When taking yarina, there is spotting throughout the month. Contraceptive drug Yarina: effect on ovulation and menstruation. Is it necessary to take long breaks from taking Yarina?

Hello, I wanted to consult on the following issue. After my second birth, I take Yarina for contraception. Now I am in my 6th month of treatment. From the very first month on the 11-12th tablet, every month a discharge begins in the form of a smear mixed with blood and lasts for about 4 days, there is not much discharge at all, it is a little smearing, it does not cause discomfort, there are no other side effects from the tablets. Is it necessary to change the drug and is the contraceptive effect reduced due to this discharge? Do the pills work? Withdrawal bleeding occurs on time, on the third day after the end of 21 days of taking the pills, lasts 4 days, menstruation is not scanty, as with normal menstruation. What do you advise? And if possible, what tablets can I replace with?

Olga, Vladikavkaz

ANSWERED: 04/06/2017

Hello, to select a different drug, it is best to visit a doctor and first get tested for sex hormones. Have you been taking them for six months, and have these symptoms been observed the entire time? Perhaps it’s just the wrong drug with the wrong dosage.

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15.10.2017 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Oral contraceptives contain hormones that are involved in the regulation menstrual cycle women. Discharge upon admission birth control pills may be normal, signal the need to change the drug, or indicate health problems.

When discharge should not be a concern

When taking contraceptives in tablets according to instructions, menstrual flow does not stop. They still make themselves felt every month, but their frequency becomes clear (28 days exactly) and their intensity is moderate.

Spotting may occur on any day of the cycle at the very beginning of taking contraceptives, indicating a restructuring of the body.

Natural acyclic bleeding should have the following characteristics:

  • duration of episodic discharge up to 3 months;
  • small amount (2–3 panty liners per day);
  • brown or red (see photo).

This phenomenon does not require cancellation of the course or replacement of the contraceptive. Just wait for stabilization reproductive system and getting used to new conditions.

The protective (contraceptive) function of the drug is not reduced if a woman periodically bleeds. It is important to adhere to the pill regimen without missing a day, and then such secretion will not be considered a side effect.

Read in one of our articles what other reasons there may be.

How long can bleeding last?

Upon admission hormonal pills obvious bloody issues the first three months pass in 40% of women. This secretion is a consequence contraceptive effect. This is how much time the reproductive system needs to adapt to changes in hormonal balance. And only 10% of the patients surveyed noted scant traces of blood on their daily diaries for six months.

Significant disorders in the form of bleeding after OC were diagnosed in only 5% of women. The secretion in the blood continued to persist even after repeated changes in medications, so I had to give up the pills and also undergo examination in the hospital.

The duration of the adaptation period to oral contraceptives increases due to the following factors:

  • age;
  • hormonal instability;
  • too low dose of hormones;
  • Availability bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • skipping a pill;
  • violation of instructions;
  • various diseases reproductive system;
  • wrong type OK.

Why does this symptom occur?

In each period of the monthly cycle, the body produces a certain amount of different sex hormones, the doses of which are responsible for various processes(ovulation, menstruation, etc.). While taking OCs, synthetic hormonal components may simply not be enough to cover the natural content of estrogens and gestagens. Therefore, the body needs several months to get used to such doses. While the adaptation period lasts, the endometrium is partially rejected, causing the appearance of spotting when taking hormonal contraceptives.

There are other reasons for the presence of blood in vaginal fluid that need to be considered depending on:

  • cycle phases;
  • type of oral contraceptive;
  • serial number of the tablet (end, beginning of packaging).

Impact of Cycle Time

When more than three months have passed since the start of the course, and when taking contraceptives, discharge marks a specific period of the monthly cycle, there is no need to immediately suspect pathology. Minor bleeding may begin due to hormonal conditions or the pills themselves.

After menstruation

If a woman has taken a break after the blister pack (21 tablets) or has finished taking placebo pills (28 tablets in a strip), then cleansing the uterus is allowed for two to three days. The blood clots remaining inside after menstruation come out and occur.

They also occur due to too low a dose of estrogen, which, unlike progesterone, stops the rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus. It is necessary to choose another drug, but before that you should consult a doctor; you cannot take other oral contraceptives of your own choice and desire.

During ovulation

The following factors can provoke when taking contraceptives:

  • lack of synthetic estrogens;
  • lack of gestagen;
  • natural processes.

When you take the OC (“mini-pill”), the egg develops and leaves the follicular sac, causing a small amount of blood in the cervical fluid.

After ovulation

The most common cause of bloody discharge before menstruation after taking modern methods contraception is a lack of gestagen. It is still impossible to exclude pregnancy when the order of the pills was disturbed or a day was missed (bloody secretion on days 6–12 after ovulation).

