I drink alcohol and my face turns red. Why does your face turn red after drinking alcohol?

Briefly: Swelling, tremors and discolored tongue - usual symptoms hangover syndrome, they go away along with a hangover. Dry and red facial skin may be an allergic reaction to alcohol. Face darkened after heavy drinking, bad condition skin and facial muscle spasms require medical advice.

Sometimes, to the hangover suffering, dissatisfaction with one’s own reflection in the mirror is added. In this article, you will learn why your face looks different after a hangover than usual, and how you can fix it.

Why does your face swell after drinking alcohol?

The face swells after alcohol due to edema, which alcohol always provokes. Alcohol molecules from the bloodstream penetrate into soft tissues and pull several water molecules with them. This results in an incorrect distribution of water in the body, characteristic of a hangover: there is too little liquid in the circulating blood, and therefore the person is bothered by dryness, and in soft tissues water accumulates, forming edema.

Swelling not only spoils your appearance - it also lingers harmful products alcohol breakdown. In addition, swelling puts pressure on nerve endings, causing headaches.

What to do

To get rid of edema, you need to drink a lot of fluid and at the same time take diuretics (green tea, non-alcoholic beer, watermelon, the drug veroshpiron): this will restore the correct distribution of fluid in the body.

Can your skin condition worsen due to drinking?

Alcohol can affect skin condition indirectly: problematic skin may result from damage to the liver, intestines, or pancreas. Therefore, if your skin condition has worsened due to regular alcohol consumption, then you won’t be able to limit yourself to a visit to a dermatologist: the reasons lie much deeper, and finding out them is important not only for beauty, but also for the health of the entire body.

Why do facial muscles tremble after alcohol?

Small involuntary trembling (or, scientifically, tremor) of the hands, tongue and head is a sign of chronic alcoholism. In the morning and on an empty stomach, this tremor intensifies. Sometimes it disappears after eating or after drinking alcohol, so alcoholics try to get hungover in the morning. Doctors say: a person who does not suffer alcohol addiction, in a hungover state, it’s usually disgusting to even think about alcohol.

A large tremor covering the entire body occurs after a single binge and does not mean the development of alcoholism. This is a symptom of acute alcohol poisoning, you can get rid of it with the help of detoxification: read above in the section on edema, as well as in a separate article on how to quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body during a hangover.

Why does my face cramp after drinking alcohol?

If any seizures occur, consultation with a neurologist is necessary. If, after drinking alcohol, your facial muscles sometimes cramp, then this could be convulsive syndrome central origin. But there may be something else; this can only be determined during a personal consultation with a doctor. A visit to a narcologist and toxicologist may also be required.

How to remove red eyes during a hangover

To remove redness of the eyes during a hangover, you can use Visine drops or analogues: vial, Visoptic, ophthal, tetrizoline. Visine is an adrenomimetic, it narrows blood vessels, that's why the eyes stop being so red. However, due to vasoconstriction, it may increase intraocular pressure, and then the unpleasant sensations in the eye area will still remain.

An unsightly appearance is far from the worst thing that a hangover can lead to. Sometimes in the background alcohol intoxication worsens or appears for the first time dangerous disease, but it is not always possible to recognize it in time behind the symptoms of a hangover. Read our article about what symptoms are normal for a hangover, and if any signs appear, you should not be shy and immediately call an ambulance.

Article last updated: 2019-01-01

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Drinking alcohol often causes redness on the face. Anyone who drinks alcohol at least occasionally has probably encountered this. Why does such a process occur in the body that causes blood flow and the face turns red after drinking alcohol? What contributes to this? If you take alcohol, is it possible to get rid of this unwanted effect? You can find out the answer to the question about facial redness when drinking alcohol, as well as tips on its treatment, right now by reading this article.

