paper only) 2 hours before bedtime. You can also do handicrafts and painting.

In the vast majority of cases, the problem of night shuddering does not pose a danger to a person, does not require treatment and is effectively corrected when the rhythm of life changes. Sleep becomes normal, spasms, twitching and vibrations disappear.

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Sleep twitches (myoclonic) are characterized by involuntary, rapid and sudden muscle contractions during sleep, accompanied by shaking of the entire body. Quite often, arms and legs are involved in this process. In some cases, convulsions can be repeated many times, and the patient does not even feel them, but he may suddenly wake up. It is important to consider that shudders can be present in every person and in most cases are not considered a phenomenal fact, but are caused by nervous fatigue and physical fatigue, and only in 40% of cases indicates serious illness.

Causes of seizures

The factors behind the development of myoclonic seizures are not fully understood, but there are several theories that explain why they occur.

Falling asleep leads to a natural reduction in heart rate and breathing, as well as a decrease in the activity of almost all systems in the body. In this case, the brain perceives such a state as a strong shock and, reminding itself, sends impulse signals to the motor organs. Relaxed muscles are interpreted as falling, and flinching is the body's way of warning the brain about danger.

Another reason for the development of seizures is reaction to stressful situations, for example, during student exams or after a busy day at work. In addition, they can often arise as a result of insufficient intake of potassium, magnesium and calcium into the body during the paradoxical stage of sleep, when the patient is disconnected from the outside world, but has the ability to carry out the commands and needs of his own body.

The cause of the development of night cramps in children can be acute and chronic diseases, including a sharp increase in body temperature

This condition is accompanied by discomfort in the muscles of the limbs, manifested by burning, mild tingling and pain. Convulsive movements during sleep are usually stereotypical and are accompanied by spreading the toes, bending them and moving the feet. In some cases, the condition progresses to spread to the upper extremities.

In addition, the occurrence of night cramps can be observed when muscle wasting. In this case, the body compensates for blood flow to certain areas, improving nutrition and neutralizing hypoxia.

Classification of attacks

The appearance of seizures is due to the reasons that provoke them.

The existing classification divides them into:


Nocturnal myoclonic seizures are observed in every second patient suffering from epilepsy. As a rule, such seizures occur steadily at night and tend to progress. Subsequently, they can cause generalized tonic seizures. Myoclonus can develop asymmetrically, but can occur with the involvement of related muscle groups without affecting the joints. Convulsions of this form may be the result of an acute lack of oxygen in the brain tissue and the presence of a pathological epileptic impulse, as well as degenerative cellular changes that are typical for older people.

It is necessary to distinguish epileptic seizure for other seizures


The real causes of hypnotic seizures are not fully understood. Some scientists believe that this phenomenon is due to rapid changes in sleep phases, while others believe this is the influence of the hypothalamus, which manifests itself by a change in respiratory rate and an increase or decrease in heart rate. Due to this, muscle contraction occurs.

The most common form of hypnotic seizures occurs in childhood, which is accompanied by severe sweating, shuddering and restlessness during sleep. Children's dreams differ from those of adults, which causes motor activity. Against this background, there is twitching of the arms and legs, as well as nighttime screams and crying of the child.

Sleep paralysis

This form of convulsions is characterized by the presence of fear and the feeling that there is not enough air. In this case, a person may experience hallucinations, fear sudden death and sleepy convulsions. The onset of sleep paralysis is explained by the advance of the brain's reaction over the motor activity of the muscles when a person wakes up, but his brain activity is extremely low. Patients often describe conditions such as suffocation, a feeling of heaviness, and the inability to stand up and move their legs. It is typical that the more emotionally receptive a person is, the stronger such sensations are. Getting out of this state is possible with full awareness of everything that is happening, and to prevent sleep paralysis, it is recommended to reduce stressful situations and active physical exercise an hour before bedtime.

Ekbom syndrome (restless legs)

This form of cramps is most often observed when falling asleep (or in the deep stage of sleep). In this case, involuntary shuddering of one or both legs is observed, why does a person suddenly wakes up. This condition occurs as a result of the transition between stages of sleep.

