I don't take pills anymore. The lack of these products causes a headache. Too bad I didn't know about this sooner! I think it's better not to take pills at all unless it's really necessary.

All my adult life I do not take pills - I am afraid of them side effects. But one day I realized that it is very dangerous to completely refuse drugs.

Heroine: Natalia Zadorozhnaya, 35 years old

Expert: Alexey Goncharov, doctor general practice, Candidate of Medical Sciences

An anxious grandmother and a cautious mother

Since childhood, I have observed two diametrically opposed approaches to treatment. Grandma always drank potions and pills by the handful with every sneeze or tingle in her side. She did not have a first-aid kit at home, but a whole pharmacy: you open the locker, and there is nothing there. All her pockets and bags were full of medicines. Grandmother and grandfather were happy to feed them with pills.

But my mother treated herself and treated me mainly folk remedies. She said: “Why stuff the body with all kinds of chemicals, it will handle itself.” With a cold, mustard plasters were used, inhalations over hot steam with fir, herbal teas, honey, boiling, garlic and onion, rubbing, onion drops in the nose. high temperature knocked down by rubbing vodka or cold water, and I did drink antibiotics a couple of times in my life. If it hurt somewhere, my mother offered to lie down, drink water and be patient a little. Indeed, often the pain soon receded. In general, I rarely got sick.

One day it came out sideways

When I started working, I constantly began to hear colleagues exchanging different analgesics and discussing their properties. These conversations frightened me: people tried so many drugs on themselves! And I still don’t know what to drink “from the head”. My friend starts drinking every time she catches a cold antiviral drugs, syrups and even antibiotics. He says that the improvement comes already on the second day, you can not sit on sick leave. She sympathizes with people who in ancient times lived without medicine and suffered, making do with folk remedies. But I am sure that the body needs time to cope with infections and viruses on its own - this is how immunity strengthens. However, today no one has time.

Once I began to feel nauseous, gas formation increased, plus an ultrasound showed gallbladder several polyps at once, albeit harmless. From the gastroenterologist I came out with a list various drugs. I thought for a week whether to buy them or not. Unpleasant symptoms interfered with work, so I still bought the pills. I’ll drink a whole handful and feel like I’m making a terrible mistake, poisoning my body with chemicals and it’s not clear what else this will lead to. Suddenly it will only get worse ... And it got worse - a terrible allergy appeared, as it turned out, to one of the drugs. I had to take new medicines to cure the allergy from previous medicines. Through acquaintances, I found another gastroenterologist who said that I didn’t have to drink anything from the prescribed one! My prejudice against pills only got worse.

From extreme to extreme

I haven't taken any pills for almost three years. She caught a cold only two times: she rinsed her throat with a solution of soda and salt, and washed her nose sea ​​water. I endured mild pain during PMS, and happened discomfort in the intestines somehow passed by themselves.

But one day I got a stomach ache. At first, not much, tolerable. The next day I felt a stone inside. No teas, heating pads and self-massages helped. The pain was not felt only in the supine position, but as soon as I got up, it hurt terribly. As I took a step, I felt my entire body contract. It felt like I had a whole rock in my stomach. It became clear that it would not go away on its own. And what medicines to take, I did not know, there is nothing at home. I was afraid to go to the pharmacy and buy what they would advise. It was described on the Internet that there could be several reasons for such symptoms. My husband persuaded me to call an ambulance, but I was afraid that they would take me to the hospital - I don’t want to go there. It was a 10 minute walk to the clinic. Even though it was Saturday, I took medical policy and went.

With every step, the pain from my stomach pierced everything inside, I was already feverish and torn into a thousand pieces. I was hungry and pale. Never, never have I felt so bad.

The receptionist said that my house does not belong to this clinic. I said that in that case I would die right here and now. The woman got scared and took me to the doctor on duty. The doctor asked in detail how I eat, what I ate before these pains, then nodded her head meaningfully and said that I had a deficiency. exocrine function pancreas, which occurs with pancreatitis. She had at hand enzyme preparation. I drank two pills at once and stayed to lie down in the corridor on the couch. An hour later the pain was gone.

Listen to your body

Why did I suffer and suffer so much for three days, when all I had to do was drink the right pill! It is not yet known which negative consequences this stupidity could lead me.

