Making hawthorn tincture at home. A delicious liqueur from fresh hawthorn berries: make it with vodka, moonshine, or alcohol

In Russia (in particular in Moscow, after poisoning with hawthorn tincture in Irkutsk), the sale of tincture in pharmacies was stopped. And they are going to sell it only by prescription, which I consider complete absurdity. I’m used to using it at night in the form of a triad, it calms, relaxes and gives deep sleep. Post about triad

Therefore, I decided not to wait for mercy from our medicine and found on the Internet a way to prepare the tincture at home.

Hawthorn is medicinal plant with fruits that are soft and excellent taste qualities, and their beneficial properties are no lower than rose hips. In medicine they also use the bark, leaves and flowers of this plant - they also have a lot of useful properties. Decoctions, tinctures, and extracts are made from hawthorn. When the fruits are ripe, you can simply eat them fresh.

Preparation of hawthorn tincture

It is very good to use an alcohol tincture made from hawthorn fruits. This drug is used both in traditional medicine and in scientific medicine. Alcohol tincture is sold in pharmacies, but making it yourself at home is also not difficult. So, how to make hawthorn tincture at home?

Hawthorn tincture at home with vodka

  • Dry hawthorn fruits (150 grams) are sorted and crushed using a coffee grinder or crusher
  • Then take a glass container, fill it with chopped hawthorn and fill it with vodka (1 liter)
  • The container is closed and placed in a place where it is dark and cool
  • Every day the vessel is shaken
  • After 20 days, the tincture is filtered and is already suitable for use.

The color of the resulting liquid is yellow-red and transparent, and the taste is sweetish. Hawthorn tincture at home with vodka is an irreplaceable thing. It can be stored for four years. The storage area should be dark and cool.

If you have to use fresh fruits, then for pouring you will need not vodka, but medical 70% alcohol. It will work out effective tincture hawthorn at home using alcohol. The mashed fruits (1 glass) need to be poured with alcohol (200 grams), and then everything is the same as mentioned above. In addition to vodka, hawthorn tincture at home with moonshine is welcome - the effect is no worse.

How is vodka or alcohol tincture taken?

Since hawthorn is infused with alcohol, it should not be given to children. But for adults this medicine is quite suitable. The dose should be taken three times a day before meals. There are 20 to 30 drops. Take until it becomes noticeable. therapeutic effect. If you have to extend the course of treatment, then monthly intake you need to stop for 10 days. Homemade hawthorn tincture with vodka will help prevent many ailments.

Those who suffer from various heart diseases or related diseases nervous system For those who suffer from insomnia, taking hawthorn tincture is highly recommended. Also, if you take this tincture, your head will stop spinning, your heart will stop beating faster, heart pain will disappear, your blood pressure will drop and blood cholesterol will normalize.

People with heart problems vascular diseases It is recommended to take hawthorn, because, thanks to its healing properties, cardiac activity and coronary circulation are significantly improved. In addition, irritation and mental fatigue will go away, vigor will appear, and sleep will normalize.

In what cases is the tincture contraindicated?

When consuming hawthorn, regardless of the method of preparation, moderation, indications and doses must be observed. In case of overdose:

May fall sharply arterial pressure and heart contractions will break their rhythm. It may make you feel drowsy, you may feel nauseous, you may start vomiting, you may feel dizzy, your stomach may hurt (if taken on an empty stomach), allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching and skin redness are possible.

While taking hawthorn tincture, it is possible to take some other medications, but antiarrhythmics and cardiac glycosides are contraindicated - the tincture will enhance their functions. You cannot take the tincture:

— During the first trimester of pregnancy

- At hypersensitivity to the properties of the drug

- Children under twelve years of age

— While the tincture is being taken, it is not recommended to drive or work with dangerous mechanization.

