Black sharpei dog. Characteristics and description of the Shar Pei breed Shar Pei for the first dog is a difficult breed

The Chinese Shar Pei breed originated quite a long time ago. This dog was bred as a guard, hunter and participated in dog fights. In our article you can see the Shar Pei breed in photos, videos, read the description of the standard of these dogs and learn how to feed them.

Origin story

The Shar Pei breed originated in a province located in southern China, where it was valued as a hunting, guarding and fighting dog. Some scientists consider the breed to be quite ancient, but there is no convincing evidence for this yet. Chinese dog statues, which were dated back to the Han Dynasty (200 BC), have similar characteristics to the Shar Pei breed, but have common features and with other dogs, for example, Pugs.

After the emergence of the Chinese People's Republic, dogs of this breed were practically destroyed in the country at the behest of Mao Zedong, who believed that they were a symbol of useless luxury. And, if not for the work of one person, namely Matgo Low, who was a lover of these dogs, the breed could have died out.

Thanks to him, a number of Shar Peis were brought to the USA in 1973, where they began to be bred. The first national show of these dogs was held in 1978, and in 1991 the Shar Pei was accepted into the American Kennel Club. This breed first appeared in Russia only in the early 90s.

Description of the breed

The name “Shar Pei” can be translated as “sand skin,” which very well characterizes the animal’s bristly short hair. This breed is very recognizable due to the folds of which there are a lot of folds on the animal’s body.

However, these animals are not very popular, which can be good. After all, unscrupulous owners often breed dogs without taking into account its breed qualities, health and temperament. With this attitude, the breed often deteriorates, loses its original appearance and acquires “bad” qualities. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to dogs in the 1980s, when after such experiments the breed had to be restored, eradicating its bad character, external flaws and establishing the correct breed standard.

Appearance and breed standard

The Chinese Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog, reaching a height of 51 centimeters. Such a dog can weigh up to 35 kilograms. Its main characteristic is the skin, which gathers in wrinkles on the head and the entire body of the animal, except for the tail. This dog has large head with a wide and flat muzzle. The Shar Pei's nose, as described in the breed standard, is large, usually black, but sometimes light in color.

Another feature of the breed is its tail, thick, tapering towards the end, it is set very high. According to the breed standard, the tail can be curled into a tight ring or simply curved towards the back. You can see what the tail looks like in this photo.

The Shar Pei's coat is short and has no undercoat, so the dog practically does not shed. There are three types of dog coat length: horse, brush and bearhair, varying in length, but it cannot be more than 1.5 cm.

Shar Pei colors are divided into several types. One of them involves the presence of a mask and a so-called “belt” on the body of a black animal.

The colors of such dogs are:

  • black;
  • cream;
  • deer;
  • red fawn;
  • mahogany (red);
  • isabela;
  • blue delute.

Another type of color of these animals does not include black and is:

  • cream;
  • apricot;
  • red;
  • chocolate;
  • lilac;
  • isabela.

Blue or blue delut and lilac coat colors look very exotic, and the most popular are cream and apricot.

For those wondering how long Shar Peis live: on average, a dog lives 11 years. The lifespan of an animal depends on the quality of its nutrition, lifestyle and care.


The Chinese Shar Pei is a very independent breed. He is devoted to his family, but keeps himself aloof from people he doesn't know. He seems to enjoy time with his owner more than with other dogs. A calm and confident dog, it seems to intuitively understand its person and his family.

It so happens that Shar Pei’s character is characterized by independence and strong will. He protects his family, which characterizes him as an excellent watchman; he recognizes any threat well. Since at one time this breed was used as fighting dog, he may well use his fangs against the enemy, man or dog.

Conditions for keeping a dog

These cute dogs with a donut tail can live comfortably both in an apartment and in a private house. They do well in confined spaces as long as they get daily play and exercise. Having a backyard for a dog is not necessary, but if it is, the animal will definitely appreciate it.

This breed of wrinkled dogs is very loving and will gladly accompany its owner anywhere. However, Shar Peis are not very friendly towards other dogs due to their past. Because of this, they should not be let off a leash while walking.

Dogs are very sensitive to heat, making them poor running partners. They do not tolerate heat well; walks with Shar Pei in warm weather should not be too long. It is preferable if the animal waits out the hottest time of the day at home, under a cool air conditioner or fan.


The coat of dogs of this breed is not very long, sheds little and, according to the description of the owners, practically does not smell. It doesn’t require much care; it will be enough to brush your pet’s fur from head to tail once a week with a special rubber brush or a grooming glove. This will help remove dirt and dead hair. Frequent bathing can be irritating to sensitive skin pet, so care includes bathing no more than once every 12 weeks.

It is very important to dry your pet properly and thoroughly after taking a bath. If you forget to dry the areas between the folds of your skin, you may develop fungal infection. After bathing these dogs, it is important to dry them with a towel.

Your pet's ears, claws and teeth also require care. In order to remove plaque from a dog, they use special treats that are given to the dog to chew on. In order to get rid of unpleasant odor, you need to take care of your dog’s teeth every day and brush them with a special paste.

If you not only see, but also hear your pet running across the parquet, clattering on the floor, then its claws have already grown too long. Caring for them is simple: they need to be carefully trimmed with scissors or a special tool.

Shar Pei's ears are very prone to irritation and infections, so they need to be checked as often as possible, and dirt should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution for cleaning animal ears. When caring for a dog, it is important that water does not get into its ears when bathing.

Ideal diet

Caring for your pet also includes choosing the right diet for it. There are two types of feeding for dogs - natural food or ready-made dry food. Doctors, dog handlers and just dog lovers argue about the correctness of one type or another. There are a lot of nutrition reviews on the Internet. But you cannot compare, for example, a properly selected natural diet with economy-class food, just as you cannot compare premium food with a diet of bone broth.

