Cholisal analogues are cheap. Holisal: description and cheap analogues, reviews and price. Instructions for use during teething

In one gram dental gel Cholisal contains active ingredients: Choline salicylate 87 mg, cetalkonium chloride 100 mg + Excipients (methyl parahydroxybenzoate, hyaetellose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethanol, purified water, anise seed oil).

Release form

Dental gel for teething in tubes (10 grams each). The gel has a specific smell of anise oil, colorless, transparent.

pharmachologic effect

Pain relief , relieves inflammation, has antimicrobial action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The effect of the drug is due to the combination of two active components.

Choline salicylate It relieves pain well at the site of application and relieves inflammation. The substance reduces activity neutrophils And macrophages , cyclooxygenase . In the presence of pH acidic environment V oral cavity may also provide antifungal And - microbial action. The effect of the painkiller lasts on average from 2 to 8 hours.

Cetalkonium chloride has a strong antiseptic action. He is active in both gram-positive , and – negative microorganisms. The effects on the kingdoms of fungi and viruses are also detrimental.

The helium base itself and the substances in its composition also have antifungal And antibacterial properties. Thanks to its special structure, the gel is well absorbed into tissues and quickly reaches nerve endings and stays on mucous membrane lining of the oral cavity for a long time. IN systemic blood flow practically does not penetrate.

Indications for use

Cholisal ointment is prescribed for inflammation and damage to the oral mucosa:

  • stomatitis, ;
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane when wearing prostheses, mechanical damage;
  • cheilitis;
  • pain relief and prevention of inflammation after minor surgical interventions;
  • the use of ointment is justified when lichen planus on the mucous membrane;
  • gingivitis ;
  • when young teeth erupt in children.


  • on the composition of the drug;
  • children under one year old, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Instructions for use of Cholisal (Method and dosage)

According to the instructions for the Cholisal gel, the medicine is used exclusively topically.

The ointment is applied 15 minutes before meals or after, or at night, rubbing into the affected area using a clean finger. The procedure is performed 2 to 3 times a day. Children squeeze out half a centimeter of gel, adults – one centimeter.

The medicine can be injected into the formed gum pockets or compresses can be made from gum gel.


No cases of overdose have been reported. The medicine should not be swallowed. Apply externally only.

If it gets on the mucous membrane a large number of gel, rinse your mouth generously with water. In case of getting into Gastrointestinal tract - rinse the stomach. Treatment is based on the symptoms that appear.


In therapeutic doses it does not interact with other drugs. In doses significantly higher than therapeutic ones, they can intensify antipyretic And painkillers properties of others medicines.

Terms of sale

You do not need a prescription to buy Cholisal gel.

Storage conditions

Store the ointment out of the reach of small children. Temperature from 0 to 24 degrees, do not allow the gel to freeze.

Best before date


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Gel analogues are: oak bark, St. John's wort, dental drops, anginophyte, smotatophyte, bronspray, kamident, faringin, , sage herb, , phytodent, phytosept, eucalyptus grass, faringin .

Which is better: Cholisal or Kalgel?

Much weaker in action than Cholisal. This is especially true for eliminating discomfort and whims in young children when they are teething. The price of Kholisal is slightly lower than its analogue.

Which is better: Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta?

Metrogyl Denta is slightly cheaper than Cholisal. But, unlike the original, the analogue contains other active ingredients and practically does not penetrate the affected tissues. It acts predominantly on the surface, which leads to relapses and is less effective.

For children

Instructions for use of Cholisal by children: Gel for children is not recommended for use under the age of three. For treatment stomatitis In children, the drug can be applied to the affected areas 30 minutes before meals. Or rub in half a centimeter of ointment for two minutes.

Gel Cholisal for children has many positive reviews.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the medicine can be used after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.

Reviews for Holisal

Reviews for Cholisal teething children and adults are good. The medicine quickly and effectively relieves inflammation, cools, and relieves pain. If you apply the drug before bed, its effect lasts almost the whole night. Has an antipyretic effect. Many people like that the medicine does not contain lidocaine, as it can cause severe allergic reactions.

Dental problems appear in a person along with the first tooth: even the process of its appearance is accompanied by pain, which you have to try to somehow relieve. And then they can begin to multiply in the mouth pathogenic bacteria, especially if genetically healthy teeth were not transmitted.

