Why is it difficult to sleep during the full moon? The Stone Age shamans are right. The concept of sleepwalking

The moon is a satellite of our planet. It provides lighting in the evening and affects many vital processes of living organisms, participates in the movement of water, creating ebbs and flows. Such properties heavenly body acquired thanks to its powerful gravitational field. Humans are also part of the Earth's ecosystem, and therefore they tend to react to changes in lunar activity. Most often, people experience insomnia during the full moon, which significantly worsens their condition. Let's figure out why it occurs this state and how you can deal with it.

Moon phases

As you know, the satellite of our planet is constantly in motion. While the Moon makes a full circle around the Earth, it goes through 4 main phases:

  • new moon;
  • height;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing

Depending on what phase the planet is in, we can see only a small part of it in the sky or a bright lunar disk. Big influence the satellite affects the water that exists on Earth. As you know, the human body also consists of 75% water, which is why it is susceptible to the influence of the Moon.

Let's consider how well-being changes in different phases luminaries

  1. New moon. At this time, the gravitational force of the Moon and the Sun will be summed up, since both planets are on the same side of the Earth. A person begins to depend less on the gravitational field of his home planet, as the influence of the luminaries on him increases. As a result, the pressure of fluids in the body decreases significantly and even body weight decreases. Sleep becomes sound and calm, during which the body relaxes completely and restores its strength to the maximum.
  2. Full moon. During the waxing moon, some changes begin to occur in the body. Gradually, a person’s body weight increases, as he becomes more dependent on gravity, and the pressure of fluids inside the body also increases. This happens due to the opposition of the gravitational fields of the Moon and the Sun. They practically “extinguish” each other, therefore they have a minimal impact on people; at this time we are fully dependent on the gravitational force of our planet.

Who is affected by the disorder?

When there is a full month in the sky, some people may not experience any significant changes in their biorhythm or well-being at all. But others note a strong emotional uplift, a surge of energy, ability to work, and activity. This helps to realize oneself professionally, but has a negative impact on recreation.

Sleep becomes restless, its duration is significantly reduced, some cannot fall asleep at all or only do it for a few minutes.

Scientists have not yet come to a common explanation for these changes. Some believe the disorder is related to genetic memory humanity, which still dominates our behavior and condition. Others are inclined to believe that everything depends on the resilience of a person’s psyche. There are also experts who completely refute the relationship between the full moon and insomnia.

However, over the years of studying the sleep of millions of people, it was possible to find out that there are individuals who are either subject to change lunar phases, or do not respond to it at all.

Who suffers from insomnia most often? These are people with a fine organization of the psyche, possessing excellent intuition and high emotionality. It is also worth noting that they depend on power cosmic energy and gravitational forces.

How to help yourself

Healthy and deep sleep possible even on a full moon. People who cannot rest at all are prescribed special medications that are suitable for occasional use. They speed up falling asleep, relieve stress, relax, and help you sleep soundly. good sleep and not suffer from waking up at night.

The remedies can have a chemical or natural composition; they are selected by the doctor depending on the patient’s age, the characteristics of his body and the disorder itself.

There are also effective homeopathic medicines, completely harmless to health:

Drawing conclusions

The phases of the moon can really affect general state a person and his sleep in particular. The phenomenon has not been fully studied by specialists, which is why few doctors undertake to actively normalize the condition of people dependent on lunar cycles.

However, there are ways in which it will be possible to establish night sleep during the full moon. You can choose from medicines and homeopathy.

Before using any product, you should consult a doctor so as not to harm your health or aggravate the problem.

The moon in all centuries has excited the imagination of the peoples of the world, giving rise to hundreds of beliefs, omens, predictions and myths. Our ancestors believed that with the growth of the lunar disk, all evil spirits became more active and diseases worsened. Modern inhabitants of the planet are concerned with only one topic related to this “mysterious” space object - why they cannot sleep on the full moon.

