Schizandra jam for the winter: a recipe for a Far Eastern delicacy. Lemongrass plant - recipes with photos

To all year round enjoy their own grown fruits and benefit from them; gardeners harvest part of the crop after harvesting. The article will talk about Chinese lemongrass and how to preserve it useful berries for the winter period.

What is a plant and what are the benefits of its fruits

Chinese is a perennial woody liana that can reach a height of 15 m. In nature, the plant can be found in China, Japan, and Sakhalin.

In autumn, along the entire length of the liana, ripening of fruits begins, collected in a small brush. These are round red berries, endowed with a sour taste and a strong lemon scent. In the photo there are creepers in autumn period fruits always stand out bright spots against the background of green foliage. It is thanks to their beneficial properties that the plant has become widespread in amateur gardens.

The fruits contain approximately 20% organic acids, many mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins. The use of such a set has a positive effect on nervous activity a person, than tones up the entire body.

Due to their very sour taste, berries are rarely eaten fresh. Most often they are dried, or a brew is made from them. Various types of harvesting lemongrass retains most useful properties berries and can be used as a preventive and medicine... The berries are picked after they are fully ripe. In terms of time, this falls on September-October. The brushes are removed very carefully with a sharp knife. If the vine is severely damaged, it will not bear fruit next season.

Attention! Harvesting in galvanized buckets is by no means possible. When interacting with lemongrass juice, the metal begins to oxidize.

Dried and frozen fruits

Drying berries can be called the most useful way storage. Such preparation of lemongrass practically does not cause changes in the substances that make up the sour fruits. The process takes place in 2 stages. At the same time, drying is combined fresh air and in the oven.

Advice. For this method of harvesting to be successful, you do not need to tear the berries from the stalks. Better to dry lemongrass with whole brushes.

The drying method looks like this:

  1. The berries removed from the vine are laid out on a baking sheet covered with a clean cloth or paper. In this case, be sure to ensure that the clusters do not touch each other.
  2. Arrange a baking sheet outdoors under a canopy or, even better, in a well-ventilated attic.
  3. After the lemongrass has dried up a little, the berries can be separated from the stalks.
  4. Having spread out the red fruits in a thin layer, the baking sheet is sent to the oven for 7 hours. All this time, the temperature should be maintained within 45-55 ° C and no more.

This is done for several days. Lemongrass, dried according to the rules, has a dark red color. At the same time, the berries turn out to be evenly wrinkled, they do not stick together. If there is an opportunity and desire to freeze the berries, then they should also be picked with brushes. The skin must be intact.

Advice. In order for lemongrass to be harvested by freezing, before immersion in freezer it needs to be kept in the refrigerator for several hours.

Prepared berries are freely laid out on plates, baking sheets and placed in the freezer. After a day, lemongrass is taken out, laid out in special containers or bags and arranged for long-term storage.

Jam, preserves and marmalade

Lemongrass is not only very useful. Mixed with sugar, it's pretty delicious dessert, so some housewives are happy to make jam, preserves and marmalade from it. The first preparation of lemongrass has the following recipe:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

The red fruits are rubbed, thus separating the pulp from the skin and seeds. Sugar is poured into the finished puree and the mixture is boiled until thickened. They put jam in jars, seal and send for storage.

Jam is prepared in much the same way, but in this recipe, whole berries are used and sugar is added in a ratio of 1: 1.5. Lemongrass for such a harvest should be dense, slightly unripe. Step by step the recipe is performed as follows:

  1. Without breaking the stalks, lemongrass is well washed.
  2. Separate the berries and mix them with sugar. Leave it overnight.
  3. To make the future jam a little thinner and the container with it can be put on fire, add a little water or apple juice to the lemongrass.
  4. The container with the brew is placed on the fire and boiled for 5-7 minutes in 2 passes, after which it is poured into jars.

Such preparation of lemongrass as jam differs not only in excellent taste. It can be used as an excellent cold remedy.

Lemongrass marmalade is a wonderful delicacy that will be perfect for tea on long cold evenings. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • lemongrass juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp;
  • pectin - 3 tablespoons

Prepare it like this:

  1. Pectin is poured into slightly warmed juice and left to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. In another container, sugar syrup and 150 ml of juice are boiled.
  3. The pectin mixture is poured into hot syrup and everything is boiled until thickened.
  4. While hot, the mixture is poured into cans or, if use is planned in as soon as possible, on low trays.
  5. In the future, the marmalade is simply cut into pieces with a knife.