All people know about the dangers of excess alcohol for the human body. However, if you use some alcoholic drinks in moderation, you can derive health benefits from it. An example of this is the hawthorn tincture on moonshine. This medicine is sold in pharmacies and is taken by a person in case of vascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). The tincture of hawthorn with alcohol, offered in the pharmacy, has a strength of 70 revolutions, so this medicine is taken in a dose of a few drops. The same remedy can be prepared at home, especially if you have a moonshine still.

Hawthorn tincture on moonshine

Alcohol recipes with hawthorn

If a person wants to prepare exactly the same hawthorn tincture as offered in the pharmacy, then according to the recipe he will need 100 grams of dry berries of this plant and 0.5 liters of moonshine. It is desirable that the moonshine taken to prepare the infusion be subjected to double distillation, and its strength should be 40 revolutions.

  1. Hawthorn berries are poured with the required amount of moonshine.
  2. The container with the workpiece is tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for two weeks. Moreover, the product should be placed in a dry, dark place.
  3. It is recommended to shake the tincture every two days throughout its storage period.
  4. After two weeks, the infusion should be poured into glass containers, having previously filtered it.

Hawthorn tincture on moonshine will have a bright red color, and its smell will be slightly sweet. If the drink was prepared according to the rules, it can be stored for several years.

Among the recipes for preparing hawthorn tincture with moonshine, one can highlight the one according to which the drink is prepared from fresh hawthorn fruits. A liqueur made from fresh berries hawthorn will have a richer color, taste and smell. To prepare hawthorn tincture with moonshine, you should take one glass of fresh fruit for each glass of moonshine. The drink must be infused for three weeks, not forgetting that it must be shaken every day.

You can also prepare a tonic tincture from hawthorn and moonshine. To make it, you should take moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees. For each glass of moonshine, also take 5 tablespoons of hawthorn berries. All components are placed in a pan, mixed and heated to a temperature of 50 degrees. After the workpiece is heated, it should be strained through several layers of gauze. The drink is cooled and filtered, after which it is bottled.

Tinctures for feasts

Hawthorn tinctures can be taken not only for the purpose of treatment. It turns out that you can make delicious alcohol for a feast from bright red berries and moonshine. Such drinks have a mild pleasant taste and aroma.

How to prepare hawthorn tinctures:

1) To prepare the drink, take a liter of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees, a glass dried berries hawthorn, a pinch of vanillin, a stick of cinnamon and a tablespoon of sugar. Hawthorn is poured into a jar and immediately filled with moonshine. The infusion is infused for 25 days in a room where room temperature is maintained. The jar with the preparation must be shaken weekly. During this time, the berries will acquire a yellowish tint.

The infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth, and the juice should be squeezed out of the berries. After this, you need to melt the honey in a water bath and mix it with vanillin, then add it to the infusion. Mix everything, close the container and put the drink in a cool place for seven days. At the end, the drink should be filtered through several layers of cotton wool and bottled. The shelf life of such an infusion can be three years.

2) At home, you can also prepare a hawthorn tincture with rose hips. To prepare this drink, take 0.5 liters of moonshine, a tablespoon of rose hips, 2 tablespoons of hawthorn fruits, half a teaspoon of ground galangal root, 50 grams of sugar and 50 milliliters of water. The berries are first placed in a jar and filled with moonshine. After this, they are infused for thirty days in a warm, dark place. After a month, the drink should be completely cleared of berries.

Water and sugar need to be mixed and heated, bringing to a boil. Boil the sugar and water for five minutes, remembering to remove the foam from the surface of the syrup. After this, the syrup should be cooled to room temperature. The syrup is then poured into the infusion and stirred. The almost finished drink should be left to steep under the lid for five days, after which it can be bottled for storage. This liqueur is recommended to be consumed chilled.

Hawthorn tincture, like all alcoholic drinks, should be consumed in moderation, since an overdose of both hawthorn and alcohol can be hazardous to health. An allergy to hawthorn (rose hips, if present in the product) is considered a contraindication to taking the drink.

