Paraffin-ozokerite applications at home: description of the procedure, indications and effectiveness. Ozokerite therapy

Our planet has great amount substances that can be used to benefit humanity. Various gifts of nature not only give us the ability to exist and support life, they also help to prolong possible term life, and get rid of a number pathological conditions.

There are natural fossil elements that are actively used in the therapy and prevention of various ailments, and ozokerite is considered to be one of them. This substance belongs to the oil group and has been used for many years as a means of physiotherapy.

Ozokerite in its structure is a rather complex mixture containing many mineral oils, high molecular weight hydrocarbons and resinous substances. Depending on the balance of these elements, the consistency of this composition may vary. Sometimes ozokerite is soft and buttery-like, it can also be hard and rather brittle, but the most common is a wax-like mass. Such a substance does not dissolve in water and alcohol, as well as in alkalis, it dissolves in chloroform, gasoline and kerosene. When treating with ozokerite, it should be borne in mind that it is easily flammable.

Ozokerite - instructions for use

Ozokerite has been actively used in physiotherapy methods for many years. This substance is an excellent tool for the preparation of warming compresses intended for the correction of the musculoskeletal system. It also helps to cope with some chronic ailments, which are based on impaired peripheral circulation. The essence of the treatment with mountain wax (as it is also called ozokerite) is its unique thermal conductivity at a fairly high level of heat capacity. Because of these properties, this element is able to quickly accumulate heat in itself and give it off at a low rate.

Due to the unique chemical composition, ozokerite, in contact directly with the skin, has a superficially irritating effect on it, which stimulates blood flow. This effect leads to the activation of blood circulation processes inside the subcutaneous capillaries, and also optimizes metabolic processes within the affected area.

V therapeutic purposes it is customary to use additionally purified ozokerite, which is also sterilized immediately before use. Doctors resort to using not only pure mountain wax, but also preparations based on it. These are ozokerafin, ozoparaffin, ozokerafin, as well as ready-made ozokerafin wipes.

Ozokerite - indications

Ozokerite therapy is usually carried out as an integral part complex treatment in health resorts, or, as rehabilitation measures in the clinic. Most often it is used to eliminate arthritis and arthrosis, as well as myositis. Ozokerite is suitable for the treatment of contractures of inflammatory or traumatic etiology. In addition, mountain wax is used in the treatment of sciatica, neuritis and pressure sores. It can be used to eliminate trophic ulcers shins. There are options for using ozokerite to correct common chronic ailments at the stage of remission. This group can include pyelonephritis, as well as prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis and cholecystitis. This list also includes gastritis, pleurisy and gastroduodenitis. Chronic illnesses are corrected in a complex manner and mountain wax is used as part of complex therapy.

Among other things, this unique substance can be used in the elimination of female and male infertility, and also used for post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Ozokerite - application

Ozokerite can be used as compresses or as a cuvette application. In the first case, you need to fold the bandage or gauze in 8 layers, and melt the ozokerite in a water bath. After that, it is worth soaking the resulting gasket in liquid mountain wax, squeezing it out a little and cooling it to a temperature of forty-five to fifty degrees. Apply this compress to the affected area. The second layer is also prepared, but its temperature should be higher - about seventy-five degrees. Place a second pad over the first without touching your skin. Next, lay the waxed paper or oilcloth and quilted jacket.

To prepare ozokerite cakes, it is worth pouring melted mountain wax into cuvettes, having previously lined them with waxed paper. Cool the product to forty-five to fifty degrees, then remove it out with paper. Apply ozokerite to the lesion site with waxed paper upward, then place a quilted jacket or cotton-gauze bandage.

The duration of exposure to ozokerite is on average thirty to forty minutes, and the maximum is one hour. Next, the tool must be eliminated. And wrap up the patient well. Repeat the action every day or at intervals of a day.

Ozokerite - contraindications

It is worth considering that ozokerite cannot be used if the patient has any ailments in acute stage, as well as during exacerbation chronic diseases... Also, such treatment is unacceptable for bleeding and their threat. You should not resort to such therapy in the presence of any tumors, ulcerative lesions, tuberculosis, serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Ozokerite is also contraindicated in urolithiasis, liver damage, epilepsy and pregnancy.