Harvesting such valuable fruits as lemongrass is not particularly difficult. But in winter useful product will be able to raise the tone and help the body cope with colds.

The Chinese schisandra plant is not often used in our latitudes for cooking, however, it is completely in vain. Schisandra has many beneficial properties, and pleasant taste... Today we will tell you how to cook lemongrass.

Lemongrass plant recipe for the winter

Lemongrass with sugar - a recipe for the winter

Fresh berries Peel lemongrass of twigs and put in clean jars, sprinkling the layers with granulated sugar. Sugar is taken 2 times more (by weight) than berries. Harvesting lemongrass with sugar for the winter is in the refrigerator all winter and is used as needed.

How to make lemongrass juice

The juice squeezed from the berries is poured into sterilized jars (preferably dark ones) and stored in the refrigerator. Used in vitamin drinks and as an anti-febrile remedy.

Dried lemongrass - recipe

Whole berries or pulp left over from the juice squeeze is dried in a non-hot oven and then dried in the air. The berries are consumed whole, chewing in the mouth, and the seeds are ground into powder and used as a remedy.

Lemongrass syrup - recipes

Squeeze lemongrass berries through cheesecloth or in a juicer, add sugar to the juice (1: 1.5), heat until sugar dissolves over low heat, stirring regularly. Pour the syrup into scalded bottles and store in a cool dark place.

How to freeze lemongrass - recipe

The berries, peeled from twigs, are frozen in containers at a temperature of -18 ° C. Store for 2 years.

How to cook lemongrass recipes

Schisandra chinensis drink - recipe

Pour fresh (or dried) berries with water and boil for 5 minutes after boiling. Add sugar and cool to room temperature. For a glass of berries, take 2 liters of water and 150 g of sugar. You can dilute the pre-prepared syrup to your liking.

How to make lemongrass jelly

Lemongrass syrup is diluted 10 times with water, brought to a boil and diluted starch is poured in. Turn off and stir for a few more minutes until thickened. Usually for 1 liter of jelly you need 2 tbsp. l. starch.

Lemongrass tea - recipe

Green tea and finely chopped dried young shoots and leaves of lemongrass pour into a wide thick bowl and pour boiling water. Insist for 3 minutes and drink as a tonic and revitalizing agent that relieves eye fatigue and helps with depression. Usually 1 tsp is brewed. a leaf of tea and 1 tsp. dry parts of lemongrass per 0.5 liters of boiling water.

How to make lemongrass honey - recipe

Dissolve a glass of honey in 1 liter hot water(temperature not higher than 50 ° C), add lemongrass juice (1-1.5 cups), yeast - 20 g and ferment in a warm place. Then it is sealed tightly and placed in a cool place for three weeks for quiet fermentation.

Recipe for cooking meat with lemongrass juice

Cut the tough red meat into slices, add lemongrass juice diluted 1: 3 with water. Stand overnight, season with salt, fry on a wire rack over coals.

Lemongrass gravy recipe

Dilute lemongrass juice with water, add a little sugar, bring to a boil and pour the diluted in cold water flour. Stir quickly and turn off when the first bubbles appear on the surface.

How to make pastry lipstick with lemongrass juice - recipe

Dissolve sugar in water and boil until thickened, covered. Before the end of cooking add 2 tsp. lemongrass juice, quickly remove from heat and cool the pan in a basin with cold water... Beat the cooled mass with a spatula (or mixer) into a fine-crystalline mass. Warm slightly again and add 1 tbsp. l. lemongrass syrup, stirring all the time. Pastry fondant can be used on donuts, for example, or other sweet baked goods.

Schisandra recipes for the winter: Video

These are of course not all recipes for cooking Chinese lemongrass, we told you how to cook lemongrass is simple and affordable for everyone.

Back in ancient China, he first became in medicinal purposes lemongrass is used - a berry that has a wide range useful actions. Today, entire plantations of this crop are grown for the pharmaceutical industry. Lemongrass is often found, planted by amateur gardeners in their areas, where it performs a decorative function.


