Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. male kegel exercises

The ability to bear a child and give new life make the fair sex much more vulnerable to a decrease in muscle tone pelvic floor. Not surprisingly, women, according to statistics, suffer from this disease much more often than men. During pregnancy and natural childbirth pelvic floor muscles stretch more than 2 times, which often leads to rupture muscle fibers and other injuries. Untrained pelvic floor muscles are far from always able to restore their previous shape, therefore, on later dates Pregnancy and postpartum women often suffer from uncontrolled urination. Urinary incontinence usually occurs during stress - coughing, sneezing, laughing, sexual intercourse. At the same time, multiple, frequent or late pregnancy, birth injuries and improper recovery after childbirth increase the risk of a decrease in muscle tone in the genitourinary area.

The genetic factor also plays an important role. Nature in man has a certain structure of collagen - the main component connective tissue which provides elasticity and strength to the muscles. If a weak structure is inherited, the risk of a decrease in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles increases significantly, especially with age or in the presence of health problems.

Age-related changes are also often the cause of weakness in the pelvic floor muscles. After 50 years in the human body begin natural processes, as a result of which tissues and ligaments lose their characteristic early years strength and elasticity. This is why involuntary urination is more common in older people than in younger ones.

Operations, including numerous abortions, injuries, diseases and inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary organs, can also lead to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. polyps, fibroids, chronic constipation, tumors, cysts, cystitis and even frequent colds, which are accompanied by a cough - all this directly affects the ability to control the retention of urine in the body. To cope with the problem during the treatment of enuresis, the use of iD LIGHT urological pads, invisible under clothing and providing excellent protection, will help. They quickly absorb liquid, which is then evenly distributed inside the pad, turns into a gel and is securely held inside, keeping the skin dry. These thin and flexible pads allow you to move freely, allowing you to lead a normal lifestyle, even the most active one.

The physical activity of a person directly affects the tone of his muscles, including in the pelvic region. When the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall do not train, the elasticity and strength of the pelvic floor muscles decrease. And if we add to this excess weight, the load in this area increases, which, with a weak muscle tone, can lead to disruption urinary organs, including their displacement and involuntary urination.

Metabolic disorders and hormonal disruptions in the body, for example, elevated level hormones thyroid gland, are also able to change the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which directly control the functioning of the bladder.

The main symptoms of weak pelvic floor muscles are:

  • involuntary urination and / or defecation;
  • pain in the pelvic area, including during intercourse;
  • dryness in the genital area;
  • frequent inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • gaping of the genital slit;
  • prolapse of the walls of the vagina, uterus.

The listed symptoms, especially uncontrolled urination, in which ID LIGHT urological pads are indispensable, may be the first signal bell about a violation of the tone of the muscles surrounding the genitourinary organs and directly controlling the functioning of the bladder. That is why it is important to contact a gynecologist or urologist in a timely manner to determine the causes of muscle weakness and undergo a course of suitable treatment.

A set of measures aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor

At weak muscles in the pelvic area, the doctor may prescribe medications in combination with physical therapy. So, in inflammatory processes, they usually prescribe antibacterial drugs designed to fight infections. It may be necessary to receive hormonal drugs, special diet, excluding spicy, fatty, salty and sweet foods. In case of serious diseases, for example, in the presence of tumors, an operation may be indicated, and then a course of restorative drugs and procedures.

You can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and cope with the involuntary urination caused by this on your own through systematic training, which is easy to perform at home. The main task of such exercises is to make the muscle complex surrounding the genitourinary organs more durable and elastic, which will avoid injuries and ruptures during and after pregnancy, natural childbirth, maintain or restore the normal position of the uterus, bladder anatomically. correct position prevent or eliminate urinary incontinence.

