Fresh green peas for a nursing mother. Is it possible to have canned peas while breastfeeding?

A woman’s diet during breastfeeding should be as healthy and safe as possible for the baby, so many foods are excluded or limited in quantity.

The question of whether a nursing mother can eat pea soup is relevant, since the dish is quite popular and tasty. In addition, peas contain many beneficial components for the body.

Is it possible to eat pea soup during lactation?

Until now, the question of the beneficial properties of legumes in first courses remains controversial. Many experts recommend excluding the dish from the diet of nursing women, as it will only have a negative effect on the baby. At the same time, peas contain a large number of vitamins, macro and microelements, as well as protein structures necessary for both mother and child. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether you can eat pea soup while breastfeeding. breast milk, should be done individually.

The main negative consequences of using the product:

  • flatulence (legumes cause increased gas formation in the intestines);
  • abdominal pain (bloating provokes intestinal colic);
  • allergic reaction (due to a high content of foreign protein);
  • heartburn (peas are too heavy a food for a child’s body to digest).

Not only the child, but also the woman herself is susceptible to these reactions. Therefore, when poor tolerance legume products, you should exclude the dish from the diet without regard to the safety of the baby. However, pea soup during breastfeeding can become a source essential amino acids, powerful antioxidants that stop aging and important microelements that mothers are always in short supply during lactation.

Therefore, before refusing a dish, you need to check your baby’s reaction to it. However, the product is allowed only after the mother has introduced all the components included in the dish into her diet.

Immediately after birth and in the first three months postpartum period Eating legume products is prohibited. During this period, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed, so eating the dish will definitely have a bad effect on the baby’s condition. After reaching the permitted age, the mother first tries to eat boiled and steamed peas to check the child’s reaction to legumes. Only then can you enter breastfeeding pea soup.

When preparing a dish for the first time, you can add no more than 10 peas per two liters of liquid.. This will ensure that there are no negative reactions from the baby. The soup is first eaten in the first half of the day, immediately after breastfeeding. After this, carefully monitor the baby, noting rashes, bloating, colic and changes in stool. If there are problems, the product is excluded from the diet for several months, and then they try to introduce it again. For a nursing mother, pea soup is allowed in one small serving no more than 2 times a week. If the baby reacts ambiguously to the dish, then the frequency is reduced to once a week.

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In the first two months of a baby’s life, his digestive system is just adapting to new living conditions. During this period, the nursing mother is advised to adhere to a strict diet so as not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to the child due to indigestion or allergies.

In the future, expanding the list of permitted products, many young mothers bypass dishes made from legumes, which include peas. It is believed that eating peas causes increased gas formation, and therefore the baby will have a tummy ache. But is it?

Peas contain a large amount vegetable proteins, which are broken down into amino acids in the human body. The main part of the amino acids is spent on the needs of the body, participating in vital processes, and some form a specific protein that is not absorbed by the body. This protein, passing through the intestines, partially disintegrates, which causes increased gas formation and associated discomfort.

Since this specific protein cannot enter or form in mother's milk, the baby is not at risk of digestive problems caused by the mother's consumption of peas. He will only receive useful material. Allergic manifestations possible, just like for any other product.

Useful properties of peas

It is no coincidence that legumes are included in the diet of people who fast and adhere to the principles of vegetarian nutrition, as well as all those who need protein food.

Peas contain proteins containing a number of essential amino acids:

  • Lysine. An amino acid with antiviral properties helps the body fight respiratory diseases and herpes. Lysine improves the absorption of calcium and its transport to bone tissue. This is especially true for women after pregnancy, during which calcium was washed out of the bones and used to build the baby’s skeleton.
  • Cysteine. Lactation largely depends on the production of oxytocin by the female body. The synthesis of this hormone is impossible without the participation of disulfide cystine bridges, so pea dishes help stimulate milk production. Read about other foods that increase the fat content of milk.
  • Tryptophan. Actively participates in the brain's production of joy hormones. Lack of tryptophan results in loss of energy bad mood, headaches. Tryptophan is necessary for regulating the endocrine system and is involved in the synthesis of proteins for muscles and the immune system.
  • Methionine. Helps reduce levels bad cholesterol in the blood, remove toxins and free radicals, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, liver and others internal organs. Participates in the synthesis of compounds important for the body.

