How to perform a diagnostic gastroscopy of the stomach - preparation for the procedure, nutrition before and after, cost. Gastroscopy: reviews of the procedure Gastroscopy is needed


To study the condition twelve duodenum, stomach and esophagus, doctors use the gastroscopy procedure. It is carried out using a special flexible tube with a fiber-optic system. How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach? The procedure requires special preliminary measures both at home and in medical institutions.

Endoscopy of the stomach

Gastroscopy is only a type endoscopic examination– study method internal organs. The esophagus, bronchi and lungs can be checked, bladder or stomach, both in adults and children. Gastroscopy is used to determine the condition of the latter. This procedure has several synonyms - gastroenteroscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy or endoscopy, fibrogastroscopy or FGS, fibrogastroduodenoscopy or FGDS. All terms have the same meaning, because its components mean:

  • “esophago” – esophagus;
  • “gastro” – stomach;
  • “scopy” – visual inspection;
  • “fibro” is a flexible tube, i.e. fiberscope;
  • "duodeno" - duodenum.

How is FGS of the stomach done?

A similar method is intubation, only it is aimed at collecting gastric contents using a syringe. In addition, the patient must swallow the tube independently. Gastroscopy is performed with therapeutic and diagnostic purpose. Using this procedure, the following activities are carried out:

  • are deleted foreign bodies from the stomach;
  • pieces of tissue are taken for biopsy;
  • are deleted benign formations;
  • medications are administered;
  • cauterization of the bleeding vessel is performed;
  • the dynamics of disease treatment is monitored.

There is a special room in the clinic for the procedure. In it, the patient needs to lie on the couch, and on his left side. Before the procedure begins, a plastic mouthguard is inserted into the person’s mouth, which protects against possible injuries. The subject is offered local anesthesia by injecting a lidocaine solution or administering it intravenously.

After anesthesia, a specialist inserts a gastroscope equipped with a video camera through the mouth or nasal passage, and then the process of examining the digestive tract takes place. The duration of the procedure is 5-15 minutes. Gastroscopy under anesthesia takes a long time, because the person sleeps during it and wakes up much later in a separate room.

Preparation for gastroscopy of the stomach

The first and main nuance in preparing for gastroscopy is the psychological attitude. Due to the widespread belief about pain and discomfort during the procedure, a person begins to fear it. There will be discomfort, but we are not talking about pain. Modern equipment provides tolerable sensations during gastroscopy. In some cases, a person may be prescribed sedatives. Preparation for gastroenteroscopy is carried out both at home and during hospital treatment. In the latter case, it includes the following steps:

  1. Consultation with a doctor. The specialist clarifies such nuances as the presence of allergies, heart pathologies, pregnancy, past surgical interventions, as well as information about blood clotting.
  2. Signing of documents. After discussing gastroscopy, the patient must sign a consent to the procedure.
  3. Direct preparation for FGDS examination. It consists of limiting food and fluid intake 8 hours before the start. What you can and cannot eat is described below.

Preparation for gastroscopy can be done at home if the person is not on inpatient treatment. It is divided into 2 stages, the first begins in another 2-3 days and requires:

  • restrictions on acute and fatty foods, especially if you suspect a stomach ulcer;
  • taking anti-inflammatory herbal teas, such as chamomile;
  • limitation active species sports;
  • monitoring the condition of the stomach and intestines, i.e. behind possible appearance acute pain;
  • refusal to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to prepare for FGDS? The following rules must be followed on the day of the procedure:

  • do not smoke 3 hours before the procedure;
  • inform your doctor about possible pregnancy;
  • empty your bladder before the test;
  • remove jewelry, glasses or contacts, dentures;
  • take a personal towel, which will be needed if you drool during the procedure;
  • do not try to speak or swallow saliva during diagnosis.

Is it possible to drink before gastroscopy?

