Heatstroke in young children. Treatment of heat stroke in a child at home. What to do if a child has heatstroke: treatment and prevention

With the onset of summer, many people spend a long time outdoors, so parents need to know the main symptoms heatstroke The child has. If your baby's health suddenly deteriorates and he becomes lethargic, it means he has overheated and needs urgent help.

This disease is a painful condition that is caused by prolonged exposure to hot conditions. environment. It occurs at any time of the year, but most often in the summer. The situation is aggravated by the presence of warm or multi-layered clothing, synthetic fabrics, high humidity, abundant food, and physical activity.

There is a concept of sunstroke - it occurs when a person does not wear a hat in sunny weather. Symptoms and prevention are similar. Sunstroke is a form of heat. However, there are differences.

These diseases occur due to various reasons. Parents need to know what happens in the body when overheated so that they can provide first aid to their child if symptoms of heat stroke occur.

First aid for heat and sunstroke the same.

Development mechanism

The human body adapts to various environmental weather conditions and maintains its constant temperature. If the air gets very hot, the body begins to actively sweat - this is how the heat transfers to the environment. The hotter it is outside and the higher the air humidity, the stronger man sweats. In particularly hot weather, up to 1 liter of liquid comes out with sweat in 1 hour.

Most often, infants, children, the elderly and people with disabilities suffer from overheating. chronic diseases. At the same time, heat generation processes intensify, and heat transfer processes decrease. Heat is retained in the body and does not escape outside.

If a person is hot, he begins to sweat - this is how the heat transfers to the environment. In particularly hot weather, the body can lose up to 1 liter of fluid in 1 hour of sweating.

When overheated, blood vessels constrict, heat does not go to the skin, but remains inside. When dehydrated, the blood becomes thick, circulation internal organs is violated. Blood flows to the skin (the face turns red), but there is not enough blood in the organs (weakness appears).

A person develops a fever, intoxication of the body, heart failure occurs, which can even lead to respiratory arrest and death.

Normally, thermoregulation occurs at 37 °C (± 1.5 °C). When climate conditions change, the heat transfer process changes. In this case, the following consequences are possible:

  1. At the compensation stage, the human body fights overheating.
  2. Compensatory reactions disrupt thermoregulation.
  3. If the symptoms are not eliminated in the previous stages, fever appears.
  4. The stage of decompensation begins.
  5. Acidosis (a form of disorder acid-base balance) occurs on last stage overheating

Thus, when overheated, processes occur in the body that can lead to irreversible consequences.


There are two forms of overheating:

  • overheating during physical activity(in young people, athletes, those who work in a stuffy room);
  • classic heatstroke caused by elevated air temperatures.
Not drinking enough fluids in hot weather can lead to heatstroke

Promote overheating following reasons:

  • prolonged exposure to the street in hot weather;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • wearing multi-layer or synthetic clothing in hot weather;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • heart disease (including previous heart attack or stroke);
  • overweight;
  • the use of diuretic medications (read about);
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • use of alcohol or drugs.

If prompt assistance is not provided, the person may be seriously injured.


In order to provide first aid to the victim in a timely manner, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke in a child and an adult.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what heat stroke is and how to avoid it.

In infants

Heat stroke occurs in children under one year of age the following signs:

  • complexion changes: first skin covering turns red, then turns pale;
  • the temperature rises sharply to 38-40 °C;
  • behavior changes: at first the baby is in excited state, after which he becomes lethargic and yawns; this happens because the body loses fluid and cannot cool itself;
  • appears cold sweat;
  • work is disrupted digestive system: nausea, tormented by belching and frequent stool;
  • cramps of the face, arms and legs may appear (in this article you will learn about first aid).

The baby may be capricious and cry for a long time, he does not understand what is happening to him, he feels bad.

In children older than one year

With heatstroke, children become lethargic and have a fever

Children 1 year and older have similar main signs of heatstroke:

  • lethargy, weakness;
  • possible fainting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting (click here to find out how to stop your child from vomiting);
  • rapid pulse, faintly palpable;
  • ringing in the ears and darkening of the eyes;
  • cracked lips from dehydration;
  • bleeding from the nose.