Technically, exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles are based on alternating muscle tension and relaxation in inguinal region. The most common set of exercises today was proposed by Arnold Kegel. To train the muscles according to his technique, it is necessary to lie down, completely relax, and then strain the muscles of the perineum for a few seconds. It is better to start with 10 approaches, gradually increasing both their number and the duration of the state of muscle tension. It is also useful to alternate relaxation and muscle tension at a fast pace, gradually increase the degree of tension and relaxation, or simply gently and gently “push” the vaginal muscles outward as you exhale. It is believed that such exercises can be performed even while carrying a child, but in any case, with the question of how to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.

To strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, they help to overcome the dysfunction of the urinary organs, for example, prostatitis, urinary incontinence. They allow you to regulate sexual functions such as ejaculation, erection, orgasm. It will also help to get rid of diseases of the rectum, for example, hemorrhoids, etc.

In women, the lack of training of these muscles is expressed by dull sensations during intercourse, as well as air entering the vagina during sexual contact and unpleasant sounds at the time of its release. Even if you have not observed signs of weakness in these muscles, their additional development will be very useful. With the help of these exercises, the blood supply to the organs improves, their anatomy is restored, prevention and treatment of blood is created. will help improve the condition in chronic inflammatory processes and hypoplasia of the genital organs, urinary incontinence, avoid problems with bearing, prepare for childbirth and bring bright colors to your sex life: increase sensitivity during intercourse and increase self-control orgasm.

Gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the 40s developed an excellent basic program for development, which was intended for treatment. The Kegel technique consists in performing exercises three types: extrusion, contraction and slow compression. Let's consider everything in order.

Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

To determine which muscles we will train, we need to do the following. During urination, try to hold the jet. Those muscles that you use at this moment will be involved during the exercise.

Slow contractions

To perform the first exercise, tighten your muscles in the same way as with urinary retention. Slowly count to three, relax. You can complicate the exercise by holding the muscles from 5 to 20 seconds, and gently relax them.
Lift exercise. Begin to rise smoothly on an imaginary "elevator" - slightly pinch the muscles (1st floor), hold for 3-5 seconds. Climb further - hold harder (2nd floor), hold. Continue in the same spirit, gradually increasing the compression to the limit - each one has an individual one - from 4 to 7 floors. You need to go down in the same way, gradually hold the muscles on each floor for a couple of seconds.


Tighten and contract the muscles as quickly as possible, that is, perform frequent contractions.


Push down moderately. For women, an analogy is given for attempts during childbirth or during stool, and for men - during stool or urination.

Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by pushing out cause tension in the anus and some abdominal muscles.

To get started, do 10 exercises of each type - squeezes, pushes and contractions. Do them five times a day. After a week, increase the number of exercises to 15 and continue to do them five times every day. So by adding 5 exercises each week, you need to get to 30. After that, in order to maintain tone, perform at least 5 sets a day.

Very conveniently, Kegel muscle strengthening exercises can be performed while watching TV, driving a car, lying in bed or sitting at a table - in a word, at any time convenient for you.

Don't forget to watch your breathing while exercising. It should be natural and even.

Hi all! A part of the body called the pelvic floor brings a lot of trouble if it is in a neglected state. Let's strengthen it, for this there is enough effective gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

In the article "Pelvic floor strengthening exercises for women and men" we will talk about several easy exercises available to everyone.

1. Dr. Kegel's Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises for Women and Men

Dr. Kegel has created an excellent technique that can increase the tone of the perineum. It can help solve a lot women's issues gynecological nature.

Dr. Arnold Kegel (1894-1981)

In addition, in 1947 he developed a special simulator - a perineometer, which can measure the strength of the muscles of the vagina.

The perimeter works like this:

It is known that the tissues located at the bottom of the pelvis support the rectum, internal genital organs, and the bladder. But over time, they lose their elasticity, which causes various ailments of the pelvic organs, the brightness disappears intimate life.

Include the Kegel technique in your gymnastics, then you will feel how:

  • increased elasticity of the tissues of the small pelvis;
  • cured urinary incontinence;
  • increased self-control over orgasm;
  • restored vaginal tissue after childbirth.

