Lung cancer is the first symptoms and signs in men and women at an early stage. Signs and symptoms of early stage lung cancer Lung cancer and its symptoms

– a malignant tumor originating from the tissues of the bronchi or pulmonary parenchyma. Symptoms of lung cancer may include low-grade fever, cough with sputum or streaks of blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, and weight loss. Pleurisy, pericarditis, superior vena cava syndrome, and pulmonary hemorrhage may develop. An accurate diagnosis requires X-ray and CT scans of the lungs, bronchoscopy, examination of sputum and pleural exudate, tumor or lymph node biopsy. To radical methods of treatment lung cancer include resection interventions in a volume dictated by the extent of the tumor, in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

General information

Lung cancer - malignancy epithelial origin, developing from mucous membranes bronchial tree, bronchial glands (bronchogenic cancer) or alveolar tissue (pulmonary or pneumogenic cancer). Lung cancer leads in the structure of mortality from malignant tumors. The mortality rate for lung cancer is 85% of total number sick, despite the advances of modern medicine.

The development of lung cancer is different for tumors of different histological structures. Differentiated squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by a slow course; undifferentiated carcinoma develops quickly and gives extensive metastases. Small cell lung cancer has the most malignant course: it develops secretly and quickly, metastasizes early, and has a poor prognosis. Most often, the tumor occurs in the right lung - in 52%, in the left lung - in 48% of cases.


Factors of occurrence and mechanisms of development of lung cancer do not differ from the etiology and pathogenesis of other malignant lung tumors. In the development of lung cancer the main role assigned to exogenous factors:

  • smoking
  • air pollution with carcinogenic substances
  • exposure to radiation (especially radon).


The cancerous tumor is predominantly localized in the upper lobe of the lung (60%), less often in the lower or middle lobe (30% and 10%, respectively). This is explained by more powerful air exchange in the upper lobes, as well as by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the bronchial tree, in which the main bronchus of the right lung directly continues the trachea, and the left one forms an acute angle with the trachea in the bifurcation zone. Therefore, carcinogenic substances, foreign bodies, smoke particles, rushing into well-aerated zones and staying there for a long time, cause the growth of tumors.

Metastasis of lung cancer is possible in three ways: lymphogenous, hematogenous and implantation. The most common is lymphogenous metastasis of lung cancer to bronchopulmonary, pulmonary, paratracheal, tracheobronchial, bifurcation, and paraesophageal lymph nodes. The first to be affected by lymphogenous metastasis are the pulmonary lymph nodes in the zone of division of the lobar bronchus into segmental branches. Then in metastatic process bronchopulmonary lymph nodes along the lobar bronchus are involved.

Germination or compression of the vagus nerve by a tumor causes paralysis of the vocal muscles and manifests itself as hoarseness. Damage to the phrenic nerve leads to paralysis of the diaphragm. The growth of a cancerous tumor into the pericardium causes pain in the heart, pericarditis. Involvement of the superior vena cava leads to disruption of venous and lymphatic drainage from the upper half of the body. The so-called superior vena cava syndrome is manifested by puffiness and swelling of the face, hyperemia with a cyanotic tint, swelling of the veins in the arms, neck, chest, shortness of breath, severe cases- headache, visual disturbances and impaired consciousness.

Peripheral lung cancer

Peripheral cancer lung in the early stages of its development is asymptomatic, because there are no pain receptors in the lung tissue. As the tumor node enlarges, the bronchi, pleura, neighboring organs. Local symptoms of peripheral lung cancer include cough with sputum and streaks of blood, compression syndrome of the superior vena cava, and hoarseness. Tumor growth into the pleura is accompanied by cancerous pleurisy and compression of the lung by pleural effusion.

The development of lung cancer is accompanied by an increase in general symptoms: intoxication, shortness of breath, weakness, weight loss, increased body temperature. In advanced forms of lung cancer, complications from organs affected by metastases, disintegration of the primary tumor, the phenomenon of tracheostomy, gastrostomy, enterostomy, nephrostomy, etc. are added. For cancer pneumonia, anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out, for cancer pleurisy - thoracentesis, for pulmonary hemorrhage - hemostatic therapy.


The worst prognosis is statistically observed for untreated lung cancer: almost 90% of patients die 1-2 years after diagnosis. With non-combined surgical treatment of lung cancer, the five-year survival rate is about 30%. Treatment of lung cancer at stage I gives a five-year survival rate of 80%, at stage II – 45%, at stage III – 20%.

Radiation or chemotherapy alone has a 10% five-year survival rate for lung cancer patients; with combined treatment (surgery + chemotherapy + radiation therapy) the survival rate for the same period is 40%. Metastasis of lung cancer to lymph nodes and distant organs is prognostically unfavorable.


Issues of lung cancer prevention are relevant due to the high mortality rates of the population from this disease. The most important elements prevention of lung cancer are active health education, prevention of the development of inflammatory and destructive lung diseases, identification and treatment benign tumors lungs, smoking cessation, elimination of occupational hazards and everyday exposure to carcinogenic factors. Undergoing fluorography at least once every 2 years allows you to detect lung cancer in the early stages and prevent the development of complications associated with neglected forms tumor process.

Lung cancer is the most common localization of the oncological process, characterized by a rather latent course and the early appearance of metastases. The incidence rate of lung cancer depends on the area of ​​residence, the degree of industrialization, climatic and production conditions, gender, age, genetic predisposition and other factors.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the glands and mucous membrane of the lung tissue and bronchi. In the modern world, lung cancer is among all oncological diseases occupies the top position. According to statistics, this oncology affects men eight times more often than women, and it was noted that the older age, the much higher the incidence rate.

