What to do if your nose is frostbitten. What to do if a child has mild frostbite on his face. Prevention of frostbite of the nose and face

When the external nose is frostbitten, the skin becomes pale, but soon after this its color changes, it becomes red, sometimes with a bluish tint at the tip of the nose.

Subjective sensations include itching, tingling and burning. Sometimes the temperature rises. In some cases, blisters and tissue necrosis are observed, followed by the formation of deep ulcers.

Frostbite of the nose is relatively rare. Frostbite of the nose can be grade I, II, or less commonly III.

I degree frostbite is characterized by hyperemia of the skin of the nose, pain and tingling in it. The second degree of frostbite is characterized by the development of skin anemia - pale or blue discoloration, with loss of sensitivity. III degree is characterized by the development of dry or wet gangrene nose In this case, an increase in body temperature, leukocytosis, accelerated ROE and other signs of inflammation are noted. The development of gangrene usually ends with the formation of a clear demarcation line, which usually lasts 6-8 weeks. Frostbite of the nose during general cooling of the body in a person who is freezing may be accompanied by severe nosebleeds.

First aid. Accept Urgent measures to eliminate the causal moment, i.e., to bring the victim into a warm room. In mild cases of frostbite, prolonged washing of the face and nose is used. warm water(38-40°) or applying hot compresses to the nose for 15 minutes from weak solution drilling fluid and indifferent ointments. A 1 mm layer is applied to the frostbitten nose. ichthyol ointment composition: ichthyol 1.0, zinc oxide and starch 10.0 each, paraffin ointment 20.0. After 5-6 hours, this ointment is washed off with cotton wool soaked in some oil.

IN severe cases with the formation of necrosis and deep ulcers, first aid is provided according to the rules general surgery and therapy (puncture of blisters and release of contents from them, use of sulfonamide therapy and antibiotic therapy, intravenous administration 10% solution calcium chloride 10 ml), hot drinks, sweet tea, etc.

Patients with nasal frostbite of the I and II degrees after treatment first aid appointed ambulatory treatment from an otolaryngologist or surgeon. Patients with grade III nasal frostbite should be hospitalized in the otorhinolaryngological or surgical department.

Emergency care for this disease should consist of wiping the frostbitten area with alcohol and gentle massaging with dry hands until blood circulation is restored, after which the skin of the nose is again wiped with alcohol or 5% alcohol solution tannin. Apply a dry aseptic bandage. The victim is placed in a warm room. In case of formation of blisters, tissue necrosis and ulcers - treatment according to general surgical rules. To prevent infection - antibiotics. Antitetanus serum is administered according to Bezredka.

Frostbite on the nose accounts for most of thermal damage faces in winter time. This area of ​​the body is less well supplied with blood, and also allows cold air to pass through it when breathing. Strong winds and high humidity aggravate the situation. Additional trauma or alcohol intoxication make freezing more dangerous.

ICD 10 code for frostbite

For nasal skin, code T33 is assigned. Frostbite of the nose with tissue necrosis is coded T34.


The nose freezes not only in the cold. A strong cold wind can cause no less than serious pathologies. The nose is especially hard on infants - babies do not yet have sufficient thermoregulation and react heavily to temperature changes.

Frostbite of the nose occurs in athletes who practice sports such as skiing, biathlon, skiathlon, and snowboarding. Travelers and winter tourists are also at risk. Frostbite is more common in children, and your nose can get frostbitten even while walking if you don’t take extra care to protect children’s delicate skin.

The provocateurs of frostbite are:

  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • mechanical or thermal injuries;
  • weight deficiency;
  • diabetes.


Usually the tip of the nose freezes, and the symptoms are determined by the intensity of the temperature effect. Signs of stage I frostbite are:

  • redness;
  • tingling;
  • skin itching;
  • tissue swelling;
  • subsequent numbness.

With more severe freezing, the skin turns white and then turns blue. The pain is moderate. Additional symptoms When the nose is frostbitten, blisters appear clear liquid, difficulty with nasal breathing.

This area is not typical. If this happens, not only the superficial structures will be affected, but also the bones. In this case, the person loses consciousness, and frostbite and hypothermia lead to death.

If the child cold nose, means that he needs emergency warming. When your nose and cheeks turn white, consult a doctor immediately. Less dangerous symptom frostbite - red face. In this case, it is easier to warm up, and tissue death is not so large-scale. The effects of freezing disappear within 5–7 days, and the skin is completely restored.

