The cat was bitten by a bee or wasp. What to do? What to do if your cat is bitten by a bee or wasp If a cat is bitten by a bee, what should you do?

During the summer season, cats are often bitten by wasps and bees - these phenomena are not uncommon. Especially when Murka lives in a house with free access to the yard or moves with the owners out of town to the dacha. What to do and how to help the animal?

How to tell if a cat has been bitten by an insect

Wasps and bees fly into apartments, so a pet is not 100% protected from their bites anywhere, especially when the cat is playful and inquisitive. When a flickering dot appears in their field of vision, they strive to catch it or play with it. How can you tell if an animal has been bitten by a wasp or a bee?

What will immediately attract attention
What else appears (immediately or after some time)
  • visible painful swelling in a specific place, swelling, prolonged lameness (observed when a cat was bitten on the paw by a wasp);
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath, wheezing;
  • hives;
  • increased saliva production;
  • an increase not only in local temperature, but also in the temperature of the entire body;
  • in rare cases, vomiting;
  • feverish state, tachycardia (the heart begins to beat quickly, but weakly);
  • signs of anaphylactic or toxic shock;
  • cramps, involuntary urination;
  • lack of coordination of movements;
  • loss of consciousness.

Why are wasp and bee stings dangerous?

The bites of these insects should not be ignored under any circumstances. If this happens to your pet for the first time, the body’s reaction can be very unpredictable. What can be the danger of bites:

  • If a wasp bites you on the nose, any part of the head, ear, lip or throat, then there is a high risk of developing swelling, which can block the airways and cause suffocation. The mortality rate of such bites is the highest.
  • Bites in groin area and/or genitals can cause blockage of the ureters due to swelling.
  • If a wasp bites a cat on the eye, it will develop inflammatory process with suppuration and risks of blindness.
  • When stung by a wasp or bee little kitten A severe intoxication reaction may develop. For this, even the smallest dose of poison is enough for a small, fragile organism. There is a risk of death of the animal.
  • Allergic reaction when hypersensitivity to bee/wasp venom. Convulsions and increased body temperature are also signs of an individual reaction to the venom of wasps and bees.
  • Severe pain that prevents normal life. This is especially noticeable if a cat is bitten on the paw by a wasp - the pain can be such that it is impossible to step on the paw.

The most terrible consequence- anaphylaxis! In case of anaphylactic shock, qualified assistance should be provided as soon as possible.

Signs of anaphylaxis

  • severe lethargy of the cat, weakness, unnatural, inhibited behavior;
  • pallor or cyanosis of visible mucous membranes (whites of the eyes, conjunctival mucosa, gums, inner surface cheeks);
  • hoarse, difficult breathing;
  • vomit;
  • weak but rapid pulse;
  • involuntary urination, cramps.

With all of the above signs, cats bitten by bees or wasps should be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic!

At particular risk for severe allergic reactions are:

  • small kittens;
  • cats and cats having any chronic diseases or located in recovery period after any illness/surgery;
  • individuals who have received multiple bites;
  • cats (cats develop allergies faster and more severely than cats);
  • “special” cat breeds: British, Angora, Persian and almost all long-haired;
  • cats that have or have previously had a hypersensitivity reaction to wasp or bee venom.

Where do bites most often occur?

What is first aid?

What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee or wasp? In any case, you will have to provide first aid yourself, and then go to the veterinarian if the need arises.

Help algorithm:
  1. Place the cat in any cool place and give it complete rest. Be sure to bring it from the street into the house if everything happened in the yard.
  2. Observe the animal for just a few minutes to rule out symptoms. anaphylactic shock or suffocating swelling, when you should rush to the veterinary clinic rather than try to help yourself.
  3. If in home medicine cabinet There is homeopathic medicine "Apis"- it is recommended to give the cat 5-10 drops orally with a small amount of water. This is especially true in cases where there is a history of insect bites and allergies to them - this should always be the case.
  4. Under control general condition You should begin examining the animal’s body to understand where the insect bite occurred. If edema and swelling are found in the area of ​​the larynx, then immediately take your pet to a specialist. Intubation may be necessary, and this can only be done by a specialist.
  5. Remember: wasps do not leave stings, only bees leave stings! If a cat has been bitten by a bee, you need to find a place with a protruding sting and carefully pull it out using tweezers. It is important not to flatten it, otherwise the intoxication reaction will intensify. If a wasp stings, you can try to lightly squeeze out the ichor with the remaining poison. But this manipulation is only suitable for the first minutes after an insect attack, because then swelling forms and the hole narrows so much that nothing can be squeezed out. During any manipulations at the site of swelling, the cat must be well fixed - this is very painful!

