How to get rid of laziness: step-by-step instructions for real lazy people. What is laziness - where does she come from, how to overcome her, and whether to deal? How to get rid of laziness

Laziness is the lack of desire to do what we do not like. Our life is permeated through the affairs that is unpleasant. And if we avoid them, we get a lot of trouble. There is a logical question, how to get rid of laziness, until she swallowed us?

Success lies in proper motivation

From reluctance, only motivation will save - something encouraging to action. For example, if you consider your laziness as a cause of problems, the motive will be the desire to avoid trouble.

In other words, to get rid of laziness, you should simply change your attitude towards the upcoming lesson, see something interesting in it or come up with a motive for yourself. You can even encourage yourself materially. Many women often use last reception: Withstand the exhaust diet and good loses, they go to the store for the long-awaited new clothes. It costs them to learn.

Non-good techniques

Many people over the years have been developed their own receivers, how to get rid of laziness (we all sinning it). Sometimes you just need to distract, change the generation to return to this unpleasant lesson, which is so necessary to finish. You can try to submit relief from completed difficult work to sit down and make it quickly. Helps also repetition next winged phrase: "Eyes are afraid, and the hands do." Or "the beginning is already half an end." And the actual sometimes worth just starting and so unpleasant in thoughts work becomes even pleasant, especially at the end of ...

Life activity

If no useful motives for you do not work, perhaps the reason for the laziness in the absence of lifeful forces will have to open in themselves. Not everyone manages to find something invigorating in his life, an inspiring, prompting "minimize the mountains." How to get rid of laziness if it is a consequence of the loss of life? It is worth looking for an energy source in the most important thing for you: in loved ones, in friends, in the interests, in leisure, in nature, in faith. Absence vital energy It may be connected with moral exhaustion, and in consequence, and with physical. In this case, before, finding inspiration, arrange a grand vacation.

When Linen is a "disaster signal"

Do not forget that all people are different. And what happens to one by one, the other seems to be a hell of torture. Then Lena appears already the "disaster signal" of your body, calls on something to change in life? It is worth paying attention to such a signal, especially if he "sober" already for a long time And associated with something specific.

How to get rid of laziness if the upcoming thing is more unbearable? In such a situation, the occupation (what it would not be) is better not to fulfill at all. For his own well-being. This statement refers to the unloved work, to the reluctance to become a parent (not everyone is given), to her home work, to the care of a sick relative. Yes, there are many things that kill the person in us. And if for the same lady a household is a vocation, then for a woman-careerist preferably, exhausting work in the office for 16 hours a day. It is not worth raping yourself if you can live differently, as you require your interests, or, if you want, the purpose. Sometimes egoism is welcomed by the sake of psychological well-being.

If we are talking about the style of life that does not apply to the nature, temperament, it is useless to fight with laziness. You need to choose another path in which you will feel like a person full of a full person.

And the last thing I would like to mention, emphasize about the stated problem - how to get rid of laziness. Do not always do it. Many things created by man's hands and facilitating their lives were created by lazy people. Do not blame yourself for laziness, but if it prevents living, brings significant harm, you need to learn to "negotiate with yourself." This important skill will allow living full life And constantly feel satisfaction and joy from the proceeded.

Claps are widespread worldwide. These insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals and man. They deserved bad glory due to painful bites and incredible survivability. The ancient Egyptians believed that the bites of the coarse help to get rid of the poison of snakes. The favorite time of the hunt of these insects is the night, when everyone is sleeping peacefully. But if the bugs are hungry, then attack at any time.

Causes of occurrence

  • Insects are made through the neighbors. They are freely climbing vertical walls and easily penetrated through ventilation mines and overlap slits. Adult bugs without blood live long, so the road to another apartment is forces.

    Adult bug can live without food up to 550 days.