A cold nose in a newborn does not always indicate frostbite, but it may be, since babies have an imperfect thermoregulation system. If the baby has a frostbitten nose, he will behave restlessly. Painful sensations on initial stages The degree of frostbite is very pronounced. The skin is red, even purple. But if the cheeks and nose become white, it means that vasospasm occurs, which indicates deeper tissue damage.

First aid

, including the nose, is to change temperature regime. That is, the victim must be placed in a room. If a person is cold outside, they take him to a warm place, change his clothes to dry ones, and lubricate the skin with a greasy cream or anti-frostbite agent. Light rubbing will speed up the flow of heat and improve local blood circulation. Add to list effective drugs includes:

  • « Aekol» – fortified oil solution stimulating regeneration. Used under a gauze bandage;
  • « Methyluracil"- the ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect and activates repair. Used in a course of up to 4 weeks;
  • « Actovegin» – improves blood microcirculation, prevents scarring.

Further actions include ensuring rest, plenty of hot drinks, and high-calorie foods. What you should not do if you have frostbite is drink alcohol or use it for rubbing. If the victim is severely warmed up, warm him up artificially (using hot bath, heater) is not allowed. Gradual rewarming is necessary, otherwise less viable tissue will be preserved.

When the nose freezes, traditional medicine is also used in treatment and first aid. What to do if the tip of your nose is frozen? Can be mixed olive oil with cream 2:1 and add half the yolk. With absence allergic reactions A little natural wax is added to beekeeping products.

You can apply warming compresses when your nose is frostbitten, but they should not be hot. It is impossible to independently prescribe drugs to infants, including external use. What else you shouldn’t do if you have frostbite on your ears and nose is rubbing yourself with snow. The procedure will not bring practical benefit, but can additionally injure cold-damaged skin.


Doctors prescribe conservative therapy with frostbite of the nose in most cases. In case of 1st degree damage, ointments with anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects will help out. Due to trauma to the nasal mucosa, problems with nasal breathing are possible. It is recommended to do physical procedures to stimulate epithelial healing. UHF, infrared therapy, ozokerite applications. Among other methods of hardware physiotherapy:

  • electrophoresis– removes pain syndrome, prevents inflammation, improves repair. One of effective methods treatment of young children;
  • lamp "Sollux"– expands blood vessels, activates local blood circulation, prevents tissue hypoxia, ensures rapid recovery after cold injury;
  • ultrasound– improves the restoration of mucous membranes, prevents the development inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses nose

Antispasmodics, anticoagulants, and angioprotectors are used within the framework. Due to frostbite of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, blisters and ulcers appear. They can be cured with antibiotics local application and ointments to reduce focal inflammation.

If a child is a victim of cold, then medications are selected taking into account age. IN mandatory appoint antihistamines, which minimize the harm of the main therapy and prevent "". Your pediatrician will tell you how to treat the consequences of frostbite. Children are prescribed vitamins, NSAIDs, creams and ointments for external treatment.

In case of ineffectiveness conservative treatment, shown debridement. Necrotic tissue removed, wounds sanitized. Next, antibacterial therapy and reparation agents are prescribed.

Complications and consequences

Irreversible degeneration is characteristic of grade 4 frostbite. Such serious lesions of the nose are extremely rare and most often affect the extremities. But ulcerations, scarring and other cosmetic defects caused by the lesion cannot be ruled out. upper layers fabrics. Frostbite of the nose can result in secondary infections and dermatological diseases. Other disorders caused by hypothermia include:

  • vascular pathologies;
  • “cold” allergy;
  • persistent pain syndrome;
  • granulation and flattening.

Difficulties with nasal breathing after treatment usually do not arise. However, skin disorders that are aggravated by thermal factors, wind, humidity, etc. may be a concern.


If the body retains heat in suitable clothing, then it’s more difficult to protect your face from frost. Knitted scarves and hats with ears will reduce the likelihood of frostbite. But if you wrap your face in a handkerchief or scarf up to eye level, there is a high probability that the fabric will quickly become damp due to breathing. In this case, the nose freezes faster. How to prevent frostbite and stay warm? It is worth treating the skin with a protective cream or greasy ointment. Sold in pharmacies special compounds preventing frostbite.