Peas contain high content fiber, starch, saturated fatty acids, sugars, as well as a whole complex of vitamins (beta-carotene, E, PP, H, B) and microelements, which include:

  • potassium and sodium are electrolytes that regulate water balance at the cellular level;
  • calcium necessary for bone tissue and teeth;
  • iron for the formation of red blood cells;
  • phosphorus for brain function;
  • iodine, which is important for the endocrine system and promotes the removal of heavy metals;
  • selenium, which has anticarcinogenic properties.

This product is a supplier of magnesium, tin, strontium, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, strontium, silicon, nickel and other important trace elements.

Thanks to the presence of citric and oxalic acid, young peas remove sand from the kidneys. Fresh peas have antiseptic qualities, and dishes made from this product will help:

  • cleanse the intestines of toxins and accumulated deposits;
  • reduce bad cholesterol levels;
  • normalize work nervous system and brain;
  • improve skin condition.

Contraindications to consuming peas include gout, acute nephritis, cholecystitis.

Introducing peas into the diet

To reduce the risk of discomfort for a nursing mother, dried peas should be washed well before cooking and ready meals(or when cooking) add dill, which reduces gas formation. Read about the benefits of consuming dill during lactation at the link. Also, don't drink cold water after eating pea soup or other dishes made from this product. It is recommended that nursing mothers avoid canned peas as they may contain harmful chemicals.

It is best to start accustoming your baby’s body to a new product with a couple of spoons of pea soup eaten by the mother in the first half of the day. The soup is cooked in chicken or beef broth or water - fatty meat and smoked meats should be excluded. Add some carrots and onions, potatoes and dill to the soup.

If within two days the child has not shown signs of anxiety, the portion of soup can be gradually increased to 150-200 ml, and after a couple of months introduced into the diet pea porridge. But a nursing mother should not eat pea dishes more than twice a week.

The beneficial substances contained in peas have a beneficial effect on female body during lactation, and also help the baby grow well and develop properly.

During lactation, in order to prevent problems with gastrointestinal tract in a child, the mother needs to adhere to a gentle diet.

As a rule, such a diet involves giving up certain types of favorite foods, but many are interested: is pea porridge acceptable during this period while breastfeeding? Let's try once again to find out the pros and cons of introducing such a tasty and healthy, although very controversial, side dish into the diet of nursing mothers.

The diet for mothers during feeding is due to the fact that the digestive organs of babies are not fully developed, therefore babies may not produce certain enzymes necessary for digesting certain foods.

As soon as a dish enters the stomach that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract cannot handle, colic, pain, or indigestion may appear. To avoid such problems, mommy should monitor her diet.

What are the benefits and harms of pea porridge during breastfeeding and is it possible to have pea porridge while breastfeeding and when should a nursing mother start eating it?

Pea porridge is a very nutritious and satisfying dish that contains a large amount vegetable protein. Protein plant origin, he, in his own way nutritional value, is practically in no way inferior to animal protein.

At the same time, peas have the same beneficial properties, as well as other vegetables useful for humans:

  • It contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and waste. Quickly satiating, pea porridge helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances.
  • Potassium and sodium contained in legumes maintain water balance in the body. In addition, potassium prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Thanks to the phosphorus content, blood circulation in the brain improves.
  • The selenium-iodine compound increases performance and helps cope with excessive mental and physical activity. Iodine has a positive effect on endocrine system taking care of health thyroid gland, and selenium is known as a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevents the proliferation of cancer cells.
  • Thanks to the iron contained in peas, it remains in the blood sufficient quantity red blood cells
  • Oxalic acid has a beneficial effect on the health of the urinary system.
  • Tryptophan helps cope with various kinds of neuroses, which is especially useful for mothers and promotes the production of the hormone of happiness.
  • Lysine is involved in restoration processes body and is an element that transports calcium to cells and tissues.

