Folk remedies based on watermelon rinds - the benefits and harms of products. What are the benefits of watermelon rinds? Watermelon crust

Many believe that the main value of watermelon is its scarlet, juicy pulp, which is so loved by both little sweet tooths and adults. Despite the fact that the main component of watermelon is water, the fruit, under the green rind, contains up to 13% sugars, alimentary fiber and pectins, proteins, organic and amino acids. The sweet pulp of watermelon contains a number of important human body vitamins and macroelements, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.

At the same time, most consumers of this giant berry either forget or do not know at all about the properties and benefits of watermelon rinds (see). But almost everything is bio active substances, present in the pulp, is also in this part of the watermelon. The crusts contain less moisture and sugar, but significantly more fiber and chlorophyll, amino acids and some other active components.

When enjoying watermelon, there is no need to rush and throw away the remaining rinds, folk medicine used as an excellent diuretic, cleansing, analgesic, choleretic and expectorant.

In traditional medicine recipes, peels are used to prepare juice, infusions and decoctions, and healing effect Both raw and dried peels have properties that are easy to preserve and use throughout the year.

Use of raw watermelon rinds in folk medicine

Juice from the light part of the rind promotes the passage of urine, it is used for edema, inflammatory diseases genitourinary area and include in dietary food when losing weight. The benefits of watermelon rinds become obvious if you drink 100 ml of this juice on an empty stomach. Raw watermelon rinds are useful for migraine pain, feeling unwell with fatigue and overwork. In this case, slices of watermelon rind are applied to the temples.

The moisture, amino acids, vitamins and microelements contained in fresh watermelon rind are an excellent way to maintain beautiful skin. Porridge from the following plant materials:

  • actively moisturizes;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • has a mild anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves swelling and tones.

Watermelon rinds are useful in the treatment of digestive disorders; in particular, rind-based remedies are included in therapy for colitis, dysbacteriosis and dyspepsia in adults and young patients.

As remedy Traditional medicine suggests making decoctions and infusions from watermelon rinds.

Decoction of watermelon rinds

Patients suffering from obesity, kidney and stomach diseases, if they take half a glass of fresh broth three times a day.

100 grams of crushed peeled watermelon rinds require a liter of water. The mixture is kept on low heat for about half an hour, after which the product is infused for about an hour, filtered and cooled.

Infusion of watermelon rinds

For spasmodic stomach pain, diseases of the biliary tract and liver, overweight and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system traditional medicine watermelon rinds recommends taking it as an infusion.

To make it, crushed watermelon rinds are dried and then poured with boiling water at the rate of 500 ml of boiling water per 80 grams of raw or two tablespoons of dry crushed watermelon rinds. The product is infused and filtered, after which 80 ml of watermelon infusion is taken three times a day before meals.

How to dry watermelon rinds?

Dried watermelon rinds retain all active substances and have a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal disorders, constipation and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.

Accept herbal preparation available in powder form mixed with honey, or in the form of decoctions, to which other herbs are added for greater benefit, for example, calendula, calamus and yarrow.

IN medicinal purposes use dense white part crusts. Before drying watermelon rinds or making decoctions and infusions from fresh raw materials, first remove the hard colored layer.

Then the peels are cut into thin elongated plates, convenient for placing in an electric dryer or on baking sheets. Watermelon rinds are dried at a temperature of 55–60 °C until total loss raw moisture when pieces of crusts become light and brittle.

When drying, it is important not to allow the temperature to rise so that the benefits of watermelon rinds are preserved at the highest possible level.

Contraindications and possible harm from healthy watermelon rinds

Since melons can accumulate in the surface layers harmful substances, For example, heavy metals and nitrates, then, given the existing benefits, harm from watermelon rinds also cannot be excluded. To avoid negative impact products based on plant raw materials, they take only high-quality, safe for humans, grown in compliance with all rules of agricultural technology.

You can be on the safe side and remove nitrates from the crusts by soaking the peeled pieces for 2-3 hours in clean cold water.