How to protect yourself from the cold if you have to work in the cold? Before going out, a person should eat a hearty meal, rest well, and dress warmly. Be sure to have replacement mittens, a scarf or handkerchief with you. At the first signs, rub with a dry cloth and drink hot tea. Avoid immobility in the cold.


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In cold weather, frostbite of the extremities is more common, as is frostbite of the face and, in particular, the cheeks, nose, lips and ears. These areas of the skin are least protected from cold air. It is more difficult to get frostbite on the whole head, since people usually cover it up. The face is constantly under attack. In addition, the beginning frostbite of the nose or cheeks is easy to miss: they only go slightly numb, which many consider to be the norm in the cold. Often the problem is noticed already at home.

Frostbite on the head, face, cheeks, nose, lips, tongue and ears occurs as a result of contact with cold air and icy objects, often metal. If you get frostbite from the air, you need to stay in the cold long time if it is dry. And you can get frostbite in a matter of minutes if the air is humid and the wind is blowing.

When exposed low temperatures skin covering suffers before internal organs. This does not mean that a person will necessarily get frostbite, but the heat begins to escape through the skin. Compensatory mechanisms body this process is aggravated: with general hypothermia peripheral vessels narrow and because of this the skin cools down faster than it could. If cold exposure continues, frostbite or general hypothermia can occur.

Is it possible to freeze a part of the body hidden under clothes? Yes. To freeze a leg, for example, it is not necessary to come into direct contact with cold air or an object.

Symptoms of facial frostbite and its degree

Frostbite on the nose, cheeks or lips is special case. For him, it is fair to talk about the same four stages of frostbite as in other parts of the body.

First degree frostbite of the face

The first degree of frostbite is the mildest and passes without consequences. Early signs Frostbite on the face, cheeks and ears is difficult to notice. The skin tingles, then becomes numb, becoming pale or bluish in color. After warming up, the area quickly comes to its senses, becomes red, and sometimes swells. After a week, the patient is only bothered by peeling and itching. Within a couple of weeks there will be no trace of the disease, because... tissues are not damaged. Mild frostbite on the face is not that bad. But it’s scary not to notice it and allow the second stage.

Second degree frostbite

The second stage is characterized by the same symptoms, only after warming up, bubbles with a clear liquid inflate on the skin. There is nothing dangerous in them: after a while, the body will reject the dead epidermis and the tissue will heal. But the process will take longer, and the damage will make itself felt with pain.

Third degree frostbite

The third degree of frostbite involves tissue death. It is not immediately known that this will happen. Until the patient is warmed up, the stage is unclear. After warming up, with third-degree frostbite, the skin turns blue and swells, and blisters with bloody contents form. After they go away or are surgically removed, scars remain. The consequence of frostbite of the cheek, nose, ears and lips of the 3rd degree is also deformations on the face.

The mechanism of tissue damage is as follows: in the cold, peripheral vessels spasm - and blood flows into the body. Without a good blood supply, cellular processes are disrupted, including lack of oxygen and enzymes not produced. This, in turn, leads to tissue death. That is, cold itself does not kill skin cells. In order for it to directly turn cells into ice, very low temperatures are needed, which humans are unlikely to ever experience.

Fourth degree frostbite

With the fourth degree of frostbite on the face, the prognosis is unfavorable: tissue death. After warming up, the affected area becomes very swollen. And later it becomes clear that sensitivity did not return with warming.

Only a doctor can find out how deep the lesion is, and even then not immediately. Can only die off outer layer epidermis - and then the skin will come off, and scars will remain after it. Or the nasal cartilage may be damaged - then it will have to be amputated. Further - only Plastic surgery. Hardware cosmetic interventions will help with scars on the skin. How effective plastic surgery will be depends on the depth of the lesion.

What to do if you have frostbite on your face and cheeks

Treatment for frostbite on the face and cheeks depends on the degree of tissue damage. If this is the first or second stage, then the patient is brought in or brought into a warm room, changed clothes if he is wearing wet clothes, and then they begin to warm him up. Objects and alcohol should not be used for rubbing. Alcohol is added only when the face is already warm after rubbing with bare hands. Warm drinks and baths are also effective. Such assistance for frostbite of the face is sufficient to cope with the first degree of the disease.