1.1 Exercises for women

Before you start exercising, learn to recognize which muscles to exercise. To do this, while urinating, try to hold the stream of urine. Happened? This is where they need to be trained.

Kegel exercise for mild urinary incontinence

General rules:

1. Contraction of these muscles with a delay of 5 seconds.
2. Rapid contraction, then relaxation of the anus and perineum for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
3. Slowly pushing down, as in a stool or childbirth.

With the help of these simple actions, women restore tissue tone even after removal of the uterus.

This technique must be performed under the following phenomena:

  • - if there is urinary incontinence. For urinary incontinence, you can also take drugs such as Urotol, Spasmex, Vesikar and others.
  • - with hemorrhoids, as well as other diseases of the rectum;
  • - sexual disorders;
  • - with the prolapse of the uterus, as well as other organs of this part of the body.

Charging Kegel helps to avoid ruptures during childbirth.

1.2 Additional methods for strengthening the pelvic muscles for women

The load on this part of the body provides special device in the form of a plastic cone. The cones are inserted into the vagina with a narrow end, after which the woman contracts the muscles, trying to keep it as long as possible.

For the same purposes, vaginal balls are also used. These are 2 balls with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm, which are connected with a cord with a loop so that you can quickly withdraw. Inside them there are weights that, when moving, hit the walls of the balls. The blows are sent to the walls of the vagina, due to this they acquire firmness and elasticity.

Vaginal balls to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor

Women are especially tormented by the prolapse of the uterus, which is at the bottom of the small pelvis. Contraction and relaxation of the anus and vagina help to tighten the uterus without surgery. A vaginal massager will help strengthen the muscular environment of this part of the body, especially after childbirth.

1.3 Features of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for men

The complex is very useful for men too. They also have urinary incontinence, diseases genitourinary system, rectum. Using this technique, a man can avoid prostate diseases, reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. The technique is the same as for women, but the man needs to reduce the perineum, and also pump up the buttocks. Regular squats will help him with this.

Kegel exercises for men

Now, to consolidate the past, I saw about Dr. Kegal's system “We train the intimate muscles (pelvic floor) Kegel exercises”:

Yoga will help tone the pelvic floor muscles. With its help, you can unload the lower back, improve activity gastrointestinal tract, prepare a woman for childbirth.

Here is a description of some of the exercises:

1. Take a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your buttocks. Elbows will look back. This will help ensure that the buttocks are not involved during the exercise. Then try to pull in the muscles of the pelvic floor and fix this position for a few seconds, then relax them.

2. Get on all fours, interlace your fingers into a lock and place them on the floor. Rest your head on your hands. Pull in your pelvic muscles as much as possible, hold in tension for 10 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

3. Lie on the floor with your stomach down, bend one leg at the knee, put your hands under your head. Now pull the pelvic floor muscles inward, fix given state for a few seconds. Then relax your muscles. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

4. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them shoulder-width apart. After that, pull the pelvic muscles in with all your strength and then relax. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

5. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and straighten your back. Repeat the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles 10 times.

6. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hands on your knees. Keep your back straight. Tighten and relax your pelvic muscles.

And now, according to tradition, a video on a given topic “Yoga exercises for the pelvic organs. Strengthening the pelvic floor":

In parting, I want to say: do these affordable exercises, read my blog articles to get one step closer to health!

Normal pelvic anatomy in women

2 - bladder

3 - rectum

4 - pubic bone

5 - pelvic floor muscles (levators)

The uterus, bladder, rectum have a separate entrance (sphincter). The sphincters pass through the muscles of the pelvic floor. The pelvic organs have very elastic muscles that can contract and stretch strongly.