The development of lung cancer is different for tumors of different histological structures. Differentiated squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by a slow course; undifferentiated carcinoma develops quickly and gives extensive metastases.

Small cell lung cancer has the most malignant course:

  • develops secretly and quickly,
  • metastasizes early
  • has a poor prognosis.

Most often, the tumor occurs in the right lung - in 52%, in the left lung - in 48% of cases.

The main group of patients are long-term smokers, men aged 50 to 80 years; this category accounts for 60-70% of all cases of lung cancer, and the mortality rate is 70-90%.

According to some researchers, the structure of morbidity in different forms This pathology, depending on age, looks like this:

  • up to 45 – 10% of all cases;
  • from 46 to 60 years – 52% of cases;
  • from 61 to 75 years old – 38% of cases.

Until recently, lung cancer was considered a predominantly male disease. Currently, there is an increase in the incidence of women and a decrease in the age of initial detection of the disease.


Depending on the location of the primary tumor, there are:

  • Central cancer. It is located in the main and lobar bronchi.
  • Aeripheral. This tumor develops from small bronchi and bronchioles.


  1. Small cell cancer (less common) is a very aggressive neoplasm, as it can very quickly spread throughout the body, metastasizing to other organs. As a rule, small cell cancer occurs in smokers, and by the time of diagnosis, 60% of patients have widespread metastasis.
  2. Non-small cell (80–85% of cases) – has a negative prognosis, combines several forms of morphologically similar types of cancer with a similar cell structure.

Anatomical classification:

  • central – affects the main, lobar and segmental bronchi;
  • peripheral - damage to the epithelium of smaller bronchi, bronchioles and alveloli;
  • massive (mixed).

The progression of the tumor goes through three stages:

  • Biological – the period between the appearance of a neoplasm and the manifestation of the first symptoms.
  • Asymptomatic – external signs pathological process do not appear at all, becoming noticeable only on an x-ray.
  • Clinical – the period when noticeable symptoms of cancer appear, which becomes an incentive to rush to the doctor.


Main causes of lung cancer:

  • smoking, including passive smoking (about 90% of all cases);
  • contact with carcinogenic substances;
  • inhalation of radon and asbestos fibers;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • age category over 50 years;
  • influence of harmful production factors;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • the presence of chronic respiratory diseases and endocrine pathologies;
  • cicatricial changes in the lungs;
  • viral infections;
  • air pollution.

The disease develops covertly for a long time. The tumor begins to form in the glands and mucous membrane, but metastases grow very quickly throughout the body. Risk factors for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms are:

  • air pollution;
  • smoking;
  • viral infections;
  • hereditary causes;
  • harmful production conditions.

Please note: Cancer cells that attack the lungs divide very quickly, spreading the tumor throughout the body and destroying other organs. Therefore, timely diagnosis of the disease is important. The earlier lung cancer is detected and its treatment is started, the higher the chance of extending the patient’s life.

The very first signs of lung cancer

The first symptoms of lung cancer often have no direct connection with the respiratory system. Patients spend a long time turning to different specialists of different profiles, are examined for a long time and, accordingly, receive the wrong treatment.

Signs and symptoms of early stage lung cancer:

  • low-grade fever, which is not controlled by medications and is extremely exhausting for the patient (during this period the body is exposed to internal intoxication);
  • weakness and fatigue already in the first half of the day;
  • itching of the skin with the development of dermatitis, and possibly the appearance of growths on the skin (caused by the allergic effect of malignant cells);
  • muscle weakness and increased swelling;
  • Central nervous system disorders, in particular dizziness (even fainting), impaired coordination of movements or loss of sensitivity.

If these signs appear, be sure to contact a pulmonologist to undergo diagnostics and clarify the diagnosis.


When faced with lung cancer, many people do not know how to determine the stage of the disease. In oncology, when assessing the nature and extent of lung cancer, 4 stages of disease development are classified.

However, the duration of any stage is purely individual for each patient. This depends on the size of the tumor and the presence of metastases, as well as on the speed of the disease.


  • Stage 1 – tumor less than 3 cm. Located within the boundaries of a segment of the lung or one bronchus. There are no metastases. Symptoms are subtle or non-existent.
  • 2 – tumor up to 6 cm, located within the boundaries of a segment of the lung or bronchus. Single metastases in individual lymph nodes. Symptoms are more pronounced: hemoptysis, pain, weakness, and loss of appetite appear.
  • 3 – the tumor exceeds 6 cm, penetrates into other parts of the lung or neighboring bronchi. Numerous metastases. Symptoms include blood in mucopurulent sputum and shortness of breath.

How does the last stage 4 of lung cancer manifest?

At this stage of lung cancer, the tumor metastasizes to other organs. Five-year survival rate is 1% for small cell cancer and 2 to 15% for non-small cell cancer

The patient develops the following symptoms:

  • Constant pain when breathing, which is difficult to live with.
  • Chest pain
  • Decreased body weight and appetite
  • Blood clots slowly, and fractures (bone metastases) often occur.
  • The appearance of seizures severe cough, often with sputum, sometimes with blood and pus.
  • The appearance of severe pain in the chest, which directly indicates damage to nearby tissues, since there are no pain receptors in the lungs themselves.
  • Symptoms of cancer also include heavy breathing and shortness of breath if affected. cervical lymph nodes, difficulty speaking is felt.

For small cell cancer lungs, which develops rapidly and affects the body in a short time, there are only 2 stages of development:

  • limited stage, when cancer cells are localized in one lung and tissues located in close proximity.
  • extensive or extensive stage, when the tumor metastasizes to areas outside the lung and to distant organs.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Clinical manifestations of lung cancer depend on the primary location of the tumor. At the initial stage, most often the disease is asymptomatic. In later stages, general and specific signs cancer.