There are also situations when a woman notices brown discharge instead of menstruation when taking OK. Natural progesterone increases after ovulation, preparing the body for the expected menstrual bleeding. When there is not enough hormone, the endometrium does not shed in time, causing a delay. But if you take Jess or other microdosed contraceptives, pseudo-menstruation may appear instead of menstruation. In the most advanced cases, a woman’s cycle is disrupted, which is why there are no monthly bleedings. Read about it in the article at the link.

Bloody discharge when taking birth control pills can sometimes be observed by girls who use contraceptives to prevent unwanted menstruation. Break before new packaging In this case, no pills are taken, but the next plate is taken immediately. In most cases, menstruation does not begin, but spotting may occur. It is somewhat larger in volume, but has no signs of bleeding. You can understand this by how you feel and the gasket. It can bleed so much that the hygiene product becomes unusable within an hour, and you feel weak and dizzy. This is a direct indication of pathology or hormonal disorder.

Adaptation doesn't end there

The reason for prolonged spotting while taking OCs may be a violation of the rules for using a contraceptive or the fact that the drug was incorrectly selected. This explains the side effects. Oral contraceptives are considered safe for women's health, and a negative reaction in the form bleeding caused by a lack of dose of one or another hormone.

This situation can be clearly seen using the example of a specific stage of the course:

  1. The first tablets. At the beginning or halfway through the package you may bleed due to a lack of estrogen in the drug. If, you need to stop using OK, but it is advisable to consult a doctor and drink the tablet to the end.
  2. Remains of packaging. From the middle total number tablets until the end of the package, spotting may begin due to too much low content gestagen component. And also the gestagen itself may not be suitable, so the selection of another oral contraceptive is required, but you cannot suddenly stop using the old drug, otherwise there is a risk of bleeding and other side effects.

Termination of course

The appearance of discharge after discontinuation of contraceptives is allowed for several months. Everything will depend on the ability female body to restore your own hormonal levels. But it shouldn’t bleed systematically, otherwise you can’t do without medical examination.

Read what they should be in the article by following the link.

After completing the course, secretion with blood may appear in one or two days. It resembles a daub and does not cause a woman much discomfort. Sometimes a woman’s body reacts more strongly to stopping the use of OCs, so more copious discharge due to a sharp drop in hormone levels.

How many months after OC will the reproductive system stop producing pseudomenstrual periods?

In almost half of women who decide to cancel a course of contraception, spotting vaginal secretions with blood disappear after 10–14 days. The duration of adaptation is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Age. The older the woman, the slower the state of the reproductive system stabilizes.
  2. Total time reception. The shorter the course, the faster the chance of getting pregnant. When contraceptives have been used for many years, there is a risk that the body will be destabilized within six months or even 12 months.

Effect on menstruation

If a woman decides to stop taking oral contraceptives, then she needs to prepare for the fact that she will not have heavy periods in the first few months. Monthly bleeding will become more and more frequent over time until the situation finally returns to normal. The presence of scanty during pregnancy is considered normal.

After stopping OK, spotting is normal, and slight delay allowed. It can be caused by the following processes in the body:

  1. Gradual normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Stabilization of temporary atrophic changes in the uterine mucosa.
  3. Restoring the ability of the endometrium to implant.
  4. Changes in vaginal microflora.
  5. Reduced thickness of cervical mucus (after the mini-pill).

While all these processes continue, the menstrual cycle cannot become the same.

It is necessary to sound the alarm if menstruation has been absent for several months, and against this background it has worsened. general state.

Danger of abrupt interruption

You should not suddenly stop taking birth control pills, otherwise serious consequences health problems cannot be avoided. Most often there is a longer recovery period with spotting instead of menstruation. But the most dangerous consequence abrupt end course is uterine bleeding, which requires rapid hospitalization. Therefore, doctors advise taking all the tablets from the package. The exception is the diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • imbalance of lipid metabolism;
  • sudden drop in vision;
  • liver problems.

Therefore, if you want to quit oral contraceptives, you must consult your doctor so that he can select the optimal dose reduction regimen based on a specific drug (Silhouette and others). This is the only way to avoid withdrawal syndrome with unpleasant side effects.

Causes of heavy bleeding when taking OCs

The cause of breakthrough bleeding while taking OCs may be the following:

  • taking the dose incorrectly (missing a day);
  • two pills in one day;
  • Digestive problems (decreased absorption active substance);
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • use of drugs that affect the central nervous system;
  • taking herbal remedies with St. John's wort;
  • a course of 63 days followed by a week break.

Special medications (and others) will help stop bleeding, but it is undesirable to resort to such remedies without consulting a doctor, the same applies to brewing herbs and other folk recipes.

What color is the secretion?

Most of women complain about the occurrence brown discharge when taking birth control pills. Such secretion normally has a spotting character and a darker shade than that of normal menstruation. Pink or light red discharge is also allowed when there is more natural mucus than blood due to the influence of the oral contraceptive.

