Dermatologist: what patients does he see, what diseases does he treat? Dermatologist. What does this specialist do, what research does he do, what diseases does he treat?

Dermatologist – who is he and what does he treat? This specialty of doctors is quite in demand; they have a narrow focus - treatment of the skin. But everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems.

Dermatologists are doctors with deep knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the skin; they must be well aware of modern, effective principles of treatment and therapy for a variety of dermatological diseases.

If you experience strange spots or pimples on your skin, this is a sign that healthy tissue has been damaged. Such signs may indicate other diseases or are themselves diseases, so it is necessary to contact a specialist in in this case see a dermatologist.

The doctor will diagnose you after an examination and some tests (as necessary), then he will offer you basic treatment and additional therapy. If the disease is serious, a sample may be taken from the affected area of ​​your skin and sent to a laboratory for more thorough examination. This way, specialists will be able to determine the sample’s reaction to various drugs and choose for you something that will help, but will not harm you.

It is selected very carefully for the duration of treatment, since it is the main therapy. It is worth sticking to even when you are already healthy. It prescribes foods that should be included in your diet and which should be avoided.

IN individual treatment may include medications and procedures that the doctor prescribes after the examination. In case you have to use strong drugs, the diet is adjusted and constant health monitoring is added; in case of deviations from the norm, they can either reduce the dose or completely eliminate the use of the drug. Usually the kidneys and liver are monitored, since medications have a strong effect on them.

If questions or new suspicions arise, the patient should contact his or her physician. Thanks to modern technologies this can be done even through electronic messengers.

The profession of a dermatologist itself is very ancient; the first treatment recipes date back to before our era. For this great amount Over time, a lot of knowledge has accumulated in the field of dermatology, so it is not possible for one person to master all or at least half of it, so there are varieties of this profession:

Like all specialists, an appointment with a dermatologist has its own specifics. Skin diseases arise from both external and internal internal environment, they are influenced by many different factors, so the first thing the dermatologist will do after your conversation with him is to begin an examination.

Upon completion of the examination, the doctor will be able to tell you what tests need to be taken, what kind of disease it is, and prescribe primary prevention, therapy and diet. Once the test results become available, the doctor will prescribe you a thorough treatment and name medications and procedures that will help you cope with the disease.

A dermatologist treats the same diseases in both men and women, but you can contact him already when they are suspected, so it is possible to cope with the pathology before that. How can it develop into a full-fledged disease?

There are many different diseases that a dermatologist can treat. But let's look at general view only the most common of them:

  • scabies;
  • acne;
  • syphilis;
  • skin cancer;
  • various forms of lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • leprosy;
  • urticaria;
  • candidiasis;
  • ichthyosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • warts;
  • balanoposthitis.

Speaking of analyses, they are also different. They are prescribed as necessary either to clarify the diagnosis or to check its accuracy, in addition, some of the procedures may be tests for the body’s reaction and infections, here is their full list:

  • allergy panel Ig G;
  • blood test from a vein for syphilis, measles or similar diseases;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • scrapings from the skin and nails for fungal lesions;
  • herpes test;
  • herpeviruses (the analysis is divided into six types, selected by the right doctor);
  • herpetic infections;
  • immunoglobulin E (IgE);
  • puncture cytology;
  • allergy screening of various directions as necessary;
  • scrapings from skin and eyelashes for mites.

In addition to such special tests, it may be necessary diagnostic studies organism or samples taken from affected areas of the skin. Various techniques are used:

  • diagnosis of pancreatic disease;
  • diagnosis of liver diseases;
  • cytology (to put it simply, the study of cells. In this way you can detect dangerous viruses and pathologies on initial stages development);
  • PCR diagnostics (detects infectious foci);
  • immunofluorescence study (autoimmune diseases are diagnosed);
  • microscopy (skin scraping, which can detect diseases such as scabies, mycosis or the like);
  • rheumatoid factor;
  • histology (used to confirm the diagnosis).

Symptoms that require you to consult a dermatologist

Doctors are consulted when a disease is suspected. Cause of concern may be specific symptoms, which are not inherent in healthy skin.

