Methods for cauterizing erosive spots of the cervix. Radio wave coagulation of the cervix: consequences and reviews

Such a common problem as cervical erosion most often requires cauterization.

Today it can be carried out different ways, and the choice of a specific one will be determined by the recommendations of a specialist and the individual characteristics of both the body as a whole and the erosive lesion.

One of the popular methods is radio wave treatment. Let's consider what the radio wave method of treating cervical erosion is, what its indications and contraindications are.

The essence and features of the method

Radio wave treatment of erosion has a number of advantages before other methods. These include the following:

  • painlessness;
  • no bleeding during surgery;
  • after cauterization there are no scars left;
  • short-lived rehabilitation period.

As a rule, patients who have not yet given birth rarely experience erosion, but if this happens, the doctor must choose a method that will be safe and will not affect the reproductive functions.

As for the disadvantages of the method, there is only one - quite high price . However, its safety and effectiveness overcome this issue.

The essence of this procedure is that a stream of waves is directed to the affected area using the tip of a special apparatus. high frequency.

This causes the affected areas to evaporate. Healthy areas of the mucous membrane are not affected.

The operation takes very little time - usually no more than 5-7 minutes.

Radio wave method for treating cervical erosion:

What devices are used

Radio wave therapy is a non-contact procedure treatment of erosion, which is based on the ability of tissues to evaporate under the influence of high-frequency waves, for which a special knife is used.

The radio wave knife simultaneously cuts through tissue, disinfects and coagulates the opening vessels. The tissues are restored very quickly after its use, there are no scar changes or deformations of the cervical walls.

Reference: it has been widely used in this area.

Indications and contraindications for radiosurgical removal

Indications for the procedure – the presence of major erosion or. If the formation grows and causes discomfort, it must be cauterized. Radio waves could be a great way to do this.

However, please note that the procedure there are contraindications, and it is important to follow them. These include the following:

To make sure there are no contraindications, you need to undergo a series of studies as prescribed by your doctor.

The specialist must take into account the size and duration of erosion, certain features of the cervix - all this will help determine whether the technique will be appropriate and safe, and will help avoid side effects.

Preparation rules

Before the procedure, you need to undergo a series of examinations. The patient will need the following:

If the patient has been identified inflammatory processes, they must be eliminated before cauterization.

However, not everyone needs this, and the decision about whether this is advisable should be made by a doctor.

How does radio wave cauterization work?

Radio wave treatment of erosion involves several stages.

Preparatory – these are the tests we have already mentioned and consultation with a specialist. Then the procedure itself takes place, followed by a recovery period.

The procedure is virtually painless, during the process there is no direct contact between the tissues and the equipment used. But it does happen local anesthesia, preventing even mild discomfort.

Typically for local anesthesia lidocaine sprays are used.

The procedure does not last long - only 5-7 minutes, and one session is quite enough. Together with the preparation for cauterization, 20 minutes is enough. The main part of the recovery period usually requires only a week.

The intervention is carried out on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle - thanks to this, everything heals completely before the next menstruation.

In addition, it is at this time that the regenerative abilities of cells are at their highest, and the healing period is minimized.

The patient needs to sit in a gynecological chair. The doctor installs the colcoscope and monitors the accuracy of the manipulations.

Then on the area of ​​influence of the church canal Anesthesia is applied and an electrode is inserted. It is he who emits the necessary waves.

The radio wave knife, which is the main device in this case, does not cut tissue, like a scalpel, and does not directly cauterize, like a laser.

Special waves, without contacting the mucous membrane, cut tissues in in the right place . And the low-temperature steam formed during the evaporation of cells coagulates the vessels below, preventing bleeding.

The tissues are heated, the area of ​​erosion is, as it were, “soldered” and cauterized.. The process continues for several minutes, then the electrode is removed and the procedure is considered complete.

Rehabilitation period

Treatment of erosion with radio waves - the procedure is low-traumatic. The damage after it heals quite quickly, and the rehabilitation period is quite short.