During this time, most toxic substances pass into moisture, and the peels can be used to prepare decoctions, candied fruits and jams, and can also be dried after removing traces of water. Beneficial features vegetable raw materials are preserved if candied fruits are prepared from the peels. However, healthy watermelon rinds here are harmful to anyone who suffers from diabetes or wants to lose weight.

But when renal colic, painful sensations in the stomach, ailments related to the pancreas, gout and a number of other diseases, candied fruits will be a good addition to the menu. Products based on watermelon rinds are also harmful to those who are prone to diarrhea and suffer from urolithiasis. Crusts can also cause damage to health during exacerbation of chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon peel face mask - video

Watermelon is a melon family crop Pumpkin. It can be oval or spherical in shape with red, crimson, less often yellow or pink flesh. It has choleretic, antisclerotic and some other health benefits.

Its homeland is Africa. Wild varieties are still found in the desert regions of South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana.

In ancient times, it was a valuable source of moisture for the local population and nomads. Later, tribes living in the Nile Valley learned about sweet varieties. From there it began to spread to the Mediterranean coast of Africa and further to Europe, Central Asia, India and China.

In Russia, watermelons first appeared on the banks of the Volga thanks to supplies along the Great Silk Road. For a long time cultivation was limited to areas near Astrakhan and Kuban due to the cold climate. Now the crop is successfully grown in many regions: in farms and on personal plots.

Watermelon is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements (sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and a small percentage of iron).

The antioxidant lycopene gives watermelon pulp its red color. Based on it, drugs are being developed for treatment and prevention. oncological diseases digestive organs.

Other sources of this valuable phytonutrient: red grapefruits and guavas.

In case of an overdose of lycopene, allergic rashes and itching. Fortunately, the content of this substance in the melon crop is small, which brings the likelihood of an allergy to watermelon to zero.

In 100 g watermelon pulp contains 25–27 kcal.

Properties beneficial to the body

  • Possesses diuretic effect. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, cleanses the kidneys and urinary tract without washing it out of the body useful microelements. Used for swelling to remove excess fluid. And with cystitis it helps quick cleansing kidneys and bladder.
  • Perfectly quenches thirst, since it consists of 90% water.
  • Suitable as sweet substitute for diabetics and in moderate amount does not affect blood sugar levels.
  • The fruit contains fiber (approximately 0.4 g per 100 g). It speeds up intestinal function and metabolic processes, so it will be useful for people with chronic constipation . Together with the accumulated food processing products, the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins.
  • Thanks to choleretic function large portions (up to 3–5 kg of pulp per day) are recommended for Botkin’s disease, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, and poisoning.
  • Folic acid stimulates cerebral circulation, helps improve memory. With regular use, cholesterol in the blood decreases, the risk of vascular diseases and stroke decreases.
  • Watermelon Antioxidants slow down cell aging, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. It’s not for nothing that watermelon is called the “berry of youth.”

Harm and contraindications

Modern technologies for growing watermelons negatively affect their quality. For rapid growth and a rich harvest, chemical fertilizers are used.

In people with a weak gastrointestinal tract, nitrates can cause vomiting, intestinal upset, fever, and weakness. This is especially dangerous for children and the elderly.


  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • urolithiasis (the diuretic effect can cause the movement of stones);
  • diarrhea;
  • late stages of pregnancy.

Watermelon diet

Watermelon, due to its relatively low calorie content, is popular among diets for quick weight loss.

They are considered the most gentle fasting days . This is usually one day a week when the diet is limited to watermelon, green tea and water.

Exist diets lasting 3, 5, 7, 10 days. Some menus allow diluting the diet with black bread, rice, and coffee without sugar. Such food can hardly be called nourishing and varied, so few people survive more than 5 days.

It is necessary to take into account: in the first 2-3 days the weight will go away due to fluid loss.

In general, the diet allows you to lose up to 7 kg. But the lost pounds can come back as easily as they went.

For long-term weight loss, fasting days are more suitable: less stress for the body, and cleansing of toxins is ensured.

