Psychological causes of a runny nose according to Louise Hay. Psychosomatics of a runny nose in a child. Causes and treatment of Runny nose from a psychological point of view

Increasingly, in the development of diseases, specialists in different fields take into account the influence not only aggressive factors external environment (germs, allergens, toxins, etc.), but also the attitude and mood of people.

Let's consider what the psychosomatics of a runny nose is: the causes and factors contributing to the formation of pathologies in this area.

Psychosomatics: what is it?

Patients do not understand what this word means and how it can be applied to conditions occurring in their body. This term denotes one of the areas in alternative medicine, which evaluates all phenomena occurring in the human body from the point of view of psychology.

Translated from Latin, this word means two concepts “soul” and “body”. It turns out that the main postulate of this science is the explanation of diseases internal organs suffering of the soul and internal disorders.

It is a well-known opinion that most diseases occur in nervous soil, is the key thesis of this teaching.

Worth noting

The role of underlying causes in the development of such conditions as neurocirculatory dystonia, bronchial asthma, and idiopathic autoimmune disorders has been widely studied.

In many pathological processes, a certain connection can be traced between the patient’s personality type and the conditions developing in him.

Anger, fatigue, irritation and other emotions, without finding a way out, are transformed into completely real symptoms, tormenting a person.

Traditional medicine does not find an explanation for this fact, but the patient continues to complain and is accused of malingering and hypochondria. Prolonged internal discomfort leads to disruption of organs and systems, and then turns into physical pathology.

They are trying to treat her unsuccessfully traditional drugs, although the disease and its onset lie exclusively in the field of mental research.

This science deals with the study of such diseases and their connection with spiritual factors.

The first attempts to explain the influence of the soul on the body were made back in the days ancient Greece, but this teaching has become widespread only in the last century.

Special societies began to appear and relevant literature was published to help people understand what was happening to their physical and spiritual health.

Reasons for the development of a runny nose

The most known factors The appearance of rhinitis and nasal problems is an encounter with pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Decreased immunity, hypothermia, vitamin deficiencies, the presence of chronic foci of infection, indoor microclimate and other factors play a role.

Despite quite understandable theories of the occurrence of rhinitis, it can be noted that not every encounter with pathogenic viruses and bacteria ends in illness.

If someone is irritated, tired and angry, then snot becomes a natural ending. When a person is in a good mood, his body and immune system work harmoniously and fight back germs without him even noticing it.

In almost all cases of health problems, the presence of an internal component can be traced. In some cases, these psychological reasons runny nose comes to the fore (with allergies) and triggers pathological processes in the body. They play a key role in the emergence of chronic foci of infection and their frequent exacerbation.

Psychosomatic nasal congestion

From the point of view of this science, how do they explain why a patient has a stuffy nose:

A bad depressed mood leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, which causes a disruption of the blood supply and innervation of the cavity. There is a failure in the regulation of vascular tone and swelling appears.

Stress, panic, depression lead to hormonal imbalance. A malfunction occurs immune mechanisms, and they begin to act pervertedly.

Against this background, an allergic runny nose easily develops and breathing is impaired. The body begins to perceive ordinary substances as allergens and fight them.

One of the varieties of such immune failure and allergies

are nasal polyps

They are growths of the mucous membrane and manifest themselves with different symptoms.

Negative feelings and experiences cause a decrease in natural immune defense. With reduced immunity, the mucous membrane more easily “clings” to pathogenic microbes.

As a result, colds and herpes in the nose develop and typical symptoms inflammation: cough, discharge, fever and pain in the nasopharynx.

Everything that happens in the brain, one way or another, affects physical health. If a person has persistent barriers psychological nature, then they may well turn into real signs and symptoms.

Psychosomatic syndrome

Various problems in this area may indicate the patient’s deep-seated experiences. What emotions, from the point of view of this science, cause the development of most conditions:

The struggle between consciousness and subconscious. When someone tries to be something other than who they really are, the subconscious side of their personality begins to resist, which leads to personal conflict and the formation of pathology.

Often this condition is observed in children with strict authoritarian parents who try to control the kids and constantly impose their will.

Snot in a child and heat will become a natural consequence of such a conflict; through suffering, the child tries to reach his parents and show his “I”.

Negative thoughts and fear.
It is known that if you constantly talk and think about a disease, it will definitely appear. The fear that the patient will develop sinusitis after a simple cold can provoke a blockage of the maxillary sinus outlet and inflammation will not be long in coming.