    Types of bedlop

    Home bedops are called lounges, sofa or bedclothes. The size of this insect is 4-8 mm. They have a dark brown color and a flat body shape. Remind a round button or crushed cockroaches. Homemade bugs are similar, although there are about 30 species of this insect, but distinctive features Seen only under a microscope.

    Where bugs are settled, it is felt by a specific smell of overwhelmed berries or brandy.

    For one night, adult linen bug bites a person up to 10 times. Bite hurts, itches. A person does not fall out, he appears allergies.

    The degree of saturation of the bugs:


    Alone, bugs from the housing challenged them will not leave. Therefore, it is necessary to fight with them. When combating clusters, carefully process each area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The complexity of the struggle is that when injuries in one room, they move into the neighboring. But then returned.

    So that this does not occur, it is necessary to warn the neighbors about the injury of insects to make them prophylactic measures.

    Multiple treatment will not get rid of bugs completely. Therefore, any means it is worth using several times with a break of 5-6 days. This will help get rid of larvae.

    Industrial means

    Alone without professional facilities of the bedbugs are very difficult. Therefore, to successfully combat clusters, it is better to call a special service to combat insects. Experts know how to effectively get rid of bugs.

    Industrial means are presented in powders, aerosols, emulsions.

    • Powders Used when the focus of infection is detected. They do not have strong smell, have a validity period of 20-25 days, so it can be located in the room for a long time.
    • Aerosols Can penetrate hard-to-reach places, for example, get rid of bugs in the sofa. But be sure after their application you need to ventilate the room, and after 10 days it is re-disinfection.
    • Emulsions - Concentrated substances that help to quickly get rid of bugs. They are dissolved in water and spray.

    Clean house

    Dust-based remedy (cypermetrina 0.2%, tetramethrin 0.02% and pyeronylbutoxide 10%). It is a gray powder, which sprinkled foci of damage to clouds. The drug is also released in the form of an aerosol, which helps to spray it into hard to reach places.

    Before processing, be sure to wear individual means protection. Shake the balloon with the aerosol and spray the remedy for rear walls Furniture, plinths, corners, mattresses and other places of clusters of bugs. When using the drug in the form of a 1 gram of powder breed in 10 liters of water or pour in pure form. For processing a one-room apartment you need 250 grams of powder.



    Aerosol based on dimethyl dichlorvinyl phosphate, milleryman and pirenonyl. Sometimes it can be with the smell of lavender or citrus. Before spraying, be sure to spend the room and wear protection tools. Within 2-3 minutes, it is necessary to spray the tool in the places of insects. After a couple of hours, it is good to ventilate and rinse the room.


    Aerosol with pleasant lemon or flower flavor. A special nozzle allows you to spray the tool in hard-to-reach places. Before applying the aerosol, it is necessary to clean the room, push the furniture from the walls, remove the pictures and decor. Toys and textiles cannot be processed to spend them better and remove into packages. After processing the room, the room is closed and left for 2-3 hours. Then they are well ventilated. The drug does not act on the bug eggs, so re-processing of the room, at which the hatched larvae will die.


    The composition of the aerosol includes cigrmethrine (0.2%), causing paralysis of bedlops, tetramethrin and pyeronylbutoxide. This is a compact preparation, it forms a film on the sprayed surface, which sticks to the cloud legs. Insect, returning to the nest, infect other bedbugs. The tool leaves no spots and does not destroy for several hours. Effectively in the case of hitting the nesters.


    The drug is an oily liquid. It includes insecticide Fentyon and fragrances, thanks to which the smell of kerosene is felt, lubricating bedbugs. The executioner acts on eggs, larvae and adult insects. The drug needs to be breeded: 1 bottle of 2 glasses of water. For one-room apartment you will need 15 bottles.

    Spray the solution is necessary throughout the room, then 6-8 hours leave it. After the apartment is used for 2-3 hours, spending and flushed with cleaning products. From the first time to get rid of pests perhaps, if you find a focus of infection and spray the means over it.