Early, first symptoms of lung cancer are not specific and usually do not cause alarm, these include:

  • unmotivated fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • slight weight loss may occur
  • cough
  • specific symptoms: cough with “rusty” sputum, shortness of breath, hemoptysis that occurs in later stages
  • pain syndrome indicates the involvement of nearby organs and tissues in the process

Specific symptoms of lung cancer:

  • Cough is causeless, paroxysmal, debilitating, but not dependent on physical activity, sometimes with greenish sputum, which may indicate the central location of the tumor.
  • Dyspnea. Lack of air and shortness of breath first appear in case of exertion, and as the tumor develops, they bother the patient even in a supine position.
  • Pain in the chest. When the tumor process affects the pleura ( lung lining), where the nerve fibers and endings are located, the patient develops excruciating pain in the chest. They can be sharp and aching, constantly bother you or depend on breathing and physical stress, but most often they are located on the side of the affected lung.
  • Hemoptysis. Typically, a meeting between the doctor and the patient occurs after blood begins to come out of the mouth and nose with sputum. This symptom indicates that the tumor has begun to affect the blood vessels.
Stages of lung cancer Symptoms
  • dry cough;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache.
2 The disease manifests itself:
  • hemoptysis;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • elevated temperature;
  • increased cough;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness.
3 Signs of cancer appear:
  • increased wet cough;
  • blood, pus in sputum;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • hemoptysis;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • epilepsy, speech impairment, in the small cell form;
  • intense pain.
4 The symptoms are getting worse; this is the last stage of cancer.

Signs of lung cancer in men

  • A debilitating, frequent cough is one of the first signs of lung cancer. Subsequently, sputum appears, its color may become greenish-yellow. During physical labor or hypothermia, coughing attacks intensify.
  • When breathing, whistling and shortness of breath appear;
  • Pain syndrome appears in the chest area. It can be considered a sign of cancer if the first two symptoms are present.
  • When you cough, in addition to sputum, discharge in the form of blood clots may appear.
  • Attacks of apathy, increased loss of strength, increased fatigue;
  • With normal nutrition, the patient loses weight sharply;
  • With absence inflammatory processes, colds, body temperature is increased;
  • The voice becomes hoarse, this is due to damage to the laryngeal nerve;
  • The neoplasm may cause pain in the shoulder;
  • Swallowing problems. This is due to tumor damage to the walls of the esophagus and respiratory tract;
  • Muscle weakness. Patients, as a rule, do not pay attention to this symptom;
  • Dizziness;
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.

Lung cancer in women

Important signs of lung cancer in women - discomfort in area chest. They appear in different intensity depending on the form of the disease. The discomfort becomes especially strong if the intercostal nerves are involved in the pathological process. It is practically unstoppable and does not leave the patient.

Unpleasant sensations are of the following types:

  • piercing;
  • cutting;
  • encircling.

Along with common symptoms, there are signs of lung cancer in women:

  • changes in voice timbre (hoarseness);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • painful sensations in the bones;
  • frequent fractures;
  • jaundice – with metastasis to the liver.

The presence of one or more signs characteristic of a single category of respiratory diseases should be the reason for immediate contact with a specialist.

A person noticing the above symptoms should report them to the doctor or supplement the information he collects with the following information:

  • attitude towards smoking with pulmonary symptoms;
  • presence of cancer in blood relatives;
  • gradual intensification of one of the above symptoms (this is a valuable addition, as it indicates the slow development of the disease, characteristic of oncology);
  • acute intensification of symptoms against the background of chronic previous illness, general weakness, decreased appetite and body weight – this is also a variant of carcinogenesis.


How is lung cancer determined? Up to 60% of lung cancer lesions are detected during preventive fluorography, at different stages development.

  • Only 5-15% of patients with lung cancer are registered at stage 1
  • At 2 - 20-35%
  • At stage 3 -50-75%
  • By 4 - more than 10%

Diagnosis for suspected lung cancer includes:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • cytological studies of sputum, bronchial washings, pleural exudate;
  • assessment of physical data;
  • X-ray of the lungs in 2 projections, linear tomography, CT scan of the lungs;
  • bronchoscopy (fiber bronchoscopy);
  • pleural puncture (if there is effusion);
  • diagnostic thoracotomy;
  • Prescale biopsy of lymph nodes.

Early diagnosis offers hope for cure. The most reliable way in in this case is an x-ray of the lungs. The diagnosis is clarified using endoscopic bronchography. It can be used to determine the size and location of the tumor. In addition, it is necessary to carry out cytological examination– biopsy.

Lung cancer treatment

The first thing I want to say is that treatment is carried out only by a doctor! No self-medication! This is a very important point. After all, the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the greater the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease.

The choice of a specific treatment tactic depends on many factors:

  • Stage of the disease;
  • Histological structure of carcinoma;
  • Presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • A combination of all the fatcores described above.

There are several complementary treatments for lung cancer:

  • Surgical intervention;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Chemotherapy.


Surgical intervention is the most effective method, which is shown only at stages 1 and 2. The following types are divided:

  • Radical – the primary tumor focus and regional lymph nodes are subject to removal;
  • Palliative – aimed at maintaining the patient’s condition.


When small cell cancer is detected, the leading method of treatment is chemotherapy, since this form of tumor is most sensitive to conservative methods treatment. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is quite high and allows achieving good effect for several years.

Chemotherapy is of the following types:

  • therapeutic – to reduce metastases;
  • adjuvant – used in for preventive purposes to prevent relapse;
  • inadequate – immediately before surgery to reduce tumors. It also helps to identify the level of sensitivity of cells to drug treatment and establish its effectiveness.