Moral benefit. If a person receives a certain benefit from his position (moral or material), he will get sick. This point can be seen very clearly in children.

In the struggle for parental attention, they often resort to health manipulation. No parent can ignore colds in their baby, and he gets the emotions he needs so much.

Guilt. With the help of pathology, a person tries to punish himself for a real or imagined offense. This transfer alleviates the feeling of guilt, but has a serious impact on health.

Psychosomatics: runny nose in a child

Psychosomatic causes of rhinitis manifest themselves most clearly in childhood. The immature psyche of a child is not able to cope with all the complexities and experiences of the adult world.

Lack of love, non-recognition of one’s own “I”, suppression, excessive control of relatives - all this causes serious psychological trauma and can result in a real problem, for example, allergic rhinitis, adenoids or bronchial asthma.

The table below illustrates which mental illness and problems may underlie real pathologies of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Somatic manifestation Psychological component Personality type
Sinusitis Pain, fear, anger, hatred and any others negative emotions provoke the development of inflammation.

Chronic forms most often provokes self-pity and guilt.

Almost any person who finds himself in a difficult situation life situation. The subconscious, unable to find a way out, tries to solve a painful issue through inflammation.
Allergic rhinitis Denial of one's own capabilities and lack of self-confidence Bright, talented people who are subject to moral pressure from loved ones and others
Congestion The inability to breathe normally can make you feel depressed and powerless. People who spend a lot of time working, are unable to rest, are perfectionists
Adenoids Symptoms may be an attempt to attract attention Patients with manic desires are liked by others no matter what
Sore throat Rage and anger often provoke the development of inflammatory processes Active people forced to do someone else's business, not their own work.
Cough Trying to attract the interest of others Insecure, shy people with a low opinion of themselves. Coughing in this case is a weak attempt to make a statement.

Sometimes the usual symptoms of a cold are a cry for help from a battle-weary subconscious. With all this, you need to remember that this does not always happen.

Most often, sinusitis in a child is simply the result of bacteria. Such a baby needs not only the attention of his parents, but also a competent selection medications, and in some cases in surgical treatment.

According to Louise Hay, snot and swelling are nothing more than as with internal tears and a request from the soul for help. In this way, the human subconscious tries to bring out deeply hidden emotions and experiences.

This type of rhinitis develops after severe emotional trauma and shock. In this case, the body needs help in order not to contain these problems within itself, but to bring them out and learn emotional self-control.

Louise Hay suggests curing this problem with the help of positive affirmations. These are such short phrases that after multiple repetitions They allow you to tune your subconscious in a positive way and reinforce what is said on the mental level. An example of such an affirmation: “I love and feel sorry for myself the way I like”

Runny nose according to Sinelnikov: explanation

Valery Sinelnikov, in his book about the psychosomatic causes of diseases, describes the nose as an organ that symbolizes feeling self-esteem and is the personification of the achievements and personality of a citizen.

Diseases in this area are explained as low self-esteem and lack of recognition of one's own worth and uniqueness.

The nose is primarily a respiratory organ, and the breathing process is life. Problems in this area indicate that a person is not able to live life to the fullest and enjoy it.

Congestion may be a signal that the patient cannot tolerate other people around him or the situation in which he finds himself.

Problems with breathing and smell are observed in strangers who, due to circumstances, are forced to spend time in a confined space. Example: adaptation of children in the garden (outside the city) is almost always accompanied by snot, sneezing, sore throat and inflammation of the nasopharynx.

What to do and how to treat

Treatment of this pathology consists of persistent work on one’s experiences and repressed problems. When a patient has no visible reasons snot is often repeated, nasal congestion and other manifestations develop, pay attention to psychological background and the patient's state of mind.

For treatment, in these cases, work with a psychologist, self-analysis, and reading relevant books and magazines are used. Good effect give physiotherapeutic treatment methods: balneotherapy ( medicinal baths), speleotherapy or ozone therapy. Medications may include sedatives, tranquilizers or antidepressants.

If an adult or child has a high fever, purulent snot and others, bright pronounced signs inflammation only positive thoughts and affirmations will not help. A doctor's consultation and adequate therapy are needed.

Psychosomatics is more effective in for preventive purposes and in complex treatment chronic processes.