For the health of pregnant women and children

Laxative, diuretic and choleretic decoctions and infusions are made from watermelon peels for:

  • treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder;
  • dissolving kidney stones;
  • relieving swelling;
  • removing salts from the body;
  • getting rid of constipation.

The peel does not need to be boiled. Can be dried and candied or ground into powder to add to food. The raw materials are dried in the sun, in a special dryer or oven.

  1. Kidney cleansing powder is prepared from the dehydrated top layer of the rind. You need to consume it 3 times a day, 1 tsp, with water.
  2. At gallbladder diseases A tincture is suitable: pour 100–200 g of dried peels into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Drink one glass at a time throughout the day.
  3. For obesity 2 tsp. grated fresh pulp, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take 3 times a day.
  4. Used for external use for headaches - applied fresh to the temples, for joint pain applied to areas of inflammation.
  5. The ground white part of the peel is used for sunburn and as face masks.

Crust jam

For classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of sugar and crusts;
  • about 600 ml of water;
  • lemon and orange;
  • , vanillin, cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the green part, leaving only the white strip under the crust.
  2. Cut into arbitrary pieces.
  3. Boil water, add sugar, add lemon and orange juice.
  4. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the resulting syrup over the crusts and put on fire.
  6. After boiling, keep on fire for about 10 minutes.
  7. Cool, cook for 10 minutes and cool again.
  8. Repeat until the jam reaches the desired consistency.
  9. Pour into sterile jars and seal.

Why are they dangerous?

The rinds of watermelon grown outside of the natural ripening season can be harmful to health. Therefore, it is advisable to buy berries both for food and for treatment from mid-August.

Specimens with excess nitrates, which accumulate just closer to the peel, are unsuitable.

Infusions and gruels must be prepared fresh every day, since storage in the refrigerator is unacceptable!

Selection and storage

  • Ponytail ripe watermelon dry.
  • Smooth, glossy pulp of an unnaturally bright red color is a sign of nitrates. Dip a piece into the water: if it turns red, there are nitrates.
  • If the watermelon was ripe naturally there will be a stain on the garden bed where the fruit touches the ground. A good ripe “bellied” one has a yellow spot.

The real level of nitrates can only be shown laboratory test. Therefore, a conscientious seller must have a conclusion that his products have been analyzed and are safe for health.

The best varieties to try

  • “Astrakhansky” is the most common variety in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. During the season, it accounts for up to 80% of the products of markets and shops.
  • “Photon” is small in size, oblong, with tender flesh. Average weight - 3–5 kg.
  • “Ogonyok” is small (up to 3 kg) with bright red flesh and dark, stripe-free skin.
  • "Gift of the Sun"- a find for a true gourmet. It is distinguished by its yellow color with pronounced stripes.
  • "Lunar" - small fruits with yellow flesh.
  • "Charleston Gray"- elongated large fruits light green color without stripes or spots.

In the USA, so-called seedless watermelons are common, which, in fact, are sterile hybrids. How healthy such berries are is a big question.

Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.
Pumpkin family - Cucurbitaceae.


An annual monoecious plant with a creeping stem and branched tendrils. The leaves are large, deeply three to five divided. The flowers are unisexual, light yellow. The fruit of watermelon is a spherical false berry. The fruits are large, spherical, less often oval or cylindrical with a smooth surface, with red or pink juicy sweet pulp and numerous seeds. Some varieties have white or yellowish-white flesh. The color of the bark is green, dark green, sometimes white with a pattern in the form of stripes or a grid. Stem length 2–3 m.


Watermelon is cultivated in many regions of the Earth with dry and hot climates. The homeland of watermelon is South and Central Africa.


Cultivated on melons.

Flowering time

June July.

Collection time

Aug. Sept.

Harvesting method

The rind of a ripe watermelon is shiny. If you knock on it, the sound will be clear and ringing. Store watermelons, laid out on shelves in one row, with the tails up, at a temperature of 0 to 5°C.