Irina 01/21/2015 Hawthorn. Application

Dear readers, today we will continue talking about hawthorn. Let's talk about using hawthorn for your health. Not long ago we talked about beneficial properties hawthorn. what it contains, how it can be useful and what health problems it will help solve. Hawthorn is one of the products available to us. Moreover, you can prepare it yourself, or you can buy it at the pharmacy. In the same way, you can buy ready-made hawthorn preparations at the pharmacy.

It is often included in vitamin complexes, restorative preparations or tablets. Alcohol tincture is quite common. And if we are unable to prepare tablets at home, then the same tincture, for example, is easy to make on our own. As you understood from the previous article, hawthorn can be very beneficial in certain situations. And their drugs are not only recommended by traditional medicine, but also prescribed by traditional medicine. If you are a fan of the personal approach, I recommend checking out some recipes and uses for hawthorn.

First, I would like to say that hawthorn can act not only as a medicine, but also as a culinary product. For example, you can make jam from hawthorn fruits, make compote, or use them as a filling for baked goods. Or you can simply grind it with sugar and eat it like jam. Due to the specifics of its preparation, this recipe is called “raw jam”.

One of the most important functions of hawthorn is its ability to calm. This means not only the psycho-emotional state (although that too), but also the ability to have a beneficial effect on the heart rhythm, as well as on the work of the heart and of cardio-vascular system generally. Hawthorn will also help to recover after a long period of illness or against the background chronic fatigue and loss of strength. And if you consider that in our difficult time we are so susceptible to stress, then arm yourself with knowledge about natural preparation, I'm sure it will be useful.

Hawthorn. Instructions for use

Quite comprehensive information about hawthorn is provided by the most common pharmacy instructions on the use of hawthorn. Let me make a reservation right away: depending on the form of release, the instructions, namely the dosage, will differ. But the properties and indications for use will be similar. So, among pharmacological properties hawthorn is distinguished:

  • Increased contraction of the heart muscle
  • Activation of blood circulation in coronary vessels heart and brain
  • Eliminates heart rhythm disturbances
  • Reduces central nervous system excitability
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood

Indications for the use of hawthorn are:

  • Functional cardiac disorders,
  • Complex treatment of arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  • Hawthorn is used to treat atherosclerosis and various diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially in the elderly.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Menopause and postmenopause period.
  • For those who engage in increased mental or physical activity.
  • Overwork, nervous stress.

Hawthorn. Contraindications

Let me remind you once again that hawthorn has, in addition to beneficial properties, contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Low pressure.

Always be wise when using hawthorn. Do not exceed the dosage. All this can only harm you. Remember Golden Rule: “Everything needs moderation.”

Method of application of hawthorn and dose

In the pharmacy you can most often find an alcoholic tincture of hawthorn. It is taken orally 20-30 drops before meals three to four times a day. The duration of the course is from six weeks. Sometimes the effect of using hawthorn can be noticeable after a month or a month and a half, if we are talking about positive dynamics. Although often during a crisis, relief can occur 30 minutes after taking the drug. But this is rather an instant effect, and in order to consolidate it and prevent painful manifestations in the future, it is recommended to use the drug in courses.

Besides alcohol tincture, you can find tableted preparations of hawthorn. They are taken by dissolving 1-2 tablets orally three times a day. Course – 3-4 weeks.

However, it is better to initially discuss any dosage and duration of treatment with your doctor.

Hawthorn fruits. Application

Hawthorn infusion. How to brew hawthorn in a thermos correctly?

The most common way to take hawthorn is as an infusion. It will help cope with fatigue, nervous stress, normalize disruptions in “heart” functioning. To do this, pour whole hawthorn fruits (two handfuls) with one liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for eight hours (optimally overnight). Take 1/3 cup of infusion an hour before meals three or four times a day.

Rosehip and hawthorn. How to brew rose hips and hawthorn in a thermos?