But feed the Shar Pei, like any other dog, according to mixed type It’s impossible, that’s for sure. These two types of diets require completely different enzymes to digest, so a mixed diet can upset the stomach and cause unpleasant diseases or allergies. I would like to remind you that Shar Pei is a very allergy-prone dog breed, so this rule must be followed unconditionally among breeders.

If you choose to feed your dog a ready-made dry product, then you should purchase only good, proven food, preferably specifically for this breed of dog. Economy food should not be considered for feeding this dog.

If feeding your dog natural food seems to be the best solution, then here is a diet plan for Shar-Peis:

  1. From generation to generation, these dogs were fed rice, which was due to their territory of origin. Therefore, 20-30% of the diet is occupied by this cereal.
  2. 40-50% of a dog's daily food intake is meat. To begin with, as a protein base, the dog can be fed boiled sea ​​fish(herring, blue whiting, cod). This way there is less chance of your pet having allergies. Next they try to give one type of meat. What the dog does not respond to with a skin reaction is left in the pet’s diet - this can now be fed to the animal constantly.
  3. The remaining 20-30% of the diet for this breed consists of vegetables. You can feed your Shar Pei only vegetables of white and green colors, such as cabbage or zucchini. Vegetables should be boiled or grated.

You can give your dog eggs once a week if they don't have skin allergies. It would be good to add fruits to your dog’s diet: sometimes you can feed him green apples and bananas, but you should avoid citrus fruits.

With a natural diet, the pet may lack vitamins. They need to be given to the dog additionally.

Raising puppies

Like many breeds, Shar Pei puppies require training and early socialization. He needs to be taught from childhood to be friendly and calm towards various places and sounds. Early socialization and training of the Shar Pei guarantees that the puppy will grow up to be a full-fledged dog, without fears and unnecessary aggression.

Shar Pei puppies, according to reviews from owners, learn well; they can be sent to a special training school or taught on their own. Inviting guests home, walking in crowded parks, going on picnics, or simply introducing your dog to your neighbors in your yard can teach him to be friendly and improve his social skills.

Possible diseases

Shar Peis are prone to certain types diseases, especially those that affect his skin. Not all Shar Peis experience these conditions, but any owner considering this breed should become familiar with them.

Diseases that a Shar Pei owner may encounter:

  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • malignant tumors;
  • dysplasia of the knee and hip joint;
  • demodicosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • pyoderma;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • bloating;
  • cutaneous mucinosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • turn of the century.

Translated from Chinese language The Shar Pei is a dog with a sandy coat. There is an opinion that in Ancient China, with the help of its blue tongue these dogs drove away evil spirits.

Origin story

Shar Peis existed on earth 3000 years ago. These dogs have an ancient history and no one knows the exact information about the origin of the breed.

China is, of course, considered the birthplace of the Chinese Shar Pei. According to some sources, the ancestors of the breed are mastiffs, according to others - chow chows.

During the reign of Mao Zedong, pet dogs were considered an unacceptable luxury and Shar Peis were destroyed. From 1970 to 1975, active selection work was carried out to preserve the population. In 1976, the first breed standards were adopted. Since the breed was rare at that time, in 1978. Shar Peis are included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Description of the Shar Pei breed

In 70 XX century. Chinese breeders tried to preserve the surviving Shar Pei representatives and crossed them with dogs of English, European and German breeds. Since then, the Shar Pei breed has been developing in two directions - Chinese and American. According to the descriptions of the breed, this is a strong, active dog with a dense build. The size of male dogs exceeds the size of females in height and weight.

  1. Weight adult dog is 18-25 kg, height at the withers is 46-51 cm.
  2. Head round in shape, massive, the muzzle is wide along its entire length - from the beginning of the forehead to the tip of the nose.
  3. Nose voluminous, the lobe is predominantly dark in color or to match the color.
  4. Eyes medium size, almond-shaped, deep-set, dark in color.
  5. Ears triangular in shape, dense, set high.
  6. Neck muscular, strong, medium length.
  7. Torso square, with numerous skin folds that are distinctive feature breeds The top line is straight, rib cage wide.
  8. Wool short, stiff, medium-length tail.
  9. Limbs straight, muscular, parallel.


The characteristics of the Shar Pei breed include any solid color:

  • black;
  • deer;
  • ginger;
  • lilac;
  • sable;
  • ashen;
  • blue;
  • cream.

Gray shades are allowed in light colors. There is also a dark mask on the face. Mixed breeds and albinos are not considered breeding dogs and are considered a deviation from the accepted standard.


The Shar Pei is a calm, intelligent, independent and loyal dog. She has a high level of intelligence, strong nervous system and independence. They are impeccable watchdogs and loyal friends.

  • Brave and courageous dogs are always ready to protect the owner and his family.
  • Loneliness is hard to bear.
  • They are jealous, but peaceful towards other pets living in the family.
  • They get along well with children due to their loyal nature.
  • They are wary of strangers and do not like strangers stroking their heads.
  • Aggressive towards other dogs.
  • They have an increased desire for leadership and independence in the home.
  • They do not tolerate manifestations of rude tones and physical violence from the owner.
  • They cannot tolerate high humidity in the air and do not like to walk in rainy weather.

IMPORTANT! Initially, Shar Peis were raised as guard and fighting dogs. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the puppy adapts to society at an early age, otherwise there is a risk of raising an aggressive dog.


Genetically, Shar Peis have a tendency towards dominance and independence. In raising and training these animals need a patient and moral strong man. In the early stages of training, it is important to build a relationship with the puppy in which you become the absolute leader with untouchable authority. Only then will you be able to persuade your pet to obey and follow commands.

These dogs are quite stubborn, but with the right training methods they quickly become toilet trained and do not spoil household items. If the owner has enough patience, these dogs can be trained. You can raise an animal both on the street and at home.