Pay attention to:

  • "bags";
  • excessive fat content;
  • change in skin color;
  • wrinkles;
  • unhealthy changes in skin color;
  • neoplasms;
  • swelling;
  • acne;
  • spots of various sizes and colors;
  • moles;
  • spider veins;
  • strange structure;
  • rash of various kinds;
  • cracks;
  • cellulite;
  • excessive dryness.

Dermatologist - who is this? This is a specialist who deals with treatment various diseases skin. It is necessary to contact him when suspicions of diseases arise, but if you did not notice them immediately, then do not hesitate when you notice an already formed sore. The sooner you come to see a doctor, the faster you will be cured.

A dermatovenerologist is a doctor whose competence includes diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of skin and sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, he studies the relationship between these diseases and general condition body.

The doctor sees not only those who are disorderly intimate life, but solves problems with nails, skin rashes, and hair. The cosmetology industry of this specialization deals with the treatment of scars, scars, moles, warts, subcutaneous mesh, calluses, and other cosmetic defects.

What diseases does a dermatovenerologist treat?

Patients with different problems, for the most part we are talking about such diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • allergic dermatosis different types– allergic, contact, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, dermatitis;
  • lichen planus and rosea;
  • herpes, warts, HPV;
  • moles, papillomas;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • genital warts;
  • genital herpes;
  • urogenital candidiasis, chlamydia;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • types of nail and skin fungus (tinea versicolor, onychomycosis).

Considering the listed ailments, we can summarize that a dermatovenerologist is a doctor who deals with female and male genital organs, hair, skin, and nails.

More details about the dermatovenerologist in the video:

When should you consult a dermatovenerologist?

It is better to treat any disease at the very beginning, before other organs and systems are affected. Therefore, you need to make an appointment with a doctor if you have symptoms:

  • the appearance of discharge from the genital organs, if there was none before, they are atypical;
  • white plaque on the oral mucosa;
  • itching of the anus, around it;
  • rashes on any part of the body.

How do you know if a disease is sexually transmitted?

There are a number of signs that indicate you need to visit a doctor:

  • when emptying bladder there is a burning sensation, pain;
  • unhealthy discharge appears from the urethra and vagina (color, consistency, amount of discharge is atypical);
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain in the groin area, testicles;
  • graphics glitch menstrual cycle.

Some diseases do not manifest themselves for a long time. Therefore, doctors advise everyone who is active sex life, regularly get tested and undergo preventive examinations, even if nothing worries you. It’s better to play it safe than to face complications from gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.

Appointment with a dermatovenerologist

If you take another look at the number of diseases that a dermatovenerologist treats, you can guess what tools a doctor should have at hand. These are disposable gloves that the doctor throws away after each patient. If there are no gloves, this risks infecting the doctor and other patients.

The next thing the dermatovenerologist's office is equipped with is a couch, hidden from the eyes of strangers by a special screen. To examine female patients, you will need a gynecological chair. The doctor has instruments at hand with which he conducts an examination, takes scrapings and smears as necessary, and removes warts.

The dermatologist's office is equipped with bactericidal lamps to disinfect the room every couple of hours for 10 minutes. During this period they are destroyed harmful microorganisms, which ensures the sterility of the room and eliminates nosocomial infection. A dermatovenerologist works in a dispensary or in a specialized office.

  1. The examination begins with a visual assessment of the condition of the genital organs for changes and rashes.
  2. The skin is examined.
  3. The doctor takes materials for analysis and sends them to the laboratory.

Based on the results obtained, it is possible to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

An appointment with a doctor is anonymous, so patients do not have to worry about the confidentiality of information that will become available to the doctor.

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases should be carried out together with a sexual partner.

If you ignore this rule, the disease will be transmitted in a circle from one partner to another, treatment will be ineffective, and it will cause complications for both.

Tests that need to be taken after visiting a dermatovenerologist;

  • UAC, OAM;
  • PCR diagnostics, examination of scrapings from the genital mucosa;
  • allergy panel;
  • microbiology. A culture of the flora is performed, which makes it possible to identify the resistance of the pathogen to antibacterial agents. This will help prescribe a targeted course of treatment against specific microorganisms. Such pinpoint targeting speeds up treatment, reduces the duration of the course, and reduces the effect of drugs on the body;
  • dermatoscopy.

