Ufok - ultraviolet irradiation of blood. Ultraviolet irradiation of blood (photohemotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation of blood) Ultraviolet irradiation of blood indications and contraindications reviews

It is also called photohemotherapy or denoted by the abbreviation UV blood. It is a dosed irradiation of blood ultraviolet rays.

Irradiation of the human body with ultraviolet light has been used for a long time. IN clinical practice methods of ultraviolet irradiation of blood are used for various skin, surgical infections and other diseases.

The main problem this method is insufficient clinical trial ultraviolet influence on the human body. The popularity and prevalence of the method is based solely on the experience of its application.

Ultraviolet irradiation has the following therapeutic effects:

Bactericidal (antiseptic) effect;

Anti-inflammatory effect;

Correction of humoral and cellular immunity;

Acceleration of tissue regeneration (healing);

Vasodilator effect;

Improving the acid-base state of the blood;

Erythropoiesis (stimulation of red blood cell formation);

Desensitizing (antiallergic) effect;

Normalization of antioxidant and blood levels;

Detoxification effect.

Methods for conducting ultraviolet irradiation of blood

There are two methods of blood irradiation - extravascular and intravascular.

Photohemotherapy is carried out in a specially equipped room, close to the surgical box (operating room). The patient is placed on the couch in a supine position. A vein is punctured with a needle upper limb. Intravascular irradiation is carried out by introducing a light guide into the vessel through the cavity of a needle. Extracorporeal, i.e. extravascular irradiation occurs by passing previously collected blood through a quartz cuvette with heparin. After the blood is irradiated, it returns back to the bloodstream. The session lasts 45-55 minutes. For achievement therapeutic effect 6-10 courses of ultraviolet irradiation of blood are prescribed.

Before the UVB blood session

IN special training the patient does not need it. It is only necessary to do a general and, in some cases, biochemical, coagulogram (condition On the day of the procedure it is necessary good nutrition With sufficient quantity sweets before the procedure, as well as after it and throughout the day.

Indications for photohemotherapy:

Stomach ulcer;

Diseases of the ENT organs;

Diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis;


Violation of the blood coagulation system;

Prolonged bleeding;

Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;

Increased sensitivity to solar radiation;

Malignant neoplasms;


Active tuberculosis, AIDS (HIV).

Possible complications

There are no age restrictions for ultraviolet irradiation of blood. Reviews from patients who underwent radiation sessions are mixed. Some note an improvement in their well-being, while others did not see a significant effect for them.

The UFO method involves exposing the blood to light through a light-guide catheter into a vein. The mechanism of action is based on improved performance antioxidant system blood, increased total number hemoglobin, antiviral and bactericidal effect. Ultraviolet blood irradiation strengthens the immune system, improves tissue nutrition, normalizes the functions of hemoglobin and red blood cells, activates metabolic processes, and returns to normal acid-base balance.

The procedure accelerates the resorption of blood clots and reduces blood pressure. Ultraviolet blood irradiation helps in the treatment of diseases by restoring normal microcirculation, improving blood viscosity, and activating redox processes. Correcting the properties and functions of the blood allows the effectiveness of drug treatment to increase several times.

Indications and contraindications for the use of ultraviolet irradiation of blood

UFO blood is prescribed as part of complex treatment gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, gynecological diseases, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular vascular system. The procedure is prescribed for acute and chronic intoxications, pathological inflammatory processes, endocrine and hormonal disorders, pathologies of cerebral blood flow, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, infections of the genital organs, surgical pathologies. Ultraviolet blood irradiation is effective and does not cause relapses chronic diseases in spring and With this procedure, it is prescribed to relieve symptoms of toxicosis in the fetus due to hypoxia.

Contraindications to ultraviolet irradiation of blood include blood, predisposition to hypoglycemia, ongoing bleeding of various origins, acute disorders cerebral circulation, porphyria, pellagra, photodermatoses, hypersensitivity to sunlight, epilepsy, cancer.

How is UVB of blood performed?

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood is carried out using special equipment. The device for ultraviolet irradiation of blood is a multi-wave irradiator that performs effects in all active light spectra. When performing the procedure, a peripheral vein is punctured with a thin hollow tourniquet having a diameter of 0.8 to 1.2 mm.