Chemical composition

Watermelon is a source of pectin, nitrogenous and alkaline substances, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, folic acid and provitamin A, as well as salts of manganese, nickel, iron, magnesium and potassium. Watermelon pulp contains up to 12% sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose). Fructose makes up about half of all sugars and determines the sweetness of watermelon. A fruit weighing 3–4 kg contains up to 150 g of pure fructose. The seeds contain up to 25–30% fatty oil rich in vitamin D.

Applicable part

Fruits (pulp and rind) and seeds.


In folk medicine, the pulp, rind, seeds and juice of watermelon are used:

  • In febrile conditions;
  • As a strong diuretic;
  • As a mild laxative;
  • As a choleretic;
  • As an anti-inflammatory;
  • As hemostatic agents;
  • For dropsy;
  • With jaundice;
  • For the treatment of colitis in children;
  • For burns;
  • For diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • With anemia;
  • For pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • At chronic cystitis, jade;
  • For kidney stones, bladder and ureter;
  • In case of intoxication.


Use with caution in patients with diabetes. Do not use for the treatment of alkaline urinary tract stones.

Mode of application

Most often, watermelons are used fresh. The fruit pulp and juice quench thirst well. The presence of delicate fiber and pectin substances in watermelon has a beneficial effect on digestion and improves intestinal microflora. It is also useful in the diet of obese patients. The seeds have hemostatic and anthelmintic properties. Watermelon is good for people of any age. His medicinal properties widely used in medicine.


  • Regular use watermelon for food provides healthy sleep, peace of mind, and for men - increased potency.
  • A paste of red watermelon pulp is applied to the wound when skin diseases, for healing non-healing festering wounds.
  • At diabetes mellitus Small doses of watermelon are recommended. This is explained by the fact that ripe watermelon contains a lot of fructose, which is easily digestible and, unlike sucrose, does not cause a load on the insular apparatus of the pancreas. But diabetics should be very careful with watermelons.
  • Watermelons improve the digestion process. Fiber and pectin substances of watermelon pulp promote vital activity beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. Watermelon is rich in alkaline substances that neutralize excess acids coming from staple foods: eggs, fish, meat and bread.
  • In case of kidney stone disease, the alkalinity of urine increases under the influence of substances contained in watermelon, the salts become soluble and are excreted due to the diuretic effect. In this case, watermelon should be eaten in even portions, even at night. However, it should be remembered that stone formation can also occur in alkaline urine (for example, phosphate stones). In this case, do not use watermelon treatment.
  • For urolithiasis, cystitis and nephritis, occurring without water retention in the body, watermelon can be eaten from 2 to 2.5 kg of watermelon per day.
  • Watermelon is an excellent diuretic. It should be eaten for edema associated with diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidneys and liver.
  • Watermelon contains folic acid, which is important for cardiovascular diseases. It is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and hematopoiesis, regulates fat metabolism, and has an anti-sclerotic effect, like choline and vitamins C and P contained in watermelon pulp.
  • Watermelon is also useful for anemia, since in addition to folic acid it contains iron salts.
  • Watermelon fiber, enhancing intestinal motility, accelerates the elimination of excess cholesterol, therefore watermelon is useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • Watermelon is useful for restoring liver function after jaundice.
  • For gallstones, watermelons are used in therapeutic nutrition and also they are good choleretic agent with hepatitis.
  • For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, watermelon removes fluid from the body and nourishes the liver tissue with easily digestible sugars.
  • It is useful to eat watermelon during the period after a long and serious illness, and also after surgery, especially if it was performed under anesthesia.
  • In the diet of obese patients, watermelon pulp is used to simulate satiety. The pulp is low in calories (about 38 kcal per 100 g).


Watermelon rinds are used fresh and dried, and a decoction and infusion are also prepared from them.

A thick watermelon rind tied to the forehead and temples helps with headaches and migraines.

The outer green layer of the watermelon rind is thinly cut, finely chopped, dried first in a warm oven, then dried at room temperature. Grind. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, washed down with honey diluted in water: half a teaspoon of honey per 50 ml of warm boiled water. Store dried watermelon rinds in a paper bag. Used for chronic cystitis, nephritis, kidney stones, bladder and ureter as a diuretic.

