Change of milk teeth to permanent ones, which teeth do not change in humans? The timing of the shift to permanent

Each of the parents is faced with a difficult period of teething and changing children's teeth. We will find out why it happens, which ones will change, when. We will also clarify what complications may follow, whether they can be avoided, what should be the oral hygiene at this time.

The change of milk teeth in children occurs at the age of 5-6 years.

Each age period is characterized by the approximate number of teeth that have appeared in the child's mouth. This amount is very easy to determine. You need to take the child's age in months and subtract 4. The resulting number is a year .

It is eight. But for toddlers, this number is relative. Some already at two and a half years old can count all twenty milkmen, while others barely acquire them after three years.

Why do they change?

Changing teeth in children is a natural and important process. Milk jugs are temporary. The change of milk teeth in children occurs at the age of 5-6 years. They will begin to fall out, and permanent ones will grow to replace them. Now let's find out which teeth are falling out. There is such subsequence:

  1. Central incisors (4-5 years old).
  2. Lateral (6-8 years old).
  3. Canines (10-12).
  4. Premolars (10-12).
  5. Molar 1st (6-7).
  6. Molar 2nd (12-13).

Constant analogs grow in the same sequence. If this process proceeds correctly, without complications, the child should not experience any special difficulties. The shallow root of the milk jug is absorbed, it staggers and then falls out.

The timing

The timing is relative. At five and a half years, the first falls. This is the beginning of the process. How they change is influenced by many aspects. : heredity, correct formation of their primordia, way of nutrition, etc. When do milkmen change, which ones? If you are interested in knowing which teeth change in children, the diagram will help:

Now you know how many years to expect changes. As you can see, teeth are changing according to a specific schedule. - this is the norm and a rough guideline.

Important: Children's teeth may be delayed to change. If your child has problems with their eruption, be sure to contact a pediatric dentist.


When milk teeth change , hygiene is especially important. It is necessary to preserve the health of the enamel not only of permanent, but also of milkmen. You need to teach your child proper hygiene oral cavity. With the first milkman at the crumbs. Parents should buy a comfortable baby brush with sufficiently soft bristles for their child.

After the milk jug falls out, you should not eat for about two hours. Be sure to warn your baby about this in advance. He must orient himself correctly, even if you are not around. Hot, cold, sour and spicy should also be excluded at this time. Changing milk teeth to permanent ones requires careful attention to nutrition.

With the first milk jug, the baby should have its own brush.

note: Replacement of deciduous teeth may be delayed due to lack of vitamins. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe vitamins and minerals. He will tell you how much to take, when, what can happen with vitamin deficiency.

Violation of the timing

Sometimes the prolapse of milk jugs can be delayed. Only a dentist can accurately determine the cause of the violations. He will also help fix the situation.

The most common problem is that parents worry that the dates for the appearance of teeth have passed, but they are still missing. The milk jugs may fall out during this time or still remain in place. In this case, you will need to take an x-ray. Only a roentgenogram will be able to show at what stage of its formation the permanent analogs are.

The child experiences great discomfort when the milkmen have fallen out, and new ones have not grown to replace them. Food gets into the formed holes, they cause discomfort when chewing. In this case, the task of parents is to exclude solid foods from the children's diet. During this period, you need to cook porridge, mashed potatoes, soups (mashed). Such dishes will help the child avoid injury to the gum tissue.

What are shark teeth?

If the process goes well, the milk jugs loosen and fall out first. Then permanent ones grow in their place. But there is a violation of this algorithm. Sometimes a permanent analog appears before the milk jug drops out.

The child experiences great discomfort when the milkmen have fallen out, and new ones have not grown to replace them.

V severe cases next to the milk that has not yet dropped out, a row of permanent teeth... This pathology is called "shark teeth". In this case, the dentist simply removes the lingering milk jugs. The main thing is to contact him immediately, as soon as the first symptom of pathology appears.

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If the permanent analogs have grown crookedly, you will need to contact an orthodontist. He will pick up a leveler. It is important to do this as early as possible, then even an ordinary dental plate will be able to correct the position. It helps the jaw to expand, additional space appears.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove the milk jug forcibly. The indication becomes a serious inflammation of the gums where the milk jug began to stagger. If a loose tooth provokes pain when chewing, you will also need the help of a doctor.

Do all milkmen drop out?

In fact, the molars are changing - those that are responsible for chewing food. Their eruption gives the baby special discomfort. But when they change, the discomfort will no longer be so obvious.

What affects sustainability?

Every parent wants the child's teeth to be strong and healthy. The stability of permanent analogs will depend on such factors:

What can lead to dislocation of the teeth?

Permanent counterparts sometimes take the wrong position. This is due to the lack of space for them. It is important that the dairy predecessors parted in time. Then the permanent ones will take their place. If there are no gaps between the milkmen, their permanent counterparts will simply have nowhere to grow.

This can also be facilitated by bad habits... Do not let your child suck on tongue, finger, objects. If there is any suspicion, take the child to a specialist. In his arsenal - the most modern techniques... They help to fix almost any problem. The main thing is not to miss the most suitable time for them.

Additional Information: Scientists note an important addiction. Children who were on breastfeeding, there is much less problems with the change of teeth. Most often they have a correctly formed bite. This is due to the fact that the baby gets everything from mom's milk necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Many parents mistakenly believe that milk jugs need not be treated. They, they say, will fall out anyway. It's a delusion. Milk jugs should definitely be cured. Otherwise, inflammation can go to their permanent counterparts.

Dentists can now seal fissures. This helps to protect the enamel from caries. The procedure consists in applying a special paste. it good protection enamel, especially if the child cleans it poorly.

