The baby is having hard breathing. Hard breathing. Inhalations for dry cough without fever

The health of the child is what parents should worry about first of all and, of course, when the baby has difficulty breathing, it is necessary to provide him with help. It is best to have the help of a qualified medical worker, however, sometimes you can help a patient cope with such problems on your own.


For a child, the breathing process is considered normal when the inhalation is audible, but the exhalation is not.

Due to fluctuations of the alveoli (structures that participate in the act of breathing and carry out gas exchange with the capillaries of the lungs) in children aged six months to 7 years, breathing can be puerile, i.e., differ more significantly from the breathing of healthy adults and prolonged noise during exhalation.

It is not a disease or any pathology if there are no other symptoms of lung damage. These are the features physiological development child's respiratory tract.

And, as a rule, over time the baby gets rid of such hard breathing on his own, without any intervention. However, if hard breathing is accompanied by a list of other symptoms, this is a signal that not everything is in order with the body and then the help of a specialist is required.

Did you know?The fact that your baby breathes through the mouth and not through the nose can lead to a series of problems: jaw contraction, as a result of which the child’s teeth may begin to grow crookedly, a lisp, and incontinence during night sleep.


We have found that up to a certain age, harsh breathing in children is considered normal in the absence of other symptoms. However, wheezing or too loud sounds when exhaled, may indicate serious illness and be just one of many symptoms.

Among the ailments, the appearance and development of which may be evidenced by the phenomenon under consideration, are the following:

  • progressive This disease is diagnosed if, in addition to difficulty breathing, there is hyperthermia and wheezing;
  • , if hard breathing is accompanied by attacks of suffocation, shortness of breath, the patient’s condition worsens sharply after physical activity;
  • nasal injury or (enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil);
  • if there is swelling of the nasal mucosa or respiratory tract;
  • Harsh breathing may also indicate that your child has a bacterial or viral infection: flu, etc.


If you notice that your child is making unusual sounds when exhaling, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor, first of all, should listen to the baby using a phonendoscope and check for wheezing.
During the examination, the doctor must determine:

  • breathing pattern;
  • volume;
  • spreading;
  • whether wheezing and/or shortness of breath are present.

If there is no wheezing, shortness of breath, cough or fever, you need to do allergy tests to find out if allergies are the cause of hard breathing. If you have a cough, wheezing, or shortness of breath, do X-ray lungs.

Causes of hard breathing

The most common factors contributing to the appearance of this disease in children:

  • sudden change in air temperature from low to high;
  • insufficiently humid air in the baby’s room;
  • lack of walks fresh air;
  • drinking deficiency;
  • chemical irritants;
  • chronic form of respiratory tract infection;
  • the effect of allergens or other pathogens.

+ and cough

If hard breathing is accompanied by a cough, most likely the reason lies in the fact that the baby has recently had an acute respiratory viral infection, and all the mucus has not yet come out of the bronchi.

Colds in children are often the result of the child being frozen, as a result of which immunity decreases, the body weakens and infection quickly spreads in it, causing inflammation in the bronchi with increased secretion of phlegm. Then, when listening to the lungs, wheezing is heard.

+ and temperature

If noises during respiratory process in a child are accompanied by elevated temperature within 36.5-37.6 ° C, drowsiness, loss of appetite, general fatigue, one may suspect the presence of inflammatory diseases.

A temperature above 37.6°C indicates serious problems in the body, the nature and nature of which must be determined by a doctor. In this case, drug treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist is necessary.

+ and absence (without) temperature

Since an elevated human body temperature is a signal from our body about the presence of malfunctions, when normal temperature a child with hard breathing, do not be nervous.

Noisy exhalation of air in this case may simply be a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection or the result of the physiological development of your child.

Did you know?The human body temperature is not the same different areas: The temperature in the mouth is often half a degree lower than the temperature measured in the rectum. Indicators of the thermometer used to measure the temperature in the right armpit, may differ from the thermometer readings after measuring the temperature in the left armpit of the same person (most often on the left by 0.1-0.3°C higher).

When to Seek Qualified Help

Hard breathing itself does not require qualified help, but if it is accompanied by a cough with hyperthermia, or simply hyperthermia, you should consult a doctor.

If you hear a noise while the child exhales and notice that the timbre of the child's voice has changed to a lower pitch, you may suspect the presence of bronchitis or bronchopneumonia. In this case, you also need to go to the doctor.


In order to cure hard breathing in a child, you must first determine what is causing it, because it can be simply a physiological feature child's body either a consequence of ARVI, or a symptom of some more serious disease.