White discharge with a uniform consistency, odorless and discomfort should also not be a cause for concern. Their appearance is especially important after discontinuation of OCs, when the body indicates that the recovery period is over. Yellow is acceptable, but without itching or burning.

Briefly about the main thing

If you start to feel sick while taking birth control, you should not immediately suspect pathological processes and serious hormonal imbalances. This is a natural reaction of the body in the first three months. The reason for going to the hospital is a protracted adaptation period, severe bleeding and sharp deterioration general well-being.

Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that all tablets in the package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Yarina contains 30 mcg (0.03 mg) of ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg of Drospirenone.

One package contains one blister (plate) of Yarina for use for one month.

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without preliminary consultation with a doctor.


What reduces the contraceptive effect of Yarina?

The contraceptive effect of Yarina can be reduced by vomiting, diarrhea, taking large doses of alcohol, or taking certain medications. Read more about this here:

How to delay menstruation with the help of Yarin?

If you need to delay your period, then after finishing one package of Yarin, start a new blister the next day without taking a 7-day break. In this case, menstruation will be delayed by 2-4 weeks, but slight spotting may appear approximately in the middle of the next package.

Please note: you can postpone your period only if you took Yarin at least one month before unwanted menstruation.

Do I need to take long breaks from taking Yarina?

If you have been taking Yarina for more than 6-12 months, you may be wondering if you should take a break for a few months. You can read about how useful such breaks are by following the link:

What to do if you don’t have your period during a 7-day break from taking Yarin?

Carefully remember whether you took all the pills correctly last month.

    If in the past month you had errors in taking pills (missing, being late), then stop taking Yarina pills until you are sure that you are not pregnant.

What should I do if I become pregnant while taking Yarina?

Pregnancy in case correct reception Yarin tablets are extremely rare. It is more likely that pregnancy occurred as a result of mistakes that you made in the previous month.

So, what to do if the test unexpectedly shows 2 stripes? First of all, stop taking the pills and contact your gynecologist.

Yarina's reception at early stages pregnancy cannot harm the health of your unborn child, so you can safely leave the pregnancy. In this case, start taking it as soon as possible.

Yarina's appointment before surgery

If you have to elective surgery, then taking Yarin tablets should be stopped a month (4 weeks) before surgical intervention. This will reduce the risk of blood clots in the vessels. If the operation is required urgently, be sure to tell the surgeon that you are taking birth control pills. In this case, the doctor will take additional measures to prevent blood clots (with the help of medications).

You will be able to start taking Yarin 2 weeks after you are able to walk independently after surgery.

How often should you visit a gynecologist while taking Yarin?

Even if nothing bothers you, you need to visit a gynecologist for preventative care at least once a year.

One of the most common side effects while taking contraceptives, this is the appearance of bloody discharge at the wrong phase of the cycle. They can stand out in different volumes and have different consistencies, ranging from liquid and translucent to dark blood clots.

pharmachologic effect
Contraceptive and estrogen-gestagenic action.

Yarin tablets are no exception: every third woman taking this low-dose drug has experienced unusual bleeding in the middle or end of the cycle. In what situations is this symptom normal, and when should you sound the alarm?

Why does spotting bleeding occur?

Spotting with blood, which is often called “spotting” in everyday life, occurs in about half of women taking oral contraceptives. Most of them forget about this problem after one or two months, but in some cases this discharge can remain for six months or more. The appearance of spotting bleeding is associated with the amount of hormones in a woman’s body, and is quite natural during the adaptation period.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels are constantly in flux, rising in the initial phase and falling in the middle. Unlike the natural level of estrogen in the blood, its amount in modern oral contraceptives is constant and low throughout the entire cycle. Since the body believes that there is not enough estrogen, it begins the process of shedding the endometrium ahead of time - hence the pink, bloody or brown discharge.

Discharge of this type can not only “smear”: sometimes it resembles ordinary menstruation, scanty and ending quickly. Regardless of the consistency, bleeding during adaptation to the drug cannot be too heavy, and also should not last longer than two to three days.

Most often, spotting bleeding appears while taking microdose drugs, such as Jess, Novinet, Mercilon and others. These contraceptives contain the smallest dose of estrogen, and sometimes the body may consider their amount insufficient even after the completion of the adaptation period. Low-dose drugs with a higher dose of estrogen are less likely to demonstrate this effect, so many women may not notice spotting while taking Yarina.

When is spotting normal?

Uncharacteristic bleeding during use oral contraceptives can talk not only about the body’s adaptation to a new level of estrogen. There are a number of other normal reasons for spotting bleeding, for which you do not need to see a doctor!