Child's diet

It is necessary to make changes to the child's diet:

    • give him more dairy products, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, cheeses are very useful;
    • giving vitamin D is important;
    • deny the baby sweets;
    • give solid food (if there are no fresh milk jug holes).


The health of the baby's teeth largely depends on how responsibly the parents will react to the process of changing them. Be attentive, visit the dentist, properly organize the diet and hygiene of the child. These simple activities will help your child acquire a beautiful smile.

Special formations of bone tissue, located in rows in the mouth above each other, are teeth, and the quality of chewing food and the state of the body as a whole directly depends on their number.

It is important to have not only healthy, but also beautiful and enough teeth, so everyone should take proper care of them in order to keep their natural teeth as long as possible.

How many teeth does an adult have with wisdom teeth?

Teeth have different shape and each of them has its own purpose. It is not for nothing that doctors say that 32 is the norm, but not everyone can boast of such a number, many people have only 28 of them, since the so-called wisdom teeth have not erupted. People need teeth not only for biting off, chewing and holding food in the mouth, but also for the correct pronunciation of sounds, so everyone is important.

There are 5 types of teeth:

  • incisors- they are sharp and therefore participate in biting off food, the number of incisors is 8;
  • fangs- they are located on the side of the incisors and help to break food, although they are much less developed in comparison with animals, the number of canines is 4;
  • molars (small)- they are also called premolars, on the surface of which there are two protuberances, due to which it becomes possible to grind pieces of food. Also, these teeth can tear food and they have 1, often 2 roots;
  • molars (large)- have a second name: molars, and depending on their location, they have 2 roots (upper) and 3 roots (lower), in addition to 4-5 tubercles on the surface, there are depressions called fissures. There are only 20 large and small molars in humans.

Ideally, there should be 32 teeth together with wisdom teeth, of which there are 4 “eights”, however, due to the constant use of too soft food, the need for them is gradually decreasing, and now there are many people who do not have these molars.

It should be borne in mind that, unlike other types of teeth, which complete the formation of their rudiments by the age of 3, the rudiments of eights appear much later - by the age of 12.

Sometimes wisdom teeth are impacted, that is, they have erupted incorrectly: they can be partially hidden bone tissue or the gum, which causes a lot of inconvenience to a person and can lead to an inflammatory process.

How teeth change and the number of milk teeth

Photo: at the age of 6 teeth change begins

The very first teeth are temporary, their rudiments appear in the fetus in the mother's womb and develop as it grows. The first temporary teeth appear in infants around the age of 4 months, although there are cases when babies were born with 1 or 2 teeth.

However, teething is an individual process and depends on many parameters and the state of the baby's body.

There is a theory that has several confirmations that the onset of teething in an infant is directly related to a similar process in his parents: if this process began late for mom or dad, then it may be late for a child.

Rarely, but still it happens that children are missing teeth up to 1.5 years. Usually, by the age of 3, the baby has a set of 20 teeth, which serves him until he is 6 years old, until his replacement with permanent teeth begins.

Correct eruption and development of permanent teeth depends on the state of the "milk".

The order of teething in a person is certain, and it does not change:

  • first incisors (on both jaws);
  • second incisors;
  • first molars;
  • fangs;
  • second molars.

To the question of how many times a person's teeth change, dentists answer unequivocally - once in a lifetime. The set of "milk" teeth gradually begins to be replaced by permanent ones at about 5.5-6 years, although this is also individual for everyone. All permanent teeth appear between the ages of 12-14.

The replacement is as follows: a permanent tooth begins to erupt in the free space behind the temporary tooth, and if its predecessor was in the wrong position, then this tooth will grow incorrectly, therefore it is important that babies do not have unevenly located "milk" teeth.

The very last teeth are "wisdom" - this happens at about 17-25 years.

Video: how a child's teeth change

Tooth structure

No matter how many teeth a person has, they all have the same structure, although different size... Each of them has three sections, and depending on which part of the tooth is damaged, the dentist chooses the treatment tactics. Human tooth comprises:

  • root;
  • neck;
  • crowns.

The root of the tooth is held in the gum - fibers are attached to it and to the jaw bone soft tissue... The root is covered with a very hard substance - cement, inside there is a cavity called a channel - nerve endings pass through it. Although the root is quite densely fixed by the fibers, it still remains minimally mobile, which protects it from breakage during chewing.

The number of roots is different and depends on what kind of tooth is, and where it is located - above or below. The place where the tooth begins to separate is called the furcation.

There can be from 1 to 3 roots, sometimes there are 4 or 5 of them:

  • mandibular canines, incisors, premolars have 1 root;
  • mandibular molars and maxillary premolars have 2 roots;
  • maxillary molars have 3 roots.

The neck of the tooth is immersed in the gum, and the crown rises above it. The crown is covered with enamel, which, although it is considered the hardest substance in the human body, can still be destroyed under the influence of some factors.

The enamel covers the dentin that makes up the tooth, its structure is made up of many microscopic tubules. In the very center of the tooth is the pulp, where the nerve endings are concentrated.

Abnormalities in the number of teeth

A person does not always have the right number of teeth, from birth they may be more or less than the norm. Such deviations are called hypodentia(if there are fewer teeth) or hyperdentia(if there are more teeth). Hypodentia is caused by diseases of the mother during the period of gestation, the result of which is the destruction of the tooth buds. Hyperdentia can occur due to atavism or bifurcation of the primordia.

Diseases provoking hypodentia, usually infectious: syphilis, tuberculosis and others. They most often contribute to disturbances in the formation of primordia, but can lead to their death. The number of teeth depends on the presence and severity of the anomaly: 1 tooth or group is missing, whether hypodentia is accompanied by a violation of shape or structure.