Before carrying out such therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Thermal procedures during the period of remission of orthopedic pathologies of a chronic nature show a noticeable therapeutic effect. Excellent result gives ozokeritotherapy for diseases of the back and spine. The use of natural wax with mass useful properties reduces pain, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the affected tissues.

What are the advantages of physiotherapy with mineral raw materials? Why is ozokerite more beneficial than paraffin for diseases of the spine and back? Can natural wax applications be done at home? Answers in the article.

general information

Natural mineral of the naphthide group is often used for thermotherapy for various diseases... Mountain wax has a wide range of shades - from light yellow to dark brown, the smell resembles kerosene.

Natural mineral raw materials contain many valuable components:

  • ceresin,
  • paraffin,
  • petroleum resins.

The researchers also identified iron, resin, calcium, manganese, aluminum, mineral oils, bioactive substances in the composition of mountain wax, which explains high degree therapeutic effect.


  • high plasticity;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the melting point is in the range from 50 to 100 degrees;
  • active penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • even at temperatures from 60 to 70 degrees, mineral wax does not cause skin burns due to the slow transfer of heat;
  • mineral of petroleum origin is non-toxic, when correct application has a positive effect on the body.

Beneficial features

Ozokerite exhibits not only mechanical and thermal, but also chemical attack on the body. Natural raw materials contain a lot useful ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the skin, blood vessels, joints, vertebrae, cartilage tissue.

Ozokerite has beneficial properties:

  • regenerating;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipruritic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • compression;
  • vasodilator;
  • nutritious;
  • anti-inflammatory.

One of the advantages of processed mineral wax is the possibility of combining ozokerite applications with other physiotherapy procedures. In the treatment of many orthopedic diseases, coniferous baths and massage, electro- and magnetic therapy are prescribed. Several physiotherapeutic treatments reduce strength negative symptoms accelerate recovery. An important point - between various procedures it takes 1 to 2 hours for beneficial effect on the body was of moderate intensity.

Indications for sessions

Mineral wax is used for diseases of the spine, large and small joints:

  • rheumatism;
  • lumbar hyperlordosis;
  • gout;

An important point - thermal procedures carried out in subacute and at chronic form pathologies. With an exacerbation, the use of high temperatures activates the inflammatory process, provokes an increase pain syndrome... If you carry out ozokerite applications with infectious diseases spine, then the risk of spreading pathogens to new sites sharply increases.

Important! Ozokerite is actively used in the treatment of orthopedic pathologies, gynecological, dermatological diseases, for warming up the ears, nose. Good effect gives ozokeritotherapy in the fight against secondary infertility, to normalize the state of blood vessels in chronic thrombophlebitis, early stage varicose veins, damage to the digestive tract.


Thermal procedures are not prescribed when restrictions are identified:

  • spicy purulent inflammation in various parts of the body;
  • hypertension;
  • the presence of benign or malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • and other bodies;
  • circulatory problems associated with cardiovascular disease;
  • severe form of atherosclerosis;
  • blood clotting disorder.

Application for diseases of the back and spine

Mineral wax procedures for vertebral pathologies and neurological diseases more often carried out in specialized clinics, sanatoriums, physiotherapy rooms. To heat ozokerite, electric paraffin heaters with precise control of the temperature of the plastic mass are used.

Features of the procedure:

  • the doctor lays an oilcloth on the couch, the patient lies on his stomach or back;
  • at this time, the physiotherapist warms up the mineral wax to the desired temperature;
  • from the ready-to-use mass, the specialist forms a cake, puts it on the back. If the patient is in the supine position, then first the plastic mass is distributed over the oilcloth, then the patient lies on ozokerite;
  • the duration of the procedure depends on the type of disease, the age of the patient. The average time of ozokerite applications is 15-20 minutes;
  • after the session, the doctor wipes his back, the patient gets dressed, the procedure is over;
  • after heat treatment you cannot be in a draft; before going out into the cold, you need to rest for half an hour in a warm room.

Paraffin and ozokerite: what is the difference

It is easy to follow from the table how the two types of raw materials for thermal procedures differ. Despite several similar properties and field of application, there is a difference between ozokerite and paraffin.

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Where ozokerite therapy is developed

Excellent results are obtained by carrying out thermal procedures in specialized sanatoriums. Health resorts of the world famous spa town Karlovy Vary include ozokeritotherapy in the list mandatory procedures in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

In the western part of Ukraine, in the foothills of the Carpathians, there is a well-known international health-improving zone in the city of Truskavets. The sanatoriums offer high quality mineral wax.

