What diseases lead to personality changes. What is personality change, personality disorder. Characteristic signs of individual pathologies

Organic disorder personality (psychopathy) - personal and behavioral changes that arise as a result of damage to the structure of the brain.

Organic personality and behavior disorder is a collective concept. It may be a residual phenomenon after past illness or condition (for example, after a traumatic brain injury), and concomitant violation for disease, dysfunction or damage to the brain (AIDS encephalopathy).

Why does it occur

The causes of organic personality disorder are varied and may include:

  • severe and repeated traumatic brain injuries;
  • infectious brain damage of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature (neuroinfection): herpetic encephalitis, encephalopathy developing as a result of AIDS;
  • vascular damage to the brain that occurs against the background of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension;
  • long-term alcohol abuse, psychoactive substances(hallucinogens, psychostimulants);
  • a brain tumor;
  • autoimmune diseases ( multiple sclerosis);
  • diseases accompanied by convulsive seizures (the most common is epilepsy) - the more often they occur seizures, especially generalized ones, and also than longer person suffers from this disorder, the more pronounced the personality changes will be.

All these diseases, especially if a person suffered from them in a severe form, can leave an indelible mark on his personality. Failure to seek medical help in a timely manner or failure to comply with doctor’s recommendations can lead to irreversible changes in the human brain and the development of organic psychopathy.

Sometimes when questioning the patient, studying medical documentation Several diseases can be found that can cause atrophic changes in the cerebral cortex (repeated traumatic brain injuries in combination with prolonged alcoholism and previous neuroinfection). If the patient is found to have acquired personality disorders, then a diagnosis of organic personality disorder due to mixed diseases is made.


Organic psychopathy is diagnosed if the following signs are present:

  • a significant, irreversible change in behavior in comparison with the pre-morbid state, which manifests itself primarily in the sphere of emotions, drives, needs, planning and anticipation of the consequences of one’s actions both for oneself and for society;
  • a significant decrease in the ability to perform purposeful activities, especially those that require a significant investment of time and effort to achieve the goal;
  • emotional instability with short-term bouts of anger, aggression, arising at the slightest provocation or without, apathy may also be observed, or, conversely, apathy;
  • decreased cognitive activity;
  • viscosity, thoroughness of thinking;
  • violations of sexual behavior (decrease or increase in sexuality, various sexual perversions);
  • suspicion, appearance crazy ideas, mainly relationships.

These symptoms of organic personality disorder must be observed for a long time, at least for six months. This diagnosis set if 2 or more of the above signs are present.

Can also be carried out additional research. At psychological research Using the Schulte table and the Wechsler method, a decrease in attention, intelligence, and memory is noted. An electroencephalogram reveals diffuse changes, magnetic resonance imaging helps determine atrophic changes in the brain.

Characteristic signs of individual pathologies

With organic psychopathy, other symptoms may be present, depending on the nature of the underlying disease.

Vascular diseases of the brain are characterized by asthenic signs - increased mental and physical exhaustion, an increase in the threshold of sensitivity to various stimuli, and tearfulness may appear. In addition, emotional instability, increased anxiety, depressive symptoms, hypochondriacal manifestations.

Not only vascular diseases are manifested by exhaustion and irritability, this is also characteristic of infectious and traumatic processes. Such people do not tolerate heat and stuffiness well, and may complain of frequent headaches and high weather sensitivity.

: what kind of pathology is this, is it treatable?

Patients suffering from epilepsy for a long time are characterized by such personal qualities as egocentrism, a combination of exaggerated politeness and rancor. Such people are pedantic, scrupulous, and often experience dysphoria (attacks of angry and melancholy mood) and unexpected outbursts of anger.

In the later stages of alcoholism, encephalopathy occurs and alcohol degradation personality. Patients with this pathology become irresponsible, unnecessary, and can commit immoral acts. The most important need for them is the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Experienced alcoholics stop taking care of their family, without remorse they spend money earned by their wife, parents, children on alcoholic beverages, and they can take things out of the house and sell them.

Organic personality disorder can be layered with a congenital character abnormality called. In this case, there is a further sharpening of the inherent features of this psychopathy, and organic signs are added.

Features of treatment

Organic personality disorder is an irreversible pathology. It is impossible to return a person to a pre-illness state.