In addition, the causes of the development of such seizures may be neuroses, initial stages epilepsy, as well as changes in the structure of the subcortical substance of the brain. In some cases, the syndrome develops as a result of impaired blood circulation in the extremities, which is most often explained by a genetic factor. As a result of shaking, more blood flows to the joint.

Restless legs syndrome leads to disruption of adequate sleep, which can ultimately lead to serious neurological diseases

Various diseases

Very often, the cause of myoclonic spasms is illness. Benign development of myoclonus during sleep, as a rule, is short-lived and is quite capable of arising against the background pathological conditions, which include:

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease;
  • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis;
  • hypoxia, uremia, paraneoplastic syndrome, hyperosmolar state;
  • progressive myoclonic epilepsy;
  • Myoclonic spasm in newborns is possible in Alpers disease and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Each of these conditions requires careful diagnosis and drug intervention, in accordance with the severity of symptoms and its progression.

Therapeutic measures

As a rule, benign convulsions during sleep, as well as when falling asleep, do not require special treatment and are not associated with pathological disease. However, with pronounced convulsive manifestations that interfere with the patient’s life, the doctor can prescribe appropriate therapy using sedatives and anticonvulsants. In addition to cupping convulsive syndrome, they relieve various pains (head, face and lower extremities). To relieve convulsive syndrome and reduce its intensity, Clonazepam, Konvulex, Depakin, Apilepsin, Sedanot, Kalma, etc. are prescribed.

In addition to the anticonvulsant effect, Clonazepam has a hypnotic and muscle relaxant effect.

When falling asleep, cramps most often occur as a result of nervous fatigue, which requires taking appropriate measures (normalizing the rest and work schedule, warm baths with medicinal herbs 1 hour before bedtime). In addition, the well-known tincture of valerian or motherwort is quite effective.

It is important to refuse bad habits(alcohol, nicotine and drugs), as well as a proper balanced diet, including a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as enough liquid. The last meal should be at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.

To reduce negative symptoms during night sleep, it is recommended to sleep under a light blanket so that it does not create additional discomfort for the patient. If you have leg cramps, you should place a small pillow or cushion under the knee area, and preferably sleep on your back. It is also recommended to wear warm socks before going to bed.

Pathological development nocturnal myoclonus manifests itself much more strongly than physiological ones and the prerequisites for such a condition can be completely different. If all measures taken are not effective, it is necessary to contact a neurologist to develop individual treatment tactics, which will avoid the occurrence of myoclonic seizures in the future.

Myoclonus is a sudden involuntary contraction of one or more muscle groups that occurs both during movement and at rest. Myoclonus may be a variant of the norm, but in some cases it is a sign of very serious illnesses central nervous system. We will talk about why myoclonus occurs and how to cope with it in this article.

Classification of myoclonus

Depending on the reasons that caused them, myoclonus is divided into:

  • benign (physiological): due to natural causes; occur occasionally, do not progress;
  • epileptic: occur against the background of diseases accompanied by seizures; symptoms are pronounced and progress over time;
  • essential: predisposition to myoclonus is passed on from generation to generation; debut in early childhood; Symptoms are especially pronounced in adolescence;
  • symptomatic.

Depending on the location in the central nervous system, the pathological focus can be:

  • cortical;
  • subcortical;
  • segmental;
  • peripheral.

Causes of myoclonus

Physiological myoclonus often occurs during falling asleep or sleep and debuts in early childhood.

Benign myoclonus may occur in the following cases:

  • during the period of falling asleep or during sleep (this is the same startle when falling asleep, which happens in many healthy people, especially with physical or psycho-emotional fatigue);
  • as the body’s reaction to a sudden stimulus (sound, light, movement); often accompanied by vegetative symptoms - shortness of breath, increased heart rate and intense sweating; is called “fear myoclonus”;
  • as a result of irritation vagus nerve– hiccups (contraction of the diaphragm and laryngeal muscles);
  • in children of the first six months of life - separate species benign myoclonus; may be observed in different periods of the day - when falling asleep or while sleeping, while playing or feeding.

