Damage to tooth enamel what to do. How to restore tooth enamel at home? Dental and traditional methods. Causes of damage to tooth enamel

Many people experience changes in the enamel coating of their teeth. How to restore tooth enamel at home, is it possible to strengthen it to eliminate cracks, abrasion and chips? Let's try to figure it out.

Enamel protects dentin and pulp from the pathogenic effects of microflora and other irritants. The downside is that it is not able to restore the structure on its own.

If an injury occurs or a carious process occurs, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the tooth covering, then microorganisms that have penetrated deep into the tooth destroy the dentinal layer, moving towards the pulp chamber.

Composition of tooth enamel

Covered with enamel visible part tooth, thanks to it the internal structures are reliably protected from external influence. Included a large number of inorganics (up to 97%), as well as the smallest amount of water, so the covering dental tissue is the hardest substance in the body.

It consists of various components.

  1. Calcium hydroxyapatite – up to 75%.
  2. Water – 2-3%.
  3. Minerals and chemical elements, such as phosphorus, fluorine, magnesium.
  4. Organic substances – 1-2%.

Normally, enamel is located on all surfaces of the tooth. It reaches its maximum thickness in the area of ​​the tubercles, where the enamel layer is 2 mm. The thinnest area is located in the area of ​​​​the neck of the tooth, where it smoothly thins and turns into cement covering the root.

Causes of destruction

Age-related physiological wear of enamel occurs in older people, because throughout life, teeth daily have to withstand the stress associated with chewing and grinding food.

In young people, the damaged enamel structure looks like cracks or. Initially, this condition does not cause discomfort, but over time, exposed areas of dentin begin to react sharply to all kinds of irritants, making it difficult to eat.

Why does enamel destruction occur? The following factors influence this:

  • heredity - the enamel layer in some people is thicker, so it is more difficult to destroy;
  • bad habits - when a person often bites pencils, nails, cracks seeds or nuts, or tears off floss, depressions or chips form on the surface of the teeth;
  • loss of teeth - when there are voids in the row, the load is distributed unevenly, which is why some teeth are subject to increased force;
  • endocrine disorders - diseases that disrupt metabolism, negatively affect both the entire body and the condition of tooth enamel;
  • malnutrition - the intake of calcium, fluorine and other elements in small quantities leads to the destruction of the crystal lattice;
  • hygiene items - hard bristles of a toothbrush (?) and highly abrasive pastes mechanically destroy the enamel surface;
  • acid – overuse citrus fruits, work in hazardous industries, as well as frequent vomiting– all this causes erosion on the teeth.

Restoring tooth enamel: dental methods

Dentists have several methods in their arsenal to restore the enamel layer:

  • fluoridation is the application of preparations containing fluoride compounds to the tooth surface. With the standard method, the tooth is systematically coated with a fluoride-containing substance, while fluoride does not penetrate deep into the enamel, but only accumulates on the surface. Deep fluoridation involves the alternate use of gels containing fluorine particles, as well as calcium;
  • remineralization is a method of strengthening the enamel structure, based on the application of phosphorus and calcium preparations, as well as some vitamins. The disadvantage is the duration of the course of treatment;
  • filling – standard dental method eliminating defects. For reliable adhesion to enamel, it is preferable to apply fillings made of photo-curable materials;
  • Enamel implantation is a new method in dentistry for restoring dental structure by implanting a biocomposition, while the fusion of enamel prisms and a foreign substance occurs at the molecular level. Distinctive feature technique is that artificial enamel external parameters indistinguishable from natural.
  • dental onlays - the use of veneers and lumineers allows you to achieve an excellent cosmetic effect, practically. When veneering, a small enamel layer is removed, and a ceramic onlay is fixed to the outer surface of the tooth. Lumineers are the finest ceramic products, so tooth grinding is not necessary for their use.

You should always try to preserve the natural structure of the tooth as much as possible and restore it using the methods listed above.

How to restore tooth enamel at home?

It is almost impossible to restore the lost integrity of the enamel on your own, because enamel does not have regenerative abilities, however, it is possible to carry out high-quality prevention and strengthen the enamel layer in the initial stages of destruction using traditional methods and recipes.