In addition to specialists for adults, there are also pediatric dermatovenerologists. They practice practically the same specialization as “adult” doctors, but only taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body. The modes of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases are not limited to sexual contact; there are diseases that can be transmitted by everyday means. This is why children sometimes suffer due to the fault of adults.

A dermatovenerologist diagnoses diseases of children, prescribes medications taking into account age, body weight, and characteristics of the child’s body.

Parents should be attentive to the baby’s health so that at the first sign of illness they immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Children who have previously been diagnosed in the family are also at risk. venereal diseases, especially if the mother of the child was sick during pregnancy.

Frail children's body susceptible various infections, mutagenic manifestations, viruses, due to low immunity, susceptible to dermatoses of various etiologies. The listed and other factors must be taken into account pediatrician. Non-invasive therapies are prescribed with great care to reduce stress on the body.

Children who have scabies, lichen, or dermatitis are often brought in for examination. Frequent warts, acne, insect bites, skin rashes due to internal factors. Provoking factors may be birth complications or undetected infections. When a child develops a rash, large areas of redness, it itches and torments, crusts, boils, acne appear - you need to visit a dermatovenerologist. The examination takes place in the presence of parents; they help the doctor draw up a picture of the disease, clearly answering the questions asked. If the child is large enough and is embarrassed to be examined in front of his parents, the doctor will suggest compromise option, based medical recommendations on this part.

Best treatment– prevention. To prevent the development of dermatovenerological pathologies in adults and children, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors. Most of them come down to proper nutrition, correction of the daily routine and physical activity, room and body hygiene. Dermatovenerologists advise the following:

  • remember and observe the rules of personal hygiene. This is especially true for genital hygiene. Cleaning them should not be excessive, but you should not leave dirt behind. Poor hygiene leads to diseases transmitted through household contact. Therefore, you can become infected without even being sexually active;
  • those who are sexually active need to protect themselves from diseases using condoms. This is especially true for lovers of promiscuous sexual intercourse with strangers. Using condoms significantly reduces the risk of contracting STDs;
  • use gloves when in contact with household chemicals. Various chemical compounds, which manufacturers add to liquids for cleaning various surfaces, cause allergies. To reduce the risk of allergic dermatitis, you need to protect your hands with thick rubber gloves;
  • lead healthy image life - quit smoking, do not abuse alcohol, do not touch drugs. This behavior will reduce the risk large number diseases, maintain immunity at its best.

A white coating in the mouth and the appearance various types skin rashes. Also in mandatory it is necessary to visit a specialist if there are signs such as pain and burning when urinating, pain of varying intensity in groin area, discharge from the vagina or urinary tract, menstrual irregularities in the fair half of humanity, increased urge to urinate, pain in the testicles in the stronger sex.

Initial examination A dermatovenerologist includes a doctor’s determination of the type and specificity of the disease, as well as certain tests that will help determine the cause of the disease. Accordingly, based on the results obtained, the specialist will prescribe the specific treatment required in this case. As a rule, if there is a problem, diagnosis is carried out in several stages. First, the dermatovenerologist conducts an examination and takes special scrapings for analysis. Once the results are ready, the doctor draws up an individual treatment plan, including the use of medications, diet and special skin care.

Medical therapy acne also used after being prescribed by a specialist during the first appointment for the necessary studies to determine the appearance. Very an important condition successful treatment acne is to undergo examination by an endocrinologist. After passing the tests, the dermatovenerologist will draw up a treatment regimen for the skin of the face and head, which will get rid of the causes that caused this disease.

There are certain tests that are relevant when visiting a dermatovenerologist: a blood test for the presence of allergens, antigens, antibodies; flora smear; allergy panel; scraping – , PCR; flora culture for sensitivity to antifungal antibiotics and medications. There are also main diagnostic methods: examination for vaginal candidiasis, dermatoscopy, PCR and smear microscopy.

It should be remembered that the infection can often be asymptomatic. Therefore, persons who are sexually active must undergo preventive examinations, which include comprehensive laboratory examinations.