    Emulsion based on cypermethrin. Before processing the room, 10 milliliters of the emulsion must be diluted in 1 liter of water. With a strong infection of insects, the solution can be strengthened by reducing the amount of water to 0.5 liters.

    Solution to process all surfaces indoors: furniture, cabinets, shelves, batteries, ventilation grids, sofas, carpets. After 3 hours, rinse the surface with detergents and ventilate. There are 1 processing to destroy the colony of the bugs.


    Emulsion white color With a yellowish tint, a glass ball is located for stirring inside the bottle. The contents of the bottle are bred by 1.5 liters of water, poured into the sprayer and handle the room. After applying the drug, the bugs are completely disappeared in a few days.


    Emulsion is available in 50 milliliters and 1 liter containers. The composition includes 20% imidaclopride, which refers to the new group of insecticides. Before processing, the drug is bred by water in the ratio of 1.25 millilita emulsion per 1 liter of water.

    Proceed all surfaces indoors and leave for 3-4 hours. After ventilating and wash everything with detergents. This drug is highly efficient and low toxic, has a residual action for several weeks. Used in schools and medical institutions.

    Folk remedies

    These tools are helping if the bugs are a bit and accurately known for the location. Folk remedies give positive effectbut it is important to comply with safety and use funds individual protectionsince some mixes are able to damage airways and skin.

    Recipe 1.

    The sharp smell of vinegar makes adult insects to leave the room, but the vinegar does not act on the pending eggs. Therefore, processing is carried out repeatedly. Similar effect Out of smells of naphthalene, wormwood and pyrms. Apply for the struggle, both dry herbs and essential oils. Blinds will not die, but run away.

    Recipe 2.

    Cracops die at low and high temperatures. In winter, furniture and things are put on the frost and show. You can open the window and doors to the balcony for several hours.

    To get rid of bugs in the summer, infected items should be taken out in the sun on a hot day. And things and bed linen wash in hot water or give in dry cleaning. Also, these insects do not tolerate boiling water and steam, so you can use the steamer.

    Recipe 3.

    Skipidar 10 milliliters mix with 100 milliliters of water and 15 milliliters of kerosene. To the resulting solution add any detergent (200 milliliters) and pour into the sprayer. Rubber gloves and gauze bandage are solved with solution.

    Recipe 4.

    Mix 100 milliliters of turpentar and 100 milliliters ethyl alcohol, add 15 grams of camphor. To stir well, and process the room with a sprayer.

    Recipe 5.

    IN ammonia (10 milliliters) Add 150 grams of denature, stir. A 40 gram of benzene is added to the mixture. Spray indoor with a sprayer.


    So that these unpleasant neighbors appear in the house, it is important to comply with a number of rules:

    • do not storage old and unnecessary things in the house;
    • regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation;
    • after long-distance travel, be sure to wash and smash things without leaving them in a suitcase;
    • if the neighbors have covered bedbugs, it is important to carry out preventive injury at home;
    • carefully examine pets after walking on the street.

Probably, each of us at least once in life had to face the consequence of alcohol parties - a hangover. His symptoms are headed gol, nausea, weakness in hand and body. To get rid of these unpleasant consequences, Elle amounted to 10 recommendations called "How to quickly get rid of the hangover", without which it is not to do in the New Year holidays.

1. Drink ...

The first sign of a hangover is dry mouth and thirst, so drove as much as possible clean water, regardless of whether you want this or not. It will help to make alcohol from the body faster. You can also diversify your beverages menu with sweet tea with mint or melissa or low-fat kefir, which will rate work gastrointestinal tract and make your facilitates general state. But Ot folk remedies The type of cucumber brine is better to refuse, as he, on the contrary, delays water in the body and provokes the appearance of edema.

2. Sleeping

Do you think how to get rid of a strong hangover?! Sleep off! No matter how banal it sounds, but the dream is perfectly treated with a hangover. Start the windows, ask your loved ones not to make noise and not wake you up and, tearing in a blanket, try to sleep.