We have to contact different pharmaceutical drugs, which are capable of restoring normal condition oral cavity and relieve pain. Doctors call Cholisal gel one of these. How does it work, is it possible to replace it with something?

This medication has antimicrobial effect, as well as the ability to slow down the course of the inflammatory process, relieve pain syndrome. It is focused on local application only for oral problems. It is a transparent thick substance, absolutely homogeneous and with a slight anise aroma obtained due to the presence of the oil of the same name.

The active ingredients of the drug Cholisal are choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride, of which 1 g of gel contains 87.1 mg and 0.1 mg, respectively.

The group of salicylates is responsible for the analgesic properties of the drug, and also helps reduce temperature and affect inflammatory process. Cetalkonium chloride is a component that has little effect on pathogenic microorganisms- bacteria and some fungi.

The drug is produced in small tubes of 10 g. It is used, according to its properties, mainly as a local analgesic. It is mainly used in complex therapy treatment of periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, as well as in the case of:

  • any damage (including trauma) to the oral mucosa;
  • cheilitis;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • any dental surgical interventions (after them);
  • during teething in babies to relieve pain.

As you can see, Cholisal gel is approved for use even in young children, but this procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or after his recommendation, because official instructions childhood up to a year is included in the number of contraindications. True, with the note “allowed with caution.” The same applies to pregnancy and lactation, the presence of lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Experts say that the only strict prohibition on the use of Cholisal gel is individual intolerance to it. active ingredients.

In children anise oil may provoke increased salivation.

Explicit adverse reactions This drug practically does not cause any pain, except for a slight burning sensation in the treated area, which goes away after some time. This is due to the presence of ethanol in the composition. Possible allergic reactions to skin, but they already indicate the need to note therapy with Cholisal, as well as visit your doctor.

General principle of use this drug practically independent of the type of problem it is supposed to solve. The area on which Cholisal is planned to be applied must be cleaned before the procedure (rinsing, brushing teeth, etc.), and then do one of the following:

  • make a compress or place it in the gum pocket if the patient suffers from periodontitis/periodontal disease;
  • rub a small amount of gel into the affected mucosal area (including the gums, if necessary).

The dosage of Cholisal depends on age category, which the patient belongs to: children need no more than 0.5 cm, and adults can use 1 cm. Application is carried out up to 3 times a day, it is advisable to do this after meals, so that the drug can be easily absorbed and does not enter the stomach. You can carry out the procedure at night, which is considered the most effective way. After using Cholisal, it is recommended not to take food or water for at least an hour.

Please note that the dosage must be strictly observed, since if it is exceeded, the effect of other medications that have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties may be enhanced.

Analogs of Cholisal gel for children and adults

Efficiency and high degree safety of this drug has made it a frequent resident of home medicine cabinets, but not the most affordable price- about 350-400 rubles. - forces you to look for analogues of Cholisal gel that are cheaper, but with the same scheme of action and the same obvious result. What do pharmaceutical companies offer?

  • Cholisal has no absolute budget analogues in gel format. Its only complete replacement is Mundizal gel, but it is sold in 8 g tubes and costs about 300 rubles. It is less common in pharmacies than Cholisal.

If we don't talk about combination drugs, you can try to select several medications, or act on the problem with only one goal: to relieve inflammation, relieve pain, or provide an antiseptic effect. In this case, it makes sense to consider the following drugs:

  • MetrogilDenta - works well for mucosal lesions, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc., but does not relieve pain. It contains an antibiotic, so it is not used in children under 6 years of age. The price of the tube is 190-200 rubles.
  • Periodontitis - suitable only for adults, gives an anti-inflammatory effect. Mainly recommended for gum injuries. Price - 150 rubles, tube volume - 15 g.
  • Dentamed. Based on metranidazole (antibiotic), therefore used with caution in children. For 45 g the manufacturer asks 140 rubles.
  • Kamistad. A good option for small children during teething, because easily relieves pain due to lidocaine, and chamomile extract soothes and relieves inflammation. Price - about 240 rubles.