IN childhood the disease is dangerous due to the emergence of a critical condition, which can be fatal. Need to call urgently ambulance and take the baby to the hospital. In addition, it comes on suddenly, so it is important to notice overheating in the early stages.

In adults

The main symptoms of heat stroke include headache, lethargy and elevated temperature

In adults, signs of heatstroke include:

  • lethargy, drowsiness, weakness (you want to lie down or lean on your elbows, the person cannot stand on their feet);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • facial redness;
  • temperature increase up to 40 °C;
  • intestinal disorders(vomiting, diarrhea).

After this the person falls into delirium, hallucinations occur, the patient loses consciousness. The complexion turns from red to white (bluish), and profuse sweating. Further work is disrupted of cardio-vascular system(pulse quickens, but is faintly audible). This condition can be fatal.


There are three degrees of severity, depending on which treatment is prescribed.
Mild degree manifested by headaches, nausea, dilated pupils, weakness and lethargy, rapid pulse and breathing. Red face, profuse sweating, possible nosebleeds.
Moderate severity is characterized severe weakness, passivity: the child is lethargic, lies all the time, he is bothered by the urge to vomit, and loss of consciousness is possible. Fever appears (up to 40 °C), tachycardia occurs, breathing is frequent and difficult.
Severe degree is considered the most dangerous. Convulsions are possible, the person “burns” (temperature up to 41 °C). A state of delirium, fainting occurs, blood circulation and breathing are impaired.

In medical sources you can find a division of the disease into 4 types:

  • asphyxia – respiratory failure, fever up to 38 °C;
  • hypothermia – fever, fever (39-41 °C);
  • cerebral form– arise mental disorders and neurological phenomena (convulsions, delirium, hallucinations);
  • gastroenteric form - disturbance of the digestive system (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, abnormal stool).

Most often, there is not one form of heat stroke, but several at once.

In case of heatstroke, it is necessary to prevent dehydration. It manifests itself in thirst, dry mouth, and cracked lips. It is also important to identify the signs of heat and sunstroke.

First aid

At the first suspicion of overheating, parents should call a doctor and provide first aid first aid.

First, the victim must be moved to a cool place

It is important to know what to do in case of heatstroke:

  1. Move the victim to a shade or cool room.
  2. Remove outer clothing (from the baby - diaper).
  3. Place a cold compress on your head and wipe your body with cool water (adults can be wiped with alcohol or vodka). This will help cool you down.
  4. Give cool water to drink often, but little by little. If you faint, you should not give anything to drink, as water may enter your inhalation tract! It's better to drink pure non-carbonated drinking water.
  5. If vomiting begins, the person must be placed on his side, his head raised and tilted.

You also need to know what not to do if you have heat stroke:

  • Give antipyretic drugs.
  • Provide alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Quickly cool the victim (for example, immerse in cold water).

If you take these actions on time, you can avoid disastrous consequences. At mild degree Pre-medical care is usually enough to restore the body. If it doesn’t get better, call a doctor immediately, he will prescribe treatment for heatstroke.


Most often g miners and children under one year of age react to heatstroke with vomiting and diarrhea, fever. If first aid is not provided, the condition may become critical:

  • body temperature rises to 41 °C;
  • breathing slows down or disappears completely.

In particularly difficult cases, delirium, loss of consciousness, convulsions are observed, and the person may fall into a coma. How longer body overheated, the higher the risk of death.

If the malaise occurs during physical activity, this can provoke the development various complications.


