Visiting the dentist. Preventative visit to the dentist. Rules for choosing a toothbrush

Morozova Natalia Gavrilovna
Dentist-therapist, highest qualification category

Since ancient times, a guarantee of a successful device in personal and public life there was an attractive, disarming smile.

The first thing people pay attention to when meeting you is your smile. If it is restrained or covered with a palm, then this is already alarming. A beautiful smile has always attracted and will attract the gaze of others. How to preserve it and how to bring it to perfection?

This is only possible through the joint efforts of patients and dentists.

“You need to visit the dentist once every six months” - this recommendation can be heard quite often. But is it really necessary to visit the dental clinic that often?

How often do we postpone a visit to the dentist for an indefinite period of time, citing the fact that now there is no time for dental treatment, it does not allow family budget, not until now, sometime later. And we remember the need to visit the dentist only when toothache haunts us.

In order to be absolutely calm about the health of your teeth, you need to visit the dentist not only for medical treatment, but also for for preventive purposes. During a preventive visit to the dental office, the doctor usually performs an examination oral cavity, if necessary, performs diagnostic radiography. Then, based on the results of the examination, he gives specific recommendations for dental care and draws up a plan of treatment measures, if they are already necessary. The dentist will suggest that you remove plaque and plaque from your teeth. Treatments may be prescribed to strengthen tooth enamel.

Don't be under the illusion that brushing your teeth twice a day is enough to keep your mouth healthy. General state organism, the presence of metabolic disorders can lead to gradual destruction of tooth tissue. A person cannot notice the appearance initial caries until obvious symptoms appear, such as increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods. Caries is sometimes hidden. At a certain moment, the enamel above such a cavity breaks and a person has a feeling of immediate tooth destruction: there was healthy tooth and suddenly the whole thing collapsed. Only a dentist can detect hidden caries using special medical equipment.

If the dentist’s appointment is postponed indefinitely, then a simple carious process will lead to the development of complicated caries - pulpitis or periodontitis. Pulpitis or inflammation of the nerve will entail the removal of the latter, after which the tooth becomes “dead,” inelastic, and dry. The walls of such teeth easily break off and later, as a rule, the teeth require prosthetic crowns.

Periodontitis is the most dangerous complication carious process. In this case, the inflammatory process spreads around the tips of the roots of the teeth into the bone surrounding the tooth.

It should be noted that in most cases, periodontitis is asymptomatic, while microorganisms root canal They are already doing their “dirty” business. Hence the first conclusion: if you know that you have clearly unhealthy teeth (partially destroyed; roots of long-decayed teeth; teeth discolored; teeth that periodically cause a feeling of discomfort), you should not postpone a visit to the dentist.

What is the insidiousness of periodontitis? Self-healing never happens.

Sometimes with a common cold, when the immune system weakens, inflammatory process intensifies and it is not always possible to eliminate it with therapeutic methods. This often leads to tooth extraction.

It must be remembered that any carious cavity is a source of infection that multiplies throughout the body. Advanced caries is often the real reason sore throat, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, inflammation genitourinary system(nephritis and cystitis). There are known cases of the development of sepsis (blood poisoning) from one carious tooth. Possible fatalities.

Timely diagnosis at an early stage of caries allows for quick and painless treatment teeth. A healthy oral cavity is the key to a healthy stomach, heart and other internal organs. Bad teeth, being a source of infection, can cause some diseases and aggravate the course of others. For example, common diseases - arthritis, endocarditis, functional disorders eyes, ears and nose, hypertension, the appearance of toxic elements in the blood. Serious violations work of the kidneys, heart, stomach, and intestines can also be caused by not taking care of your teeth. This is due to the fact that when microbes and their toxins enter the blood, they cause or maintain chronic diseases. Therefore, competent doctors of various specialties, before taking on the treatment of diseases in their field, recommend that patients first visit a dentist.

Based on all of the above, we can draw only one conclusion: it is necessary to treat teeth.

By contacting our “Dental Center” you will be received by highly qualified specialists, true professionals in their field, who will quickly prevent the problem if it is just beginning to appear, using modern diagnostic equipment. In cases where the defect is already present, experienced doctors will be able to eliminate any deficiency with the help of modern tools, materials and high-tech equipment.