What is the cause of redness

The face and cheeks burn after drinking alcohol because the capillaries on the face dilate. How this process will proceed depends on the characteristics of the human body, in each case individually. However, two factors can be distinguished:

  • Redness will be more noticeable if the capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin. In this case, they expand faster under the influence of an irritating factor - alcohol.
  • The amount of redness also depends on the person's skin type. If you have blond hair, then the skin will be more visible. Accordingly, redness when drinking alcohol will appear more intense.

Of course, redness can change its intensity depending on the characteristics of the person’s body, but several factors still come to the fore external influence. Why does the skin on the face turn red?

  • You may not tolerate alcoholic beverages.
  • If present, then this factor will provoke the formation of profuse redness of the skin.
  • The third reason why color changes skin- specific for blood vessels.
  • If you abuse alcoholic beverages, then redness will be inevitable and occur regularly.
  • Increased arterial pressure will rise. Intracranial pressure will also increase, causing redness, pressure on the eyes, and migraines.

Symptoms associated with redness

Depending on the reason that caused the change in skin color, various associated symptoms and phenomena. If the cause of redness is an allergy to wine, beer, then in this case it is caused by the fact that a special enzyme in the body fights alcohol, and redness is already external manifestation of this process.

Allergic reaction

The body's response may also include itching, patchy redness, swelling, and high blood pressure. It is easy to determine such a case - a person gets drunk very quickly from drinking a minimal amount of alcohol. I get very sick with a hangover, even after drinking beer.

It is important to remember that alcohol is not always the cause of an allergic reaction. Why then do you show allergic symptoms on your face?

The body's reaction is most often associated with the dyes, flavors and other additives contained in alcoholic beverages, which are sufficient in beer, wine, and cocktails. They are the ones who cause a negative reaction in the body. It is enough to exclude the allergen. and everything will pass in a couple of hours.

Location of blood vessels on the face

If the main cause is the vessels located close to the surface of the skin, then the combination of increased pressure and intense blood flow leads to their expansion. They appear on the face as a solid spot, stars, or a mesh. It does not matter what kind of alcohol a person drinks, a strong drink or a glass of beer. From a hangover the redness still remains for a long time. Sometimes small vessels cannot stand it and burst under the skin.

This usually occurs in alcoholics who only care about the drink and not about their face, eyes or hair. What to do in these cases? Firstly, such people cannot drink even a gram of beer. Secondly, you need to try not to overheat your head. If it is hot indoors or outdoors, you need to apply cooling lotions or wash your face constantly cold water. Thirdly, make fewer movements so as not to disperse the blood.

Intracranial pressure

High blood pressure is another cause of redness. In this case, a person experiences shortness of breath, intracranial pressure increases and puts pressure on the eyes. The whites of the eyes become red, becoming covered with a network of burst blood vessels inside the eyes. What to do in this case? Wet a cloth with cold water, place it over your eyes and lie there for 5-10 minutes. One compress on the eyes may not be enough to get rid of headaches and reduce intracranial pressure; you need to change the cooled rags several times.

Often this condition occurs not only in avid alcoholics, but also in few drinking people with a hangover. Even a bottle of beer can cause an increase in arterial and intracranial pressure. However, for many people, especially in hot weather, a bottle of beer will be enough to cause a surge in blood pressure. The consequence of this can be death.

In cases where alcohol consumption is excessive, redness can be chronic - because in this situation the blood vessels are constantly dilated. In this case, a symptom such as cyanosis may also be observed. Why is this happening? Because the vessels are constantly subject to excessive pressure. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor.


Redness from drinking alcohol is caused by dilation of blood vessels, and therefore actions to eliminate this effect should be aimed at narrowing them.

An effective method is to limit alcohol consumption, reduce the dose, or better yet complete failure. Why is this effective? The whole point is that it is possible to prevent expansion in only one way - to eliminate the factor that provokes it - that is, alcohol.

It is also worth taking care of your stomach. Drinking vodka, cognac, beer brings only a superficial effect in the form of redness, but the real harm is caused digestive system. Why is this happening? Due to the fact that alcohol has a destructive effect during consumption, and redness is only an external signal about changes occurring in the body. Do not abuse strong alcohol or even beer, then redness on your face will rarely bother you.