You can drink liquid on the day of gastroscopy no later than 2-4 hours before it. Coffee and mineral water without gas are allowed as drinks, and not more than 0.1 liter. Doctors recommend completely abstaining from liquids. Such preparation for gastroscopy of the stomach in the morning will not cause discomfort, because you will have to not drink for a couple of hours. If a person last consumed liquid before bed (at about 8-10 p.m.), then by morning there will be no more liquid in the stomach. For this reason, restrictions are not required. If you need to take a medicine that cannot be skipped, use little liquid.

What can you eat before FGS

Some diseases even require you to follow a special diet in preparation for this procedure. Such ailments include impaired excretion of food through the duodenum and stenosis of the esophagus. On the eve of the examination, i.e. at approximately 6 pm, the patient should avoid overly hot and cold foods. The consistency of the food should be mushy or even liquid. You can have dinner easily digestible products, For example:

  • whole milk;
  • pureed cottage cheese;
  • fresh sour cream;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • non-acidic kefir;
  • soups with weak fish, meat or vegetable broth;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • eggs (soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet);
  • boiled or fresh vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, cauliflower;
  • lean fish, for example, hake, pollock, pike perch, perch or pike;
  • fruits such as apples, bananas, pears.

What not to eat before gastroscopy of the stomach

Preparation for FGDS of the stomach requires limiting the following foods:

  • nuts;
  • alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • seeds;
  • mayonnaise, sauce;
  • fast food;
  • pasta;
  • dough products;
  • salt;
  • spicy and fatty foods.

How many hours before gastroscopy can you eat?

It is better to remove prohibited foods a couple of days before gastroscopy. Before the procedure itself, the stomach must be empty, i.e. You can eat your last meal 8 hours before the procedure. This time is strictly defined, because during this time the food will be completely digested and will not interfere with the examination. In addition, performing the procedure on a full stomach can cause vomit to penetrate into the upper area. respiratory tract. If gastroscopy is performed under anesthesia, the fasting period is extended to 10-12 hours. Stomach examinations are often scheduled in the morning, so the patient simply needs to skip breakfast.

Video: gastroscopy under anesthesia

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Gastroscopy is a common diagnostic procedure that is used in gastroenterology to diagnose diseases of the upper digestive tract. The essence of the procedure is that the patient swallows a special tube at the end of which there is an optical system. It makes it possible to view the walls of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and identify possible pathologies. Used for suspected gastritis, peptic ulcer, bleeding. Is the main method early diagnosis cancer diseases gastrointestinal tract.

The advantage of this method is that you can examine the internal organs in detail, from the inside, and study their walls and mucous membranes. If an oncological process is suspected, a biopsy can be taken for further cytological and histological examination. It is possible to take a scraping from the mucous membrane to determine the number of Helicobacter bacteria, which are the causative agents of gastritis and peptic ulcers. The procedure can develop from a diagnostic one into a therapeutic one at any moment. If polyps are found during the procedure, they are removed. Also, during the examination, you can stop minor bleeding, apply ligatures to dilated veins and vessels.

Disadvantages of the procedure include discomfort during implementation and the patient’s fear of swallowing the tube. The big problem is vomiting reflex which occurs when swallowing a tube. This is a natural protective reflex that cannot help but occur when the pharynx and root of the tongue are exposed. But thanks the latest achievements pharmaceutical science, it became possible to suppress this reflex. During the procedure, the pharynx and oral cavity treated with an anesthetic that relieves painful sensations. Muscle relaxants are also used to relax the muscles, so the tube passes freely through the esophagus without encountering resistance. The gag reflex also does not occur.

There are also other types of procedure. For example, there is a more gentle method - transnasal gastroscopy, in which a very thin tube is inserted through the nose into the esophagus and stomach. In this case, there is no pain or gag reflex, and the procedure is considered more comfortable.

During capsule gastroscopy, the patient swallows the capsule with water. This capsule contains a built-in video system and sensor. Such a capsule moves freely along the digestive tract and transmits an image of the walls of the internal organs to the doctor’s computer. Then the received data is processed using special program, a preliminary diagnosis is issued. After working time, the capsule is excreted from the body in a natural way, with feces.