With the third or fourth degree of frostbite, the patient is also brought into a warm place, but they try to warm him up not with rubbing and a bath, but only with the help of clothes and warm drinks, if the person is conscious. It is also worth giving an antispasmodic to relieve spasm of skin blood vessels, and an anesthetic. No other measures can be taken until the doctors arrive.

Doctors, having provided first aid to the patient, will take him to the hospital, conduct an examination and prescribe further treatment. These are, first of all, antibiotics that help prevent the spread of infection. Other medications are also used, a list of which can be found at the link, and physiotherapy.

Frostbite on the face is dangerous because not only the epidermis can be damaged, but also deep tissues - even cartilage and bones. If the surface skin cells have died, they are cut off. If the deep tissues of the nose, tongue, lips and ears die, these parts of the body must be amputated.

Frostbite on the cheeks is treated with fatty ointments. The main ointment for facial frostbite is levomekol. The composition includes an antibiotic, so the ointment kills the infection. Also suitable for treating frostbite on the face the following drugs: “Panthenol” (heals the skin), “Aekol” (contains vitamins and oils, regenerates the epidermis well), “Solcoseryl”. However, ointments as first aid for frostbite of the cheeks are prohibited: they will only aggravate the condition. The cream creates a protective layer on the skin that will prevent heat from penetrating.

It is not difficult to treat frostbite of the cheeks of the first two degrees. Read more about this in our article on skin hypothermia, which is also true for special cases on the face. Treatment can take place without a doctor. For frostbite of 2, 3 and 4 degrees, you need to consult a doctor. Doctors believe one of the reasons dire consequences frostbite is that only a small percentage of patients seek help on the first day.

What to do if your nose is frostbitten

Frostbite of the nose can be more dangerous than frostbite of the cheeks due to the fact that a vulnerable part of the face is affected, where, in addition to the epidermis, cartilage will suffer. If his cells die, his nose will have to be amputated. That’s why it’s so important to prevent fourth-degree frostbite, which is irreversible.

As first aid, a victim with a frostbitten nose should be brought into a warm place and warmed up. Perhaps after this, sensitivity to the nose will return. This is also helped by rubbing. If the nose is slightly frostbitten, you should not rub it with such sweeping movements as are used for frostbite of the cheeks, because you can damage the cartilage. Rubbing is done with neat compact movements of small amplitude. If frostbite is severe, you should not rub. It is better to immediately apply a bandage made of bandage, cotton wool or cloth to warm the nose without rubbing. And, of course, before carrying out these procedures, you need to call doctors so that they arrive on site as soon as possible.

Frostbite of the nose

Further treatment for severe degrees We will not describe the lesions - it is the same as with other frostbites, and is prescribed individually.

If the cartilage has to be removed, the nose can be reconstructed using cartilage from another part of the body. Synthetic implants are also used. You can also restore skin that is taken from the temples and forehead. At the same time, surgeons try to make the sutures as invisible as possible, placing them on the border lines of the wings of the nose.

What to do if you have frostbite on your lips

Frostbite on the lips occurs for the same reasons as other types of frostbite. If you notice that your lips are numb or tingling, and the color has faded, but there are no available means such as a scarf, you can purse your lips into your mouth and keep it that way until you come into the room. It is better, of course, to cover your lips with a cloth. And under no circumstances should you lick them.

To restore the skin of the lips in case of mild frostbite after first aid, which is the same as for frostbite of the cheeks, you can use lip balms that do not contain mineral oils. Aloe, lotions with potato juice, applying boiling water poured over cabbage leaves. Ointments based on goose, badger and other animal fats are also suitable. But if blisters form on the lips, such treatment will have to be postponed until they open and begin to heal.

For frostbite of the lips of 2, 3 and 4 degrees, you should not rely on information from the Internet, but consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct a series of tests, determine the extent of the damage and prescribe treatment. It will no longer be traditional methods, and drugs traditional medicine, physiotherapy and, in the worst case, surgery.

If you have to remove so much tissue on your lips that it disfigures your face, you can contact plastic surgery. To restore lips, tissues of the cheeks and chin, including muscle fibers, are used.

What to do if your tongue has frostbite

It is worth mentioning separately about help with the so-called iron injury. This is when a person freezes his tongue to icy metal. This often happens to children who playfully lick metal objects in the cold, and then cannot detach themselves. You can stick to metal in a matter of seconds: this is why such experiments are dangerous.