At the beginning of receiving a new package

When the break or placebo pills ends and the cycle begins again, the body can still get rid of unnecessary endometrium within a few days. After menstrual-like bleeding, some of the discharge may remain in the uterus and leave it a little later: this phenomenon explains bleeding two to three days after the end of menstruation.

During ovulation

Towards the middle of the pack of birth control pills, when the body should begin to ovulate, signs may appear. Various types bleeding. During this phase of the cycle, the body requires the most high level estrogen, and its lack can lead to premature endometrial rejection. This may be spotting or normal bleeding reminiscent of menstruation, but regardless of consistency, it never lasts longer than three days and is never too heavy.

In the absence of a break between packages

Birth control can be taken without interruption to prevent menstruation from occurring at an inconvenient time. Many women adjust their cycle In a similar way, removing periods from the schedule during vacations or important holidays. However, often when taking the drug this way, spotting, bloody or brown, occurs.

This effect can occur both when taking Yarina and when taking any other oral contraceptive: the specific drug is not important, this reaction depends on the body of a particular woman, which is not ready to continue the cycle. This symptom can ruin a woman’s plans, but it is not dangerous.

When can spotting be dangerous?

In addition to natural ones, there are also pathological reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge while taking Yarina and other contraceptive drugs. Some of them may not be harmful to health, but they pose a risk of unwanted pregnancy and even hormonal imbalance.

What could be the reason pathological bleeding OK when taking?

Inappropriate drug

The most common cause of abnormal spotting is the wrong medication. If a woman took the pills for more than six months, but unpleasant symptom has not disappeared - most likely, the dosage of the hormone in this remedy is not suitable for her, and it is necessary to select a new contraceptive. Depending on the phase in which the spotting appears, the reason may lie in different hormones: discharge at the beginning of the cycle indicates a lack of estrogen, and at the end - a lack of gestagen in the body.

Decreased contraceptive effect

Bloody discharge when taking Yarina, occurring at the wrong phase of the cycle, may indicate an insufficient level of contraception. Most often, it decreases due to missing pills: if a day or more has passed since the required time of taking, and the pill has not been taken, spotting bleeding may begin Brown. If this symptom occurs, it is necessary to take additional contraception before the start of a new cycle.

Also reduce contraceptive effect may take alcohol and certain drugs, with full list which can be found in the instructions for the oral contraceptive.


The appearance of bleeding while taking oral contraceptives may have nothing to do with the drug: often spotting occurs for completely different reasons related to various diseases. The issue may be endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory and infectious diseases of various origins. Any of these diseases are accompanied additional symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching or unpleasant odor.


If you start bleeding in the middle of your cycle, but menstrual-like bleeding does not appear at the right time, the reason may be the beginning of pregnancy. In addition to the absence of menstruation, this condition is characterized by swelling and pain in the breasts, increased sleepiness, nausea and general weakness. Taking oral contraceptives during pregnancy is very dangerous, so if you suspect that pregnancy may still occur, you should do a test as soon as possible.

Most often, spotting while taking Yarina and other OCs is a completely natural phenomenon for the female body. But if you suspect pathological cause, immediately contact a gynecologist: the health of the reproductive system is not something to joke about.

One of the most popular means contraception among women are drugs containing synthetic hormones tinyl estradiol and drospirenone, which suppress ovarian function and prevent pregnancy. Among such means is “Yarina”. This drug is now common among women, as its use is rarely accompanied by side effects. However vaginal discharge when taken, Yarina changes its character. And the reason for this can be both pathological processes caused by changes in hormonal levels, and the body’s natural reaction to the introduction of a new substance into it. Now you will find out which discharge is considered normal and which requires immediate contact with a gynecologist.

A few words about the product and its mechanism of action

Yarina – hormonal drug, containing ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. These substances have an androgenic effect and interfere with androgen synthesis, as a result of which ovulation is suppressed, during which eggs are released from the follicles that form on the ovaries every menstrual cycle.

Most women do not take contraceptives because they are afraid of gaining excess weight. Indeed, some contraceptives lead to several extra pounds, but not Yarina. It has been scientifically proven that this remedy does not contain substances that help retain fluid in the body or increase appetite, therefore, there is no risk of weight gain when taking it.

However, this does not mean that you can take the drug yourself without consulting a doctor. The fact is that the hormones contained in its composition change the functioning of the reproductive organs and can cause certain conditions in them, which result in various diseases.

Ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone have the following effects on the body:

  • They slow down the process of maturation of the endometrium of the uterus, thereby preventing the egg from attaching to the walls of the organ, even if it is fertilized.
  • They reduce the production of natural hormones that ensure the maturation of the egg, release from the follicle and support its vital activity afterwards.
  • They thicken the cervical mucus, thus forming a kind of plug that prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.

But Yarina is appointed not only as contraceptive, which can be taken continuously for more than one year. Doctors also prescribe this drug for menstrual irregularities, hormonal disorders and diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.

