What to eat if you have a broken leg. Proper nutrition for fractures

Even the ancients said that a person consists of what he eats; after millennia, such a statement has not lost its relevance. A fracture is a stress for the body that it has to cope with. This requires “building material”, which enters the body with food. That is why nutrition for bone fractures acquires particular relevance.

Many substances and vitamins that act as catalysts are useful elements for bone fusion. They are found in many foods that can be combined into various dishes.

The main components are amino acids, some are replaceable and the body can produce them itself. And there are those that come with food and certain products. When a fracture occurs, the body will need glutamine, lysine, proline, arginine, glycine, and cystine. All of them are contained in protein, due to which restoration occurs bone tissue. Nutrition for a bone fracture should include protein, which should be at least 1.5 grams per kilogram of a person’s weight.

After injury, the body needs antioxidants. They not only restore damaged bone, but also block the process of inflammation. In this regard, vitamins C, K, B6 and D play a special role. Additionally, the doctor prescribes vitamin preparations at a certain dose.

Bone fusion is impossible if there are no minerals, primarily copper, zinc, phosphorus, silicon and, of course, calcium. them in mandatory should contain a menu for a fracture.

List of foods that should be in the refrigerator

Everyone, when opening their refrigerator, finds their favorite food products there. A person with a fracture needs to make a list of foods that will speed up consolidation. First of all, the chamber should contain protein foods with a small content of saturated fats. In the store it is better to pay attention to:

  • low-fat milk and products made from it;
  • legumes;
  • marine varieties fish;
  • poultry meat without skin;
  • whole grain food products.

Nuts, fruits, vegetables, and legumes can become sources of antioxidants. Limit up to complete refusal you need sugar, red meats, carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine. All of these foods can slow down bone healing by leaching calcium from the bones, and they also impair blood circulation.

Everyone knows that nutrition for fractures must include calcium, the main element of bone. However, when visiting a store or market, your eyes run wide as to what exactly to give preference to. The greatest benefits to the body will come from:

  • sesame seeds (many have seen them on buns);
  • salmon fillets;
  • sardine;
  • milk and products made from it;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage.

Calcium with vitamin D, supplemented with magnesium

Magnesium and vitamin D are needed as an accelerator for the absorption of calcium by the body. This ratio promotes the formation of new bone tissue. If vitamin D can be produced by the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun or a special lamp, then magnesium should be looked for on the store shelf; in its pure form, the search is unlikely to be successful, however, you need to pay attention to bananas, carp fillets, flounder, wheat germ, almonds, shrimp . Mackerel fillets, cod, halibut, wholemeal bread, and nuts will be beneficial for the body.

You won't be able to sunbathe constantly in the sun, and even in winter it will be problematic. Cottage cheese and fish oil will help fill the need. When a sufficient amount of the vitamin is supplied, calcium is absorbed better from the intestines and enters the bone.


The body’s need for zinc also increases; the microelement promotes the absorption of calcium and increases the absorption and digestibility of vitamin D. The source of zinc is meat and food plant origin. Complete diet Nutrition for bone fractures should include seafood products and fish. Plant-based foods contain zinc in:

  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • walnuts.


The source of such an important component of bones as phosphorus is seafood. The element must be present in the body of any person, especially at the stage of damage consolidation. Products that contain it in large quantities include: egg yolk, sturgeon fish, cheese, beef liver, walnuts, oat and buckwheat cereals.

However, phosphorus cannot be overused, like other elements, otherwise there will be no complete absorption of calcium. This circumstance will lead to the fact that the recovery process will be delayed.

Folic Acid and Company

It is very important to know what to eat during a fracture in order for the bone tissue to heal faster. Vitamins B6 and 9 ( folic acid) are necessary for the collagen that is responsible for the formation of new bone. Sources of folic acid for humans can be: legumes, citrus fruits, beets, bananas, brewer's yeast, lentils, calf liver. Pyridoxine enters the body with ham, potatoes, salmon fillet, shrimp, beef liver, and chicken.

With a lack of vitamin B12, cell activity is disrupted, resulting in thinning bones. The source of Vitamin B12 for the body is food of animal origin. It is very important to include milk and milk products, beef, eggs, sardine and mackerel fillets in your diet.