Pathological myoclonus can occur against the background of the following conditions:

  • or spinal cord injury;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;
  • degenerative brain diseases (Creutzfeld-Jakob);
  • viral, bacterial, toxic;
  • leukodystrophy;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • and tuberous sclerosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • terminal renal and liver failure(poisoning of brain tissue by metabolic products that cannot be removed from the body by damaged organs);
  • hypoglycemia (low blood glucose);
  • hypoxia (insufficient supply of oxygen to brain tissue);
  • tumors of the central nervous system;
  • decompression sickness(submariners' disease);
  • heatstroke;
  • exposure to electric shock;
  • late gestosis (toxicosis) of pregnant women;
  • poisoning with heavy metals and their salts;
  • alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction;
  • taking certain types of medications, in particular antidepressants;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infantile spasms- in children.

Symptoms of myoclonus

Generalized seizures that occur after stress or physical activity, are usually a symptom of a serious nervous system disorder.

Involuntary muscle twitching can occur in both children and adults, in one or several muscle groups, or be generalized, covering all muscles of the body. The shudders can be rhythmic or arrhythmic.

If shudders occur occasionally, are associated with any irritants, and are not accompanied by deterioration general well-being person, you should not worry about them - these are physiological myoclonus. If muscle spasms observed frequently, physical and psychological condition In this case, the person worsens, the symptoms progress over time, and there is no connection with possible irritants; myoclonus is probably a manifestation of one of the diseases of the central nervous system. The patient should not silently worry and be afraid about this, but should consult a neurologist as soon as possible for advice.

As a rule, pathological myoclonus is more pronounced during stress and physical overload, but never bothers a person during sleep.

Externally, pathological myoclonus looks like random twitching of different muscle groups, rhythmic trembling of the whole body, sudden flexion of the feet and hands, or pronounced generalized convulsive movements. If myoclonus occurs in the muscle area soft palate and language, the patient and those around him will notice a short-term speech disturbance.

Diagnostic principles

Based on the patient’s complaints, life history and illness, the doctor will assume that he has one of the types of hyperkinesis. To make the doctor’s task easier, the patient should describe in detail how attacks of muscle twitching occur, what muscle groups they cover, how long they last and in what situations they occur. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed additional types of research, namely:

  • electroencephalography;
  • electromyography;
  • radiography of the skull;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

The results of these studies will help the specialist establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Principles of treatment

Physiological myoclonus, as a rule, does not require treatment. If startlings occur frequently when falling asleep or the child is bothered by infantile spasms, lifestyle should be modified in the following way:

  • observe a work and rest schedule: for an adult, nightly sleep should be at least 7 hours, for a child - 10 hours.
  • minimize stress, and if this is not possible, learn and teach the child to react more calmly to it;
  • eat regularly and rationally;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • exclude computer games and watching TV shows 1 hour before bedtime;
  • before going to bed, play quiet games (for example, board games), draw, read a book;
  • take a relaxing bath, perhaps with aromatic oils or a decoction of soothing herbs, accompanied by beautiful music;
  • have a relaxing massage or self-massage;
  • ensure a comfortable temperature for sleeping in the bedroom - 18-21°C;
  • if necessary, turn on a night light with soft diffused light.

Everything that concerns lifestyle modification also applies to the treatment of pathological myoclonus, but these measures alone are not enough in this case. Basic therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. For this purpose, drugs of the following groups can be used:

  • neuroleptics (eglonil, teralen, haloperidol and others);
  • (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, valproic acid);
  • nootropics (piracetam, encephabol, gingko biloba and others);
  • corticosteroids (prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone);
  • sedatives (preparations of valerian, motherwort and others);
  • B vitamins (milgamma, neurobion and others).


The prognosis for myoclonus depends on the reason why it occurs. Benign myoclonus is absolutely harmless. In the case of pathological myoclonus, it is often not the symptom itself that is dangerous, but the underlying disease that caused it. Therefore, if you often experience muscle twitching that brings you discomfort, consult a doctor without delay: adequate therapy prescribed for early stage illness, will significantly improve the quality of your life and bring the moment of recovery closer.