The health of the body is inextricably linked with the health of the soul, so you need to pay due attention to it. Only harmony of body and spirit will give a person wellness and the opportunity to live a fulfilling life.

ratings, average:

Many diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as nasopharynx, torment almost every person at least once in their life. Psychosomatics explains a runny nose from the point of view of a person’s mentality and perception. Medicine considers rhinitis and sinusitis to be diseases of viral, allergic or bacterial origin. Such diseases are not affected by a person’s gender, lifestyle or age.

The essence of a runny nose: psychological causes

The acute form of rhinitis and sinusitis sometimes drags on for weeks and develops into chronic forms. The psychosomatic nature of such diseases has deep origins. The human body often reacts to humiliation and insults with some kind of disease. Experts say that the nasopharynx in the general organ system symbolizes self-esteem and self-esteem. The nasal canals respond maximally to:

insults; all kinds of emotional shocks; conflict situations with relatives, acquaintances, colleagues; feeling of shame; offense.

Emotional turmoil

Such negative psychological states cause a response from the body and transform into sinusitis or snot. Unexpressed resentment often develops into an accumulation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses or long-term causeless nasal congestion appears, which sometimes ordinary ENT doctors cannot explain, even after conducting a lot of tests and examinations.

Psychosomatic rhinitis in a child

The somatic causes of childhood rhinitis are based on several different bases. With a frequent runny nose, we can say that the child does not receive enough care, communication, or warmth from his family. At the first manifestations of a cold in a child, parents usually begin to treat him, take pity on him, and take care of him in every possible way. Often a child's runny nose is mental reason frequent quarrels and insults. Psychosomatics of a runny nose in children matters, but it is necessary thorough examination seeing a doctor and taking medications.

Resentments and discontent that accumulate in the sinuses can spread inflammation to the hearing organs, trachea, bronchi and lungs. To eliminate the psychological causes of a runny nose and a stuffy nose, it is important to eliminate and resolve existing conflicts so that there is no feeling of dissatisfaction or unspoken resentment. The child, in turn, must receive timely attention and care.

Emotional and physical blockage if the nose does not breathe

Sneezing is a sign of a runny nose

State physical lock characterized clear signs rhinitis:

sneezing; mucous discharge; inflammation of the epithelium in the nasal canals; swelling and congestion; violation of nasal breathing.

Emotional blocking is based on psychological signs, it is caused by certain emotions, usually of a negative nature. Usually, before the onset of a runny nose, a situation arises in which a person feels uncomfortable and a lot of doubts arise.

Difficult circumstances can drag on and cause not only a runny nose, but also sinus inflammation. A runny nose is also characterized by angry states, confusion and confusion, and negative events occurring in the present tense. A stuffy nose with discharge may subconsciously have the purpose of scaring away obsessive person, who will simply be afraid that he will become infected and stop communicating.

Mental blockage is based on what most people are accustomed to believe, but snot appears as a result of hypothermia or a cold. Also, upon contact with a sick person, the subconscious will certainly suggest that the person himself is about to get sick. Such self-hypnosis acts on a psychological level, causing signs of rhinitis. To eliminate this, it is necessary to eliminate and avoid false self-hypnosis.

Psychologists have noticed that secretive, easily suggestible people often suffer from runny noses and sinusitis. For them, a runny nose is a signal to relax and give up many unpleasant things. For treatment psychosomatic runny nose It is important not to hold back your emotions, even negative ones. The psychological causes of sinusitis should also not be ignored.

Psychosomatics of sinusitis

Consultation with a psychologist

We have identified the mental psychological reasons why the nose becomes blocked and does not breathe, and snot appears. Sinusitis psychosomatics is somewhat different. According to classical medicine, sinusitis - inflammatory disease, characterized by the accumulation of purulent stagnant mucus in the nasal sinuses.

The precursors of this pathology are prolonged rhinitis, allergies, poorly treated colds, severe hypothermia and a decrease in the body’s immune forces. But sinusitis is caused by a negative emotional background around a person and his thoughts. Of course, one could argue that psychology influences physical state nasopharynx, but psychological causes of sinusitis still exist.

Many people know how to not hold back their emotions and cry often. Some, on the contrary, keep all emotions to themselves, not allowing them to take over. They are more susceptible to psychosomatic sinusitis than others. Repressed emotions turn into tears, which do not come out, but accumulate in the maxillary sinuses in the form of mucus. There appears stagnation, swelling and inflammation. The nose stops breathing normally, viscous discharge appears, which flows into the throat, causing even greater infection and a local decrease in immunity.