Decoction of watermelon rinds

1 tablespoon of watermelon rinds is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boiled for 10–15 minutes in a water bath. Cool and filter. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day as a diuretic. You can use dried and fresh peels.

Infusion of watermelon rinds

100 g of dried peels are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left until cool. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day for colitis.

Watermelon "honey"

Ingredients: ripe sweet watermelons.

Preparation: select the pulp, rub through a sieve, filter through 2-3 layers of gauze and bring the resulting juice to a boil, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Then the juice is filtered again through 3-4 layers of gauze and boiled over low heat, stirring until the volume decreases by 5-6 times and thick brown “honey” is obtained.

Candied watermelon

Ingredients: watermelons of the “Candied” variety or others - 1 kg of peeled rinds, sugar - 1.5 kg, water - 4 cups, citric acid, vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

Preparation: prepare syrup from sugar and water. Cut peeled peels into small cubes and place in sugar syrup. Cook for 7–10 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and leave for 8–10 hours, then cook again for 7–10 minutes and let stand again. This is repeated 4 times until the crusts become transparent. During the last boiling, add vanillin and citric acid to the syrup. Place the hot peels in a colander, let the syrup drain, then sprinkle with granulated sugar, stir, shaking to remove excess sugar, and dry the candied fruits in a hot oven.

Salted watermelons, whole

Ingredients: semi-ripe small watermelons.

Preparation: Wash the watermelons well and chop them in several places to a depth of 3 cm, then place them in a barrel with pre-prepared brine (on a bucket cold water take 400 g table salt and 1.2 kg of sugar, if the brine is prepared without sugar, then take 700–800 g of salt per bucket of water). The water should cover the watermelons. Place a clean cloth, a circle and a weight on top. After 3 days, take the barrel out into the cold. After 3 weeks, watermelons are ready to eat.

Salted watermelon is a very exquisite delicacy. It is served as a side dish for meat and fish.

Pickled watermelons in a jar

Ingredients: half-ripe watermelons, salt - 1 tablespoon, sugar - 1 tablespoon, vinegar - 1 teaspoon, water - 1 liter.

Preparation: Wash the watermelons well. Cut into small pieces, peel off. Place in a 3-liter jar, pour in the prepared marinade. After three days they are ready to eat.

The white, hard and tasteless part of the zest is actually much more effective for our health than the pulp. In South Asian countries it is customary to add this useful part watermelon in salads along with the pulp.

Once you know what watermelon rind can do, you'll never throw it away again!

The benefits of watermelon rind

The white part of watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, and also contains potassium, magnesium and zinc. All these vitamins and minerals give our body strength and energy.

But that's not all - the peel contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that is very effective in protecting us from many diseases.

Citrulline - essential amino acid for muscle health. Thanks to citrulline, you can quickly and effortlessly gain muscle mass. On the other hand, fiber, which is more abundant in the crust, helps regulate weight.

Another benefit of citrulline is that it reduces anxiety, thereby combating stress and improving your mood.

This substance also has diuretic properties, with its help the body removes excess fluid. In addition, by eating watermelon rinds, you strengthen your immune system.

How to eat watermelon rinds

Since this part of the watermelon does not have a pronounced taste, it is added to salads, salted, pickled, or, conversely, sweets are made from it: marmalade, jam, candied fruits.

A good idea is to cut into small pieces or thin slices and use as a side dish for dietary meat (tuna or turkey).

For therapeutic effect Watermelon rinds can be dried and used in decoctions and infusions. Such decoctions are especially useful for people suffering from diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as obesity.

Infusion of watermelon rinds

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry watermelon rinds 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Cover with a cloth and let sit for 1 day in a cool, dark place..

Strain the infusion and drink ½ cup of infusion 2 times a day.

Contraindications. People with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, and those prone to diarrhea, watermelon rinds should not be used.

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