Natural mountain wax withstands transportation well. Thanks to this property, it is easy to deliver the valuable substance to any health resort. For this reason, many interinstitutions and physiotherapies in different regions offer treatments with mountain wax.

Is it possible to make applications for children

Doctors appreciate the effect of natural wax rich in chemical composition on bone and muscle tissue. Applications with ozokerite are often used as part of complex treatment for scoliosis, kyphosis in junior schoolchildren and adolescents. For children, sessions are shorter, mineral wax is heated less.

An excellent effect is given by ozokerite "boots" - applications on the shins and feet. Procedures are often prescribed for children to warm up tissues in case of damage to the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, frequent tonsillitis, bronchitis. Subject to the rules of therapy, the use of healing mountain wax has a positive effect on the growing body.

For diseases of the back, spine, joints, neurological disorders, in addition to taking medications and exercise therapy, doctors recommend thermal procedures with natural wax. The cost of a session up to 30 minutes is 850-900 rubles. Ozokeritotherapy brings more benefits than paraffin applications: natural raw materials contain useful components that have a beneficial effect on intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles, vertebral arteries, bone elements and nerve roots.

More about the benefits and rules treatment procedures at home, find out after watching the following video:

Ozokerite is a waxy mass from dark brown to black color - a substance of petroleum origin. Ozokerite contains paraffin, mineral oils, resins and other substances. Raw ozokerite is melted and washed with water, and then with acid, and bleached with special bleaching clay (Fuller's earth) to free it from foreign inclusions. Commercially available ozokerite is black, green, yellow or white, depending on the degree of bleaching. Purified ozokerite melts at a higher temperature (65 ° C to 80 ° C) than paraffin; it consists almost entirely of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. Acids and alkalis do not affect ozokerite. It holds oils and other additives firmly. Ozokerite is insoluble in volatile alcohols, but dissolves in benzene, kerosene and other hydrocarbons.

The term "ozokerite" was first coined by Glocker in 1833. First chemical analysis ozokerite was produced by the famous French chemist Walter in Paris in 1840.

Clinical experience of using ozokerite indicates that the most favorable results are achieved in the treatment of inflammatory and metabolic-dystrophic diseases. Ozokerite applications have a positive effect on inflammatory processes, accelerate recovery processes, increase immune indicators, normalize the tone of the vegetative nervous system, stimulate blood circulation. The inclusion of ozokerite applications in medical complex increases the effectiveness of spa therapy in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, urinary excretion and metabolism.

The effect of ozokerite on the body consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors. In addition, the numerous chemical components of ozokerite and the possibility of their penetration through the skin cause significant changes in the general reactivity of the body.

Ozokerite has a very low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity and heat retention capacity. Convection heat transfer in ozokerite is weak, therefore, when it is applied to the skin, a layer is quickly formed, the temperature of which is close to the skin temperature, and the transfer of heat to the body from the overlying layers occurs very slowly. This makes it possible to use ozokerite with high temperature(60-70 C) without fear of causing a burn.

The mechanical factor of the action of ozokerite is due to its ability, when solidified, to decrease in volume by 10-12%, which is accompanied by a slight compression of the underlying tissues (compression action). This contributes to a deeper diffusion of heat. The most pronounced compression effect of ozokerite is with circular applications, when the body area is covered from all sides, for example, on the extremities, while tissue edema decreases, since due to thermal effects, the outflow of tissue fluid and lymph improves.

The chemical action of ozokerite is due to the presence of biologically active substances(having an estrogen-like, acetylcholine-like effect), capable of penetrating through intact skin into the body and, entering the humoral channel, cause a parasympathicotonic effect. Ozokerite also contains substances with antibiotic properties. It has been established that ozokerite can have anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic, antispastic, desensitizing effect, stimulates regeneration processes.

Indications for the use of ozokerite

Diseases of the joints and the spine of a dystrophic and inflammatory nature, upon completion or chronic stage; consequences of damage to the musculoskeletal system; diseases and injuries peripheral nerves, spinal cord; diseases internal organs(chronic pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum); chronic and subacute inflammatory diseases female genital area, secondary infertility; hron. inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose; skin diseases; peripheral vascular disease of the extremities initial stages, cron. thrombophlebitis.