It lasts approximately ten days, during which it is recommended to avoid visiting beaches, saunas, baths, swimming pools, and heavy physical activity.

You should also not swim in open waters. Maximum hygiene is essential.

Prohibition on sex life will last on average for a month, but only the doctor will give the exact timing after assessing the degree of healing of the damage.

Possible consequences and complications

The method of combating erosion is low-traumatic and usually does not provoke complications.

However, during the period of manipulation mild possible nagging pain lower abdomen. They are usually mild and easily relieved with analgesics.

Within a few days possible. They are usually non-intense and smearing. If after 5-7 days the discharge does not go away, or it is too intense, you should consult with specialists.

To improve your condition and speed up your recovery, stick to:

  • It is important to avoid heavy physical activity for a month;
  • sex life excluded for 1-2 months;
  • during the rehabilitation period, avoid visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools, and open reservoirs;
  • Douching is not recommended;
  • During the rehabilitation period, you should not take aspirin or medications containing it;
  • It is important to carefully monitor hygiene.

If a specialist gives additional individual recommendations, you must adhere to them.

Myths and facts

There is a myth that this procedure is contraindicated for nulliparous women.. However, it does not affect reproductive functions, so it can also be prescribed to girls who have not yet found the joy of motherhood.

The procedure has many advantages, in particular, this is a minimum pathological changes along the edges of the treated area, which shortens the healing process and minimizes the risk of negative consequences.

But the price of the procedure is really quite high- this is a fact, not a myth, however, given that it lasts no more than twenty minutes and only one session is required, the cost is quite reasonable.

It is worth considering a number of other points. If the patient has a pacemaker, radiosurgery therapy is possible only after agreement with a cardiac surgeon.

Devices that are connected to the patient, such as hearing aid , must be disabled for the duration of the procedure to eliminate Negative influence there are radio waves on them.

If the patient takes certain medications, this may cause complications, so she should inform the doctor about this at the preliminary consultation.

In old age and diabetes mellitus history, the duration of the recovery period will be several times longer.

The procedure can be carried out no earlier than three months after any manipulations on the cervix.

In these cases, the doctor performing cauterization should be as careful as possible and especially carefully monitor the healing and recovery processes of the patient.

The radio wave cauterization procedure is universal because it can also treat other problems associated with the uterus.

Safety of the technique and minimum side effects make it very popular for.

It is only important to trust an experienced specialist– the professionalism of the doctor performing cauterization is another guarantee of the guaranteed success of the operation.


Most often, to treat erosion on the cervix it is necessary to use cauterization. It is performed in different ways, substances and devices. Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is currently very popular. It allows you to almost painlessly and effectively eliminate pathological areas.


Radio wave therapy (RWT) is a method of cauterization of cervical erosion. In this case, there is no direct contact with tissues, which means there is no risk of infection. In addition, the method does not leave scars and is therefore indicated for nulliparous women. It is quite fast and almost painless. It is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus.

The method has a number of advantages:

  1. Quick and painless;
  2. No risk of infection;
  3. Safety;
  4. The risk of bleeding is eliminated, since vascular coagulation occurs simultaneously with cauterization.

Radioknife is used very often for cervical erosion. Currently, it is considered one of the most advanced methods. This method is also widely used in other areas of gynecology. He has proven himself well.

Surgitron device

Surgitron is a special device used in radio wave surgery. It is equipped with an electrode that generates radio waves. This radiation heats the tissue and cauterization occurs. In this case, the electrode does not contact the patient’s body. That is, the risk of infection and additional damage to the mucosa is minimal.


The indication for this procedure is the presence of large erosion or pseudo-erosion. If the tumor actively increases in size and also causes discomfort, then it must be cauterized. And it is radio wave treatment that is preferable in the absence of contraindications to its use. After it, erosion heals quickly and rarely recurs.