Folk remedies

Non-drug methods of treating hard breathing accompanied by coughing involve the use of infusions medicinal plants, for example, marshmallow or licorice root, peppermint or plantain leaves. This method is applicable for children aged from one to 10 years.

Important!Before giving your baby an infusion of any plant, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to it and consult a doctor, otherwise you may harm your child.

Mashed banana with honey, diluted with boiled water, or figs boiled in milk also helps relieve coughs. Giving something like this folk medicine The baby needs 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

If, along with hard breathing, the child experiences wheezing, it is necessary to treat with herbal teas (ledum, plantain, coltsfoot).


Diseases such as bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc., especially when other symptoms include elevated body temperature, must be treated with medications, since trying to help a sick child using traditional methods can only trigger the disease until complications appear, which will later It will be difficult to get rid of even with the help of special drugs.

Medicines should be chosen depending on what led to hard breathing, what illness the child has and at what stage of development. As a rule, on early stages, these are either drugs, tablets or, which are necessarily prescribed by the doctor. Himself medicines better for the child don't choose.

Under medical supervision

This is the most effective and safe way treatment of the child, because while doing self-treatment, a non-professional can harm the patient and only worsen his condition.

It is better to seek help from a pediatrician or otolaryngologist. He will conduct a thorough examination of the child and, depending on what is wrong in his body, will prescribe treatment, which may consist of: traditional methods, and from drug therapy.

The doctor will definitely schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure that the treatment was successful or will prescribe other medications if your child’s condition has not improved.

If hard breathing is not accompanied by any other symptoms and a specific disease has not been diagnosed, the doctor may not prescribe medications for treatment, but simply advise walking the baby more often, ventilating his room and maintaining moisture in it.

Important!If your baby is breathing harshly or coughing, give him more warm water, because it helps remove mucus accumulated in the bronchi from the body.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

One of the most famous children's doctors in the CIS countries, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, points out the cause of hard breathing: it is inflammation affecting airways.

Thus, the volume of exhalation, which is in good condition the respiratory tract is not audible at all, it becomes the same as the volume of inhalation. The doctor calls this breathing, in which both inhalation and exhalation are equally audible, hard.

According to Evgeniy Olegovich, hard breathing is one of the consequences of an acute respiratory viral infection, when almost all the symptoms have already gone away, but due to dry mucus, which makes the surface of the bronchi uneven, noise occurs during exit.

Video: causes of difficulty breathing in a child It is not difficult to fight this “disease”. Dr. Komarovsky recommends walking more, moisturizing and ventilating the child’s room, and not stuffing him with medications, then hard breathing will go away on its own over time.

Thus, your child’s tightened breathing may be a temporary phenomenon, provoked by the developmental characteristics of the baby’s body. If it is not aggravated by signs that can be used to diagnose more serious illness, the condition most likely does not require treatment.

But if, in addition to the noise manifested during exhalation of air, the baby experiences hyperthermia, wheezing, and coughing, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

It is believed that the best way reflects lung function in young children, so many mothers listen to how their babies breathe during sleep. Calm, almost silent breathing is considered normal. What should you do if you find a child has hard breathing, how dangerous is it, and what measures should you take?

When to worry?

It is believed that if the baby is constantly breathing noisily, then there is no cause for concern, since the reason may lie in the special structure of the nasopharynx. You should also pay attention to the level of humidity in the room, because often too dry air becomes the cause, and as a result, hard breathing occurs.

But if the baby has always breathed with a certain frequency and volume, and at some point shortness of breath, wheezing, night snoring appears, and he complains of nasal congestion, you should immediately consult a specialist.

To begin with, the baby will be sent for an X-ray of the lungs and auscultation will be performed. This will identify the presence of pathology and prescribe further treatment.

Causes of hard breathing

1. Often the experience causes the child to have harsh breathing. The reason is that dried mucus remains in the bronchi, which is not immediately removed from the body and for some time after completion of treatment makes breathing difficult, making it noisier and harsher.

2. The most common explanation for the issue under consideration is the presence of an infection in the respiratory system. This may be, and or another respiratory disease that requires immediate attention. drug treatment.

3. Also, difficulty breathing and a harsh cough in a child can be caused by an allergic reaction to food or other irritant. You can understand that this is the cause by the absence of other symptoms. colds.

4. Hard breathingcharacteristic many babies, as they the immune system imperfect. Weakness muscle fibers lungs and underdevelopment of the alveoli goes away over time, although there are cases when this condition persists up to 7-10 years. In this situation, treatment is not required, although to rule out other causes of hard breathing, you should take the baby to a specialist for examination.

To prevent complications, it is better to seek advice from a specialist at the first manifestations of hard breathing. Let the doctor decide whether there is cause for concern or not.