This is the only way to examine all parts of the intestine, including small intestine. Colonoscopy makes it possible to study digestive system, starting from its lower sections, reaches the large intestine with difficulty. Traditional gastroscopy makes it possible to examine only the upper sections, in which the gastroscope reaches only the duodenum. The capsule passes through all departments. The disadvantage of the method is that the doctor cannot slow down or speed up the movement of the capsule, and also cannot unfold it or fix it. But scientists are working on this, and soon such capsules will be available that can be controlled by a doctor from a computer.

Gastroscopy is also performed under anesthesia and during sleep. In the first case, the patient is put under anesthesia, in the second case, into a state of medicated sleep. The advantage is that the patient is asleep, does not move, his muscles are relaxed, and the doctor can calmly perform all the necessary manipulations. The disadvantages include the fact that the patient is not in a conscious state. Usually the doctor performs the procedure, focusing on the patient’s current condition, his breathing, and reflexes. In the event of an unforeseen situation or deterioration in health, the patient can give the doctor a predetermined signal.

Such methods are often used by children, people who are overly afraid of the procedure, people with an unbalanced psyche, and pregnant women. Medication-induced sleep has no effect negative impact on the body.

Each type of gastroscopy has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the doctor independently chooses the advisability of one or another method. In this case, the doctor is based on the totality of data. It is also taken into account that gastroscopy has contraindications.

Is gastroscopy dangerous?

Patients about to undergo the study are often nervous and fearful of the consequences. Many people wonder whether this procedure is dangerous. You should immediately reassure the patient - the procedure is considered absolutely safe. It is performed even on pregnant women up to 4-5 months and small children, which indicates the safety of the method.

Safety largely depends on the patient himself. If the patient does not interfere with the doctor, does not resist, the procedure will pass quickly, painlessly, without any consequences. You need to try to relax as much as possible, don’t get nervous, breathe calmly. If resistance is provided, mechanical damage to the esophagus, stomach, or vessel can occur. Both during the procedure itself and in preparation for it, you must follow all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor. If there allergic reaction or individual intolerance medicines, you need to inform your doctor about this. This will reduce the risk and prevent the development of a pathological reaction, anaphylactic shock.

Patients who suffer from cardiac or cardiac problems should undergo the procedure with caution. vascular diseases, nervous disorders. About availability concomitant diseases You should also inform your doctor in advance. He will assess all the risks and make a conclusion about the feasibility of such a study.

Complications after the procedure

After the procedure, you may experience a feeling of numbness, swelling, and loss of sensitivity in the throat area. This is fine. These are the consequences local anesthesia. The sensations will pass after 1-2 hours. There may also be various discomfort in the throat area, including pain, burning, soreness. This usually goes away after 2-3 days on its own, without the need to take any action.

There are no more consequences. This is due to the fact that today the technology is more advanced, making it possible to carry out the procedure carefully. Moreover, usually the consequences that arise are not related to digestive tract, but are more related to the technique of execution and the use of medicines.

Many years of practice have proven that gastroscopy is safe procedure. Complications are rare. A dangerous complication is perforation, which is a perforation of the wall of an internal organ. This situation requires immediate surgical intervention, since severe bleeding and further death are possible. Similar injuries can occur when performing a biopsy or removing polyps. Bleeding often occurs during these manipulations. However, there is no need to worry, since such pathologies occur extremely rarely.

Sometimes perforation occurs as a result of swelling of the walls of internal organs with the help of air in the presence of tumors and deep ulcers. Complications are usually divided into 4 groups:

  • mechanical damage (cracks, scratches, wounds, damage to organ walls, violation of the integrity of mucous membranes);
  • damage to the esophagus and stomach;
  • esophageal rupture;
  • gastric perforation.

The main reason for such complications is human factor. Complications are usually a consequence of rough insertion of the endoscope, inappropriate behavior patient, disregard for doctor's recommendations and contraindications.

