What does an ideal miniature bull terrier look like? Description of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed: a sofa dog or a reliable protector? Origin of the breed and purpose

In this article I will tell you all about interesting breed miniature bull terrier. I’ll figure out how to choose a puppy, how to care for it, what its character is, and who definitely shouldn’t get a minibull.

The history of the breed goes back a little over 80 years. Mini bull terriers are the result of selective breeding. In the early 20th century, “random” dwarf puppies from a litter were kept for breeding and an attempt was made to perpetuate the dwarf “effect.” Such little puppies were excellent rat catchers: tireless, nimble and brave.

Over time, the need to catch rats disappeared, but the miniature branch of the breed had already gained popularity. Breeders continued to work, crossing miniature puppies with terriers. This made it possible to reduce aggression and get rid of a number of genetic diseases.

Only in 1963 did the minibull “make its debut” at the exhibition. It entered the FCI system as an independent breed in 1991.

Description of standards and characteristics

Breed standards:

  • Weight no more than 15 kg
  • Height no more than 35.5 cm
  • Wool hard, dense, shiny without undercoat
  • Color white with spots or colored.

Keeping and caring for a mini bull terrier

The Mini Bull Terrier is an ideal city pet.

It is perfect for keeping in an apartment. The dense short fur does not remain on the furniture, and according to the description, it sheds seasonally only 2 times a year.

Minibull hygiene is simple - trimming nails, cleaning ears and brushing with a stiff brush during the molting period. The pets themselves are very clean and will not cause any inconvenience to the owner.

With nutrition, the situation is a little more complicated. Genetically the breed is predisposed to overweight. Therefore, the diet of both the puppy and the adult dog must be strictly controlled.

No “table handouts” or “sweets”, as this will only harm your pet.

Up to 4 months, add lean meat (veal) and cottage cheese to the diet for better skeletal formation. Then - only balanced dry food. For example, Purina food offers a separate line for dwarf and mini breeds, which is called Purina Small and Mini.

This is a general category of food, which in turn is divided into food for puppies, adult dogs and for pets with increased physical activity. For each age and type of content, you need to choose the best option.

The Minibull is a lively and active dog.

I assume that you are a responsible owner who closely monitors physical activity pet, walks and trains it a lot. In this case, your friend needs about 200 g of dry food per day.

I will say one thing about minibull walks - the more the better, at least 2 times a day for an hour, and for adult dogs it is recommended to arrange training - running with weights, jumping, active games. Physical activity is a necessity associated with both the physiology and psyche of the breed.

Minibulls are choleric, that is, emotional, excitable dogs. If you don't let them get tired, they will torture you with their attention and destroy the whole house.

Character traits

Yes, yes, the question should be posed exactly this way: “am I worthy of the honorary role of the owner of this brave dog,” and not vice versa.

Despite its “modest” size, the minibull is not a toy and a cure for boredom. The noble blood of warriors flows in his veins. But this dog’s heart is also noble.

Perhaps, main feature his character is devotion. For a minibull, the owner and his family are a pack. And the dog’s life mission is to protect this flock. But in return, the “bulka” requires endless love and attention.

Another one distinctive feature breed – developed intelligence and intuition. These dogs literally understand human speech and subtly sense the mood of their owner.

Remember the characterization of the hero of the famous film? “Nordic character, self-possessed...” - this is exactly the character you should have. Two choleric people in a pack (sorry, in a family) will not get along.

Small children, pets and other “burdens” are a categorical no.

Your pet will perceive them as competitors at best, and as a threat at worst. And we remember his attitude towards the threat to the owner - “search and destroy.”

Who should definitely not have a mini bull terrier dog:

  • For elderly people as a companion.
  • Families with small children and other pets.
  • Lonely people who are often away from home.
  • For inexperienced dog owners.

It’s probably not worth starting your dog owner story with a mini bull terrier. But if you have experience with animals, you are responsible, attentive, like long walks and are ready to devote time to your pet, more loyal than a friend can't be found.

Education and training

During selection, the aggressiveness gene was largely suppressed, but we must not forget that historically the Mini Bull Terrier is a fighting breed.

If you doubt your abilities and experience, it is better to contact a kennel club. But, thanks to the developed intelligence of dogs, you can train them yourself.

The basic principle of training is “do no harm.” It is absolutely forbidden to break character, therefore methods of physical violence and cruel punishment are unacceptable. You will achieve obedience, but will completely cripple your pet’s psyche.

Conventionally, training can be divided into several stages:

  • Give puppies up to 4 weeks of age freedom and a sense of security.. This is how their calm, friendly attitude is formed
  • Do not overload until 4 months. At this age, the dog’s relationship with other animals, people and the owner is formed. One person in the family should be involved in upbringing. The main thing is to let the animal understand its place in the hierarchy and accustom it to the regime. At this same stage, the concepts of dos and don’ts are laid down. For example, you can play, but you can’t bite.
  • An adult dog needs to be taught a set of commands. Reward for compliance with a treat, a walk or a game.

Of course, bull terriers need to be punished, but without physical force. You will need patience here. Send the offending dog to its place, gently and persistently do not allow it to leave until it realizes the full extent of its guilt. Be sure to mark the end of the punishment, for example, with the command “walk!”

