When a dog can become pregnant while in heat. How many days does a pushover last. A few words about the sex education of the dog

People went to the dacha, took with them the thoroughbred pet of the family. The dog is in good health, there are no signs of "lady's malaise" at all. And it must happen, at the dacha a neighbor's dog popped in. Like animals were playing. And after a little over a month, after returning home, the owners realize with horror that their pet will soon become a mother. How is that? There was no stream. Let's talk about this in more detail. Can a dog get pregnant without estrus?

What is estrus

It is important to know what is " special days"for a dog and how long they last. Having understood this, it will become clear whether a dog can" fly "during this period or in its absence. Let's try to define the basic concepts. So, on average, a dog's estrus lasts 20-25 days. the onset varies from 6 to 12 months of the pet. What are the "subsections" of estrus:

  1. Proestrus, or the first stage. Its duration ranges from 1 to 10 days. At this time, you can see pink discharge from the loop.
  2. Estrus. The main stage. And it lasts from the 10th to the 20th day. It is at this time that gametes are formed and pregnancy is possible. What are the signs of estrus? The loop becomes soft, the discharge from it is yellowish. The bitch changes her behavior towards males. Flirts with them, pushes his tail in front of the male canine sex.
  3. Metaestrus. Lasts from 20th to 25th day. At this time, the bitch returns to her usual behavior, the loop hardens and the likelihood of pregnancy is extremely reduced. However (if ovulation occurs on these days), pregnancy on the 25th day of estrus may occur.

Hidden estrus

What is this? Ordinary estrus, only without pronounced signs... This happens in doggy world... At the same time, hidden estrus is not displayed on the behavior of the bitch. The animal behaves in the same way as usual, does not suffer from loss of appetite, as it sometimes happens with habitual estrus.

Approaching the answer to the question of whether a dog can become pregnant without estrus, one should take into account just these very hidden " critical days"at the pet. And the most important thing is that the owner, especially a beginner, will not notice them. Determine similar view Only a male dog is capable of "red days of the calendar" for a friend.

Split estrus

If the pet seems to have started something similar to estrus, and stopped after a few days, then this may indicate a split estrus. This type is caused by stress, any injuries, a trip to a dog or weather drastic changes... Can a dog get pregnant without estrus, or rather with such a passage? Yes, it can. Because split estrus is not its absence, so the animal is quite capable of starting to tune its body to bear puppies.

Prolonged estrus

And there is also such a subspecies of "red days" in bitches. Such estrus is dangerous because, most likely, the pet has started inflammation of the ovaries, and the body is hormonal imbalance... In this case, it is undesirable for the owner to hesitate to visit veterinarian.

Her complete absence

Could it be that estrus was, and then abruptly disappeared? Unlikely. Most likely, the dog has entered a stage where heat is hidden. But an examination by a specialist is a good idea to carry out in such a situation.

Pregnancy out of heat

We have considered all its types. And gradually we come to the most important issue that so often worries dog owners. Can a dog get pregnant without estrus? The obvious answer is no. Just as a woman cannot conceive in the absence of critical days, so a dog cannot please the owner with puppies if she does not have "estrus".

Moreover, a bitch without estrus will never allow a dog to come to her just as a sexual partner. To play and communicate in your own canine language is welcome. Allowed myself something more - got a slap in the face. Even on last stage The bitch is no longer interested in estrus, to say nothing of her absence. Therefore, when they say that someone's dog brought puppies, but she was not in heat, this is not true. Either the owners did not see its manifestation, or the estrus was hidden.

How to protect a bitch from unwanted pregnancy

There is nothing complicated about it. If the owner and his pet live in the city, do not let go of the leash on walks at this time. Even in fields and forests, where the chances of meeting another dog are minimal.

The second point: if a dog and a bitch live in the family, then for the period of heat "ladies", they need to be kept in different rooms. This is difficult, especially in a city apartment. But these are basic precautions to avoid unwanted mating.

For those who live in the private sector, it is advisable to take your pet into the house during the "red days". This is if she lives on the street. Otherwise, the line of males in the yard will be like in Soviet time for the sausage.


We have considered possible options passing heat and bitches. Got an answer to the question of whether a dog can become pregnant without estrus. As it became clear, this is impossible. Ovulation is required for pregnancy. Where does it come from if "critical days" are safely absent? The pet is able to become pregnant during latent heat. But hidden heat is not its absence.