What to do if your child has hard breathing?

Treatment for such a problem should be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the reasons that led to difficulty breathing. Independent solution It is prohibited for children to take any expectorants or perform inhalations, since if there is an infection in the body, you can only harm the baby.

If you are sure that the reason lies in an allergic reaction to any product or household item (washing powder, perfume, dust, etc.), limit the baby’s contact with the irritant as soon as possible.

If hard breathing is a consequence of an acute respiratory infection, taking additional tablets or mixtures is not required. Experts recommend continuing to feed your baby warm water(this allows you to soften the mucus accumulated in the larynx) and spend time with him in the fresh air more often. It won't be superfluous

What does hard breathing mean in a child? This is breathing when the volume of exhalation and inhalation is the same. Moms become worried when their baby's breathing becomes hoarse and harsh. Hard breathing is not always pathological condition. The presence of such breathing can be explained by physiological age characteristics baby's respiratory system - they contribute to the appearance breath sounds.
Puerile breathing can also be detected in children. It usually occurs in children between one and seven years of age. It also refers to hard breathing. However, it is characterized by a longer and more intense noise in the lungs when exhaling. Hard breathing may also occur due to bronchopneumonia or bronchitis.

According to doctors, young parents should pay attention to the following:

  • During normal breathing, only inhalation is perfectly audible and exhalation is practically inaudible.
  • If we take into account the duration, then the exhalation time accounts for approximately a third of the inhalation.
  • Inhalation is an active process, and exhalation does not require any tension in the body.
  • Exhalation occurs on its own.

It is worth noting that in children the volume of exhalation almost always changes if the body is inflamed, especially if the bronchi and airways are inflamed. When a child is sick, both exhalation and inhalation become equally audible.
As for hard breathing in children, the younger the toddler, the harder his breathing is.
Regarding breathing noises, we can say the following: they appear due to the movement of air through the respiratory tract. Breath sounds are produced by breathing movements lungs. In children, such breathing noises have their own characteristics, since they are determined by age, as well as anatomical and physiological development respiratory system baby. For example, due to poor development of muscle and elastic fibers, as well as underdevelopment of the alveoli, a toddler will often experience harsh breathing during the first months of life.
This phenomenon usually occurs in children between one and ten years of age. When the child gets older - hard breathing disappears - this is due to the fact that the lungs become more perfect.
If there is dry mucus on the surface of the bronchi or the mucous membrane of the bronchi is inflamed, then most likely the doctor will also hear hard breathing. Dry mucus makes it uneven inner part bronchi, and breathing sounds will be heard both when exhaling and when inhaling. If the baby has recently suffered from ARVI, then he will still have dried mucus on the surface of the bronchi. Also, in most cases, after suffering from a cold there will be a cough and hard breathing.

How is hard breathing treated in children?

You should definitely go to the doctor if you notice a rough timbre in your child, and also if you hear increased noise when exhaling. Even in the absence of bronchitis, babies can experience harsh breathing against the background of acute respiratory diseases. When the baby recovers, this type of breathing disappears. If wheezing is heard in the baby's breathing, this indicates the development of bronchitis. Bronchitis appears as a result of a complicated course of ARVI - in this case there is a very high probability of occurrence bacterial infection- this is especially true for children early age.
If your baby is wheezing in his chest, then you need a pediatrician to listen to him. The doctor will be able to correctly interpret wheezing and prescribe appropriate treatment.
For example, difficult exhalation and a slight whistle indicate respiratory infection. With these symptoms, the baby may have trouble falling asleep. The process of production of viscous mucus can be determined by dry wheezing, the appearance of buzzing and whistling sounds. The pediatrician usually prescribes mucolytics - they can make the mucus more liquid and help it move away. You can give your baby an infusion of peppermint, root marshmallow, infusions of plantain leaves, licorice root. Regarding the treatment of hard breathing in a child, you can notice that this problem is treatable. It will be enough to walk with your baby in the fresh air more often. Also be sure to ventilate and thoroughly humidify the children's room.
If your baby is suffering from a hacking cough , then you can soften your cough with mashed banana. Mash the banana, add a small amount of warm boiled water (if the baby is not allergic to honey, you can add honey). Can you give this to your baby? delicious medicine. Boil figs in milk and let your baby drink this milk.
If you hear moist rales , then this indicates that the mucus in the respiratory tract is liquefying. The air that passes through Airways, creates a sound reminiscent of bursting bubbles. In this situation, you can give the baby herbal teas, made from coltsfoot, plantain and wild rosemary.