Infection during gastroscopy

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether they can become infected during gastroscopy. Previously, such a possibility could not be excluded. But today there is absolutely no need to worry about this: there is no risk of infection during the procedure. Today there are strict standards and requirements in the field of sterilization and disinfection.

All instruments undergo careful processing. First, the endoscope is mechanically cleaned, then it is soaked in special solutions. For disinfection, the latest sterilization cabinets and autoclaves are used, which ensure 100% slaughter of any flora. In an autoclave, sterilization occurs under the influence of high temperatures and high humidity at low pressure. This ensures the complete slaughter of everyone possible forms life, with the exception of extreme forms (archaea), which live in the deep thermal springs and volcanoes. Of course, it is impossible to encounter such life forms in a gastroenterologist’s office.

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Blood after gastroscopy

After gastroscopy, blood may appear when the mucous membranes are damaged, when bleeding from an ulcer occurs, after taking a biopsy or removing polyps. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely. Usually, even if bleeding occurs, it stops very quickly without any additional intervention. The risk of bleeding increases with blood diseases, decreased coagulability, and also during critical days and for hypertension.

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Pain after gastroscopy

Some patients claim that the procedure is painful, while others are sure that it is not associated with pain. The only thing that absolutely everyone agrees on is that the procedure causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Spasm, pain and a gag reflex can be felt when a gastroscope is inserted into the pharynx, at the very beginning of the procedure. The psychological attitude is very important. If at this time you relax, calm down, start breathing evenly and calmly, everything will go well.

Some patients experience pain after the procedure. Your throat may hurt. There may be minor pain in the esophagus and stomach. This is due to the fact that a certain amount of air is introduced into the cavity, which makes it possible to straighten the walls of the esophagus and stomach and better examine the condition of the internal organs. Sometimes pain occurs after taking a biopsy or removing polyps, if such measures were carried out. Typically, such sensations disappear within 2-3 days; no measures need to be taken.

Sore throat after gastroscopy

After gastroscopy, some patients may have a sore throat. This may be due to side effect applied medicines, with mechanical damage. It can also occur as a result of a throat spasm due to excessive nervousness of the patient. In mild cases, this pathology disappears after a few days without the need for additional treatment. If a person has a weakened immune system, or there is a source in the body chronic infection(for example, caries, sinusitis), an infection may occur. In this case, inflammatory and infectious process. Sore throat often appears.

Harm of gastroscopy

Gastroscopy can only harm those people who resist, are overly nervous and behave inappropriately. In such a situation, the risk of complications increases sharply, mechanical damage. The procedure will also be dangerous if you do not inform the doctor about allergies, intolerance to substances, concomitant diseases, diabetes, for people with blood clotting disorders, with hemophilia, especially if it becomes necessary to remove polyps or take a biopsy. In other cases, the procedure is considered absolutely harmless.


This question often arises in your head when the doctor refers you to gastroscopy of the stomach.

Oh, you’ll have to “swallow your guts”... It’s probably scary, painful... Or maybe you can do without it somehow? There must be some alternative to gastroscopy!

Something, probably, can replace gastroscopy... Well, get an x-ray or undergo an ultrasound...

Alas, but full replacement for examination upper section gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum) does not exist.

And that's why. Let's see what the doctor sees when he examines the stomach using different diagnostic methods.

What is better: gastroscopy or x-ray?

Let us remind you that gastroscopy of the stomach is a type of endoscopic examination in which, using a special device - an endoscope - the doctor examines inner surface stomach.

That is, the doctor sees the entire internal surface of your organs with your own eyes in an enlarged form on the monitor screen. This is similar to going on a tour and seeing the sights with your own eyes.

All other diagnostic methods in this case are something akin to a photocopy of a photograph that was not even taken by you yourself.

Here's a comparison.

At gastroscopy the doctor sees the condition of your organ from the inside in real time, with magnification and good lighting. This allows you to consider what changes there are in the stomach, whether there are neoplasms (even in the very initial stage), erosions, ulcers, polyps, etc.