Hypertension may arise due to the fact that during the laying of the germ of teeth in a human embryo, the dental plate exhibits greater performance.

Another reason why supernumerary incisors or canines sometimes appear is atavism, because thousands of years ago people had not 4, but 6 incisors, 2 of them disappeared in the process of evolution.

Thus, there is a return to the previous set, which consisted of 44 teeth.

Each tooth is important for a person, therefore, it is necessary to properly care for them and observe hygiene. Dentists remove teeth only if urgent need preferring to treat them.

Video: how to brush your teeth correctly

All creatures on earth have teeth, be they a man, a cow, a horse, a dog, a cat or a mouse - but they all have exactly the kind of teeth that best suit their way of life, way of feeding and character in general.

In lower vertebrates, several tooth changes occur during their life. For example, in a shark, fully grown and worn-out teeth simply fall out, like hair in mammals, and are replaced by new ones.

Higher animals also have fewer teeth, and the possibilities to grow new ones are more limited. A person's teeth change once in a lifetime - when milk teeth fall out and new ones grow in their place. As a result of evolutionary development, a person is at a stage when his teeth change only once.

The human baby is born toothless. After six months of life in the middle lower jaw the first tooth appears. Over the next two years, he grows twenty teeth. They are called baby teeth.

Under them sits the second change of teeth, which begin to erupt after the age of six, and gradually, in the period between six and twelve years, milk teeth are replaced. In addition, three more teeth, called molars, appear on both sides of each jaw in the back of the mouth. Thus, in an adult, instead of twenty milk teeth, thirty-two teeth appear. A person is also characterized by what is called a "complete dental kit", that is, he has Various types teeth: incisors, canines, small molars and molars - all appear one next to the other. And they are all the same height and are arranged in even rows.

A person's teeth change twice: first, he has baby teeth, and then adult, permanent teeth. In the complete set of teeth, four types are distinguished, each of which performs its own, special tasks.

The incisors in the center bite the food. The canines, which are located on either side of the incisors, rub the food. The small molars, which are located just behind the canines, grind and grind food. The large molars at the back of the mouth grind food.

In total, there are twenty children's teeth, ten on the upper and lower jaw. They begin to form around 30 weeks after birth. In most children, the lower incisors appear first. They usually erupt when the baby is about six months old. Between the sixth and thirtieth months, the rest appear. Among the first children's teeth are four incisors, two canines and four large molars.

Of the 32 permanent teeth, 28 usually grow between the sixth and fourteenth year of a child's life. The other four, or wisdom teeth, grow between the ages of seventeen and twenty-one.

Permanent teeth include four incisors, two canines, four small molars and six large molars in each jaw. The twelve permanent large molars do not replace the original baby teeth. As the jaw lengthens, they grow behind the original teeth. Small molars from the permanent composition replace the large molars of the primary composition.

The first large molars, often referred to as six-year-old molars, are usually the first to erupt. They are the largest and the most important teeth. Their position in the jaw helps determine the shape of the lower face and the position of the remaining permanent teeth. They often appear just behind the original molars and are mistaken for the original too.

The number of teeth is just as important as their quality. But if small children have everyone new tooth meets with almost applause, the "toothiness" of adults rarely arouses any interest. And yet - what numbers should be used when it comes to oral cavity? How many teeth does a person have: wisdom and "ordinary"? How fast are they growing?

How many teeth does an adult have?

The minimum number of teeth in a person over 12 years old is 28 pieces. Why so little? Another pair of teeth on each jaw will grow by the age of 27-30. Or it won't grow: it all depends on anatomical features jaw.

At best, an adult boasts 32 teeth. True, scientists are beginning to fear that the love of mankind for soft food in the distant future will lead to a decrease in the number of teeth to 26-27 pieces. And here are the distant ancestors modern people possessed a set of 44 teeth: all due to the fact that their diet consisted mainly of rough foods that were difficult to chew.

How many wisdom teeth does a person have?

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the very 4 teeth that appear last. After 30 years, the development of the body slows down and the aging process slowly begins to take effect - a "wise period" begins. Both the absence and presence of third molars are considered normal.

Wisdom teeth erupt is quite problematic: with swelling of the gums and pain, and sometimes with an increase in temperature. Therefore, you should not envy the "wise" lucky ones - apart from the unpleasant teething process, they often have to go through the procedure for removing incorrectly grown third molars.

According to the account, wisdom teeth occupy the eighth position. They usually appear in pairs, but it happens that only 1 or 3 teeth grow.

How long does a wisdom tooth grow?

At correct development Of "eights" their crown is formed by about 14 years: just at the time of the completion of the development of the dentoalveolar system. Then the wisdom teeth simply "bide their time" and in no way make themselves felt until the required age.

Ideally, third molars erupt quickly and painlessly. This happens if there is enough space on the jaw for the "newcomers", and the gum tissue itself is loose. As a rule, such a seemingly normal situation is quite rare, and most people have to go through a difficult period of growing wisdom teeth.

In time, the process of cutting through "eights" stretches for weeks, and sometimes for years. Inflammation and other "joys" are explained by the fact that with prolonged growth of third molars, food debris accumulates under the gingival hood, which provokes the multiplication of various microorganisms.

It happens that wisdom teeth climb "on the sly": the gums become inflamed, ache a little and subside. After a few months or years, the situation repeats itself.

What is the structure of a human tooth?

