Why do people need carbohydrates and what are their benefits for the body? Carbohydrates - what are they and why are they needed Carbohydrates for the human body

Carbohydrates are the most common type of organic compounds on our planet, absolutely necessary for the vital functions of all organisms. Along with proteins and fats, carbohydrates are one of the main groups nutrients. And yet, why are carbohydrates needed, which of them are most important for the body and where to get them from?

  • The most important function of carbohydrates in the body is energy; one might even say that carbohydrates are pure energy. Without carbohydrates, not a single muscle will be able to move, the brain will not work, respiratory system, heartbeat is impossible... In short, without carbohydrates, human life would be impossible. They provide up to 60 percent of the human body's energy needs.
  • Carbohydrates are involved in all vital processes of organs human body. They are part of the so-called cell membranes; accordingly, without them the formation of the “building blocks” that make up a person is impossible. Carbohydrates are part of RNA and DNA. Thus, carbohydrates also perform a construction function in the body.
  • Carbohydrates also protect the body from bacteria, fungi, viruses and even mechanical stress, since they are part of the components immune system a person and all mucous membranes of his body.

What are carbohydrates

Based on their chemical structure, carbohydrates are conventionally divided into simple (monosaccharides and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccharides).

  • Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates that are not broken down by digestive enzymes. These include glucose and fructose.
  • Disaccharides consisting of two monosaccharide residues, including lactose (milk sugar), sucrose (regular sugar) and maltose (malt sugar).
  • Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates consisting of many monosaccharides. Among them the most important are: starch, glycogen, fiber.

A small portion of carbohydrates is synthesized by the body. Accumulating in the form of glycogen in the liver, muscles and some other tissues, carbohydrates form the body's energy reserve. However, most of them enter the body with food.

Our health depends on the quality of carbohydrates entering the body. Where are carbohydrates found, and how to distinguish a high-quality supplier from a low-quality one?

At the household level, carbohydrates are usually divided into two types:

Carbohydrates belonging to the first group are also called “fast”, because they are quickly absorbed and, if abused, “settle” on the sides, waist and hips. Why are they needed? fast carbohydrates? In limited doses, fast carbohydrates can only bring benefits. For example, a small portion of ice cream or 20 g of dark chocolate will bring pleasure and put you in order. nervous system, will relieve stress. And in large doses, they easily turn into fat and can cause obesity and its associated consequences.

Glycemic index

In order to determine the rate of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, an indicator called the glycemic index, abbreviated GI, was proposed. The starting point is glucose, GI, which is taken to be 100. All other carbohydrates are compared with glucose, for example, the glycemic index of white bread is 85, and broccoli is only 10 units.

When a high GI product enters the body, blood sugar levels rise sharply and it quickly reaches all organs of the human body. The pancreas releases a large amount of insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels and converts excess sugar into fat. Hence overweight, danger arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

When we eat a product with a low glycemic index, it is digested slowly, therefore, it is broken down into glucose also slowly and does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar. The production of insulin in the pancreas does not have an abrupt nature, since there is no need to process excess sugar. The feeling of fullness lasts much longer.

This suggests a simple conclusion: a proper carbohydrate diet should be focused on the predominance of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

A person’s daily menu should include all saccharides, and the ratio of rapidly absorbed and slowly absorbed carbohydrates is recommended to be maintained at 1 to 3-4.

Hypoglycemia: what happens if you reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to a minimum?

A deficiency, as well as an excess of carbohydrates, can harm the body. If too little of them enters the body, a person may experience weakness, headache, decreased physical and mental activity, the appearance of trembling in the arms and legs, the amount of sugar in the blood will decrease. But at the same time, it’s enough to eat a piece of chocolate, and everything is quickly restored. If the lack of carbohydrates becomes chronic, for example, with a long-term protein diet, glycogen reserves in the liver are depleted, instead of which fat is deposited in its cells. This can cause fatty liver degeneration.

To be healthy, the balance of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and others coming from food useful microelements should be normalized. Our body is designed in such a way that, in most cases, an excess of incoming substances is “converted” into other substances, for example, carbohydrates and proteins into fats. The normal functioning of the body, the condition of the skin, internal organs, and the functioning of the brain - completely depend not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of products, i.e. the fuel we consume. Today there are so many "imaginary" useful substances– meat with antibiotics, sour cream with thickeners, milk with preservatives that doesn’t curdle for weeks... You need to choose the best if you want to live long and have good health.

Today we looked at the question: Why are carbohydrates needed? You can read about proteins, fats and their functions in the human body.

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The main sources of energy for humans are. It is the content of these substances that is often described nutritional value products. Proteins are responsible for the formation of internal organs, muscle tissue and fluids. Fats form cell membranes, create protective shells for internal organs, help absorb vitamins and produce hormones. What is the role of carbohydrates in the human body?