After a visit to us you get healthy teeth, gums, fresh breath And beautiful smile, and also get rid of many problems associated with the presence of foci chronic infection. Thus, you cleanse your body, making it healthier and younger.

Visit the dentist on time! I wish you health and a beautiful smile!

The vast majority of people go to the dentist only as a last resort - when everything folk remedies have been tried to combat toothache, but painkillers do not help relieve the pain. This behavior of patients in many cases is due to a reluctance to sit in the dental chair due to fear of specialists in this field. However, as you know, you need to visit the dentist regularly - approximately every six months if the condition of the person’s oral cavity is good, and more often if there are any diseases or problems with the teeth or gums. Why?

At what age should you visit the dentist?

It is necessary to get used to regular dental examinations from childhood - especially in early age habits are formed that largely determine the state of oral health. A qualified specialist ( here ) will be able to properly explain to your child how to properly care for his teeth and why it should be done.

The sooner you start correcting your bite, the less time it will take to solve this problem and the more comfortable it will be for the patient. later life.

At approximately 5-7 years of age (age varies), a doctor may detect the presence of malocclusion in a child, which is often easy for parents to miss. The sooner you start correcting the bite, the less time it will take to solve this problem and the more comfortable the patient will be in later life, because wearing a brace system in youth and in the prime of life is associated with a fairly high level of psychological discomfort.

Why should you visit the dentist every six months?

The answer is obvious: this is necessary to prevent timely diagnosis and eliminating possible problems - caries, gum disease, etc.

During a preventive examination, the doctor may notice caries on initial stages development, manifested in the presence of a dark spot. As a rule, patients do not pay attention to such changes because painful sensations they are not disturbed. Gradually, caries progresses, affecting the enamel and then dentin. However, even pain at this stage is not always able to force the patient to visit the dentist in a timely manner, and in quite frequent cases the doctor has to cope with already deep caries and, even worse, its complications - pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.

Does everyone need to visit the dentist every six months?

Six months is the accepted frequency for visiting the dentist, which, of course, can vary. And people who are at risk should see a doctor much more often. These include:

  • people who smoke;
  • patients with a genetic predisposition to dental diseases;
  • sweet lovers;
  • diabetic patients.

People at risk need to visit the dentist more often than once every six months.

Moreover, if during a previous appointment the dentist recommended that you come for a preventive examination, you must definitely listen to the doctor’s recommendation - this means that he assumes that after such a period of time the condition of your teeth may worsen.

In addition, experts recommend periodically professional cleaning teeth - this method allows you to more effectively get rid of plaque and tartar, which are usually the main cause of tooth decay or gum disease.

Remember - timely visit to the dentist and preventive examinations- an important component of maintaining oral health along with maintaining good hygiene, proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits!

As a general rule, most dentists say that adults should undergo dental checkups at least once every six months. However, as the results of the study showed, visit the dentist often should only be used by people who have chronic diseases of the teeth and oral cavity and who are at risk. All others who do not experience obvious discomfort associated with the condition of the oral cavity can make visits to the dentist much less often.

A significant number of people took part in the survey conducted by American scientists. primary goal this survey- determine how an incorrect lifestyle, the presence of diseases, as well as others negative factors influence the development of caries and other diseases in the field of dentistry. At the same time, they decided to pay significant attention to those people who are sick diabetes mellitus and active smokers - these two categories of people are at risk greatest danger occurrence of oral disease.

Each group is recommended to visit the dentist at different intervals.

After scientists conducted many examinations and also talked with patients dental offices, they managed to find out:

  • that for people who prefer to lead the correct and healthy image life, and also differ good health And feeling good, is not necessary. They can undergo preventive examinations much less frequently.
  • But for those who have genetic predisposition, diabetes, and bad habits, should visit the dentist more often, for example every six months - this will help prevent the occurrence of various dental diseases.
  • You can visit our clinic.
Free dental consultation includes:
  • Comprehensive examination of the entire oral cavity and mucous membranes;
  • Leaving a treatment plan with descriptions and prices for each necessary procedure;
  • Establishing treatment periods + general recommendations;
  • Oral hygiene training.