After removing the sting and squeezing out any remaining toxins, the bite site can be treated with the following solutions and substances:

  • fruit acids(rub with a piece of lemon, apple, orange, you can add a pulp from the pulp of these fruits);
  • vinegar water(9% table or natural Apple vinegar mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio, a cotton swab is generously moistened and applied to the bite site. The exception is bites in the mouth or near the mouth);
  • citric acid solution(make slightly acidic water, moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the bite site);
  • soap solution from laundry soap relieves itching (soap a cotton swab generously and periodically rinse the wound);
  • soda solution(dilute a third of a level teaspoon in 100 ml of water, wipe with a cotton swab dipped in the solution);
  • ammonia(do not generously lubricate the bite site if it is not on the head - legs, stomach, back...);
  • turmeric(sprinkle generously on the bite area, after moistening it with plain water).
Applying cold to the bite site

Take something cold (ice, some kind of product) out of the freezer, wrap it in a thin cotton towel or napkin and apply it for 10 seconds with the same breaks. Cold will sharply narrow the skin capillaries, preventing the spread of poison and increasing swelling. Cold can be applied before treating the bite site. local solutions, especially if the animal was damaged by a wasp. Then cold is first applied, then local treatment is done.

What not to do

It is important not only to help your pet correctly and promptly when bitten by stinging insects, but also not to cause harm. A cat was bitten by a wasp - what not to do:

  • treat bite sites with any irritating ointments and gels for people containing menthol and essential oils;
  • give any antiallergic drugs to people - at best they simply will not help, at worst they will harm the general condition;
  • try to provide self-help for anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

When to go to the vet

In the following situations, you need to immediately take the animal to a veterinarian:
  • a wasp/bee bit a small kitten;
  • the bite was in the head area, and especially somewhere in the neck;
  • a severe allergic reaction with angioedema and difficulty breathing is visible;
  • the organ of vision was damaged (bite directly in the eye);
  • Some time after the bite, the cat loses its appetite, apathy appears, the temperature of the whole body rises, and the place where the insect stung swells or begins to fester.
What the veterinarian urgently introduces:
  • prednisolone: ​​0.5-1 ml subcutaneously/intramuscularly;
  • dexamethasone: 0.2-1 ml subcutaneously/into the muscle;
  • Benadryl (diphenhydramine, diphenhydramine): 0.5-1 ml intramuscularly;
  • Diazolin: ½ tablet orally. or pills, but only in cases where there is no swelling of the pharynx and swallowing is not difficult;
  • aminophylline: 0.1-0.5 ml into the muscle or subcutaneously to improve ventilation in case of edema respiratory tract.
  • adrenaline 0.1% - injected into special in case of emergency with anaphylaxis. The dosage is determined only by a veterinarian in each individual case, because If the calculation is incorrect, you can get the opposite effect.

In most cases, the cat’s body copes with wasp and bee stings on its own - swelling, swelling, pain, lameness subside and disappear within 2-7 days (up to a maximum of 10 with increased individual sensitivity of the body). Cases when urgent veterinary care- are quite rare, but every cat owner should be able to figure out when it is really needed.


Typically, the consequences of an attack by stinging insects are limited to a local reaction. If the bite did not occur in front of the owner, you can understand that the pet was stung by the following signs:

  • hot red localized swelling in a specific location;
  • the cat shakes its head or paw;
  • copious;
  • restless behavior, attempts to scratch the stung area.

In the event of a bite or attack from multiple wasps at once, the following may occur:

  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • tachycardia (fast heartbeat);
  • impaired coordination of movements and consciousness;
  • state of shock.

Although a wasp or bee can bite a cat even in a city apartment, this situation usually occurs during the summer season, outside the city. The owner must independently help the pet if it is not possible to quickly get to a veterinary clinic.