If there is any formation, then you can immediately feel it (palpation with an instrument) and immediately take a biopsy.

This allows you to put accurate diagnosis and immediately prescribe the necessary treatment.

If you do it first, then if it shows any deviations from the norm, then you will still be sent for a gastroscopy to figure out in detail what’s what.

For example, an x-ray showed “filling defects” - this is when the contrast agent (barium) does not fill any areas in the organs. There is an assumption about the presence of an ulcer or neoplasm. And to really understand what is there, after the x-ray you will be sent for a gastroscopy.

An X-ray of the stomach (necessarily with barium) is more of an additional examination than the main one. Most often it is prescribed:

  • to detect narrowing of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum;
  • to identify protrusions (diverticula);
  • with reflux into the esophagus (reflux);
  • in the presence of bile in the stomach (gastro-duodenal reflux - from the duodenum to the stomach);
  • to detect deformations of the duodenum;
  • track the dynamics of food movement through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) over time and evaluate the motility of the GIT, detect intestinal obstruction.

X-rays can also be an aid in diagnosis when, due to absolute contraindications Gastroscopy cannot be done.

Ultrasound of the stomach or gastroscopy?

Let's dot all the i's right away. At ultrasound examination(ultrasound) the doctor sees only the contours of filled (!) organs - urinary, gallbladder and dense structures (liver, kidneys, spleen, etc.).

You won’t be able to see the stomach normally this way.

What you can actually see for yourself in this ultrasound image.

The arrows show the antrum of the stomach of a healthy patient on an empty stomach.

By and large, ultrasound of the stomach is a low-informative study.

Only in rare cases is it carried out in order to clarify individual details before performing endoscopic operations.

Gastroscopy or MRI, CT: which is better?

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is an examination in which we obtain a layer-by-layer (tomography) image of the internal structure of the human body. As a rule, targeting any department - chest, abdominal cavity, heads, etc.

The name of the method itself is based on the principle of obtaining such sections - magnetic resonance of living tissues.

CT (computed tomography) is also an examination in which we can obtain layer-by-layer sections of the internal structure of a person, just like an MRI.

The main difference is the principle of obtaining slices (X-rays) and the assistance of a computer in creating images.

Both types of examination appeared relatively recently and, like everything modern, they are immediately classified as better and more progressive. But it is not always the case.

Often, good old, proven methods are much more informative and reliable than new ones. At least even with what has been accumulated for them great experience diversity clinical pictures and their interpretations, there are schools in which the experience of interpretation and diagnosis is passed on by word of mouth - from an experienced doctor to a young specialist.

To read MRI and CT images correctly, a lot of experience and time is required, which the doctor can devote to studying the results of the examination of one patient (at least 1 hour to look at all the images and make a conclusion). On the fly, the doctor, as a rule, does not have such time.

A CT scan is one of many cross-sections taken at the level of the abdominal cavity.

The arrow shows the stomach

Advantages of the CT method:

  • thanks to the new generation of CT with high resolution and innovative software It has become possible to construct 3D models of all organs and systems of the body.

CT comes to the rescue in cases where endoscopic examination is not possible. For example, with severe pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

What conclusion can be drawn from this short review?

What is gastroscopy

Gastroscopy — modern method examination of the stomach using a special instrument - an endoscope. This method is minimally invasive and causes virtually no discomfort to the patient. Timely gastroscopy allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, and for the purpose of prevention can prevent the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Who needs it

To all those who have discovered the following signs:
  • bad breath;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • constant heartburn;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • pain in the stomach before and after eating.
Also, an examination such as gastroscopy is necessary for everyone who has reached the age of 40. It is better to carry out diagnostics annually. An examination of the gastrointestinal tract by gastroscopy specialists is carried out in a specially equipped room for about 10 minutes. You must arrive for your appointment on an empty stomach. A qualified specialist should ask the patient about the presence of any chronic diseases.