Causes of poor sleep and insomnia

Scientists have been arguing for decades about the influence of the Earth's satellite on people. Some argue that the Moon affects a person’s well-being, his mood, dreams, etc. Others, on the contrary, consider any connection between earthlings and the night luminary to be a prejudice.

They regard the statement that one should not sleep under the moonlight as fiction, and associate insomnia during the full moon only with the individual characteristics of each individual person. But still, no matter how skeptics persist, Swedish professors made sure that a connection with a natural satellite exists.

Evidence of a relationship

Throughout 2013-2014, specialists from the University of Basel, together with their colleagues from Zurich, conducted research in the field of sleep, or rather its deficiency, and the causes of chronic lack of sleep in modern man. During the above-mentioned observations, scientists noticed changes in the usual sleep patterns of the “experimental subjects” during the full moon. Additional tests showed that during this period:

  • The level of melatonin in the body, which is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, decreases.
  • The total duration of sleep is reduced by 20-25 minutes.
  • The time required to fall asleep increases by 10-15 minutes, in some cases, even by 30.
  • Sleep becomes very sensitive, a person can wake up from the slightest sound.
  • Phase duration deep sleep decreases by 25-30%.

In turn, Professor Kahochen came to the conclusion that the lunar cycle will affect a person regardless of whether he knows or not what phase the night star is in.

In addition to somnologists, psychiatrists also became interested in the phases of the moon. According to them, on a full moon, attacks of somnambulism (sleepwalking) occur more often and become worse. mental illness, patients are more prone to obsessive and manic states.

Why does the queen of the night sky influence people

Neil Stanley, a British sleep expert, noted during one of his speeches that the influence of the full moon on a person is nothing more than a superstition of many cultures of the world, which is confirmed in various fields science and medicine. “Now the task of scientists is to explain the reasons for this influence,” he added.

And in fact, for many years, great minds have not been able to come to a consensus on exactly how and why the full moon affects a person’s sleep so much. Today there are several theories and assumptions on this topic.


Scientists suggest that modern people They don’t sleep under the moon, because we have preserved genetic memory. Our primitive ancestors stayed awake during the full moon, because in the bright light they could become easy victims of predatory animals or, conversely, successfully go hunting.

Bioenergetic factor of insomnia

In the growing phase, that is, from the new moon to the full moon, the white luminary increases the flow of cosmic energy to the Earth. People note an increase in activity, efficiency, emotional outbursts, etc.

It would seem that this is very good, you can achieve all your goals, but there is one thing. At night, this condition does not go away and the energy overwhelms the person, preventing him from falling asleep at the appropriate time. Some respondents claim that they have trouble sleeping, they feel a certain energy that is in literally gets him out of bed.

The physical component of sleep disturbance

One more no less interesting version and it is connected with the physical impact of the natural satellite on our planet. Probably everyone from the school geography course knows that the ebb and flow of the oceans and seas is controlled by none other than the Moon. It is absolutely possible that the gravitational fields of the Earth’s natural satellite can in a certain way influence a person, who is 80% water.

Who is affected by the full moon?

Perhaps someone will object to scientists, arguing that he sleeps equally well on both the full moon and the new moon. Of course, it cannot be said that everyone suffers from insomnia. Scientists identify several categories of the planet's population that in the greatest possible way subject to the forces of nature. This:

  • people with a fine mental organization;
  • creative people;
  • weather-dependent persons;
  • people with various mental health disorders;
  • newborns and small children;
  • aged people.

Sleeping poorly is serious

Fortunately, asomnia, provoked only by the full moon, as a rule, goes away with a change in the phase of the “white disk”. If no improvement is observed, then you should not ignore your unhealthy sleep. Chronic lack of sleep may lead to somatic disorders. In addition, a person may fall into a state of apathy and depression or, conversely, irritability and aggressiveness.

Important! Accept sleeping pills, chosen independently or on the advice of friends and relatives is strictly not recommended. Such an initiative can lead to a worsening of the situation and even a deterioration in overall health.