I would also like to note that I personally love rose hips very much. We talked about how to brew it correctly and use it for health in the article Rosehip. Beneficial features. Application What do I want to point out here? Since I have a tendency towards low blood pressure, and I really want to support my heart, I make a very simple recipe: I brew a mixture of rosehip and hawthorn in a thermos. For a half-liter thermos I take 1 tablespoon of rose hips and a teaspoon of hawthorn. I pour boiling water over it, leave it overnight, and then throughout the day I drink the infusion just like tea. It is better to drink separately from food. Or an hour after it. Both tasty and healthy. If you don't suffer low blood pressure, you can take equal proportions of rosehip and hawthorn.

I found a lot of useful information in the video Rosehip and Hawthorn. If you have time, I highly recommend watching it. Here we collect material about both rosehip and hawthorn. And about the beneficial properties, and how to collect, how to prepare, how to use for treatment. Very interesting, useful and accessible.

Hawthorn tincture. Application

You can get an infusion faster if you take already crushed ones instead of whole fruits. It is best to grind hawthorn in a mortar. Pour one tablespoon of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The portion is enough for a day. Divide it into three parts and drink a third of a glass of infusion an hour before meals.

Hawthorn decoction. Recipe for angina and arrhythmia

Enough effective means A decoction of hawthorn is considered. Pour a tablespoon of ground hawthorn fruit into a glass of boiling water. Place everything on the stove and simmer slowly over low heat until the original volume is reduced by half. Strain the broth and take half a teaspoon three times a day half an hour to an hour before meals.

Fruits, flowers and hawthorn extract. Pressure application

It is believed that hawthorn flowers have a much greater effect in treating problems associated with hypertension or angina pectoris. To improve blood circulation, with arrhythmia and neuroses, an infusion of hawthorn flowers will help. Pour three tablespoons of crushed flowers into three glasses of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and take one glass three times a day before meals.

Also, for hypertension, hawthorn extract is used, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Hawthorn for diabetes

Hawthorn contains fructose. It can and should be used in the treatment of diabetes. Very raw berries are beneficial. You can also recommend hawthorn decoction. But carefully read the contraindications I mentioned.

Soothing collection with hawthorn

Hawthorn flowers can be combined with valerian root and motherwort herb to obtain a remedy that has an excellent calming effect. In equal parts (for example, one incomplete teaspoon each) combine hawthorn flowers, valerian rhizome and motherwort herb. You will get about a tablespoon of the mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water over it and let it brew for an hour and a half. Strain and take a quarter glass four times a day before meals.

Hawthorn tincture with alcohol. Recipe

Alcohol tincture of hawthorn can always be found at the pharmacy. Or you can cook it at home. Four tablespoons of raw materials (you can use both hawthorn fruits and its flowers, optimally combine them in equal parts) pour 2 glasses of alcohol diluted to 70% (or use vodka). Let it brew in a dark place for 7-10 days. Strain and take 25-30 drops an hour before meals, diluted in a tablespoon of water.

Many of us do not have very good associations with this tincture. People who suffer from alcoholism often buy it in pharmacies. If such problems exist, of course they need to be solved. How to give up alcohol? Useful tips you can find it on the website

Tea with hawthorn

You can also brew hawthorn like ordinary tea. It's both tasty and healthy. It is especially good to combine hawthorn berries or flowers with rose hips, strawberries, raspberries and black currants.

Such aromatic tea not only healthy, but also very tasty, and unlike tea leaves, it is practically a waste-free product. After brewing, the berries can be eaten.

Hawthorn berry juice

And also to improve blood circulation and normalize work digestive system You can drink juice from hawthorn fruits. Only here, of course, you can use fresh, and not dried, as in other recipes, berries. The fruits are collected and squeezed using a juicer or even a garlic press. You can try grinding the fruits by passing them through a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting puree through cheesecloth. 20-30 drops of juice are diluted in a tablespoon of water and taken three to four times a day before meals. This remedy can lower cholesterol levels, normalize venous pressure and strengthen capillary walls.