Pea porridge brings maximum benefit both the baby’s body and the mother’s body. Its use enriches the diet essential vitamins and microelements, which ensures smooth and uninterrupted operation of all body systems. All this happens due to the uniqueness of peas, which, even after heat treatment retains the entire complex of useful substances.

Harm of pea porridge for mother and baby during lactation

One of the disadvantages of eating pea porridge is that it can cause increased gas formation, but this does not threaten the child, and, as a rule, only affects the mother’s gastrointestinal tract. However, this only happens when the dish has been consumed in excessive quantities.

  • If the mother has diseases such as gastritis and pancreatitis, it is best to avoid eating pea porridge so as not to worsen the course of the disease.
  • When breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to eat porridge made from peas with mushrooms and fried onions.

Features of preparing peas for mother during breastfeeding

The dish is prepared very simply and consists of several ingredients - peas, water and butter.

  • The peas are placed on the stove to cook in the same water in which they were soaked.
  • It is necessary to cook the legumes until they are completely softened and the peas cannot be crushed using a potato masher.
  • Salt the dish to taste.
  • Usually, according to the traditional recipe, they add butter. Instead, you can add fried onions, stewed mushrooms, fried or boiled meat, but only if the porridge is intended for other family members, since during lactation it is better for a woman to refuse any additives to the main ingredient.

Pea porridge: how to correctly introduce it into the menu of a nursing mother

Contrary to popular belief that peas cause increased gas production and can cause colic in a baby, this is not the case.

The main prohibition in a mother’s diet during breastfeeding is all spicy, sour and fatty foods, therefore pea porridge, due to the fact that it has a neutral, mild taste, is quite acceptable in the diet while breastfeeding.

Of course, you shouldn’t immediately eat a portion of porridge; first you need to “introduce” the child’s stomach to a new dish.

The product must be introduced gradually, starting with one to two tablespoons.

If after three days the mother does not notice that the baby has a tummy ache, increased gas formation, or has problems with bowel movements, then you can continue to eat pea porridge, starting with 150 ml and gradually increasing to a whole portion. My mother should eat pea porridge no more than twice a week.

The ban on legumes applies only to canned peas, since harmful preservatives and food additives are added to increase their shelf life.

Sometimes peas can cause food allergies in infants, but this happens very rarely, so the baby’s reaction to the product must be carefully monitored.

It's no secret that complete diet consists of first courses that are necessary for normal functioning digestive system.

After childbirth, such recipes are especially useful, because they help regulate bowel movements and even prevent constipation - but can a nursing mother have pea soup? Before trying the first dish with legumes, it is better to first read the recommendations of doctors so as not to harm your baby!

After the birth of a child, every mother is forced to listen to the advice of a pediatrician. Thus, the menu when breastfeeding a newborn is not very extensive - you have to refuse even seemingly harmless treats.

Pea soup itself does not pose any danger to the mother's body. Usually its recipe includes natural and healthy ingredients- meat and vegetables. But when it comes to the nutrition of a nursing woman, everything changes dramatically - here it is already important to think about the child’s body and his calm tummy.

It turns out that most of products after childbirth are prohibited not because they pose such a danger to the health of the baby. It’s just important to play it safe and not irritate the newborn’s sensitive ventricle so that he is not tormented by intestinal colic and gas.

Pea soup– this is exactly the kind of dish that it is better not to try for a nursing mother in the first months after the birth of the baby. Peas are a product that is difficult to digest, and therefore, when it is digested, flatulence and abdominal pain can develop. Naturally, for infant This - potential risk. Because newborns can react acutely even to very safe products.

When can you eat pea soup while breastfeeding?

Typically, pediatricians allow a young mother to try pea dishes only when her baby has for a long time There are no problems with stool or digestion.

If the newborn tolerates the menu of a nursing mother well and is not prone to intestinal colic and food allergies, then in the second or third month you can carefully introduce this first dish into your diet.

But it is important to remember that the soup must be prepared in compliance with the necessary rules.