Radiation therapy

Another treatment method is radiation therapy: it is used for incurable lung tumors of stage 3-4; it allows achieving good results in small cell cancer, especially in combination with chemotherapy. Standard dosage for radiation treatment is 60-70 gray.

The use of radiation therapy for lung cancer is considered as a separate method if the patient refuses chemotherapy and resection is impossible.


Perhaps no experienced doctor will undertake to make accurate predictions for lung cancer. This disease can behave in unpredictable ways, which is largely explained by the variety of histological variations in the structure of tumors.

However, curing the patient is still possible. Usually, leads to a successful outcome using a combination of surgery and radiation therapy.

How long do people live with lung cancer?

  • Without treatment almost 90% of patients do not survive more than 2–5 years after diagnosis of the disease;
  • during surgical treatment 30% of patients have a chance to live more than 5 years;
  • with a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy Another 40% of patients have a chance to live more than 5 years.

Don’t forget about prevention, which includes:


Prevention of lung cancer includes the following recommendations:

  • Quitting bad habits, primarily smoking;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition rich in vitamins and daily physical activity, walks in the fresh air.
  • Treat bronchial diseases in a timely manner so that they do not become chronic.
  • Ventilation of the premises, daily wet cleaning of the apartment;
  • It is necessary to reduce contact with harmful chemicals and heavy metals to a minimum. During work, be sure to use protective equipment: respirators, masks.

If you experience the symptoms described in this article, be sure to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


People are poorly disposed towards treating cancer. This is due to the fact that oncology is detected at late stages, when remission is partially possible.

The first stage of lung cancer is curable, life expectancy is high. In order to detect pathology in time, you should know what symptoms are characteristic of it, how diagnosis is carried out, and what treatment methods give a positive result.

Lungs' cancer - malignancy, originating from affected tissues. In medicine they are called carcinoma. An ideal treatment method that guarantees complete remission- No.

Mortality from pathology is one of the highest among cancer diseases.

Causes of lung cancer

The oncological process developing in the lungs is the result of lifestyle, nutrition, habits and a number of other factors:

  • The main cause of cancer development is smoking. Cigarette smoke is dangerous to the lungs and contains many carcinogens. They negatively affect the body and create pathological changes.
  • The current environmental situation affects human health. Emissions from industrial enterprises and sometimes high levels of radiation do not carry anything positive.
  • If one of your relatives has lung cancer, the causes may be hidden at the genetic level and be a hereditary manifestation.
  • Other lung diseases lead to lung cancer.
  • Activities related to the specialization of the patient and his place of work.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Symptoms do not appear at the initial stage. The disease manifests itself with signs that will vary depending on the location of the tumor. This may be similar to colds that are ignored. It is easier for the patient to wait out the symptoms and try to eliminate them with folk remedies, which is wrong.

Oncologists distinguish between central and peripheral types of tumors. Severe symptoms central tumor, among which:

  • Mild shortness of breath, similar to lack of oxygen. She is accompanied by a cough, a symptom without exertion.
  • A constant dry cough, which over time acquires sputum with purulent content. Over time, blood clots and streaks are found in the mucus. A sign of lung cancer can be confused with tuberculosis.
  • Pain syndrome in the sternum. It occurs from the side of the tumor and is similar to respiratory problems, which is why patients do not consult a doctor.
  • Constant change in body temperature. Its increase may resemble pneumonia or the onset of bronchitis. Signs of apathy, fatigue and lethargy will be characteristic.

Even one of the symptoms should alert a person. Symptoms of the first stage of cancer are mild, prolonged general fatigue and constant weakness give rise to a visit to the medical center. institutions.

Types of lung cancer stage 1

Lung cancer is widespread, and its stage 1 is classified as:

Degree 1a. The tumor does not exceed 3 centimeters in size, and the five-year survival rate according to statistics does not exceed 75%. For small cell cancer - 40%.

Degree 1c. The size of the tumor is from 3 to 5 centimeters, while the lymph nodes are not damaged, and survival for 5 years occurs in no more than 60% of cases. The small cell form predicts no more than 25% of cases according to statistics.

To make accurate conclusions about the condition of the patient’s body, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Learn more about the first stage of lung cancer to know how to live and to be able to prevent a recurrence.

Diagnosis of lung cancer

Timely diagnosis is the key to preventing the development of cancer. The most popular remedy diagnostics ⏤ chest fluorography. It’s not for nothing that it needs to be taken every year; it helps to identify lung pathologies in the best possible way.

  • Based on the patient’s complaints, and if there is a suspicion that stage 1 lung cancer is present, the doctor will send the patient for an x-ray. It should be done in direct and lateral projection. This will help prevent inaccuracies and clarify symptoms.
  • Next you need to do a bronchoscopy. This helps to see the tumor visually and provides a small area of ​​the tumor for a biopsy.
  • Another mandatory measure is a sputum test. To do this, examine the mucus released when coughing. Using certain substances, the presence of a tumor can be suspected.
  • An additional method will be computed tomography. It is used for problematic situations.

The combination of these diagnostic methods makes it possible to identify pathology and, if necessary, prescribe studies that provide extensive data. This happens with ambiguous symptoms, the cause of which can be determined with several specific examinations.

Treatment of stage 1 lung cancer

Judging by the diagnosis, the doctor chooses which methods to carry out treatment:

  • A surgical procedure in which the cancerous tumor is completely removed. Application is typical for non-small cell cancer. If the cancer is small cell, then at an early stage you can use methods that do not affect the body:
  • Radiation therapy. Cancer cells are irradiated with gamma radiation, as a result they stop spreading and die.
  • Chemotherapy. Involves the use of anticancer drugs systemic drugs, which have a detrimental effect on cancer cells.