In some cases, cauterization of cervical erosion cannot be carried out using radio waves. Contraindications to this procedure are as follows:

  1. Presence of pregnancy, regardless of duration;
  2. Presence of a pacemaker;
  3. The presence of problems in the hematopoietic system, poor blood clotting;
  4. Diseases of the pelvic organs various etiologies– viral, infectious, fungal, inflammatory, etc. (they must be treated before the procedure);
  5. The presence of oncological processes in the pelvic organs, and also, sometimes, in other body systems.

There may be other specific contraindications. They are determined individually by the doctor. Therefore, before radio wave cauterization of cervical erosion is performed, patients undergo a complete examination.


Complications after cauterization of cervical erosion can only develop if the patient does not follow the doctor’s instructions. Thus, with insufficient hygiene, there is a risk of joining and developing various infections and the onset of the inflammatory process. Sexual activity during the recovery process can lead to injury to the manipulation area. As a result, bleeding may begin.

But usually treatment with the Surgitron device does not cause any complications or consequences. Deviations from the norm during the recovery period are increased body temperature, severe pain two to three days after the intervention, as well as severe or unstoppable bleeding.


Treatment of the cervix with this method takes place in several stages. During the preparatory phase, the patient undergoes all the necessary examinations and tests. This is followed by the actual procedure, after which comes recovery period. Correct behavior during this period and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations is very important. Since the success of the operation also depends on it.


In order for radio wave treatment of cervical erosion to be successful, it is necessary to undergo a number of additional examinations. The patient undergoes the following procedures:

  1. Colposcopy;
  2. Vaginal smear for flora;
  3. General blood test, as well as biochemical, tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  4. Cytological and bacteriological studies;
  5. Analysis for tumor markers;

If there are inflammatory processes, they must be treated before the procedure. Also, a day before the procedure, it is sometimes recommended to take daily dose antibiotic. This will avoid inflammatory processes after radio wave treatment of cervical erosion. But not all patients require such a measure.


Cauterization of cervical erosion with Surgitron is an almost completely painless process. During it there is no direct contact between tissues and equipment. However, patients are given local anesthesia, which helps relieve even mild discomfort. Lidocaine spray is often used as a local anesthetic.


Removing cervical erosion using radio waves takes little time. The procedure itself lasts only 5 minutes. At the same time, it is carried out once, unlike, for example, processing chemicals. Together with preparatory activities, the entire intervention takes about 20 minutes.

Research before manipulation is not so numerous. Most often they can be completed in a week. And the main part of the recovery period ends within a week after cauterization.

Operation technique

It is recommended to carry out the intervention on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle. Thus, before the onset of the next menstruation, the damage will have time to heal completely. In addition, the regenerative abilities of epithelial cells at this moment are at their highest. Therefore, the healing period will be short.

The patient is located in a gynecological chair. A colposcope is installed, through which the doctor monitors the accuracy of the manipulations. Anesthesia is applied to the operated area cervical canal. An electrode is inserted, which emits waves.


The tissues heat up and the erosion area is “soldered”. She is cauterized. The process lasts about five minutes. After this, the electrode is removed. The procedure is considered completed. More details about the process are described in the video in the material.

Excision for erosion

Excision is a procedure different from cauterization. It involves removing part of the uterine tissue using a radio wave scalpel. It looks more like conization. Indicated in cases of very severe damage, deep or extensive erosions. Also, it often turns out to be the only effective method with multiple relapses of erosion.

Removing part of the tissue can be done in different ways. But here, too, the radio wave method is preferable. After such an intervention, healing occurs faster and the rehabilitation period is shorter. Bleeding is almost eliminated, and the operation itself takes place with minimal trauma.

Postoperative period

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves is considered a low-traumatic procedure. Such damage heals quite quickly and postoperative period relatively short. Basically it is 10 days. During this period you cannot visit the beach, sauna, solarium, or steam in the bathroom. It is advisable to avoid physical activity.

During this period, it is also important not to swim in open water. Maximum hygiene must be observed.

As for the ban on sexual activity after the intervention, it is about 30 days. But the doctor will be able to say more precisely after assessing the degree of healing of the damage.