If the body does not have enough of this vitamin, it begins to lose calcium. Also, a lack of vitamin K leads to blood clotting disorders. With a lack of this vitamin, the bleeding time that occurs during a fracture increases. It is the loss of blood along with pain that is a factor in the development of hemorrhagic and traumatic shock. Products that are worth paying attention to are presented in the photo.

Products to exclude

When it became clear what products are needed for fractures rapid fusion bones, you need to figure out what you need to give up. Some products can delay the removal of the cast and the person’s return to work and a full life. In the first place is alcohol, which can disrupt the formation of callus. The bone that has already appeared is quickly destroyed, in addition alcoholic drinks are toxic to nerve cells. And the most important thing is that a person on crutches is able to alcohol intoxication is more likely to fall and get a second fracture.

It is important for coffee lovers to limit their consumption of the drink, as it promotes the leaching of calcium in the urine. This also applies to tea, sweet carbonated water with caffeine. Sweets can slow down the absorption of calcium.

Fat and foods containing it in large quantities are harmful. In the form of cholesterol, it can be deposited on the inner wall of the vessel in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. It is impossible to completely abandon lipids, since they are building material for cells. In large quantities, fatty foods interfere with absorption nutrients.

What to eat to speed up regeneration

In order for bone tissue to heal faster, you need to eat low-fat and easily digestible protein during fractures. This can be fish fillet, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, eggs and milk. Proper nutrition you need to start already on the third day after injury. You can supplement your diet biologically active additives, it can also be gelatin and dishes based on it. Doctors recommend taking calcium supplements, especially in combination with vitamin D. Consuming collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate will be beneficial.

Menu useful for fractures

Any person with a fracture will be interested in what can be prepared from the permitted and recommended list of products. In fact, there is a large list of dishes that can take their rightful place in the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food.” It's worth getting to know the dishes in more detail.

Cold appetizers

Jellied meat, which can be supplemented with horseradish, always comes first. It requires beef shins, which are washed several times under running water, loaded into a saucepan and brought to a boil. It takes about 6 hours to cook the product, the meat should fall freely from the bones. The soft part is separated and placed on the bottom of a plate or vessel, and the broth is poured on top. The daily diet is about 300 grams.

Salads allow you to diversify your diet after a fracture and during its healing. The Mediterranean one, which is prepared from a head of cabbage, a tomato, several celery leaves, six large pitted olives or ten small ones, will be useful. Olives in the recipe can be replaced with olives; the required ingredient is a tablespoon olive oil, if you don’t have it, rapeseed, sunflower or soybean will come in handy. Complete with 50 grams of feta, feta cheese or crumbly dry cottage cheese.

Cabbage leaves are thoroughly washed and cut. The tomato is also washed and dipped in boiling water for a few minutes to loosely peel, after which it is cut into cubes or slices. The ingredients are mixed with chopped celery leaves, olives, mashed feta cheese, cheese or cottage cheese. The finishing touch is oil.

A calcium diet can be used, which includes a salad with apples and cheese. It will require a lot green apple, 50 grams of hard cheese, the same amount of peanuts. Additionally, you will need to prepare 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 eggs, a quarter teaspoon of mustard.

The apple is peeled and grated, half is laid out on a plate. The eggs are washed, boiled, the white of one is separated from the yolk, the latter is kneaded with a fork. Sour cream is mixed with yolk, mustard, and apples are covered with part of the sauce. The second egg is grated, sprinkled over the apples and sauce, followed by a layer of cheese and the mixture again. Next, pour in the remaining apples, eggs, cheese, sauce, and grated and chopped peanuts are placed on top.

Liquid food is an important ingredient in proper nutrition. Preference is given to soups; you can start with onion soups. It will require a large onion weighing no more than 70 grams, half a liter of water, a tablespoon sunflower oil, a pinch of sage.

The onion is washed and finely chopped along with the peel, after which it must be lightly fried in a frying pan until golden brown. The ingredient is placed in a pan of boiling water, where sage is added, everything needs to be cooked for 5 to 10 minutes. Eat a glass of soup in the morning and evening before going to bed; it is better not to eat two hours before and after eating. Spices and salt are not added.

To prepare “Artala” you will need a kilogram of beef shin, 10 glasses of water, a branch of celery, a head onions. The drumstick is washed under running water, cut into pieces, then it is placed in a pan, poured cold water and cook over low heat, skimming off the foam as it appears. After 30 minutes, add celery and onion; cook until the meat separates freely from the bones. At the end, add chopped celery and cook for another 5 minutes. The dish is served with garlic.