Anatomically, a tooth consists of such parts;

  1. The crown is located in the alveolus, which is the jaw cavity. Visible part the crown performs the task of chewing food. Thanks to the enamel, the crown prevents pathogenic microorganisms in inner cavity tooth.
  2. Neck - located between the root and the crown just below the enamel cut.
  3. Root - with its help, the tooth is securely fixed in the alveolus. The greater the expected load on the tooth, the more developed the root system it has.

The pulp is contained in the canals and the pulp chamber. Surrounding it is dentin, which provides support for the enamel.

The teeth are positioned symmetrically on the jaws. The upper jaw, unlike the lower one, is unable to move.

How many roots and canals does a tooth have?

The number of roots in teeth depends on the individual characteristics of their structure, heredity, and race. The roots of Caucasians, as a rule, are 1 less than those of Mongoloids or Negroids. Also, in representatives of the last two races, the roots are more likely to grow together.

For the average Europeanoid, the indicators look like this:

The number of roots and canals may differ due to the fact that the latter often bifurcate near the pulp. Also, several channels can be in parallel in one root. To accurately calculate everything in the tooth, the dentist uses an X-ray.

How many roots does a wisdom tooth have?

With the rest of the teeth, the "eight" are similar only to the crown. The structure of third molars differs mainly due to the roots.

Their number ranges from 2 to 5. It is often mistakenly stated that wisdom teeth are single-rooted. This misconception is due to the fact that sometimes several roots grow together and form one massive one.

The roots of the eights are very curved, which can make it difficult to treat these teeth later on. As a rule, in the "eight" you can count up to 8 channels.

How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

Oral hygiene is the main condition for maintaining a complete set of teeth until deep old age... Nevertheless, not everyone knows how to brush their teeth correctly. There are several facts, knowledge of which will help you take better care of your teeth:

  • too much frequent cleaning teeth thinning enamel - enough 2 times a day;
  • brushing your teeth immediately after eating leads to a deterioration in their condition: after eating, special enzymes are produced in the mouth, which begin to over-etch what has been eaten. If you clean them, they will begin to affect the enamel. You should wait 20-30 minutes. after breakfast or dinner and only then take up a toothbrush;
  • food debris provokes the development of bacterial colonies in the mouth. You can avoid this by rinsing your mouth with water or a special mouthwash even after light snacks. You can also use dental floss;
  • brushing your teeth on average takes 2 minutes. It is not recommended to make up and down movements: this can injure the gums. It is better to prefer circular motions;
  • electric Toothbrush copes better with plaque and helps to avoid the formation of tartar.

Dental arithmetic is extremely entertaining. After all, given the prices for dental services, every human tooth is worth its weight in gold.

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Teeth have different shapes and each of them has its own purpose. It is not for nothing that doctors say that 32 is the norm, but not everyone can boast of such a number, many people have only 28 of them, since the so-called wisdom teeth have not erupted. People need teeth not only for biting off, chewing and holding food in the mouth, but also for the correct pronunciation of sounds, so everyone is important.

There are 5 types of teeth:

  • incisors- they are sharp and therefore participate in biting off food, the number of incisors is 8;
  • fangs- they are located on the side of the incisors and help to break food, although they are much less developed in comparison with animals, the number of canines is 4;
  • molars (small)- they are also called premolars, on the surface of which there are two protuberances, due to which it becomes possible to grind pieces of food. Also, these teeth can tear food and they have 1, often 2 roots;
  • molars (large)- have a second name: molars, and depending on their location, they have 2 roots (upper) and 3 roots (lower), in addition to 4-5 tubercles on the surface, there are depressions called fissures. There are only 20 large and small molars in humans.

Ideally, there should be 32 teeth together with wisdom teeth, of which there are 4 “eights”, however, due to the constant use of too soft food, the need for them is gradually decreasing, and now there are many people who do not have these molars.

It should be borne in mind that, unlike other types of teeth, which complete the formation of their rudiments by the age of 3, the rudiments of eights appear much later - by the age of 12.

Sometimes wisdom teeth are impacted, that is, erupted incorrectly: they can be partially hidden by bone tissue or gums, which causes a lot of inconvenience to a person and can lead to an inflammatory process.

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The very first teeth are temporary, their rudiments appear in the fetus in the mother's womb and develop as it grows. The first temporary teeth appear in infants around the age of 4 months, although there are cases when babies were born with 1 or 2 teeth.

However, teething is an individual process and depends on many parameters and the state of the baby's body.

There is a theory that has several confirmations that the onset of teething in an infant is directly related to a similar process in his parents: if this process began late for mom or dad, then it may be late for a child.

Rarely, but still it happens that children are missing teeth up to 1.5 years. Usually, by the age of 3, the baby has a set of 20 teeth, which serves him until he is 6 years old, until his replacement with permanent teeth begins.

Correct eruption and development of permanent teeth depends on the state of the "milk".

The order of teething in a person is certain, and it does not change:

  • first incisors (on both jaws);
  • second incisors;
  • first molars;
  • fangs;
  • second molars.

To the question of how many times a person's teeth change, dentists answer unequivocally - once in a lifetime. The set of "milk" teeth gradually begins to be replaced by permanent ones at about 5.5-6 years, although this is also individual for each. All permanent teeth appear between the ages of 12-14.

The replacement is as follows: a permanent tooth begins to erupt in the free space behind the temporary tooth, and if its predecessor was in the wrong position, then this tooth will grow incorrectly, therefore it is important that babies do not have unevenly located "milk" teeth.

The very last teeth of "wisdom" are shown - this happens at about 17-25 years.

Video: how a child's teeth change

Read about the treatment of periodontitis in children here

Whether lincomycin and alcohol are compatible - find out here

Строение Р · СѓР ± Р °

No matter how many teeth a person has, they all have the same structure, albeit a different size. Each of them has three sections, and depending on which part of the tooth is damaged, the dentist chooses the treatment tactics. A human tooth consists of:

  • root;
  • neck;
  • crowns.