  • balanced diet– consumption of vitamins, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat enriches the dental structure necessary components, making the enamel stronger;
  • gum massage – provokes increased blood flow in soft tissues, which improves the nutrition of the tooth and improves its structure. It is carried out 2-3 times daily. Clean fingertips are placed on the gum and movements are made in a circle;
  • suitable Toothbrush– an important assistant on the path to healthy enamel. It should be soft enough not to cause abrasion of teeth during;
  • strengthening toothpastes - variety hygiene products allows you to select a paste containing fluorine ions, as well as calcium and phosphorus. For greater effect, it is permissible to leave it on the teeth for a couple of minutes, which will allow the enamel to absorb the necessary microelements.

You should not use professional gels and liquids for remineralization at home without a clear explanation from the dentist, since uncontrolled use of drugs can harm the body, especially the use of fluoride solutions, which can cause poisoning if the intended dosage is increased.

What needs to be done to strengthen the enamel?

In addition to treating damaged teeth, the best preventive measure is a complete and balanced diet, which will strengthen the structure of the enamel layer and protect against future problems with it. A menu that is healthy for teeth should contain a full range of macro- and micronutrients.

  1. Dairy products - kefir, milk and fermented baked milk contain a large amount of fluoride and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the strength of enamel.
  2. Rough food - carrots, apples, raw vegetables not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also help self-clean the tooth surface, thereby protecting teeth from plaque and microbial exposure.
  3. Eggs – the vitamin D they contain has a beneficial effect on bone structure.
  4. Fish and meat enrich the body with protein, which gives the body the strength to fight pathogenic microflora, and the phosphorus contained in fish is built into the structure of the crystal lattice, restoring tooth enamel.

If you want to get a snow-white smile, you can read the article on how to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel -. The most effective whitening methods are listed.

Video: how to restore tooth enamel? School of Health.

If we examine all the tissues in human body, it turns out that tooth enamel is the most durable and strong of them. And this is not surprising, because it is her lot that falls to the most huge pressure. Enamel is the first to come into contact with active substances contained in food and drinks; it is subjected to friction every day when chewing food.

Over time, the enamel becomes thinner, and due to metabolic disorders in the body, it becomes loose and gradually collapses. To stop destructive processes, dentists are developing new means to strengthen and restore it.

Is it possible to restore enamel at home?

In general, the following factors influence the thinning of tooth enamel:

  • improper metabolism;
  • impaired alkaline balance of saliva;
  • natural abrasion (or due to excessive jaw clenching).

The enamel is not destroyed instantly. This usually occurs due to poor nutrition and, as a result, a lack of fluoride and calcium in the body. In case of violations alkaline balance saliva deposits more acids on the surface of the tooth, which also soften the enamel.

You can prevent thinning at home by initial stage. Typically, at this stage painful sensations not in the teeth, but they may react slightly to hot or cold foods and sweets.

The main measure for prevention and restoration of the protective layer is to establish proper metabolism by revising the nutritional system and including a complex of vitamins in the diet. In addition, it is advisable to replace the usual toothpaste specialized. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reverse the processes that have begun. If destruction has already begun, it can only be stopped, slowed down.

Restoring tooth enamel at the dentist

Modern technologies make it possible to restore enamel even in the most advanced cases. Using the fruits of scientific developments, you can choose one of two main treatment methods. Among them:

  • regeneration of own tissue;
  • implantation of pieces of artificial enamel on the tooth;
  • installation of veneers

In the first case, specialized solutions (varnishes) are used that transfer active substances to the tooth. As a result, a new protective layer is formed on the surface. The varnish is applied directly to the tooth or poured into a dental tray for longer contact with the damaged area. This method works great for early stages destruction.

An effective and absolutely painless method of restoring tooth enamel, worn almost to the ground, is the implantation of so-called artificial enamel. A plastic substance, similar in composition to real enamel, is applied in small pieces to the tooth.

If the enamel has worn down to zero, veneers will help. They are composite plates that follow the shape of the tooth in healthy condition. Veneers are a relatively new dental development, which, however, has managed to gain universal recognition. The main advantage of veneers is their resistance to alkalis and acids. They effectively protect the tooth from destruction and give a dazzling smile.