Another option is “Khash”, it will require a kilogram beef tripe, 500 grams of cow's legs, 200 grams of bread, 50 grams of milk and a clove of garlic. The feet are tarred over the fire, the scars are washed, and then they are laid out in different pots and filled with cold water for several hours. The legs and tripes are scraped and boiled, the latter in sliced ​​form and in different pans.

After a few minutes, the water changes and the process continues for up to 6-8 hours. The broth is ready when the meat pulls freely from the bone, for tripe. characteristic feature- the appearance of a milky white color of the liquid. The contents of the pans are mixed and brought to a boil over low heat. The bread is cut into pieces and soaked in milk; after half the liquid has evaporated, it is added to the pan. Cook for half an hour until the soup turns white, then add boiled water so that all the meat is covered, cook for an hour and a half over low heat. Serve hot with grated garlic.

“Pomeranian broth” requires fish and beef bones, tripe, animal tails and water. The bones are washed, not scraped, chopped, there is no need to use small pieces. Everything is placed in a saucepan or pot (necessarily with a lid) and filled with water. The dishes are placed in the oven and simmered at 100 degrees for 5 hours. The dishes are removed and cooled, wrapped in a cloth or blanket, the fat is removed cold, the cartilage is cut off, rubbed and placed back.

The soup is usually cooked for several days, the first times it is used as soup, and then as jelly. Eat a glass a day, if the fracture has healed - half a glass.

Secondary dishes

The second courses are a complement to the first; for starters, you can stuff the hake. You will need half a kilogram of fish; you need to stock up on half a small beet, one carrot and an onion. The fish is washed and cleaned, removing the skin, cleared of bones, and then the fillet is passed through a meat grinder with an onion. The peel is cut into strips of 4 to 5 centimeters. The strip is filled with the resulting minced meat and the edges are joined. Vegetables are washed, cut into thin circles and placed on the bottom of the pan; cooked onions are also added. Cleaned large bones are placed on top.

The fish is placed on top of the bones, which is pre-cooked with the bones until it becomes sticky, thick decoction. The layers are poured with broth and everything is put on low heat, ready in 40 minutes.

Baked sole is easy to prepare; it requires 400 grams of fish, 1 pepper and onion, 2 branches of celery, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, a quarter teaspoon of mustard and an egg. The fish is washed and deboned, the fillet is placed on a baking sheet. Peppers and celery are washed and cut into rings, the same is done with onions, vegetables are placed on top of the fish.

The egg is boiled, the yolk is separated from the white, kneaded, mixed with sour cream and mustard. The fish and vegetables are covered with the sauce, after which everything is placed in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. The dish is served cold.

Beans with tomatoes: to prepare the dish you will need 300 grams of red beans, 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, 2 vegetable oil, 1 carrot and onion. The beans are washed and soaked for three hours. The water is changed and the product is cooked until it becomes soft. The carrots are washed, peeled, grated, the onion is peeled, finely chopped, fried vegetable oil. Carrots are added to the frying pan, after the onions have acquired a golden color, they are placed in it tomato paste, everything is mixed and simmered for several minutes.

When the beans are ready, drain the water and add the stewed vegetable mixture. The mixture must be simmered over low heat for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

Daily regimen and food intake during a fracture

There should be at least 8 hours of sleep per day, since the body does not waste energy on other tasks and switches to recovery after a fracture. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, and not only during meals. It is useful to eat 5 to 6 times a day in small warm portions. It is strictly forbidden to overeat; the diet for bone fractures includes freshly prepared food. You need to chew slowly, chewing foods thoroughly. The diet must be varied as much as possible; there should be vegetables and fruits on the table every day.

You can eat milk and products made from it every day, but not more than 200 grams. Cottage cheese, preferably made from natural raw materials, is useful at least 2 times a week.

The recovery period lasts on average from 30 to 80 days, provided that all specialist recommendations and diet are followed. Much depends on what part of the bone is broken and how advanced the immune system is. Along with this, a lot depends on nutrition, since it is this that ensures that the body receives the necessary substances.