If you don't know how to raise puppies, follow these guidelines:

  • start training your dog from the first days of its arrival in the house; at 3 months of age, begin the general course of training;
  • socialize the puppy, teach it to play and communicate with other people and animals;
  • exclude aggression and raised voices in raising a dog;
  • Provide your pet with regular, active walks;
  • teach your dog a basic set of commands;
  • be consistent, demand that assigned tasks be completed;
  • control the animal’s behavior, direct its energy in the right direction;
  • reward your pet with a treat for following commands;
  • stop the dog’s misbehavior without violence;
  • Do not allow outsiders to participate in raising your Shar Pei.

Without proper training and socialization, dogs grow up to be aggressive towards others. They need a strict, firm and fair leader. The owner should not relax, how long these dogs live - you will need to be persistent in training.

Care and maintenance

The lifespan of these dogs is short and amounts to 8-10 years, with proper care for the dog.

The Shar Pei breed has a calm temperament, which makes it easy to keep them in an apartment. Having short hair, they do not require special conditions for care.

But every owner must know the basic rules - how to care for, how to wash a pet to maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance.

Dog hygiene and health

  1. They do not like water, they need to be bathed when they get dirty special shampoos. They do not need hair trimming; it is recommended to comb them once a week and 2 times a week during shedding.
  2. Check your pet's ears weekly and regularly use a cotton swab to remove excess wax.
  3. WITH early age Train your dog to trim its nails. Trim your pet's nails as they grow by 1 mm.
  4. Regularly wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad. Due to the numerous folds on the muzzle, be careful not to turn up the eyelids.
  5. Use to brush your teeth toothpaste or powder for dogs. When changing teeth, monitor their correct growth and bite formation.
  6. The favorable age for mating occurs at the age of 2 years. But keep in mind physiological characteristics development of dogs. In some representatives of the breed, puberty may occur earlier, in others - later.

Shar Pei small dog and is great for keeping in city apartments.

  1. Buy special dishes for feeding, as a rule, these are two bowls for food and water.
  2. Choose a spacious place for your pet, preferably not in a passage or in drafts.
  3. Make your pet's bed from a medium-hard rug with removable sheets.
  4. Buy a collar and leash. If the dog is overly aggressive, purchase a leather muzzle.
  5. Provide your animal with active walks at least 2 times a day to keep the dog in good physical shape.
  6. Buy pet care products and take care of the contents of your veterinary first aid kit.
  7. Pamper your dog with various rubber toys and cleaning bones for teeth.
  8. When choosing clothes for your pet, proceed from the color of its coat and its reaction to cold weather.


Before reaching one year of age, a Shar Pei must undergo three stages of vaccination.

Subsequently, vaccinations are given annually to protect the dog from various diseases of the breed and to ensure strong immunity.

When getting a pet, every owner must know how to identify the first signs of illness and how to provide first aid. Visit your veterinarian regularly for preventive examinations and preventing diseases in the early stages of its development.

The most common diseases are:

  • turning of the eyelids;
  • glaucoma;
  • demodicosis;
  • food allergies;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • otitis;
  • fever;
  • mastocytoma;
  • seborrhea;
  • plague.

It is important to identify the first signs of disease in time and seek help and treatment.

What to feed your Shar Pei

Special attention needs to be paid proper diet nutrition. Dogs are prone to obesity and food allergies. When choosing what food to pamper your pet, give preference to dry food that contains essential vitamins and minerals.

The number of feedings for an adult dog is 2 times a day, for a puppy – 3-6 times.

When determining what to feed your pet, include the following foods in the diet:

  • boiled and raw meat (veal, chicken);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled offal (lungs, liver, kidneys);
  • vegetables, boiled and raw;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal);
  • vegetable and butter oils;
  • chicken eggs.

Shar Peis have a short and thin intestine, so it is important to serve all food in ground form for better absorption and digestion. It is forbidden to feed your dog various soups; they lead to stomach distension.


Photo of Shar Pei

How much does a puppy cost?

Today, the former rarity of the breed has been “corrected”, so the cost of a club puppy with a pedigree starts from only 40,000 rubles. The price depends on several factors: how much the parents cost, whether they took part in exhibitions or competitions. If you want to buy a puppy inexpensively without documents, then count on an amount of 8,000 rubles.


It is advisable to purchase a Shar Pei dog in specialized nurseries from experienced breeders.

When choosing where to buy a puppy, collect the necessary information about nurseries, read reviews about breeders. When buying a baby, check what kind of litter it is, what the parents look like, whether they participated in specialized exhibitions, what illnesses they had, what to feed the puppy, whether the breeders breed dwarf (mini) or standard individuals.

By choosing a Shar Pei, you will find an endlessly loyal friend, a fearless protector and a wonderful companion.

There is an opinion that the Shar Pei first appeared in China, but this is just a hypothesis. Marco Polo, who lived in China for several years, described the Chow Chow in 1271, but never mentioned the Shar Pei.

The most likely version of the origin of this dog breed dates back to 1751, when the Emperor of China initiated maritime trade. At that time, a popular game among English sailors was dog fighting. The British also used mastiffs. The Chinese, not to be outdone, mixed their Chow Chows with English breeds to create a fighting dog. Despite this, the new breed still could not compete with the strong bulldogs.

Shar Peis were widely used as hunting dogs. There was a hunt popular game among the nobility, they even started entire packs, where there was a Shar Pei, who was distinguished by strength and intelligence.

In the 1940s, Mao Zedong called this cute breed “a symbol of the uselessness of the privileged class,” and terrible times came for Shar-Peis - they began to be exterminated en masse, and exorbitant taxes were imposed on wealthy owners of purebred dogs. This led to the breed being almost completely destroyed. In 1950, only a few Shar Pei litters remained in Taiwan. Shar Peis were practically exterminated. Fighting dogs are preserved only in the capital.