Where to find gastroscopy specialists in Moscow

Qualified specialists in gastrointestinal tract diagnostics can be found on the Zoon information platform. Here is a directory of Moscow doctors different categories. You can make an appointment at any convenient time.

Belongs to the modern diagnostic procedures, allowing us to obtain reliable information about the condition of this organ. To carry it out it is used special device- a gastroscope that resembles a flexible tube equipped with a fiber-optic system connected to a monitor screen.

An endoscopist conducting an examination and having the opportunity to see the inner surface of the stomach, if inflammation, neoplasms and any changes on the surface of its mucous membranes are detected, receives important information allowing for an accurate diagnosis.

In order for the results of an endoscopic examination of the stomach to be reliable, before performing it the patient must undergo certain comprehensive training, in which compliance plays an important role. special diet.

Diet before gastroscopy of the stomach

In order for the discomfort experienced by the patient during gastroscopy to be minimal, and for any interference that prevents the examination of the walls of the stomach to be completely absent, the organ being examined must be freed from particles of undigested food.

A special diet that contributes to the implementation of this important task should be followed for 48 hours preceding the gastroscopy procedure. Compliance with all its requirements will allow the patient not only to tolerate the process itself well diagnostic examination stomach, but also quickly get rid of irritation of its mucous membranes.

List of prohibited products

The main purpose of the diet preceding gastroscopy is to maximum reduction load experienced by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, two days before the procedure, the patient must completely stop consuming:

  • chocolate;
  • strong fish and meat broths;
  • dishes instant cooking(fast food);
  • marinades and pickles;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • any smoked meats and lard;
  • all types of canned food;
  • hot sauces and seasonings (adzhika, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish) home and industrial production;
  • bread and bakery products of dark varieties;
  • mushroom dishes (including mushroom broths);
  • seeds and any nuts;
  • animal fats.

The above dishes and products are poorly digestible human body, change acidity gastric juice and contribute to the occurrence of intestinal flatulence.

Requiring long-term digestion, they overload the stomach and irritate its mucous membranes, so even short-term exclusion of them daily diet is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

In anticipation of gastroscopy, the patient is advised to significantly limit the use of table salt. In order to remove excess fluid from his body, he is recommended to gradually add salt only to ready-made dishes.

The day before the scheduled gastroscopy, the patient is prohibited from consuming:

  • whole grains;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • flour and pasta products;
  • baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk and heavy cream;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges);
  • plum, kiwi, quince, grapes;
  • jam with any (even small) seeds, including raspberry and currant.

Authorized Products

The diet of a person who is about to undergo gastroscopy of the stomach may include:

  • White poultry and lean fish (blue whiting, hake, pike, pike perch, pollock, perch, ice fish, roach, cod) boiled or in the form of steam cutlets. You can serve them with an omelette as a side dish. buckwheat porridge, rolled oats or mashed potatoes.
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, acidophilus, kefir) with a low fat content. Doctors also recommend eating low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it.
  • Soups made from milk half diluted with water (with the addition of small noodles or ground boiled cereal).
  • Weak fish and meat broths.
  • Light vegetarian soups that do not contain seasonings and fried vegetables, seasoned with a small spoon of low-fat sour cream. You can add some finely chopped greens to the plate. It is advisable to avoid eating borscht.
  • A small amount of butter.
  • Unsalted low-fat cheeses (preferably grated).
  • Vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, beets), especially boiled and baked.
  • White bread or crackers made from it.
  • Cookies.
  • Soft-boiled eggs.
  • Steamed omelettes.
  • Sweet apples, pureed using a grater. You can bake them with pumpkin slices, sweetening them slightly with sugar or honey.
  • Pears and bananas.

The optimal way to cook food is boiling, stewing, and steaming. Baking dishes in the oven is allowed, but without the use of fat and oil. Frying foods should be completely avoided.

To ease the work of the stomach, it is better to grind cooked food or puree it.