Recovery enamels teeth. The topic of this article will be of interest not only to people who have already suffered from the problem of tooth decay enamels, but also for those who want to prevent this.

Remineralization of tooth enamel is a dental procedure for restoring the disturbed balance of the mineral components of the crystal lattice of tooth enamel to increase its strength, protect against external damaging factors and prevent diseases of the teeth and gums.

Restoring tooth enamel at home is only possible if the enamel is slightly damaged.

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, which is due to high content in it (up to 95%) inorganic substances, while organic matter constitute only 1.2% of the weight.
The organic matrix of enamel is a macromolecular complex formed by fibrillar protein and calcium-binding protein with the participation of calcium ions and polar lipids. This complex has a high affinity for the mineral phase, serves as an initiator of the calcification process, regulating crystal growth by selectively binding calcium ions and acting as a kind of buffer system.
The mineral basis of tooth enamel is represented by hexagonal crystals of hydroxy-, carbonate-, chlorine-, and fluorapatites. Less than 2% of the weight of mature enamel consists of non-apatite forms, which are traces of the mineral present during tooth development and also the result of impaired mineralization after tooth eruption.
The main mineral components from which apatite crystals are built are calcium (33-39%) and phosphates (16-18%), the ratio of which in enamel is on average 1.67. The concentration of these substances decreases from the surface layer, the most mineralized, to deeper layers. The mineralization of individual areas of the tooth crown also differs: the chewing surfaces are the most mineralized, the least mineralized are the gingival areas of all teeth and fissures.

Recovering whether dental enamel? If we talk about ability enamels to self-healing, then this does not happen, no matter how much we would like.

Restoring enamel is a complex process of remineralization.

The process of enamel remineralization is possible thanks to the properties possessed by hydroxyapatite crystals. Enamel behaves like a porous membrane, and small ions penetrate deeper more easily than large molecules, which are adsorbed on the surface and can be desorbed without changing the shape of the crystals.

In apatite, up to a third of ions can be exchanged. Thus, calcium ions can be replaced by sodium, silicon, strontium, lead, cadmium, hydronium and other cations. Hydroxyl ions can be exchanged for fluorine, chlorine and other ions.

The permeability of different anatomical parts of the tooth is not the same due to the heterogeneity of the structure. The greatest permeability is observed in the cervical region of the enamel, pits, and fissures. Different permeability is observed in different layers of enamel: the middle layers are more permeable than the subsurface layers, the surface layers are the least permeable. With age, the speed and depth of penetration of substances into the enamel decreases, probably due to the compaction of the crystal lattice.


To restore tooth enamel, it is necessary to create effective means impact on her.

The surface layer of enamel differs from the deep ones in greater mineralization, density, microhardness, resistance to caries, and a higher content of microelements, including fluoride. The surface layer of enamel is less susceptible to acids than its internal areas.

Remineralization— partial restoration of the density of damaged enamel, which is similar to the mineralization of immature teeth. The difference between them is that in the first case, due to a previous carious attack, the diffusion channels are filled with minerals coming from the subsurface layer. The result of this is the impossibility of penetration of ions from remineralizing solutions into the deep layers of enamel and hypomineralized areas, while this process occurs during the maturation of teeth after eruption.

The diffusion of calcium, phosphate and fluorine ions into the enamel has its own characteristics, which can be caused by a difference in the surface potential of the outer enamel or in the charges of calcium and phosphate ions.

Impact on chemical composition tooth enamel is important both during the period of formation, development and mineralization of teeth, and during the period of eruption and maturation of enamel. Taking into account the timing of eruption, it is advisable to start remineralizing therapy from 6 years of age, which allows increasing the resistance of the enamel, and the first stage of this process should be the enrichment of the enamel with calcium and phosphates, followed by the introduction of fluoride preparations, which reduce the permeability of the enamel.

IN natural conditions The source of calcium, phosphorus and fluorides for enamel is the oral fluid, which is oversaturated with almost all forms of calcium phosphate. Mature enamel can absorb fluoride ions even in such low concentrations, which are present in oral fluid. The remineralizing potential of saliva allows you to stop caries at the stage white spot in 50% of cases. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the action of various remineralizing agents, which should not only compensate for defects in the enamel crystal lattice that existed or appeared during a carious attack, but also increase its resistance.