After 15 years, the world recognized the Shar Pei with the nickname “Lucky”. He was born thanks to S.M. Chen. Then the dog was bought by an American breeder, Herman Smith, and Lucky became a pioneer immigrant to the United States. Another breeder, Matgo Low, saw an article in Dogs magazine about endangered breeds with a picture of a Shar Pei and the inscription “The last surviving representative of the breed”, asked all four-legged lovers to save these dogs from extinction.

From 1970 to 1975 enterprising people looked for dogs and restored the breed. Thanks to them, these dogs were able to spread throughout the world and delight us with kind smiles, soft faces and huge blue tongues.

Description of the breed

Never underestimate this breed! At first glance, it may seem that Shar Peis are soft plush toys, unpretentious and gentle.

Few people know that Shar Peis were originally bred as hunting, guard and fighting dogs. This gave the breed a stubborn character and leadership position, quick reaction, intelligence and loyalty.

Definitely, Shar Peis are suitable primarily for experienced owners, people with a strong character and free time. Without early socialization and training, a Shar Pei can become aggressive and disobedient. With good training, the Shar Pei will be friendly, calm and affectionate. What your Shar Pei will be like depends on you.

Breed standard: main characteristics of Shar Pei.

Shar Peis have a recognizable “hippopotamus” face and a compact but strong body. They have average height, folds on the head and withers, small ears and a lot of charm.

Despite the fact that when we mention the Shar Pei, we first of all imagine a large number of folds; according to the breed standard, multiple folds on the body are undesirable. Acceptable places for folds are the cheeks, forehead, withers and base of the tail with moderate folding.

The tail is usually set very high and can take any position, but its absence is unacceptable. Of course, these rules apply only to show dogs.

The Shar Pei's coat is usually short and stiff, looking like bristles from one to two and a half centimeters.
The coat color can be any color except white. Only the tail and hips can be lighter than the whole body, and the muzzle, on the contrary, is darker.


Height from withers to ground - from 44 to 51 cm. Males are usually larger than females.

Shar Pei weight is from 18 to 35 kg.

Shar-Peis are a little boxy and slightly awkward in appearance, but their gait is always well-balanced.


Unfortunately, Shar Peis have a short lifespan of 10 years. To make your dog happy and make you happy for a long time it is necessary to properly care for and train it.


Shar Peis are excellent guard dogs, natural high intelligence and distrust allow them to accurately determine the intentions of a stranger. At the same time, he will not bark in vain and treats children well.

Despite the fact that this breed of dog is a fighting type, they will never be the first to get into a fight unless absolutely necessary.

Shar Pei character

Shar Peis have a personality that matches their appearance. These are strong, good-natured dogs who, if necessary, can both protect their owner and play with him.

  • Good disposition. Here you need to remember that Shar Peis, when not proper education They can show aggression due to their origin and independent nature, so it is necessary to teach the dog good manners from an early age. In order for these dogs to be patient with children and other animals, they must be raised properly. The Shar Pei can also get along with other four-legged members of the household, be it a cat or another dog, if they were raised together.
  • Attachment to the owner. Shar Peis are very attached to their owner, but this love must be earned. You should be confident, feel like the king of the situation and be the leader in your relationship with this breed. Otherwise, the Shar Pei will not obey you, and you will lose control, and your pet as well.
  • Cleanliness. The cleanliness of Shar Peis is legendary. In front of a puddle, a Shar Pei will definitely stop and look at its owner: “Either go around, or go home.”
  • Communication skills. Shar Pei easily make contact with early socialization.
  • Energy. Dogs of this breed are very active and need frequent walks and games.
  • Sharp vision. Despite the many folds on their faces, Shar Peis are very curious and notice a lot. Thanks to good attention and keen eyesight, they can be excellent guards.

Shar Pei training and education

Training a Shar Pei is an integral part of a dog's growing up and upbringing. If you don't want the dog:

Training a Shar Pei is not much different from training other breeds. The main thing here is to observe general rules and do everything in moderation.

The main thing to remember:

  1. Proper puppy training will avoid many problems in the future. The rule “Hard to learn, easy to fight” applies here.
  2. Shar Peis enjoy training because they feel important and needed, and are always looking forward to their next lesson.
  3. Your Shar Pei will not love you less from daily training; on the contrary, you will develop close contact with your pet.
  4. If the dog does something wrong, then most likely you are doing something wrong. Never accuse her of lack of understanding, do not scold her, and do not beat her under any circumstances.

All dogs have a general set of training rules. When training with a Shar Pei, in addition to these rules, you need to remember the character of the individual breed and take into account the disposition of your dog.

Rules for keeping and caring for Shar Pei

Healthy Shar-Peis do not require painstaking care; a set of minimum rules is enough:

After forest walks, always inspect your pet's skin.

What to feed Shar-Peis?

Proper nutrition is an important component of health and good mood. You can go two ways - choose ready-made dry food or natural food.

The main thing is not to mix. Decide: or natural feeding or industrial dry (wet) food from one company.

Never skimp on your dog! If you cannot provide your pet with quality food, it is better not to get one.

When feeding dry food:

  • Follow the instructions on the food box.
  • Keep an eye on the expiration date.
  • Carefully switch to a new product, in small portions, preferably within a week.

When feeding natural food:

  • Fresh food at room temperature.
  • Teach your Shar Pei puppy to eat from a stand, and only from a bowl. Subsequently, this will protect him from poisoning on the street.
  • If your pet is underfed, put the food in the refrigerator, and next time reduce the portion;
  • After eating, wipe any remaining food from the face with a damp cloth, paying special attention to the lips and dewlap.



  • Buckwheat
  • Lean beef, if it does not cause allergies
  • Mutton
  • Rabbit meat
  • By-products (no more than 40% of the daily meat allowance)
  • Poultry meat
  • Sea fish, but with great care

At one meal you can give cereals with raw or boiled meat, taking into account the meat norm - 15 gr. by 1 kg per day. The broth from the broth is harmful to Shar Pei.

You can add zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower or broccoli.