What is the likelihood that the bitch got pregnant during the first mating? Before that, the dog was still a girl! Thanks.


As a rule, the process of mating in animals takes place without the intervention of the owners. To meet the dogs with guaranteed result, you need to create suitable conditions... If you become the owner of a breeding breed selected for breeding, you will have to consider a number of factors before mating a bitch with a male suitable by all measures. It takes into account, for example, the cycle, the size of the dogs, weight and even age.

Typically, a bitch reaches puberty when she reaches twenty months of age. The heat comes earlier, at six to nine months, but in early period knitting a dog is not recommended. This will harm the dog, and will pose the risk of giving birth to puppies with poor health. Best period for mating - from 11 to 15 days from the beginning of estrus.

Heat phases and appropriate mating times

There are four stages of the female's sexual cycle:

  1. Proestrus (first phase). The external genitals of the animal swell, appear bleeding... The process is due to the increased blood supply to the uterus. This is not a good time for mating, the dog does not admit the males, only looking closely at the males. The period lasts 7-10 days.
  2. Estrus (second phase). Counts the right time for mating. The discharge of the bitch becomes transparent, the vulva swells greatly, the dog freezes and becomes in a special position, indicating its readiness to mate. The estrus period lasts 4-12 days. At the indicated time, eggs from the ovaries pass into the uterus, capable of fertilization within two full days after the onset of the second phase of estrus. The period is considered favorable, the eggs remain capable of ovulation for a number of days after leaving the ovaries.
  3. Mentestrus (third phase). In the final period, the "love ardor" of the animal decreases, no discharge is observed, the size of the loop decreases. Males will no longer be able to approach the resisting bitch. If the animal does not become pregnant, the dog's body “calms down”.
  4. Anestrus (fourth phase). It is considered the time of sexual rest and lasts until the new initial phase of estrus.

To accurately determine the phase of estrus, it is possible to use laboratory methods, for example, by taking tests. Exploratory survey will allow you to know exactly when to take the bitch to a potential partner, chosen in advance.

Sometimes there come times when the owners of four-legged friends are perplexed, why the dog didn't get pregnant even after mating. Pet illness is often blamed. The delusion is wrong. As a rule, failure occurs due to the wrong choice of mating time or ignorance of the method to correctly and accurately determine the appropriate phase.

How to prepare for mating

Before knitting dogs, it is required to ensure that the dogs are starving. Animals are walking in neutral territory. When the female and male run around and get to know each other, it is possible to take the bitch to the male's territory, where the male remains the owner, and the girlfriend will remain obedient and calm in a foreign area. If the animals decide to mate right during the meeting, do not interfere with the process.

Once in the male's territory, the bitch must let the suitor in. If the mating day is chosen correctly, the act of love was successful, the dog will begin a puberty period lasting about two months. When half of the term comes, the dog becomes unhurried, calm. After 1 - 1.5 weeks, an increased volume of the abdomen is noticeable. Now you need to provide a calm environment and feed your dog well with healthy food.

It is recommended to closely monitor the condition of the animal. When there is little time left before childbirth, signs will appear: swollen mammary glands and the appearance of milk, elevated temperature body, decreased appetite, or complete refusal from food. At this time, it is worth paying more attention to the bitch, expecting the early birth of cubs.

Pregnancy in a dog is the period during which a fertilized egg develops into a puppy, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth.

Signs of pregnancy in dogs

Many owners ask the question what are the signs of pregnancy in a dog.

There are no early signs of pregnancy in the dog. At this time, it is impossible to understand whether the bitch will have puppies, neither by probing, nor by appearance.

The first signs of pregnancy in a dog after mating do not concern physical condition, and behavior. The dog can become more calm, affectionate, sometimes showing signs of ill health.

Signs of pregnancy in a dog most often appear 21 to 22 days after mating. At this time, if you know where to look, you can feel for small lumps on both sides of the abdomen. These lumps are palpable until the 35th day, and later become soft, so that they can be difficult to palpate. But by this time, signs of pregnancy include an enlarged belly.

By the 4th - 5th week, signs of pregnancy in the dog include thickening on the sides, the trunk is rounded. But sometimes these signs of pregnancy in a dog are visible only at the 7th week.