Remember that you should not exceed the dose when using hawthorn preparations. This may cause malfunction gastrointestinal tract. If, while taking hawthorn preparations on an empty stomach, you begin to feel intestinal cramps, you should use the chosen remedy only two hours after eating and it is advisable to reduce the dose of the drug.

Always look at appearance hawthorn fruit. Never eat them if you see mold. Do not rinse or boil them. Throw it away. And buy good berries.

And for the sake of our souls, we will listen Galina Besedina with an amazing song Eyes of love. Music by Mikael Tariverdiev, lyrics by Evgeny Yevtushenko. How magical everything is...

I wish you health, harmony, warmth, use simple recipes to maintain your health. I hope that recipes with hawthorn will help you with this.

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    How to Brew Hawthorn

    Many people know about the benefits of hawthorn, but when fresh, its fruits are short-lived, so they are dried for year-round use. The same applies to flowers that contain benefits for strengthening the body and heart muscle. essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc.

    To benefit from this plant you need to know how to brew hawthorn. Teas, infusions and decoctions are prepared from hawthorn. Please note that these are perishable drinks, they healing power is rapidly declining. They can be stored in the lower section of the refrigerator for no more than two days.

    Infusions, decoctions or tea from flowers, berries and leaves of hawthorn in folk medicine used for stomach diseases, with increased nervous excitability and irritability, insomnia, high blood pressure and cholesterol. has long been used for diarrhea and dysentery. Hawthorn cleanses the blood and removes salts heavy metals from the body. It is very common to take hawthorn for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    At atrial fibrillation Pour 5 g of hawthorn flowers into a glass of boiling water, evaporate for a quarter of an hour, then leave the same amount in a steam bath, cool, strain, dilute with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml and consume half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

    At coronary disease . take 1 tbsp. dry fruits, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Drink half a glass before your main meal 3 times a day. For heart neuroses and menopause, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

    For hypertension. berries, peeled from seeds, in the amount of 100 g, set to brew in 2 glasses cold water for the night. In the morning, the berries are placed in a saucepan and boiled for 10 minutes. Let cool, strain. Take a glass 3 times a day. Or: 500g of ripe berries, pour 100-150 ml of water, bring to 40 degrees, squeeze in a juicer. Drink this juice 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

    For gastritis. Pour water over the hawthorn fruits so that the water completely covers them. Steam in a Russian oven (if not available, in the oven) - that is, without bringing to a boil, let it brew and steam. Eat the warm fruits along with the remaining liquid. Used for stomach pain.

    During menopause. To reduce irritability, reduce sweating and improve sleep, it is recommended to use an infusion of hawthorn flowers in combination with motherwort. chamomile and cucumber (4:4:1:4). Art. Pour a glass of boiling water over a heaped spoonful of the mixture, cover and leave for half an hour. Take 2-3 spoons before meals.

    There are many recipes for how to brew hawthorn and how to use it for various diseases. It is also used together with various herbs to enhance its healing effects. Be healthy!

    Red hawthorn berries are not only healthy, but also very nutritious product. They have a tonic and sedative effect, normalize heart rate, strengthen the immune system, and satisfy hunger. The berries can be eaten fresh, cooked into compotes, jam, or prepared hawthorn liqueur at home. And, of course, everyone knows well what hawthorn tincture is and what it is needed for.

    Indeed, medicines based on the fruits of this wild shrub are widely used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hawthorn tincture with alcohol? one of the most popular homeopathic medicines. Home-made sweet liqueur with vodka cannot boast such a pronounced therapeutic effect however, it also has healing properties.

    The benefits of hawthorn alcohol

    Alcohol tinctures from hawthorn berries have a vasodilating effect, lower cholesterol levels in the blood, and reduce the risk of developing blood vessels atherosclerotic formations. Medications from the fruits of the plant are recommended for use in hypertension arterial type, as prophylactic against the formation of blood clots, as well as improving blood composition and normalizing blood flow.