Typically, a broken bone can take months to heal. Of course, the type of fracture and the general condition of the human body are of no small importance. But if you eat right, you can speed up the process of bone repair. Healthy food will help restore bone tissue. It is after a fracture that your body needs sufficient quantity antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, minerals. What should be on the menu?

Essential Bone Nutrients

  • Amino acids. To make the fracture heal faster, include in your menu foods that contain glutamine, lysine, proline, arginine, glycine, cystine - these are the main components of protein that form bone mass. After an injury, you need to consume more protein (20 mg).
  • Antioxidants are extremely necessary for your body after a fracture. With their help, you can quickly restore damaged bone tissue and stop the inflammatory process. Powerful antioxidants include vitamin C, K, B6, D.
  • Minerals– copper, silicon, zinc, phosphorus. The body constantly needs these substances.

What foods should you eat?

To enrich the body with the necessary amount of substances you need to consume protein food, which contains some saturated fat:

  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Beans.
  • Poultry meat without skin.
  • Whole grains.

Be sure to include antioxidants in your diet: nuts, fruits, vegetables, legumes.

Attention! Eliminate sugar, red meat, soda, alcohol, and caffeine from your menu - these products slow down bone healing.

Dietary recommendations for faster healing of fractures


In order for bones to begin to heal faster, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of calcium:

  • Sesame seeds.
  • Salmon.
  • Sardines.
  • Dairy products.
  • Milk.
  • Cabbage.

Remember that calcium interacts well with magnesium, and it is essential for the biochemical reaction during the formation of new bone. Magnesium is found in bananas, carp, wheat germ, flounder, almonds, and shrimp. To enrich your body with magnesium, eat mackerel, wholemeal bread, cod, herring, halibut, and nuts.

It is important to include in your diet foods that contain a lot of vitamin D (cottage cheese, fish oil), due to this substance calcium will be better absorbed in the intestines.


This component improves the absorption of calcium and enhances the effectiveness of vitamin D. The largest amount of zinc is in animal tissue and plant foods. Nutritionists recommend eating seafood and fish after a bone fracture. Include plant-based foods that are rich in zinc in your diet:

  • Pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Legumes.
  • Buckwheat, .
  • Walnuts.


This substance is especially important for joints and bones. You should definitely include it on your menu. There is a lot of phosphorus in egg yolk, sturgeon fish, cheese, beef liver, walnuts, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Attention! Do not overuse phosphorus products, otherwise calcium will not be fully absorbed, and the recovery process after a fracture will be delayed.

Folic acid

Vitamin B6 and vitamin B9 are needed for the collagen framework of the bone to fully form. There is a lot of folic acid in beans, citrus fruits, beets, bananas, brewer's yeast, lentils, and veal liver. Ham, potatoes, salmon, shrimp, beef liver, and chicken are rich in pyridoxine.

What can a lack of vitamin B12 lead to? Cellular activity will be disrupted, and as a result, the bone will begin to thin out even more. To saturate the body with vitamin B12, you need to eat animal foods - dairy products, beef, eggs, sardines, mackerel.

Vitamin K

If there is a lack of this substance, the body will begin to lose calcium. The production of this substance during dysbacteriosis. To restore normal intestinal microflora, introduce fermented milk products into your diet.

What should you not eat if you have a fracture?

  • Alcohol. Different types of alcoholic drinks interfere with bone formation. Subsequently, it quickly collapses and is not restored.
  • Caffeine washes away calcium along with urine. Eliminate tea and sweet carbonated water with caffeine from your diet.
  • Sweets slow down calcium absorption.
  • Fat negatively affects the absorption of nutrients, so it is better to avoid it during fractures.

How to speed up bone tissue regeneration?

  • Be sure to stick to your diet. First, introduce lean, easily digestible protein. Turn on the fish chicken breast, turkey, cottage cheese, eggs, milk.
  • Follow light gymnastics, massage. Start with a few flexion or extension exercises first, then maybe try swimming. Massage is extremely important, it improves blood circulation in the bones, cartilage and joints, so all the beneficial substances will begin to flow faster to the damaged area.
  • It is important to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures - ultrasound, magnetic therapy, UHF.

The sooner you start rehab, the better. You need to eat right on the third day after surgery and a plaster cast. Bone tissue will regenerate faster if beneficial elements are supplied to the body with food. Additionally, you need to take dietary supplements, vitamin-mineral complexes, and collagen.