The homeland of this plant is China, but it has become quite common in Russia (mainly in Far East), in Japan, Korea. It grows most often on slopes, located at an altitude of 200 to 400 meters above the level of water bodies. Lemongrass is a liana-like shrub, the branching stems of which are up to 2 cm thick and reach a length of m. They are covered with a reddish-brown smooth bark, which becomes more rough and flaky with age.

Fleshy leaves of light green color are located on long (up to 3 cm) petioles. Their shape is elliptical, the edges are weakly serrated. In late May - early June, the bush is covered with white, dioecious flowers with a delicate, pleasant aroma.

Later, in their place, fruits are formed, which finally ripen in September - October. The berries are round, bright red. Their pulp is juicy and soft, but the taste is very specific, bitter. The smell is like that of leaves and bark, lemon, for which the plant got its name. Inside each berry are two kidney-shaped seeds. Fruit yield is about 30 kg per hectare.

Biochemical composition

A large number of useful components contained in this plant, allows it to be widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Their complex is responsible for its therapeutic effect.

A lot have been created for today different drugs, which contain lemongrass. Its berry is rich in catechins, anthocyanins, essential oils, pectin and organic acids. It is an excellent source of vitamin C.

They are also rich in trace elements such as copper (0.1 mg / g), manganese (0.22 mg / g), zinc (0.13 mg / g), nickel (0.33 mg / g). Found in them a large amount of potassium (19.2 mg / g), selenium (33.3 mg / g). All these components have a positive effect on the human body. No toxic substances have been identified.

The healing properties of lemongrass

The popularity of this plant in pharmacology is largely due to its tonic and restorative effects. No wonder that Chinese hunters, setting off on a long journey, always took lemongrass berries with them. The properties of these fruits to stimulate the nervous and muscular system helped preserve physical fitness, for a long time go without food and not feel tired.

Schizandra fruits enhance positive reflexes, activate metabolism, increase immunity and photosensitivity of the organs of vision. In addition, they stimulate cardiovascular activity and respiration, increase motor secretion digestive tract, tone the uterus and skeletal muscles. Therapeutic action is explained by the ability of the fruit to enhance blood circulation in the diseased organ, and the biologically active substances in them help the well-coordinated work of the whole organism as a whole.

Schisandra is a berry, indispensable in the process of intense mental work, when concentration of attention, concentration and integrity of perception are especially necessary.

Application in traditional medicine

Basically, funds based on this plant are used in case of a breakdown, to restore performance, in case of overwork. Its fruits are recommended for people who have suffered from severe debilitating diseases. Their tonic properties help to cope with increased mental stress.

For asthma, bronchitis and other diseases respiratory system use different parts of the named plant. Schisandra berries, the use of which is considered in our article, are effective for myopia, giving excellent results to improve visual acuity.

Tinctures made from lemongrass fruit help with impotence, different types depressive conditions, for the prevention of influenza and colds... Essential oils contained in the plant in a large number, improve the functioning of the liver, heart, have an antipruritic effect against insect bites.

It has been found that lemongrass berry can even remove glycogen and lower blood sugar levels.


The fruits of this plant are used for medicinal and preventive purpose in any form - fresh, dried, frozen. There are many ways to cook various means, among which the following are the most popular:

Cooking use

Schizandra fruits are successfully used for the preparation of fruit drinks and syrups. These drinks invigorate and cheer up. In cooking, there are many options for what to do with lemongrass berries. From them it turns out delicious jam and even marmalade.

Lemongrass for weight loss

There are many main reasons for the appearance of excess weight - it can be caused by improper diet, hormonal disorders, slow metabolism, stress, low physical activity etc. Lemongrass is a berry capable of eliminating many of them, thanks to its amazing properties... It normalizes metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol, evens out hormonal background... In addition, by stimulating the body, lemongrass can increase energy expenditure. All this leads to fat burning.

Nutritionists believe that sprinkling with lemongrass juice reduces the absorption of sugar, which is one of the causes of obesity. The large amount of vitamin C contained in the fruits of this plant normalizes intestinal function. Regular use water with the addition of lemongrass juice or its berries allows you to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

You should not only abuse such a diet. The course should be no more than a month, because otherwise, a malfunction of the stomach is possible.