During the day on which cauterization was performed, the patient may experience slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. They are easily relieved with analgesics and are not too intense.

Bloody discharge after radio wave treatment is possible during the first five, rarely seven, days. They are not intense and have a smearing character. If you start bleeding after this period, or the discharge is very intense, you should consult a doctor.


Cauterization and treatment of the cervix radio wave method– the most gentle method for the patient. Unlike older methods (such as electrocoagulation), this does not lead to the formation of a large scar. That is, such a procedure does not affect not only the possibility of pregnancy itself, but also the course of the birth process. Distensibility of the cervical canal and birth canal does not decrease, childbirth is not complicated.

In most cases, pregnancy can be planned within 2-3 months after surgery. But sometimes the doctor may recommend waiting up to six months. In any case, if treatment was carried out using the radiosurgery method, the start of pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor.


The radio wave method of treating erosion is a rather complex procedure. When performed in commercial medical centers, it may not be cheap (compared to other methods). There may also be significant differences depending on the region.

Cost of radio wave cauterization by city

Treatment can also be carried out on the basis of municipal medical institutions. However, on free of charge, usually, intervention is not carried out in this way. More economical and simple ways, such as diathermocoagulation or cryodestruction.

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Radio wave therapy is one of the new treatment methods serious illnesses. One of them is cervical erosion. It is becoming more common in women young and over time can lead to infertility and even cancer. Since moxibustion is an effective and painless method of treatment, it is increasingly gaining popularity and arousing interest.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves: what is the peculiarity of the treatment method

One of the most common and dangerous gynecological diseases- cervical erosion. In this case, the epithelium of the organ forms various damages: wounds, ulcers, cavities and other defects. The reasons can be very different. But the main pathogens are venereal diseases and other inflammatory processes.

If erosion is treated at an advanced stage, more serious inflammatory processes may begin. Early reaction to cervical erosion and incorrect treatment can cause infertility and even cancer.

Cauterizing erosion with radio waves is one of the most the latest ways treatment of the cervix. Its essence consists of a targeted effect on the affected areas of the epithelium with high-frequency energy. During the procedure, the specialist directs a beam of radio waves to the erosion. The damaged tissue is exposed to very high temperatures. It is due to this that diseased cells begin to evaporate.

The main advantage of this treatment is painlessness. It is achieved due to the fact that cauterization does not affect healthy neighboring cells. Respectively, Negative consequences after surgery are reduced to a minimum.

The main advantages of cauterization of cervical erosion:

  • No pain. Only slight tingling sensations are possible;
  • For those who are afraid of blood, this is an ideal treatment. It does not cause bleeding;
  • After the procedure there are no scars left;
  • Complete elimination of burns;
  • Rapid wound healing after surgery;
  • Healthy cervical tissue is not affected;
  • Cauterization sterilizes, which eliminates infection during surgery;
  • The radio wave operation lasts only 10-15 minutes;
  • The procedure is suitable for women of any age, whether they have given birth or not;
  • Minimizes the occurrence of new erosion.

All these advantages make treatment with radio waves an increasingly popular and sought-after procedure.

Discharge after cauterization of erosion with radio waves - normal and pathological

Cervical erosion is observed in half of the fair sex of the entire planet. Treatment must be approached seriously and responsibly. After radio wave therapy there will definitely be discharge indicating positive reaction organism or pathology.

The normal period after surgery is characterized by:

  • Transparency of vaginal discharge;
  • Minor blood impurities;
  • Not a large number of discharge.

If after cauterization the discharge is of this nature, then the procedure is considered successful. Sometimes there may be a slight burning sensation. But this is also the norm and indicates complete healing soon.

Large quantities of blood can be released only within 24 hours after surgery. This applies to those patients who have a fairly large affected area. The attending physician will definitely warn you about all the consequences. But if blood comes out abundantly on the second day, then you should inform a specialist about it.

In what cases is discharge after surgery considered a pathology:

  • Copious discharge and blood;
  • Thick;
  • Discharge mixed with brown and green shades;
  • Having an unpleasant odor;
  • Blood in the discharge for more than a day.