Let your pediatrician examine your baby first. If wheezing continues, then you need to continue monitoring with the above-mentioned doctor and strictly adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations.

Normally, inhalation should be audible, but exhalation, on the contrary, should not be heard. This type of breathing is called puerile, or hard. If it is not accompanied by symptoms of the disease, then, as a rule, there is no cause for concern.

Hard breathing in a child without a cough

This phenomenon is not always pathological. For example, it may be due to physiological characteristics baby's respiratory system. Moreover, what younger child, the harsher his breathing.

The causes of hard breathing in a baby under one year old may be related to the physiological development of the respiratory system.

In the first months of life, it may be due to underdevelopment of the alveoli and muscle fibers.

This pathology occurs in children from birth to ten years of age, but later it usually disappears. Sometimes this happens with bronchitis or more serious illness– bronchopneumonia, as well as pneumonia and even asthma. It is necessary to visit a pediatrician in any case, especially if the noise increases when exhaling and the timbre of the voice is rough.

Consultation with a specialist is also required if the exhalation becomes too noisy and audible. Inhalation is an active process, but exhalation does not require tension and should occur involuntarily. The volume of exhalation also changes in the situation when the body has inflammatory process affecting the bronchi. In the latter case, both inhalation and exhalation are equally loud.

You should also consult a specialist and have an x-ray done if you experience severe difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, night snoring, or heavy nasal breathing.

Hard breathing and cough in a small child

As a rule, colds in children occur as a result of hypothermia. Eventually
Immunity decreases and the infection quickly spreads throughout the weakened body. Typically, the inflammatory process begins with the bronchial mucosa, which is accompanied by increased secretion of sputum.

At this moment, the pediatrician, when listening, detects hard breathing: both inhalation and exhalation can be heard. In addition, there are wheezing, which is associated with increased secretion of sputum.

The cough at the beginning of the disease is usually dry, and then, as it progresses, it becomes wet. Hard breathing with a cough may indicate a recent ARVI, when not all the mucus has yet left the bronchi.

Causes of hard breathing in a child

Parents should know that children have quite weak immunity. From the moment of birth, it only begins to form, so it is very susceptible to various diseases.

There are several provoking factors that provoke childhood diseases:

  • Sudden temperature changes, alternating hot and cold air;
  • Presence of chemical irritants;
  • Chronic respiratory tract infections;
  • Having allergies;
  • As a rule, pathogens enter the body along with inhaled air.

Pathogenic microorganisms, entering the bronchial mucosa, provoke an acute inflammatory process.

Sometimes this condition is accompanied by swelling and increased bronchial secretion. Children find it quite difficult to tolerate various diseases, therefore, when the respiratory tract is damaged, acute disorder breathing, manifested in its bitterness.

What does it mean when a child has hard breathing?

Often this phenomenon, as already mentioned, is observed after a recent cold. If the baby feels well, the body temperature is within normal limits, and there is no wheezing when listening, then, as a rule, there is no cause for concern.

But no less often, this condition may indicate serious illnesses:

  1. Noisy breathing occurs when there is excessive accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and respiratory tract. These sputums are needed in mandatory remove to the outside to prevent the respiratory tract from becoming affected by the pathological process. Increased mucus production occurs when indoor air is too dry, lack of outdoor exercise, or lack of drinking. Regular ventilation of the apartment, humidification of the air (especially in the children's room), frequent walks outside, and plenty of warm walks will help correct the situation, but only if pathological process is in the early stages;
  2. Progressive bronchitis may be suspected if hard breathing is accompanied by a dry cough, wheezing and fever. However, put accurate diagnosis Only a specialist can do this after examination and receipt of research results. Such pathology should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist;
  3. ABOUT bronchial asthma This can be said in the case when hard breathing is accompanied by attacks of suffocation, shortness of breath, and deterioration of the condition after physical exertion. Children whose families have relatives with this disease are at risk;
  4. Injury to the nose or adenoids. If there have been any falls or impacts, then you need to consult an otolaryngologist;
  5. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and nasal cavity may swell in the presence of allergens in the surrounding space. Quite often, children develop allergies to dust, mites, etc. An allergist will help determine the cause of the body’s negative reaction.

How to treat hard breathing in a child

If this phenomenon is not accompanied by symptoms of any disease, does not cause concern and does not affect the baby’s health, then therapeutic measures not necessary.

It is only recommended to be outside with the baby more often, give him plenty of water, and also monitor the baby’s daily routine. Regular wet cleaning and ventilation of premises are also necessary measures. No specific measures are required.