Psychosomatics of sinusitis according to Louise Hay

Public figure and famous American writer Louise Hay has been studying the psychological causes of many diseases for many years. Regarding sinusitis and runny nose, she states that:

runny nose and other pathologies of the nasopharynx - internal crying due to internal grievances and their storage in the soul; a stuffy nose is the result of suppressed emotions, low personal self-esteem; reluctance to live full life, because breathing is life, and its subconscious normal work blocks.

The nose is often stuffy if there are problems with a person’s social adaptation. A psychological allergy manifests itself to the team or to its individual members - friends, relatives, colleagues. A person in an unpleasant situation and environment feels anxious and angry inside, and the result appears - sinusitis or rhinitis.

Elimination of psychological causes of illness

Psychosomatics determines a runny nose at the subconscious level. It really plays an important role in the onset and progression of ENT pathologies. To eliminate congestion and rhinitis at the mental level, you need to not hide your negative emotions and cry more often. You don’t have to give free rein to your emotions in public. This is easy to do in home environment. The nasal passages will be cleared of fluid, the sinuses will be cleared, and inflammatory processes will not last long or will not appear at all.

When studying the topic “psychosomatics: nose”, you need to start from the three leading functions of this organ:

mucous membrane for humidifying and heating incoming air; filter for purifying air from foreign particles; sense of smell.

Nasal congestion

Any difficulties with the nose are dictated by the inability to breathe normally.

What is psychosomatics? Read more in this article.

We experience a problem with the nose as “stuffiness.” Oxygen provides our body with life, and if the main organ for receiving oxygen into the body is sick, then a person cannot live fully.

Nasal congestion is a problem for people who are afraid to live, they suppress any strong emotions, deny both suffering and bright joy. They do not allow their empathy to develop because the feelings of others hurt them as much as their own.

Coping with emotions and feelings, passing them through yourself is an art, but for the body it is always serious stress, especially if the consciousness perceives it as something dangerous.

You are climbing up the mountain. It’s hard, dangerous, but you are ready for this, you are determined to overcome all the stress that goes through you during the ascent. But what if you never liked mountains and you are forced to climb there because now it is a matter of life and death? You are not ready for such stress and go through it, using all your strength through “I don’t want”, but even if you pass such a test, you will avoid such experiences in the future. This is how we treat our feelings - we avoid them like an unwanted climb up a mountain.

Nasal congestion indicates that you should reconsider your attitude towards suppressed feelings. There is nothing wrong with them, even if they are negative or seem so. As long as you forbid yourself to experience the emotional range of experiences, you are depriving yourself of a full life, “not letting enough air through you.”

Loss of smell

If the main problem with your nose is that you have lost your sense of smell, then this indicates an inability to accept someone or something. They usually say: “I can’t stand him.” The experience is so intense that you unconsciously block your olfactory center so you can no longer inhale the “spirit” of the person or situation. This is how your body copes with negative emotions.

About a runny nose

A runny nose is more of a question social adaptation. Do you remember when he appears most often? In the fall, at school, after a vacation from work, etc. After a pleasant warm summer on the seashore, you find yourself in a cramped enclosed space with a group of other people, at first you will have a barely noticeable aversion, even if you love your surroundings.

After a while you adapt, heal a little and everything goes away. Read more about this here.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, then this indicates the occurrence of a more serious illness and, as a result, rejection by family members, at home, even in the city.

How to solve the problem

In every article about psychosomatics, we remind you that psychoanalysis of diseases does not relieve you of the need to see your doctor. When coping with mental blocks, the body needs its own special healing techniques and traditional medicine helps with this.

A stuffy nose with loss of smell and the need to stay at home when you have a runny nose is a kind of self-protection from the outside world. But this way you don’t solve the problem, but turn a blind eye to it, saying, if there’s no smell, there’s no problem. Ask yourself: who or what do you hate?

Having identified the object of your negative emotions, try to look at it from a different perspective. You are not afraid of this object itself, you are afraid to experience the feelings that accompany its appearance in your life.

Once you block the ability to feel and show emotions, you deprive yourself of something very important and valuable. Otherwise, your body would not signal a problem, as psychosomatics claims. The nose helps you breathe, inhale and feel. Don't be afraid to gain new experiences.

“All diseases come from nerves,” is a common phrase known to everyone. We really often get nervous, upset and worried, but when illness overcomes us, we immediately grab the pills. And we don’t think that the reasons may be hidden in our head, and not in our body. For example, a common cold and a runny nose that doesn’t stop for weeks. Of course, microbes are to blame. Or maybe we ourselves are to blame?