Technique of procedures

Ozokerite is heated to the required temperature in electric paraffin heaters or in a water bath. The used ozokerite is sterilized by heating in a water bath to a temperature of 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When ozokerite is reused, 25% of an unused substance is added to it.

There are several ways to use ozokerite:

  • layering (molten ozokerite t 65-70 C is applied to the skin with a brush);
  • ozokerite baths (the limb is coated with ozokerite, and then immersed in a vessel with molten ozokerite at 60-70 C;
  • napkin-application (folded in 8-10 layers of gauze is immersed in molten ozokerite t 50-55 C, squeezed and applied to the place of exposure, covered with oilcloth, and then with a blanket or quilted jacket);
  • cuvette-application (molten ozokerite with a layer of 1.5-2 cm is poured into the cuvettes, solidified ozokerite t 48-50- 54 C is taken out of the cuvette onto the oilcloth and together with it is applied to the areas to be affected).

The latter technique is most often used in practice. Ozokerite is also used for abdominal treatment in the form of rectal and vaginal tampons at t 55-60 C. The choice of treatment method is determined by the form of the disease, the localization of the process, the phase and stage of the disease. Usually, the procedures are carried out daily or every other day, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30-40 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-20 procedures. After the procedure, you should rest for 30-40 minutes.

Treatment courses can be repeated at intervals of at least 3-4 months. Ozokerite can be combined (alternating procedures) with galvanization or electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, phototherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, common mineral baths. The intervals between ozokerite treatment and one of the listed procedures should be at least 1-2 hours. For the elderly and children, ozokerite is heated to a lower temperature (48-52 C); the duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes. In children's practice, preference is given to the napkin-application method (napkins are moistened with ozokerite t 48-49 C and a compress is applied).

The use of ozokerite is contraindicated in febrile conditions, decompensation of cardio-vascular system, acute and subacute heart diseases, severe forms, hypertension, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, dystrophies, tuberculosis, benign and malignant tumors, a tendency to bleeding, blood diseases, with callous and prone to penetration ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative enterocolitis, serious illnesses liver, gangrenous forms of obliterating endarteritis, acute and subacute thrombophlebitis, thyrotoxicosis, epilepsy, with suppurative processes in the pelvic organs, during pregnancy.

Storage: at a temperature not higher than + 25 C.

Ozokerite- a petroleum substance of the consistency of wax. Depending on the content of resins and asphaltenes in it, it can have different colour: green, yellow, brown, brown (up to black).

It contains paraffin wax, mineral oils, resins and other substances. It dissolves well in benzene, kerosene and other hydrocarbons.

V medical purposes used, as a rule, ozokerite, purified from impurities and impurities. To do this, it is preliminarily melted, washed with water, then acid and treated with special bleaching clay. Therefore, in medical institutions you can see ozokerite not only of natural colors, but also white.

Ozokerite has a complex effect on the human body.

The chemical action of ozokerite is due to the presence of biologically active substances in it. They are able to penetrate through intact skin into the body and influence the course of chemical processes.

Some of its components activate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues and organs.

The high heat capacity and heat-retaining capacity of ozokerite allowed it to be widely used in thermal therapeutic procedures. A sufficiently heated ozokerite (60-70 ° C) allows you to achieve a deep spread of heat without the threat of getting burns.

Decreasing when solidified in volume, ozokerite has a slight compressive effect on the tissues, contributing, together with the thermal effect, to the reduction of edema.

The technique of the procedures is quite simple. Ozokerite heated to the required temperature different ways applied to areas of the body. The choice of the method is determined by the nature and stage of the disease, the localization of damage, the patient's condition and other factors. Ozokerite can be layered (molten ozokerite is applied to the skin with a brush), applied as an application (napkins of 8-10 layers of gauze soaked in ozokerite and then wrung out), and also used in the form of baths (a limb coated with ozokerite is immersed in a container with hot ozokerite).

The most common in medical institutions is the so-called cuvette-application method, in which molten ozokerite is poured into cuvettes with a layer 1.5-2 cm thick, allowed to cool to a temperature of about 50 ° C, then spread on an oilcloth, with which it is applied to the necessary plots.

The presence of substances with antibiotic properties in ozokerite was established, which made it possible to use it as an anti-inflammatory, resorption, analgesic, antispasmodic, vasodilator, and sedative.