If you have any of these signs, you should also immediately report them to your gynecologist. In this case, the specialist will prescribe either drug treatment, or a coagulation procedure.

Menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion

Many people are interested in the question of when menstruation will begin after radio wave surgery. Here great importance plays the day of the cauterization procedure. The point is that the most optimal time– this is 5-7 days from the beginning of the cycle. At that time heavy bleeding stop, but the tissues have not yet lost their increased ability to regenerate.

When cauterization of erosion occurs, microsores form on the walls. They should not bother the woman in any way. Within 7-10 days, the scars heal and turn into a dry crust - a scab. The crust begins to come off and it is possible that blood will appear in small quantities.

When the scab comes off, blood may appear. This period may take several days. If the discharge becomes abundant, then this will be considered the first menstruation.

Cauterization of cervical erosion should not disturb menstrual cycle. « Women's days"may start a little later. This is a common occurrence after radio wave cauterization surgery. Most likely, stress may be the cause. The second period should come exactly on time. If a malfunction occurs or bleeding begins but does not stop, this is a signal of the appearance of a pathology.

How erosion heals after cauterization with radio waves: possible consequences of the operation

To prevent cauterization of erosion from causing unpleasant consequences, a number of rules must be followed.

Firstly, you need to take the procedure itself seriously. You should absolutely not start the procedure if:

  • There is an oncological disease;
  • Pregnancy at any stage;
  • There is a contraceptive device;
  • If the patient has poor blood clotting;
  • Infection;
  • Inflammation of the genital organs;
  • At high temperature body procedure is also contraindicated.

In the absence of such diseases and health problems, the period after surgery passes quickly and painlessly. During healing there may be transparent discharge with a slight admixture of blood. Every 2 weeks during the first months you should be examined by a doctor.

The wound heals quickly and properly if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. The first month after the operation you cannot be sexually active.
  2. You should not exercise or lift weights for the first few weeks.
  3. For a month you need to completely avoid baths, swimming pools and swimming in ponds. This can cause blood to appear in the discharge and lead to infection. It is recommended to take a short shower.
  4. Tampons cannot be used.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene: wash yourself as often as possible, use panty liners, gel for intimate hygiene. Any wound heals faster this way. You also need to carefully monitor your health. Hypothermia can lead to complications. Cauterizing the erosion may not help in this case.

One of the most the latest methods Treatment of cervical diseases in women today is treatment with radio waves.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to carry out non-contact therapeutic manipulation on the cervix, when, thanks to the high frequency of waves generated by the device, the tissues that are affected evaporate.

All this happens painlessly and, most importantly, within healthy tissue, almost bloodlessly and with minimal possible complications. This is one of the few methods of treating cervical pathology used in nulliparous women, since there is no scar formation on the cervix and its deformation.

Now let's take a closer look at all the aspects of treating cervical erosion, the reasons that cause damage to the cervix and possible consequences depending on the radio wave treatment used.

Let's remember what erosion is?

This concept refers to damage to the epithelium of the cervix under the influence of various factors.

In young girls (under 22 years of age), cervical lesions of an erosive nature occur more often due to hormonal imbalance. In other words, this cervical disease is called ectopia of the prismatic epithelium of the cervix.

In patients over 22 years of age, the doctor is often faced with so-called true (real) erosion of the cervix. In this condition, the epithelium of the cervix, for certain reasons (which we will discuss below), undergoes rejection and, as a result, its defect-wound is formed. It may bleed and the woman may complain of scanty bloody issues from the vagina, often after physical force (sexual intercourse).

Later, if erosion is not treated, pathological microorganisms begin to multiply in the wound surface, as a result of which inflammation occurs and complaints about unpleasant discharge from the vagina. Sometimes a woman is not even aware of the existence of erosion when there are no complaints. This is why it is so important to regularly visit a gynecologist, since only when gynecological examination and conducting special samples, the doctor may suspect an epithelial defect on the cervix.

What is the cause of cervical erosion?