Medical examination of women or female medical examination is carried out as planned every few years. Every year, women of a certain year of birth can undergo a full medical examination; if you are not included in this year by date of birth, you need to contact the clinic to be included in the medical examination list. Large enterprises and organizations usually invite specialists themselves to carry out medical examinations.

A medical examination of women includes standard types of examinations that are mandatory for everyone. This is a blood sugar test biochemical analysis blood, general analysis blood, general urine analysis and fluorographic examination of organs chest. An electrocardiogram is mandatory, as it allows you to identify incipient heart pathologies and rhythm disturbances. An examination by a cardiologist, surgeon, neurologist, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist and therapist is required. The list of additional specialists depends on age. In addition to these specialists, which are mandatory for everyone, women must undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Why is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

Some women view a medical examination as a forced necessity, and a visit to a gynecologist is just an additional waste of time for them. But since the mandatory medical examination program for the population was introduced in Russia, the detection of diseases, including cancer, has increased significantly. Diagnostics on early stages allows women to maintain their health. In general, a routine examination by a gynecologist is recommended once a year and once every six months if there are problems with the reproductive system.

What does a gynecologist examination include?

First, the doctor conducts a survey, asking about the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the presence of pain, discharge and complaints. After this, he conducts an examination on a gynecological chair; usually in antenatal clinics they use disposable sterile pads, but you can take your own. There is no need to purchase gloves or individual inspection kits - in antenatal clinic enough sterile instruments. During the examination on the chair, the doctor will examine the cervix, take a smear from cervical canal and perform a colposcopy.

If there are complaints, he will prescribe an additional examination and issue referrals; in the future, you will be able to find out the results and receive detailed recommendations from your local gynecologist. The results will also be there. ultrasound examination pelvic organs and mammography results.

Benefits of medical examination

The advantages of medical examination are obvious: you get consultations from all doctors, get tested, and all this, since days are specially allocated for examining the population and doctors work only with these patients. During the period of medical examination, you are released from work, keeping your wages - you do not need to ask for time off, substitute, or take unpaid leave to visit doctors. Wherein diagnostic procedures are carried out using modern equipment, which guarantees accurate results.

Medical examination upon employment

Women often need to undergo specialist training to get a job. Such a medical examination is also mandatory for part of the working population. Doctors write it down in their report, certifying it with a signature and seal. Women need to see a dermatovenerologist. The room for preventive examinations is located in the sexual and venereal disease dispensary and has an operating mode that is different from the operating mode of other doctors in the institution.

For some categories of citizens medical checkup is free and is carried out after agreeing on the list of employees - you need to give your name and the name of the institution. But basically the medical examination of employees is organized - lists of employees for whom the medical examination service has already been paid are also located in the examination room. Sometimes the accounting department pays for the service after the inspection has been completed; in this case, you need to pay for it yourself and enter payment documents into the accounting department.

Examination of women at the dermatovenerological clinic includes a blood test for HIV infection, a blood test for syphilis and a smear. If the doctor notices pathological formations, he will verbally recommend contacting a local gynecologist. In addition, the doctor examines the abdomen and palms for damage to scabies mites and, if necessary, can refer you to the clinical laboratory office.

Test results are usually known the next day. If identified venereal diseases, then the employee is suspended from work for the period of treatment, question sick leave is decided on an individual basis. You can undergo treatment at the same dispensary, consultative appointment and additional diagnostics is carried out free of charge if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

To undergo medical examination yourself, contact the clinic at your place of residence or the clinic to which you are attached. Examination of a woman by a dermatovenerologist is free of charge in all cases, except for employment - a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy are required.

In the era of the development of chemistry and chemical products for household use, many of us are faced with problems of the skin, body and hair. In addition, various allergic, pathological and other skin problems provoke non-compliance with hygiene standards for the people around us. No one is currently immune from any infection various manifestations on our skin.

Who is a dermatologist-venereologist

Who should you contact if there are manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes of an unknown nature? What differences do specialists have? WITH various ailments and problems of the skin and mucous membranes are helped by a specialist from the relevant department of medicine.