According to most researchers, remineralizing drugs should include various substances that increase enamel resistance: calcium, phosphorus, fluorides, strontium, zinc, etc.

Fluorine and phosphorus have strong cariesstatic properties; cariogenic substances include selenium, cadmium, magnesium, and lead (Navia, 1972).

An important role in the remineralization of enamel is given to phosphorus preparations, which increase the ion-selective properties of enamel, change its adsorption capabilities, and favor the intake of fluoride into the enamel. It is assumed that remineralization with solutions with a calcium concentration of 1 mM stimulates predominantly the growth of crystals, and with a concentration of 3 mM it causes, in addition to growth, nucleation, which limits the size of crystals and reduces the blockage of microspaces of the surface layer, which prevents remineralization in deeper layers.

The effectiveness of remineralization can be judged by the stabilization or disappearance of white spots on the enamel, and a decrease in the increase in dental caries. Under the influence of these drugs, intensive formation of calcium fluoride crystals of varying degrees of crystallization and shape occurs, resulting in the formation of a film a fraction of a micrometer thick, covering the entire area of ​​focal demineralization and very firmly associated with the enamel matrix. It is assumed that during remineralization, not a structural, but a sorption bond of calcium occurs, which can subsequently serve as a source for the entry of calcium ions into the defective crystal lattice of apatite of demineralized enamel.


What does it offer? modern dentistry to restore tooth enamel? There are two methods for restoring tooth enamel. Firstly, it is the restoration of the structure of the outer layer of teeth by returning the missing ions of calcium, fluoride and other components. Secondly, use artificial (filling) materials.

The most widespread therapeutic and prophylactic means for restoring missing stains in tooth enamel are fluoride-containing toothpastes. These pastes are recommended for children and adults for the prevention of dental caries.

As anti-caries additives, sodium and tin fluorides, monofluorophosphate, sodium fluoride acidified with phosphates are introduced into toothpastes, and Lately And organic compounds fluorine (aminofluorides).

Fluorides increase the resistance of teeth to acids formed by plaque microorganisms, enhance the remineralization of enamel and inhibit the metabolism of plaque microorganisms. It has been established that an indispensable condition for the prevention of caries is the presence of an active (non-bound) fluoride ion.

Toothpastes for adults contain from 0.11% to 0.76% sodium fluoride or from 0.38% to 1.14% sodium monofluorophosphate. In children's toothpastes, fluoride compounds are found in smaller quantities (up to 0.023%). The combination of sodium fluoride and calcium and silicon-containing abrasives in some toothpastes constitutes a special Fluoristat system.

To reduce the amount of plaque and inhibit the growth of tartar crystals, toothpastes include components such as triclosan, which has an antibacterial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and a copolymer that promotes the prolonged action of triclosan for 12 hours after brushing teeth. The entry of fluoride into tooth enamel increases its resistance to acid demineralization due to the formation of structures more resistant to dissolution. Pastes containing potassium and sodium phosphates, calcium and sodium glycerophosphates, calcium gluconate, and zinc oxide have a pronounced anti-caries effect. A similar effect is achieved by toothpastes containing derivatives of chitin and chitosan, which have an affinity for proteins and are capable of inhibiting the adsorption of Streptococcus mutans, mitis, sanguis on the surface of hydroxyapatite. Components included in some toothpastes, such as Remodent 3%, calcium glycerophosphate 0.13%, synthetic hydroxyapatite (from 2% to 17%), help reduce the increased sensitivity of enamel by closing the entrance holes of the dentinal tubules.

The use of medicated toothpastes is simple and accessible form prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. They contain biologically active substances: enzymes, vitamins, microelements, salts, antiseptics, medicinal herbs.

Local fluoridation of teeth with fluoride-containing solutions and varnishes. Fluorides strengthen tooth enamel and increase enamel resistance to exposure acidic environment, inhibit bacterial metabolism.