Any means used in folk medicine, should be taken only in consultation with a doctor, since there are always any contraindications. Even completely harmless, seemingly, lemongrass berries are not recommended for people suffering from insomnia, disorders of gastric secretion, who have high blood pressure, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Procurement and storage

The collection of lemongrass fruits is performed when they are fully ripe. This usually happens in September, before the onset of frost. The brushes are carefully torn off so as not to damage the vines and scattered on the burlap.

They are left in this form under a canopy for about 2 days. Then the berries are picked and placed in a special dryer for 6-8 hours. The temperature must be maintained between 45 and 55 ° C. Store dried raw materials in hermetically sealed bags.

Schisandra chinensis - plant with huge amount useful actions. All of them are quite long in time, so it is advisable to take funds from its fruits in the morning.

An adult plant is formed from 5-6 main shoots, the rest are cut at the soil level. Old, unproductive branches (aged 15-16 years) are removed at the base, replacing them with young shoots selected from the growth. The onset of berry formation is usually noted approximately 40-45 days after flowering. The fruits are formed after about three months. When harvesting ripe berries, the brushes should be removed from the plant very carefully so as not to damage the vine (it is better to use scissors for this purpose). When collecting, storing and bulkheading the fruits of Schisandra chinensis, do not use easily oxidized (metal) dishes, otherwise it may cause poisoning.

The berries are not easily transportable, they crumple easily, choke, lose juice and, as a result, begin to ferment, becoming covered with a white fungus bloom. For this reason, it is not recommended to store the removed berries for more than two days without subjecting them to processing or drying.

Reproduction of Chinese lemongrass

Schisandra reproduces by seeds and vegetatively (rhizome shoots, layering, and less often green cuttings). For seed propagation, it is necessary to use only freshly harvested material or stored in a cool place and dry for at least a year. It should also be known that Schisandra seeds are characterized by a number of features: they are heterogeneous in size, weight, and even in color. Some of the seeds (15-35% depending on the batch), outwardly normal, but morphologically defective, have no embryo or endosperm under the shell, which leads to sparse seedlings. In full-fledged seeds, the embryo (its size is 0.5x0.2 mm) is also underdeveloped and is located in varying degrees development (the degree of ripening of berries plays a role), and for complete swelling they need water up to 50% of their initial mass. This phenomenon subsequently leads to a prolonged period of seed germination and emergence of seedlings. The growth and development of the embryo occurs during the so-called stratification.

Good results are obtained by podzimny sowing in November in open ground: then the seeds undergo natural (natural) stratification. Schisandra seedlings emerge on the soil surface for a long time (at the end of May); their appearance can last for 2-2.5 months (some of the seeds, according to some authors, are capable of sprouting only in the second year).

As a rule, first of all, the hypocotal knee appears in the form of a loop, which gradually straightens. Then subcotal leaves come out, covered with a seed coat, from which the plant is liberated for a long time. After shedding the shell, the leaves straighten and increase in size. Bright green, large, fleshy cotyledonous leaves of lemongrass during this period are very similar in appearance to cucumber seedlings.

For prophylaxis (protection against fungal diseases), the seedlings are watered once a month with a slightly boron solution of potassium permanganate. If it was possible to get the seeds late and there is no possibility of sowing them in open ground, then they are laid for stratification in January for subsequent sowing in March - April. Then the stratification process includes the monthly content of seeds in a moist substrate (sawdust, sand) (room temperature) and in a refrigerator (in the basement) (0 ... 5 ° C). Then they are kept for 2-3 weeks until they swell, after which they are sown in planting boxes. Seedlings in the phase of 3-4 leaves dive into containers with fertile soil, leaving a feeding area of ​​5x5 cm for each plant.

In the first year of life, seedlings grow very slowly, have a small growth (7-10 cm) and weak foliage. This phenomenon is typical for this period of lemongrass development; nitrogen fertilizers should not be abused in order to accelerate their growth. The next year, the seedlings grow much faster and can be quite suitable material for replanting them in the garden. But more often this material is ready for landing on permanent place at the age of two to three years (transferred with a sufficient clod of earth), and it is suitable for fruiting for another 2-3 years. If it is not possible to transfer the seedling from enough the soil adjacent to its roots, its root system is treated with a thick clay mash, adding a mullein to it.