Female pelvic organs fit snugly enough to each other and are in a curved position. In this case, the uterus rests on the bladder, the bladder - on the vagina. The rectum is supported by the coccyx. This position ensures the stability and proper functioning of the pelvic organs. Especially such support is required in a standing position. If the correct position of one of the pelvic organs is violated, the entire interconnected system is disrupted, causing diseases of the pelvic organs.

Pelvic muscles

pelvic floor- This is a group of muscles that surround the bottom of the pelvis. The pelvic floor has two layers of muscles

  • superficial layer of fibrous muscles - called the perineum
  • deep layer of large, dense muscles - the pelvic diaphragm

The fibrous muscles of the pelvic floor intertwine the three openings of the perineum and are directed from the inside out to the pelvic bones.

Pelvic muscles hold everything securely pelvic organs inside in an anatomically correct position. Stretched like a hammock from below the pelvis, the muscle layer (pubococcygeal muscle) consists of inner and outer layers of muscles, which together provide retention and normal functioning pelvic organs, and therefore women Health. Along with the development and strengthening of the muscles of the small pelvis, Kegel exercises also increase blood flow to the pelvic region, which stimulates enhanced cell renewal.

Like other muscles, the pelvic muscles can only be kept in good shape through regular exercise.

Weakened muscles of the perineum and pelvis can lead to such unpleasant manifestations as urinary or fecal incontinence, due to insufficient self-control of the functioning of the intestines or bladder.

Weak pelvic muscles can also lead to difficult labor due to insufficient muscle activity during labor activity, decrease in sexual desire and satisfaction from intimacy, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, and even prolapse internal organs cause many dysfunctions and diseases of the pelvic organs.

How to determine where the pelvic muscles are located

Where are the pelvic muscles located clearly seen in the diagram below.

It is these muscles that are involved in Kegel exercises and other training methods. intimate muscles.

You can learn more about how to correctly determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are performed correctly at the link provided.

Muscles of the vagina

The vagina is an elastic canal, an easily stretchable muscular tube that connects the vulva and uterus. The average length (depth) of the vagina is between 7 and 12 cm. The size of the vaginal canal for each woman may vary slightly.
The walls of the vaginal muscle consist of three layers: inner, middle (muscular) and outer.

Muscles of the vagina are made up of smooth muscle. The muscle bundles are oriented mainly in the longitudinal direction, but there are also circular bundles. In the upper part of the vaginal muscles pass into the muscles of the body of the uterus.

In the lower part of the vagina, the muscles become stronger, gradually weaving into the muscles of the perineum.

The muscles of the vagina, like any smooth muscle, cannot be controlled consciously, but at the same time, the muscles of the vagina can be greatly stretched during labor.

You can control the compression of the muscles of the vaginal canal by changing the intra-abdominal pressure, increasing its strength, we get compression, and decreasing it, relaxation.

Intra-abdominal pressure is created in abdominal cavity, which is bounded from below by the muscles of the pelvic floor, from above by the respiratory diaphragm, in front and sides - by the transverse muscles of the press, behind - by the muscles of the back.

If you simultaneously strain the muscles of the pelvic floor, lower the respiratory diaphragm and retract the abdominal muscles, then intra-abdominal pressure increases and the walls of the vaginal canal (vagina) are compressed.

The vaginal compression technique is mainly used during intimacy, for stronger compression of the partner's penis along the entire length of the vagina, or to massage the walls of the vaginal canal.

How to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

For the development of the pelvic floor muscles and the ability to control them, Kegel exercises, gymnastics for intimate muscles, wumbling / imbilding and similar techniques are used.

To develop a skill management of intra-abdominal pressure use pneumatic vaginal simulators.

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Kegel exercises for women - Help with uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence

Kegel exercises were developed by the gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the mid-20th century. These are exercises that are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles of women and men.