To avoid the consequences of hot weather, you must follow a number of preventive measures:

  1. In hot weather, walk with children under one year old in the shade of trees. Best time for walks - until 11 o'clock in the morning and after sunset in the evening. The most dangerous period is considered to be from 12.00 to 16.00. At this time, you need to stay at home, in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  2. Choose clothes for your baby made from cotton or linen (avoid synthetic fabrics). The child must wear a hat. It is better to buy clothes in light colors. You can put it on your eyes Sunglasses.
  3. Take water with you on your walk. You need to drink twice as much as usual. Feeding outside is not recommended.
  4. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet (as they contain water) and reduce the amount fatty foods. You should not go for a walk immediately after eating.
  5. If the baby is taken to a resort, then it is necessary to alternate swimming and playing on the shore. You can't let him fall asleep in the sun.
  6. Wipe your baby's face with a damp handkerchief or wash with cool water more often.
  7. Adults are not recommended to drink a lot of coffee and alcohol in hot weather.. It is better to quench your thirst with cool still mineral water.

Watch the following video to learn about prevention and first aid for heatstroke.


Heatstroke can cause serious health damage. To avoid undesirable consequences, precautions must be taken. If it was not possible to avoid overheating, it is necessary to identify the symptoms of heat stroke in a child in time and provide first aid. medical care.

The baby's body is most susceptible to external influences. If it is hot outside, pay maximum attention to prevent your baby from overheating.

Many mothers are interested in the symptoms and treatment of sunstroke in a child, especially in summer time, or before traveling to hot countries. After all, this can happen to absolutely anyone. And you should have a good idea of ​​what first actions to take in a given situation. Symptoms and treatment of heatstroke in a child are also of concern to parents. Many do not see a strong difference between these concepts.

Sunstroke: what is it?

What is heatstroke? If we designate this concept in a few words, this is severe overheating of the human body. It is dangerous with many negative consequences. If we talk about how long heat stroke lasts, then there is no clear answer to this question. Since the duration of the anomaly depends on the measures that were taken to eliminate it.

Causes of Heat Stroke

  • The first reason for the described reaction of the body, of course, is heat. The sweltering heat increases the body temperature, the body cannot cope and this occurs serious problem. Regarding the question of babies, this condition can be caused if the baby is dressed too warmly. The baby should be dressed according to the weather so that his body does not overheat.
  • Another factor influencing the occurrence of this pathology is dehydration. In this case, the body stops producing the required amount of sweat, which makes it impossible to cool down.
  • Certain medications can also cause a similar reaction. In particular, antidepressants or drugs to lower blood pressure.

Consequences of heatstroke in children

The result of the occurrence of a state of overheating of the entire body can be disappointing. Especially when it comes to a baby or older child. The first thing that can happen is dehydration. To prevent this, let your baby drink more water. The volume of fluid will be restored and the baby will immediately feel better. The worst thing that can happen is, of course, death. This is not an exaggeration. Unfortunately, such cases are known.
In this regard, every parent should know how not only to prevent overheating, but what to do if it has already happened.

Symptoms of heat stroke in a child

How to determine heatstroke in a baby? First of all, take a close look at the little one. If he yawns frequently, is lethargic and has red spots on his neck, then his body is overheated. Body temperature during heatstroke can reach up to 40 degrees. Signs of heat stroke in a child may not appear all at once; if you have even doubts, you need to urgently take action to normalize the baby’s condition.
It can all start with ordinary nausea, often accompanied by diarrhea. This indicates dehydration of the body as a whole. The baby may experience cramps and refuse to eat, even his most favorite foods.

What to do if a child has sunstroke

In case of heatstroke, it is important to provide proper emergency care. First of all, if you notice signs of overheating, you need to call an ambulance. While she's driving, take your baby to a cool place. Treatment of heatstroke in children should never begin with a cold shower. It can cause vasospasm. And you will not only not help the baby, but will also dramatically worsen the situation. Give the little one something to drink warm water. It, unlike cold, does not linger in the stomach for long and will produce the desired effect. Don't forget to rub your baby's skin to quickly dilate the blood vessels.

Everyone should know what to do if a child has a heatstroke, so as not to get confused if such a situation arises.