What discharge is normal?

As already mentioned, Yarina is a hormonal drug, the use of which affects hormonal background women. Ideally, when using it, vaginal discharge should be transparent or whitish, have a mucous consistency, and not drain unpleasant odor and not be accompanied by abdominal pain or hyperemia of the external genitalia. However, this picture is observed only in those who have already passed the so-called adaptation period, and in women for whom this drug is suitable.

In other cases, spotting is common. Moreover, they can be observed not only during menstruation, but also on any other day of the menstrual cycle.

So, if you started taking the drug recently, then the occurrence of spotting at the beginning, middle or end of the cycle is quite natural. This is due to the body’s adaptation to new working conditions. This period usually ends 2 to 3 months after taking the first tablet. After the expiration of the period, the woman should stop intermenstrual bleeding and the cycle should normalize.

It is worth noting that as the body adapts, menstruation itself may change. Discharge during it can be copious and bloody, or scanty and brown. At the same time, it can smear for much longer than usual - up to 10 or more days.

Important! There is an opinion that in order to speed up the process of adaptation of the body, it is necessary to drink a double dose of the drug, that is, 2 tablets at a time. And it is recommended to do this until the daubing stops completely. But! Under no circumstances should you do this without the doctor’s knowledge! Taking the drug in double dosage can lead to the discovery heavy bleeding!

If the adaptation period has ended, and the woman also experiences prolonged spotting or atypical discharge outside of menstruation, she needs to go to the doctor. In this case, you must be examined and make sure that the drug does not cause any complications. If during diagnostic measures no complications were identified, then the appearance of brown discharge may be associated with prolonged adaptation, and therefore you should not stop taking the pills.

If, during diagnosis, serious hormonal disruptions or accelerated atrophy of the uterine epithelium were discovered, then the drug should be replaced with a more gentle means of contraception.

Important! Yarina cannot stop drinking suddenly. This can trigger severe bleeding, which only doctors can stop and only in a hospital setting. To avoid taking this drug, you will need to choose another drug.

Pathological discharge

If the body’s adaptation has ended, and the woman continues to have bloody, pink, yellow with blood impurities or dark discharge outside of menstruation, you should definitely visit a doctor. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and more often in this case, hormonal imbalances in the body are considered to be the trigger for the occurrence of atypical discharge.

As already mentioned, each tablet contains the hormones ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, which affect the synthesis of natural hormones and the maturation of the endometrium of the uterus. This, in turn, can lead to the development of diseases such as:

  • Hypoplasia of the organ.
  • Ovarian cyst (formed as a result of untimely rupture of the follicle membranes).
  • Adenometriosis.
  • Uterine cancer.

These diseases pose a serious threat to a woman’s life and must be treated immediately. With their development, not only a small brownish smudge appears, but pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after sexual intercourse, nausea, weakness, etc.

In addition, do not forget that contraceptives, including Yarina, do not provide 100% protection. Even if taken, pregnancy may occur. Moreover, more often than not, women experience an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg attaches to the walls fallopian tube. This condition is dangerous as it can cause the pipe to rupture and open internal bleeding. Therefore, it is important to know what symptoms are characteristic of this pathology. During development ectopic pregnancy may pull in the lower abdomen, nausea may appear, developing into vomiting, the temperature may rise, and brown daub, there is weakness. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to have an abortion.

Other causes of discharge

Even when the body’s adaptation to the drug is successful, the woman does not experience hormonal disorders or develop any pathological processes in the body while taking a contraceptive, and spotting still appears periodically, this may be a consequence of a violation of the medication regimen.

Remember that all contraceptives, including Yarina, must be taken at the same time every day. You cannot skip doses or drink only half the currency and then stop taking the drug! Once everything may end well - there will be a slight daub, which will soon stop. But at other times it may lead to severe bleeding and serious hormonal imbalances, followed by the development of diseases. Therefore, if you decide to take Yarina as a contraceptive, then do it correctly, following your doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, the following can trigger the occurrence of intermenstrual spotting or heavy periods:

  • Stress.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Physical or mental fatigue.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • A sharp change in climatic conditions.
  • Smoking.

There are many reasons why a woman may experience discharge that is atypical for her. You should not try to figure out why this happens on your own. You must go to the doctor immediately. Since only he can determine the real reason occurrence of discharge and give recommendations that will help you quickly get rid of it while maintaining the functionality of the reproductive system.