Read more about iron frostbite children have a website.

When helping yourself or someone else in such a situation, you first need to warm up the sticking area and detach the skin from the metal. This is done using warm (not hot!) water. If the disconnection is successful, then the same steps are followed as for frostbite in other parts of the body. Warm water is used to warm the tongue if the person is able to get it into the mouth.

If a wound forms on the tongue after tearing it off the metal, it is first washed with warm water and then poured over with hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide will disinfect the affected area. If there's blood coming out, then it must be stopped with the help of hemostatic agents. This is the same hydrogen peroxide or aminocaproic acid.

This is how iron trauma occurs

People often look for warming tablets when they have a frostbitten tongue. So, there are no warming tablets to treat frostbite. There are throat lozenges with a warming effect, but this will not help in case of frostbite. However, warming drugs do exist. They are used by doctors in the form of injections for severe degrees of general hypothermia of the body.

If your tongue suddenly freezes to degree 4 and has to be amputated, there is good news. The tongue can be partially restored with plastic surgery. To do this, a free flap with muscle fibers or a piece cut from pectoral muscle. It is implanted into the mouth through the subcutaneous cervical canal. The functionality of the tongue after such operations is not 100% restored, however, within the first months it is possible to achieve satisfactory results - and the person receives a new working organ.

What to do if you have frostbite in your ear

Frostbite of the ear or earlobe mild degree It is treated in the same way as frostbite on the cheeks or nose. But if it is grade 4 and the cartilage is damaged, then you can lose your ears. The ears are cut off either entirely or partially: only the affected areas.

Let's say a few words about cosmetic procedures carried out after amputation of ear cartilage. The sink can be restored using plastic. Several methods have been developed. Doctors now perform reconstruction more often auricle using costal cartilage and skin from the patient's buttocks. The operation gives excellent results. If the surgeon is competent, then the ears will not differ in shape from before.

Prevention of frostbite on the face

The consequences of frostbite on the face, cheeks, nose, lips, tongue and ears can be irreversible and disfigure a person for life. Therefore, it is better to prevent such a problem. And for this we use preventive methods.

Anti-frostbite scarf

A scarf is not only a fashion accessory, but also a useful thing that helps maintain beauty and health. If you feel that your face is very cold, wrap it in a scarf. The material will protect from wind and cold air. It is advisable that the scarf be wool. Wool perfectly absorbs moisture from breathing and warms. There are microholes in the knitted product; they create an air layer that helps retain heat.

Face frostbite creams

Even in mild negative weather, it is advisable to use a protective cream before going outside. A rich cosmetic cream is recommended. Moisturizer will not work. We use a cream with oils, which has more of a nourishing and protective effect than a moisturizing one. The cream is applied to the face an hour before leaving the house.
If the frost is really severe and you are going to be in it for a long time, you can try to smear your face with badger, bear or other animal fat. It will create a protective film on the skin that helps retain heat.

Prolonged exposure to low temperatures impairs blood flow to unprotected areas of the body. In the winter season, when exposed to frost, many people feel cold on their nose, cheeks, and ears. After rewarming, they may remain discomfort. While the ears can be protected with a hat, the nose and cheeks cannot. Therefore, most often people are diagnosed with frostbite in these areas of the face. High degree soft tissue lesions require medical and surgical treatment to prevent generalization of the pathology.

When and why you can get frostbite on your nose

Frostbite of the nose - pathological condition, caused by exposure to low temperatures with damage to the soft tissue of the cartilage of the wings or the tip of the nose. The occurrence of pathology is associated with:

  • Prolonged exposure to the cold (temperature below -5°C).
  • Strong wind.
  • High humidity or constant contact with a wet scarf.
  • Impaired blood supply due to vascular disease, blood pathology, systemic hypoxia.
  • Alcohol intoxication.

The pathology is more common in children and the elderly. The latter have reduced elasticity and trophism of the skin. Insufficient blood supply to tissues and reduced sensitivity to cold contribute to the formation of pathology.

Important! A child's skin is thin and does not have defense mechanisms thermoregulation. The appearance of liquid secretion from the nose, rubbing the latter with a mitten - additional trauma to the skin

Nasal frostbite is common among skiers and climbers. Ascent to altitudes where lower temperatures and strong wind gusts cause rapidly progressive damage to exposed areas.