First aid

Treatment of the bite site

When you detect a bite, you must first make sure that the sting is not stuck in the skin. If it is quickly removed, it will reduce inflammation and the resulting dose of poison.

  • The pet must be firmly secured, since any manipulation in the area of ​​edema will be painful.
  • It is impossible to reach the sting with your fingers; tweezers are used for this.
  • The bite site can be wiped with a soda solution or treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Medication assistance

Bee stings can be very painful and, depending on the location, cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal:

  • If a cat is stung on the paw, severe lameness will persist for several days.
  • Bites on the nose and oral cavity interfere with eating normally.

In such cases, it is advisable to use corticosteroids. Usually, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed by a doctor, but experienced owners themselves sometimes resort to such therapy.

For cats, Prednisolone is most often used at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg, less often Dexamethasone. Prednisolone can be given either in tablet form or by intramuscular injection:

  • For a cat weighing 3-4 kg, half a 5 mg tablet will be enough. If your pet is acting aggressively or is drooling profusely, it may not be easy to give the pill.
  • The injection is also preferable because the drug begins to act faster.

Therefore, it is recommended to keep an ampoule of Prednisolone and insulin syringes in the “dacha” veterinary office. If a wasp sting caused severe swelling and pain, it is necessary to inject the drug into the thigh muscles at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg. Prednisolone is repeated every 12 hours, reducing the dose over 3-5 days until the drugs are completely discontinued.

Contacting the clinic

In the vast majority of cases, an insect bite is not a reason to visit veterinarian. However, in some cases hospitalization is necessary:

  1. Signs of Quincke's edema, systemic allergic reaction.
  2. Multiple bites, which can cause poisoning.
  3. Age up to 5-6 months (kittens are more sensitive to poison).

Adult cats can tolerate bee or wasp stings without consequences. However, if the immune system If the pet (usually a purebred) is not in good health, bee venom can cause anaphylactic shock and death.

After discovering a bite, you need to observe your pet for some time to see if the appetite has disappeared, if there are any signs of lethargy or apathy. U fluffy cats You need to especially carefully check the submandibular space to see if there is swelling in the neck area.

What not to do:

  • use local irritants based on menthol and essential oils or ointments intended for humans (Fenistil);
  • Give your cat antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Zyrtec) as they will not be effective.


If the reaction to the bite is minor, the veterinarian will send the patient home, reassuring the owners. And the doctor will act completely differently when faced with manifestations of anaphylactic shock. This reaction occurs suddenly, shortly after the bite. A cat can die within an hour if you don't give it help.

Signs of anaphylaxis:

  • weakness, unnatural behavior: the animal is lethargic or overly excited;
  • mucous membranes are pale or bluish;
  • breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard;
  • the pulse quickens and becomes weak;
  • cramps, involuntary urination.

The veterinarian will restore the airway. Usually this does not require a tracheotomy, just inserting an endotracheal tube. Humidified oxygen is supplied through it.

  • They urgently give 0.1% adrenaline (Epinephrine), while some specialists prefer to inject it into the bite area, first diluting it with saline.
  • Adrenaline can be injected again in a different place every 15 minutes until the attack is stopped.
  • If necessary, it is administered intravenously, very slowly, at a dose of up to 0.01 ml/kg.

An intravenous catheter is installed into which Prednisolone 4-10 mg/kg is injected. To eliminate spasm of the respiratory tract, use 2.4% Euphyllin 5-7 mg/kg.

To restore normal blood circulation, pressure and renal blood flow, colloid and crystalloid solutions (dropper) are used.

Even if the attack was effectively and timely eliminated, the cat is left in the hospital under observation for at least a day. It is important to control adequate urination and begin treatment for acute vomiting, which can occur against the background of a shock drop in pressure, hypoxia and intoxication.


It is impossible to protect four-legged pets from stinging insects with a 100% guarantee. But if your pet spends the summer at the dacha, you should take care to reduce the likelihood of a bite to a minimum. Reasonable measures would be:

  1. Premises protection (mosquito nets).
  2. Treatment of the territory (destruction of wasp nests).
  3. Do not place bowls of water or food outside or on the veranda.
  4. Treating animals with repellents.