Both of the latter methods are also used at later stages in order to reduce tumor formation in size before surgery and improve the prognosis after.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, the survival rate will range from 55-58%, but when therapy is carried out in patients who have not identified symptoms, the prognosis will be favorable. Delaying a trip to the doctor for a long period due to unclear symptoms in cases of oncology developing in the lungs aggravates the situation. Most patients are difficult to treat.

Cancer prognosis

Early cancerous tumor development is easy to treat if a diagnosis is made on time based on the symptoms. From general condition The prognosis of the disease depends on the patient, his age and the reaction of the tumor to the treatment process.

Treatment helps not only prevent metastases, but also destroy the tumor completely. The survival rate at stage 1 is high, but if treatment is not carried out, then within two years 90% of patients die.

The prognosis will be good for the development of small cell cancer, which is explained by the reaction of cancer cells to treatment with radiation and chemotherapy.

Do not forget that it is in the early stages that it is easier to cure cancer, but in the later stages it is practically incurable. Therefore, it is worth undergoing medical examinations on time.

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm consisting of epithelial cells of the respiratory organ. Cells, under the influence of a number of factors, become atypical and cease to obey the internal control processes responsible for the appearance of new tissues. The damaged epithelial layer grows quickly. In the presence of malignancy, the tumor progresses rapidly. It shows aggressiveness towards the organism in which it was formed.

The code according to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision) is assigned to C34. A serious illness, if left untreated, will result in the death of the patient.

Cancer formed from epithelial tissues of the lung is considered the deadliest among oncological pathologies and the most frequently diagnosed. A similar problem is typical for industrial developed countries. The main role is played by social and cultural factors. Often diagnosed in smokers.

For the Russian Federation, the problem of the frequency of diagnosis of this type of oncology is extremely relevant. Respiratory cancer occupies a leading position in the statistics of diagnosing malignant processes.

The fight against lung cancer is an important task for society; it is necessary to take serious measures to reduce the mortality rate of the population.

The lungs in the human body are a paired organ responsible for the respiratory function. Location: human chest. The lungs are limited below by the diaphragm. The narrow part of the organ is located at the top, rising several centimeters above the collarbone. The lungs expand downwards.

The lungs are usually divided into lobes. In this case, the left lung includes 2 lobes, and the right lung has 3 lobes. The shares consist of corresponding segments. Any segment is a specific section of the lung parenchyma. The center of the segment is marked by the presence of a segmental bronchus and is fed by arterial blood leading from the central pulmonary artery.

The smallest component of the lungs is the alveoli. They consist of connective tissue and represent balls of the thinnest epithelium of alluvial tissue and elastic fibers. The main gas exchange between blood and air occurs directly in the alveoli. In adults, the normal number of alveoli is 700 million.

The breathing function is made possible by the difference between the pressure inside the lungs and in the surrounding atmosphere.

The difference between a malignant oncological process and a benign one

A benign oncological process is the appearance of a non-aggressive neoplasm. It has a slower development rate and is not life-threatening. In addition, there is no process of metastases spreading throughout the body.

Of course, even neoplasms benign in nature need to be removed from the body due to the risk of their degeneration into a malignant form. Such structures sometimes develop for years without causing significant negative manifestations of discomfort to a person, without causing symptoms. There is a possibility of recovery without treatment.

Malignant tumors pose a serious threat to life and are called cancer. On a cut, the damaged tissue looked like the claw of this representative of the Arthropod phylum - this is how Hippocrates saw the manifestation of the disease. The main danger lies in the development of secondary foci of pathology. Another name for foci is metastases. The mentioned cellular structures are separated due to the disintegration of the main focus of the pathological process and spread through the lymph nodes (causing carcinomatous lymphangitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes) and blood vessels. The lymphogenous route of spread of metastases is considered the main one. These systems are distributed throughout the body; secondary lesions can spread not only to the chest organs, but also to distant areas of the body.

The list includes:

  • organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pelvic organs;
  • human skeleton;
  • brain;
  • trachea;
  • esophagus;
  • human heart.

The appearance of pain in any of the listed organs may be a symptom of the formation of a secondary focus of the pathological process.

The most severe and life-threatening situation for the patient is observed if a primary tumor in the lungs is discovered after secondary foci of oncology have been identified.

A malignant tumor is determined by the speed of development. In the shortest possible time, the formation increases in diameter to a significant size, inhibiting the functions of breathing, food absorption, and other functions, depending on the location of the primary localization of the tumor process.

The rate of growth and invasion into affected tissues depends on the type and shape of the tumor. There are large cell and small cell forms of the tumor. The small cell form is different increased aggressiveness, develops rapidly and is often inoperable. The rate of development of the primary tumor itself and the appearance of metastases occurs much faster in comparison with large cell tumor structure.

With cancer, at the beginning of the process of invasion (penetration) of the tumor into the lung, a cough and intense pain occur, which can lead to painful shock. Such pain is relieved with drugs based on narcotic substances. They are recognized as strictly controlled medications; they cannot be purchased without a prescription from an oncologist.

Malignant tumors are called cancer. For many, such a diagnosis becomes a death sentence. The great danger lies in the fact that cancer shows symptoms already at an advanced stage, when the disease enters the third stage of development. Lung cancer mortality statistics show paramount importance early diagnosis pathology. It is required to undergo regular medical examinations and consult with specialists regarding the state of your own health.

If the disease is detected at asymptomatic stages - the first and second stages - the cancer is curable, the survival prognosis is much higher than with the third and fourth stages of the disease. A favorable prognosis is based on the 5-year survival rate of a person after treatment of the pathology. Cancer without metastases is much more treatable.