Psychosomatics of the runny nose in adults

Our conflicts, suffering and experiences not only upset the psyche, they affect our health. It may be a slight discomfort or serious illness. AND psychosomatics of a runny nose is not associated with infection, it is associated with conflicts and internal experiences.

When irritated, tired, angry, they are triggered pathological processes in organism. One of the options through which emotions find their way out is a psychosomatic runny nose. The nose “cries” for various reasons:

  1. Depressed mood causes metabolic failure, poor blood supply, particularly in the nasal cavity, and swelling. Most often this manifests itself in the form vasomotor rhinitis(vessels in the nasal cavity do not fill well with blood).
  2. Hormonal imbalances associated with stress and depressive states. There are changes at work hormonal system. The body begins to perceive ordinary substances as allergens and an allergic rhinitis develops.
  3. A negative emotional background reduces immunity and germs easily penetrate the body. A common cold begins, accompanied by snot.

Our physical state depends entirely on what happens in our heads. But usually we don’t even suspect it. Psychosomatic specialists claim that the nose is “responsible” for self-esteem and self-esteem. Of course, you shouldn’t take everything literally: you’ve “lost” your high status, low self-esteem and immediately a runny nose. Nevertheless, such a connection exists.

Psychosomatics is a branch of alternative medicine that explains the connection between physical illnesses and emotional experiences, evaluates physical disorders from a psychological point of view.

Official medicine confirms that most pathologies are associated with psychosomatic problems. How does the transition of internal experiences into physical ailments occur? Some manage to avoid them by throwing out accumulated emotions. But if it's hard emotional condition does not find an external way out, then the disease will become a protective mechanism that will save a person from self-destruction. One of the variants of this manifestation is the psychosomatics of a runny nose in adults.

Explanation of the appearance of a runny nose by famous psychologists

The author of books on psychology related to healing at the subconscious level, Louise Hay sees a connection between the development of diseases and our subconscious. According to Louise Hay, a runny nose is associated with internal tears and a request from the soul for help.. This is how those hidden in the depths of the brain come out serious problems, which a person is not always aware of.

This type of rhinitis usually occurs after severe mental trauma or shock. In this situation, it is important to switch to self-control. You need to “bring” the problem out, not contain it inside yourself. Louise Hay suggests solving the problem through short positive phrases that are repeated many times. Acting on a subconscious level, they set a person up for positivity.

Valery Sinelnikov in the book “Love Your Illness” claims that the nose is associated with a person’s sense of self-worth and success, recognition of him as an individual. According to Sinelnikov, a runny nose depends on low self-esteem and a lack of understanding of one’s peculiarity and uniqueness. He points out that rhinitis is more often observed in representatives of the stronger sex with low self-esteem, who in life try to play someone else's role.

Psychotherapeutic techniques have been developed that can significantly improve a person’s condition. But if they do not find the cause of the disease hidden in the subconscious, then the improvement does not come for long.

  • the nose is a respiratory organ, and breathing is life, which means that the enjoyment of life is inaccessible to a person;
  • a stuffy nose signals that there are unpleasant people nearby or the person is in a difficult life situation;
  • respiratory problems occur when near strangers with whom you are in the same confined space (for example, a runny nose in children who have just started going to kindergarten).

Any psychosomatic disease requires careful analysis. But it’s always easier to take a pill than to figure out what’s in your head. Psychologists have created special tables based on many years of research and observation, thanks to which they can try to determine the causes of various ailments.

Psychosomatics of runny nose in children

The complex and incomprehensible world of adults frightens a child, so the psychosomatics of nasal congestion and runny nose in children manifest themselves especially clearly. We believe that little man weak immunity, however this is not always true.

Rhinitis in a baby can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. Lack of caring attitude from adults. The nose stops “crying” when parents surround the child with care and attention. It is very important for a child that his parents love him and be there for him.
  2. Conflict situations in the family, which, paradoxically as it may sound, can be resolved by the child’s illness. He begins to develop rhinitis, signs of a cold appear - the parents do not quarrel and treat their child.
  3. Strong guardianship when the child does not feel independent and does not feel like an individual. Parents see him as a helpless creature, which is why the baby gets sick colds with redoubled force.
  4. Sometimes a child feels guilty for a committed or imagined offense and the nose begins to “cry” again.