Perhaps I was very lucky in life - I am not a often sick person. I think this is largely due to the fact that I trained my immunity without stuffing it extra medicines. I still try not to take pills when I feel that they are definitely not needed. Now I carefully listen to the body and understand when it is time to take advantage of the achievements of medicine. I understand that it is better to find the cause of certain symptoms and not start the problem without turning it into chronic form.

Among the types of headaches, migraine occupies one of the first places. This unpleasant disease occurs in every 5th person on the planet. Unfortunately, the factors of its occurrence have not been fully established.

Doctors note that migraines can appear as a result of frequent overwork, intense mental activity, stress, as well as due to heredity and hormonal disorders.

Nutrition is directly linked to the onset of migraine attacks. It has been proven that the lack of certain vitamins causes headaches 4 times more often. Here is a list of what you need to eat to feel 100%.

Migraine Products

  1. Folic acid and vitamin B12
    At first, the body without these elements experiences minor stress. The person becomes irritable and distracted. Prolonged lack of substances leads to more serious consequences. get enough folic acid can be from broccoli, spinach, asparagus, pumpkin, beets and avocados. And vitamin B12 is found in chicken eggs.
  2. copper and iron
    Women are most often affected by the lack of these elements. They get migraines, depression and lower blood pressure. To replenish the supply of copper in the body, you need to eat beans, nuts and goat cheese. But iron is found in seaweed, sesame, seeds, liver and greens.
  3. Vitamin B6
    To reduce headaches and nausea, you need to eat easily digestible food. The use of vitamin B6 is also effective. It is present in cereals, fresh vegetables, liver and beans.
  4. Vitamin D
    It was found that in people whose blood levels of vitamin D are reduced, headache attacks occur 20% more often. Therefore, eat more seafood, eggs, beans and dairy products. Also, go for walks more often. fresh air in good weather.

Proper nutrition, exercise and good rest can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

The question I think is clear.

I would say according to the situation, but I have nothing fundamentally against it.

Answer for normal person I think it's clear too :)
It is clear that if the state leaves a choice, then you can not drink.
If there is no choice, as well as something to lose, then drinking and treatment is a must!
And being in serious condition, not functioning and existing with difficulty - to refuse medicines FROM THE PRINCIPLE is not very smart, it is unlikely that the same "principled" person would refuse treatment, being in the same condition due to a "normal" illness ...

There is one more moment, for some of the exUSSRs, that is decisive.
The price of good psychotherapy is much more expensive than medicine.
For me, time was also a decisive factor - if the medicine gives an effect after some foreseeable period and you know that it helps, then I would rather take the medicine.
Here it is only necessary to clarify - antidepressants, but not tranquilizers! The latter only drive the problem inside, but do not cure.

And I agree with Ness - how can you not take medicine on principle?
If you, in your stage of depression, still have some principles, then it means not so bad for you: lol:

Sasha, and I’m from far abroad, but even here - the psychotherapy of such disorders - DOES NOT guarantee results (to put it mildly), but it guarantees at least two years of therapy and huge amounts of money spent (one visit costs 10 times more than blood pressure drugs for a month , and there can be several visits per week!).

Maybe when it didn’t “itch” and not for very many years - that’s the desire, the willingness to wait a few more, but personally 10 was enough for me ... And I want a child (I’m 31 now) not sometime later (and so I’ve been postponing for 6 years ), but in the real future. And also a career in the most interesting and responsible stage - my favorite specialty, how I want to become an excellent specialist! Now, and not "maybe, when it will probably be easier ..." This is self-deception - if a third of life does not pass, it means that the problem is still serious, isn't it, and something needs to be done. If everything that has been done before did not include drugs, you need to try them.
In the most difficult moments I was ready to sell my soul :twisted:, let alone take medicine! eight)

Medicines do not lead to anything good .... in the end you feel like a drug addict ... :01 Yes, and this will probably affect your health sometime ...


Friends, a high-quality strong 40-degree drink obtained by sublimation from beet sugar (variations are possible) can effectively replace many, if not all, synthesized chemicals. Any specialist will confirm this for you (of course, in a private conversation, since the official point of view is diametrically opposed due to the selfish interest of pharmaceutical corporations to receive super profits from the sale of their expensive drugs).

And so do I...I'm willing to live less if it depends on medication. But to live like this...