The root of the tooth is held in the gum - fibers of soft tissue are attached to it and to the jawbone. The root is covered with a very hard substance - cement, inside there is a cavity called a channel - nerve endings pass through it. Although the root is quite densely fixed by the fibers, it still remains minimally mobile, which protects it from breakage during chewing.

The number of roots is different and depends on what kind of tooth is, and where it is located - above or below. The place where the tooth begins to separate is called the furcation.

There can be from 1 to 3 roots, sometimes there are 4 or 5 of them:

  • mandibular canines, incisors, premolars have 1 root;
  • mandibular molars and maxillary premolars have 2 roots;
  • maxillary molars have 3 roots.

The neck of the tooth is immersed in the gum, and the crown rises above it. The crown is covered with enamel, which, although it is considered the hardest substance in the human body, can still be destroyed under the influence of some factors.

The enamel covers the dentin that makes up the tooth, its structure is made up of many microscopic tubules. In the very center of the tooth is the pulp, where the nerve endings are concentrated.

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A person does not always have the right number of teeth, from birth they may be more or less than the norm. Such deviations are called hypodentia(if there are fewer teeth) or hyperdentia(if there are more teeth). Hypodentia is caused by diseases of the mother during the period of gestation, the result of which is the destruction of the tooth buds. Hyperdentia can occur due to atavism or bifurcation of the primordia.

Diseases provoking hypodentia, usually infectious: syphilis, tuberculosis and others. They most often contribute to disturbances in the formation of primordia, but can lead to their death. The number of teeth depends on the presence and severity of the anomaly: 1 tooth or group is missing, whether hypodentia is accompanied by a violation of shape or structure.

Hypertension may arise due to the fact that during the laying of the germ of teeth in a human embryo, the dental plate exhibits greater performance.

Another reason why supernumerary incisors or canines sometimes appear is atavism, because thousands of years ago people had not 4, but 6 incisors, 2 of them disappeared in the process of evolution.

Thus, there is a return to the previous set, which consisted of 44 teeth.

Each tooth is important for a person, therefore, it is necessary to properly care for them and observe hygiene. Dentists remove teeth only when absolutely necessary, preferring to treat them.

Why do people need teeth

Teeth are formations consisting of hard tissues, which are especially durable and last for a long time. Teeth bear several significant functions, depending on which they have different shape and location.

The main function of teeth is the primary mechanical processing of food. By chewing, we prepare food for better absorption and digestion in the stomach. There are many "side", but no less important functions... In particular, protective - protection immune system and preventing falling into healthy body harmful bacteria from the outside. Another purpose is the correct pronunciation of sounds, which is partly why evolution has laid the appearance of milk teeth - without them, the child will not be able to learn how to pronounce certain sounds correctly.

How many teeth do children and adolescents have?

A person throughout his life is the owner of two sets of teeth. A baby's first teeth begin to erupt at about 6 months of age. Due to the fact that they fall out over time, children's teeth are usually called milk or temporary. There are only 20 milk teeth in a child: 10 on each jaw. Such teeth are similar to permanent ones, but smaller in size, weaker and whitish-bluish shade (thanks to which they got their name).

How many teeth should a person have in childhood? The approximate formula used by dentists is as follows: from the age (number of months) of the child, you need to subtract 4. Thus, in a year there should be 8 milk teeth, in a year and a half - 14. All 20 teeth usually erupt by 2 years, the formation ends around 3 years. The main function of milk teeth is to create space for the growth of permanent teeth. In addition, dentists advise to immediately teach the child to take care of baby teeth - this will be an excellent workout before the appearance of "adult" permanent teeth.

Loss of deciduous teeth and the appearance of permanent teeth begins in children aged 5-6 years. The process of replacing them with permanent ones for everyone takes place over a different time, but on average it lasts up to adolescence(approximately 12-14 years old).

Children over 12-14 years old have 28 teeth, and this number, in fact, is the answer to the question of how many teeth a person has. Another 4 “lost” ones are the third molars, better known as wisdom teeth. Their growth can last up to 30 years, and sometimes not at all - it all depends on the individual anatomical features of the jaw.

Adult teeth

"Complete set" of teeth healthy person includes 32 teeth: 4 canines, 8 incisors, 8 small molars, 12 large molars.

  • Lower and upper central incisors. They are called "ones" and are located in the lower and upper rows, have 1–2 channels and 1 root each. These are the 4 most front teeth of a person.
  • Lower and upper lateral incisors. "Twos". Located in front of the canines, 2 on each jaw. The function of the incisors (both central and lateral) is to capture and bite off food.
  • Fangs. 4 cone-shaped teeth, 2 on each jaw, each with 1 canal and 1 root. Designed to tear and hold food.
  • Premolars. Four and five are the first and second premolars, the teeth located just behind the canines. In humans, there are 4 of them on each jaw, the upper ones have 2 roots. Used to grind food.
  • Molars. They can have several roots and canals, the roots of third molars (wisdom teeth) often grow together into one. Just like in premolars, the function of these teeth is to grind food.

It should be borne in mind that a full set of 32 teeth for a person 30 years old and older is an increasingly rare phenomenon today. Even if third molars grow, by this age many remove them or other teeth due to caries and other diseases of the teeth and gums. Third molars are generally considered problematic and are often removed by dentists due to inconvenience. wrong growth or misalignment of other teeth. The very process of growth and eruption of wisdom teeth often gives a very painful sensations: Gums may hurt and swell up to a rise in body temperature.