Psychosomatic runny nose in a child can occur for many other reasons. But the essence of this phenomenon is the same - he has difficulty comprehending the world of adults and in his own way understands and solves his childhood problems.

What to treat: problem or disease

If the disease is caused by psychological reasons, then it will have to be treated through introspection, awareness of one’s problems or experiences. It often turns out useful help psychologist, reading literature on issues of self-awareness. Physiotherapy also helps: therapeutic baths, ozone therapy, speleotherapy (creating a certain microclimate: salt caves, grottos, sea air). Sometimes prescribed drug treatment sedatives.

At severe runny nose, purulent discharge, the temperature rises when it goes inflammatory process, talking about the state of mind is pointless. Need medical and therapeutic help.

If your nose is constantly stuffy, it is important to pay attention to the psychological background that accompanies the sick person’s condition. Psychosomatics experts advise:

  1. Disconnect from the unpleasant moments that periodically arise in our lives.
  2. Don't take to heart what others say. Take events more calmly and try to view them positively.
  3. Extinguish conflict situations or resolve them, otherwise the unresolved problem (conflict) will constantly torment you.
  4. If your child has a runny nose, try to understand why he is uncomfortable or what worries (scares) him.

It's worth trying to look at the world with different eyes. All frustrations, stress, conflicts are nothing more than everyday vanity. Raise your head and look beyond the horizon. After all, the world is not limited to the walls of your home or office. The world is limitless, which means your possibilities are limitless, because you are part of this world. Seek help and understanding in your family, among loved ones, among friends. Believing in yourself will help you get rid of many physical ailments, not just a runny nose.

We hear all these postulates often, and they are simple: detach, disconnect, avoid... But it often happens that we simply do not understand that we have some internal problems. For some reason it’s sad, for some reason it’s not good, there’s no joy and no rose-colored glasses to look at the world differently.

Plunging into endless bustle and a continuous state of stress, we ourselves “acquire” diseases that cannot be cured with pills. And long-term mental and physical illnesses lead not only to a runny nose ( special case), but also to other very sad consequences.

1. RUNNY NOSE- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Request for help. Internal crying.

I love and console myself in the way that pleases me.

2. RUNNY NOSE- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

The need for recognition, approval. The feeling of not being recognized or noticed. Cry for love. Ask for help. Internal crying.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I love and approve of myself. I know my true worth. I'm beautiful (beautiful).

3. RUNNY NOSE- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. With a runny nose, the nose is stuffy and “running”, the patient constantly sneezes.

Emotional blockage

A runny nose occurs in a person who is faced with some confusing situation and is confused. He gets the impression that someone or some situation seems to be attacking him. As a rule, such a person worries too much about unimportant details. He doesn't know where to start. This makes him angry, as he would like to do everything in one fell swoop. The turmoil that arises in his head prevents him from feeling his true needs and living in the present. It may even seem to him that some situation It smells bad. He is capable of getting a runny nose and from the subconscious calculation - that some person unpleasant to him will eventually leave him alone for fear of getting infected.

Mental block

The main mental block with a runny nose is the popular belief that “a runny nose occurs due to hypothermia.” Such beliefs influence us much more strongly than we think, working as formulas of self-hypnosis. No less common is the misconception that a runny nose can be infected. It only affects those who share this misconception. Thus, you must get rid of such misconceptions. If everyone did this, there would be much more on our planet. healthy people. In any case, since any illness carries some meaning, a runny nose as a result of some common misconception tells you that you are an easy-to-suggest person and subject to the influence of others.

The deeper meaning of a runny nose as a message is that you should relax and not stress yourself out needlessly. Don't suppress your feelings. Don't try to do many things at once. Don’t get used to blaming some situation or other people for your problems: not wanting to feel, smell situation or person, you turn off all your feelings, and this prevents you from accurately determining your priorities and needs. See also article.

Nature is wise and insightful. She created human body so that it is impossible to deceive him. He will persistently signal internal problems. And the information will appear in the form of minor ailments or serious illnesses.

The ability of a mental disorder to project internal experiences onto a person’s physical state called psychosomatics.

Modern doctors have long recognized that psychosomatic factors influence many pathologies. Knowledge of how they manifest themselves helps fight illnesses much more effectively.

Psychological causes of a runny nose can reveal problems of an emotional nature, and many experts advise not to drink handfuls of medications without sorting out your inner world.