The main goal of treatment is to normalize a person’s emotional state, help him adapt, and control his emotions and desires.

The following medications may be used to treat organic personality disorder:

  • if you have crazy ideas, aggressive behavior, psychomotor agitation, antipsychotics are indicated - aminazine, tizercin, triftazine;
  • to cope with increased anxiety, anti-anxiety drugs (tranquilizers) are prescribed - phenazepam, diazepam, lorazepam;
  • to improve brain functions, maintain cognitive processes, improve metabolism in the brain, nootropics can be prescribed - piracetam, nootropil, glutamic acid, cerebrolysin;
  • if symptoms of depression are present, antidepressants (amitriptyline, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine) may be prescribed;
  • To reduce irritability and dysphoria, mood stabilizers (mood stabilizers) can be used - lithium, lamotrigine, carbamazepine. These drugs also have anticonvulsant activity, so they are used to reduce the frequency of occurrence (and, if possible, completely eliminate) seizures.

It is necessary to combine treatment of organic personality disorder with treatment of the underlying disease (if possible). Without this, even despite treatment, personality changes may progress.

PERSISTENT PERSONALITY CHANGES NOT RELATED TO BRAIN DAMAGE OR DISEASE- a number of clinically important conditions, behavioral types that tend to be stable and are an expression of the characteristics of an individual’s lifestyle and way of relating to oneself and others. Some of these conditions and behaviors occur early in the process individual development as a result of the influence of constitutional factors and social experience, while others are acquired later.


Severe long-term condition, extreme environmental conditions, serious mental disorders.

Character traits

They represent either excessive or significant deviations from the lifestyle of an ordinary, “average” individual with the peculiarities of perception, thinking, feeling and especially interpersonal relationships characteristic of him in a given culture. They are often, but not always, associated with varying degrees of subjective distress and impaired social functioning and productivity. Personality changes are usually acquired during adult life. Personality disorders divided into groups characteristic features, corresponding to the most common and noticeable behavioral manifestations. Cultural and regional characteristics of the manifestations of personality states are important, but specific knowledge in this area is not yet sufficient.

PERMANENT CHANGE IN PERSONALITY AFTER EXPERIENCE OF A DISASTER- delayed and/or protracted mental reaction to a stressful event of a threatening or catastrophic nature.


Man-made and natural disasters, terrorist attacks, rape, witnessing violent death, suffering extreme situation(imprisonment, torture).


Prolonged experience stressful situation leads to a revision of the main life positions individual. The autonomic nervous system is involved in the process. Thinking and features are being rebuilt emotional response.


Long-term course (at least 6 months). Re-experiencing the trauma in the form of flashbacks, dreams, accompanied by feelings of emotional dullness, alienation from other people, anhedonia, and avoidance of activities reminiscent of the trauma. Outbursts of anger or fear. Autonomic instability, sleep disturbance. Frequent use alcohol and drugs.


Medical history, consultation with a psychologist, psychological testing.


Psychotherapy, tranquilizers with sedative effect, nootropics.

PERMANENT PERSONALITY CHANGE AFTER MENTAL ILLNESS- psychopathic-like state - a personality change similar to psychopathy that occurs after a mental illness (for example, after an attack of schizophrenia).


The presence of pronounced and persistent changes in the individual’s perception, thinking and attitude towards himself and others. Personality changes, rigidity and inappropriate behavior, dependence on others (in the form of passive acceptance or expectation that others will take responsibility for his life, refusal to make decisions regarding important areas of activity or his own future), social isolation due to non-delusional beliefs, feelings of personal change or stigmatization as a result of illness . Passivity, decreased interest in previous activities free time(increases social isolation), changes in self-perception, hypochondriacal attitude, frequent requests for psychiatric and other medical help. Personality changes have been observed for at least two years and do not represent a manifestation of another mental disorder, as well as organic brain pathology.


Long-term (lifelong) psychotherapy.

Reading time: 3 min

Organic personality disorder is a persistent disorder of the brain caused by illness or injury that causes a significant change in the patient's behavior. This condition is marked by mental exhaustion and decreased mental functions. Disorders are found in childhood and are able to remind themselves throughout life. The course of the disease depends on age and critical periods are considered dangerous: puberty and menopause. Under favorable conditions, stable compensation of the individual can occur with saving of working ability, and if this occurs negative impacts(organic disorders, infectious diseases, emotional stress), there is a high probability of decompensation with pronounced psychopathic manifestations.