Having observed symptoms of insomnia for a long time, such as:

  • systematic awakenings during the night;
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • shallow sleep;
  • short sleep duration;
  • nightmares, semi-delusional state;
  • constant state of fatigue in the morning, immediately after sleep,

Be wary and do not delay going to the therapist with relevant complaints.

Only a doctor prescribes treatment that suits the individual characteristics of the patient.

The other side of the coin

In fairness, it is worth noting the results of studies by somnologists conducted independently of each other in Austria and Germany. As a result of a six-year observation of a group of healthy people and with sleep disorders due to insomnia during the full moon, specialists from the Siesta-Group research group (Austria) came to a conclusion that disappointed adherents of the “lunar” theory.

Scientists have found that there is no relationship between the quality of people's sleep and changes in the phases of the moon. In addition, according to their data, 30% of the subjects noted an improvement in their sleep during the full moon, and only 5% - a deterioration. But why then is there poor sleep during the full moon? This may be due to increased light exposure, which interferes with the natural production of the sleep hormone. But the light of the moon is no brighter than street lighting. And here psychotherapists come forward with their theory, arguing that the cause of insomnia during the full moon is purely psychological character. That is, especially impressionable and suspicious individuals who believe in the influence of the luminary on humanity deliberately set themselves up and prepare for upcoming problems with sleep.

How to ensure yourself quality sleep?

In order to have good dreams not only on the full moon, but also every night, it is recommended to adhere to simple tips experts.

  • Try to avoid stressful situations during the day.
  • Maintain a sleep schedule - go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  • Avoid activities that violate set mode sleep: going to a club, going to a night movie show, leaving work overnight, etc.
  • Have an evening exercise before bed.
  • If your child doesn’t sleep well, then replace active games with calmer ones before bedtime.
  • Pay attention to organizing your sleeping area. Moderately hard bed, thick curtains that do not allow Moonlight, comfortable temperature and regular ventilation of the bedroom, etc.
  • Do not burden yourself with watching action-packed or horror films, it is harmful to the psyche. Give preference to “light” literature.
  • Avoid heavy dinners, because... fatty, salty and spicy foods are not best friends good night.

In conclusion, we conclude that the real reason insomnia during the period full moon has not been established for certain. For some, this is nothing more than a figment of the imagination, while for others it causes genuine discomfort. If lack of sleep has become a problem, then only a doctor of appropriate specialization will help to find out the root cause of this condition and help get rid of it.

Good dreams!

Lack of sleep during the full moon has been noticed for a long time. Superstitious people associate insomnia with mystical phenomena, experts attribute disorders to genetic memory, and some doctors talk about psychological problems body. Why does insomnia occur during the full moon, and is it possible to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon? Let’s talk about this in more detail.

The appearance of a celestial body at night could not go unnoticed, so the ancients had a very unique opinion about the Moon. The Sumerians and Egyptians believed that it was from the Moon that the gods came, the Greeks considered the Moon a living deity, the Romans considered it a place where only celestial people could live.

Esotericism interprets moonlight or the “path” in different ways: for some it is the path to enlightenment, the highest bliss, for others it is a source of mass negative signs. Slavic peoples associated the full moon with witch dances and the Sabbath. It was believed that during the peak phase of the star it was possible to determine the presence evil spirits: “Whichever woman walks with a tail, she’s a witch.” And it didn’t matter at all what exactly they took for the “tail” - they beat the woman mercilessly, drove her out of the villages and even killed her.

Experts in black and white magic believe that the periodic “dying and appearing” of the night luminary can only mean one thing - it is a living being who needs to make sacrifices, pray for well-being, or ask to send troubles to enemies.

But there is another opinion about the heavenly body. The founder of medicine, Hippocrates, in his works, closely linked lunar cycles and human health and well-being. The scientist believed that during the zenith of the Moon, metabolic processes slow down in warm-blooded animals, the composition of the blood changes, and the indicator of useful substances decreases. Especially sensitive people in the first phase of the Moon’s ascent they become overly irritable, often become depressed, and can “break down” due to the slightest trouble.