3. Take a shower

If there is no opportunity to sleep, you can quickly cheer up, taking a contrasting soul. Start S. warm water, then rinse the cool (3-5 seconds), but it is necessary to finish cold water, after which the terry towel should be confused. Or you can lie down for 10-15 minutes in a hot tub with a few drops essential oil Lavender.

4. Make compress

If you try not to drink painful tools, then cool compress will help get rid of headaches. Put it on the forehead for a couple of minutes. The main thing - do not bring yourself to supercooling.

5. Stroll

Fresh air cuts off, so try to air the room in which you are as possible. Or bring the will in the fist and go for a walk, but best at hand with someone.

6. Drink Tablet

The best assistants when dealing with head goli and alcoholic poisoning - activated carbon or enterosgel, but take them better before bedtime, and in the morning repeat the reception of funds. This well-known method will tell you how to get rid of hangover in two bills.

7. Immerse Corre.

Whatever it seemed to you exotic wayWe advise you to not neglect you. Buy in the pharmacy Crae Willow and shake it within 10-15 minutes several times in time. The Dedovsky method ensures that the hangover will go very quickly.

8. Eat honey

because of big content Blood alcohol The body lack glucose, so you feel weak. To restore its balance and remove toxins from the body, eat honey during the day with small spoons. In total, half a glass should be enough.

9. Purse

If the question is: "How to get rid of heavy hangover?" You do not leave, then know - the answer lies on the surface. Breakfast! It is a very important component of your daily diet. It should not be missed, even if you have a hangover. But the menu composition should differ slightly from the usual one. It can be a meat broth with fresh greens, fried eggs or fresh fruit.

10. Give sports

If the state allows, then after contrast soul Get out sports. Physical exercise It will help to get rid of hangover faster, stimulating blood microcirculation. But try not to overdo it, limit the fast walking on the street or running the coward.

Together in our world, seeks fortunately. Everyone this happiness can be their own, and the path to his achievement will not look like the path of other people. But absolutely all people walking different pathsThere are obstacles. Of course, their huge amount can be attributed to them different types and classify and maybe even withdraw some special sciencewhich will study them. And we will talk about those obstacles that we call preferences, or bad habits. What bad habits interfere with the achievement of happiness? Remember the most common.

Surely many will now recall the anger, irritability, alcohol, smoking, overeating, laziness, etc. The list can be quite extensive, and everyone has a little one. Think that unites all these manifestations? Suffering! Anger, anger, resentment bring us suffering. Like someone, and then calming down a little, you feel as if the cement carriage unloaded. Even on the physical plane, the loss of forces is felt. Alcohol, smoking bring suffering to the body: die neurons of the brain, is depressing the microflora, the cells of the liver, lungs and other organs die (more details you can see Zhdanov's lectures on this topic). The sensations after use, too, many know: a hangover, no strength. And it seems different bad habits, we see that they all lead to the loss of energy, which we call "life". From physics, we know that if somewhere loss, then somewhere should arrive. So the question arises: where is our vital power floating? And why are we, knowing that anger, or alcohol, or ... lead not to the most pleasant sensations, periodically return to these spreads of energy? Well, do we really masochists?

The meaning of the word "Liarva"

Increasingly, we have such terms as "Larva", "Essences", "Hungry Perfume". What do the words "Liarva", "Hungry Spirit"? It is no secret that our world consists not only of rude matters. We do not feel all the spectra of light (for example, infrared), sound (ultrasound), energy (magnetic field), but they are. Modern devices (Kirlyan spouses) confirmed that there is a certain thinnergetic shell around our body, a delicate body, a lot of names, the main thing that it is. From the ancient Scriptures, we know that we have several thin tel. Not in vain Favorite toy Slavs, Matryoshka, is a model of our physical body and thin energy telwhich are located outside the physical body. By the way, anyone can consider the first layer of glow around the body, if a few minutes he cheers to full yogan breathing, stretching it as much as possible, and then look at his reflection in the mirror with a scattered look.