  • The soup should be without the use of harmful ingredients, fatty ingredients or those products that pose a potential threat to the child's intestinal health. First of all, this applies to recipes that use smoked meats, sausages or fatty meats. Although this pea soup is much tastier and more aromatic than lean soup, it is forbidden to eat it while breastfeeding.
  • Also, avoid making spicy pea soup. Any spices and spices must be strictly dosed. Do not add garlic to the dish raw onion and other components with a pronounced smell and taste.
  • At first, you can just add a little salt to the soup and add parsley or dill to it.

In order not to overload the sensitive body of a newborn baby, it is better to prepare vegetable pea soup without meat and frying for the first time. Or use lean chicken, beef or veal for the recipe. Do not eat pea soups with fried pork, too much dressing or fatty frying.

To make sure that your baby tolerates this dish well, first eat only a third of the portion. If over the next day the newborn does not have any problems with the tummy and allergic reactions, which means you can eat a whole bowl of pea soup.

The optimal period when a nursing mother should add this first thing to her menu is the third or fourth month after giving birth.

For infants who often experience intestinal colic and gas, this period may be delayed until the baby reaches six months.

When can you have pea soup during breastfeeding?

  • If you and your relatives tolerate legumes well, you will not have digestive problems after eating peas;
  • If you have already tried pea soup and your baby responded well to it;
  • If you are preparing the first course without using fatty meat, hot spices, or dangerous allergens;
  • If the newborn rarely suffers from gas and bloating, if his digestive system is strong enough;
  • If the child is already four to five months old;
  • If your local pediatrician allows you to try this product.

How to properly prepare pea soup for a nursing mother

To make the recipe as healthy and easy to digest as possible, it is best to prepare the first dish correctly. To do this, use lean young chicken or lean beef.

  1. Soak the peas first. This is necessary so that the product swells and boils well in the boiling broth, so that it is better digested by the mother’s body.
  2. Next, remove the skin from the chicken, clean the meat from all fatty areas, leaving only the fillet. Then rinse under running water.
  3. Place lean meat in boiling water and cook longer than usual. Don't put bones in the pan! This broth will be much fattier than usual. Therefore, it is better to specifically buy sirloin.
  4. When preparing pea soup for a nursing mother, it is important not to add frying to the broth, and also avoid onions or green onions. You are allowed to add potatoes, carrots, and herbs to the soup.

If you have never tried pea soup after giving birth and do not know what reaction a baby might have, then it is better to eat only half a plate for the first time. Even if prepared according to all the rules and in compliance with safety measures, such a dish can cause bloating in the baby. If this happens, alleviate the child's condition with special drops from intestinal colic and give up any legumes for a while.

When a nursing mother should not have pea soup:

  • In the first months after caesarean section any foods that cause excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines should be excluded. This is necessary so that the intestines do not press from the inside on the fresh seam and cause discomfort.
  • If after giving birth you have problems with digestive system, often suffer from gases and flatulence. In this case, peas will only make the situation worse.
  • If the child is still too young. Even when the baby perfectly tolerates all the excesses in the diet of a nursing mother, one should not violate special diet and try peas and other beans earlier than a month after giving birth.
  • If the newborn often suffers from intestinal colic and bloating. For such a sensitive intestine, even the safest product can become a problem, let alone peas, which often provoke flatulence even in adults.
  • If anyone in the family has an intolerance to this product or has food allergy for beans. In this case, you should play it safe, because such diseases are often inherited.

Pea soup for breastfeeding, reviews from nursing mothers

Olya V., 33 years old

« I tried this soup for the first time during my sixth month of breastfeeding. The child tolerated the new dish well, but I prepared it carefully, and before that I consulted with the pediatrician at the clinic. A friend ate almost all soups already in the second month after giving birth, but we were less fortunate - we had tummy problems from birth».

Marina K., 20 years old

« I was looking on the Internet for an answer to the question whether a nursing mother can have pea soup. Based on the experience of many who gave birth and their advice, I decided to give it a try. Certainly, traditional recipe I immediately left the one with pork for later, when I finish the GW. Our daughter is three months old, we have not had any problems. Now I make this soup regularly».