Regular examinations should be carried out not only by people included in the risk group (those who are susceptible to harmful factors, contributing to the emergence of atypical forms of epithelial cells), but also people who are not susceptible to such factors. The isolated applied medical science of oncology has not identified the trigger causes for the oncological process. We were able to identify only risk factors that have negative impact on the body, promoting the mutagenic process in the cells that make up the lung organ.

The malignant process has a clearly defined staged progression. In total, there are 4 stages of pathology. Each stage is characterized by a certain value according to the TNM classification:

  • the “T” value refers to the primary tumor;
  • the “N” value contains information about the condition of regional lymph nodes;
  • the value “M” indicates the spread of metastases throughout the patient’s body.

Depending on the data of the diagnostic study of the patient, the disease is assigned a stage and its values ​​according to international standard. The classification is divided into subgroups depending on the severity of the pathological process. The information mentioned is extremely important for choosing a cancer treatment method.

Cancer of the third and fourth stages is practically not curable. Doctors are making efforts to alleviate the patient's condition.

Causes of lung cancer

The trigger causes of lung cancer have not yet been identified. Risk factors include the following types of negative effects on the body:

  • Exposure to carcinogens (for example, from inhaling tobacco smoke).
  • Radiation impact of technogenic and natural nature. For example, frequent X-ray examinations, undergoing radiation therapy in the treatment of an oncological process of a different localization, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight (the reason is typical for people living in tropical and subtropical climates), performing a labor function (for example, at a nuclear power plant or nuclear submarine).
  • Viral infections (for example, human papillomavirus). Viruses are capable of causing mutations in cellular structures, which provokes the appearance of oncological pathologies.
  • Exposure to household dust. If a man long time exposed to dust inhaled in the air, the risk of developing a pathological process in the lungs increases significantly.

The lungs are the only internal organ that directly interacts with the surrounding space. There is a need for constant monitoring of the health of the paired organ. The lungs are vital important body, when dysfunction occurs, a person’s death occurs.

Tobacco smoking is considered the main cause of lung cancer. The poisons and carcinogens contained in tobacco provoke intoxication of other organs. But the lungs suffer primarily from smoke, and this is where the main process of poisoning occurs. Based on statistics, we summarize: the risk of developing lung cancer for a smoker is 20 times higher than for a non-smoker. There is a slightly lower risk of developing an oncological process in the lung tissues in people who are constantly exposed to passive smoking (inhaling smoke in direct contact with a smoking person).

The nicotine contained in a cigarette provokes the emergence of a chemical and psychological dependence on smoking. Suppression occurs immune system human, which provides a high chance of the appearance of any pathology in the body. According to statistics, 90% of cases of malignant oncological process, which resulted in the death of the patient, are caused by smoking tobacco products. These statistics are typical for industrialized countries of the world.

In addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain radon gas, a colorless Chemical substance. The cigarette contains its radioactive isotope.

In men suffering from nicotine addiction, the risk of developing cancer reaches 17 percent, in women - 14 percent. For non-smokers, the risk is 1 percent.

Asbestos exposure has also been cited as a cause. A similar problem is typical for professional repairmen and builders who are regularly exposed to particles of this material.

The most dangerous is considered to be simultaneous exposure to tobacco products and asbestos, since they can enhance the negative aspects of each other. With the constant inhalation of asbestos particles, a pathology called asbestosis develops. The disease provokes the development of many chronic pulmonary pathologies.

Additional risk factors include the age of a person in the older age group. With aging, the body's resistance to pathogenic factors decreases.

Genetic predisposition - it has been statistically observed that the risk of developing pathology is higher in individuals whose relatives in one or two generations have suffered from the described type of cancer.

The danger of cell mutation is increased in the presence of chronic respiratory diseases; tuberculosis and pneumonia (an inflammatory process in the lungs) are dangerous.

Arsenic, cadmium, and chromium also affect the development of mutations. It is possible to be exposed to chemicals while performing work duties in industrial facilities.

Other reasons for its appearance have also been recorded. In some cases, it is not possible to find out what caused the cancer.

People under the influence causing cancer factors belong to the risk group. To reduce the risk of getting sick, it is necessary to carry out regular examinations and prevent pathologies.

Prevention includes giving up bad habits, regular physical activity, and walks in the fresh air.

Classification of lung cancer by histology

Histological sign is the main classification of oncological pathology of an organ. Histology examines the original cell and makes a conclusion about the malignancy of the process, the rate of spread, and the stage of pathology. Stand out the following types oncological pathology according to histological characteristics:

  1. Squamous cell or epidermoid carcinoma. This type of pathology is common and is divided into highly differentiated, moderately differentiated, and poorly differentiated types. The aggressiveness of the tumor towards the patient depends on the degree of differentiation. With late-stage low-grade cancer, the chances of recovery are close to zero.
  2. Squamous cell carcinoma. This segment covers types of lung cancer such as oat cell and pleomorphic.
  3. Large cell carcinoma. There are giant cell and clear cell types of cancer.
  4. Adenocarcinoma. The carcinoma shows a degree of differentiation similar to that of squamous cell carcinoma. But the list is supplemented by bronchoalveolar tumor.
  5. Mixed cancer is the presence of several types of cancer cells at once.

Small cell cancer exhibits the most pronounced aggression towards the patient and is more difficult to treat than other cancers. The frequency of its diagnosis is 16 percent of the other types. When small cell cancer appears, the rate of development of the pathology is rapid; already at the second stage, a system of metastases appears in the regional lymph nodes. Survival prognosis for patients with similar type cancer is bad. Most often (in 80 percent of cases) large cell carcinoma is diagnosed.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a series of diagnostic procedures.

Symptoms of the disease

In the initial stages of the primary formation of a tumor, the disease is asymptomatic. The initial stage of the disease passes even without coughing. One of the main dangers of cancer lies in secrecy. Often detected in the last stages.