There are no complete cheap analogues of Cholisal gel for children and adults, and you can only find a budget replacement with a truncated spectrum of action. If you only need to relieve pain in a teething baby, buy Kamistad gel. In case of serious diseases of the oral cavity, it is better to spend money on Cholisal rather than try to combine several drugs to achieve the same effect.

This page provides a list of all Cholisal analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • The cheapest analogue of Cholisal:
  • The most popular analogue of Cholisal:
  • ATC classification: Other drugs for the treatment of oral diseases
  • Active ingredients/composition: Choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride

Cheap analogues of Cholisal

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 8 rub 2 UAH
2 Eucalyptus twig
Analogue in composition and indication
8 rub 2 UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
16 rub. 14 UAH
4 Salvia officinalis
Analogue in composition and indication
17 RUR 6 UAH
5 Common oak
Analogue in composition and indication
22 rub. 4 UAH

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Cholisal taken into account minimum price, which was found in price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogues of Cholisal

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 benzydamine
179 RUR 4 UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
545 RUR 114 UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
451 RUR 110 UAH
4 benzydamine
Similar in indication and method of use
167 RUR 450 UAH
Analogue in composition and indication
108 rub. 46 UAH

The list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested medicines

All analogues of Cholisal

Analogues in composition and indications for use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
lidocaine, polidocanol 600, Chamomile officinalis -- 55 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances 451 RUR 110 UAH
Common oak 22 rub. 4 UAH
-- --
lidocaine hydrochloride, cetylpyridinium chloride 260 rub. 400 UAH
lidocaine, chamomile flower extract 200 rub 42 UAH
cloves, ginger, black pepper, wormwood, savory 75 RUR 65 UAH
calendula officinalis, chamomile, common yarrow 16 rub. 14 UAH
deproteinized hemoderivative from calf blood, polidocanol 600 545 RUR 114 UAH
Calamus, Arnica montana, Common oak, Peppermint, Chamomile, Common thyme, Salvia officinalis 108 rub. 46 UAH
Calamus, Arnica montana, benzocaine, Common oak, Peppermint, Chamomile, Common thyme, Salvia officinalis 154 RUR 54 UAH
Salvia officinalis 30 rub 7 UAH
Capsicum 73 RUR 7 UAH
-- 30 UAH
Calamus, Calendula officinalis, Stinging nettle, Chamomile, Sophora japonica, Celandine, Rosehip -- 22 UAH
Peppermint, Common Thyme, Salvia officinalis -- 40 UAH
camphor, chloral hydrate -- 7 UAH
Valerian officinalis, camphor, peppermint 8 rub 2 UAH
lidocaine, chamomile, thymol -- 25 UAH
lidocaine, chamomile -- 41 UAH
Calendula officinalis, Chamomile officinalis, Yarrow -- 39 UAH
Eucalyptus twig 47 RUR 7 UAH
Eucalyptus twig 8 rub 2 UAH
Salvia officinalis 17 RUR 6 UAH
-- --
-- --
chamomile extract, lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate, polidocanol 276 RUR 55 UAH

The above list of drug analogues, which indicates Cholisal substitutes, is the most suitable because they have same composition active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Analogues by indication and method of use

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
metronidazole, chlorhexidine 123 RUR 1 UAH
chlorhexidine -- 8676 UAH
propolis 96 RUR 19 UAH
propolis 82 rub. 20 UAH
propolis -- 21 UAH
metronidazole, chlorhexidine -- 11 UAH
propolis -- 23 UAH
metronidazole, chlorhexidine -- 21 UAH
metronidazole, chlorhexidine gluconate 111 RUR 184 UAH
hexethidine 100 rub 1 UAH
hexethidine 130 rub. 56 UAH
hexethidine -- 25 UAH
97 RUR 261 UAH
hexetidine -- 38 UAH
ascorbic acid, chlorhexidine -- 19 UAH
metronidazole, chlorhexidine -- 13 UAH
metronidazole, chlorhexidine 152 rub. 27 UAH

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find everything possible options analogues of the sought-after medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find inexpensive analogue medicine, generic or synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about inactive components similar drugs, which may have an impact on safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so before consuming any medical product Always consult your doctor.

Cholisal price

On the websites below you can find prices for Cholisal and find out about availability at a pharmacy near you

Cholisal instructions

Release form

Dental gel


pharmachologic effect

Cholisal is a local anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic.