The first signs of frostbite in the nose

A person, even after a short stay in the cold, can get frostbite on his face. It is necessary to know the main symptoms of the pathology in order to begin treatment.

The first signs of frostbite in the nose:

  • Feeling of cold in an unprotected area. With prolonged stays, there is often a decrease in sensitivity to cold.
  • Frost often remains on the affected area.
  • Persistent reddening of areas with pain and burning.
  • Impaired sensitivity (pain and tactile).
  • After entering a warm room, the symptoms persist or intensify.

IN medical practice distinguish between the concepts of frostbite and frostbite. Frostbite is a condition in which the patient is frozen soft fabrics without causing irreversible consequences. Pathological reactions with a tendency to spread begin when the process penetrates into deeper areas.

Clinical picture of nasal frostbite of different severity

The choice of method and duration of treatment depends on the depth of the lesion, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the risk of developing infection.

For nasal frostbite, there are 4 degrees, the characteristic differences of which are presented in the table:

  • Initial, characterized by damage to the surface layers of the skin.
  • The area is hyperemic, cold, with impaired sensitivity.
  • Full recovery in 1-2 weeks without cosmetic defects
  • Moderate. The effects of low temperatures extend to the deep layers of the skin.
  • Non-infectious inflammation causes separation with the formation of small blisters filled with clear fluid.
  • The frostbitten area hurts and burns. After the bubbles open on their own, the ulcerative surface is exposed.
  • Treatment is required for 2-3 weeks
  • Severe degree of damage. The condition is worsened by damage cartilage tissue, severe pain.
  • Impaired skin sensitivity and nasal breathing.
  • The blisters are filled with fluid mixed with blood.
  • Infection is often observed.
  • Duration of therapy 4-6 weeks
  • Extremely heavy.
  • The deep spread of the process causes necrosis (death) of the cartilage and the formation of gangrene.
  • The skin of the nose is purplish-violet.
  • Multiple ulcers are present.
  • Acute pain at the beginning, with gradual extinction due to damage to nerve receptors

Doctor's advice! If your nose is frozen, consultation with a family doctor or surgeon is required in each case of detection characteristic features

First aid for frostbite of the nose

Often the spread of damage in winter requires the ability to provide first aid to prevent the development of complications.

The algorithm for dealing with frostbite is presented in the table:

Necessary consultations with specialists and basic principles of treatment of pathology

Development of persistent changes accompanied by subjective signs, requires consultation with a doctor who will determine what to do in case of frostbite of the nose and other parts of the face.

Depending on the depth of the lesion, pathology is dealt with:

  • Family doctor or therapist who prescribes treatment for 1st degree.
  • Maxillofacial surgeon - for deep lesions with the need to remove areas of necrosis.
  • Plastic surgeon- deals with cosmetic defects that occur with 4th degree frostbite.
  • A physical therapist who prescribes procedures to improve blood flow to the affected area after the acute disorder has resolved.

The peculiarity of damage to the soft tissues of the face is significant cosmetic defect which causes psychological disorders.Main methods of treatment:

  • Improving the rheological properties of blood with the help of drugs (for example, Pentoxifylline).
  • Treat the affected areas with Aloe vera ointment to speed up healing and relieve signs of inflammation.
  • Removal of dead tissue.
  • Change dressings daily hypertonic solution sodium (to dry blisters).
  • Antibacterial therapy: systemic or local (while maintaining the integrity of the skin, smear the nose with an antibiotic to prevent the development of infection).

Additional treatment methods are prescribed depending on the patient’s condition and the presence of associated changes.

Treatment with traditional medicine and prevention of frostbite of the nose

Usage unconventional methods treatment of frostbite is justified only in cases of the 1st or 2nd degree of the process.

Most used means:

  • Warm (not hot!) compresses made from decoctions of calendula or chamomile, which relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues.
  • Sour cream or goose fat, which are used to lubricate the affected areas. They close the pores and help retain heat inside the tissues.

Important! The use of irritating methods (lemon juice, onion) is contraindicated due to the risk of worsening the condition.

Methods for preventing the development of facial frostbite:

  • Wearing a hat and a warm scarf.
  • Reducing the period of exposure to frost.
  • Use protective creams at least 20 minutes before going outside.
  • Go out into the cold well-fed, warmly dressed and shod.
  • Refusal alcoholic drinks in the cold season.