Educational program in neurology, video lecture on the topic “Myoclonus”:

Publication date: 2014-08-18

Myoclonus (myoclonus) is erratic and involuntary muscle contractions or relaxations, the occurrence of which is manifested in lightning-fast muscle twitching. Myoclonus can occur in one muscle, a group of muscles in the leg, face or arm, or in many muscles at once (this happens when falling asleep). Myoclonus can occur in any person, for example, as a muscle response to severe fear, then it is considered a normal reaction of the body and is not considered a disease. Such neurologists also call physiological or benign myoclonus.

Involuntary muscle contractions can occur at any age, being a natural reaction of the body to a certain light or sound stimulus. But if myoclonus is observed frequently and occurs suddenly, then it should be considered as symptoms of some pathology. Pathological multilocation myoclonus is observed in elderly people prone to degenerative and epileptic diseases, the course of which is accompanied by a periodic decrease in oxygen supply to the brain.


So, myoclonus can be benign or pathological. The benign form does not require therapeutic measures for elimination and has several varieties:

  • Fear myoclonus is the body’s natural response to an unexpected stimulus: light, sound, movement. Often accompanied by sudden sweating, shortness of breath, tachycardia.
  • Sleep myoclonus - appears when falling asleep or during sleep, is short-term in nature and can be observed in most people who do not have health problems.
  • Hiccups are also a myoclonic type, which is a contraction of the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscle tissues.
  • Myoclonus in children is considered as a separate type. It can begin when falling asleep, while sleeping, while awake, or during feeding. Children also experience sleep myoclonus, which is manifested by muscle contractions of the torso, limbs and neck. This phenomenon in children goes away on its own in less than six months, without therapeutic correction.
  • Myoclonus associated with physical stress occurs after intense and hard work, manifests itself or calf muscle.

The pathological form (cortical myoclonus) can be of epileptic or non-epileptic origin. Such diseases require mandatory treatment, depending on the cause of the pathology.


Most often reasons pathological form lies in lesions of the cerebral cortex, which is why experts call it cortical myoclonus. It can be caused by: epilepsy, encephalitis, brain injuries, disseminated brain damage such as leukodystrophy, hematochromatosis, etc., diseases of a neurological nature, multiple sclerosis, cerebral vascular disorders, Parkinson's disease, intoxication due to renal dysfunction (uremia), Alzheimer's disease, coxoplasmosis, tumors and formations in the brain, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), poisoning with heavy metals and their salts , previous influenza (but not) or tick-borne encephalitis, decompression sickness (divers' disease), electric shock, heat stroke, alcoholism, smoking.

In addition, cortical myoclonus can be a side effect of taking any medication from the category of antipsychotics or antidepressants. The causes of the pathology can also be hereditary, a consequence of liver or kidney failure, degenerative age-related brain disorders, etc.

Convulsive contractions of the calf muscle are observed in pregnant women with gestosis. Additionally, gastrocnemius myoclonus may occur in women due to leg fatigue resulting from long-term wearing too high heels. Emotional, physical overload, fear are characteristic causes of the benign form of myoclonus. If convulsions are caused by any disease, they are characterized by their absence during sleep and intensification in emotionally stressful situations.


All myoclonic symptoms are divided into local, observed in certain muscle tissues, and generalized, affecting the entire body.

In general, the symptoms of cortical myoclonus consist of lightning-fast muscle twitching, similar to the sensations after electric shock. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as random twitching of individual muscles (calf muscle, etc.) or weak involuntary movements of body parts. Mild spasms of the lingual, palatine or facial muscles that cause short-term articulatory disturbances can also be considered myoclonic symptoms.

If a person is bothered by intense muscle contractions of the limbs (feet, calf muscles, hands), head and neck, these are symptoms of the epileptic course of the pathology. They are often accompanied by seizures, rhythmic trembling in the body. In an advanced state, the disease begins to be indicated by symptoms such as sudden flexion movements of the legs and arms, spontaneous muscle contractions that occur simultaneously in several places.