Evolution does not stand still, and scientists are of the opinion that soon 26-28 teeth will be the norm for humans. This will happen due to the habit of soft food, because the main function of the teeth is chewing. "As unnecessary" the second incisors are the first to be reduced, followed by the molars. To avoid this, you need to give the dental system a sufficient load in the form of chewing rough plant foods. Indeed, for example, in ancient times, when the human diet included mostly rough, difficult to chew food, a person had as many as 44 teeth.

But today we can say with confidence that the question "How many teeth does a person have?" There is a clear answer: in a healthy person, the norm is the presence of 28 to 32 teeth, depending on the presence of wisdom teeth.

General information

Teeth are bone formations found in the human oral cavity. They are located in the form of 2 arcs (one above the other). If a person closes the bottom and upper jaw together, the teeth will close, separating the vestibule of the mouth from its own cavity. In this position, people develop a bite, which is studied by such a science as orthodontics.

Healthy teeth are a pretty good indicator of the functioning of the whole organism. However, most people don't just want to show off their excellent physical condition, but also a beautiful and snow-white smile. And what to do for this, we will consider at the very end.

Shapes and main types of teeth

Before telling you about how many teeth people have, you should find out exactly how they differ in their shape and purpose. After all, each individual tooth performs exclusively its functions, namely, grabbing food, holding it in the mouth and chewing. It is also worth noting that they are directly involved in the correct pronunciation of sounds.


These teeth are located at the very front of the dentition (4 on top and the same below). They owe their name to the fact that they have a sharp cutting edge, with the help of which a person can easily bite off any products, including rather tough ones.


On both sides of the incisors, humans have tapered teeth or the so-called "canines" (2 above and the same below). They are designed to tear small pieces from the whole food. It should be noted that in humans these types of teeth are rather poorly developed than in predatory animals. This is because people do not eat raw, coarse and fibrous foods such as meat.

Small molars

In medical practice, these teeth are called premolars. There are two tubercles on their chewing surface. As for the roots, there may be one or two. Small molars are necessary for a person to crush food, as well as for their further grinding. In addition, premolars can also be used to tear open food.

Large molars

The teeth shown on both the lower and upper jaw are called molars. Unlike previous bone formations, they are larger in size, and also have more than one root (the upper three, and the lower two). In addition, they have a chewing surface and special depressions called fissures. There are also four or five cusps in the upper part of the large molars. The main function of molars is to grind and grind food into gruel before swallowing it directly.

So how many molars does a person have? The number of premolars in healthy people is four at the top and the same at the bottom. As for the large molars, their number is similarly small.

Varieties of teeth

It should be noted that a person has two sets of teeth: temporary and permanent. In terms of their functions and structure, they are quite similar to each other. However, the size of the temporary bone formations is much smaller and have a different shade (whitish-bluish). By the way, they are usually called "dairy".

They play a rather important role in the development of the main and permanent teeth. Indeed, even in childhood, such formations retain the necessary space for future incisors, canines, premolars and molars, and also guide their further growth. It should be noted that the number of milk teeth in a person is only 20 pieces. Typically, they begin to erupt at about 3-6 months and fully emerge by 2.5 or 3 years.

Having found out how many milk teeth a person has, one should proceed to the description of the permanent ones. Usually they begin to appear as early as 5-6 years old and completely replace temporary ones at 12-14 years old. The first molars grow in a free space behind the milk teeth. When the time comes, the roots of temporary teeth in children dissolve, and later fall out. As you know, this process occurs in pairs and in a certain sequence.

Thus, the answer to the question of how many teeth changes in a person may well be the number 20. After all, this is how many milk teeth fall out in young children, and in the future permanent incisors, canines, etc., grow in their place.

Is 32 the norm?

Having asked your dentist a question about how many teeth people have, you can hear a completely unambiguous answer: 32. This figure is made up of the following numbers:

  • 8 incisors (4 of them are located on the lower jaw and 4 on the upper);
  • 4 canines (2 at the top and the same at the bottom);
  • 8 premolars (4 below and 4 above);
  • 12 molars (6 on the upper jaw and the same number on the lower).

However, some people, having counted their teeth, quite often resent the fact that they find 28 instead of 32 in themselves. This is due to the fact that molars growing by the age of 14 make up only 2 pairs on the lower and upper jaw, respectively. In other words, the number of large molars in healthy people is exactly the same as small ones (that is, 8 pieces). "So where are the other 4?" - you ask. The fact is that the total number of teeth in a person is counted together with the so-called "wisdom" teeth. As a rule, such bone formations grow in people between the ages of 17 and 30. Moreover, they may never appear at all, making the number 32 not so normal.

So how many wisdom teeth does a person have? You can answer the question asked by a simple mathematical calculation:

32 (normal number of teeth) - 28 (permanent teeth growing by the age of 14) = 4 wisdom teeth, 2 of which are located at the top and the same number at the bottom.

As mentioned just above, such bone formations may never grow at all. This fact is due to the fact that in the process of evolution, molars unnecessary for chewing are gradually reduced. According to statistics, only half of the world's population has a complete set of two arches on the lower and upper jaw.

Historical background and a look into the future

If the question of how many teeth people have had been asked in the distant past, then a completely different figure would have sounded, and not 32. After all, our ancestors had 44 bone formations in the oral cavity, that is, exactly 12 teeth more. Over time, several pairs of teeth disappeared from each side of the upper and lower jaw.