The role of carbohydrates in the human body is great. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy necessary for the functioning of all organs, muscles, growth and cell division. Carbohydrates are broken down very quickly, and when they are broken down, a lot of energy is released. Carbohydrate-rich foods instantly create a feeling of fullness without causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. In some cases, it becomes very important that the digestion of carbohydrates does not cause the so-called “afternoon depression”. This term refers to a state of lethargy, apathy, and drowsiness after eating. Afternoon depression occurs when the body directs all its energy to digesting and assimilating food. During important projects, exams, and other occasions that require concentration, afternoon depression is simply unacceptable. That is why in such situations it is advised to eat foods rich in carbohydrates, such as chocolate or candy. A person does not feel hungry, receives the necessary amount of energy, and his body is not overloaded with difficult-to-digest food.

Carbohydrates are also important for normal functioning all organs and systems. Thus, hormones, enzymes, and secretions are produced mainly by proteins, but carbohydrates are also involved in synthesis processes. In the absence of carbohydrates, the body would not have enough energy for external activities, the work of internal organs, or the growth and division of cells.

A person receives carbohydrates from food. Experts distinguish simple carbohydrates - monosaccharides, and complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides. Monosaccharides include glucose, fructose and galactose, and polysaccharides include starch, pectin and fiber. Monosaccharides are found mainly in honey, sugar, confectionery, and fruits. We get polysaccharides from vegetables, legumes and cereal crops. Experts consider fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains to be the most valuable sources of carbohydrates. Confectionery, of course, provide energy, but refined sugar does more harm than good.

Nutritionists recommend eating foods rich in carbohydrates separately from other foods. This is explained by several reasons. Firstly, carbohydrates begin to break down already in the esophagus, and fats and proteins are processed longer and more difficult. When proteins are broken down, the body receives a lot of energy, and there is no need to break down fats into energy. As a result, fats obtained from food become reserves and go into body fat. Secondly, sugar causes food to ferment in the stomach, causing bloating, heartburn, and belching. Secretion is impaired gastric juice, digestion and absorption of food becomes less efficient.

Carbohydrates play an important role in the functioning of the human body. To be healthy, you need to monitor the quality of food and choose natural sources carbohydrates. Be healthy!

The human body and its internal organs and the systems can be compared with the most complex mechanism, whose work occurs clearly and harmoniously, in the case when we are healthy. But in order for our body to function, and for you and me to live, this entire system needs energy. Just as no engine can operate without fuel, so the human body cannot exist without the energy it needs. But where does a person get energy from? It turns out that carbohydrates, which enter our body along with food and food products, are responsible for the function of energy supply in our body. It is about carbohydrates, their functions and methods of classification that we will talk to you today...

Scientists have been able to prove that

It is carbohydrates that are responsible for providing energy to our entire body. In addition, these substances take an active part in all metabolic processes nutrients. Carbohydrates look like organic compounds, which consist of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Due to the fact that carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and are easily accessible substances, they are considered to be the energy sources of our body.

Foods - sources of carbohydrates

In turn, these substances are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • simple carbohydrates- this group includes glucose(the main supplier of energy for our brain; the leaders in glucose content are berries and fruits), fructose(in order to be absorbed by the human body - does not require the hormone insulin, suitable for people suffering diabetes mellitus), galactose(not found in pure form in products, obtained as a result of the breakdown of lactose), sucrose(this substance is found in excess in sweets; when sucrose enters the human body, it is broken down into fructose and glucose), maltose(product of starch breakdown by enzymes digestive tract, can be found in free form in honey, malt and... beer) and lactose(contained in dairy products; if there is an allergy to dairy products, the phenomenon of disturbances in the breakdown of lactose in the intestines is observed).
  • complex carbohydrates– this category includes carbohydrates that undergo digestion processes by the human body – glycogen and starch, as well as pectin, hemicellulose.
    • Glycogen- known as “animal starch” is a polysaccharide in which branched chains of glucose molecules can be found. It can be found in small quantities in animal products.
    • Starch– it is he who in our diet provides us with eighty percent of all the carbohydrates we need. Contained in bread, baked goods, cereals, legumes, rice, potatoes. It is distinguished by a long digestion process and complete breakdown into glucose.
    • Cellulose- another one of complex carbohydrates, which is part of the cell membrane plant origin. by the human body fiber is not digested, only its minor components can disintegrate under the influence of intestinal microorganisms. It is generally accepted that, along with substances such as pectins, lignins, hemicellulose, fiber - a ballast substance that not only improves the performance digestive system in general, but also as a preventive measure various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

As for pectins and hemicellulose, these substances have hygroscopic properties and are natural sorbents that help us get rid of cholesterol, toxins and harmful substances in our body. The undoubted advantage of the above dietary fibers is that they are excellent prophylactic against obesity. A large number of dietary fiber, which is contained in vegetables and fruits, guarantees us a quick feeling of fullness. Also, there are an abundance of such alimentary fiber found in wholemeal bread and bran.

Well, we have figured out what carbohydrates are and what they are needed for. Now we will look at another concept that is very closely related to our topic of discussion today.