During the 5th week, an increase in the nipples is added to the signs of pregnancy in the dog, and at the 6th week, if the bitch lies on its side, the puppies are felt in the horns of the uterus. A sign of pregnancy in a dog at 7 weeks is a significant increase in the mammary glands. On last week a sagging belly is added to the signs of pregnancy.

One of the surest signs of pregnancy in a dog is wiggling puppies.

How to determine if a dog is pregnant at home

You can determine the pregnancy of dogs at home by the following symptoms:

  1. Appetite changes (in mid-pregnancy, the dog usually loses its appetite).
  2. Discharge from the vulva (4th week of pregnancy).
  3. Decreased dog activity level.
  4. Enlargement of the dog's belly.
  5. Enlargement of the dog's nipples.

How else can you tell if your dog is pregnant? There are additional ways:

  1. Pregnancy test. However, keep in mind that a human pregnancy test will not help determine if a dog is pregnant.
  2. Veterinarian examination. As a rule, if the dog is more than 25 days pregnant, the puppies' heartbeats can already be heard through the stethoscope.
  3. Ultrasound and X-ray.
  4. Relaxin test is a hormone, the level of which is very high in the blood of a dog during pregnancy.

Dog pregnancy by day and week

The detailed course of a dog's pregnancy by day and week can be tracked in the following table.


The course of a dog's pregnancy by day and week

First mating.

V the fallopian tubes sperm enter.

Fertilization of oocytes. The behavior of the dog does not change, as well as the conditions of detention. However, make sure that there is no overheating and dehydration.

5 - 11 days

Fertilized eggs are covered with the so-called. "Three germinal membranes".

12-14 days

Embryos enter the uterus. At this point, the size of the embryos can reach 0.6 mm.

The nipples of the bitch slightly increase and turn pink, the coat on the belly begins to thin.

Placenta formation. Pregnancy in a dog can be diagnosed - an ultrasound scan makes it possible to notice the fruit membranes.

Hormonal changes can cause loss of appetite and nausea in the dog. Lethargy is sometimes observed, Bad mood... It is best to start feeding your dog more often, but reduce the portion size.

The best time for an ultrasound scan.

From now on, introduce restrictions physical activity dogs so that the embryos are not injured.

The process of "calcification" of the jaws and skull continues, so calcium is added to the dog's diet.

The beginning of the second half of pregnancy. Embryos are already called fruits. Their weight at this moment is equal to 20% of the puppy's weight at birth.

The bitch's behavior changes: she becomes more sensitive and quiet. The abdomen is enlarged.

The bitch's appetite increases. It is necessary to increase the daily ration of the dog by 10%, feed future mother 3 times a day. However, do not overfeed your dog.

Puppies are palpated on palpation. Increase your dog's diet by 15 to 20% over the normal amount. The number of feedings reaches 5 times a day. The dog's mammary glands become enlarged and hair may fall out around the nipples (but not necessarily). Don't let your dog jump, jump and run.

The abdomen has noticeably increased in size. The dog behaves restlessly, looking for a secluded place for a nest. Start accustoming the bitch to the place where the birth will take place.

Stirring of the puppies is noticeable. The size of the fetus is 75% of the weight of a newborn puppy. The amount of the dog's diet is increased by 25-50% compared to the usual one.

Milk drops occasionally appear from the nipples, but not in all dogs.

52 - 54 days

Remove calcium from your dog's diet.

If you press the bitch's nipple, milk appears.

Start equipping your dog's birthing area. Your dog can start giving birth at any time. Measure the bitch temperature in the morning, afternoon and evening. If the temperature drops sharply, then the dog will give birth within 24 hours.

Typically, 24 to 12 hours before giving birth, the dog refuses to eat, but some dogs eat heavily before giving birth.

64 - 65 days

Approximate time of delivery (time range - from 57 to 69 days). Hormonal changes cause uterine contractions and puppies.

Pregnancy period in dogs

Many owners are concerned about the question of how long a dog is pregnant.

Normally, the gestation period for puppies in dogs is 63 days (gestational age in dogs small breeds 60 days on average). However, if a dog is between 53 and 71 days pregnant, the puppies are born viable.

If the puppies are not born after 71 days, the dog probably got pregnant later than you think.

Dog pregnancy calendar

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the detailed pregnancy calendar for dogs to determine the approximate date of birth, focusing on the day of mating.

Ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy

An ultrasound scan of the dog is often done during pregnancy. Ultrasound is optimal method diagnosis of pregnancy in a dog.