Grated raw vegetables can be given with the addition of vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil is very useful for Shar Pei; in winter it can be added to any dishes, one teaspoon at a time. This will make the coat shiny and prevent cracks in the paw pads.

Please note that no owner will be able to correctly calculate the maintenance rate useful substances, microelements and other things. Therefore, if we are talking about natural nutrition, it is necessary to include in the diet complex vitamins. Take in courses according to the instructions.

Shar Pei diseases

Prevention of all problems is your love and attention to your pet. If you regularly examine your dog, monitor his behavior and well-being, and also perform routine examinations at the veterinarian, then your dog will be healthy and happy.


Shar Pei puppies open their eyes at 1.5 - 2 weeks. On the 21st day, be sure to call the veterinarian to have the eyelids stapled or sewn on. The puppy will not experience severe pain, and there will be no scars left on the skin. This procedure is necessary to avoid many eye diseases.

Until the 3rd week, puppies do not require special care, the main thing is to ensure that they receive enough food from their mother. Sometimes the puppy may be far from its mother and get to the milk without help. If it is the first litter, the mother may not understand why the puppy is whining.

Puppies should be kept in an absorbent diaper and changed regularly.

The first feeding of puppies is at the beginning of the 4th week. It is best to soak puppy granules in kefir and place them in the puppies' mouths. Within a week they will be able to eat from a saucer on their own.

On the 30th day of life, puppies can be given solid food.

Until 2 months after the birth of Shar Pei puppies, it is better not to separate the puppies from their mother.

If you decide to buy a Shar Pei puppy, remember 4 things:

  1. Comfort. If you adopted a puppy who was abandoned by its owners, get ready, it will be a difficult path through thorns to the stars. Surround your baby with comfort and all the conditions so that he can get used to you. If you purchased a Shar Pei from a nursery that has a good reputation, you don’t have to worry - the pet will be easy to contact.
  2. Care. The dog is Small child which requires a lot of attention and care.
  3. Love. Remember folk wisdom“Treat others the way you want to be treated”? This rule also applies to dogs.
  4. Patience. Shar Peis can be aggressive by nature, so in order to suppress this inconvenient quality, the dog must be painstakingly trained. If you decide to buy a puppy, be prepared to be restrained and strong.

Choosing a puppy

Price for a Shar Pei puppy in Russia: 12,000 - 20,000 rubles.

Price for a Shar Pei puppy in Moscow: 15,000 - 25,000 rubles.

If you want to purchase a show-class Shar Pei, then only an experienced breeder can help. The merits of the parents are not always an indicator of the success of the puppy.

If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions and competitions, then choosing a healthy Shar Pei puppy is not difficult at all.

The puppy must be two months old and have:

  1. Clean ears;
  2. Open eyes;
  3. Shiny wool;
  4. Active behavior:
  5. Well-fed appearance;
  6. Large square head;
  7. Wide muzzle;
  8. Ears pressed tightly to the skull;
  9. Compact body;
  10. High set tail;
  11. Wool up to two and a half centimeters and even color;
  12. Blue tongue and gums. Allowed pink spots on the tongue.

He should not have lameness, defects of the jaw, paws, or ears. There should be no soft spherical growth on the tummy (umbilical hernia).

After a thorough examination with your mind, you can begin to choose with your heart. Look carefully at each puppy and listen to yourself - with this wonderful creature you will become one and give each other many pleasant moments.



Origin: China

Class: according to the FCI classification - 2nd group (schnauzers, molossians and Swiss cattle dogs). Section 2 (Molossians, mountain dogs)

Usage: guard and hunting dog.

Color: black, deerskin, cream, mahogany, isabella, delut blue, apricot, chocolate. exception: white

Dimensions: height at withers: 44-51 cm; weight: 18-25 kg

Lifespan: 9-10 years

The Shar Pei is a regal and mysterious breed known for its independence.

Although the Shar Pei's appearance may seem clumsy and gloomy, dog owners will not hesitate to tell all family members about this animal's kind heart, its courageous character.

In many ways, the character of this breed is similar to.

The Shar Pei dog (the photo perfectly conveys the essence of the animal) is an intelligent and friendly dog, always ready to protect its owner.

History of the breed

The birthplace of Shar Peis is China, watch dogs This breed had a place of honor in the Celestial Empire during the reign of the Qin Dynasty.

However, there is no information left about their origin: in 213 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered the destruction of books and documents containing the secret of the Shar-Pei.

Two main theories claim that royal dogs originated from mastiffs either from

Since ancient times, the Shar Pei dog breed has become one of the most popular in China; it was preferred by both noble people and ordinary people.

The life of Shar-Peis changed radically with the advent of communist power.

The communists, recognizing dogs as a burdensome luxury, ordered their destruction; the breed was practically exterminated.

Only in the 70s of the last century were several representatives of Shar Peis taken outside of China, and a large-scale campaign was organized to save this breed.

The standards were adopted in 1976.

Shar Pei means "sand skin" in Chinese.


A well-mannered, calm and self-confident dog, loyal and brave, the noble character of the Shar Pei cannot be ignored:

  • High intelligence. Smart and quick-witted animals are perfectly trainable. Shar Peis have their own “core”, and therefore when training these dogs a “steady hand” is necessary, otherwise the dog will feel superior. They have excellent intuition and are good psychologists. Intellect can be compared with dogs of the breed miniature schnauzer.
  • Independence. Independent dogs are most often guided by their own opinions and decisions. They strive for independence from puppyhood.
  • Bravery. Shar Peis are brave and courageous dogs, always ready to help their owner and his family members.
  • Self-control. Even if left alone in an apartment, a Shar Pei will never damage property, despite the fact that it will greatly miss people.
  • Guard qualities. The Shar Pei is an impeccable watchdog, suspicious of any stranger.
  • Attachment. Dogs of this breed are very attached to people; moreover, Shar-Peis are jealous of their owner towards everyone who approaches his territory.
  • Love for children. The gloomy appearance and prickly folds are just the outer shell; the good-natured Shar Pei loves to play with children and allows them more than they should.