Purpose of Kegel Exercises

Initially, the exercises were aimed only at women suffering from urinary incontinence, but later the scientist noticed that they improve the functioning of the entire genitourinary system. In particular, women suffering from frigidity may begin to enjoy sexual intercourse. The exercise was also recommended for men - gymnastics has not changed much since then, but men can also use it for their sexual health. Training the pubococcygeus muscle in men allows you to prevent impotence and treat it, Kegel exercises are prescribed as an additional therapy.

Kegel exercises are designed to:

  • prevention or
  • treatment of pelvic organ prolapse.
  • prevention inflammatory processes intimate organs
  • preparation for pregnancy and painless childbirth
  • tissue repair after childbirth
  • maintaining sexual health, anti-aging
  • treatment of weakening of potency in men and chronic prostatitis
  • increase sexual energy, enhance orgasm, sexual sensations during intercourse

The essence of the exercises

AT Everyday life the pubococcygeal muscle in men and the pelvic floor muscles in women are practically not involved. This leads to the fact that over time they become less elastic and weak, ceasing to perform their main function - supporting the pelvic floor organs. This may lead to various diseases and deterioration in the quality of intimate life. The essence of the Kegel exercise is to train these muscles, which through hard daily training leads to progress in treatment, and sometimes full recovery. Kegel exercises can do healthy women and men, which will avoid many troubles in the intimate sphere in the future, delay the onset of problems due to age-related changes.

AT young age exercises are effective enough to avoid many gynecological problems. In women with severe gynecological diseases or omission of organs by exercises alone, treatment is impossible.

How to identify the muscles of the pelvic floor

Pelvic floor muscles are determined in women by holding back the stream of urine during urination. You need to hold the stream of urine and remember the sensations - this is what Kegel exercises will look like.

In men, the pubococcygeal muscle is located between the anus and testicles. You can determine its location in the same way - by holding a stream of urine. During urination, you can not often exercise.

Preparation for the exercise does not require any means or a specially equipped place - you just need to empty your bladder and take a certain position of the body.

In what position should you exercise?

It is most convenient to perform the exercises lying on your back with legs slightly apart and bent at the knees. One hand should be placed on the stomach, the other under the buttocks. This makes it easier to feel muscle contractions. Another option is to lie on your stomach and spread your legs apart, it is recommended to put a pillow under the lower abdomen. The third option is lying on your stomach with one leg bent at the knee.

Kegel exercises can be done lying down, sitting on a chair, moving in public transport completely invisible to others. They are intended for home use.

Advice! Exercise can be performed before sneezing, getting up from a chair, coughing to contain urine leakage.

The exercise process

Kegel exercises consist of three parts:

  • slow contraction - you need to tighten your muscles, as when urinating, count to three and relax
  • contractions: you need to tighten and relax the muscles as often as possible
  • pushing out - women push like during childbirth or stool, men like when urinating and stool, in parallel they will strain a little abdominal muscles belly
  • beginners can start with 10 squeezes, 10 contractions and 5 pushes 5 times a day. After a week, you need to add 5 times to each exercise, continuing to exercise the intimate muscles 5 times a day. You need to add 5 times to each exercise until the number reaches 30. Every day you need to perform at least 150 exercises to maintain tone

Quick contractions can be performed according to a different scheme - contract and relax the muscles for 10 seconds, then rest for half a minute. Repeat the exercise three times.

It is possible that at first it will seem that the muscles do not remain in the stage of tension for a long time - this is temporary and control will come with practice.

Possible mistake: during training, you can not hold your breath, pull in your navel or push your pelvic floor muscles down - this will not lead to the desired result.