The patient's blood flows through a tube into a special vessel located in the therapeutic apparatus, where it is exposed to ultraviolet irradiation, after which it returns to the patient's vein. The duration of the UFO procedure is no more than an hour, the total course should be 6-8 sessions.

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood and plasmapheresis

First scientific works plasmapheresis appeared in 1915, and in 1928, the method of extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of blood was first applied to a woman in labor dying of sepsis), after which she recovered. In 1979 in Leningrad at the State Optical Institute named after. S.I. Vavilova Popov Yu.V. and Kukuy L.M. developed a device for ultraviolet radiation, which is used by doctors to this day.

The mechanism of action of irradiated blood on humans is complex and diverse, and there is still no single theory about the effect of this method on the human body. However, it is known that ultraviolet irradiation of the blood kills microorganisms, increases immunity, activates metabolism and oxidative processes. Cells begin to renew themselves faster, the activity of T- and B-leukocytes, complement and lysozyme increases, and the supply of oxygen to tissues and cells improves. The method also reduces blood viscosity and the formation of blood clots. Swelling is reduced and wound healing is accelerated. Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases and internal organs are an indication for irradiation.

With UVB, a needle with a diameter of 0.8–1.2 mm is inserted into a peripheral vein. The blood enters the system with a transparent cuvette, and then into the apparatus, where it is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, and is reinjected. The course of treatment is 5–10 sessions lasting 40–60 minutes. Some dermatocosmetologists note a clinical effect in the treatment of demodicosis and rosacea after 2-3 procedures.

Plasmapheresis is used for dermatological diseases as a pathogenetic mechanism of treatment, since it helps to remove toxic products accumulated in the blood from the body. It significantly improves fluidity in the bloodstream and restores previously impaired microcirculation, improving metabolism.

As he writes in his dissertation “Plasmapheresis in therapy severe forms rosacea" Professor Potekaev N.N., plasmapheresis is indicated for torpid forms of rosacea resistant to traditional methods treatment. Two catheters are inserted into a peripheral vein: through the first, blood is taken and cleaned, and through the second, it is returned back. The procedure is carried out once every 2 days with a single removal of 600–700 ml of plasma. Plasma is replaced with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The course consists of 7–10 procedures. After therapy, there was a significant reduction in rashes, skin cleansing and a prolonged remission phase.

Psoriasis is also an indication for plasmapheresis. In 1991 Potekaev N.N. used plasmapheresis in the treatment of refractory forms of psoriasis. The results showed that out of 18 patients, remission occurred in 10 patients, significant improvement occurred in 5 patients, and improvement occurred in 3 patients.

Contraindications for ultraviolet irradiation of blood are: oncological diseases, including blood diseases, mental illness, active tuberculosis, syphilis, AIDS (HIV), epilepsy, ongoing bleeding, hemophilia, intolerance sunlight, UV radiation, taking medications that increase photosensitivity. Plasmapheresis cannot be performed if multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis and hepatocerebral dystrophy, severe anemia, hypoprotennemia.

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Not everyone modern methods treatments are associated with the use medical supplies. Thus, an innovative and promising method of complex effects on the human body is photohemotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation of blood. To date, the method has not been sufficiently studied, but its speed and effectiveness have been proven. Exposure to ultraviolet light has a long-term effect and is recommended for many diseases.

We will talk about the essence of the technique, its strengths and weaknesses.

UVB of blood - what is it?

Ultraviolet purification is based on the ability of the light flux to adjust the composition of the blood at the cellular level.

During the procedure, the following changes occur in the blood:

  • The amount of hemoglobin increases;
  • Pathogenic bacteria and viruses die;
  • The antioxidant properties of blood improve;
  • Metabolic processes are activated;
  • The acid-base balance is restored.

Thus, there is a comprehensive normalization of blood levels shaped elements And chemical compounds. These changes help strengthen the immune system, improve tissue nutrition, reduce blood viscosity, and therefore restore microcirculation and resolve blood clots. UV irradiation is often used in medicine to enhance the effect of classical drugs.

How is UFO done?

The procedure is carried out in a specially equipped sterile room.

The device can be used to influence the patient’s blood:

The technique for placing a needle in the first case or a light guide in the second is no different from placing a dropper.

It includes the following steps:

  • Treating the skin with a disinfectant solution;
  • Penetration of the skin and vessel wall with a disposable sterile needle (light guide);
  • Fixing the element near the installation site.