The temperature of the food consumed is no less important: it should not be too hot or too cold, since sudden temperature changes at the time of eating contribute to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Here's what a patient's daily diet might look like on the day before gastroscopy.


  • steamed cheesecakes;
  • weak tea (black or green), 200 ml.

Second breakfast (snack):

  • banana or apple.


  • small portion of light vegetable soup with small noodles or grated cereal;
  • a piece of steamed veal;
  • boiled Brussels sprouts, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • rosehip decoction.

Afternoon snack:

  • baked apple (the peel must be cut off before eating).


  • a small portion of steamed pike perch fillet;
  • several slices of boiled or baked vegetables;
  • low-fat kefir.

What can you drink?

The range of drinks that you can drink while following a special diet before gastroscopy is quite diverse.

The patient is allowed to use:

  • decoctions of blueberries or rose hips;
  • herbal teas with anti-inflammatory effects;
  • compotes made from both fresh and dried fruits;
  • mineral table waters that do not contain gas;
  • weak black or green tea;
  • fruit juices;
  • berry fruit drinks.

The temperature of drinks that we are used to drinking cold should be close to room temperature, and tea should not be too hot. It is better to use honey to sweeten tea. The amount of sugar added to drinks should be moderate.

From use alcoholic drinks any strength (including beer with low content Alcohol) patients should stop drinking alcohol at least 24 hours before the scheduled examination.

How many hours before and after the procedure can you not eat?

The main condition for a successful gastroscopy procedure is complete emptying of the stomach, since this is the only way to prevent the gag reflex, which is a natural reaction of the body to the insertion of a gastroscope.

Neglect of this condition can cause:

  • the occurrence of vomiting, which significantly complicates the process of both insertion and removal of the gastroscope from the patient’s body;
  • serious damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and larynx by the edges of the already inserted device at the time of vomiting, as a result of which its re-insertion may become impossible.

To eliminate the possibility of such undesirable events, it is necessary to carefully calculate the time remaining before the start of gastroscopy:

  • Patients complaining of bad job stomach, must make sure that their last meal takes place twelve hours before it (a reserve of time is also necessary because at night the speed of the digestion process decreases significantly). Fasting for 10-12 hours is also required in cases where the procedure will be carried out under general conditions.
  • Those with a completely healthy stomach that can quickly digest food can have dinner nine to ten hours before the scheduled procedure.

Most medical sources say that before a gastroscopy scheduled for the morning, last appointment food must take place no later than 19-00. If the procedure is carried out in the afternoon, the patient is allowed a light breakfast, which should take place approximately eight hours before the procedure begins.

If this condition is not met, particles of undigested food will either interfere with the advancement of the gastroscope, or, by forming a thin layer on the walls of the stomach, may prevent the timely identification of problem areas on their surface.

No less important is the question of whether you can drink water before the gastroscopy procedure. Its last use (in a volume not exceeding 100 ml) is permissible no later than four hours before. To people suffering chronic diseases and those forced to take pills are allowed to take them with a small amount of water.

Patients with diabetes mellitus The procedure is usually scheduled in the morning, so that half an hour after its completion they can take vital medications and have a snack with food they brought with them.

A special diet before gastroscopy of the stomach, which has virtually no contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance to certain foods) and is useful for people of any age, is tolerated by patients quite easily, given big variety And nutritional value dishes allowed for consumption.

The need to adhere to the regime special food is 72 hours: 48 hours before the examination and 24 after the procedure.

The only drawback of the above diet is the need self-cooking food, since the menus of canteens, restaurants and cafes do not always include dishes prepared in full accordance with the requirements of medical nutrition.

The diet that should be followed before undergoing gastroscopy is based on the principle proper nutrition exclusively healthy products, so you can stick to this regime even after completing any medical procedures and examinations. By following it, every person can avoid digestive problems.

As shown by the results of gastroscopy of the stomach and reviews of patients who strictly followed the rules special regime nutrition before performing it, during performing medical manipulations consisting of inserting and removing a gastroscope, they experienced almost no discomfort.