In general, the disease has a chronic course, and in some cases it progresses and leads to social maladjustment. By providing appropriate treatment, the patient's condition may improve. Often patients avoid treatment without recognizing the fact of the disease.

Causes of organic personality disorder

Organic disorders due to huge amount traumatic factors are very common. The main causes of disorders include:

Injuries (craniocerebral and frontal or temporal lobe heads;

Brain diseases (tumor, multiple sclerosis);

Infectious lesions of the brain;

Vascular diseases;

Encephalitis in combination with somatic disorders (parkinsonism);

Children's cerebral palsy;

Chronic poisoning manganese;

Temporal lobe epilepsy;

Use of psychoactive substances (stimulants, alcohol, hallucinogens, steroids).

In patients suffering from epilepsy for more than ten years, an organic personality disorder is formed. It is hypothesized that there is a relationship between the degree of impairment and the frequency of seizures. Despite the fact that organic disorders have been studied since the end of the century before last, the features of the development and formation of symptoms of the disease have not been fully identified. There is no reliable information about the impact of social and biological factors to this process. The pathogenetic link is based on brain lesions of exogenous origin, which lead to impaired inhibition and correct ratio excitation processes in the brain. Currently, the most accurate approach is considered to be an integrative approach in detecting the pathogenesis of mental disorders.

The integrative approach assumes the influence of the following factors: socio-psychological, genetic, organic.

Symptoms of organic personality disorder

The symptoms are characterized by characterological changes, expressed in the appearance of viscosity, bradyphrenia, torpidity, and sharpening of premorbid features. Emotional condition It is noted to be either unproductive, and emotional lability is also characteristic of the later stages. The threshold in such patients is low, and an insignificant stimulus can provoke an outbreak. In general, the patient loses control over impulses and impulses. A person is not able to predict his own behavior in relation to others; he is characterized by paranoia and suspicion. All his statements are stereotypical and are marked by characteristic flat and monotonous jokes.

At later stages, organic personality disorder is characterized by dysmnesia, which can progress and transform into.

Organic personality and behavior disorders

All organic behavioral disorders occur after a head injury, infection (encephalitis) or as a result of a brain disease (multiple sclerosis). There are significant changes in human behavior. Often appears affected emotional sphere, and also the person’s ability to control impulsiveness in behavior decreases. The attention of forensic psychiatrists to the organic disorder of human behavior is caused by the lack of control mechanisms, increased self-centeredness, as well as the loss of socially normal sensitivity.

Unexpectedly for everyone, previously benevolent individuals begin to commit crimes that do not fit into their character. Over time, these people develop an organic cerebral condition. This picture is often observed in patients with trauma to the anterior lobe of the brain.

Organic personality disorder is taken into account by the court as mental illness. This illness is accepted as a mitigating circumstance and is the basis for referral for treatment. Often problems arise in antisocial individuals with brain injuries that exacerbate their behavior. Such a patient, due to an antisocial, stable attitude towards situations and people, indifference to consequences and increased impulsiveness, can appear very difficult for psychiatric hospitals. The matter can also be complicated by the subject’s anger, which is associated with the fact of the disease.

In the 70s of the 20th century, researchers proposed the term “episodic loss of control syndrome.” It has been suggested that there are individuals who do not suffer from brain damage or epilepsy, but who are aggressive due to a deep organic personality disorder. At the same time, aggressiveness is the only symptom of this disorder. The majority of people with this diagnosis are men. They have long-term aggressive manifestations, going back to childhood, with an unfavorable family background. The only evidence in favor of such a syndrome is EEG abnormalities, especially in the temple area.

It has also been suggested that there is an abnormality in the functional nervous system, leading to increased aggressiveness. Doctors have suggested that severe forms These conditions appear as a result of brain damage, and they are able to persist into adulthood, and also manifest themselves in disorders associated with irritability, impulsivity, lability, violence and explosiveness. According to statistics, a third of this category had an antisocial disorder in childhood, and in adulthood most of them became criminals.

Diagnosis of organic personality disorder

Diagnosis of the disease is based on identifying characterological, typical emotional, as well as cognitive changes in personality.

The following methods are used to diagnose organic personality disorder: MRI, EEG, psychological methods(Rorschach test, MMPI, thematic apperception test).