Infection of any skin disease can occur in any public place:

  • Transport;
  • Cafe/restaurant;
  • Swimming pool;
  • Bath/sauna;
  • At the doctor;
  • In a beauty salon;
  • On the beach, etc.
  • During personal communication and close contact, during a handshake, kiss, sexual intercourse, etc.

Specialists who provide assistance for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes are a dermatologist and a venereologist. A dermatologist is a specialist who studies, diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the epithelium, mucous membranes of hair and nails.

A venereologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats sexually transmitted diseases.

A dermatologist is most often contacted in case of acne, warts, scabies, papillomas, dermatitis, allergies to insect bites, urticaria and other rashes. People turn to a venereologist for diseases of the genital organs; most often they can be infected through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Venereology is responsible for the following types of diseases:

  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Adnexitis;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Microorganisms in semen;
  • Thrush;
  • Colpitis;
  • Syphilis;
  • Cystalgia;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Endometritis.

Dermatovenerologist is a doctor involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted and skin diseases. He also studies the relationship between diseases related to dermatovenerology and pathological changes in the human body.

Responsibilities of a dermatovenerologist

A general specialist in diseases of the skin and mucous membrane in dermatovenerology is called a dermatovenereologist. Dermatovenerology today is large area medical and therapeutic science. One name includes directions. Dermatology - this direction observes, studies, diagnoses, treats everything related to our skin.


  • Its functions;
  • Structure;
  • Pathology;
  • As well as its appendages: hair, sebaceous sweat glands, nails, mucous membranes oral cavity and genitals.

Mycology - this area is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections of the skin, nails and mucous membranes. The specialist who treats these diseases is a mycologist. Venereology is responsible for sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, etc. And also for sexually transmitted infections: mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, papillomatosis, etc. A venereologist deals with issues of venereology. Cosmetology (non-operative) - this area provides therapeutic procedures on the skin to improve it appearance. The specialist who performs these procedures is a cosmetologist.

A dermatovenerologist differs from other specialists in that he is not very popular among patients; only those who know the specifics of the issues he deals with go to see him.

And there is an explanation for this, since it is generally accepted that it is responsible only for sexually transmitted diseases. But this is far from true; the range of his questions is much wider.

Dermatovenerologist: who is he and what does he treat?

Skin diseases are the most common. They can be either acquired - infectious, or hereditary, immunological or allergic. In addition, any pathology can cause the development of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

You should immediately consult a dermatovenerologist if symptoms such as:

  • White plaque in the mouth;
  • Itching in the anus;
  • Various skin rashes;
  • Discharge from the genitals that is uncharacteristic for them;

Often the pathology initially manifests itself precisely on skin Therefore, timely examination is necessary. A dermatovenerologist can find out the cause of these manifestations.

Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

  • Urination accompanied by pain and burning;
  • Frequent urge to urinate;
  • Discharge from male and female genital organs;
  • Various painful sensations in the groin;
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • Pain in the ovaries in men.

If they occur, you must immediately contact a specialist in dermatovenerology. We must not forget that some dermatovenerological diseases do not have obvious manifestations. It is necessary to undergo laboratory examinations regularly, especially for people who are sexually active.

Popular dermatovenerologist: what he treats and how

The doctor performs a visual examination and checks the diagnosis using dermatoscopy, smear microscopy and diagnostics for the presence of vaginal candidiasis. The list of diseases that a dermatovenerologist treats is quite extensive.


  1. Cutaneous candidiasis: manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin, itching in the area anus, scrotum or perineum; V chronic stage the disease affects the nails, mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi and digestive system.
  2. Oral candidiasis, the so-called thrush, is characterized by a white coating on the back wall pharynx, cheeks and tongue, accompanied by pain.
  3. Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis(urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis).
  4. Lichen: pink, flat, seborrhea, dermatitis, acne, HPV, genital herpes, syphilis.
  5. Hepatitis C, AIDS, HIV.
  6. Fungus of nails and skin.

To get timely help, you need to be examined by a specialist. For staging accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the doctor takes the following tests - blood for the presence of antibodies, antigens and allergens, allergy screening tests, flora smear, scraping, microbiology.0.00 (0 Votes)