As already noted, the rhizomes of lemongrass bear a large number of dormant buds, which, upon awakening, give abundant growth around the mother plant during the first two years. The offspring separated from the latter can be used later as planting material. By the way, lemongrass can also be propagated by root cuttings - pieces of rhizomes (up to 10 cm long) with 2-3 dormant buds, which require daily watering to awaken. Sometimes in the spring they add a long shoot, which by the end of the growing season forms a fairly good root system, with which it can be planted. When propagated by green cuttings, its branches are used with three leaves shortened by a third. In cuttings, the base is treated with a stimulant solution, after which they are planted in a greenhouse at an angle of 45 ° and watered regularly. After two years, such material is quite ready for planting in a permanent place, and begins to bear fruit in 1.5-2 years.

It is nice to know that in the last decade the popularity of this plant in our country has increased greatly. Schisandra really deserves cultivation on every household plot, considering that over the past 25-30 years, fruit-bearing populations have almost disappeared in the forests of Primorsky Krai due to increased collection of its berries and damage to its vines. Predatory and barbaric picking of berries with the removal of plants from supporting trees to quickly obtain fruits leads to the death of vines, since the latter do not rise. Schizandra plants found in the herbaceous layer of spruce-fir and mixed larch forests are in a depressed state, they are undersized due to strong shading of the bush by tall trees and overgrown shrubs and do not have the opportunity to climb on supports, do not bear fruit. Forest fires also kill vines, as their flaky and flaky bark is highly flammable. Further extermination of fruiting lemongrass populations will most likely lead to their complete disappearance in their natural habitats. As a result, it turns out: there is less and less wild lemongrass, and the pharmaceutical industry is increasing the demand for it.

How to choose planting material for Chinese lemongrass

When buying, the Schisandra plant itself is easy to recognize: all its parts (flowers, leaves, stems and young underground shoots) smell like lemon. But it is important to find out which of the two forms (dioecious or monoecious) you acquire, or it is obtained directly from the seeds.

The varieties Sadovy 1, Pervenets and others bred in research institutions are extremely rare on sale, and buying them from the hands is fraught with the acquisition of material that does not correspond to the desired one. I believe that in 10-15 years lemongrass will multiply so much in our region that it can be found in every area, just like, for example, currants or gooseberries. By the way, I do not advise keeping this deciduous liana in room conditions, since this plant is deciduous, a rest period should go through at a rather low temperature.

In the conditions of the gardens of the non-chernozem zone of the country, serious diseases and pests have not yet been noted in Schisandra. Possible slight damage to leaves by caterpillars from the group of polyphagous pests. Birds do not touch the creeper berries. In order to prevent mycoses, it is recommended to remove fallen leaves from under the vines in the autumn and sprinkle the leaves with a 1% Bordeaux mixture in early spring.

The healing properties of Chinese lemongrass

Lemongrass has the greatest healing properties in its seeds. It is due to a whole complex of biologically active substances (lignans), which determine the stimulating, tonic and adaptogenic effect of lemongrass preparations on the body. Fruits accumulate macronutrients: potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, etc. They also contain boron, titanium, molybdenum and silver. Leaves, shoots, rhizomes and roots of lemongrass are also rich in essential oils and vitamins. Thus, the leaves contain five times more vitamin C than fruits (130 mg%). Stimulating, tonic and adaptogenic substances are also found in the pulp, skin and fruits of berries, in the leaves, bark, shoots, rhizomes and roots of lemongrass.

Thus, all parts of the vine serve as a source of biologically active connections... When cultivated in the garden valuable properties this plant is preserved. In different regions of the country, depending on the conditions and place of its cultivation, the chemical composition of lemongrass may fluctuate somewhat.

Chinese lemongrass recipes

Juices, syrups, compotes, jams, fruit drinks and much more are prepared from lemongrass berries at home. Before processing, the berries are separated from the stalk, sorted out and washed with boiled water.

Fresh lemongrass in sugar

The berries are dried on gauze, mixed with double the amount of granulated sugar, placed in half-liter glass jars with a well-ground lid, stored in the refrigerator.