Important! In ancient times, Shar Peis were subjected to harsh training to enhance their hunting and fighting instincts, just like those of the Shar Pei. The animal's genetic pool still stores this information, so early socialization is important for Shar-Peis, otherwise the dogs can become overly aggressive.


Shar Peis have always been considered excellent watchdogs, along with, and hunters, like.

A dog of this breed will become the protector of the whole family and will be very wary of strangers, however, with proper upbringing, it will not show causeless aggression.

How to choose a puppy

If you decide to buy a Shar Pei dog, choose your puppy carefully.

Healthy and purebred Shar Pei puppies are active and playful, they have clean ears and eyes, shiny coat and very well-fed appearance.

The Shar Pei's head should be square, the tongue should be blue-violet, and, of course, the familiar folds of prickly fur should be clearly expressed on the baby's body.

Signs of a defect may include large ears, a low-set tail, a spotted tongue, a pointed muzzle, and soft and long hair.

A Shar Pei dog, the price of which starts from 8 thousand, may be not purebred, without documents.

Representatives of the breed with a pedigree have a cost of 40 thousand rubles.

Features of care


Caring for a Shar Pei involves brushing its coat and bathing it. There is no need to take the animal to a specialist.

Since the coat of dogs of this breed does not have an undercoat, it is enough to brush it 1-2 times a month.

Certain difficulties arise with carrying out water procedures - Shar Pei simply cannot tolerate water, even a walk in the rain will become a kind of heroism for the dog.

Despite the dissatisfaction of an independent pet, it needs to be bathed at least once a month.

Important! During water procedures, it is strongly recommended to cover the Shar Pei's ears, and due to the nature of the dog's coat, shampoos and other chemicals should not be used to avoid the development of allergies and irritations. After taking a bath, be sure to dry your dog, paying special attention to the folds.

Mandatory care measures include cleaning the ears and eyes and trimming the nails.


The calm and measured nature of Shar-Pei allows dogs of this breed to be kept in a city apartment.

In this case, you need to provide the animal with the opportunity for daily walks and physical activity. Not prevent .

You need to walk your Shar Pei twice a day, spending at least one hour on each walk.

To maintain the athletic shape of the animal, it is recommended to walk the dog not only on grass or lawn; asphalt and even pebbles should be included in the training program.

Walks should be active. It is recommended to train Shar Peis at the age of 3-4 months.


Feeding Shar Pei dogs has its own characteristics.

Surprisingly, well-fed dogs often have a poor appetite, or even completely refuse the offered food; at the same time, they have a high predisposition to obesity.

Shar Peis are sensitive and selective to the composition of their diet; even the choice of a dry alternative should not affect the quality of the food.

Shar Peis are independent dogs, most often guided by their own opinions and decisions. They strive for independence from puppyhood


Characteristic diseases

The Shar Pei dog has excellent immunity and rarely gets sick.

Diseases and unpleasant symptoms in dogs of this breed develop under conditions of improper care and feeding.

What health problems may be:

  • Inflammation of the ears. Shar-Pei's ears have virtually no ventilation, which is why it is important to clean the ears and cover them when bathing.
  • Food allergies .
  • Fungal diseases. At improper care Microorganisms begin to multiply in the skin folds, causing fungal diseases.
  • "Shar Pei fever." The disease, unique to this breed, is characterized by fever, tremors, and swelling of the joints.



A mating partner is determined by a healthy gene pool and the presence of a pedigree. Mating is done after the third - this way the dog’s body will become stronger enough.

Mating a female Shar Pei without a pedigree with a famous representative of the breed can cost its owner an amount exceeding the cost of the dog.

Update: October 2017

The Shar Pei stands out from other breeds due to its unusual appearance. It seems that the dog’s skin is “growing out.” Numerous folds of skin cover the entire body of puppies, as well as the face and neck of adult dogs. Representatives of the breed are strong, majestic, full of reserved dignity, devoted to family and home, capable of becoming excellent companions and security guards.

Brief characteristics of the breed

Is it difficult to keep a Shar Pei?
As a rule, dogs are not difficult to keep and special troubles They do not deliver to owners. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor their diet and care for skin folds.
Is the Shar Pei dog breed suitable for keeping in an apartment?
All representatives of the breed are characterized by short, hard hair without undercoat, so it is not advisable to keep the animal on the street. The Shar Pei does not tolerate extreme heat and will not be able to live in the cold due to the lack of undercoat, so it is recommended to keep the breed in a house or apartment.
How much time should you spend walking?
The Shar Pei is characterized by a muscular, athletic body and active walks are required to stay in shape. The total duration of stay on the street should be at least 1 hour a day (30 minutes in the morning and evening). It is advisable to give the dog the opportunity to walk around different types soil so that the muscles develop harmoniously and the claws are regularly ground down.
Does the breed have mental problems?
The Shar Pei is characterized by amazing balance. Moreover, it is able to calm the owner, and some psychotherapists note that Shar Peis are capable of changing their behavior. better side psychological condition owner, especially when it comes to people with nervous system disorders.
How often should you bathe and brush your dog?
Shar Peis have a dislike for water, and it is so strong that during a walk the dog may refuse to cross puddles. However, it is advisable to carry out water procedures approximately once every few months. Short hair does not cause much trouble for the owner, and shedding goes almost unnoticed. However, it is recommended to brush the dog with a massage brush 2 times a month, and when the dog sheds more often.
How does a dog treat children?
In most cases, the dog is tolerant of children and takes care of them, but children under 12 years old should not be left alone with the dog. Both children and animals are different in character and temperament. A child can offend a puppy, not understanding the difference between a toy and a living creature, and an older puppy can scratch a baby or knock him down if he gets too excited or runs as fast as he can to the sound of the doorbell. Starting from the age of 13, a child will be able to consciously care for a pet, walk and communicate with it.
Is it possible to have a Shar Pei if there is a cat or another dog in the house?
An adult dog may react aggressively to the presence of other animals, but a puppy can be fully trained to peacefully coexist and play with other pets, walk and communicate with dogs on the street. Moreover, a Shar Pei, accustomed to the presence of a cat in the house, will react much calmer to other felines when meeting them on a walk.