But at the same time, Hippocrates assured that there is no better time to cleanse the body and spirit than the full moon. This is explained simply: since the Moon slows down all processes, a person should limit food consumption, which for natural reasons helps to cleanse all vital systems. The ancient doctor recommended treating insomnia during the peak phase of the celestial body. The impact on the psycho-emotional background, nervous system and hunger strike allowed Hippocrates to achieve significant results - this is also stated in his works.

Full moon phenomenon and insomnia

Disruption of night rest during the rising of the moon is a common occurrence. The planet's satellite has a direct impact on all processes of the body. This is why people experience disruptions in their sleep hours, increased fatigue, nightmares and other negative manifestations.

The main causes of insomnia and its signs

To understand the factors that cause lack or disruption of sleep, you need to remember: a person is 75% water, and the Moon controls the ebb and flow of the tides.

It is the gravitational field that is the first cause of the phenomenon. Besides this, there are others:

Interesting fact! Scientifically proven positive influence full moon for conception. The phenomenon is associated with the acceleration of the ripening of the egg, passing through fallopian tubes. Plus the energy surge increases libido.

  • Last but not least is genetics. The full moon shone so brightly that it did not give the early people the opportunity to hide from the animals, because of this our ancestors were forced to stay awake. This continued for more than a millennium, so modern people with a more sensitive nature inherited characteristics ancient forefathers.

Thus, insomnia during the full moon has a reasonable explanation that has nothing to do with mysticism and other archaisms.

The influence of lunar phases on physical and mental health

There are 4 phases of the lunar cycle: waxing moon, new moon, full moon, waning moon. All periods have their impact on the vital systems and psyche of the body. According to experts:

It is important to know! Astrologers believe that if you follow the phases and cycles of the satellite, you can organize your life well and a short time manage to do a lot without causing harm either physically or psychological state health.

Many people cannot sleep on a full moon, the reasons for this are: energy flows. It has been proven that total time sleep is reduced by at least 20-30 minutes, falling asleep lasts not 7 minutes, as usual, but 13-20 minutes, and the deep sleep phase becomes shorter. Namely, it helps the body “reboot” and restore strength for a new day.

Manifestations of sleep disorders

Signs of sleep disturbance are observed not only in “moon-dependent” people. Such phenomena also accompany patients with high vital activity, who work too much physically or mentally. Obvious manifestations of disturbed rest:

  • prolonged falling asleep;
  • light sleep with frequent awakenings;
  • inability to sleep when very tired;
  • short periods of deep sleep with disturbing awakenings throughout the night.

And, of course, somnambulism - a clear sign influence of the Earth's satellite on humans. Especially if sleepwalking occurs only during periods of the active phase of the Moon.

The cause of “lunar insomnia”

Despite numerous studies, the exact reason that a person cannot fall asleep and rest normally during the peak of the Moon’s activity has not been clarified. Experts tend to explain the fact by increased gravity, emotional instability and severe fatigue of the body.

IN daytime the patient is working to the limit physical strength, the body is exhausted and mentally exhausted. These factors, plus bright light, make it difficult to fall asleep, so a person feels cheerful and wants to continue activities. Forcing someone to go to bed provokes natural stress, resulting in a vicious circle.

People prone to insomnia during the full moon

People with emotional lability and neurasthenics are at risk. Also to the group increased influence satellite includes patients with cardiovascular problems, nervous system, excitable people who react sensitively to the slightest changes in energy flows.

Interesting! Astrologers claim that the full moon reveals people with impeccable intuition. And if you notice signs of “lunar insomnia” in yourself, it is likely that the 6th sense is especially well developed.

The concept of sleepwalking

Sleepwalking refers to actions performed by a person unconsciously in a dream. Those who have seen such a patient walk may think that the person is awake, says quite reasonable things and is responsible for his actions. But even with open eyes, the patient does not understand, is not aware of his actions, and if he is awakened, he simply does not remember what exactly he did or said.