After 3-4 minutes of such a defocused look around the body, at a distance of 1-2 centimeters, the glow will be noticeably. So, the subtle essences that are not solid bodyas we, and from the energy that is, for example, around our physical tel. Therefore, it is difficult to see them and not everyone is available. Although psychics calmly consider these entities. Once these entities are not consisting of a solid body, they feed on not bread pressing, but like themselves energy. So it turns out that our energy shells are very suitable for dessert. When we are angry, emotional energy will be released in huge quantities. It does not differ simply so - I will definitely find Larva, who will be happy to consume it for lunch.

When drinking alcohol die cell cells, headache, we radiate the energy of suffering - "Hawvakh", this favorite delicacy For Larv. The most interesting thing is that the data "Neighbors" learned not to eat the energies secreted, but also to influence our consciousness through the energy of the mental plan, stimulating the ejection of the energy for Larv energy. To confirm this, remember cases of mass riots. Every person falling into an angry crowd, very quickly begins to be angry. Isolate a person from her - anger quickly passes. Or bad habits.

Remember everyone about your. And remember, in what places these habits are released. For example, in the city, at work, I really want coffee. If you go to nature, in the mountains, this addiction will significantly weaken, since the city is saturated with lyrics, and there is no particular sense for them, respectively, there is no particular sense there.

Larva: Signs in man

It is not necessary to be extrasensus to determine the presence next to you. If you have a bad habit, from which it is impossible to get rid of, congratulations! - You are the owner of such a neighbor. Decay of forces, unreasonable aggression, emotionality, desire to eat something delicious, although they recently filed, - all this talks about possible presence energy consumers next to you.

How to get rid of lyrics

In order to understand how to get rid of them, it is worth thinking: how did it come to hook them? Do not think that Larva is the root of all angry and they are to blame for all our troubles. Perhaps I will disappoint someone, but the root of all misfortunes and joys - as always, in us! Lyarva, approximately like energy seats, consume all negatives from the space. If, for example, no one was eager for aggression, and it would accumulate in the space of our planet, to think scary in which atmosphere we would live.

And now let's return to her beloved and reckon, think about where negative emotions and habits began to emerge. If we use alcohol - from what reality, are the responsibility trying to go? If you eat a lot - what emotion or her absence want to "ignite"? If you are angry - where is the true source of our malice? Etc.

There is no universal recipe for cure, but we will analyze several options that have already proven themselves as effective means.

  1. Do not concentrate on lyrics, bad habits, negative, etc., and redirect all attention and forces on some kind of creative activity that will be useful to this world. Then the strength to splash energy towards the negative will remain less and the world will be transformed into best side. It's great if you find a lesson in the shower, when you can realize your creative potential, be it teaching yoga, a carpentry, writing useful articles and all that your soul is pleased, and for the benefit of all creatures.
  2. With the help of awareness, track your behavior and try to find the root causes of all manifestations. For example, pattern behavior. That is, in some situations you unconsciously act as your parents. Just because there was once such a model of behavior (template), and you could not manifest themselves consciously. Or society imposed a model of behavior that a holiday without a hot drink will not succeed, and so on. It's serious inner workwhich can lead to getting rid of the root causes negative emotions And passions, therefore, you will become "tasteless" for Larv. Although the disposal of these entities is in this case Not the most valuable. It is much more important that you will go to a completely different quality standard of living.
  3. Cultivate in yourself useful habits, positive emotions, engage in yoga, and gradually there will be more and more replacement of unconscious on the conscious, uncommon to useful.
  4. No one prevents combining all the above ways and look for others. After all, all limitations are only in our consciousness. Show a creative approach, study yourself and this world.