Choline salicylate has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It inhibits the activity of cyclooxygenase, the functions of macrophages and neutrophils, the production of interleukin-1 and inhibits the synthesis of PG. It also has antimicrobial and antifungal effects (in acidic and alkaline environments).

The analgesic effect appears after 2-3 minutes and lasts 2-8 hours.

Cetalkonium chloride has an antiseptic effect on bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Cholisal does not contain sugar, does not have a local irritating effect and is well tolerated by patients.


Choline salicylate is quickly absorbed by the oral mucosa.


Infectious-inflammatory, ulcerative-necrotic, trophic diseases of the oral mucosa: stomatitis of various etiologies, gingivitis, periodontitis, damage to the mucous membrane when wearing dentures, trauma to the oral mucosa, pain during teething in children, glandular cheilitis, thrush, minor surgical interventions, lichen planus, exudative erythema multiforme (including Stevens syndrome -Jones) - as part of complex therapy.


1 g of gel contains:

Active substances: choline salicylate anhydrous 87.1 mg; cetalkonium chloride 0.1 mg;

Excipients: hydroxyethylcellulose; glycerol; methyloxybenzoate; propyloxybenzoate; anise oil; ethanol; purified water.

Directions for use and doses

Locally, 2-3 times a day before meals (for pain relief) or after meals and before bed (unless otherwise prescribed). The gel in an amount of 1 cm for adults and 0.5 cm for children is squeezed onto a clean finger and rubbed with light massaging movements into the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane.

For periodontal diseases: the gel is injected into the gum pockets, used as compresses or gently rubbed into the gums 1-2 times a day.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible, sometimes (with acute injuries oral mucosa) - a short-term mild burning sensation that goes away on its own.

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

Gel Cholisal is effective remedy, which has pronounced analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The medication is actively used in the treatment dental pathologies and is one of the most sought after products in this area. The use of Cholisal is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Independent dosage calculation and uncontrolled therapy can lead to the development of various negative consequences. However, even extremely high doses of the drug do not cause great danger for the patient’s body, which is a significant advantage of using the medication.

Dosage form

Cholisal is produced in the form of a homogeneous mass that does not have a characteristic shade. The smell of the gel resembles the aroma of anise oil.

The medicine for the oral cavity is produced in 10 grams per tube.

Description and composition

The medication Cholisal contains the following active substances:

  • choline salicylate;
  • cetalkonium chloride.

One gram of gel contains 87.1 mg of the first active substance and 100 mcg of the second.

Among the auxiliary components are:

  • hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC);
  • glycerol;
  • methyl hydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl hydroxybenzoate;
  • anise oil;
  • ethanol;
  • water.

Pharmacological group

The drug belongs to a group of drugs that have analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Cholisal is used for topical use in dentistry. Distinctive feature means that Cholisal undergoes extremely rapid absorption. This is due to local application in the oral cavity. High level absorption occurs due to application of the medication directly to the mucous membrane.

The drug stops the activity of cyclooxygenase, the formation of interleukin-1, inhibits the functionality of neutrophils and macrophages, and also significantly reduces the level of prostaglandin synthesis. Being in an alkaline environment or in an environment with increased acidity, the product has pronounced antipyretic and antifungal effects.

Cetalkonium chloride exhibits an effective antiseptic effect against many viruses, bacterial microorganisms and fungi.

The gel base containing ethyl alcohol allows the product to retain the active elements on the surface of the mucous membranes for a long time, ensuring the fastest possible achievement of the therapeutic effect.

Pain relief begins 2-4 minutes after the initial application of the gel. The duration of the effect is on average from 2 to 8 hours.

Cholisal gel does not contain sugar and does not have a local irritating effect, which is a significant advantage in comparison with other similar products.