Lemongrass juice

Juice is squeezed out of ripe berries (through 2 layers of gauze), which is poured into sterile bottles with a capacity of 100-250 ml, stored sealed in a refrigerator, or sterilized for 5 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C. Prepared in this way freshly squeezed juice in a well-sealed container it is stored for years without losing its qualities (but an open container is used as soon as possible, because the juice quickly molds, especially at room temperature). Natural juice lemongrass is obtained in this way. Ripe fruits in glass or enamel dishes are covered with a layer of granulated sugar. After 3-4 days, the berries fully release their juice, which is placed in tightly sealed glass bottles. The juice is used to acidify and flavor many dishes, to bunch wines. It can be added to jelly or compotes from other fruits, it gives them a bright color and pleasant aroma. For example: apples of winter varieties are thoroughly washed and placed in sterile jars with lemongrass berries, then poured with a boiling preservative solution (for 1 liter of water, 300 g of honey or granulated sugar, 30-50 g apple cider vinegar). After sterilization, the jars are rolled up. The juice can be used as a seasoning for tea (a teaspoon per glass).

Berry syrup

The juice is poured into an enamel bowl, sugar is added (1.5 kg per 1 liter of juice), heated, stirring, until the sugar dissolves and poured into sterile bottles. Store in a cool, dark place.

Lemongrass fruit drink

1 liter of syrup is diluted with 10 liters of chilled boiled water, kept in a cool place for 24 hours. Served as a refreshing drink.

Lemongrass kissel

Starch diluted in cold water is poured into a boiling fruit drink, stir and remove from the heat at the time of boiling.

Lemongrass juice from dried berries

For the preparation of dried products, the fruits are scattered on gauze or burlap in one layer, sorted out, slightly dried in air, dried in an oven at a temperature of 50-55 ° C for 3-4 days. Dried berries are stored in an open glass container, as in a closed one they damp and deteriorate, or in bags, bags in a dry ventilated area. Shelf life is 2 years.

To prepare juice, 3-4 tablespoons of dried fruits are poured with a liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes in a sealed enamel bowl, infused for 10-12 hours, filtered through cheesecloth, sugar is added (a glass per liter of liquid), heated until it dissolves with constant stirring, poured in the container.

Dried leaves and shoots

The collection of leaves begins in the first half of August. No more than a quarter of the leaves are taken from the plant, so as not to disrupt the process of successful ripening of the fruit of the vine. For this event, choose warm, clear days after the dew has dried. In order not to damage the bushes, they only pluck the leaves from the bottom, tearing off thick, juicy cuttings, grind and spread them in a thin layer on gauze or paper, always under a canopy in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. From direct sunlight, the leaves become discolored, lose their natural color; from moisture they turn black and moldy. The raw material is turned over at least once a day. Shrinkage of leaves is 70-80%. Store the workpiece in glass jars so that it does not lose its aroma. Dry leaves and shoots are an excellent addition to tea. For brewing tea, take 10 g (3-4 tablespoons) of dry mass per liter of boiling water.

Lemongrass tincture

Clean berry juice filtered through cheesecloth and 200 g of granulated sugar and 150-200 ml of drinking alcohol are added to 1 liter of juice. Then the mixture is shaken, poured into bottles and corked with wooden stoppers, coated with sealing wax. For two weeks, the bottles are kept in the refrigerator (at 2 ... 5 ° C), shaking several times a day. Then they defend a month.

Lemongrass wine

Fresh berries are covered with sugar 1: 1 and kept for 2-3 days at indoor conditions... When the juice comes out of the berries, it is poured into a separate bowl (1-3 l bottle). Unwashed berries are added to the juice (3-5 raisins and, if possible, 5-7 raspberries, black currants and black chokeberries). A sterile medical thin glove is put on the bottle, in one finger of which a small hole is made with a needle. It is through it that the gas will come out during the fermentation of the juice. After the end of this process, the wine is poured into small containers and sealed tightly.

Alcohol tincture

A 70% alcohol tincture is prepared from the washed crushed lemongrass seeds. Store in a cool, dark place. For medicinal purposes, use 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals or 4 hours after meals. Also well known is a 20% tincture of lemongrass seeds, prepared on the basis of 96% alcohol (at a lower concentration of alcohol active ingredients lemongrass are extracted worse).