In my opinion, the question itself is incorrect. It's like asking if you should take flu medicine or not:04

Petrovich, treatment with a forty-degree product leads to the fact that it is necessary to be treated from the medicine itself. I had to. Just don't talk about "know how to" and all that. He himself was still a craftsman and had seen enough of other craftsmen.

Medications don't cure PA and Depra
They only cover the problem for a while
When taking Hell, a person becomes sleepy, mediocre, a little lazy, etc.
I do not believe that a person can fully live in AD
Work, rest
Doctors in hospitals put you on BP, and books written by PhDs clearly say BP should not be taken (unless you have suicidal thoughts or are unable to get out of bed)
What did drugs do to children who allegedly have ADD?
turned them into walking zombies!
I took the word of the doctors (who really just don’t care about my problems, they do everything according to the instructions) I tried blood pressure many times, nothing good came of it
And in general, you are taking drugs that play with your nervous system and your brains!
Glam, The setting is quite correct.
With the flu, you need to take medicine because you are physically sick!
And with PA and Depression, a person is physically absolutely healthy!

If the disease is not physical, then it is useless to treat it with drugs!

Not entirely true, unfortunately ... Despite the fact that the concept of "mental health" has very vague formulations, it still exists, and you can't get away from it. And no matter how beautifully we talk about the nature of neuroses, the fact remains that the human brain is an equal part of the body, and therefore, everything that happens in it to one degree or another has a physiological nature. With the same depression, signal transmission along the serotonin chain is clearly slowed down. BP in this case act as an amplifier. At a certain stage of treatment, this is REQUIRED, simply because the person in depressed state he is simply not able to adequately look at the problem and with each circle drives himself deeper and deeper. No, of course, in a significant part of cases, depression can be removed by non-drug methods - but this usually requires a person to DESIRE to move at least somehow. And such a desire is denied by the very nature of depression.

Or with the same PA. In a state of attack, a person simply CANNOT pull himself together and convince that everything is really in order. At least it cracks. Therefore, you must first feed him a tranquilizer so that the person stops being afraid of himself, and then carry out psychotherapy.

Another thing is that drugs are an exclusively temporary remedy and problems (here you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT) do not solve them by themselves. You can't live on drugs. Why, in fact, I made a comparison with the flu - we take an antibiotic (or what do they drink with the flu? Haven’t really had the flu for a hundred years: 04) in order to support an overloaded immune system at some point. Then the body will cope on its own, but without this support it can break down.

That is why I am talking about the incorrectness of the question - if we were talking about complex therapy, the medicines unambiguously to drink. If we are talking about drugs, as the only means of dealing with an ailment, definitely do not drink, because the ailment will not go away from this.

P.S. You know... your post made me think. Many chronic patients at a certain stage go through the stage of discrediting medicine. Firstly, because the quality of this medicine often leaves much to be desired, and secondly, because the patient's expectations are usually too high. And when a person runs into an indifferent or frankly incompetent specialist, or expects MIRACLES from medicine that do not happen and therefore they naturally do not come true, he begins to deny medicine in general. The mistake here is that the treatment of any disease requires efforts both on the part of the doctor and on the part of the patient - in the case of various diseases the degree of participation of both may vary, but even an operation performed by the most talented surgeon may be in vain if the patient does not comply with the regime rehabilitation therapy, skips procedures and so on:04

Therefore, I think it is most reasonable, on the one hand, not to neglect medicine and the means that it has at its disposal, but at the same time not to expect that kind doctor will solve all problems for you.


Here all people are interested and stand on their point of view. If I don't take pills - I'm against it, if I drink, it's natural
vice versa for. The psychology here is clear. Everyone in this moment is in his choice, which he defends. :04
I consider the poll empty, useless and even harmful, :15 for those who do not use drugs, and the discussion is useful only for a person who stands on the border of being healthy - sick ... and such people, as a rule, rarely appear here. :sixteen
And in general, these disputes lead to discord and misunderstanding of each other. They arouse feelings of guilt and irresponsibility both among those who drink and those who do not drink tabla ...., although somewhere they strengthen them in their positions. In short ... everything is relative and not unambiguous. Who drinks, and according to the survey, 70% of them - drink to your health ... and who doesn't drink - "he needs it" - (joke) :06

P.S. For example... Petrovich smokes cigars, :18
and drinks 40 - degree:04
and this is his choice:06

I'm not saying that I'm against drugs ... I'm drinking myself now ... and I'm afraid to get hooked ... but I'm tired of drowning fear with pills .... I still remember normal life... :04 ...

of course to drink .. because somehow there is a mood that the drugs will certainly help:16

Original von Ratt

And so do I...I'm willing to live less if it depends on medication. But to live like this...