Well-known adherents of psychosomatics as a separate medical direction Louise Hay and Lise Burbo devoted entire works to this problem. In their works, they consider the problem of the occurrence of a runny nose, especially an old one that cannot be treated and turns into sinusitis, as a consequence of constant internal “self-suppression.”

In their opinion, the nose is a symbol of personal self-esteem and self-esteem, therefore it reacts most vividly to the internal emotional state. The following situations can be the culprits for rhinitis:

  • A state of humiliation and vulnerability;
  • Low personal self-esteem;
  • Chronic anxiety;
  • High level of demands on oneself;
  • Feeling disappointed by life situations and expectations.
Rhinitis, caused not by trivial hypothermia or the action of allergens, will not be helped by either new-fangled medications or grandmother’s proven methods.

A runny nose diagnosed as sinusitis may result from the following: psychological states:

  • Self-pity, constantly suppressed and uncontrollable;
  • Feelings of powerlessness in situations that seem hopeless;
  • The state of being “cornered” by life’s circumstances.

Psychosomatics and children's runny nose

Frequent rhinitis in children should be a reason for parents to take a different look at the atmosphere in which the child grows and develops. Children are the most defenseless and vulnerable to emotional aggression, and simply do not yet know how to withstand the pressure of external stimuli. There are two most common factors in the development of childhood rhinitis:

Deficit of parental attention.

Deprived of full warmth and care, a child often begins to get sick and suffer from a runny nose, because this is the shortest way to make up for the lack of care: a sick child begins to be looked after and pitied much more than a healthy one.

Constant quarrels between parents.

In order for mom and dad to stop fighting and unite in the fight against the disease, the child sacrifices his health.

Classification of psychosomatics of the runny nose

As in the case physical symptoms diseases, the psychological causes of rhinitis manifest themselves in several stages, each of which signals the severity of a person’s internal state. The more neglected it is, the harder the body reacts to it:

  • Nasal congestion is a consequence of internal depression, low self-esteem;
  • Runny nose - cultivation of internal grievances, “crying” for oneself;
  • Sinusitis is the inability to independently break out of the circle of your problems, a feeling of total loneliness.

Ways to solve the problem

Patients suffering from psychosomatic runny nose need the help of a psychologist rather than a therapist. It is necessary to learn to perceive life in a positive way, not to look at it through the veil of your grievances and disappointments.

It often happens that the problems are far-fetched, and the feeling of humiliation is not so great. It is enough to help a person believe in himself, and all the symptoms of a runny nose will disappear by themselves. There is no need to leave conflicts unresolved, allowing the feeling of resentment to eat from within.

Experts assess the impact of aggressive external and internal factors, mood and attitude of the patient. Modern science the relationship between psychological factors and physical diseases has been proven.

Psychosomatics (translated from Greek Psyche - soul, soma - body) evaluates the phenomena occurring in the human body from the point of view of psychology, determines the cause-and-effect relationship between pathologies of internal organs and emotional stress. Let's consider why neuropsychic stress manifests itself through disorders normal life organs and systems.

Secretions are present in the nasal sinuses in natural quantities. Mucus protects soft fabrics from mechanical influences, pathogenic strains, drying out. When the inner lining of the nose is inflamed, intensive production of muconasal secretion is observed.

The main component of snot is mucin, has bactericidal properties, and therefore when in contact with irritants it production increases several times. The abundant production of serous discharge helps cleanse the body of waste products of viruses and bacteria.

The hypothermia factor, sudden thermal changes, and acute respiratory viral diseases reduce protective functions organism, which creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

During the metabolism of unicellular decomposition products are formed that are absorbed into the systemic circulation. The consequences of intoxication are a combination of local manifestations (cough, snot, sneezing, nasal congestion) and general toxicity (pain in the neck and back of the head, weakness, malaise, fever).

If a person has experienced a strong emotional shock, it will be natural for a runny nose to appear on the 2-3rd day.

For rhinitis that occurs against an emotional background, characterized by identical symptoms as for bacterial or viral runny nose:

  • swelling of the ENT organ;
  • inflammation of the accessory sinuses;
  • runny nose.

Systematic negative circumstances are fraught with complications: , .

Psychosomatic causes of runny nose

Unconscious human emotions (pain, aggression, fear) provoke internal discomfort, which turns into physical pathology. One of the factors blocking the anastomosis of the paranasal sinuses is the psychological causes of a runny nose.