If parents notice something is wrong, they should definitely show the baby to the doctor. You can contact both a pediatrician and an otolaryngologist. Only a qualified specialist will be able to make a diagnosis, establish the causes and prescribe the correct therapy.

If the appearance of respiratory sounds is a residual phenomenon, then there is no need to use medications. It is necessary to give the child more warm drinks to soften the mucus remaining after the illness. It is also recommended to additionally humidify the air in the children's room.

In addition, the causes of hard breathing and cough may be hidden in allergic reactions. If parents suspect this disease, it is necessary to find out its nature and avoid contact with the irritating substance as much as possible.

Treatment of hard breathing in a child with folk remedies and medications

If there is a cough, children from 1 to 10 years old can be given infusions of medicinal plants (marshmallow root
or licorice, peppermint, plantain leaves). However, before using the recipes traditional medicine Despite their safety, you should consult your doctor.

Hello, doctor. My 6-month-old baby has been coughing for a month now. There was viscous sputum, we drank it, we moistened it, we ventilated it, we walked as you said. It got better. But now, for a week now, it has worsened again, the pediatrician said that he had hard breathing and beginning inflammation, he needs treatment. The child only has coughs, hard breathing. and pain in the ears. We were prescribed a mandatory course of antibiotics Oxamp. 7 days Bifidum Vifiron suppositories Multi Tabs Prospan. Is it possible to somehow do without antibiotics. Thanks a lot

07/09/2014 19:45

Russia, Kumertau

We are often told to breathe hard. And now... There is snot, there was a rare dry cough, usually into the horizon. position The doctor prescribed Omnitus, the child refused to drink. At the follow-up appointment, she said - since she doesn’t drink syrup, give her antibiotic tablets, her breathing is terrible. After taking it, we started drinking Omnitus. Now there is a constant exhausting dry cough, almost no sputum comes out + bad dream at night because of such a cough... My head is spinning, it seems like the doctor was educated, she knows better, but on the other hand, I read something completely different from you... But in the end it’s bad for a child of adults. Help me figure it out, please.

27/05/2014 21:27

Elena Russia, Moscow

Hello! Please help me figure it out. When examined by a therapist, I was told that I had hard breathing. I didn’t complain about a cough and overall felt good. The only thing that bothered me was a feeling of congestion in the throat, I constantly want to swallow well and a very rare cough (no coughing, a little mucus coughing up). Before this, I had a sore throat in April, there was no way to go to the hospital, I was treated myself folk remedies and gelomerton. Now at the hospital they told me that this is a residual phenomenon after April and prescribed Klacid SR 1 time/day, 5 days. I started drinking, today is the second day, but I have strong doubts whether I made the right decision to take the antibiotic? I feel good, they told me about hard breathing before. And I get sick often, so I take antibiotics often. It’s very harmful. Should I continue drinking for another 3 days? And is it possible to interrupt their intake like this?

28/10/2012 15:06

Belarus, Molodechno

We (2.3 of us were in the hospital with acute tracheobranchitis, ( injections - Cefazolin and Ambrovix syrup) After discharge, we also received antibiotics at home, inhalations with Borjomi, and massage at home. Everything seemed to be fine, but two weeks later the cough came back, the doctor said - hard breathing, red throat. I prescribed Mucoltin and Tonsilgon drops, and it seems like we are getting sick again, but the child feels great. I just don’t know how we can get rid of these mucus.

22/11/2011 22:31

Ukraine, Uzhgorod

We only have whistling or wheezing, cough without runny nose. Putting the cob asmi Likuvannya changes one thing and the result does not work. Obstructive bronchitis has been treated for a long time. We cannot test for allergies because we are taking medications. (ketitofen, bronchoril; mucolvan, ibuprofen, erius, ACC, ventolin. I know how to treat the whole thing. Before I say it, we ventilate it gradually, and the child has had quite a few allergies and diabetes before.

21/07/2011 11:44

Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny

My son started coughing. No fever, no snot, just coughing - well, it’s a bit windy. We went to the pediatrician and prescribed cough syrups, gargles, etc. The cough does not go away. We took tests - everything was normal. A couple of days later we went to a doctor we knew - he also couldn’t determine anything, but just in case he sent me for an X-ray. It turned out to be left-sided pneumonia. I have been on treatment for almost a month now, but the cough still does not go away, although it has become significantly less.

27/12/2010 11:03

1. Warm the upper respiratory tract (insulate the chest and neck, i.e. the entire neck).
2. If you are afraid to use aeroion therapy (any low-power air ionizer) - placing the ionizer next to the child 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes - in a ventilated (!) room - then pray to God that the weather outside will improve (an anticyclone will set in, i.e. .dry, frosty and clear weather - and - march outside!