In case of frequent convulsive spasms that affect the quality of life and interfere with work capacity, the patient needs to undergo thorough examination to pick up correct treatment. Initially, you need to cure the underlying disease that served as a provocateur for the contractions, and then begin to eliminate the symptoms with medication. Clonazepam is usually used to eliminate contractions. If the pathology has an epileptic course, anticonvulsant drugs are used. Additional treatment involves taking sedative medications.

Treatment of myoclonus in children is based on taking valerian, avoiding noisy games and evening television viewing before bed. Adults like additional treatment It is recommended to give up alcohol-containing drinks, smoking, avoid stressful environments, evening walks, and proper nutrition are advisable.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

In the evening after work we rush home. The day, as usual, was difficult: meeting and communicating with many people who were not always pleasant for us, running around accompanied by hassle, rush jobs, conflicts with management, etc. Home is our quiet haven, where you can relax, unwind, and throw off the burden of fatigue and daytime negativity. And so, after a delicious dinner, we sit in our favorite cozy chair or lie on a comfortable sofa. The TV flickers as usual, on the screen of which the heroes of the next series are saving the world, we fall into a slumber... And suddenly a sharp jolt, from which our legs tremble, forces us to wake up. Similar sensations occur from electric shocks. A familiar picture, isn't it? Where does this push come from, and why do your legs twitch when falling asleep?

Myoclonus: signs and characteristics of the syndrome

In medicine, the phenomenon of startling during sleep, in which involuntary sharp muscle twitches occur, is called nocturnal myoclonus. When the body reaches its greatest level of relaxation, active muscle contractions may occur, which is called positive myoclonus.

The appearance of a similar syndrome is also possible when muscle tone decreases. In this case, myoclonus is called negative. The described syndrome also has an alternative name - hypnagogic startle.

Myoclonus can affect local areas of the body, for example: only right leg or even one of the leg muscles. In more complex cases, all limbs can twitch, sometimes even the facial muscles responsible for facial expressions. Based on the nature of myoclonic seizures, they are classified into rhythmic, arrhythmic, reflex, spontaneous, asynchronous, synchronous.

What is the essence of myoclonus? The brain is the control panel of the body. The movements of each part of the body are provided by certain muscle groups. To begin movement, muscle tissue must receive a corresponding signal from the brain, which arrives through the channels of the nervous system. The result of such signals is the excitation of muscle fibers with subsequent contraction of muscle tissue. If for some reason there is a simultaneous excitation of a whole group of channels of the nervous system, then a shuddering of the body or its individual parts begins. This phenomenon is called myoclonic spasms.

The hypothalamus is to blame for everything

In the intermediate part of the brain there is a section called the hypothalamus. This area is formed a large number blocks of cells and is responsible for the normal functioning of many body systems. For example: it regulates metabolic processes, controls the endocrine, cardiovascular, and also controls the autonomic and many other systems. When a person falls asleep, the first phase of sleep begins, a decrease in body temperature occurs, a drop blood pressure. The breathing pattern changes: a significantly smaller volume of air is inhaled into the lungs and exhaled. This whole complex of changes in the body’s performance indicators is similar to the processes characteristic of death.

The hypothalamus regards this situation as dangerous, and in order to “resurrect” the body, return all its systems to an active state, it sends a discharge and creates a shake-up. Result: a sharp increase in muscle tone, expressed in body trembling.

Hypnagogic startle has no age, social or gender restrictions. This syndrome can manifest itself in one form or another in each of us. How can you determine whether you should worry and make an appointment with a neurologist if you notice myoclonic seizures or not? The determining moment is the duration of the startle in sleep. If this phenomenon is short-term, sometimes present in the initial phase of sleep, then there is no need to worry. This level of myoclonus is within the normal range and does not threaten health and proper sleep.

Everything is much more serious if myoclonic spasms accompany sleep throughout the night. This pathology does not allow you to get enough sleep, the body does not recover. Pathological myoclonus indicates significant health problems and can provoke the emergence of new diseases. In such circumstances, it is, of course, impossible to do without qualified medical care. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective its results will be.