Heat stroke is a dangerous phenomenon to which children are more susceptible than adults. The outcome of this condition in a child largely depends on the competent and timely actions of the parents. Having familiarized yourself with the necessary information about heat stroke and its symptoms, you will be able to help your child in a difficult situation and prevent improper treatment and development of complications.

What is heatstroke in children

Heatstroke is a pathological human condition that occurs due to excessive exposure to factors that overheat the body. Causes of heat stroke include:

  • high ambient temperature. At the same time, the higher the air humidity, the faster the body overheats;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • clothes that are too warm;

In conditions of overheating, the body cannot work normally and the following changes occur:

  • the work of the heart increases;
  • the functioning of the kidneys, liver, brain, and nervous system is impaired;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • dehydration and intoxication of the body occur.

Children have increased likelihood heat stroke due to the following reasons:

  • thermoregulation in children is imperfect and is in the developmental stage;
  • Children are characterized by increased mobility, as a result of which their body loses moisture faster.

The highest risk group includes children under three years of age; children with excess body weight, cardiac dysfunction, diseases of the central nervous system.

Young children under three years of age are most likely to experience heatstroke

The most important specific factor for heat stroke in children is the immaturity of the mechanisms for regulating heat transfer, and this factor is all the more relevant the younger the child.

Komarovsky E. O., pediatrician

Video: Dr. Komarovsky talks about heat and sunstroke in children

Possible consequences

The most serious complications of heatstroke in children include the following:

  • coma - extinction of all body functions;
  • heart failure;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • kidney failure;
  • death.


Heatstroke does not strike a child suddenly. Pathological condition preceded by the following symptoms:

Such signs appear at the stage of heat exhaustion - light form heatstroke. Symptoms of heatstroke itself occur 6–8 hours after the body overheats.

Heat stroke is most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

Common symptoms of heat stroke, by which it can be distinguished from acute inflammatory diseases:

  • fainting;
  • cramps of the arms and legs;
  • muscle pain;
  • the temperature is not reduced with the help of antipyretics.

Symptoms of heat stroke include loss of consciousness, loss of sweat production, and skin that is hot, pale, and dry. Possible breathing disorders, convulsions, decreased blood pressure. The peculiarity of heat stroke in children is that vomiting and diarrhea often occur.

Komarovsky E. O., pediatrician


Less common signs of heat stroke:

  • involuntary urination. This condition is explained by a malfunction of the central nervous system (CNS);
  • prolonged absence of urination. Observed at very severe dehydration body;
  • delusions and hallucinations.

If a child shows signs of heatstroke, you should urgently call an ambulance.

How to properly provide first aid to a child

Before the ambulance arrives, the child needs competent parental actions:

  1. Place the child in a cool place, protected from the sun. It is not allowed for a child to be in a very cold room where air conditioning is running. A strong change in ambient temperature can lead to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, which is dangerous for the functioning of the heart, brain and other organs.
  2. Provide your child with access to oxygen: open the windows in the room, turn on the fan.
  3. Free the child from clothes.
  4. Place the child on a horizontal surface so that the head is raised. If the child is vomiting, turn the child's head to the side.
  5. Take all measures to cool the child’s body: apply cool compresses to the head, groin and armpits, wipe the body and face with cool water, pat the chest with a wet towel.
  6. When the child is conscious, give him cool drinks: plain or mineral water, green tea, fruit drink, weak saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water). A saline solution will replenish the lack of not only water in the body, but also salt. Instead of saline solution you can use the drug Regidron. The child should drink any liquid in small sips.

In case of heatstroke, it is very important to correctly provide first aid to your child.

What not to do when providing first aid:

Further treatment measures

In severe situations, treatment of heat stroke is carried out in stationary conditions and can consist of the following activities:

  • intravenous administration of glucose solution;
  • subcutaneous injection of saline solution;
  • use of anticonvulsants;
  • connecting the child to an artificial respiration apparatus;
  • unloading spinal tap with increased intracranial pressure.