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2013-08-02 10:25:22

Olesya asks:

Hello! I really need advice. I am 34 years old. For the last three cycles I have had clots on the first day (3-4 cm). My periods are regular. The cycle is day 28. In the middle of the cycle there is no discharge. Day 6-7 there is brown spotting. I had an ultrasound Day 7 of the cycle endometrium 9 mm, three layers. Uterus 52-42-60. Intramural myomatous node with a diameter of 12 mm. Right ovary 29 * 14 mm contains small follicles D = 5 mm Left 30 * 20 mm contains follicles D = 9 mm. Diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia The doctor recommended curettage. Possibly Is there something alternative? And is it possible to make a diagnosis of hyperplasia? There has been no pregnancy for a year. We live openly with my husband. A year and a half ago for a long time I took Yarina. Immediately after her discontinuation, the endometrium was 14mm by 10dc on ultrasound. What can you recommend? Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you very much for your answer Ivanna Ivanovna! In the last six months I may have gained 5 kg. Now I’ve lost it. Height 165, weight 63 kg. Is it possible for me to drink Yarina for six months and then plan a pregnancy? Or pregnancy may not occur? I know for sure that when taking Yarina the endometrium I will decrease.

Stezhka Marina Petrovna answers:

Obstetrician-gynecologist highest category

I would recommend a histological examination of the endometrium using hysteroscopy. If pregnancy does not occur within a year, then a more in-depth examination is necessary; this problem cannot be solved on the Internet.


Olesya. After taking Yarina, you can plan a pregnancy, but in this case it is better to take Yarina-plus or Jazz-plus (these drugs are preferable because they contain folic acid). But failure to become pregnant may be due to many other factors. You also need to examine your spouse, since the spermogram may change with age, you need to be examined for STDs, and possibly have a metrosalpingography done.

2014-02-18 11:14:46

Bogdan asks:

Hello, please tell me what to do?
I am 21 years old, and for several years in a row I have been bothered by brown discharge in the middle of my cycle. Everything was fine on the ultrasound (done many times), and when examined at the doctor’s appointment everything was fine too. I took tests for hormones, including progesterone. All hormones are normal, but only I had low progesterone (I repeated the test 2 times), that is, there is no ovulation. I took Duphaston for 3 months, rested for a month from the drugs and did the progesterone test again - the result was good. 2 months later my husband and I We started to have an open sexual life. We want children. Already a year has passed, I I'm not pregnant. 2 months ago I took an estradiol test (the result was good), but the progesterone test was bad (it was low again). I took Yarina for 2 months, and after that, during the next menstruation, on the first day of the cycle, I started taking the drug CLOMID (5 days), I live abroad, I don’t know if there is such a drug in the CIS countries. The local doctor explained that this drug will increase eggs during ovulation. Today is the 8th day of the cycle. I did an ultrasound today (since the doctor will go on vacation tomorrow), and the eggs are small again, the same large size 11mm.
The local doctor advised me to get an injection (to enlarge the eggs). I said that I would think about it, and maybe next month we will try this injection. The doctor also said that the drug is not dangerous. It is similar to Clomid, but just stronger.
I do not know what to do. I’ve taken Clomid (to enlarge eggs) several times this year, and she gave me Duphaston for one month (I didn’t get pregnant that month. My husband’s spermogram is fine, the results are very good. What should I do? What do you recommend? do? We want children. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:

Reproductologist, Ph.D.

Firstly, stimulation with clomiphene (Clomid or clostilbegit) can be carried out no more than 3 times.
Have you had folliculometry done while taking Clomid? How many eggs were there? Did they ovulate? No one performs stimulation blindly. In addition, the situation with progesterone levels is not completely clear to me. It is necessary to take a progesterone drug and immediately plan a pregnancy, and not wait 2 months. Ideally, it is advisable to donate blood for antibodies (!) to progesterone.
It’s difficult to say virtually, but if you don’t get pregnant naturally, then you need to analyze and, possibly, conduct mini IVF. If possible, I invite you to visit us in Lviv, at the “Alternative” clinic.

2013-10-18 10:51:48

Natalia asks:

Hello, this question worries me, I’ve been taking Yarina for three months, I’m worried aching pain in the left ovary, light brown discharge not very plentiful. The pain sometimes radiates to the back, and sometimes to the groin. Tell me, is this normal when taken ok? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna answers:


Adaptation to the contraceptive can take up to 3 months, so if the pain and bleeding do not stop by the 4th month, you need to see a doctor to identify another cause of the pain, stop Yarina and choose another drug.