There are the following fluoridation methods:

  • Express method- a one-time application on the teeth (for 5-10 minutes) of special disposable mouth guards filled with fluoride-containing gel in a dental clinic.
  • Kappa method- production of individual reusable mouth guards for patients, with the help of which he can independently carry out the procedure of fluoridation of tooth enamel at home. To do this, the mouthguard is filled with fluoride-containing gel and left on the teeth for a period of time determined by the doctor. Sometimes such mouthguards are worn even for the whole night.
  • Method of coating tooth enamel with fluoride varnish to reduce tooth sensitivity and increase their protective properties. It is used for minor damage to the enamel of one or more teeth.

After carrying out any of the above procedures, you must refrain from eating and drinking for several hours. Most often, to increase the effectiveness of enamel fluoridation, the dentist prescribes a combination of two or more methods of remineralizing therapy. Full recovery protective properties of tooth enamel and a decrease in the level of tooth sensitivity does not occur immediately, but after a short period of time after completing the course of fluoridation procedures for tooth enamel.

The enamel implantation method (developed in Australia) is the latest technology restoration of tooth enamel. Using this method, it is possible to correct the bite, change the color and shape of the teeth, and protect the enamel of the teeth. hypersensitivity. When implanting enamel, materials are used that are as close as possible to dental tissue. The connection between the implant and dental tissue occurs at the cellular-molecular level, which allows you to preserve the result for almost a lifetime.

Antibacterial and restorative properties human saliva have been known for a long time, but what to do if saliva does not fulfill its functions and the enamel is gradually destroyed? The use of special medicated toothpastes, rinses, gels and other preparations containing minerals important for teeth such as phosphorus, fluorine and calcium can help the enamel recover. And to restore the natural properties of saliva, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, eat right and take vitamin and mineral complexes that compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body. Of course, nowadays, covering teeth with enamel is not at all problematic, but no amount of artificial enamel can compensate for the damage done to the teeth.

You can carry out procedures that remineralize tooth enamel at home. To do this, it is enough to strictly observe hygiene oral cavity, brush your teeth twice a day using classic and healing toothpastes. In addition, most mouth rinses (which also need to be used regularly) contain mineral components that strengthen both teeth and gums. This is why mouth rinses are most often recommended to be kept in the mouth for half a minute or a minute - during this time useful material penetrate the tooth surface. But home procedures only complement professional remineralization, so you need to see a dentist.

To clean your teeth, you can use specialized toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium. When brushing your teeth, the paste should be left in your mouth for a few minutes to absorb minerals.

Regular massage of the gums helps to increase blood circulation, which improves the nutrition of the tissues surrounding the tooth.

From all that has been said, we can understand that we can only partially restore tooth enamel on our own by adhering to oral hygiene and using preventive toothpastes with fluoride and calcium. It is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of minerals and trace elements important for tooth enamel. This is more effective at the initial stage of enamel destruction, as well as for the prevention of caries.

Restoring tooth enamel using folk remedies

Restoring tooth enamel using folk remedies is very popular and effective. And this is not surprising, since a snow-white smile and healthy, strong teeth are the dignity of any person. When restoring tooth enamel using folk remedies, do not forget that the enamel is easily damaged, and it will not be restored without your help or professional help. dental care. I use traditional medicine methods, take your time, as haste and the desire to see the result faster will only harm the recovery procedure.

Let's look at methods and recipes that allow you to restore tooth enamel using traditional methods.

  • Most radical way restoration of tooth enamel is a procedure using white pulp from lemon peel. The method is effective, but it should not be abused. Collect the soft white skin and chew it or rub it on your teeth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for up to 7 days, it all depends on the degree of damage to the enamel.
  • Often used for restoration and whitening baking soda. But it is recommended to use this product no more than once a week, since the substance is highly abrasive.
  • Folk remedies recommend restoring tooth enamel and using activated carbon. For cooking medicinal mixture, mix a couple of crushed charcoal tablets with water. You should end up with a liquid paste that you need to use to brush your teeth every three days.
  • A quick folk remedy for restoring tooth enamel is hydrogen peroxide. But there is a danger in using this method, since after peroxide the density of tooth enamel suffers greatly.
  • Fruits and vegetables will cope well with the task of restoration, for example, strawberries and wild strawberries. Wash the berries thoroughly, mash them and apply to your teeth, hold for a couple of minutes. After this procedure, the teeth must be carefully brushed with toothpaste.
  • Another folk remedy for restoring and strengthening tooth enamel is milk. Also, oil is perfect for these purposes. tea tree By the way, products based on it are considered the most effective in recovery. Take a glass of water and add a couple of drops of oil to it, rinse your mouth with this mixture. This will strengthen and restore the enamel, destroy harmful bacteria and get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth. Regular use of this method will protect teeth from periodontal disease and caries, and prevent gum inflammation.