Thus, nutrition is important during an injury. It is this that helps to rehabilitate faster, as well as enrich the body with useful substances. If you yourself do not know what to eat during a fracture, consult your doctor. Quite often, experienced doctors prescribe special diet during fractures, it is necessary to strengthen skeletal system. Keep in mind that after an injury, in the future you will have to constantly monitor the condition of your bones, because they become sensitive to different external influences. Your menu should always include protein, calcium, phosphorus, and antioxidants. Take care of yourself, be healthy!

As you know, a fracture is a violation of the integrity of bones. During the period therapeutic measures, the main efforts of doctors are aimed at activating the process of fusion of bone and muscle tissue. After successful treatment When the damaged limb has healed, an equally important recovery process begins. In this case, the patient is recommended to take all possible physical activity, massage activities and various medical procedures.

During this period, proper nutrition is no less important, with a predominance of certain foods rich in vitamins and microelements that help speedy recovery bone, cartilage, muscle tissue. Such healthy nutrition for fractures of the bones of the legs, arms, collarbones, and other parts of the body and limbs is very important. Moreover, a special diet must be observed both during the treatment period and during the recovery period, after removal of the plaster.

Healthy nutrition for fractures and bone damage involves increasing the consumption of food rich in manganese, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B6, B9, B12, C, D, K. But the most important element necessary for successful restoration of bone tissue is calcium. So, let's look at what role these beneficial substances play and what foods contain them. Knowing this, we can easily create the necessary diet.


Calcium will help bone tissue recover faster. We can get this useful element from milk, cottage cheese and any dairy products. Fish contains a lot of it. In general, in case of fractures, experts advise consuming as much as possible. more fish. Best to eat small fish, which can be boiled, stewed, and then eaten with the bones.

There is a lot of calcium in sesame seeds. You can eat them just like that, or grind them to a powder and take 1-2 tsp. Also eat boiled, lean meat, dried fruits, beets, carrots, and citrus fruits.


Vitamin C. For bone fractures, in addition to calcium, it is necessary to receive vitamins. During the restoration process, they play the role of a kind of construction reinforcement, onto which, like concrete (if we take the construction process as an example), calcium is poured. So, the basis of this “reinforcement” is the main element - vitamin C. It can be obtained from fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, and citrus fruits. Lots of vitamin C in cabbage brine, bell pepper.

Vitamin D. Products containing this healthy vitamin, must be included in a healthy diet. You will find it in fish, especially fish oil. It is rich in cheese, butter, milk, and dairy products.

In addition, you need to consider that our body perfectly synthesizes vitamin D on its own if it receives enough sunlight. Therefore, even if the plaster has not yet been removed, you should try to spend as much time as possible on fresh air, especially in cool but sunny weather. This will help bones and tissues heal and recover faster.

B vitamins. This group is also very important, all together, in a complex. Together they are contained in rye bread from wholemeal flour, sprouted grains of oats and wheat, herbs, green vegetables, lean beef, veal.

Amino acids

These substances are necessary for damaged muscles and ligaments to prevent their atrophy. Amino acids contain meat broths. Therefore, boiled, stewed meat, poultry, beef tongue, aspic, jellied meat, hot broth with a hard-boiled egg, should become regular on the table during the treatment of fractures, and also later, after removing the plaster.

But it’s better not to eat fried meat yet. This huge pressure on the liver, but you can’t put any strain on it now. During this period, the liver intensively removes decay products after a bone fracture; it now does not need any extra load.

By the way, ocean and sea fish are generally considered a source of beneficial amino acids. Therefore, as we have already said, fish dishes must be present in the diet constantly. Stew the fillet itself, make aspic, bake in the oven. And prepare fish soup from bones, fins, heads, and tails.

Minerals other than calcium

Zinc. It enhances the effect of vitamin D and helps the body better absorb calcium. Zinc is found in sea fish and seafood. If we talk about plant foods, you will find it in pumpkin seeds, boletus mushrooms, buckwheat and oats, and walnuts are also rich in it.

Phosphorus. And then there is fish again. Well, where else if not in it does it contain most of the phosphorus necessary for fractures? In addition, fish caviar, especially sturgeon, is rich in phosphorus, as well as egg yolk, pumpkin, walnuts, and red beans.