Indications for use

The drug Cholisal is used mainly in dental practice. The medication is applied to the mucous membranes of the growth cavity to provide a rapid anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

for adults

Indications for the therapeutic use of Cholisal in adult patients are:

  • gingivitis;
  • injuries to the mucous membranes of the mouth during the use of dentures or under other circumstances;
  • cheilosis (cheilitis);
  • red flat;
  • surgical procedures of a dental nature;
  • periodontitis;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • of various origins;
  • exudative erythema multiforme (as one of the medications in complex therapy).

for children

In addition to all of the above, the basis for the appointment medicinal use Cholisal gel for children is used to relieve pain during teething. Children under 1 year of age should take the drug under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

Indications for the use of Cholisal gel during lactation and pregnancy are the same conditions as for ordinary adult patients. Before use you should go through full diagnostics the body of a pregnant woman or nursing patient to identify potential dangers to the health of the child.


TO absolute prohibitions for using Cholisal gel in medicinal purposes include:

  • hypersensitivity to salicylic acid preparations;
  • increased susceptibility to other elements of the Cholisal composition.


  • pregnancy;
  • child's age up to 1 year;
  • breastfeeding period.

Applications and dosages

The dosage and time of use should be agreed with your pediatrician, family doctor or dentist.

To apply Cholisal gel to the affected area, squeeze the tube onto a clean finger in the amount prescribed by your doctor. After this, you need to apply the gel and rub into the skin with gentle massaging movements. Right place on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

For periodontal pathologies, it is necessary to apply the gel directly to the gum pockets. You also need to make compresses and gently rub Cholisal gel into the gums 1 to 2 times a day.

for adults

To ensure an analgesic or other necessary effect, an adult patient must apply a 1 cm strip of gel 2 to 3 times a day before (analgesic effect) or after meals and before going to bed.

for children

The mechanism for applying the medication for children is the same as for adults, however, the amount of gel should not exceed 0.5 cm. When using the product on children, extreme caution must be taken and avoid rough and sudden movements during rubbing.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Particular care should be taken during treatment with Cholisal for pregnant patients and women undergoing breast-feeding. This is due to the fact that there is very little evidence denying the danger of using Cholisal during such periods. During therapy, it is recommended to take tests as often as possible and carry out diagnostic examinations. Based on the examination results, the specialist will be able to adequately formulate the method of administration and dosage of the medication.

Side effects

The drug Cholisal is quite well tolerated by patients of all ages. Minor side effects include:

  • a sharply appearing and quickly disappearing burning sensation in the area where the gel is applied;
  • allergic manifestations of various types.

The above side effects are observed extremely rarely and do not pose a critical danger to the life and health of the patient. But, despite this, at the slightest sign of negative manifestations, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Interaction with other drugs

During joint application Cholisal gel with other anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic medications shows a significant increase in their therapeutic properties. However, this effect occurs only when taking dosages of the drug several times higher than the average daily dose.

special instructions

The medication is sold in pharmacies as an over-the-counter substance.

The gel should be taken only as an external remedy.

Cholisal does not affect nervous system patients and does not limit the ability to drive vehicles, as well as work with high-precision mechanisms.

Extreme caution must be exercised when treating children under 1 year of age.


Intoxication with Cholisal gel is almost impossible due to low level systemic absorption of elements included in medicinal composition facilities.

Despite this, increased dosages of the drug should be avoided while taking other analgesic or anti-inflammatory medications, in order to avoid the manifestation of negative symptoms.

Storage conditions

The medication should not be kept cold or frozen.

The optimal storage temperature is 25 degrees.

Store in a dark place, out of reach of children.

Shelf life – 3 years from the date of issue.


Instead of Cholisal, the following medications can be used:

  1. Mundizal - German drug, which contains choline salicylate. The medicine is produced in the form of a gel, which is used in dentistry. Mundizal is contraindicated for children under one year of age, pregnant women, and during lactation.
  2. Dologel ST is a combined Indian medicine that is available in the form of a dental gel. It relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and local anesthetic effect. The drug can only be used in adults; it is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
  3. - a combination preparation that also contains chamomile as active ingredients. It is produced in the form of a dental gel, which has an antiseptic and local anesthetic effect. It can be used by patients over 12 years of age, except pregnant and lactating women.
  4. belongs to Cholisal substitutes according to the clinical and pharmacological group. The drug is produced in the form of a dental gel, which is used in pediatric practice during teething.

Price of the drug

The cost of Kholisal is on average 349 rubles. Prices range from 122 to 664 rubles.