In conclusion, I remind you that this world is created for our development, it is as much as much as possible to us and there's nothing that would be directed against us! If it seemed that something or someone wishes you evil, then it seemed to you. Even Larves help us to develop awareness and control of their feelings. Successful self-knowledge!

Every person has to be lazy from time to time.

But what to do if apathetic inaction becomes a way of life?

How to get rid of laziness in this case?

First of all, it is worth dealing with the reasons why it happens.

How to get rid of laziness: why I'm lying

The reason for laziness has its own, but there are indisputable dogmas applicable to all people. They are the root causes of Noschena.

These include:

Absence internal motivation;

Chronic fatigue;

Laying for later;

Fear failure.

To get rid of laziness, a person, first of all, must clearly imagine for what he needs it. If the individual does not have serious motives and strong inner motives to action, he will overcome harmful habit Not soon.

Many true lazy people prefer to postpone all things for tomorrow: "Tomorrow I'll sit on a diet," "Tomorrow I'll do sports," "I'll start study tomorrow foreign language"- This list is infinite. According to this principle, there are about 90% of the population of the whole country and only 10% - act. It's easier for a person to promise himself fulfilling in the future than starting to do now. A destructive habit destructantly affects the personality, depriving him of true happiness. After all, the real joy is able to feel only being active. It gives vital energy and contributes to the internal development of the individual.

But not always laziness is born due to the lack of motivation and the habit of postponing affairs in a long box. There is another concept as fear of failure. Most often, it is peculiar to timid and doubtful people. Since childhood, their relatives impose the idea that they are not capable of anything, so do not stand and try to change anything in life. Having become adults, these people prefer to inactivate and sail downstream, not knowing how to get rid of laziness and complete inaction.

Often, children growing, receiving excess custody of adults grow lazy. The child gets used to what others can do for him and prefers to inactivate in the future. As a rule, typical "broomels" grow from such children. Laziness for them becomes a way of life, and they rarely strive for any changes.

But it happens so that the person who works for himself and everything gives his activities, overnight burns out and does not want to move on due to lack internal forces. To prevent this should be rationally distributed working time And be sure to find time for rest. Arrange yourself a small, at least a week vacation. This does not mean that you need to discard all things and lie on the sofa with whole days. Changing activity - here best rest. It will give a new charge of energy, and it will be possible to return to the former affairs with new forces.

How to get rid of laziness: you can overcome alone

With such a habit as lazy to man under the power to struggle with its own forces. First of all, you should give a promise to yourself and then close, that you will no longer postpone the case for later.

Only experiencing a true desire to overcome their idleness and apathy, you can cope with the problem interfering to fully live.

How to get rid of laziness, the next step-by-step instruction will help alone, which should encourage even the very avid lazy.

How to get rid of laziness: step-by-step instructions


Before starting the fight with the idleness, the individual must clearly imagine for what he does, what result it is waiting ahead.

Since the habit of action has not yet been developed, and the process is already running, it is necessary to motivate yourself daily by visualization. Imagine that you are waiting for you, if in the near future you will perform consistent, necessary actions.

Making even the most boring, routine work, a person feels inspiration if it is clearly represented by some reward it is waiting ahead. It is necessary to catch fire and extremely clearly imagine your victory and a sense of satisfaction from it: whether it is a successful examination of the exam or a positive assessment of the chief for the work done, and maybe the first successes in their own business activities.

Give yourself a promise that I do something that was conceived. But it is not easy to say it to yourself, and write on a piece of paper with large letters and hang recording in the most prominent place, for example, in the bathroom. Every morning, looking at the note, you will remember this promise. After that, immediately imagine that you have already achieved a positive result and feel how the pride is overwhelmed from you.

Some psychologists offer to imagine negative result, Self the worst situationwhich is waiting for the unfulfilled task. Such a theory justifies itself. Positive emotions and thoughts have a beneficial effect on all human activity And give energy to move forward. But when negative thoughts are born in the head, and the person begins to form the worst situation, which can occur, it flows either in panic or apathy (depending on the temperament). They begin to visit the thoughts that it's still late to begin to take something. The individual does not remain inner forces to start acting, since all the inner energy he just spent on negative thoughts.