A responsible attitude to health prevents the development of pathologies and unpleasant consequences.

The skin of the face is particularly sensitive, so during the cold season this part of the body is subject to severe frostbite if it is not additionally protected. People who are fond of skiing or other outdoor sports can get frostbite on their nose, as well as those who try to dress fashionably, but out of season, are especially susceptible this disease children, in particular under 3 years of age.

The main cause may be a strong, cold wind or high humidity; damage to the skin of the face may occur in windy autumn or spring weather. Most often, people experience frostbite on the tip of their nose, which brings very unpleasant and painful sensations, and this may be accompanied by other troubles, depending on the degree of frostbite the person receives.

As a rule, at the first signs urgent measures should be taken to warm up the victim and other important actions on which the person’s condition will depend.

Symptoms of frostbite

Frostbite on the face, especially the nose, can occur when a person is exposed to cold air for too long without taking special measures, such as using protective face creams, scarves, etc. You also need to remain careful in deceptive spring or autumn weather, especially with strong winds.

In cold weather, the human body is not able to produce more heat than may be required, and this leads to the appearance of sensations such as numbness, chills, and sensitivity also disappears. The first symptoms may be expressed by paleness in the nose area, the temperature in this area decreases, and during the first warming steps, the damaged area becomes purple or bluish in color.

As a rule, a few minutes after the warming process a person experiences pain, unpleasant burning sensation, swelling, but in the following days If the injury is severe, small blisters may form filled with clear or bloody fluid.

But all these signs may differ from each other, because the symptoms depend on the degree of frostbite, which can only be detected the next day after receiving the injury. Almost all the signs and manifestations of injury are the same for frostbite of any part of the body, but for frostbite of the nose there are only three degrees of the disease. To begin treatment correctly, you need to know all the symptoms of frostbite and its degree.

Degree of damage

The first degree is the mildest; it can appear in a person after a short period of exposure to the cold. It is distinguished by slight damage to the skin of the nose, tingling, tingling, burning. Immediate and timely first aid helps restore the skin and condition of a person within a week.

The second degree is a little more severe than the first and external differences most noticeable, such damage can be caused by prolonged exposure to cold on an open area of ​​the face. Trauma manifests itself strongly painful sensations, burning, the damaged area is characterized by increased temperature.

Treatment may take several weeks, but often after recovery, minor damage in the form of scars or scars may remain on the nose.

Third degree - represents the greatest danger to the general condition of a person and separately for the frostbitten area of ​​the nose, signs of the third stage may appear several days after the injury. People who spend a long amount of time in extreme cold, frost, and without special heating procedures are subject to such serious damage.

The third degree of frostbite is characterized by the formation of bubbles with blood fluid, which lead to the death of skin cells and subsequently to the formation of scars. Sensitivity in the affected area decreases, a bluish tint appears, and in some cases, cartilage is damaged. General state the person deteriorates significantly, blood pressure drops, pulse becomes slow, breathing is shallow and this all leads to loss of consciousness.

Knowing the symptoms of the disease, you can apply alternative treatment, which will not only improve a person’s condition, but can also restore the full function and sensitivity of the respiratory organ.

How to cure frostbite

Frostbite of the nose, like any other, requires immediate action, therefore, at the first signs it is necessary to perform first aid and only after warming up can the degree of damage in a person be determined. First of all, you need to place the victim in a warm room and let him warm up.

Erroneous actions are: rubbing the nose with snow, cold or hot water, such procedures can lead to serious injuries, as well as introduce unwanted infections into the blood. It is recommended to seek help at a hospital, where doctors will mandatory procedures quickly, sterile and professional.

As a rule, at the very beginning the nose is wiped ethyl alcohol, vodka or cologne, this helps restore blood circulation without causing infection. Next, lotions are used, this can be a solution of vinegar, the proportions are approximately 1 tablespoon of vinegar diluted in 1 liter warm water. It is imperative to provide the patient with a hot drink - herbal or simple tea, broth; in no case should you give alcohol.

If blisters appear, you cannot pierce them yourself; this procedure must be entrusted to a doctor. After piercing, apply a lotion from a solution of furatsilin and lubricate with antiseptic ointments. For the most severe frostbite, use special means to accelerate the action of rejection of affected tissues, then surgical actions and site treatment. Next, patients are recommended to undergo surgery, that is, plastic surgery.