The sleepwalker is a danger to himself rather than to others. But if the condition occurs in a patient with unstable psyche, an outburst of aggression can become a threat to others. The disease requires observation all possible help and treatment. But to completely get rid of sleepwalking modern medicine can not.

Lunar calendar and its meaning in human life

Why are lunar cycles so important? Firstly, because insomnia leads to chronic fatigue. The second feature is unstable energy flows. They cause a person to be calm or agitated, to do a lot in a short time, or to experience malaise and apathy. The third argument is psychological factor. Scientific works confirm that during the period of peak activity of the night luminary, the number of suicides, outbursts of cruelty, and unmotivated aggression increase.

Advice! But the influence of the Moon also has positive sides. During the first phase, you can begin treatment - the body better absorbs useful material, accelerates the development of immunity. A surge of physical strength allows you to do difficult things, and bright emotions, original thinking, and visions even help ordinary people find the right solutions in the most difficult situations.

To determine for yourself periods of increased and decreased activity, you need to be able to distinguish between lunar cycles. The entire month of the Earth's satellite is divided into 4 phases:

  • Day 1 – the beginning of the new moon;
  • 7-8 days - the first quarter of the luminary month;
  • 14-17 days – full moon;
  • 22-23 days – 3rd quarter of the satellite month;
  • 26-28 days – the end of the phases of the lunar cycle.

The day is defined as lunar, not solar.


You can shrug your shoulders skeptically and not believe “in mysticism”, and not associate states of incomprehensible fatigue and activity with the cycles of the Moon. But if you suffer from insomnia, there are critical periods of nervous excitability and a tendency to depression, you should still pay attention to moon calendar. It is likely that he will provide answers to many questions. And in order to normalize night rest and get rid of “lunar insomnia”, traditional healers recommend starting preventative measures and drinking soothing herbs, fees at least 4-10 days before the expected period of sleep disturbance.

The pale lunar disk in the night sky fills the inhabitants of the Earth with mystical awe. So what exactly is a full moon and is it worth paying attention to? The change in phases of the Moon is caused by the natural motion of our satellite around the Earth. During a full moon, the Moon is closest to the Earth, causing increased tides. It’s not so obvious, but undoubtedly the full moon also affects the human vestibular apparatus.

If the vestibular apparatus is weak (for example, in young children and the elderly, weakened people and people with VSD - and this is every second resident of Siberia), dizziness, nausea and insomnia occur.

At the same time, there is a surge in mental, creative, intellectual activity. Many people note that if the full Moon shines in the face, then sleep will be disturbing, dreams will be difficult, or even you won’t be able to fall asleep at all.

Tells Anastasia: “When my eldest son was little, full moon nights became a test for us: the baby slept very restlessly and tossed and turned in bed. The coming morning was not a relief - the child remained nervous and excitable throughout the day. Sometimes my son walked around in his sleep, not really reacting to our attempts to wake him up. I had to make it by the bed wet towel“The cold woke up the little sleepwalker, and he returned to bed.”

Remembering how difficult it was for my friend’s children in the car - they were very seasick even in a very comfortable car - I called Anya and asked how her three children reacted to the movement of the Moon. Anya (Ranetka) said that she did not keep exact records, but younger sons up to 4 years old they slept restlessly during the full moon, tossing and turning and talking. She says about herself: “As a child, poems were wonderfully written at night during the full moon + pearl energy, even if you didn’t sleep at all. But that’s how it is in childhood... If moonlight falls on the bed, I won’t fall asleep even today, the blinds need to be closed.”

When I wrote this note, my mother told me how I on moonlit nights she wrapped herself in a blanket and walked importantly to the kitchen and, like that, climbed into the niche behind the large stove. She was silent to all the questions, because she didn’t remember anything and didn’t look there during the day, knowing that mice often appeared there.

Even now my vestibular system is such that I can’t even sit on a children’s swing, and carousels are a real nightmare for me. So I accepted this theory unconditionally, not wanting to see any mysticism or machinations of evil spirits in this.

And I’ll keep an eye on the creative part of my life: maybe something special will happen if I choose the right day?