Dental problems appear in a person along with the first tooth: even the process of its appearance is accompanied by pain, which you have to try to somehow relieve. And then pathogenic bacteria may begin to multiply in the mouth, especially if genetically healthy teeth have not been passed on.

You have to turn to various pharmaceutical drugs that can restore the normal state of the oral cavity and relieve pain. Doctors call Cholisal gel one of these. How does it work, is it possible to replace it with something?

This medication has an antimicrobial effect, as well as the ability to slow down the inflammatory process and relieve pain. It is intended for local use only for oral problems. It is a transparent thick substance, absolutely homogeneous and with a slight anise aroma obtained due to the presence of the oil of the same name.

The active ingredients of the drug Cholisal are choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride, of which 1 g of gel contains 87.1 mg and 0.1 mg, respectively.

The group of salicylates is responsible for the analgesic properties of the drug, and also helps reduce temperature and influence the inflammatory process. Cetalkonium chloride is a component that has little effect on pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria and some fungi.

The drug is produced in small tubes of 10 g. It is used, according to its properties, mainly as a local analgesic. It is mainly used in complex therapy for the treatment of periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, as well as in the case of:

  • any damage (including trauma) to the oral mucosa;
  • cheilitis;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • any dental surgical interventions (after them);
  • during teething in babies to relieve pain.

As you can see, Cholisal gel is approved for use even in young children, but this procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or after his recommendation, because The official instructions include children under one year of age as contraindications. True, with the note “allowed with caution.” The same applies to pregnancy and lactation, the presence of lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Experts call individual intolerance to its active components the only strict prohibition on the use of Cholisal gel.

In children, anise oil can provoke increased salivation.

This drug practically does not cause any obvious adverse reactions, except for a slight burning sensation in the treated area, which goes away after some time. This is due to the presence of ethanol in the composition. Manifestations of an allergic nature on the skin are possible, but they already indicate the need to note therapy with Cholisal, as well as visit the attending physician.

The general principle of using this drug is practically independent of the type of problem that it is intended to solve. The area on which Cholisal is planned to be applied must be cleaned before the procedure (rinsing, brushing teeth, etc.), and then do one of the following:

  • make a compress or place it in the gum pocket if the patient suffers from periodontitis/periodontal disease;
  • rub a small amount of gel into the affected mucosal area (including the gums, if necessary).

The dosage of Cholisal depends on the age category to which the patient belongs: children need no more than 0.5 cm, and adults can use 1 cm. Application is carried out up to 3 times a day, it is advisable to do this after meals, so that the drug has time to be easily absorbed and does not get into into the stomach. You can carry out the procedure at night, which is considered the most effective way. After using Cholisal, it is recommended not to take food or water for at least an hour.

Read also:

  • Fenistil gel: cheap analogues for adults and children
  • Cheap analogues of contractubex

Please note that the dosage must be strictly observed, since if it is exceeded, the effect of other medications that have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties may be enhanced.

Analogs of Cholisal gel for children and adults

The effectiveness and high degree of safety of this drug have made it a frequent resident of home medicine cabinets, but the price is not the most affordable - about 350-400 rubles. - forces you to look for analogues of Cholisal gel that are cheaper, but with the same scheme of action and the same obvious result. What do pharmaceutical companies offer?

  • Cholisal has no absolute budget analogues in gel format. Its only complete replacement is Mundizal gel, but it is sold in 8 g tubes and costs about 300 rubles. It is less common in pharmacies than Cholisal.

If we are not talking about combination drugs, you can try to select several medications, or act on the problem with only one goal: to relieve inflammation, relieve pain, or provide an antiseptic effect. In this case, it makes sense to consider the following drugs:

  • MetrogilDenta - works well for mucosal lesions, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc., but does not relieve pain. It contains an antibiotic, so it is not used in children under 6 years of age. The price of the tube is 190-200 rubles.
  • Periodontitis - suitable only for adults, gives an anti-inflammatory effect. Mainly recommended for gum injuries. Price - 150 rubles, tube volume - 15 g.
  • Dentamed. Based on metranidazole (antibiotic), therefore used with caution in children. For 45 g the manufacturer asks 140 rubles.
  • Kamistad. A good option for small children during teething, because... easily relieves pain due to lidocaine, and chamomile extract soothes and relieves inflammation. Price - about 240 rubles.