Ozokerite is also used in the form of rectal and vaginal tampons for cavity treatment.

The duration of the procedure (depending on age, condition, etc.) ranges from 15 to 30-40 minutes. Upon completion, the patient must have a rest for at least 30-40 minutes.

Used ozokerite in mandatory Sterilized by heating for 10-15 minutes in a water bath to a temperature of 100 "C. At each next session, add 25% of the substance not used.

The course of treatment usually consists of 10-20 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day. Ozokerite is often recommended in combination with various physiotherapy procedures, physiotherapy exercises, massage and general mineral baths.

At least 3-4 months should pass between courses.

Ozokerite is a wax-like product of petroleum origin and consists of a mixture of solid paraffinic hydrocarbons with a greater or lesser admixture of liquid, gaseous hydrocarbons that make up the oil.

Ozokerite in its consistency resembles wax and its color depends on the amount of resins it contains. Low resinous varieties can be yellow color... There are various transitional shades of ozokerite up to black. Medical ozokerite produced by new technology, It has dark brown... The specific gravity is 0.8-0.97.

Properties of ozokerite

The product is soluble in various resins, gasoline, oil, benzene, chloroform and insoluble in water. It is mixed in certain proportions with animal fats, vegetable oils as well as with paraffin. By exposing ozokerite to fuming sulfuric acid in a hot state, ceresin is obtained, which has valuable physical and chemical properties... It was found that ceresin is capable of forming a film impermeable to water, gases, acids and alkalis on the surface of objects. This feature is used in the national economy.

Ceresin has a beneficial effect on the skin, penetrates well into the surface layers of the skin, and therefore is used in the perfumery industry for the manufacture of creams. We also had the opportunity to make sure that ceresin in a mixture with sunflower oil or other oils can be used as a base for ointments and as an independent indifferent agent for the treatment of patients with skin diseases.

Chemical studies have shown that ozokerite contains 84.4-86.1% carbon and 13.7-15.3% hydrogen. During dry distillation, the product contains gasoline - 3.67%, kerosene - 5.6-25.6%, paraffin - 56.8 - 82.3%, tar - 2%, gases and coke - 6%. Ozokerite has a fine-crystalline acicular structure, which explains its ability to dissolve well in oils and hold them firmly, while creating a homogeneous stable composition.

The consistency of ozokerite depends on the presence of liquid hydrocarbons (oils) in it and is determined by penetration. This constant is independent of the melting point. Low-melting ozokerite can have the same hardness as high-melting one. The consistency of ozokerite can vary from soft viscous to hard brittle.

Chemical composition of ozokerite

Chemical composition of ozokerite next: ceresin - 69-80%, paraffin - 3-7%, mineral oils - 1-2%, petroleum resins - 8-10%, asphaltenes - 0.5-5%, mechanical impurities 3-8%. Ash analysis revealed: sulfur, iron, sodium, potassium, nitrogen.

With the aim of rational use of waste from the oil extracting and oil refining industry, it was decided to build a workshop for the production of medical ozokerite at the Borislav ozokerite mine administration (Borislav, Lviv region). After carrying out the necessary studies of the physical and chemical parameters of the feedstock, the following composition of the components of medical ozokerite was approved: paraffinic cork, poluyka (vein wax), petrolatum. Received medical ozokerite corresponds technical specifications Committee of standards MRTU 12N-84-64.

Table 1

Sample name Richardson Penetration Drop temperature according to Ubbeloda, ° С Water by D and S,% Mehan. impurities in% Water-soluble acids and alkalis in% Brand
Medical ozokerite 63 61 Absent 1 Absent Medical

Since the main indicators characterizing ozokerite should be considered the melting point and penetration (MF Sukharev, 1960), we considered it appropriate to provide data on the melting point and other constants of medical ozokerite manufactured in Borislav (the research was carried out by the head of the laboratory, engineer L. Ya.Dokshtein, 1967).

Considering that medical ozokerite obtained but a new technology, we together with OV Makarenko (1967) studied some of its thermophysical characteristics and compared them with those of the previously used ozokerite. The obtained comparative data are shown in table. 2.

As can be seen from the data given in table. 2, there are no significant differences in the thermophysical parameters of ozokerite produced using the new and old technology.

Table 2 - Comparative characteristics thermophysical properties of ozokerite

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