2010-04-27 07:34:57

Elena asks:

Good afternoon I temporarily live in Vietnam, but the medical situation here is poor. For the past week I have been bothered by a light brown color with an unpleasant odor. Nothing hurts. Yesterday I went to the “international” clinic, but they wrote everything on Vietnamese language. They took a smear and did an ultrasound. They said “Binh Thuong”, which means healthy. Although they prescribed Betadine and another drug (suppositories) with clotrimazole, neomycin and some other antibiotic. I don't want to accept them. They still couldn’t explain to me what this is? inflammation or infection?
Why I still don’t understand. Tell me, please, maybe it’s worth testing for infections? (2 years ago I was diagnosed with ureaplasma, but my husband was not), I was treated, everything went away. I took it again 2 times with long intervals. There is no erosion, although the uterus is smeared with iodine every time. We never had anything other than ureaplasma, not even thrush. I have a problem with menstruation. Without taking Yarina (I’ve been taking it for 3 years, I used another drug before), menstruation does not come on its own. I wait and wait, and after 6 months we call Duphaston.
We are planning a baby in the near future, I tried to explain this to the doctor yesterday, but they didn’t prescribe any tests for me. We want to make sure everything is fine.
Please tell me:
1. what to donate (hormones, STIs, etc.) blood, smears, etc. to prepare for conception.
2. what do the symptoms I described look like (light brown discharge)
Thank you very much in advance!

Zheleznaya Anna Alexandrovna answers:

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology

Good afternoon You need to be tested for chlamydia, ureaplasma, gardnerella, mycoplasma, CMV, herpes, papillomavirus.
Be sure to undergo treatment at least with the medications prescribed. From the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle, it is advisable to take 1 tablet of Duphaston 2 times a day (at least 3 menstrual cycles) and measure basal temperature and show it to the doctor.
Be healthy!

2010-03-25 17:38:55

Elena asks:

Good afternoon
Since the age of 16, I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Menstruation does not occur on its own until we induce it with Duphaston. I have been taking Yarina for over 4 years. I can handle it well. Menstruation occurs only when taken. You just have to cancel it for 1 month, and by the 2nd month you won’t get menstruation anymore. It comes out very sparingly, brown in color, sometimes in clumps. A year ago, for six months, a week before the start of menstruation, there was spotting. I never had any STIs, not even thrush. My husband and I are planning a pregnancy. The problem is that we now live far from our homeland and medicine here lags behind. My doctor at home said that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant on my own, he said that it was wrong to do a laparoscopy and immediately try to get pregnant. But what scares me is that we will fly on vacation for only 3 weeks, and it’s scary to fly at such an early date... over such distances (more than 10 hours of flight).
Please tell me what tests to take ( a full range of!!) to prepare, adjust hormone levels (usually progesterone is 2 times lower than the lower limit!).
I also wanted to ask if it is possible to visit the sauna and sunbathe under the sun with PCOS?
thank you in advance!

Leonid Aleksandrovich Bystrov answers:

gynecologist-reproductologist of the highest category, head of the gynecological department

Hello, Elena! Regarding your main question, these problems must be solved locally and seriously. I don’t know where you live (in what city in your homeland), because... you need to be seriously examined and treated in order to get pregnant, and it is at the center of reproduction and family planning with reproductive specialists. But a sauna and active insolation are not recommended for you, because this is an additional load on the ovaries.

2010-05-12 17:03:50

Anette asks:

Good afternoon!!! Please tell me!!!
I am 21 years old. I have been taking Yarina tablets for almost 2 years with 3 month breaks! And so, after a 3-month break, on April 28, I took the first tablet, and after I took 12 tablets from the pack, I noticed a light brown or dark yellowish slight discharge. It’s been about 2 days already! No pain, no smell, everything is fine . And on the 8th I missed taking a pill and took it on the 9th. Maybe this is due to missing a pill?? I’ve never had this happen... What could this be connected with???

Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna answers:

Gynecologist of the highest category

Dear Anette! This may be due to missing a pill. Continue taking your tablets as usual. Additional contraception (condom) during this month is advisable.

One of the most popular means of contraception among women is drugs containing synthetic hormones tinyl estradiol and drospirenone, which suppress ovarian function and prevent pregnancy. Among such means is “Yarina”. This drug is now common among women, as its use is rarely accompanied by side effects. However, vaginal discharge changes its character when taking Yarina. And the reason for this can be both pathological processes caused by changes in hormonal levels, and the body’s natural reaction to the introduction of a new substance into it. Now you will find out which discharge is considered normal and which requires immediate contact with a gynecologist.

A few words about the product and its mechanism of action

Yarina is a hormonal drug containing ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. These substances have an androgenic effect and interfere with androgen synthesis, as a result of which ovulation is suppressed, during which eggs are released from the follicles that form on the ovaries every menstrual cycle.

Most women do not take birth control because they are afraid of gaining excess weight. Indeed, some contraceptive drugs lead to the appearance of several extra pounds, but not Yarina. It has been scientifically proven that this remedy does not contain substances that help retain fluid in the body or increase appetite, therefore, there is no risk of weight gain when taking it.

However, this does not mean that you can take the drug yourself without consulting a doctor. The fact is that the hormones contained in its composition change the functioning of the reproductive organs and can cause certain conditions in them, which result in various diseases.

Ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone have the following effects on the body:

  • They slow down the process of maturation of the endometrium of the uterus, thereby preventing the egg from attaching to the walls of the organ, even if it is fertilized.
  • They reduce the production of natural hormones that ensure the maturation of the egg, release from the follicle and support its vital activity afterwards.
  • They thicken the cervical mucus, thus forming a kind of plug that prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.

But Yarina is prescribed not only as a contraceptive, which can be taken continuously for more than one year. Doctors also prescribe this drug for menstrual irregularities, hormonal disorders and diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.

What discharge is normal?

As already mentioned, Yarina is a hormonal drug, the use of which affects the hormonal background of a woman. Ideally, when using it, vaginal discharge should be transparent or whitish, have a mucous consistency, not have an unpleasant odor and not be accompanied by abdominal pain or hyperemia of the external genitalia. However, this picture is observed only in those who have already passed the so-called adaptation period, and in women for whom this drug is suitable.

In other cases, spotting is common. Moreover, they can be observed not only during menstruation, but also on any other day of the menstrual cycle.

So, if you started taking the drug recently, then the occurrence of spotting at the beginning, middle or end of the cycle is quite natural. This is due to the body’s adaptation to new working conditions. This period usually ends 2 to 3 months after taking the first tablet. After the expiration of the period, the woman should stop intermenstrual bleeding and the cycle should normalize.

It is worth noting that as the body adapts, menstruation itself may change. Discharge during it can be copious and bloody, or scanty and brown. At the same time, it can smear for much longer than usual - up to 10 or more days.

Important! There is an opinion that in order to speed up the process of adaptation of the body, it is necessary to drink a double dose of the drug, that is, 2 tablets at a time. And it is recommended to do this until the daubing stops completely. But! Under no circumstances should you do this without the doctor’s knowledge! Taking the drug in double dosage can lead to severe bleeding!

If the adaptation period has ended, and the woman also experiences prolonged spotting or atypical discharge outside of menstruation, she needs to go to the doctor. In this case, you must be examined and make sure that the drug does not cause any complications. If no complications were identified during diagnostic measures, then the appearance of brown discharge may be associated with prolonged adaptation, and therefore you should not stop taking the pills.

If, during diagnosis, serious hormonal disruptions or accelerated atrophy of the uterine epithelium were discovered, then the drug should be replaced with a more gentle means of contraception.

Important! Yarina cannot stop drinking suddenly. This can trigger severe bleeding, which only doctors can stop and only in a hospital setting. To avoid taking this drug, you will need to choose another drug.

Pathological discharge

If the body’s adaptation has ended, and a woman continues to have bloody, pink, yellow with blood or dark discharge outside of menstruation, then you should definitely visit a doctor. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and more often in this case, hormonal imbalances in the body are considered to be the trigger for the occurrence of atypical discharge.

As already mentioned, each tablet contains the hormones ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, which affect the synthesis of natural hormones and the maturation of the endometrium of the uterus. This, in turn, can lead to the development of diseases such as:

  • Hypoplasia of the organ.
  • Ovarian cyst (formed as a result of untimely rupture of the follicle membranes).
  • Adenometriosis.
  • Uterine cancer.

These diseases pose a serious threat to a woman’s life and must be treated immediately. With their development, not only a small brownish smudge appears, but pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after sexual intercourse, nausea, weakness, etc.

In addition, do not forget that contraceptive drugs, including Yarina, do not provide 100% protection. Even if taken, pregnancy may occur. Moreover, more often than not, women experience an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the fallopian tube. This condition is dangerous as it can cause the tube to rupture and open internal bleeding. Therefore, it is important to know what symptoms are characteristic of this pathology. With the development of an ectopic pregnancy, the lower abdomen may be pulled, nausea may appear, developing into vomiting, the temperature may rise, brown spotting may be observed, and weakness may be observed. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to have an abortion.

Other causes of discharge

Even when the body’s adaptation to the drug has been successful, the woman does not experience hormonal disorders or the development of any pathological processes in the body while taking the contraceptive, but spotting still appears periodically, this may be a consequence of a violation of the medication regimen.

Remember that all contraceptives, including Yarina, must be taken at the same time every day. You cannot skip doses or drink only half the currency and then stop taking the drug! Once everything may end well - there will be a slight daub, which will soon stop. But other times, this can lead to severe bleeding and serious hormonal imbalances, followed by the development of diseases. Therefore, if you decide to take Yarina as a contraceptive, then do it correctly, following your doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, the following can trigger the occurrence of intermenstrual spotting or heavy periods:

  • Stress.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Physical or mental fatigue.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • A sharp change in climatic conditions.
  • Smoking.

There are many reasons why a woman may experience discharge that is atypical for her. You should not try to figure out why this happens on your own. You must go to the doctor immediately. Since only he will be able to determine the true cause of the discharge and give recommendations that will help to quickly get rid of it, while maintaining the functionality of the reproductive system.