There are no specific symptoms related to the tumor. Often the symptoms manifest themselves in such a way that they are correlated with other pathologies of the human respiratory system. The clinical picture of symptoms depends on the location of the tumor, and the intensity of symptoms depends on the size of the tumor.

When the negative impact of oncology spreads to a person’s bronchi, frequent symptoms lung cancer:

  • complaints of cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • coughing up sputum with pus;
  • coughing up blood;
  • bronchial obstruction;
  • temperature increase;
  • expectoration of mucus.

The spread of cancer to the large bronchi has received a special name - central cancer.

When a tumor penetrates the pleural cavity, the patient begins to experience alarming symptoms:

  • cough without the presence of phlegm (dry cough);
  • intense pain in the affected organ (the main symptom indicating the appearance of metastasis in the organ).

This process is called peripheral cancer. Peripheral lung cancer often develops against the background of vascular sclerosis in the upper lobe of the right or left lung. Manifests diffuse type changes. Precancerous processes - squamous metaplasia, dysplasia of the epithelium of small bronchi and bronchioles, adenomatosis with cell atypia and atypical hyperplasia epithelium in oval and slit-like structures.

At the same time, heart rhythm disturbances, inflammatory processes in the pericardial area occur, heart failure and edema appear. When the influence spreads to the esophagus, the free passage of food into the stomach is disrupted.

The listed signs are characteristic of damage to organs located near the original source of the tumor disease. Medical statistics indicate that during the initial appointment with a doctor, the patient already has symptoms of manifestations of secondary lesions at a distance from the primary source.

Talk about specific clinical picture impossible, it depends on the geography of the spread of cancer with metastases throughout the body of a person with cancer. When metastases enter the liver, a yellow tint may appear on the skin and whites of the eyes, pain on the right side of the peritoneum.

When metastases enter the organs of the urinary system, manifestations of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, and problems with urination are possible.

If the central nervous system is damaged, the following symptoms are likely to occur: impaired consciousness, loss of consciousness, loss of coordination, changes in the functionality of the senses.

The intensity of symptoms directly depends on the extent of the pathological process.

There are a number of signs characteristic of any tumor process. These symptoms include:

  • chronic symptoms of fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • manifestation of anemia.

The symptoms listed above are the first signs in the early stages of the disease. If a pathology is suspected due to the presence of the listed symptoms, you need to be tested for cancer as soon as possible!


Cancer does not have specific symptoms and can be differentiated from other chronic pathologies respiratory system, and to obtain an accurate diagnostic conclusion requires comprehensive research body. Diagnostics are performed comprehensively. Treatment of any pathology begins with an examination.

At the beginning of the study, biomaterial of blood, urine and feces is collected. Blood is tested in three studies:

  • complete blood count (CBC);
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • blood chemistry.

Based on the data obtained during the research, the doctor concludes what the patient’s health condition is. After this, they move on to studying the tumor and searching for secondary foci (metastases). Various types of research are used.


Fluorography – specific type X-ray examination used to diagnose the patient’s chest and the organs located in it. Doctors recommend undergoing a chest examination using fluorography once every 12 months. Employees of budgetary organizations undergo mandatory research. The same obligation applies to people performing a labor function and undergoing annual specialized medical examinations to obtain permission to work.

When conducting a fluorography study, it is impossible to establish the nature of the neoplasm and assert whether the pathology is benign or malignant. This study allows us to thoroughly establish only the location of the tumor and its approximate size.

To be sure, not only direct photographs of the chest are used, but also lateral ones (used to understand the specific location - peripheral or central lung cancer). The image shows the contours and cavities of the tumor. X-rays show the neoplasm in the form of darkening. But X-rays cannot detect a tumor smaller than 2 centimeters in diameter.

Another name for the procedure is fluoroscopy. The method is based on the use of radiation in doses that are safe for health, providing an image of internal organs on a fluorescent screen (x-ray picture).

The information content of fluorography is not the highest, but it serves as a starting point for further research, allowing one to diagnose the primary tumor and identify its location on the tissue of the right or left lung.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging, abbreviated MRI, is one of the advanced research methods. When performing a study in a tomograph, the tumor is imaged in several projections at once. It is based on a layer-by-layer construction of the picture.

The information content of the method is significantly higher than fluorography.

Further tomography studies will allow us to determine the clear structure of the tumor. Computed tomography is used for this. Minimum cut size at computed tomography is 1 millimeter.

Maximum informative research, produced on a tomograph - positron emission tomography (abbreviated PET). This method uses the introduction of a radioactive substance that illuminates atypical cells and damaged tissue. This study allows us to establish the metabolism between the tissues of an organ and its functionality.

During the procedure, a 3D drawing of the tumor is drawn, and the patient will receive a dose of radiation equivalent to two x-ray examinations.


For detailed research of the respiratory organs, bronchoscopy is used. At this method an endoscope is used. A thin tube of the device is inserted into the bronchi through oral cavity patient.

Thanks to fiber optics, it becomes possible to visually inspect damaged tissue. At the same time, biomaterial is taken for a biopsy (this is a microsurgical method for obtaining tumor cells to conduct research on the malignancy of the tumor, structure, and structural features). The molecular composition of the tumor is determined.

This method is rightfully considered the most informative, as it allows you to examine the tumor in detail and see the features of the tumor of a sick person.

Despite the minimally invasive basis, the method can lead to a mild side effect: the patient may cough up dark mucus for a number of days after completion of the procedure.

Study of sputum biomaterial

The study involves examining secretions from the respiratory system under a microscope. Includes cytological examination for the presence of atypical cells. The presence of squamous cell structures in the biomaterial will indicate cancer.