If heat stroke does not cause any special complications, then further treatment child can occur at home. In such a situation, the child may be prescribed:

  • bed rest for several days;
  • diet therapy, which eliminates fatty foods and reduces the amount of food consumed by a third;
  • plenty of drinking regime;
  • use of Regidron, adsorbents, antiemetic drugs.

The child’s recovery period depends on the degree of overheating of the body and can last from several days to a month or more.


To prevent your child from getting heatstroke, follow these guidelines:

  • dress your child according to the weather, and don’t wrap him up like a cabbage;
  • Make sure your child drinks enough fluids. The rate of water consumption in hot weather is 100 ml per hour;
  • in summer, walk with your child in the morning and evening, when the sun is less active and the air temperature is lower than during the day;
  • when it’s hot outside, actively introduce carbohydrates into the children’s diet, and reduce the content of fats and proteins in the menu;
  • Monitor your child's condition closely during active physical activity.

Heat stroke is a condition that threatens the health and life of a child. The more competent first aid is provided, the higher the child’s chances of a successful recovery.

In the hot season or in a stuffy room, people feel unwell. This is especially true for young children. They can hardly tolerate heat and stuffiness. It often happens that doctors diagnose heatstroke in babies. What is it and how to provide first aid: we’ll figure it out in our article.

What is heatstroke? Main types of condition

In humans, body temperature is maintained within a certain range of values. Normal indicator, measured in armpit, is equal to 36.6. Deviation from this value causes discomfort and can lead to death.

Heat stroke is the result of prolonged general overheating. In children, this condition is more likely to occur than in adults, since the thermoregulatory system is still developing. An adult can feel comfortable at the same air temperature, but for young body it may turn out to be critical.

Forms of heat stroke:


Hyperthermic The predominant symptom is an increase in body temperature to 40 and 41 degrees.
Gastroentereal Dyspeptic disorders predominate: nausea, vomiting, etc.
Cerebral Nervous and mental disorders: hallucinations, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, loss of consciousness; consequences include sleep disturbances or insomnia.
Convulsive There are clonic and tonic sharply painful convulsions, pyretic fever - up to 39 degrees
Asphyxial Respiratory disorders predominate: uneven breathing appears pathological forms breathing, shortness of breath, severe cases pulmonary edema develops.

Pathophysiology and pathomorphology

The leading link in the pathogenesis of heat stroke is a disturbance in the thermoregulation center of the hypothalamus. There is a failure of thermoregulation and a gradual loss of fluid. As a result, water comes, and then oxygen starvation cells.

During development this state There are two stages: compensation and decompensation.

During the compensation stage, the body itself tries to cope with overheating:

  • sweating increases;
  • breathing becomes frequent and deep;
  • heat production decreases;
  • metabolism slows down;
  • behavioral mechanisms are activated: searching for shade, a cool place or water.

Since the thermoregulation system in children is imperfect, the stage of compensation quickly turns into the stage of decompensation.

The stage of decompensation is characterized by a breakdown of adaptation mechanisms. This is what causes the main symptoms.

Symptoms and signs of heat stroke in children

There are three degrees of severity of this condition: mild, moderate severity and heavy. These degrees transform sequentially into each other if the victim is not helped in time.

Overheating is characterized by:

  • weakness;
  • feeling of stuffiness;
  • pyretic and hyperpyretic fever;
  • tachycardia;
  • tachyphygmia (increased heart rate up to 130 per minute);
  • redness of the skin;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • delusions and hallucinations;
  • headache;
  • increased breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • oliguria, change in urine color;
  • manifestations of renal failure;
  • manifestations of liver failure.

In young children, the first signs of heat stroke can be difficult to notice.

  • First of all lips dry, sweat disappears from armpits and back.
  • If action is not taken, then the baby begins to worry, scream, then his state becomes like a dream, loss of consciousness is possible I.

Useful video about heat stroke from Dr. Komarovsky

Features of treatment and first aid for heat stroke in a child

The main goal of the manipulation is to reduce the patient’s body temperature.