An ultrasound scan of a dog during pregnancy can be performed from the 15th day after mating, however optimal time for ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy - 24 - 28th day. It is at this time that the heartbeat of future puppies can be detected.

Ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy makes it possible to assess the condition of the fetus by observing their movements, heartbeat, etc. You can determine the size of the puppies, the approximate age. And on the 28th day, the ultrasound gives an accuracy of 99.3% in determining whether a dog is pregnant.

But it is difficult to accurately determine the number of future puppies using ultrasound.

Discharge in a dog during pregnancy

After mating, the dog should stop in heat, but there are times when the dog has discharge during pregnancy.

If your dog's discharge during pregnancy is not too heavy, light pink or clear, this is normal.

Also, on the 21st day of pregnancy, dogs have clear, watery discharge after urinating - this is also normal. A clot of mucus can hang from the noose or gum up the coat under the tail. If the bitch is not washed, the discharge may form a brown or caramelized crust. Sometimes black or greenish clots come out with mucus - these are embryos that died at the beginning of development.

If the discharge from a dog during pregnancy (3-4 weeks) is bloody, bright red, this is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. There may be several reasons for such discharge, but it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan so that rupture of the uterus is excluded.

If the discharge from the dog during pregnancy (at any time) is dark green, with a sharp putrid smell, this may indicate the death of the fetus or detachment of the placenta. Don't wait - take the bitch to the vet as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk losing not only all the puppies, but also the dog!

1 - 2 days before giving birth, the dog has a discharge of a light brown, greenish or whitish hue - this is also normal and signals the approach of labor.

Termination of pregnancy in dogs

Sometimes an unscheduled mating occurs, and the owner asks the veterinarian to ask if it is possible to terminate the dog's pregnancy.

So, is it possible to terminate a pregnancy in a dog and how to terminate a pregnancy in a dog?

Early termination of pregnancy in a dog is possible by using hormonal drugs that prevent the implantation of fertilized eggs into the walls of the uterus. Such termination of pregnancy in a dog occurs within 7 days after using the drug.

After the termination of the pregnancy in the dog, it is necessary to consult the veterinarian again to confirm the abortion using an ultrasound scan.

Another option for terminating a pregnancy in a dog is surgery, implying the removal of the uterus with fetuses.

False pregnancy in a dog

Many owners confuse a false pregnancy with a failed one. What false pregnancy the dog? A false pregnancy is a physiological condition of a dog that, without being mated, exhibits all the symptoms of pregnancy.

False pregnancy symptoms in dogs resemble those of a real pregnancy. The dog prepares the nest, experiences something akin to labor pains, can treat toys as if they were puppies.

Many owners are wondering: if the dog has a false pregnancy, what to do? First of all, you should contact your veterinarian - you may need to give the dog sedatives to help the animal return to normal.

Sometimes a false pregnancy in a dog indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus, and this already requires serious treatment.

Sometimes it happens that about a month after the mating of the bitch, the puppies "dissolve", although the signs of pregnancy in the dog do not disappear. This phenomenon is called a "failed" pregnancy and should not be confused with a false pregnancy. False pregnancy in a dog is a condition where signs of pregnancy and childbirth appear in a dog that has not been mated.

Toxicosis in a dog during pregnancy

Toxicosis in a dog during pregnancy can manifest itself in mild form during the 3rd - 4th week if the bitch is pregnant for the first time. Toxicosis in a dog during pregnancy lasts 2 to 3 weeks and poses no danger to either the dog or the puppies. Signs of toxicosis in a dog during pregnancy: poor appetite, food selectivity, vomiting of white foam in the morning.

Milk from a dog without pregnancy

Milk in a dog without pregnancy may appear 2 months after estrus. The appearance of milk in a dog without pregnancy is a sign of a false pregnancy.

The animal in the house is a big responsibility. You need not just love him, you need to look after and take care of him. And if you get a bitch, you must understand what will happen to her as she develops and matures. One of the moments is the onset of the first heat. We will talk about this and much more in our article.

How to tell if a dog is in heat (puddle)?

Techka is a natural inevitable natural process. So think a few times before you take a bitch. So how can you tell if your dog is in heat?