I don’t know about the rest .... but living in a state of inhibition all your life is like oversleeping .... and then waking up and realizing ... that all these fears compared to the end of life ... are garbage.
I'm not saying that I'm against drugs... I'm drinking myself right now... and I'm afraid to get hooked... but I'm tired of drowning my fear with pills.... I still remember a normal life... :04 ...
Dear! So I lasted until the age of 49 without pills! I just started drinking pills, and I saw the light at the end of the tunnel! And at your age, I didn’t even think about treatment. What retardation are you talking about? Only, I think, many make a mistake, refusing treatment for a long time. So it was in my case. And what's good? All life is a struggle! With myself, with PA, with restrictions. I can probably be proud of myself that I held on for so long! Do I get a medal? No, I regret my own disregard for myself. You are not 30... And imagine your current problems with deterioration lasting another 20 years... How? Do not want to start treatment quickly? You still remember normal life, but I already forget. There is only one answer - you can live without AD - live. But don't miss your chance to heal. After 40 TR becomes chronic, it is already difficult to treat. And, by the way, AD-Velaksin-stv does not slow down everything, but adds color to life!

PsychoPrincess, God forbid that you get up without medication! We are only FOR!!! .. and if you reason like that, then probably not everything is as bad as it can be seen in your posts.

MY IMHO - if shown, then you NEED TO DRINK as early as possible, because as you know, you can’t stop time for a moment ... and living in the Hells, it’s still LIVING, and getting by with trunks and tinctures, exhausting yourself to exhaustion ... holding some brand...bring yourself to the state of ASS:21

I'm afraid to take pills - I don't like chemistry at all. I don’t like it when I don’t control myself (it’s funny, but I still earned PA). But if over time everything does not pass, I think we will have to take drastic measures.
E.Y. Yes, you are a hero, yes a medal is due. You can’t think that something was wrong and for such a long period of time, I’m sure that during this time there were a huge amount of colors with small gray spots - ...PA:190

I think so - a little discomfort with PA can be corrected in a healthy way life, sports, diets, psychotherapy. If PA is tormented, if phobias appear, then run to the doctor for pills. And everything else is in force-mode, proper nutrition, sport, psychoanalysis. I am an example of what indifference can bring (in my case, due to the ignorance of doctors 15 years ago), there is no need to repeat my path to seclusion, but without pills. It's stupid these days!


I have answered this question for the thirtieth time, no less.
For a year I tried to cope with Pa without tablets - yoga, acupuncture, psychoanalysis, infusions, psychics and other things, and so this year I got to know Pa in all its charms and now I can’t forget everything that happened. But if I immediately got a doctor and prescribed pills, I wouldn’t even know what an expanded Pa is, I have memory lapses, I wouldn’t hide under the covers, huddled up in a ball and would recover faster.
I have a friend, she started PA, there was numbness in her face and fear, in the second week she started drinking trunk, drank for a month and everything went away, a year later PA again, two weeks on the trunk and it all went away again.

Can you give me a hint?
I also started drinking tablets quite quickly after the first attacks. I drink 4 months. Maybe it's time for me, like your friend, to get off ... Something I'm completely confused. I don't have pa now. But a lot of other amenities climb in a bouquet. Depression, for example. What to do then?
I can't eat packs of pills anymore.

(3.7 MB)

The modern world, unfortunately, is arranged in such a way that makes almost all of us dependent from a number of things. This is the Internet, and shops, and a refrigerator from which we can take delicious prepared foods, and even a comfortable toilet or bath. Some of this is stupid and harmless, and some of it is a real danger. And the last category, of course, is the dependence on pills.

How civilization puts us on the hook and how we pay for it

Social programming has convinced most people that all they have to do is eat a little magic wheel and they will get rid of pain in the head, throat, joints or somewhere else. The pill creates the illusion of healing.