If during the full moon you are tormented by nightmares, pain permeates your body, you feel weak and general malaise– don’t worry too much about this. And even more so, go to the hospital. This is a completely normal phenomenon that occurs with for the most part population of the Earth.

The Moon is the celestial body closest to our planet. It has a direct impact on many processes occurring in nature. The ancient satellite of the Earth with its magnetic and gravitational field excites entire oceans. It is not surprising that people are also influenced by it. Humans, as we know, mostly consist of liquids. Therefore, we can feel the “influence” of the Moon and react to it in different ways. Especially when this shining, pale circle appears on the night sky in all its glory.

Research by scientists

In the world of science, the effect of the Moon on humans has been known for a very long time. However, no thorough research has been carried out in this area. Until recently. So far, Swiss scientists have not taken this matter seriously. And the results of their work confirmed many assumptions. The Earth's satellite really affects the state of our body. And during a full moon, it can worsen the quality of a person’s sleep and reduce its duration.

The peak of the negative impact occurs precisely during the phases of the full moon. So there is no doubt that the degree of influence will change, depending on its position in the sky.

Rhythm of life

Rhythm is one of the main properties of most processes occurring in humans. As in all living organisms. Internal biological rhythms, at the same time, largely depend on external factors. They are constantly influenced by such things as transitions from one season to another, the alternation of night and day, ebb and flow, and many others.

Rhythmic processes in the human body are not a consequence of the influence of external rhythmic processes. But, they largely correlate with them. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the influence of the surrounding world when studying the state of the body.

One of the most influential external rhythms is the changing phases of the moon. They occur over a period of 29 days and approximately 12 hours. After which the circle is closed and the cycle begins again. It has long been proven that the lunar influence extends to all animals. Its rhythms permeate their bodies and make their own adjustments, calming or, conversely, stimulating the nervous system of the organisms. The inhabitants of the seas and bodies of water feel its magnetism most strongly.

How does this happen?

The moon, first of all, affects a person with its gravitational component. Its attractive force can cause ebbs and flows not only in the ocean, but also in blood vessels of people. The same as in cells. Because of it, all liquids come into monotonous motion. Which, of course, leads to irritation of the nervous system. With increased exposure, it can cause exhaustion, extreme fatigue and even increased anxiety, site.


Studying this phenomenon a whole group of specialists was involved. Their research was led by a well-known scientist in Switzerland, Professor Christian Cajochen. The work was carried out in scientific center Chronobiology University of Basel. 33 volunteers were selected as subjects. They were divided into two groups to compare the influence of lunar phases on people of different ages.

The first group included men and women from 20 to 30 years old, and the second group included older people aged 57 to 74 years. Since the full moon is a relatively rare phenomenon, occurring approximately once a month, the study of the characteristics of its influence on humans took a very long time. For more than 3 years, scientists observed the condition of people during the periods of time that occurred during this celestial phenomenon.

First of all, scientists studied sleep latency in volunteers. That is, the amount of time it took them to fall asleep during the full moon. IN common days it does not exceed 10 minutes.

Each time they recorded the electroencephalogram and also noted its deviations from the usual indicator of brain functioning during sleep.

Scientists were also interested in melatonin levels. This is a hormone that should regulate the human sleep process.

The total duration of a person's sleep during a full moon, according to the data obtained, decreases by approximately 20 minutes. At the same time, the duration of so-called deep sleep is reduced by as much as 30%. The subjects were unable to fall asleep much longer than usual. It took them 15-17 minutes to do this.

The danger of the full moon

For healthy person, the full moon phase does not pose a serious danger. Although, the figures presented in the research results, despite their apparent insignificance, still have an impact strong impact on brain activity. The consequences of sleep during this period can only be malaise, anxiety and stress - everything that can be expected after any poor-quality sleep.

People with certain medical conditions may react more severely to the effects of the full moon. It is known that in epileptics, for example, on the third day after the fatal phase, the most active and prolonged seizures occur.