The first comes from six to twelve months, but for some reason it can start at two years old. As a rule, after all milk teeth have changed. The first molt is also a harbinger of the onset of a puddle. If she did not appear on time, you need to contact the veterinarian, this may indicate hormonal disruption or signal another ailment. It takes place twice a year, if more often - alarming sign... In healthy bitches, the emptying period is twenty days, plus one or two days.

You see how serious this is, so when a girl puppy is unknowingly brought in, the first piddler causes panic and fear. In our article we will talk about this in detail.


The first thing you unwittingly notice is the swelling of the loop (vulva). And only then the following signs appear:

  1. The dog starts urinating more often.
  2. Blood is released from the loop, droplets of which are visible on the floor. Moreover, they are dark in color at the beginning.
  3. Taking out to the street, you will notice an increased interest of the males in your bitch.
  4. The flow may be accompanied by molting.
  5. The pet's appetite improves.
  6. Anxiety sometimes arises.
  7. Drooling appears.
  8. Pupils may dilate.

With the first heat, the character of the dog changes. Big bitches become aggressive, stop following commands, bark a lot, small ones, on the contrary, become more cheerful and agile. This applies, for example, to the tax.

Another sign when you notice that your dog is constantly licking the vagina is the onset of estrus.

Highly important point, in the first heat, the dog should not become pregnant. Therefore, when walking the bitch, keep her on a leash. She will in every possible way attract males, take a certain pose, raise her tail. Only you can save her from unwanted conception. We now know how to determine when a dog is in heat.

Signs of the first puddle and duration

The exact number of days cannot be determined. You can ask the owners of the pet's mother how long her first estrus lasted. As a rule, these physiological features passed on to puppies by inheritance.

The first heat will be the fastest. Sometimes it can be accompanied by a very small amount of bloody discharge and the absolute indifference of males to the bitch's pushover. The process can also be hidden. According to veterinarians, it can start quickly and end as well. Ovulation does not occur in this case. But this applies to the first puddle, you need to carefully prepare for the next.

Monitor the physiological condition of the dog

As heat begins, the bitch curls her tail to facilitate the mating process known as "flagging". This standing can be provoked by intensively scratching the vulva. If the hind legs press down and freeze, the tail will move away, a muscle wave-like contraction will pass along the back, which means that the bitch is flags.

It is now becoming clearer how to identify estrus in dogs. In this difficult period, you need to show special care and attention to your pet.

How to tell when a dog is in heat?

We already know that it takes place twice a year, with an interval of six months. This will help determine the day of your next estrus. Do not worry if the time interval between estrus is 4-8 months, it is different for all dogs. It usually lasts three to four weeks.

How does estrus happen in stages

Consider the stages:

  1. Proestrus. (Forerunner from 7-10 days). The dog has already begun bloody issues... Special hygienic pants are on sale, for all breeds, for every taste, they will insure the pet against unwanted pregnancy, and infections and will help keep the house clean.
  2. Estrus. (Hunting from 4-12 days). The discharge becomes pale, or disappears altogether. At this point, the bitch is ready to mate. If you plan to acquire offspring, it must be mated with a male on the second, third day from the beginning of the cycle, it turns out on the 10th, 11th day. This is ovulation - the egg is released from the ovary.
  3. Metaestrus. From 17-22 days. Allocations are being downloaded. The swollen loop decreases, the dog comes to its usual state of sexual rest, drives away the males.
  4. Anestrus. The recovery period of the animal.

Let's look at an example of a photo, how to determine estrus in a dog.

Forerunner period

We figured out how to determine the onset of estrus in dogs, let's talk about the initial stage. The bitch's behavior changes. She is easily excitable, restless. Stops for a long time in places where males leave marks, marking the territory with urine. He can jump on males, play with his tail, but at the same time, growls and bounces, and then comes back again. It's not time for mating yet. At the initial stage, the pet does not admit the males, because the uterus is not yet ready for fertilization, and she does not see the point in mating. But when the blood spots are replaced by thick mucous clots of beige color, then the time has come.

Mating readiness

We've learned when and how to spot first heat in dogs. Let's move on to the next step. So, best time for mating on days 9-17, and for some bitches on the 21st day. As soon as the discharge becomes transparent or disappears, you can start knitting. Some dogs are almost never in heat, so they can be brought down as soon as the loop swells.