For example, we are used to taking analgin to remove headache. But if you read the annotation on the package, typed in small print, you will find a huge number of side effects - this is leukopenia, and a disorder of the blood formula, and Negative influence on the composition of our body as a whole. All in all, creepy stuff! It becomes clear that it would be better to let the head hurt and go by itself than to use such a pill.

The allergy medicine that a doctor sometimes prescribes to us is also distinguished by a lush “bouquet” of unwanted, but always possible effects. These drugs depress nervous system, and affect the blood formula, and cause changes in metabolism. And most importantly, almost all pills, passing through liver, harm it. Then their remains also go to kidneys and lead to harmful effects in the tender substance of these organs.

How pills cause necrosis of the liver and kidneys

Thus, with a one-time a large number drugs, or the constant use of small dosages - one, two, three tablets - a person slowly but surely develops liver dystrophy, which can then turn into fibrosis and, in rare cases, cirrhosis. A handful of the drug can easily cause necrotic damage to the liver and kidneys.

For example, you have a headache, high blood pressure. You decide to take two 140 milligrams of anaprilin and four analgin tablets. And since it’s also somehow hard on your soul, you drink it down with a glass of cognac, which, like any other alcohol, only strengthens side properties drugs (especially those affecting the nervous system). As a result, your blood pressure drops excessively, you faint, and in the process, you hit your liver. With a high degree of probability, you will wake up in intensive care with toxic hepatitis.

How does a pill kill beneficial flora and harden harmful ones?

Drugs that are designed to suppress inflammatory processes in our joints, to remove pain in the spine, neck, and so on. These are the so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and they are known for their toxic irritant effect on stomach tissue: can cause both gastritis and exacerbation peptic ulcer up to stomach bleeding.

If you think about it, a person who takes pills, on the one hand, quickly removes the symptoms of the disease, and on the other hand, does not eliminate its very cause. There are very few pills that uproot the disease. Let's say if you take some kind of soothing analgesic for a sore throat, then you do not get rid of the microbes that caused it. If you drink Biseptol or another, stronger antibiotic, you are in fact do nothing to strengthen immune system , pharyngeal ring Pirogov, lymphoid tissue throat. You stupidly flood the flora that has already developed with the preparation, and thereby make room for a new one. Moreover, for sure, some microbes will survive and will already be resistant to the drug, be it the same biseptol, sumamed or even azithromycin (by the way, one of the most powerful and therefore most often counterfeited drugs in Russia, which also has a huge range of negative side effects).

It should be understood that with every ailment, the body gives you the opportunity honestly fight for your health, compete with the disease. This is a signal from own body: "Master! Trouble, it's time to build up internal forces It's time to turn your attention to yourself and your problems.

The long-livers of Laos have a proverb: "Use illness as exercise". That is, any disease from this point of view is a beneficial test, which as a result is designed to make you stronger. And if you don’t “cormorant” and drink pills, but fight the disease yourself, strengthen your immunity with the help of hardening and other exercises, which we discuss in more detail in books and courses, you will not only recover, but also significantly help your internal organs. by making stronger than the kidney, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart and so on.

And healthy internal organs is the guarantee that in old age, you will still remain active and cheerful.

Write in the comments what pills you have been taking in the last six months.

The feeling of pain is an unpleasant thing, even if the pain is weak. But sometimes aching tooth causes much more suffering than a deep cut to the finger with a kitchen knife. And how good it would be to live without pain at all, to have nerve endings insensitive to it! But pain is necessary - even veterinarians are in no hurry to give painkillers to an injured animal.
Wordless, with its violent reaction to feeling, it will make it clear exactly in which place the injury is localized. And if the heart didn’t hurt, how would it warn us that right now it’s not worth doing physical labor, but we need to take a horizontal position, and at the same time a vasodilator medicine? By the way, there are literate people who, with chest pain characteristic of angina pectoris, manage to swallow an analgin tablet - they are sure that he will completely cope with a tingling heart.

Why is analgin dangerous?
Generally painkillers medications- one of the most popularhome first aid kit, and analgin is a king and a god among them. Migraine or teeth that are painful menstruation, heavy hangover - everything is "extinguished" by an inexpensive and familiar analgin. In addition, it is taken as an antipyretic. True, analgin does not eliminate the cause of the ailment, but only muffles the discomfort, but it is precisely because of these properties that it is in such great demand. Did you know that Russian pharmaceutical industry is one of the last bastions of resistance World Health Organization (WHO) that fights this generic drug.