The physiological state of immunosuppression leads to a weakening of the body's resistance to aggressive stimuli. Being in harmony with yourself, body and physical structure function harmoniously and actively fight viruses and microbes.

Interesting! The founder of the self-help movement, Louise Hay, interprets the problem of chronic rhinitis as a result of self-suppression. Psychologist and philosopher Lise Burbo in her works personifies respiratory process with life, the violation of which indicates a person’s inability to live in harmony with himself and enjoy existence.

Unreasonable nasal congestion explained by psychologists from the point of view of human mentality. Scientists agree that upper respiratory tract lesions– This is the body’s response to a negative mental state.

The sources of psychosomatic disorders are the following factors:

  • internal conflict. In the confrontation between the conscious and subconscious, one of the parties dominates, against the background of which a personal contradiction develops, which provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • negative emotions, experiences, mental shock. They suppress the immune system, making it vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms. Typical condition manifested by runny nose, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion;
  • stressful situations, fear, depression. Provoke violation hormonal levels, as a result, one or more components of the immune response to specific factors. The body projects typical substances as antigens, against which allergic rhinitis develops. The consequences are manifested by the localization of tumors in the nose ();
  • bad mood, depressed state. Acts as catalysts for disruption of the metabolic process and blood circulation, as a result - blockage of the nasal sinuses, disruption of tone regulation;
  • negative thoughts. If you constantly think about pathologies, they will eventually manifest themselves. Elements organic speech are projected into real malfunctions in the body’s functioning;

Somatic causes of a runny nose in a child most often arise due to lack of attention and love from parents

For reference! TO psychosomatic reasons include pleasant emotions that provoked overexcitation.

  • offense. This state seeks punishment, so a person begins to reproach himself on a subconscious level for his actions, which is reflected in the physiological structure;
  • experiences. We are talking about personal anxiety, health and the fate of loved ones. The sentimental background of an adult reflects negative worries from childhood, which cannot be completely erased from memory;
  • emotional and physical fatigue. In individuals who work hard, the body becomes exhausted and experiences a lack of mechanical energy. Against the background of suppressed immunity, pathological processes develop;
  • contingent benefit. The desire to receive moral or material benefit programs the body to develop the disease. The situation is clearly visible in the behavior of children. Snot in a child is a reason to miss training sessions, the ability to manipulate adults, to compensate for the lack of parental attention;
  • emotional trauma. Reactions to difficult living conditions, loss of a loved one, change of place of residence provoke emotional overexcitement. If a person does not throw out negative emotions and pain, then they become somatized and manifest themselves in the form of pathologies.

Psychological causes of a runny nose most often occurs in children preschool age and teenagers. The unformed psyche of a child is not always able to cope with moral pressure and control of loved ones, and lack of recognition of the individual.

The inability to find a way out of a difficult life situation and the fear of making the wrong decision are reflected through inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Fact! The period of adaptation of children in preschool institutions accompanied by persistent cough and snot against the background of unfavorable conditions for the body: being in a confined space, anxiety, an unpleasant environment.

Component of psychosomatics allergic rhinitis is the denial of personal capabilities, doubt in one’s own strengths. Chronic forms of upper respiratory tract pathologies are most often provoked by self-compassion and a guilt complex.

Runny nose according to Sinelnikov

Homeopath Valery Sinelnikov is the author of the book that has gained worldwide popularity, “Love Your Illness.” In his writings, the doctor describes the metaphysical causes of damage to the nasal sinuses. In his opinion, disharmony between body and soul and incorrect judgment are the main sources of diseases of the ENT organs.

In his work, he presented a huge list of cause-and-effect relationships between worldview, individual behavior and the development of pathology. When the emotional and physical edge is reached, at that moment the disease begins to develop.

Acceptance of the situation allows you to identify psychological factors, start working on yourself.

Sinelnikov, identifies the nose with self-esteem. Lesions of the upper respiratory tract are explained in the lack of recognition of personal value and lack of emotional self-control.

Learn to live in harmony with yourself, and illnesses will bypass you

Nasal discharge symbolizes hidden grievances, suppressed tears, unfulfilled dreams. According to the author, Rhinitis is most common in men who want to prove their masculinity with the help of a runny nose.


Factors of psychosomatic runny nose affect individuals with a weak psychological barrier. Hidden, receptive, influenced people experience emotional turmoil “within themselves.”

Suppression of emotions turns into inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, runny nose, cough. Therapy of bodily diseases begins from the mental level, restoration of the spiritual background.