Organic disorders of brain structures (trauma, disease or brain dysfunction), the absence of memory and consciousness disorders, and manifestations of typical changes in the nature of behavior and speech are determined.

However, for the reliability of the diagnosis, long-term observation of the patient, at least six months, is important. During this period, the patient must show at least two signs of an organic personality disorder.

The diagnosis of organic personality disorder is established in accordance with the requirements of ICD-10 if two of the following criteria are present:

A significant decrease in the ability to carry out purposeful activities that require a long time and do not lead to success so quickly;

Changed emotional behavior, which is characterized by emotional lability, unjustified fun (euphoria, easily turning into dysphoria with short-term attacks and anger, in some cases a manifestation of apathy);

Drives and needs that arise without taking into account social conventions and consequences (antisocial orientation - theft, intimate claims, gluttony, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules);

Paranoid ideas, as well as suspicion, excessive preoccupation with an abstract topic, often religion;

Changes in tempo in speech, hypergraphia, over-inclusion (inclusion of side associations);

Changes in sexual behavior, including decreased sexual activity.

Organic personality disorder must be differentiated from dementia, in which personality disorders are often combined with memory impairment, with the exception of dementia with. The disease is more accurately diagnosed on the basis of neurological data, neuropsychological examination, CT and EEG.

Treatment of organic personality disorder

The effectiveness of treatment for organic personality disorder depends on integrated approach. What is important in treatment is a combination of medication and psychotherapeutic effects, which, when used correctly, enhance each other’s effects.

Drug therapy is based on the use of several types of drugs:

Anti-anxiety drugs (Diazepam, Phenazepam, Elenium, Oxazepam);

Antidepressants (Clomipramine, Amitriptyline) are used in the development depressive state, as well as exacerbation of obsessive-compulsive disorder;

Neuroleptics (Triftazine, Levomepromazine, Haloperidol, Eglonil) are used for aggressive behavior, as well as during exacerbation of paranoid disorder and psychomotor agitation;

Nootropics (Phenibut, Nootropil, Aminalon);

Lithium, hormones, anticonvulsants.

Often, medications only affect the symptoms of the disease, and after stopping the drug, the disease progresses again.

The main goal in the use of psychotherapeutic methods is to relax psychological state patient, help in overcoming intimate problems, depression, and learning new behavior patterns.

Help is provided for both physical and mental problems in the form of a series of exercises or conversations. Psychotherapeutic influence using individual, group, and family therapy will allow the patient to build competent relationships with family members, which will provide him with emotional support from relatives. Placing the patient in mental asylum is not always necessary, but only in cases where he poses a danger to himself or to others.

Prevention organic disorders includes adequate obstetric care and rehabilitation in the postnatal period. Great importance It has proper upbringing in the family and at school.

Doctor of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional advice and qualified advice. medical care. If you have the slightest suspicion that you have an organic personality disorder, be sure to consult your doctor!

Organic personality disorder is a change brain activity, which is caused by damage to the structure of the brain. The disease manifests itself as a persistent transformation of a person’s behavior, habits and character. There is a decrease in mental and thinking functions. Favorable living conditions have a positive effect on the individual and contribute to maintaining working capacity. Impact negative factors, such as stress, infections, can lead to decompensation with manifestations of psychopathy. Correct therapy often leads to improvement of the condition, while lack of treatment contributes to the progression of the disease and social maladjustment.

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    The main and main factor in the development of organic personality disorder is damage to brain tissue. The more significant the defect, the more serious consequences and manifestations of the disease.

    The mechanism for the development of pathology is at the cellular level. Damaged neurons are unable to fully carry out their work, which leads to a delay in signals. If the injured area of ​​the brain is small, then healthy cells compensate for their work. But this becomes impossible with a significant defect. As a result, there is a decrease in intelligence, mental activity and behavior change.

    The disease is characterized chronic course for many years. It may be asymptomatic long time. But when exposed to provoking factors, the signs of the disease worsen and then subside.

    Accustoming to personality changes often occurs, and gradual social maladjustment occurs.

    Alzheimer's disease - symptoms, stages, causes and treatment methods


    The disease may be:

    1. 1. Congenital - formed during intrauterine development.
    2. 2. Acquired - arises in the process of human life.