Although most cats tolerate bee, wasp and even hornet stings without serious consequences For health reasons, the owner must be ready to help the pet in case of an allergic reaction to a bite. Anaphylactic shock occurs in one animal in a thousand, but it can cause death. The good news is that if bees have stung your cat before and no allergies have been observed, he will most likely tolerate them just as well in the future.


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If a cat is stung by a bee, it is necessary to provide first aid and then act according to the circumstances. If your pet's health worsens, you should show it to a veterinarian. Most dangerous bites in the area of ​​the muzzle, neck, behind the nose. If a severe allergic reaction develops, the animal risks dying.

Symptoms of bites

If a bee stings, the animal’s reaction is the same as a person’s. When poison enters the bloodstream, swelling, swelling, redness, pain, burning, and eventually itching appear at the site. In some cases, symptoms disappear on their own within a few days, without special treatment. In another situation, an urgent visit to a specialist is required. The photo is presented below.

If a cat is bitten by a bee, a severe allergic reaction may occur, which manifests itself general deterioration the animal's well-being.

  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • convulsions;
  • lacrimation;
  • increased salivation;
  • trembling throughout the body;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hard breath;
  • swelling of the larynx.

The allergy appears within the first 20 minutes after a bee stings. But complications may occur the next day. If after first aid the cat’s condition does not improve, you should take the pet to the veterinarian or consult by phone.

First aid

What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee, there is a certain mechanism of action. The insect leaves in the pet's body, which continues to excrete, it needs to be removed. If, upon careful examination of the affected area, no bee sting is found, it means...

  1. The sting should be removed carefully using tweezers. Using nails can damage the structure and leave part of an organ in the body, which is highly undesirable. Surgery will be required to remove it.
  2. Further processing should be sore spot any antiseptic to neutralize the effect of the poison. For these purposes they use medical supplies, folk remedies.
  3. After disinfection, you need to relieve swelling and reduce pain. In this case, use a cold compress or ice cubes wrapped in a towel. The swelling will finally go away in a few days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times a day.

If there are signs of a severe allergic reaction, until examined by a specialist, it is allowed to give the cat antihistamine, Activated carbon to remove toxins.

Disinfestation products

You can treat a wound if a bee stings a cat. medical alcohol, ammonia, any alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide.

  • Tincture of valerian, motherwort, and calendula soothes pain and relieves swelling. A small amount is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the sore spot.
  • If there is no alcohol, prepare a paste from soda. Mix kitchen salt and baking soda in equal proportions, dilute with a little water to form a paste. Apply to the skin. Baking soda helps relieve swelling, pain, burning, itching.
  • You can disinfect the wound with juice from orange, lemon, onion, and potato. Another effective remedy– laundry soap or acidic solution. Add to water table vinegar, citric acid. They make lotions, apply a compress, wipe the skin.

In the future, decoctions from medicinal herbs– chamomile, mint, lemon balm, calendula. The potion is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Sore spots need to be treated several times a day. The swelling goes away completely within 3 days.


The cat actively licks the bitten area with its tongue. Not only because the animal is in pain or unpleasant, but to disinfect the wound. Saliva is a natural antiseptic. Wild, stray cats treat themselves. The sting falls out over time without outside help.

After a bee stings a cat's nose or other place on its face, you should give antihistamine to avoid severe allergies. There is no special cat drug. Experts advise:

  • Prednisolone. At home, give 0.5 tablets. Turn it into powder, dilute it with water, and pour it into the cat’s mouth. If immediate relief of an allergic reaction is required, an injection is given intramuscularly and 0.5 ml of solution is injected.
  • Dexamethasone. More suitable for obvious signs allergies - vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing. An injection is given with a solution of 0.2 ml.
  • Diazolin. It is recommended if a bee has bitten a kitten, an adult cat, or a cat. Dose – 0.5 tablets at a time. On the first day, an antihistamine is given three times.
  • L-cet. A modern antihistamine is produced in the form of a suspension or tablets. In the first case, give 0.5 teaspoon per day, in the second - ¼ of the tablet.