  • In young girls erosive lesions cervixes occur more often due to hormonal changes in the body, accompanied by menstrual irregularities.
  • Traumatic damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix through frequent use of tampons, douches, rough sexual intercourse, as well as postpartum ruptures lead to scar deformities on the cervix.
  • The tendency to the appearance of cervical erosion is growing among girls who began sexual activity early and often change sexual partners.
  • The danger of viral infection of the cervix lies in the fact that the papillomavirus infection, penetrating into the epithelial cell, affects it and changes its structure so that in the future it can begin to divide uncontrollably. And this is the first step for development.
  • A great role in the development of erosion belongs to sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, ureo- and mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, as well as opportunistic microflora.

Signs of cervical erosion

When examined by a gynecologist, the cervix is ​​noticed by a red spot on the pink background of the healthy mucosa, which, when stained with Lugol's solution, does not change color, unlike the normal cervical epithelium, which has a brown tint.

When examined through a colposcope, which allows you to enlarge the picture and see the mucous membrane very clearly on the screen with all the existing epithelial defects, examine the affected vessels in detail and suspect the relationship of the eroded area to precancer or cancer and begin further treatment in a timely manner.

Ditto possible signs When erosion appears, a woman may complain of unpleasant vaginal discharge of various types, sometimes accompanied by itching or unpleasant smell. Confirmation of the presence of inflammation on the cervix as erosion progresses may be not entirely “good” results of smears on the flora taken from the site of the defect on the cervix.

Poor results will be indicated by the presence of a large number of leukocytes in the smear and the presence of pathogenic microflora. Cytological examination A smear will answer the question of whether there is a precancerous disease or cancer in the area of ​​​​the altered epithelium, but the final diagnosis can only be made by histological examination, by taking material from the eroded area through a biopsy.

Came to the aid of doctors and patients radio wave surgery. With the help of radio waves, it is possible to make an incision in soft tissues and perform coagulation of bleeding vessels without traumatizing the epithelium of the cervix.

The generator of the high-frequency pulse is such devices as “Surgitron”, “Fotek”, which practically do not differ in the effect of the wave on the tissue, the only difference is in the manufacturer, price and the sound signal that the “Fotek” device produces to facilitate the doctor’s work.

It turns out that treatment of uterine erosion with high-frequency radio waves is achieved by cutting the energy of the wave, and not by current or cold, as in other methods used. Due to this method of action on the tissue, the radio wave does not cause the formation of scars and deformations of the cervix.

Advantages of radio wave treatment of the cervix:

  • The time required for cervical treatment is reduced
  • The manipulation is painless due to the fact that the radio wave coagulates the nerve vessels and the woman does not feel pain
  • The eroded area heals faster without the formation of scar tissue, which is extremely positive for nulliparous women. And also, unlike other methods, tissue necrosis (death, scab) does not form.
  • Also due to the action of a high-frequency pulse on blood vessels, by coagulation, bleeding from the wound surface is minimized and is subject to less infection from the outside. After the procedure, a thin film forms at the site of the wound, which painlessly separates on its own without long periods of time. heavy discharge by the end of the first week after radio wave treatment.
  • Due to the fact that the tissue is not destroyed during the radio wave procedure, high efficiency is achieved when conducting a histological examination of the resulting material.
  • Radio wave treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis in a clinic and does not require hospitalization or anesthesia.

For better healing on the wound surface, radio wave exposure on the cervix is ​​recommended to be performed approximately immediately after the end of menstruation, having previously sanitized the vagina and excluded precancerous conditions cervix.