Remember that preventing dental disease and keeping your mouth clean is much more effective than treatment. Take care of the health of your teeth, give up carbonated drinks, coffee and sweet water with dyes. Rinse your mouth regularly after meals and do not drink drinks that are too cold or hot. Don't forget to visit your dentist.

Tooth enamel is the hardest and most durable surface layer of the tooth. Its function is to protect its tissues from chemical or physical influences.

It consists almost entirely of minerals (97%), in particular hydroxyapatite ( most of), apatite carbonate, chlorapatite, fluorine apatite, magnesium carbonate. A considerable amount belongs to calcium (35%) and phosphorus (17%). The percentage composition of minerals in enamel may vary depending on a person’s nutrition, lifestyle, age, and environmental conditions.

When tooth enamel is damaged, it inevitably leads to tooth decay and destruction of the deeper tooth tissues.

Is tooth enamel restored? If we talk about the ability of enamel to self-heal, this does not happen, no matter how much we would like. We can only restore it artificially, using various dental techniques. And I will tell you exactly how tooth enamel restoration (regeneration) is carried out using artificial methods on www..

Factors that destroy enamel

There can be many reasons that destroy tooth enamel. This can be either external mechanical damage or destruction from the inside: a lack of minerals occurs in the enamel due to their leaching (demineralization occurs). Quick loss necessary elements and their insufficient intake from food leads to the destruction of the protective enamel shell.

This, as a rule, is facilitated by insufficient or excessively hard toothbrushes, a love of sour or sweet foods, poor condition of the stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders, etc. There is evidence that frequent consumption of citrus juice during the day can lead to the “dissolution” of enamel . In this regard, the use of many modern tonic drinks is also not harmless.

What does modern dentistry offer to restore tooth enamel?

Methods for restoring tooth enamel

Dentists offer us two methods. Firstly, we can restore the missing ions of calcium, fluorine and other components in the structure of the outer layer of teeth. Secondly, use artificial materials.

In the first case, enamel fluoridation agents are used topically: fluoride-containing liquids, gels, varnishes. They strengthen tooth enamel, make it more resistant to adverse factors and suppress the activity of bacteria.

For this purpose, applications to teeth are widespread: a gel (liquid) containing fluoride and other necessary substances, then it is put on the teeth. With prolonged contact of the medicinal substance with the surface of the teeth (it is usually recommended to use it overnight), enamel regeneration occurs: ions of fluoride, calcium, etc. naturally fill empty spaces in its crystal lattices.

Instead of application, you can use a special varnish with the same effect. It is applied with a brush to the surface of the teeth.

In the second case, a special substance is used to restore tooth enamel - amorphous calcium phosphate. After treating damaged enamel, a reaction occurs in which calcium phosphate is converted into solid apatite, very similar in structure to tooth enamel. As a result, the local defect is eliminated, the sensitivity of the teeth is reduced, and their surface becomes denser and smoother. From a cosmetic point of view, teeth become more beautiful.

Enamel implantation

It is worth mentioning one new method of regenerating the surface of teeth - enamel implantation. It is used to restore large damaged areas of enamel or to achieve a cosmetic effect.

Using this method, the bite is corrected, the shape and color of teeth are changed, and especially sensitive teeth are protected. Applied to teeth by a specialist special composition, very similar to tooth enamel.

The implant connects with dental tissue at the molecular level. Therefore, artificial tooth enamel for a long time capable of performing protective functions natural enamel.

Self-restoration of tooth enamel

From all that has been said, we can understand that we can only partially restore tooth enamel on our own by adhering to the first method. Namely: you need to try to compensate for the deficiency of minerals and trace elements important for teeth. This is more effective at the initial stage of enamel destruction, as well as for prevention.