WHO has long made a strong recommendation regarding analgin: its use should be as limited as possible. In the USA, Norway, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, this medicine was excluded from the pharmacopeia back in the 70s, and in general, its consumption was forcibly reduced in 34 countries. Our pharmacologists, of course, know that analgin causes serious side effects. It suppresses the function bone marrow, limiting it in the production of leukocytes - red blood cells that protect the body from infections. In high doses analgin can lead to death. But many women and girls who suffer from painful periods in " critical days"They simply revel in analgin, bringing its consumption to several packs every month! Analgin is cheaper than safer foreign products and can successfully compete with them. Only Russian pharmaceutical company ICN, according to the newspaper Vremya MN, sells 8,000 packs of analgin every week through its network of pharmacies! This, apparently, is the secret of our stubborn resistance to the alarming directives of WHO experts. True, now the instructions for the use of this medicine have been changed, but to be honest - who carefully studies the instructions for over-the-counter drugs? The same taste, the same analgin ...

Where can I get harmless medicine?
Analgin and his "brothers" act directly on the peripheral nervous system. Their task is to suppress pain where it manifested itself. There is another kind analgesics- drugs that eliminate pain through the brain. The fact is that the body itself releases painkillers - opiates. Narcotic analgesics are essentially artificial opiates that are added to natural ones to more effectively suppress unbearable pain- for example, whenoncological diseases. But here the body feels that opiates in huge number come from outside, and ceases to develop its own. Drug dependence occurs. The next dose of opiates did not arrive - withdrawal began. Such narcotic analgesics are known to be sold strictly by prescription. But you can also get used to an over-the-counter painkiller, if you do not treat your shaky health, but only eliminate pain symptoms. In principle, there are no harmless drugs - there are none among analgesics. Just some have a large number side effects, others less.

Two years ago, the Moscow publishing house "Kron-press" published a very useful book " The best medicines. Worst drugs." This is a collective work of American doctors - members of the US Consumer Protection Society. If you come across this guide, be sure to buy it. After all, according to statistics patients should refuse every fifth(!) of the drug he is prescribing just because there are safer alternative means that doctors may not know about or neglect. The book describes many of our popular medicines, including analgesics, from an unexpected side for the patient.

What is Nurofen?
But if analgin is so harmful, than, you ask, to replace it - which other is more safe drug? Of course, this should not be asked of us, but of the attending physician. We will only give an interesting example. A few years ago, Nurofen appeared in Russia - English pills that were advertised as a universal pain reliever with a minimum of side effects. One of the declared merits of Nurofen is the removal menstrual pain, it acts on hormone-like substances, causing pain in the uterus. Indeed, many women, having checked for themselves, began to atone for this by no means cheap medicine, which also helpsfrom a headache.

Let's reveal a secret that you will never learn in a pharmacy - guess for yourself why. Active substance nurofena - ibuprofen. And ibuprofen has been known in Russia for a long time and in pharmacies it costs literally a penny. Only as an anti-inflammatory agent is traditionally used more narrowly in rheumatology, for the treatment of diseased joints. The British, having learned about this our omission, hurried to sell us the same ibuprofen only under a different name and with “ special properties". By the way, there are many other imported over-the-counter drugs based on ibuprofen in pharmacies - there is a choice, you just need to enlist the support of a doctor.

How much does Panadol cost?
Another drug that copes well with pain and at the same time has a pronounced antipyretic effect with a minimum of side effects is paracetamol. The same story: he came to us under the trademark"Panadol" (by the way, nurofen manufacturers compete with panadol manufacturers), it is expensive. But, widely advertised, it replaced cheap domestic paracetamol in a modest package, but with exactly the same properties.

They say that the British buy paracetamol as a raw material in Kursk at the ICN enterprise and return it to us in the form of Panadol, which has increased in price tenfold.

Well, in general, you should not get too carried away with painkillers. In addition, experts do not recommend buying new items, except for those that have been on sale for at least five years: it happens that negative impact drugs appear much later than them clinical trials. When taking medicine for the first time, start with a small dose, even half a tablet - in case this is “your” dosage. If you can no longer do without analgesics (or other drugs), see a doctor: it is quite possible that you are developing a so-called drug dependence.