Occurs as a result of a rush of blood. Small capillaries located under the skin are responsible for this. Alcoholic drinks cause blood vessels to dilate, resulting in redness of the skin.

Why does facial skin turn red after drinking alcohol?

Vascular reaction to alcohol, allergies, congenital intolerance alcoholic drinks- the main reasons.

When the vessels narrow, blood begins to flow out and the skin becomes pale. Conversely, expansion promotes blood flow and the face becomes red. But alcoholic drinks cause red blood cells to stick together, so not only does the blood vessels dilate, but they also become blocked.

The reasons for such manifestations can be different, ranging from congenital intolerance to alcohol. It could also be an allergy to alcohol or chronic abuse of it. For some people, this reaction happens all the time.

This phenomenon largely depends on skin color. The face of blondes turns red more pronounced.

How blood vessels react to alcohol

Ethanol entering the body leads to vasodilation, not ignoring small capillaries, which cause redness of the skin after drinking.

Despite the fact that such a reaction occurs quite quickly, it does not mean at all that it is safe for the body. You should be especially wary if not only the face, but also other parts of the body are red. The cause may be poor circulation or improper functioning of the enzymes that are responsible for processing ethanol.

Therefore, it is recommended to avoid binge drinking, limit alcohol consumption or give it up completely. It is a mistaken belief that only low-quality alcoholic beverages of dubious origin can lead to such consequences. Even after expensive alcohol, your face may turn red.

Allergic reaction to alcoholic drinks

Signs of an allergy can appear even with the smallest dose of alcohol, it all depends on the individual sensitivity of the body.

Manifestations of an allergic reaction after drinking alcohol include:

  • Redness of the face or entire body.
  • Itchy skin.
  • The face and body swell and swell.
  • Blood pressure may rise or fall sharply.
  • Rapid intoxication from not large quantity alcoholic drinks.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Strong headache.

Such signs do not always appear with ethanol contained in strong drinks. Often the cause is the dyes and preservatives contained in alcohol. Most often, allergies appear after drinking beer, wine, various liqueurs and cocktails.

Typically, an allergic reaction begins to appear 15-20 minutes after drinking alcohol, but it can develop faster, depending on the type of alcoholic drink, its strength and content.

Red face due to chronic alcoholism

Complexion in chronic alcoholism.

At regular use alcohol, redness of the skin is observed almost constantly. Gradually, the capillaries die, and the skin becomes unhealthy blue. This may lead to serious consequences. not only well-being, but also appearance wants to be better. But instead of putting himself in order, a dependent alcoholic does not stop drinking and causes irreparable damage to the capillaries.

In a state of drinking, blood vessels long time are in an expanded state, red blood cells stick together, the outflow of blood is very weak and clogged vessels burst, this forms red spots of a large area on the face and body.

If this happens regularly after drinking, then this is a sign of serious problems with blood vessels. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. To improve your health, you need to give up alcohol.

What to do if your face turns red after drinking alcohol

  • If such a phenomenon is detected once, there is nothing to worry about. But in cases where red spots appear after every drinking session, you need to take action.
  • If a person is in a state of binge drinking, it is necessary to stop the flow of alcohol into the body. It is not always easy to bring order to a person who drinks alcoholic beverages every day; the help of a narcologist may be required.
  • At home, it is necessary to induce vomiting and empty the stomach; the faster the ethanol leaves the body, the sooner the skin will return to order.
  • Next, you need to see a doctor for examination vascular system. But do not forget that treatment will not give results if not.
  • People with congenital intolerance should be especially careful with alcoholic beverages. If they drink alcohol, they may develop serious problems with health, especially in this case the digestive system suffers.

Reconsider your attitude towards alcohol, this will help maintain your health and improve your quality of life.

Do you know why your face turns red after drinking alcohol? Many simply did not pay attention to it. But this can be not only anatomical feature, but also a sign of an allergic reaction. So why from alcohol?