  • Compact size, which allows you to keep a dog in an apartment;
  • Excellent security qualities;
  • Loyalty and sociability;
  • Mind and intuition;
  • Calm and balanced character;
  • Cleanliness.


  • Willfulness and complex character. A constant test of the owner's toughness;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions and skin diseases;
  • May show aggression towards other animals.

Features of character and behavior

The characteristics of the Shar Pei breed affect not only the appearance, but also the behavior of the dog, focusing special attention on the character. They are usually calm and sedate. IN official standard it is indicated that the dog is noble, majestic, regal, arrogant, wary, but at the same time very smart and devoted to the owner. A Shar Pei will express even sincere love for its owner in a reserved, unobtrusive and very cultured manner.

This breed can be called universal and this is manifested in behavior. Often there is no need to teach a dog to guard the house or its owners; it is well versed in how to behave in different situations. The dog’s intuition is excellently developed, so it will sense the owner’s disorganization, and will not bark or make noise without a special reason, but when it sees a threat, the animal will definitely raise its voice. Shar Peis can serve as home guards and shepherds. The latter quality is clearly expressed in families where there are children or younger dogs. The animal, as a rule, takes defenseless family members under its guardianship, and is tolerant of the child’s pestering and will simply leave if the child’s attention is excessive.

Problems may arise with cats and smaller animals, since hunting instincts are very developed in this breed. Some individuals are capable of catching mice and cause a lot of trouble for cats. On walks they tend to hunt for pigeons and also behave aggressively towards other dogs. An important aspect of raising a Shar Pei is early socialization. If you teach your puppy to communicate with other animals from childhood, he will be tolerant of their presence.

There is an opinion that it is useless to train a Shar Pei. But this does not mean that the animal is not capable of learning. Dogs pick up basic commands fairly quickly, but whether they follow them or not depends on their mood. It is important for the owner not to allow slack and to clearly show the dog who is dominant. Otherwise, the dog will take on the role of leader and it will be almost impossible to get obedience from it.

Given the personality traits, it will be difficult for beginners to cope with training representatives of this breed. When training, it is necessary to show firmness and perseverance, but not allow aggression if the dog does not obey. It would be a good idea to reward your pet for good behavior with his favorite treat.

The cleanliness of the dog deserves special attention. Breeders note that puppies from 3‑4 one month old They start going to the toilet outside and patiently wait for a walk. At the age of 5-6 months, most puppies need walks 2 times a day.

Photo of Shar Pei

Breeders have different opinions about the difficulty of keeping the breed. Some classify the Shar Pei as an easy-to-care breed, while others consider it difficult. Difficulties are most often caused by the need to care for numerous folds of skin, ears and eyes, as well as a tendency to food allergies. Most dogs also don't like to have their nails trimmed or bathed.

Choosing a place for Shar Pei

When choosing a place for a pet's bed or house, it is necessary to take into account not only the location, but also the character of the pet. For bedding, it is better to choose natural materials, and the bed should not be very soft or hard. The litter should not be in a passage or in a draft. The animal needs its own secluded corner, but at the same time it must be located so that it opens up a view of the front door and maximum amount rooms. Strongly developed security qualities force the pet to always remain on the alert, and if the house or bed is located in a closed area of ​​the apartment, the animal will experience anxiety because it will not be able to guard the home.

Features of feeding

A properly selected diet is the main component of a dog’s health. Most breeders recommend feeding your Shar Pei high quality dry food. However, you shouldn’t change your diet often. When choosing food, special attention must be paid to the composition, since dogs are prone to allergies to some components of dry food. In cases where the food is ideal, there is no point in trying to find other options. The main part of the diet should be as monotonous as possible.

It is prohibited to use feed containing:

  • Dyes;
  • Animal fat;
  • Meat and bone meal;
  • Beet pulp;
  • Sweeteners.

Giving food and treats from the table is also prohibited, especially different kinds smoked meats and sweets.

Some owners, when choosing what to feed their Shar Pei, have a preference natural food. The best option there will be boiled rice with low-fat raw meat(beef, veal, pork, chicken) or boneless fish.

It is worth noting that representatives of the breed are very sensitive to the composition and quality of food and may refuse to eat if they do not like the food offered. Particular attention should be paid to rationing food so as not to lead to overfeeding the dog. Puppies up to 6 months are fed 3 times a day, and after that they are transferred to twice a day feeding. If you gain excess weight, you need to reduce the carbohydrate portion of your diet.

Up to 1.5 years, it is better to give preference to dry food with vitamins and minerals that will help the puppy develop properly. Older dogs can be switched to natural food, but they should be given dry food, without broth. You can diversify your diet with fish, boiled eggs and kefir. It is important to understand that proper feeding Shar Pei is the main factor influencing the health of the pet.


To maintain muscle tone, a dog needs fairly intense exercise. physical exercise. It’s good if you have the opportunity to devote time to active games. In addition, the Shar Pei can be an excellent companion for jogging or cycling. It is necessary that the walking time be at least 1 hour per day, and the optimal duration of walking is 60 minutes in the morning and evening.

It is better to move summer walks to a cool time of day, because short hair does not protect dogs from overheating, and the pet can easily get heatstroke. Prolonged exposure to the cold can also have a negative impact on your dog's health.

Hair, skin and ear care

Numerous folds of skin look very cute and unusual, but require the owner to special attention. Therefore, new owners often wonder how to care for a Shar Pei, taking into account the structural features of the skin.