They are necessary for damage to bone tissue, as they are building materials for its cells. Protein contains most of all meat. However, you need to understand that their excess is also harmful, since excessive consumption of meat products interferes with the absorption of calcium. Therefore, to replenish your protein supply, it is better to consume eggs and low-fat dairy products.

What to exclude from your diet

Healthy nutrition during a fracture is incompatible with alcoholic beverages. They disrupt the functions of cells that are involved in the process of bone formation. Therefore, bone tissue under the influence of alcohol is destroyed faster than restored.

In order not to lose calcium, completely eliminate strong coffee, tea, chocolate, sweets, and sweet soda.
Avoid using fatty foods, as it interferes with the effective absorption of calcium. Fats bind it and remove it from the body. Be healthy!

The recovery period after a fracture may last for long months. At this time, much attention is paid physical therapy, massage procedures, lotions, herbal baths, physiotherapy, ozokerite therapy and proper nutrition.

During a fracture, the body must receive useful substances and vitamins. Scientists have long proven that nutrition is related not only to the performance of the entire organism, but also to its individual parts. Therefore, during bone tissue regeneration, you should daily diet introduce calcium, silicon, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid, as well as vitamins B, C, D, E, F.

Nutrition for fractures

Nutrition for bone fractures should contain a large number of calcium At this time, you should lean heavily on foods that contain a huge number contains this macronutrient. Calcium is the main “participant” in the formation of bone tissue, which is why it is so important. It can be found in dairy products, colored and white cabbage, sesame seeds and red fish.

For active regeneration of bone tissue, calcium must interact closely with magnesium, which is found in large quantities in bananas, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.

But for the proper absorption of calcium and magnesium, the participation of vitamin D is necessary. Its high content is found in fish oil, butter, caviar, egg yolk, parsley and nettle. It should be remembered that the required amount can be obtained simply by walking down the street in sunny summer weather. However, everything is good in moderation, and a fifteen-minute promenade is enough to saturate your body with this useful vitamin.

Zinc plays a huge role in influencing the human body, taking an active part in metabolism, maintaining immune system, improve the absorption of vitamin E and increase the impact of vitamin D. Excellent sources of zinc include beef liver, pork, chicken, dairy products, eggs, legumes and mushrooms. For vegetarians, you need to remember that proper nutrition for fractures involves eating meat products, since they contain a colossal amount of zinc.

During recovery period The victim’s diet must include:

  • folic acid;
  • pyridoxine.

They play an important role in the formation of bone tissue. Vitamin B6 and folic acid are found in beets, legumes, lentils, and wheat germ.


The diet for broken leg bones includes the mandatory consumption of certain foods. These include:

  1. Dairy products. Fresh milk should always be present in the victim's diet. Don’t forget about cheese, cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  2. meat and fish;
  3. Buckwheat and rice porridge. They contain a large amount useful substances and microelements: iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B6 and B12;
  4. Vegetables: white and cauliflower, spinach, carrots, potatoes, parsley;
  5. Fruits. To especially healthy fruits include: kiwi, orange, bananas, apples and tangerines.


Prohibited drinks

If you want your limb to heal faster, you need to forget about it for a while. harmful products. These include:

  • Alcohol can lead to the suspension of the activity of cells responsible for the formation of bone tissue.
  • Caffeine can flush out calcium from the body, which is essential for bone development and strengthening. As a result, you should forget about all products that contain caffeine: chocolate, Coca-Cola, black tea.
  • Sausages, smoked meats, chips, crackers, pastries, cakes, cookies, fast food. These foods do not contain even minimal amounts of nutrients or minerals, so eating them will not bring any benefit. The only thing you can expect from these goodies is weight gain.


The daily diet should be divided into several parts. It is advisable to eat five or six times a day. During the day, you need to carefully monitor your fluid intake. An insufficient amount of it can contribute to the appearance inflammatory process in the joints, from excess weight, swelling, feeling unwell, increased pressure.

A fracture is always associated with bed rest, so at this time you should not forget about the calorie content of foods. If before the injury the patient was in constant motion, consuming a large amount of calories, but at the same time actively burning them, then during the illness, excessive consumption of high-calorie foods can lead to excess weight. Walking in fresh air and lungs physical exercise allow you to get back to normal faster.

Daily use essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements, promote rapid bone healing. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period you should not despair; you need to remember that proper nutrition is the key to a quick recovery.