Water tincture

To prepare it, take an equal amount of dry leaves, stems and berries, grind, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist (you can in a thermos). I want to warn you: before starting a regular long-term intake concentrates from lemongrass, it is still advisable to consult a doctor, since it is a fairly strong biostimulant, and each person has his own norm; in case of overdose, overexcitation of the cardiovascular and nervous system is possible

Alexander Lazarev, candidate biological sciences,
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Microbiological Protection

Woody liana up to 18 m long. Schisandra fruit is a cylindrical berry with an elongated receptacle, on which there are about 40 spherical fruits. Schisandra fruit outward appearance resemble red currant berries. Bright red, round, juicy, very sour and of a peculiar taste, the fruits of Schisandra chinensis are collected in bunches of 5-15 pieces.

V Schisandra fruits contain up to 20% organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric) and only 1.5% sugars, vitamins C, B6 B2, P, PP, provitamin A. Mineral substances are represented by iron, nickel, cobalt, copper, manganese.

WITH Lemongrass seeds, bark, stems and fruits are rich in essential oils. V oriental medicine lemongrass fruits are valued on a par with ginseng. They have a tonic effect, relieve fatigue and increase efficiency.

AND The fruits of lemongrass are used to prepare compotes, syrups, fruit drinks, drinks, candy fillings and juices. Schisandra juice is used as a natural coloring agent and a substitute for citric acid.

Natural Schisandra Juice (1)

WITH Wash all berries thoroughly in running water, let it drain and squeeze in a juicer. Or you can knead the berries with a wooden spoon in an enamel bowl and squeeze the juice in a nylon bag. Pour the juice into sterilized jars, close them with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator. Juice cans or bottles can be pasteurized:

  • with a capacity of 0.5 l - 10 min.
  • with a capacity of 1 liter - 12-15 minutes.
  • with a capacity of 2 liters - 18-20 minutes.

Juice is added to tea or coffee 1-1.5 teaspoons 2 times a day with a decrease in tone and fatigue.

Natural Schisandra Juice (2)

T Squeeze carefully washed berries in a juicer. Pour the remaining pomace with hot water 1: 1 and squeeze the juice again. Mix the juice of the first and second pressings, filter, pour into an enamel pan, heat to 95 ° С and pour into half-liter jars while hot. Sterilize cans, seal tightly and cool.

Dried Schisandra berries

WITH it is easy to dry the dried berries in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C for 3-4 days.

Harvesting lemongrass for tea

WITH remove healthy leaves and young (one- and two-year-old) shoots in August, chop, spread in a thin layer on paper and dry in a shaded, well-ventilated place. Store in a dark place in plastic bags.

Go to the section:

Step-by-step recipe for harvesting lemongrass for the winter with photo.
  • National cuisine : home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Blanks, Jam
  • Complexity of the recipe: A very simple recipe
  • Prep time: 17 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 day 2 h
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Calorie count: 41 kcal
  • Occasion: For an afternoon snack

Schisandra chinensis is a red-berry plant with many beneficial properties. Often used medicinally for tinctures. I will show you how to harvest lemongrass for the winter.

If you make such a healthy and unusual jam, then you will have a source of iodine, potassium and selenium all year round. It is not for nothing that this plant has been used for many centuries in the treatment of many diseases, for example, tuberculosis, bronchitis, and stomach problems. The berry also has 4 tastes at once: bitter, sweet, sour and salty.

Number of Servings: 12-15

Ingredients for 12 servings

  • Schisandra - 1 Kilogram
  • Sugar - 1.5 Kilograms
  • Water - 0.5 cups

Step by step

  1. Pick the berries when they are red, but not soft. Rinse them with water and cover with sugar for a day.
  2. Then put the future jam on the fire. Pour in water and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then cook for another 5 minutes and cool completely.
  3. After that, boil the jam again and cool again. Prepare the cans for seaming. If you do not boil a second time, but strain some of the mass through cheesecloth, you can get an excellent syrup.
  4. Pour the jam into the jars and close them with the lids. Enjoy your tasting!
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