Puncture of fluid in the pleural area

Taking fluid from the pleura indicates the presence of cancer when atypical cells are detected in the collected material.

The above research methods are necessary for the selection proper treatment identified pathology. It is required to clearly understand the features that characterize the neoplasm:

  • tumor size;
  • tumor structure;
  • location;
  • presence of metastases;
  • tumor shape;
  • histological structure.


IN modern medicine There are primarily three main treatment methods used to overcome the disease:

  1. An operative (surgical) intervention to remove tissue damaged by a tumor.
  2. Use of radiation therapy.
  3. Use of chemotherapy.

A joint complex application The above methods allow you to achieve results in treatment. However, for a number of reasons, it is possible to use only one or two options.

Surgical intervention

Surgery to remove the tumor is the main method of treatment. When small cell cancer is detected, it is often not possible to operate. For large cell cancer, surgery is performed regularly and allows you to cure the cancer completely. initial stages development.

When undergoing diagnostics and preparing for surgery, a decision is made to amputate a lobe of an organ (lobectomy), two lobes of an organ (bilobectomy), or complete removal of the lung (pulmonectomy). It is possible to carry out combined surgical operations, other types of surgical intervention (depending on the indicators obtained during diagnostic measures).

The scope of the procedure depends on the advanced stage of the tumor process and the stage of the tumor. Most effective treatment is achieved when lung surgery is performed at the first and second stages of the disease.

To make a decision on total amputation of the lung, the spread of cancer to the tissue of the main bronchus, the spread of the tumor to several lobes of the tumor, damage to the vessels in the lung, and carcinomatosis are required.

The spread of metastases to lung tissue in the third and fourth stages of pathology can also become the basis for total amputation of the pulmonary organ.

An important positive aspect of surgical intervention is the ability to immediately perform a histological examination of amputated tissue.

Until recently, surgery was the only method of treating cancer. In modern medicine they are used additional methods: chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

It is important to correctly and scrupulously follow the clinical recommendations of doctors in the postoperative period. In many ways, it depends on the patient how rehabilitation will go after surgery.

After lung removal, a long recovery period is required.

Radiation therapy

Oncologists do not recognize this method of treatment as an independent one. Despite the frequent use of the method, it is considered effective only with the participation of chemotherapy or surgery.

The essence of the technique: radiation exposure negatively affects the cell’s ability to divide. Radiation accumulates in the cell and destroys the cell's DNA structure.

Radiation therapy is prescribed if the patient has inoperable cancer. The impossibility of surgical intervention is dictated by the patient's health condition. If the patient's heart can stop due to general anesthesia, invasive intervention is not performed as indicated.

Radiation therapy may be prescribed if the patient refuses surgery. Or when cancer metastases spread to organs whose amputation is impossible - the back and brain, heart.

Two methods are used for therapy:

  1. Non-contact or remote method is used to irradiate not only the tumor, but also regional lymph nodes. It is carried out using a gamma ray accelerator.
  2. Contact method, or brachytherapy, involves irradiation using special equipment that specifically targets the tumor. To use the contact method, it is required that the cross-sectional size of the tumor does not exceed 2 centimeters.

The use of radiation therapy entails side effects. Reason: when radiation is used, damage occurs not only to cancerous formations, but also to healthy tissue.

The use of radiation therapy requires the absence of contraindications. The main ones include:

  • the appearance of hemoptysis;
  • acute infectious pathologies;
  • tumor invasion into the tissue of the esophagus;
  • heart failure;
  • liver failure;
  • renal failure;
  • anemia;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • exacerbation of mental disorder.

To use radiation therapy, it is necessary to eliminate identified contraindications. Otherwise, the therapy will cause complications.


Chemotherapy involves administration medicinal drug based on cytostatic effects. Can be used without surgery. The drug used for therapy is a toxin that accumulates in atypical cells tumors and stops cell division and development. The accumulation of the toxin occurs during the course of exposure to the drug. Introduction into the body occurs through a vein.

The drug and course duration are selected by the oncologist. There is also a choice of dosage, method and speed of administration of the drug into the body.

In the treatment of lung cancer, chemotherapy does not bring the desired results. Possible use of polychemotherapy. This means the simultaneous use of a number of drugs in a single therapy.

The interval between courses is at least 3-4 weeks. Chemotherapy causes side effects negatively affecting the patient's health. It is important to understand the difference in the level of harm caused by the disease and the course of treatment.

A person undergoing chemotherapy experiences similar consequences: hair falls out, signs of body poisoning appear - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Temperature is likely to rise.

The use of drugs is carried out if there are indications:

  1. For inoperable small cell tumors.
  2. In the presence of metastasis, to reduce the rate of spread of the pathological process.
  3. When carrying out palliative treatment to maintain the patient’s health and prolong life.

The use of chemotherapy is difficult to tolerate for most patients. Taking into account the fact that drugs poison the body with toxins, the prescription of chemotherapy must be a balanced and thoughtful decision.

Survival prognosis

The survival prognosis is made depending on the circumstances taken into account by the oncologist. These factors include:

  • patient's age;
  • health status;
  • characteristics of the tumor process;
  • patient's lifestyle.

Life expectancy is determined by the stage at which cancer was detected and appropriate treatment began. If the disease is recognized at the first and second stages, with properly selected treatment it will be possible to live for more than ten years. Patients whose cancer was detected at the third and fourth stages live an average of 2 years, depending on the type cancer pathology.

Relapse after lung cancer is common. To avoid the reappearance of cancer after remission, it is necessary to follow the clinical recommendations of the treating oncologist. Lead a healthy lifestyle and follow your dosage instructions medicines, recommendations for passing medical examinations, recommendations for regularity of visits and examinations.