  • The victim should be moved to the shade.
  • Free from clothes.
  • Create a cool flow fresh air using a fan (you can fan yourself with newspaper).
  • While lying down, raise your legs.
  • Give cold water to drink. Shown drinking plenty of fluids.
  • You can also put an ice pack on the patient's head or arrange a bath with cool (25-26 degrees) water. The bath can be replaced with a shower or wrapping the body with damp towels.
  • To enhance heat transfer, you can wipe the skin with alcohol, cologne or vodka. They evaporate faster than water and cool the skin more effectively.
  • At in serious condition Saline solution can be administered intravenously or subcutaneously.
  • If there is increased agitation, you can give the patient valerian.
  • If necessary, call an ambulance.

Antipyretics will not help here; they do not need to be given.

Only doctors can provide professional medical care. For children infancy Immediate hospitalization may be required. Older children with mild shock can be treated at home. For moderate and severe severity, hospitalization is also indicated.

Prognosis for heatstroke in children

If you begin to carry out rescue measures in a timely manner, the body’s functions will quickly be restored. If there is a long delay, problems may appear serious complications that will lead to disability or death.

Preventing heatstroke in children

Knowing the features child's body, it is necessary to provide all conditions for adequate heat exchange with the environment.

  • Don't dress your child too warmly , it is better to take extra clothes with you and, in case of cold weather, wrap your baby up.
  • It is also necessary to ensure that in clear weather I always wore a hat on my head which will protect from direct sunlight. It could be a Panama hat or a cap. It is desirable that the product is made of natural fabric and casts a wide shadow on the face.
  • Clothing should be easily ventilated , do not retain heat or absorb moisture, so as not to interfere with heat transfer.
  • In hot weather for children need access to a large number liquids in any form. Mom should always have a cold bottle with her. clean water. How more water, the more effective the cooling will be by the evaporation of droplets of sweat.

You don't have to be in the sun to overheat. More often it becomes worse in a stuffy room or in a car, when the air is heavy and humid. When the first signs of deterioration appear, you need to provide an influx of cold air and drink.

Heat stroke (hyperthermia) is a life-threatening condition. This phenomenon occurs as a result of severe overheating. Often, body temperature rises due to the fact that the body cannot cool itself, that is, the process of thermoregulation is disrupted.

Children are especially susceptible to heatstroke, since their body is not yet strong enough, many processes in it are still imperfect.

It is very easy for babies to be exposed to heat during the hot season, for example, while walking in hot weather, as well as when the body is dehydrated. Many parents make a big mistake by dressing their child warmer than the season or weather conditions require.

Besides, sunburn are an additional risk factor for heat stroke. Also, you should not leave a child in a parked car, because in such conditions, damage can occur in just a few minutes, since the temperature rises much faster in transport than on the street.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke in Young Children

The following symptoms will help you determine if your child has heatstroke:

  • High temperature without sweating;
  • The skin often turns red, but with severe damage it becomes deathly pale;
  • Skin is hot to the touch;
  • Restless behavior, for example, aggressiveness, moodiness;
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Absent-mindedness and lethargy, for example, the baby does not respond to the parents’ calls, tickling, etc. He may become lethargic as weakness occurs;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Breathing is rapid, shallow;
  • Unconscious state.

Parents should pay Special attention for symptoms of dehydration that accompany heatstroke of any severity.

With mild and medium degree injuries, correctly provided first aid becomes the key to a successful recovery. However, in the case of severe hyperthermia, there is no guarantee that the person will be saved. In more than 30% of cases, death is reported despite radical measures.

Signs of heatstroke and dehydration in a child

Parents should immediately provide first aid to their child if they observe the following symptoms:

  • Intense thirst;
  • Sticky saliva, dry mouth;
  • Minor urination, urine dark yellow or light brown;
  • When the eyes stop watering, it means dehydration has become moderate;
  • Cold extremities;
  • Point spasm;
  • Severe dehydration is indicated by uncontrollable behavior;
  • Inability to walk or stand;
  • Weak rapid pulse;
  • Pupil dilation;
  • Minor urination for 12 hours or no urination at all;
  • Fainting.