According to experts, after a few hundred years, people may also have reduced second and third molars, as well as lateral incisors. This is due to the fact that a modern person increasingly eats exceptionally soft and mushy dishes, for which the aforementioned bone formations are not needed to chew. By the way, this may affect the fact that the jaw of people will gradually become smaller. Of course, such evolutionary changes can be changed. But in this case, an additional load should be given to the entire dental system. For this, a person needs to eat more animal or coarse plant foods.

Tooth structure

How many teeth an adult has, we found out a little higher. But speaking of such bone formations, with the help of which people eat every day and supply their body with all the necessary substances, one cannot ignore their structure.

As you know, this element consists of three main components: crown, neck and root.

1. "Crown" is the visible part of the tooth, which is covered with enamel (the hardest substance in the human body), relatively resistant to destruction.

2. The neck is the part of the tooth that is sunk into the gum.

3. The root of any tooth is located directly in the jawbone.

It should also be noted that the bulk of the presented bone formations is formed by the so-called "dentin" under the enamel. This substance is quite durable. However, in terms of its resistance to fracture and hardness, it is still inferior to the crown. As you know, dentin is penetrated by multiple channels containing cell processes, of which it actually consists.

As for the cavity of the tooth, it includes nerve endings as well as blood vessels. It is they who deliver all the necessary nutrients to the living tissues of bone formations and remove their waste products.

Returning to the roots, it should be noted that they are completely covered with cement. This substance is quite similar to normal bone. It is to this part of the tooth that multiple fibers are attached, which hold it firmly in place (in the gum). However, some mobility of such bone formations is still present. Indeed, thanks to this, the likelihood that they break down while chewing solid food is significantly reduced.

Few people know, but inside all human teeth there is a cavity that stretches into the root in the form of a canal, and ends with a small hole in their tops. As you know, this hollow place is filled with the so-called "pulp". It is into it through the jaws that nerve endings and various vessels penetrate.

How to take care of your teeth?

If you want to preserve all 32 teeth (or 28), then they should be carefully looked after. To do this, experts recommend cleaning them well in the evening and in the morning, and after each meal, be sure to rinse your mouth. Following the rules of personal hygiene will allow you to keep all your teeth until old age. But if for any reason your teeth hurt, then you should immediately contact your dentist. By the way, it is recommended to visit it at least twice a year. After all, the prevention of caries and other problems with bone formations is less painful and cheaper than a long and painful treatment.

Healthy and beautiful teeth adorn any person. Agree that it is more pleasant to look at a person with healthy snow-white teeth and a dazzling smile than at someone who rarely cares about their cleanliness.

Teeth play an important role in the human body with many different functions. The main ones are undoubtedly the biting and grinding of food. But besides this, teeth are not the last in the formation of sounds, speech and breathing.

The first teeth in a child erupt at the age of 6-8 months, and, as a rule, these are incisors. These teeth are called temporary or deciduous. By the age of 3, a child should have 20 milk teeth, ten each on the lower and upper jaw. At the age of 5-6, these teeth begin to fall out and permanent ones appear in their place. By the age of 11-12, the primary set of teeth is completely replaced.

The average adult has 32 teeth. They can be divided into four types, each of which has its own function and structure:

  • Incisors. There are only eight of them, four each on the lower and upper jaw. The main function of the incisors is to bite off food.
  • Permanent canines replace lost milk teeth at the age of 9-12. They are also called chewing or eye teeth. A person has a pair of canines on the upper and lower jaw. Their purpose is to cut food into smaller pieces.
  • Premolars (small molars) have only four teeth in each row. They appear at the age of 10-12. Their main purpose is to grind food.
  • Molars (large molars) are located in three pairs in each row and also help to grind food. The first molars appear at the age of 7-8 years and are permanent.

In total, a person has 20 molars (they include small molars and large molars). The last pair of large molars are called third molars or wisdom teeth. A person has only four of them: a pair on the lower and upper jaw. Wisdom teeth begin to erupt only at the age of 20-25 and do not grow in all people. The main reason for this is a change in the shape of the skull and a decrease in the size of the jaw, so that the wisdom teeth simply do not fit in the oral cavity. It can be assumed that wisdom teeth are gradually becoming a rudiment and in the future they may completely disappear from a person's life, since they do not play such an important role.

Today we will tell you in detail how many teeth people have, as well as tell you about their structure, functions, types, etc.

General information

Teeth are bone formations found in the human oral cavity. They are located in the form of 2 arcs (one above the other). If a person closes the lower one and together, then the teeth close, separating the vestibule of the mouth from its own cavity. In this position, people develop a bite, which is studied by such a science as orthodontics.

Healthy teeth are a pretty good indicator of the functioning of the whole organism. However, most people want not only to show off their excellent physical condition, but also a beautiful and snow-white smile. And what to do for this, we will consider at the very end.

Shapes and main types of teeth

Before telling you about how many teeth people have, you should find out exactly how they differ in their shape and purpose. After all, each individual tooth performs exclusively its functions, namely, grabbing food, holding it in the mouth and chewing. It is also worth noting that they are directly involved in the correct pronunciation of sounds.


These teeth are located at the very front of the dentition (4 on top and the same below). They owe their name to the fact that they have a sharp cutting edge, with the help of which a person can easily bite off any products, including rather tough ones.


On both sides of the incisors, humans have tapered teeth or so-called "canines" (2 on top and the same on the bottom). They are designed to tear small pieces from the whole food. It should be noted that in humans these types of teeth are rather poorly developed than in predatory animals. This is because people do not eat raw, coarse and fibrous foods such as meat.

Small molars

In medical practice, these are premolars. There are two tubercles on their chewing surface. As for the roots, there may be one or two. Small molars are necessary for a person to crush food, as well as for their further grinding. In addition, premolars can also be used to tear open food.