    Other indications for the use of medicinal tinctures:

    • Cardiovascular diseases.
    • Atherosclerosis.
    • Operational disruptions endocrine system, thyroid disease.
    • Gastritis.
    • Rehabilitation therapy after a heart attack or stroke.
    • Diabetes.
    • Climax.
    • Stress.
    • Insomnia.
    • Neuroses.
    • Dizziness.
    • Increased excitability.
    • Joint diseases.
    • Reduced immunity.

    Among other things, alcohol extracts These berries help restore strength and relieve symptoms physical fatigue, mental fatigue, improve brain activity, strengthen memory.
    The tincture helps in cases sharp jumps Blood pressure, disorders heart rate as a result of drinking alcohol.

    The fruit contains bioactive components with antiviral properties. Alcohol from hawthorn, made according to special recipes, is useful to take in moderate doses for the prevention of various colds, viral diseases, flu. Since such ailments negatively affect the functioning of the heart, it is recommended to take tinctures to restore health after an illness.

    One-component hawthorn liqueur (without additional medicinal plants)

    Different options for medicinal drugs involve the use of both one type of base raw material and a composition of plant substances that complement and enhance healing effect drug. For example, a recipe for making liqueur from hawthorn fruits and flowers at home consists of the following ingredients:

    • Berries? 100 g.
    • Are the hawthorn flowers dry? 1 tbsp. l.
    • Sugar? 50 g.
    • Vodka? 0.5 l.

    The washed, dried fruits are poured into a sterilized glass jar and filled with alcohol. Add sugar and hawthorn flowers. Stir and close the jar with a lid. Leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Strain through cheesecloth.

    The homemade liqueur is ready. It should be stored in the refrigerator, in a closed container. Consume in moderation, given the potent medicinal effect of the alcoholic drink.

    Hawthorn liqueur with rowan


    It’s not difficult to make a tasty, healthy liqueur at home using this recipe. The berries are simply mixed in one container, poured with vodka and infused for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Then the tincture is filtered, sugar is added to it, and mixed thoroughly.

    The container is sealed and left to mature for another 2 days in a cool place. Afterwards, the finished drink is poured into a 0.5 liter bottle and capped. Store only in the refrigerator. Used in small doses.

    Recipes for hawthorn liqueurs with medicinal herbs

    Option 1. Hawthorn berries (100 g) are mixed with crushed motherwort herbs, anise, and chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon each). Pour into a sterilized dry jar, combine with sugar (1 tbsp.), pour in vodka (1 l).

    The solution is mixed, the container is covered with a lid and left to infuse at home (dark, warm place) for 7-10 days. Next, following the recipe, filter the liqueur several times through cheesecloth. Berry cake with herbs is squeezed out. The medicinal alcoholic drink is bottled, corked, and stored in the refrigerator.

    Option 2. In addition to hawthorn fruits (50 g), this recipe uses herbs: anise, motherwort, horsetail, knotweed (10 g of each type). Alcohol base? 1 liter of quality vodka. For sweetness, add a glass of sugar to the liqueur. The preparation technology and storage conditions for the drink are exactly the same as the previous version.

    Liqueurs with medicinal herbs You are allowed to drink no more than 2 times a day, 30 g before meals.


    Hawthorn-based drugs have virtually no side effects, but since such drugs slow down the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle, some people taking them is contraindicated. You should also not violate the schedule and dose of the drug. Symptoms of overdose are weakness and drowsiness.

    A direct contraindication for use medicines with hawthorn are:

    • Arrhythmia.
    • Angina pectoris.
    • Hypotension.
    • Bradycardia.
    • Heart pathologies that increase the risk of heart attack.
    • Pulmonary edema.

    TO relative contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, allergic reaction on the components of the drug. In any case, it is not advisable to use it for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes without consulting a doctor. You should drink homemade liqueurs and tinctures from hawthorn with vodka carefully, without excessive libations.