Stage Three

We will now learn how to determine the end of estrus in dogs. At this stage, the natural processes in the uterus begin to recover. This period is 60 to 105 days, the bitch will chase away the males. After the first heat, there may be an increase in the sternum and loop. There is no blood in the third stage. The genitals return to their previous appearance, and the level of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone) increases in the body, which will be at the time of pregnancy and in its absence. At this time, a false pregnancy may occur. This is when fertilization after mating did not happen, but mental and physiological disorders occur.

The dog will behave like a pregnant dog. Look for a secluded place, raking up warm master's things. Place in a nest Stuffed Toys... Moreover, her nipples may swell, from which milk will even be released. In this case, the owners need to take care of the end of lactation. To do this, you should limit drinking, portions of food, exclude dry food and visit more fresh air, trying in every possible way to distract the pet from the "nest" and false motherhood.

Final fourth stage

We already know how to tell if a dog is out of heat, move on to the last stage... The stage of absolute sexual rest. Lasts 100-150 days. A healthy pet takes place twice a year, for example, in late summer and mid-winter. In case of any deviations, you must seek help from a specialist. So, we figured out how to identify estrus in dogs.

How should you handle your dog during estrus?

We have learned how to determine the estrus in a dog, now we will once again summarize what needs to be done in this difficult period. You need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. When going outside, keep your pet on a leash.
  2. Keep dogs away from her.
  3. Avoid places with many dogs.
  4. Do your best to prevent the bitch from catching an infection or getting overcooled.
  5. It is forbidden to swim in public water bodies.

For cleanliness in the house, use special hygienic pants, which must be of high quality, not have rough seams. Make sure that they do not squeeze the abdomen and genitals. It is very important to check for rubber bands that may chafe or cut. If the dog has a tail, make sure that there is a special hole in them. The fabric should be waterproof. Cynologists say that it is better if the dog itself licks the blood during the puddle. It is beneficial for physical and mental health. If you follow this difficult path, then remove all the carpets in the house.

As the pet ages, the number of leaks and their duration will also decrease. But it should be borne in mind that even in old age, when knitting, there is a very high probability of getting pregnant.

Despite the fact that during this period their appetite increases, it is strictly forbidden to overfeed the animal. It is also necessary to reduce locomotor activity, do not let your pet go over high obstacles. When meeting a persistent dog, it is better to take the female to safe place... And in no case scold for frequent urination, this is nature against which you can do nothing. And yet, it is not worth teaching the dog new commands during this period.

Can I get vaccinated during estrus?

Definitely not. An animal is vaccinated at a young age. Vaccination is done only healthy dog... Heat is not a disease, but changes are definitely taking place in the body. If the vaccination period coincides with the empty period, it is better to postpone this moment. You can vaccinate a bitch after estrus. And not immediately, but after a certain number of days. A better vaccination do it before estrus, well before it occurs, otherwise it will be ineffective and can be harmful.

Is it possible to worm a dog during estrus?

This procedure must be performed twice a year, two weeks before the start of the emptying. Moreover, if you decide to knit a pet. The procedure will be effective and will not harm your health.

How to properly bathe an animal during estrus?

Of course, hygiene is essential to prevent the dog from catching an infection. But you should be careful here. You cannot swim in open bodies of water, rivers and lakes. The animal can receive inflammatory process... Coming from a walk, it is not at all necessary to completely wash the dog, you can rinse the paws in the bath. After water treatments make sure that the animal does not sit on the cold floor.

Can sterilization be done while in heat?

In general, this is a sensitive and delicate question for every dog ​​owner. This operation can be carried out during a puddle, but it is not desirable. It is carried out in two ways:

  1. By ligating the tubes. The flow continues, it will be possible to knit, but fertilization will not occur.
  2. Removal of the ovaries. This method not only eliminates the likelihood of pregnancy, but also the heat itself.

As a rule, this operation is resorted to in case of a disease of the genital organs of a pet, it is possible to stop the development of breast cancer and uterine tumors. Sterilization is carried out during pregnancy, but in fact early date, but with a false one, this cannot be done.

Thus, sterilization can save the life of the animal and, of course, save the owners from unnecessary trouble. But if the bitch is healthy and suitable for reproduction, finding a suitable male and mating is the right decision.

So, we learned when the first estrus begins in dogs, how it proceeds, stages and signs. The main thing is not to panic. It is better to prepare in advance, read the necessary information and follow the rules for care and maintenance during this difficult period for both the bitch and the owners. You need to be patient, not get angry, because the animal is not to blame that this natural process irreversible in his life.

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