Kegel exercises are the main treatment for drip and mild urinary incontinence. These include:

  • compression - the “lift” exercise is very effective: gradually and not strongly compress the muscles of the pelvic floor, without relaxing, increase the tension (floor) and reach the 4-7 floor, after which the muscles in reverse order start to relax (hold each floor for 3-5 seconds)
  • contractions - alternating rapid contraction and relaxation of muscles
  • expulsion - in women, sensations should be like with attempts during childbirth or stool, for men, like with urination and stool

When the uterus prolapses

Sitting position on a chair or on the floor:

  • feel the muscles that support the uterus and pull them up - do it rhythmically
  • lift exercise
  • expulsion exercise as in a labor attempt - do it in rhythm, with effort and not at the limit of possibilities

Before and after childbirth

Before childbirth, Kegel exercises help to learn how to control the muscles of the pelvic floor, which will facilitate the birth process and avoid tears in the perineum. It is better to start training according to this technique from a lying position, doing at least 2-3 repetitions.

In preparation for childbirth, you must perform all of the above exercises plus two more:

  • strain and relax the vaginal and then the anus muscles, doing it at a fast pace like a wave
  • in any comfortable position in the most relaxed state, you need to hold your breath, gently and gently pushing, using the vaginal muscles. Then again you need to relax and repeat the exercise. It is performed correctly if, when applying the hand to the perineum, the movement of the vagina is felt (the exercise can only be performed with an empty bladder and intestines)

Important! Some pathological conditions prohibit exercise partially or completely, so you should consult a gynecologist. After 16 weeks, it is forbidden to perform exercises in a supine position in order to prevent pressure on the inferior vena cava.

After childbirth, Kegel exercises allow you to strengthen muscles urethra to contain involuntary excretion of urine, increase the elasticity of the vagina, restore the sensitivity of the tissues of the perineum. To do this, you must perform the “lift” exercise and two more simple and short ones:

  • for 5 minutes for 10 seconds, strain and relax the muscles of the perineum for 10 seconds
  • within a minute, quickly contract and relax the muscles for 1 second

Application of ball simulators

Kegel classes 1-2 months imply reaching a more difficult level - using jade eggs, balls or a special simulator KegelRoutine. it main feature kegel exercises for women. Simulators allow you to further strengthen the walls of the vagina and they are designed for independent development and use. These are vaginal balls of different weights and diameters, which are selected according to the level of training.

The simulator is inserted 2 cm deep into the vagina, for ease of use, a water-based lubricant is used. The minimum load on the muscles is carried out in the prone position, over time it will be possible to perform exercises while standing.

The scheme of working with the Kegel simulator is very simple:

  • contract muscles and lift the simulator up
  • hold the ball for 2-10 seconds with calm deep breathing
  • relax and rest for the same amount of time as you held the ball
  • repeat 10 times

Important! For effective training, you need to perform the exercise with the ball three times a week. The movement of the simulator should not be assisted by tension in the abdomen or squeezing the gluteal muscles.

The results of the exercises

The results of Kegel exercises are visible after a few weeks. Women see improvements in:

  • increased sensitivity during sexual intercourse, the disappearance of postpartum discomfort
  • increased control over sexual sensations
  • overcoming the emergence pain during intercourse
  • intense production of estrogen
  • preventing overstretching of muscles during childbirth
  • prevention of urinary and fecal incontinence, treatment of involuntary urination
  • tissue repair after childbirth
  • reducing the possibility of inflammatory processes

Less urine leakage can be seen after 3-6 weeks of regular exercise, increased sexual sensations after 1-2 months.

Men also see improvements in:

  • reducing the possibility of fecal and urinary incontinence
  • increased erection
  • reduced risk of hemorrhoids
  • complete cure of chronic prostatitis is possible
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse

In men, it is possible to get rid of frequent urge to urinate after 4-6 weeks, improvement in sexual function will be noticeable after 6 weeks, a noticeable increase in erection - after 3 months.

A feature of performing Kegel exercises for men is the need to strengthen the gluteal muscles for greater effect. Weak gluteal muscles pull the sacrum back and weaken the pelvic floor muscles even when working on Kegel. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the tone of the buttocks with squats.

The use of exercises allows you to avoid many health problems in the future, prepare for childbirth and make your sex life brighter. At the same time, no efforts, schemes and special means no need - the exercises will be useful even if they are performed throughout life.