Large molars

The teeth shown on both the lower and upper jaw are called molars. Unlike previous bone formations, they are larger in size, and also have more than one root (the upper three, and the lower two). In addition, they have a chewing surface and special depressions called fissures. There are also four or five cusps in the upper part of the large molars. The main function of molars is to grind and grind food into gruel before swallowing it directly.

So how many molars does a person have? The number of premolars is four on the top and the same on the bottom. As for the large molars, their number is similarly small.

Varieties of teeth

It should be noted that a person has two sets of teeth: temporary and permanent. In terms of their functions and structure, they are quite similar to each other. However, the size of the temporary bone formations is much smaller and have a different shade (whitish-bluish). By the way, it is customary to call them "dairy".

They play a rather important role in the development of the main and permanent teeth. Indeed, even in childhood, such formations retain the necessary space for future incisors, canines, premolars and molars, and also guide their further growth. It should be noted that the number of milk teeth in a person is only 20 pieces. Typically, they begin to erupt at about 3-6 months and fully emerge by 2.5 or 3 years.

Having found out how much a person has, one should proceed to the description of the constants. Usually they begin to appear as early as 5-6 years old and completely replace temporary ones at 12-14 years old. The first molars grow in a free space behind the milk teeth. When the time comes, the roots of temporary teeth in children dissolve, and later fall out. As you know, this process occurs in pairs and in a certain sequence.

Thus, the answer to the question of how many teeth changes in a person may well be the number 20. After all, this is how many milk teeth fall out in young children, and in the future permanent incisors, canines, etc., grow in their place.

Is 32 the norm?

Having asked your dentist a question about how many teeth people have, you can hear a completely unambiguous answer: 32. This figure is made up of the following numbers:

  • 8 incisors (4 of them are located on the lower jaw and 4 on the upper);
  • 4 canines (2 at the top and the same at the bottom);
  • 8 premolars (4 below and 4 above);
  • 12 molars (6 on the upper jaw and the same number on the lower).

However, some people, having counted their teeth, quite often resent the fact that they find 28 instead of 32 in themselves. This is due to the fact that molars growing by the age of 14 make up only 2 pairs on the lower and upper jaw, respectively. In other words, the number of large molars in healthy people is exactly the same as small ones (that is, 8 pieces). "So where are the other 4?" - you ask. The fact is that the total number of teeth in a person is counted together with the so-called "wisdom" teeth. As a rule, such bone formations grow in people between the ages of 17 and 30. Moreover, they may never appear at all, making the number 32 not so normal.

So how many wisdom teeth does a person have? You can answer the question asked by a simple mathematical calculation:

32 (normal number of teeth) - 28 (permanent teeth growing by the age of 14) = 4 2 of which are located at the top and the same number at the bottom.

As mentioned just above, such bone formations may never grow at all. This fact is due to the fact that in the process of evolution, molars unnecessary for chewing are gradually reduced. According to statistics, only half of the world's population has a complete set of two arches on the lower and upper jaw.

Historical background and a look into the future

If the question of how many teeth people have had been asked in the distant past, then a completely different figure would have sounded, and not 32. After all, our ancestors had 44 bone formations in the oral cavity, that is, exactly 12 teeth more. Over time, on each side of the upper and several pairs of teeth disappeared.

According to experts, after a few hundred years, people may also have reduced second and third molars, as well as lateral incisors. This is due to the fact that he increasingly eats exceptionally soft and mushy dishes, for which the aforementioned bone formations are not needed to chew. By the way, this may affect the fact that the jaw of people will gradually become smaller. Of course, such evolutionary changes can be changed. But in this case, an additional load should be given to the entire dental system. For this, a person needs to eat more animal or coarse plant foods.

Tooth structure

How many teeth an adult has, we found out a little higher. But speaking of such bone formations, with the help of which people eat every day and supply their body with all the necessary substances, one cannot ignore their structure.

As you know, this element consists of three main components: crown, neck and root.

1. "Crown" refers to the visible part of the tooth, which is covered with enamel (the hardest substance in the human body), relatively resistant to destruction.

2. The neck is the part of the tooth that is sunk into the gum.

3. The root of any tooth is located directly in the jawbone.

It should also be noted that the bulk of the presented bone formations is formed by the so-called "dentin" located under the enamel. This substance is quite durable. However, in terms of its resistance to fracture and hardness, it is still inferior to the crown. As you know, dentin is penetrated by multiple channels containing cell processes, of which it actually consists.

As for the cavity of the tooth, it includes nerve endings as well as blood vessels. It is they who deliver all the necessary nutrients to the living tissues of bone formations and remove their waste products.

Returning to the roots, it should be noted that they are completely covered with cement. This substance is quite similar to normal bone. It is to this part of the tooth that multiple fibers are attached, which hold it firmly in place (in the gum). However, some mobility of such bone formations is still present. Indeed, thanks to this, the likelihood that they break down while chewing solid food is significantly reduced.

Few people know, but inside all human teeth there is a cavity that stretches into the root in the form of a canal, and ends with a small hole in their tops. As you know, this hollow space is filled with the so-called "pulp". It is into it through the jaws that nerve endings and various vessels penetrate.

How to take care of your teeth?

If you want to preserve all 32 teeth (or 28), then they should be carefully looked after. To do this, experts recommend cleaning them well in the evening and in the morning, and after each meal, be sure to rinse your mouth. Following the rules of personal hygiene will allow you to keep all your teeth until old age. But if for any reason your teeth hurt, then you should immediately contact your dentist. By the way, it is recommended to visit it at least twice a year. After all, the prevention of caries and other problems with bone formations is less painful and cheaper than a long and painful treatment.

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