For this purpose, toothpastes with increased fluoride content and other medicinal additives are used. While brushing your teeth, you need to hold the paste in your mouth for a few minutes so that the process of nourishing the tissues of your teeth and gums is more effective.

Undoubtedly, nutrition plays a big role: you need to increase the amount of foods in your diet that contain more calcium and vitamin D, which helps better absorption. Consume dairy products rich in calcium (cheese, yogurt, milk); from plant products White cabbage, broccoli, and Beijing cabbage are preferable. Fortified foods (for example, juices), dishes using dry cereals (muesli) and soy are also useful.

Under the influence of external and internal factors the enamel may lose its density and become thinner. Most often, this leads to a painful reaction of the tooth to irritants.

To restore it, there are many methods that are used not only in clinics, but also at home.

What it is?

The enamel is translucent hard shell width up to 2.5 mm, having a crystalline homogeneous structure. Its purpose is to protect dentin and the pulp chamber. The main part of the enamel consists of inorganic minerals, supplemented by an organic matrix and water.

When minerals are washed out, the enamel structure becomes loose and susceptible to rapid destruction.

Methods for self-treatment

Most people try to avoid visiting the dentist until the last moment and, when the sensitivity of the enamel increases, they try to fix the problem on their own. For this purpose, manufacturers have developed special means in the form of gels and pastes, the action of which is aimed at restoring tooth tissue.


Oral care products are available in a wide range. You can find a large number of different pastes that have restorative properties. The most popular types include:

  • Sensodyne Repair & Protect– effectively restores tooth tissue and protects them from exposure to microbes. The product contains a unique NovaMin formula, which includes highly concentrated calcium and phosphates.

    The recovery effect can only be observed with daily use at least 2 times a day. Cost of pasta – 180 rubles.

  • Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief– a paste with a mineralizing effect, designed to quickly relieve pain with high enamel sensitivity.

    The main component is calcium, which seals the dentinal canals. Can be used no more than 1 time per day. The analgesic effect occurs within 1 minute. The cost of the paste is 170 rubles.

  • Silcamed "Biocalcium". Thanks to the content of hydroxyapatite and phosphate complex, the enamel is saturated with minerals and leveled. The paste is suitable for frequent use up to 3 times a day or more. Price for this remedy is within 100 rubles.
  • President Unique– is aimed at rapid restoration of enamel, which occurs due to the three calcium compounds included in the composition: pantothenate, lactate and glycerophosphate.

    With daily use at least 2 times a day, the recovery effect will be visible within a month. The cost of one package of this paste is 190 rubles.

  • SPLAT "Biocalcium". Serves to eliminate micropores and cracks in tooth tissue. In the role active substances calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite are present. With twice daily use, results can be seen within a few weeks. Pasta price – 170 rubles.
  • Wunderdent– designed to restore damaged enamel due to its remineralizing properties. The paste contains an active complex, which includes ions of potassium, calcium and other minerals.

    The product is intended for twice daily use and can be used for applying applications. The price of one package of paste is 200 rubles.

Special means

If the pastes are not satisfied with their results or there is a desire to achieve a restorative effect in short time, you can additionally use special tools:

  1. R.O.C.S.MedicalMinerals. The gel contains a complex of minerals, including calcium. Serves as a good mild remineralizing agent and helps restore the color of crowns.

    The application is permanent - the gel is applied after each teeth cleaning. The cost of one package of the drug is 400 rubles.

  2. Elmex Gelee– restores crown tissues by saturating the enamel with fluoride. Well suited for weekly one-time application for both adults and children. The price of the gel varies in the range 250 – 320 rubles.
  3. LACALUT fluor Gel. Designed to protect enamel from damage by strengthening it. The active substances here are fluorine and magnesium. The drug is used no more than once every 7 days. Its cost is about 200 rubles.

Folk remedies

If there is no possibility or desire to use special means, they will come to the rescue traditional methods restoration of the tooth surface.