Capillaries and blood

Probably everyone knows what happens at the moment when the blood begins to rush to the face. It turns red and warms up. In some cases it just turns red. The anatomical reason for this phenomenon is due to the condition of the capillaries located in the subcutaneous layers. These are the smallest vessels. Some of the capillaries are located almost immediately under the skin. The color of the skin depends on them. At the same time rapid change blood flow in the capillaries quickly changes and complexion.

If small vessels narrow, the skin becomes paler. When blood flow resumes, the face acquires a brighter color. Why from alcohol? It's simple. When ethanol enters the human body, blood vessels dilate. In addition, the substance causes red blood cells to stick together. This process can lead to blockage small vessels.

Skin type

It is worth noting that complexion can also change as a result of a person’s individual characteristics. Much depends on your skin type. For example, blondes and redheads have lighter skin. Even large vessels can be visible through such skin. In such people, pallor changes to blush very quickly, and not only when drinking alcohol.

As for dark-skinned people, a similar process does not occur so noticeably. Most often, small capillaries located near the surface of the skin expand.

Factors that cause alcoholic flushing of the face

Why does your face turn red when you drink alcohol? There are several factors that affect skin color. When drinking alcohol, it's not just a blush that appears. Often the skin takes on a rich crimson hue. On this moment Scientists have identified several factors contributing to this phenomenon:

  1. alcohol.
  2. The classic reaction of blood vessels to alcohol entering the body.
  3. Consequences chronic alcoholism.
  4. Congenital intolerance to alcohol, or more precisely, intolerance to ethanol.

Classic vascular reaction

Almost everyone suffers from alcohol? When drinking alcoholic beverages, ethanol enters the human body. This substance increases blood circulation. In this case, vasodilation occurs. In addition, ethanol increases blood pressure. The capillaries located under the skin become larger. As a result of strong blood supply, the skin acquires a red tint.

As numerous studies have shown, the dose of alcohol to produce such an effect will be individual for each person.

Is it dangerous

Most often, blush that appears as a result of drinking alcohol goes away on its own and does not cause a person special troubles. However, in some cases, the redness can be very severe and cause discomfort. A fairly powerful vascular reaction may indicate weak functions of the enzymes through which ethanol is excreted from the body.

Those who experience severe redness after drinking alcohol should drink such drinks with caution. After all, slow or weakened work of enzymes with a large dose of ethanol can lead to serious intoxication. In the future, this causes the development of more serious complications(oncology of the liver and gastrointestinal tract). Now you know why your face turns red when drinking alcohol. However, we should not forget about other factors that cause such a reaction.

Congenital ethanol intolerance

Why does the face turn red from alcohol even with a minimal dose of ethanol? For some people this is typical rare feature, as a congenital intolerance to all alcoholic beverages. It is worth noting that this symptom is often found among representatives of a certain nation. In others, a genetic factor of this kind occurs extremely rarely.

In such situations, when a person drinks alcohol, the main component of the drink begins to act much faster. Even if a small glass was drunk. Subcutaneous small vessels located in the area of ​​the shoulders, neck and face very quickly expand and fill with blood. In this case, the person may experience fever. Often the face and other parts of the body become covered with spots or become completely red.

Is alcohol intolerance dangerous?

Why does my face turn red from alcohol in spots? Experts have found an explanation for this phenomenon. In their opinion, this is a congenital anomaly. There are very few enzymes in the human body that can remove alcohol from the body. In some cases, there is very little of these substances in the liver. Therefore, a reaction can occur almost immediately after consuming even a small dose of alcohol. If you are intolerant, experts recommend avoiding drinking such drinks, as they are very dangerous for humans.

Alcohol with such a genetic disorder can cause the development of a large number of pathologies, including oncological diseases stomach, liver, digestive system organs.