To save a cat’s life after a bee sting, you can give any antihistamine that is in your home medicine cabinet, but then you should show your pet to a specialist. Carry out further therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian.

If a bee bites a cat on the paw, there is no particular cause for concern. But an animal may have an individual intolerance to bee venom. In this case, the consequences are unpredictable, the paw noticeably swells. To avoid complications, you need to give an antihistamine immediately after discovering a bite.

Cat treatment

The bite goes away completely within a week. Pain and swelling gradually change. There is a risk of secondary infection if the pet begins to scratch the itchy wounds. To avoid suppuration and the development of ulcers, wounds after a bite should be treated daily to reduce itching.

It is allowed to use creams and ointments local action: Zvezdochka balm, Fenistil Gel, Beinval. Or use folk remedies:

  • juice fresh leaves parsley;
  • leaf of plantain, yarrow;
  • dandelion roots;
  • lemon slice;
  • a piece of raw potato;
  • tansy decoction;
  • aloe juice;
  • chopped onion, garlic;
  • salty water.

Medicines are applied to the skin, lotions and compresses are made. If the situation does not improve within 3 days, you should seek help from a specialist. In most cases, to relieve suffering pet, it is enough to provide the first medical care, observe the cat’s well-being for several days.

Cats are very curious animals, especially small kittens who constantly want to find out something, smell and play with both butterflies and flying insects, including bees. Being a predator by nature, a cat once outside, especially in summer time year, begins to realize his predatory instinct, trying to catch bees crawling on the flowers of plants. If a cat has not previously interacted with bees, then this can end quite sadly for her. With the onset of the warm season, bees in search of nectar are regular visitors to flowering plants, and of course it is not the bee’s fault when a cat or kitten tries to play with it. Cat owners often do not know what to do if their pet is stung by a bee.

Symptoms of a bee sting in a cat. While you are in nature with your cat, where bees are flying in search of nectar, you notice that the cat suddenly begins to behave inappropriately. From a painful bee sting, a cat begins to run, rush, and climb into various places. During an external examination of their pet, the owners note that the cat is breathing heavily, suffocating, the bite site (nose or paw) is swollen, and the bite site is very painful. Increased salivation (), lacrimation appears, after a bite the cat begins to vomit (), convulsions and an increase in body temperature.

At strong bites Bees can cause your cat to go into anaphylactic shock.

What to do if a cat is stung by a bee?

The main thing in this situation is not to get confused, to take the following measures in time:

  • Carefully examine the site of the bee sting and try to remove the bee sting.
  • We squeeze the wound from a bee sting with two fingers and try to remove some of the bee venom that has entered the wound.
  • We treat the wound from a bee sting with any disinfectant.
  • To remove the tumor, make a compress from baking soda on boiled water.
  • Apply ice or a cold compress to the site of inflammation.
  • To relieve an allergic reaction, we give an antihistamine.

Prednisolone. At home, 0.5 tablets are required. Turn the tablet into powder, dilute it with water and pour it into the cat’s mouth. In cases where immediate relief of an allergic reaction is required, the cat is given an intramuscular injection and 0.5 ml of solution is injected.

Dexamethasone. Used for obvious signs of allergy - vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing. An injection is given with a solution of 0.2 ml.

  • If swelling is severe, it may be helpful to give your cat a diuretic.
  • We give the stung cat rest and calm it down.

Treatment of a cat after a bee sting

A cat's reaction to a bee sting usually goes away within a week. Soreness and swelling are gradually replaced by itching. If the cat begins to scratch the itchy area with its claws, there is a risk of secondary infection. To avoid suppuration and the development of ulcers, wounds after a bite should be treated daily to reduce itching.

For this purpose, you can use topical creams and ointments: Zvezdochka balm, Fenistil Gel, Beinval. Medicinal plants are sometimes used:

  • juice of fresh parsley leaves;
  • leaf of plantain, yarrow;
  • dandelion roots;
  • tansy decoction.

Can be used:

  • lemon slice;
  • a piece of raw potato;
  • aloe juice;
  • chopped onion, garlic;
  • salty water.

Data medicines apply to the bite site, make lotions and compresses. If the condition of the sore spot does not improve within 3 days, you should seek help from a veterinarian. In most cases, to alleviate the suffering of a pet, it is enough to provide first aid and monitor the cat’s well-being for several days.