A standard UFO course includes 8-12 sessions lasting about 1 hour each. During the course, the patient is recommended to carefully monitor the daily routine, eat well, without limiting yourself in carbohydrates and glucose, and also refrain from bad habits and stress. Side effects The procedure causes extremely rarely, however, if you are individually intolerant, slight local redness is possible.

Indications and contraindications for doctors

The main indications for the use of ultraviolet blood irradiation are:

  • Intoxication when harmful substances enter the body;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system associated with the course inflammatory processes or allergic reactions;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system ( ischemic disease, arterial thrombosis, hypoxia, spasms, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • Diseases digestive system, Firstly - chronic gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • Violation of hormone generation, if caused by diabetes mellitus, obesity or other complications;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases;
  • Infertility, sometimes impotence and pathological menopause;
  • Dermatitis and some venereal diseases(UVR is especially effective for herpes, skin rashes, chlamydia).

In some cases, the method is recommended to relieve symptoms of intoxication during pregnancy, as well as to prevent possible complications. Despite the wide possibilities of the procedure, in some diseases the result can be questionable, and sometimes even contribute to the development of complications.

Therefore, ultraviolet therapy is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  • The patient has HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • The presence of malignant tumors;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Post-stroke period;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Epilepsy.

A special case in which you should refrain from ultraviolet radiation is the use of drugs that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. There are no age-related contraindications for the procedure.

Quantum therapy is a technique that has been popular among doctors for several decades, but in Russia it is presented mainly in private clinics, so a small percentage of the population is familiar with it.

These procedures differ high cost, due to the serious requirements for the doctor’s qualifications and the high cost of the equipment, the price is fully justified by the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. One of the quantum therapy procedures is ultraviolet blood irradiation (or UVR) - who needs it, how does it work?

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood: indications and contraindications for the procedure

For most people, the word “irradiation” alone becomes a kind of beacon that pushes them away from such a technique, since it evokes a negative association. In tandem with the word “ultraviolet” it seems even more dangerous, but in reality this therapeutic procedure has been successfully carried out for several years in European treatment centers and domestic medicine has also begun to adopt it, since it is difficult to dispute the effectiveness. In some cases, ultraviolet irradiation gives the desired effect already in the 2nd session.

  • The procedure involves irradiating the blood locally with a low-power emitter, so this ultraviolet radiation is safe for the body (even for children). The doctor performs a puncture of the peripheral vein using a thin hollow tourniquet, the internal diameter of which does not exceed 1.2 mm. It serves as a transfer through which the blood first passes into a special apparatus, where it receives a dose of ultraviolet radiation, and then returns back to the vein.

During the procedure, a number of microorganisms die, and general immunity and resistance to viruses increase, metabolic and oxidative processes are launched. Besides:

  • cellular rejuvenation begins;
  • the severity of cellular hypoxia decreases, blood thinning occurs (by 30%);
  • the formation of blood clots is prevented and the process of resorption of existing ones even starts;
  • the healing process of skin damage is accelerated;
  • swelling resolves.

Conducting ultraviolet irradiation of blood makes sense in the following cases:

  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys, veins, arteries, respiratory organs, ENT organs;
  • previous injuries and surgery;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (acute stage);
  • atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • arthritis;
  • fetal hypoxia in pregnant women;
  • diseases of the urinary system.

Also, the doctor can prescribe a patient with ultraviolet irradiation of blood for asthma, for the prevention of epidemics in the spring, or in the presence of chronic infections. Wherein, high degree the safety of this procedure does not exclude the presence of some contraindications to its implementation. Ultraviolet irradiation is prohibited when:

  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, etc.;
  • intolerance to UV rays (even provoked by medications);
  • hemophilia.

This procedure lasts about an hour (can be reduced to 40 minutes), the recommended number of sessions is no more than 8. Real improvements in the condition (and in blood tests) can be seen after the 2nd procedure.

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood: reviews from doctors and patients

The main reason for the doubts of most people who have been prescribed or have only yet been advised to undergo such a procedure is that ultraviolet radiation is recognized as an oncogenic factor. Reviews from doctors about ultraviolet radiation do not help the situation, since they are ambiguous: conservative medicine recognizes the effectiveness of the procedure, especially for problems with blood vessels, but draws attention to the risks that arise in the presence of infections, viral and oncological diseases in humans.