This approach is incorrect. You initially need to be positively configured and be sure to remember that it is never too late to start. Bright example serve people who are drip out to get, the second, third, and maybe at all higher education Being already in old age. Many famous people achieved success over the age of 40-50 years.

People who walked on the old work, think about how well it would be to change everything, to engage in favorite activities, but continue to remain in the previous position, which, quite possibly, drives them into apathy and deprives the action. They think about how to get rid of laziness, and start changing their lives for the better, but do not shift from the dead point. AND main reason This is the lack of motivation.

Want to succeed, get rid of laziness - Motivate yourself, be positively configured, clearly imagine the most incredible, the best result.

A positive and confident person easier to self-organize himself.

Setting the goal I. step-by-step plan To fulfillment

Moorotivation is only the top of the iceberg. SAMI home work Also waiting for ahead and is deeper.

Once you have decided on the purpose of which you spend the fight against your own laziness, it's time to make time detailed plan actions.

Write your goal on the sheet in this wording, as if you have already reached it, and next to the date when the written should come true. Place the entry on the most prominent place so that it is regularly in your eyes and reminded yourself.

Start a diary or notepad in which you will record an action plan for the day, week, month, year. At the end of the day, be sure to browse your records, analyze what you managed to do, and what is not and for what reason. Outline your thoughts.

The daily plan should always be at hand. Only so you can self-organizing yourself.

We produce a new habit

It is very important at the initial stage not to overload yourself with new tasks. It threatens what you can overcome very quickly, and all efforts to get rid of laziness will go to Nammark. Start with small goals and tasks. Such an approach will help develop a new habit of gradually, which eventually goes into your usual routine of the day and becomes an integral part.

This is one of the most important moments In the fight against laziness. If you do not work out the habit of every day to perform certain actions, then you will be very difficult to achieve positive results.

We give a promise to yourself and close

To make a real challenge, not enough to give yourself a promise. You must definitely voiced what they conceived. Tell your closest friends and relatives about our own purposes. Give them a promise or arguing with them that for the designated deadline, you will definitely achieve what they have conceived. This is a rather bold step, and it is necessary to decide on it. If you are seriously configured and realized that laziness slows down your development, move forward to happy successful lifeYou must give such a promise. Then you will be more difficult to abandon your own words. No one wants to look in the eyes of other people and close to the loser. Therefore, this approach will be very good to act to action.

How to get rid of laziness by a child

An adult person is easier to organize himself and make himself do something. But how to get rid of laziness by your own child?

Fully not yet formed a little man is difficult to force yourself to do what he considers a boring occupation, as it does not see the motives to action. He is happy to chase until late o'clock on the street, plays games on a computer or watching cartoons. But as soon as it comes to performing homework or cleaning in your own room, the child overcomes too lazy.

Very important S. early age Acquire children to the routine of the day and responsibility. At an older age, this will be quite difficult.

Do it follows friendly, and possibly and gaming form. Cleaning in the apartment must pass together with the child. Initially, you entrust the baby fairly simple tasks. After execution, be praised it. The child should feel not only the importance of completed business and experience a sense of pride, but also the desire to continue to help parents in domestic affairs.

To accustom young assistant to homemade cases is quite set. But how to get rid of laziness by the child when it comes to the fulfillment of school lessons? Joint work will also help here. Do not scold a child or make more cardinal measures. Such approaches do not act and only intimidate, producing negative attitude To study and perform any tasks. Be patient. If a child doesn't initially do something, help him, but do not fulfill his work for him. Encourage its first successes so that the baby experienced a sense of pride and was motivated for further accomplishments. Only patience, understanding, team work And moderate severity will bring their results.

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