Allergy to alcohol

Why else does the face turn red from alcohol and cause discomfort? In some cases, a person develops. There is much debate about this. After all, alcohol is a “related” liquid for human body. However, many people have such allergies. In addition, the disease spreads quickly. It is worth noting that an allergic reaction may appear some time after drinking alcohol. There is no dependence on dosage. In other words, a reaction can occur even as a result of moderate alcohol consumption.

Main signs of allergies

The main signs of an alcohol allergy include:

What to do if you have allergies

We figured out why the face turns red after drinking alcohol. It remains to understand how to act if you are allergic to alcohol. First of all, a person should stop drinking strong drinks. When the allergen is eliminated, the victim’s well-being will begin to quickly improve. However, it is worth considering that ethanol penetrates into the blood very quickly. Therefore, experts recommend inducing artificial vomiting. This will clear your stomach.

Do not forget that an allergic reaction may occur not due to ethanol, but due to additional components components of the drink: flavoring, coloring, and so on. Cases of similar phenomena occurring as a result of the consumption of cocktails, wines, liqueurs, and tinctures have already been repeatedly noted. To eliminate signs of allergies, the use of drugs is not recommended. They should not be taken with alcohol. The best option All alcoholic beverages will be excluded.

26.11.2017 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 2

The face turns red from alcoholic drinks: causes and help

If your face turns red from alcohol, this may indicate an allergy to the components of the drink, congenital intolerance to alcohol, or chronic alcoholism. In any case, in this way the skin and the body as a whole give a signal that treatment must be started immediately in order to avoid serious consequences. Identifying the root cause is necessary to stop pathological process at the very beginning of its inception. This will relieve redness and the feeling of discomfort associated with it.

Important! Slight redness of the face from alcohol is a normal reaction, which is caused by the vasodilating effect of ethanol. If hyperemia is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, such as itching, scratching, etc., then you should definitely consult a doctor.

The causes of facial redness from drinking alcohol are related to the condition of the capillaries that are located under the skin. Constriction of blood vessels and decreased blood flow causes pallor. Improved blood circulation promotes color change.

After drinking alcohol (even if you drink a little), the face begins to turn red. This is due to the effect of ethanol, which is part of any alcoholic drink. It has a vasodilating effect and increases blood flow to the skin.

Causes of alcoholic facial flushing

A red face after alcohol is due to the presence of several provoking factors:

  • characteristic reaction of blood vessels to the interaction of substances contained in strong drinks;
  • intolerance to alcohol-containing liquids due to congenital features body;
  • the presence of an allergic response to alcohol components;
  • a negative reaction resulting from chronic drunkenness.

Vascular changes

All booze contains ethanol. The substance, while in the body, provokes increased blood circulation due to the dilation of blood vessels. The capillaries located under the epidermal layer become larger. Due to increased blood filling, the color of the dermis changes. Most often, with rare alcohol consumption, such a reaction does not pose a particular threat to health. You need to be more careful if redness is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort.

In some cases, the face turns red from alcohol due to disturbances in the functioning of the enzymes that process alcohol. In such a situation, regular consumption of strong drinks will cause intoxication of the body. This will lead to serious consequences in the form of cancerous disorders of the digestive system.


Sometimes the face turns red after drinking alcohol due to a hereditary trait that manifests itself in excessive filling of blood vessels. This phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of a blush on a certain area of ​​the face or its complete redness.

This effect of alcohol-containing substances is due to the low rate of enzyme reaction when ethanol enters the body. This phenomenon is a consequence of changes in the functioning of the liver, which leads to disruption of the production of necessary enzymatic structures.

Manifestation of allergies

An allergy to booze appears both after the first drink and after some time. The face may turn red regardless of the dosage. It is necessary to promptly pay attention to such signs as:

  • redness of the face and neck (in some cases, spots may appear throughout the body);
  • itching;
  • swelling on the face;
  • protrusion of sweat;
    migraine due to the expansion of the vasculature and the flow of blood fluid to the head;
  • sudden change in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate (this can be monitored by the pulse on the arm);
  • breathing problems (it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, anxiety arises);
  • sudden intoxication even when drinking a glass of wine.