Often, with a properly selected diet, no problems arise. Frequent washing the dog does not demand, and healthy skin does not smell like “dog” even when wet. However, if the maintenance regime is violated, this immediately affects the coat and condition of the coat, and folds create additional maintenance problems.

After bathing, it is especially important to remove all water from the folds and, if necessary, dry the dog with a hairdryer without heat. When brushing your dog, it is recommended to straighten and inspect the folds and, if necessary, powder. It is best to use a special glove for combing, since the hair is short and this breed does not require intensive combing.

The Shar Pei's ears require special attention. Small ears pressed tightly to the head are poorly ventilated, and when exposed to water they quickly become inflamed. Frequent problems are also ear infections. To prevent ear inflammation and disease, it is recommended to regularly inspect and clean your ears.

Tendency to disease

In general, the Shar Pei can be described as a breed with good health, especially if you follow the recommended diet and do not feed the animal from the table. However, there are a number of diseases that Shar Pei owners most often encounter.


The most common cause of allergies is food products, allergic reactions to various environmental factors are less common.

Entropion (entropion)

The abundance of folds leads to the folding of the eyelid, and the eyelashes begin to scratch the eye. As a rule, this problem is easily solved, but it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian in a timely manner, since lack of treatment can lead to blindness of the dog.

Skin diseases
Otitis and other ear diseases

The ears are one of the Shar Pei's weak points. Caring for the auricle requires special attention, because even a small amount of water can lead to inflammation. Regular inspection and cleaning auricle help prevent diseases.

In addition, Shar Peis often have episodic fever, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis and joint diseases.

Choosing a puppy and growth characteristics

Choosing a puppy must be taken very seriously. First of all, it is necessary to determine why the dog is purchased: for the soul, participation in exhibitions or breeding. If breed characteristics and compliance with the standard are important, it is better to contact a specialized nursery. Not only can you buy from them good puppy, but also get advice on feeding, care and education. If standards are not important, you can consider other options.

Breed description and standards

The Shar Pei is characterized by medium height, a strong, muscular body of almost square format, with a wide chest and muscular limbs. The dog is harmoniously built. The head is large, the skull is wide and flat. The muzzle is wide and blunt. The palate, lips and tongue are blue-black, while dilute colors are lavender. The tail is thick, tightly curled.

Wool at first glance seems soft, but this impression is deceptive. The pile is hard, 1-2.5 cm long. Depending on the length of the wool, there are:

  • Horse. Short, coarse hair no more than 1 cm;
  • Brush. Coarse elastic brush-like wool up to 2.5 cm long;
  • "Bear fur." Wavy and soft, more than 2.5 cm. Considered non-standard.

Breed standards allow for different coat colors. There are 14 types of coloring in total, which are usually divided into 2 groups: main (with dark pigmentation in the form of a mask) and delute (black color is completely absent).

The main, or group A, colors include:

  • Cream;
  • Deer;
  • Red Deer;
  • Red;
  • Sable;
  • Black;
  • Blue;
  • Isabella.

Group B, or dilute colors, include:

  • Cream delute;
  • Apricot delute;
  • Red delute;
  • Chocolate delut;
  • Lilac delute;
  • Isabella delute.

Non-standard colors, which are considered breed rejection, deserve special attention:

  • Albinos;
  • Spotted;
  • Black-and-white.

IN Lately spotted color extremely popular in the USA. This color is called floral, and a group of enthusiasts is pushing for it to be recognized as a standard color.

History of the breed

It is safe to say that this breed is one of the most ancient. Genetic analysis has proven that the breed is about 3 thousand years old, although it is quite difficult to trace its history and pedigree. It is believed that the ancestors of the Shar Pei are the ancient smooth-haired mastiffs and smooth-haired chow-chows.

China is considered the birthplace of the breed, but all pedigree books that kept the secrets of the origin of the Shar Pei were destroyed in 213 BC. e. by order of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. There is also earlier evidence confirming the existence of these dogs. During excavations, figurines were found depicting animals similar to Shar Pei. The relics date back to 220 BC. uh..

The Shar Pei was extremely popular in China and was kept not only by the nobility, but also by commoners. It is believed that this breed was originally used as a fighting breed. Numerous folds of skin were natural armor that helped protect the animal from bites and severe injuries. Dog fighting was one of the most popular entertainments among peasants, port workers, sailors and other segments of the population. However, during the heyday of the Roman Empire, more massive mastiff-like breeds came to China, with which the Shar Pei simply could not compete in a fight.

Gradually the breed lost its fighting meaning and became universal. Peasants used it for hunting, protecting their homes and other tasks. Over the course of several centuries, the breed either became popular or lost its position. This continued until the onset of the 20th century, when the biggest turning point in the history of the breed occurred. In the 30s, Shar Peis were extremely popular and were kept in almost every second home, but in the 40s, the communist party, which recognized pets as luxury goods and imposed a significant tax. As a result, within 10 years the breed practically disappeared, and only a few litters remained in the entire country.

In 1965, they managed to export the first Shar Pei to the USA, and then within a few years, 5 more dogs of this breed. However, the real revival began in 1970, when Shar Pei breeder Mato Low, with the assistance of American dog breeders, began searching throughout China for surviving dogs to prevent the extinction of the breed. For crossings, any found individuals were used, and they also resorted to inbreeding. As a result, in 1976, the first breed standard was developed, and the first pedigree was issued. In 1078, the Shar Pei was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed.

The Shar Pei, despite its fighting past, fully deserves the status of a companion dog. For this breed, the most important thing is constant communication with humans, protection of the family and territory. External steadfastness and calmness hide sincere devotion to the family, good disposition, sensitivity and high intelligence. Communication with such a dog can bring a lot of stress. positive emotions, and keeping in an apartment will be easy, thanks to the lack of undercoat and short hair, as well as the amazing cleanliness of the dogs.