When, as a result of a bee sting, a cat urgently needs to contact a veterinary clinic

Cats, like dogs, can experience a severe allergic reaction, including anaphylactic shock, as a result of a bee sting. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, we may be talking about rescuing the animal and urgently contacting veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock in a cat:

The cat develops severe painful itching in the muzzle area. The cat suddenly begins to squat, rubbing its eyes, ears and muzzle with its paws. Often the cat does this all very furiously, meowing in bewilderment. As a result of the onset of bronchospasm and venous stagnation In the pulmonary circulation, the cat develops severe difficulty breathing. The visible mucous membranes of the head instantly turn blue and become cold to the touch. Subsequently, the cat develops swelling of the larynx, breathing becomes hoarse and intermittent. If you don't provide emergency assistance the cat will die from suffocation.

In addition, you must contact a veterinary clinic:

  1. When a bee stings in the throat area or when a kitten swallows a bee.
  2. The cat was attacked by several bees.
  3. Very severe swelling at the site of the bee sting.
  4. If a bee stings a small kitten, there is a high probability of developing anaphylactic shock.
  5. The cat showed signs of suffocation, vomiting and coughing.
  6. Increased salivation.
  7. The bee sting is stuck in places that are difficult to reach and there is no way to remove it yourself.
  8. The cat's body temperature rose sharply.
  9. The cat behaves inappropriately, has seizures and loses consciousness.

Animals, like people, very often end up in various unpleasant situations because of their curiosity. So, for example, your cat, which loves to follow various moving objects, including insects, is not always limited to just observation. She definitely wants to touch the insect with her paw and... Often, such games end sadly, and your curious cat is bitten by a wasp, bee, hornet, spider or other insect.

How to help the animal in this case? How to properly provide timely medical assistance and not get confused? We will talk about all this and the sad consequences of such curiosity in our “cat” section...

Well, just think, the cat was bitten by a bee, a wasp, a hornet or even a spider?! Well, what's so special about that?! But, in order to realize the seriousness of what happened, first remember your feelings when you were bitten by some such insect. You can hardly call them pleasant, and your Murka is also experiencing it now. Only now, if you understood that the cause of your pain is this, then your cat does not understand this. She just felt pain, that's all...

But pain is not the worst thing. So, for example, if the bite of a bee or other poisonous insect is in the muzzle area or close to the mucous membranes, a tumor will very soon form around the bite site, which will burn with fire, and your cat may even find it difficult to breathe. And, if the swelling spreads to the throat, then the cat may even suffocate. There is also a high probability of an allergic reaction to an insect bite. Being in this state, your pet may begin to behave aggressively, and the cat’s behavior cannot be called adequate - read more about this.

If you notice that after an insect bite, your cat’s health has worsened, the bite site is swollen, the cat is breathing heavily, she is drooling, vomiting, or even having convulsions, or has risen - do not hesitate, urgently take the animal to a veterinary clinic so that the cat can be treated provided the necessary medical assistance.

Any minute of your delay could cost your curious pet her life...

How to help a cat yourself if it has been bitten by a wasp or a bee

Depending on who bit your cat, if it was a wasp (then it does not leave a sting in the wound), and if (then you will need to remove this sting), provide first aid to the animal. After this, apply a compress of baking soda dissolved in water to the bite site to relieve your cat of itching and reduce swelling. Also, a cold or ice compress helps with swelling. It will also help reduce painful sensations animal. Just remember that before applying ice, it must be wrapped in a cloth or towel.

Well, and most importantly, during any manipulations, do not forget to talk to your cat and encourage her with kind and affectionate words. Remember the saying that even a cat enjoys a kind word? This is exactly the case when you can use the power of this kind words in practice, and in view of the current circumstances, your cat needs such a manifestation of love and attention all the more.

If you cannot remove the sting yourself, do not delay your visit to the veterinary clinic. If the sting remains in the wound, the cat’s well-being will worsen even more, so you should hurry.

If you know that your cat is allergic to insect bites, always keep a drug called Benadryl on hand, it will help you save your cat’s life at a crucial moment.