    Depending on the severity, personality disorders are distinguished:

    1. 1. Moderately expressed.
    2. 2. Expressed.

    There are several forms of pathology:

    Name Signs
    • Rapid physical and mental exhaustion.
    • Persistent increase in blood pressure.
    • Weakness.
    • Frequent mood changes
    • Irritability.
    • Emotional instability.
    • Decreased adaptive functions
    • Hostile behavior without reason.
    • Constant dissatisfaction.
    • Scandalous temper
    • Suspicion.
    • Feeling of danger.
    • Constantly waiting for an attack
    • Continuous feeling of happiness.
    • Stupid behavior.
    • Lack of self-criticism
    • Persistent indifference to everything.
    • Lack of interest in life

    The disease can occur in mixed form, that is, include several forms.


    Factors that trigger the disease may include infections, injuries, or several causes combined. But what they all have in common is damage to brain tissue. Due to mixed diseases, diagnosing pathology can be difficult.

    Congenital pathology is formed as a result of:

    • Infectious diseases of the mother affecting the development of the embryo ( venereal diseases, HIV).
    • Prolonged fetal hypoxia.
    • Lack of nutrients and vitamins.
    • Smoking, drinking alcohol and medicines during pregnancy.
    • Actions of chemicals.

    The main causes of acquired pathology are considered:

    • Traumatic brain injuries. Significant physical impact on the brain can trigger a persistent personality disorder. In case of minor injuries, healthy cells replace the work of damaged ones. This saves you from impaired thinking and decreased intelligence.
    • Infectious diseases. Viral, bacterial or fungal infection of brain tissue contributes to the loss of cell function. These include meningitis, encephalitis and other diseases.
    • Neoplasms. Even small benign tumor in the cerebral cortex is dangerous to human health and life. It disrupts the functioning of neurons and causes mental disorders. Often pathological process persists during remission cancer or after surgery.
    • Diseases of vascular origin. They are characterized by a disruption in the supply of brain cells nutrients and oxygen. Persistent damage to the blood vessels of the brain leads to a failure in the transmission of signals by neurons and organic personality disorder. These ailments include diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension.
    • Drug addiction and alcoholism. Regular use psychostimulant substances affect the functions of the brain, causing the formation of areas of organic damage.
    • Autoimmune diseases. A disease such as multiple sclerosis provokes the replacement of the myelin sheath with connective tissue. Long-term progressive pathology can cause mental disorders.
    • Epilepsy. Systematic stimulation of certain areas of the brain associated with epilepsy leads to disruption of the functioning of these areas, which contributes to changes in thinking and behavior. The longer a person suffers from this disease, the higher the likelihood of developing an organic disorder.


    The severity of the symptoms of the disease directly depends on the depth of brain damage. But in general, all people suffering from organic personality disorder have common features, noticeable when communicating with them. These include:

    1. 1. Behavior change. The patient experiences a change in habits and interests. There is a lack of strategic thinking, that is, a person cannot predict the implementation of assigned tasks.
    2. 2. Loss of motivation. A person loses interest in achieving goals and trying to change anything in his life. The character and ability to defend one’s point of view changes.
    3. 3. Mood instability. Happening sudden attacks unmotivated laughter, aggression, sadness or hostility. At the same time, emotional impulsiveness does not correspond to the surrounding situation. Often these feelings replace each other.
    4. 4. Loss of learning ability.
    5. 5. Difficulty in the thinking process. Solving simple problems requires a lot of effort, and making decisions takes some time.
    6. 6. Change in sexual behavior. It manifests itself in an increase or decrease in sexual desire. Perverted sexual preferences are often observed.
    7. 7. Delirium. People with organic personality disorder are characterized by illogical judgments, which leads to delusional thoughts. Suspicion and a search for hidden meaning in the words and actions of people around us develop.

    A diagnosis of “organic personality disorder” can be made if a person has two or more symptoms for six months.


    Recognizing an illness involves a connection between behavioral, cognitive and emotional abnormalities with irreversible brain damage. Detection of the disease includes several methods:

    1. 1. Examination by a neurologist.
    2. 2. Psychological examination. To do this, a conversation is held with a psychologist. If deviations are detected, psychological testing is prescribed to determine the severity and form of the pathology.
    3. 3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) - to determine the area of ​​brain damage.