    Hawthorn is most likely one of the most useful fruits, which grows wild in our latitudes. After all, it simply contains a whole host of healing substances, for example, tannins and pectin, now popular flavonoids, and other microelements, and vitamins of groups such as C and PP.

    Alcoholic tinctures and liqueurs made from hawthorn berries can lower cholesterol levels in the blood, reduce the risk of atherosclerotic formations in blood vessels, and have vasodilating properties. Due to content useful substances Hawthorn berries are recommended for use by people who have arterial hypertension; they are also used to prevent the formation of blood clots and normalize blood flow. In addition, tinctures and liqueurs from hawthorn should be taken by people who suffer from:

    • Cardiovascular diseases;
    • Atherosclerosis;
    • Disruption of the endocrine system, diseases of the thyroid gland;
    • Gastritis;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • Climax;
    • Stress;
    • Insomnia;
    • Neuroses;
    • Dizziness;
    • Increased excitability;
    • Joint disease;
    • Reduced immunity.

    In addition, these alcoholic drinks will help you restore strength, get rid of fatigue, improve brain activity, and strengthen memory. Now let's look at common technologies for preparing hawthorn liqueur at home.

    Hawthorn liqueur recipe

    • 100 g hawthorn berries;
    • 1 tbsp. l. dried hawthorn flowers;
    • 50 g sugar;
    • ½ l vodka

    First, you need to pour previously washed, dried berries into a sterilized jar and add alcohol. Then add sugar and hawthorn flowers, stir, close the jar. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place; after time, strain the homemade drink.

    That's the whole recipe for making liqueur at home. As for storage, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. Hawthorn tincture should be taken in moderation, taking into account its potent therapeutic effect.

    Dried or dried berries are best suited for making hawthorn liqueur. If you do use fresh berries, then you need to sort them out, throw away the spoiled ones, and dry them well. The alcohol base can be vodka, moonshine, diluted ethanol or inexpensive cognac.

    Recipe for liqueur with hawthorn and spices

    To prepare you need:

    • 1 l. a jar of dried hawthorn berries;
    • 1 liter of vodka;
    • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
    • Cinnamon;
    • Vanillin.

    Vanillin and cinnamon will make our drink richer, tastier, and interesting notes will appear in it. Also adjust the amount of sugar to taste, because there may be sour berries and then you will need to use more sugar or honey.


    Place the dried berries in a jar, add honey, vodka, vanillin and cinnamon. Stir, close the lid tightly, place the jar in a warm, dark place for a month, the berries should lighten during this time. Shake once every 2-3 days.

    Strain the finished liqueur using gauze, squeeze the berries well. Taste the drink, add honey or sugar if desired, and stir. Pour into bottles and seal tightly.

    Recipe for liqueur from rowan and hawthorn fruits

    To prepare you will need:

    • Rowan berries – 100 g;
    • Hawthorn berries -100 g;
    • Vodka – 1 l;
    • Sugar – 200 g.


    First you need to wash the fruits and dry them well. Then place them in a bottle, pour alcohol or vodka into them and leave for 10-15 days in a cool place, during which time the tincture should lighten. Strain the liqueur, add sugar and leave to brew for another week. After this, you need to place the liqueur in the refrigerator.

    Recipe for healing tincture

    To prepare you will need:

    • Hawthorn fruits – 100 g;
    • Motherwort herb – 10 g;
    • Common anise herb – 10 g;
    • Chamomile flowers – 10 g;
    • Vodka – 1 l;
    • Sugar – 200 g.


    Wash the hawthorn fruits, chop the herbs, place everything in a glass container, fill it with vodka or alcohol, cover with a lid. The tincture must be kept for 7-10 days at room temperature in a dark place. After this time, strain the drink, squeeze it out, get rid of the remaining plants, filter with several layers of gauze. The prepared liqueur at home should turn out transparent.

    So if you have the opportunity to collect everything necessary ingredients, then be sure to try making this drink at home, because it harmoniously combines benefits and incredible taste and aroma.

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