An allergy to alcohol can be identified by how quickly it goes away. similar symptoms when eliminating the provoking factor. If you stop drinking alcohol, your health improves and your face and body stop turning red.

For final termination allergic reactions The body should be helped to rid itself of the effects of ethanol. To do this, you need to induce vomiting and take adsorbents.

In some situations, the cause of allergies is other components of alcoholic beverages, for example, dyes or flavors. When drinking alcoholic beverages, it is important to choose quality products. This applies to both vodka and liqueurs and wine.

Chronic alcoholism

The development of chronic alcoholism affects the functioning of all systems. A patient who drinks alcohol for a long time acquires characteristic external features. The shade of the face can be different: from crimson to purple.

The change in skin color in this case is caused not just by the constant expansion of capillaries, but also by the presence of a large number of burst, damaged small vessels.

Often in alcoholics you can see a network of purple vessels. It is often located in the nose area. This is due negative impact alcoholic drinks on the condition of subcutaneous vessels.

With regular consumption of alcohol, red blood cells - erythrocytes - stick together. These formations clog the lumens of small vessels. The permeability of blood and the ability of capillaries to recover deteriorates. Impaired blood flow causes fragility of blood vessels and their destruction. An increase in the number of damaged capillaries leads to the formation skin defect- a kind of vascular network.

In addition to problems with capillaries, chronic alcoholism causes swelling of the face and blue-gray circles under the eyes. This occurs due to the dehydrating and poisonous effect of alcohol and its effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Congenital intolerance

The presence of congenital intolerance is characterized by the occurrence of a specific reaction to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The latter is manifested by the rapid filling of the subcutaneous capillaries of the neck, face and shoulders with blood.

There is a feeling of warmth first, then heat. You can see the appearance of red pigmentation. They are localized in the head area (nose, ears), gradually spreading throughout the body. The heartbeat begins to increase and breathing becomes impaired.

The mechanism of the pathological process is due to disruption of the liver, and therefore the body does not utilize alcohol well. The result of this may be cancer pathologies, affecting the esophagus, stomach and liver.

Is it dangerous

In most situations, when the face turns red when drinking alcohol, the patient does not experience severe discomfort. After the cessation of the action of ethanol, the condition of the blood vessels returns to normal, returning to their previous color.

If you have a genetic intolerance to alcohol or a rejection reaction, you should think about the advisability of drinking alcoholic beverages. If you don't pay attention to your body's signals, the consequences can be quite serious.

Chronic alcoholism - common reason pathologies incompatible with life. You need to be especially careful if your fingers and toes begin to go numb, and you are constantly worried about tachycardia (that is, the heart beats faster). Revealing early signs diseases will allow you to begin the necessary therapy and remove constant discomfort from life.

If an unpleasant manifestation occurs once, then there is no particular reason for concern. Perhaps next time you need to pay attention to the quality of the drinks you purchase.

If your face is constantly reddened after drinking alcohol, you should consult a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medications. In a situation where chronic alcoholism develops, a visit to a narcologist is important. In any case, after the appearance of redness with feelings of obvious discomfort, you should help the body cope with the pathology. To do this, you can induce vomiting and ensure rest.

It must be remembered that facial redness is a deformation of the functioning of the capillaries. Failure to pay attention to such phenomena can cause heart disease. And this cannot be done without the help of a doctor.

Prevention and control of the problem

If your enzymatic function is weak, the optimal solution would be to give up drinking. Sometimes after drinking a small amount of alcohol a person feels unwell, his health deteriorates greatly, and signs of allergies appear. In this case, you should think not only about eliminating alcohol, but also eliminating other negative factors, smoking and poor diet.

To prevent facial redness after drinking, you should always remember the effect of strong drinks on internal organs, even in minimal quantities.

In addition, it is important to remember the main principles healthy image life:

  • eat quality food;
  • monitor your weight;
  • correctly correlate sleep and physical activity;
  • get rid of bad habits.