The severity of symptoms largely depends on the intensity and duration of exposure to heat on the body. Factors such as the presence of diseases, allergies, weather sensitivity, and intake also play an important role. medications, baby's age.

Treatment of heat stroke in infants and older children

First, you need to bring down the temperature. It is very important to begin performing first aid measures as quickly as possible, since time plays a decisive role. Heat stroke in a child, and especially in an infant, progresses much faster than in an adult.

Secondly, you must definitely call an ambulance or a doctor at home if the baby’s condition is too serious.

Step-by-step first aid is as follows:

  • Undress the baby and move to a cool place. When the child is outside, it is worth moving him to the shade, although the best option there will still be a cool room;
  • Before the ambulance arrives, the child’s body must be wiped with a sponge, towel or any suitable cloth soaked in water. You can apply compresses. But the water should not be icy, but simply cool, to avoid vascular collapse. Lotions are applied to the following areas and parts of the body: forehead, back of the head, neck, temples, collarbones, inner bend of the elbows, under the knees, calves, groin, sacrum;
  • Fanning with objects that imitate a fan;
  • You definitely need to talk to your baby so that he feels calmer;
  • Drink plenty of small sips. The water should be warm, but not cold, otherwise the child will vomit. You can give a 5% glucose solution, baking soda or salt. It is worth noting that diet therapy is used for infants. It is recommended to skip one breastfeeding on the first day of illness and reduce the total amount of food by a third. The diet should include products such as kefir, sour mixtures and biological products. In subsequent days, the amount of food should be gradually increased to normal;
  • It is better to lay the patient on his back and raise his head or turn him on his side if vomiting occurs;
  • If breathing problems are observed, apply a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to your nose several times;
  • Before consulting a doctor, you should not give the victim any antipyretics, as they will not reduce the temperature and may blur the clinical picture;
  • If breathing stops, immediately perform artificial respiration and indoor massage hearts.

When the first signs of heat exhaustion appear, but it does not develop into heat stroke, it is recommended to take the patient to a cool place as soon as possible and give him something to drink. It is worth noting that the liquid should not be too sweet or cold, otherwise abdominal muscle spasms will occur.

You can bathe your child in a cool bath or shower (water temperature - 18-20 degrees). After this you cannot go outside. If the victim’s condition does not improve, it is better to call emergency help or transport him to a doctor yourself.

Heatstroke in a child takes a long time to be treated and requires several weeks of rehabilitation. During this period, it is not recommended to go outside, and you must also adhere to bed rest.

Parents of young children should be well aware of all the measures described above. First, you need to cool your body. Secondly, ensure you drink plenty of fluids. Third, call emergency services if symptoms appear. life-threatening. In most cases, such treatment has a positive effect.

In addition, you can cool the body using any available means, but do not use too cold water. If heatstroke occurs while on vacation, you can immerse the victim in a body of water, such as a lake or river.

Wiping is performed not only with plain water, but also with a weak vinegar solution. The baby should be given a drink every 20-30 minutes. Instead of water, a solution of Regidron, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is suitable.


Every parent should take care of the health of their child.

The following tips will help you prevent heat stroke:

  • Do not go outside with your child during the hottest hours - from 11 to 16. Avoid too active games and physical activity at this time;
  • Protect your head from direct sunlight. Not only hats, but also umbrellas are suitable for this;
  • Dress the baby only in clothes made from natural materials, for example, cotton, linen, wool. It is better to give preference to light colors. Also, you should not wrap your baby up too much, because heat stroke can occur not only in the summer, but even in winter;
  • Do not go out into the open sun during the period of its highest activity;
  • Provide plenty of fluids. Fruit drinks, kvass, and tea perfectly quench your thirst;
  • Constantly ventilate the premises, open windows. If the house has a fan or air conditioner, use it periodically;
  • Do not overfeed the baby.

The above preventive measures do not require special effort, time or money, but they can completely eliminate the risk of heat stroke.