    MRI. Definition of lesions organic damage brain


    After diagnosis, it is prescribed necessary treatment.It includes three stages:

    1. 1. Therapy of the underlying disease. Organic personality disorder is a secondary disorder preceded by damage to the brain structure of various etiologies: head injuries, tumors, infections and others. Treatment without eliminating the cause mental pathology will not be effective. This is especially true for potentially life-threatening processes, because in this case, treatment of a mental disorder will be meaningless.
    2. 2. Drug treatment. For this purpose they are used various groups drugs:
    Group Action Drugs
    AntidepressantsReduce emotional instability, relieve apathy, aggression and depressionAmitriptyline, Fluvoxamine, Clomipramine, Fluoxetine
    TranquilizersEliminates feelings of anxiety and restlessnessOxazepam, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Phenazepam
    NootropicsImprove blood circulation in the brain, provide cells with oxygen, slow down the development of the diseasePhenibut, Nootropil, Aminalon, Cerebrolysin, glutamic acid, Piracetam
    NeurolepticsThey struggle with attacks of emotional instability and aggression. Prescribed for paranoid and delusional thinking, to relieve psycho-emotional arousalEglonil, Levomepromazine, Triftazine, Aminazine, Haloperidol, Tizercin
    1. 3. Psychotherapy. This is one of the main methods of treatment. It includes conducting various conversations and exercises. Group or family psychotherapy. Treatment is carried out in order to:
    • Bring the patient out of depression, help him free himself from fears and apathy.
    • Improve relationships with loved ones and colleagues.
    • Free a person from feelings of inferiority.
    • Identify problems of an intimate nature and normalize sexual behavior.
    • Adapt the patient to life in society.

    Placing a person with an organic personality disorder in psychiatric hospital necessary only in case of socially dangerous behavior.

    Theoretically, the diagnosis can be removed after five years, of which the patient should be under the supervision of a specialist for a year. In this case, the latter must cancel therapy. It is possible to remove the diagnosis prematurely only after contacting psychiatric clinic, undergoing treatment and approval of the commission.

    Today in psychiatry the pathology is considered incurable, since permanent damage to brain tissue occurs. The goal of treatment is to stabilize the condition, reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of symptoms and progression of the disease.

Personality change - Useful tips!

— Is it possible to change your personality?
- Why change yourself?
— How to achieve the desired image?
— Useful tips for those who want to change themselves

Almost every person strives to adjust his perception, consciousness or any traits or habits. A change in personality and its character is closely related to a “change in thinking.” Let's say we're trying to get some things out of our heads. intrusive thoughts, eradicate bad habit, we develop sustainable negative attitude to anything.

The bulk of all these changes are unconscious. After all, working on your own consciousness requires not only colossal efforts, but also certain knowledge, which most of does not possess people. Sooner or later, a person develops an acute need for change. He wants to either become different or, at a minimum, change the attitude of others towards him.

— How to achieve the desired image?

For the desired self-image to become achievable, the following conditions must come into force:

1) Understanding the reasons for what prevents you from turning your plans into reality.

2) Changes don't have to be huge. If you want to change radically, then it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately change the situation and change your usual way of reacting and thinking. Be less ambitious. Outline a few simple steps that can lead you to your cherished goal.

3) Methods aimed at changing you should be easy and simple. The most important thing is to believe in your success and you will certainly succeed.

Representatives scientific world They also do not consider personality as a static entity. They believe that it can change either under the influence of external circumstances, situations, or purposefully, at the will of the owner himself.

1) Don't be discouraged if you don't change right away, it will take some time.

2) If you think you can't change who you are because of your parents or other people in your life, change in small ways. Cut out the habits you don't like and introduce new ones. If Mom or Dad asks what's wrong, explain to them that your self-esteem is fine and that you're just trying to feel more comfortable with yourself.

3) Change slowly. A sudden change may raise questions. Address your problem and work on that area. Over time it will become natural.

4) Remember that you don't have to change who you are to please people. It's hard to accept yourself as you are, especially when you're in bad mood, but love yourself. Then others can too.

5) Start in the summer and then in the fall people will see a new you.

6) Never change who you are just because others don’t like you. If you're a nerd, don't become cute just because they're "cool." Look at the group of real goths in your school. They all stand around laughing at the cuties and joking about how the school bullies will work for them one day.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site