Among the many recipes, the following are considered the most effective:

  • 1 spoon solution salt and a glass of water, rinse your mouth for 3 minutes once a day. The rinsing procedure is recommended to be carried out before bedtime. In order to speed up the process of penetration of minerals into tooth tissue, you can add 3 drops of any essential oil;
  • Relieves pain due to tooth sensitivity ground wheatgrass, which is applied to the affected crowns in the form of an applique;
  • You can strengthen the enamel structure with cloves and soda. Mix both components in equal parts, pour boiling water and leave. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product several times a day;
  • Propolis has excellent remineralizing characteristics. It is used both as an independent product and in combination with other components. Good effect Apply propolis to problem areas for 5 minutes.

    You can achieve good results by rinsing your mouth frequently and for a long time with a decoction. calamus swamp, mixed with propolis. To do this, the components are taken in a ratio of 2:1;

  • gradual restoration of enamel can be observed when brushing teeth with a special mixture prepared from ground ginger root and mustard. The only drawback of this recipe is the strong burning sensation during use.

Therapeutic treatment

Most often, home methods for restoring enamel provide only a minor or temporary effect. In addition, they require consistency and duration during application, which is not always possible to control.

To obtain a high-quality restoration of the crown surface, it would be best to contact a dentist who will select the most the best way recovery from all available.

Fluoride varnish

The use of fluoride varnish is indicated for slight sensitivity of crowns or as a prophylactic V childhood. Compared to other methods, this method is considered less effective, but at the same time the most cost-effective.

The essence of the method is to apply fluoride varnish to the surface of the crowns, where it forms protective film. During the entire time the film is on the crown, release of fluoride into her tissue.

The procedure requires multiple visits and most often only provides minor temporary Effect.


Unlike fluoridation, this technique involves saturating the enamel with a whole complex of mineral substances, which includes calcium and fluorine ions. It is designed to eliminate microdefects and pronounced sensitivity of the enamel during abrasion.

For remineralization, preparations are used, the formula of which allows you to saturate the crown with these components so that they do not interfere with each other. During the procedure there is a rapid replacement of voids and defects minerals.

Due to this, the enamel is compacted and restored. Remineralization gives a quick effect and maintains it for a long time thanks to the protective film formed on the surface of the crowns.

Deep fluoridation

This technique is considered innovative. It allows you to solve the problem of pathological abrasion of enamel, effectively eliminates cracks and smoothes the surface of the crown.

The principle of operation is to apply combination drugs based on minerals that penetrate into the deepest layers enamels and seals dentinal canals and pores, preventing the leaching of beneficial components.

This procedure allows you to obtain strengthened enamel immediately after the procedure and preserve the result for a long time.

Baby teeth

For most parents, children's milk teeth act as a temporary phenomenon that does not require attention. special attention. But this is a misconception. It is from the health of baby teeth depends proper development bite child in the future.

Therefore, enamel restoration procedures are also indicated for baby teeth. Exactly the same medications are used for children as for adults. The only difference may be in the time of the procedure.

In the very at a young age up to 5 years preference is given to a short procedure - applying fluoride varnish. With good perseverance, any technique can be used.


The result of strengthening the crown surface will directly depend on the chosen method. Dental practice showed that the use home remedies gives little effect.

The minimum result can only be achieved in 2 – 3 months regular use. After cessation of exposure folk remedies, as a rule, the condition of the crown getting worse again.

Therapeutic techniques showed maximum effectiveness. Using fluoride varnish for a month there is a steady recovery effect around 4 – 6 months.

At remineralization the enamel is quickly restored and resists the aggressive effects of irritants and bacteria well during 6 – 12 months. The best results are shown by deep fluoridation. His actions are enough for 1 – 2 years.


Special care is required not only for teeth that are subject to deterioration in the quality of enamel, but also for those that have undergone remineralization and fluoridation procedures. Prevention in in this case is as follows:

  1. Minimize inclusion in the diet of foods containing acids and carbohydrates, which have an aggressive effect on crowns.
  2. Use for cleansing soft bristle brushes and pastes based fluoride and calcium.
  3. Produce regularly gum massage, improving blood circulation and nutrition of dental tissue.
  4. Introduce foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and others into your diet minerals.
  5. Get rid of bad habits, which provoke the risk of developing dental pathologies and lead to enamel deformation.