Indications for the use of radio wave treatment of the cervix:

  • Benign processes in the epithelium of the cervix (erosion, ectopia, leukoplakia, cervical dysplasia (CIN1))
  • Cicatricial deforming changes on the cervix
  • Endometrioid heterotopias on the cervix
  • Increase in cervical size
  • Long-term infectious processes endocervix (cervicitis)
  • Taking a biopsy for histological examination
  • Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves, consequences?
  • Contraindications for radio wave manipulation are:
  • The patient has a pacemaker
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Infectious diseases of the genital tract
  • Acute infectious diseases on this moment and fever
  • Mental disorders
  • Severe diabetes mellitus
  • Disturbances in the blood coagulation system

However, after the radio wave procedure on the cervix, in women who do not have the above contraindications, the consequences are minimal and do not pose a threat to her health. After manipulation, minor scanty discharge for a couple of days, without causing concern to the woman. Sometimes observed aching pain in the abdomen, namely in its lower part, or in the perineal area. The wound itself heals within a month.

During the healing period, you should limit the use of tampons and douching, sexual relations, visiting baths, swimming in open water and in the bathroom, only using the shower, you should also limit sports and physical activity, and do not take medications that contain aspirin.

To sum up what has been said, we can conclude that the radio wave technique for treating cervical erosion in nulliparous women is the method of choice. Wave energy the best way suitable for taking a biopsy of eroded epithelium. The risk of bleeding, scarring, burns, necrosis, and inflammation of the cervix is ​​minimized. The most important thing is that the procedure is painless and you should not be afraid of it! And the recovery period lasts only a month! Be healthy! And may illnesses pass you by!

Erosion (or ectopia) of the cervix is ​​a disease that is very common among women nowadays. It represents benign education on the cervix in the form of a mucosal defect. In other words, erosion is a kind of inflamed wounds on the epithelium that look like red spots (ulcers).

Erosion occurs in half of women reproductive age. The reasons for its appearance are varied: this and inflammatory diseases genitourinary system women, and sexually transmitted infections, and mechanical damage cervix. The appearance of erosion can also be triggered by difficult childbirth. At the same time, the disease is mostly asymptomatic or may manifest itself as minor bleeding and pain during sexual intercourse.

Gynecologists most often recommend treating erosion to prevent its further increase, since it can develop into more dangerous form and even cause cervical cancer. Exist various methods treatment of cervical erosion: radio waves, liquid nitrogen, electricity, laser and medicines. In this article we will look at one of the most modern methods of treating erosion - radiosurgery.

How does removal of erosion using radio waves differ from other treatment methods?

The fact is that removing erosion with radio waves is one of the most effective means, since it has no side effects and does not require repeated treatment.

Many women who are about to undergo this procedure are concerned about whether it hurts to cauterize the erosion with radio waves. The process of removing cervical erosion using radio waves is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus. It is used not only for treatment, but also for diagnosing various gynecological diseases, such as scar changes in the cervix after childbirth, dysplasia, polyps of the cervical canal, etc. The procedure itself is painless and fairly quick. Tissue dissection is carried out due to the thermal effect of radio waves, while healthy tissue located next to the erosion is not injured. The affected area of ​​the epithelium is removed, and new, healthy cells then grow in its place.

Please be aware that before you nominate this procedure, qualified doctor must perform a biopsy of cervical tissue, since cancer Radiosurgery is not used.

After treatment, the patient may experience slight vaginal bleeding for a few days, as well as mild cramping, similar to menstruation. The speed of recovery after a radiosurgery session largely depends on the woman herself: for several weeks, she is contraindicated physical exercise, sex life, visiting pools and saunas, swimming in ponds. When these rules are followed, a woman’s health is restored very quickly. It should also be noted that the likelihood of relapses after radiosurgery is minimal, which is an undeniable advantage of this treatment method.

However, radio wave treatment has its drawbacks, and the main one is the relatively high cost of the procedure.

Pregnancy after cauterization of erosion radio waves

As for pregnancy, exposure to radio waves at any stage is undesirable, therefore this method not suitable for pregnant women. However, it is absolutely acceptable for girls who have not yet given birth, since similar treatment does not leave behind scars on the tissues of the cervix, and subsequently this will not affect the course of labor in any way.

In addition, cauterization of erosion with radio waves does not imply unpleasant consequences as prolonged discharge, as during cryodestruction, pain, as during diathermocoagulation, or the need to repeat the procedure.