Healthy teeth are an important component of quality of life. A beautiful and snow-white smile helps to find mutual language with others, express your feelings and emotions. In order for it to remain so, it is important to undergo examination by a doctor at least twice a year: it will help to identify problems at the stage of their occurrence and begin treatment when it will bring maximum benefit and require a minimum of sacrifices.

To support on high level dental health, it is important to find “your” dentist, whose professionalism you can 100% trust. This can sometimes be difficult to do: government institutions we are often greeted with gloomy faces and complete absence desire to help, in private – a sweet smile aimed at “pulling out” maximum quantity money.

Modern dentistry is not what our imagination often imagines it to be. By contacting Granate Clinic in Kyiv ( or other modern medical institutions with a good reputation, you will understand that its main features are:

The presence of effective anesthetics to make all procedures absolutely painless;
usage the latest materials, making it possible to easily and without huge costs restore the lost color, shape and function of teeth;
the use of advanced technologies to minimize time and money spent on treatment;
individual approach and high efficiency, which will be appreciated by even the most demanding patients.

Dentists advise undergoing a preventive examination at least twice a year, during which ailments will be identified in the early stages of development. Conducted in a timely manner therapeutic measures will allow to avoid serious problems in the future: the need for root removal, tooth loss, prosthetics, etc.

bleeding gums;
the appearance of “pockets” between the tooth and gum where food gets in;
appearance unpleasant odor from mouth;
discomfort when chewing;
sudden changes diet.

Modern dentistry allows you to quickly and effectively deal with various ailments. Use of anesthetics and latest technologies reduces discomfort, money and time costs to a minimum. Don't be afraid of dentists: preventive examinations will help prevent possible problems and stop the development of diseases at the initial stage.

Visiting the dentist- This mandatory procedure necessary for almost every person.

Only a dentist can help you with dental treatment.

The health of every person, and if you want, every tooth is in the hands of a dentist!

Every person should be fully aware that dentistry helps make your life more beautiful.

Rules for visiting the dentist

Before visiting the dentist, it is important to find a dentist with whom you feel comfortable. If you have found such a dentist, you should arrange an examination. This is important so that you can be sure that your teeth are fine and do not need treatment or extraction.

Regular checkups can help you maintain healthy, clean teeth.

. Professional cleaning
The examination includes a complete cleaning, which is performed by your dentist or dental hygienist. Using special tools, the hygienist will clean the gum area. Removes plaque and tartar. Their presence usually leads to gum disease or tooth decay. In addition, your dentist will polish your teeth with varnish if necessary.

Full inspection
Your dentist will conduct a complete examination of your teeth. The dentist will help you maintain your oral cavity healthy condition and prevent the development of diseases.

Your dentist may recommend x-rays. It is able to identify problems that would otherwise go undetected without x-rays. Such diseases include:
1. damage to the jaw bones;
2. unerupted teeth;
3. boils;
4. cysts;
5. tumors;
6. caries.

Equipment that is used in modern medical clinics, emits almost no radiation. During the x-ray, remember to wear a protective apron. Visiting the dentist during pregnancy- This a special case and X-rays are done for pregnant women only in the most extreme cases. Most importantly, talk to your dentist about your pregnancy.

The dentist may also ask you to have a panoramic X-ray. This photo will show your top and lower jaw. This can help your dentist determine if you have an overbite. This image will also show the location of all the teeth. This will greatly facilitate the dentist’s task in the further treatment of your teeth.

How often should you visit the dentist?

If your teeth and gums are sufficiently good condition, then you can take a short break for three to six months. But if necessary further treatment, for example, you need to seal carious cavity or removal of a wisdom tooth, you need to arrange a return visit. The most important thing is that you should ask the dentist all the questions that interest you. This way, you won’t worry about your teeth, and the dentist will be able to understand what’s bothering you.

Our private dental clinic“Apollonia” is ready to accept anyone who needs dental help. Our qualified specialists work professionally and efficiently. Once you visit our dentist, you will no longer be afraid of them. Contact us by phone numbers listed on our website and we will be happy to help you.