Health and prevention

Like any bred breed, mini bull terriers have their own weak spots. These are the kidneys, ears, eyes and heart. Unfortunately, the only DNA test available is PLL, which stands for lens luxation. The rest of the negative genetics can “shoot” over time, even if you took healthy puppy.

The risk can be reduced by buying a dog from trusted kennels with a good history.

I would also advise not to overcool your pet; its coat is short and has no undercoat. This is definitely not a dog to be kept outside.

Don't forget about vaccinations. If everything is in order with genetics, then the dog’s other diseases can only be explained by the owner’s negligence.

Vaccination of dogs up to one year of age is carried out according to the schedule:

  • 1.5 months – enteritis and, repeat after 2 weeks
  • 2.5 months – plague, repeat at 7-8 months
  • From 4 months -
  • From 8 months – rabies

Be sure to carry out deworming (colloquially “deworming”) 2 weeks before vaccination. After vaccination, observe a 2-week quarantine.

How to choose a puppy

The only place to go to find a new friend is to go to the nursery. I have already described genetic risks. They can be reduced by tracing the dog's pedigree. You cannot buy second hand, even if they offer it cheaper.

The cost of raising a puppy until it reaches selling age is at least $200. This amount includes food, care, vaccinations, and regular veterinarian examinations.

Thus, a healthy puppy, but not promising enough for exhibitions, will cost at least 300 - 400 USD. A specimen with good pedigree and exterior – 700 – 1000 USD. There is no upper limit, as you understand.

In Russia there are good nurseries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Far East.

So, “to be or not to be” is up to you. But remember that a friend is forever.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of Hans Müller, ex-president of the Swiss Bull Terrier Union: “If you just want a dog, don’t buy a bull terrier, because... In order to raise such a dog, you need to be a person!”

With a rather extraordinary appearance and character, suitable Miniature Bull Terrier breed. Thanks to its small size and good disposition, it can be kept in small city apartments. Although the dog is small, it is endowed by nature with feeling self-esteem.

It took more than one decade to breed a small bull terrier. The breeders used (English), white terrier And . The result was a beautiful subspecies of the standard bull terrier and was given the name “miniature”.

Features of the breed and character of the miniature bull terrier

Miniature Bull Terrier belongs to the terrier group. The dog was bred by an Englishman in the 50s of the 19th century. The animal had to perform a special function during baiting.

This breed has absorbed all the most best qualities their creators: intelligence from terriers; intelligence, endurance and activity from the bulldog; color and balanced disposition from .

The appearance of the dog is quite harmonious, the body is strong, stocky and muscular. A feature of the breed is considered to be an elongated and wide front part of the muzzle with small eyes.

The dog has an expressive and intelligent look, moderately active and good-natured. Well trained, it is important to teach discipline with small age. She is naturally endowed with independence and character. Describing a Miniature Bull Terrier It should be noted that the body should be firmly built and dense without any unnecessary kinks. The only defect that is rare is deafness.

Aggression is not a characteristic feature of this breed. If raised correctly, the dog will be balanced, obedient and smart. Cowardly and fearful individuals should be excluded.

Description of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed (standard requirement)

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a strong, muscular, small and strong animal. This breed requires constant physical activity to ensure that muscle tone is always normal. The ICF has identified such standards For miniature bull terrier:

The photo shows a miniature bull terrier

* The appearance of the body should be rounded, the back short and strong. Deep chest, slightly protruding ribs. Front rib cage should stand out clearly and be clearly visible.

* The head in relation to the torso is low, elongated and long. When viewed strictly from the front, the head should resemble the outline of an oval. Top part muzzle is flat, lower jaw strong and massive. The nose is slightly lowered, the nostrils are well developed and of medium size. The bite resembles the work of scissors (any deviation in it is considered a defect). The teeth are strong, white and straight.

* The eyes are set deep on the skull, slightly slanted, small and narrow, triangular shape. The standard color is dark brown, blue or light shades are not acceptable. An important criterion: the gap from the nose to the eye should be greater than from the eye to the middle of the back of the head.

* The ears are narrow, strictly protruding, small in size, set in the front of the head in one line. The edges of the ears should not bend and remain vertical at all times.

* Limbs are strictly parallel, medium in size, elbows tightly fitting. The front paws are stable and have a rounded shape. Hind legs a little shorter, with strong bones and sustainable. Paws with roundness and movable toes. Thanks to movable knee joints, the animal runs quickly and easily.

* Miniature Bull Terrier weight should be between 11-15 kg, males are larger, females are smaller. should not look skinny with sunken sides, but obesity (weight more than 20 kg) is also not acceptable.

* The tail is a natural extension of the body. The tail is set low, mobile, shortened, narrowed towards the end.

* The ideal coat color is white, other colors are acceptable. The main color, for example white, should be predominant and occupy 80% of the body. The remaining 20% ​​includes spots of a different color, mainly on the head, lower abdomen and paws.

* The height of an adult specimen is 25-35 cm.

Care and maintenance of a miniature bull terrier

Due to the fact that she is too active, she needs to be walked and trained often. It is worth noting that for this breed there are special programs and techniques that lead to maximum terms To excellent result. We can say that this dog is a working dog, without physical activity it will simply disappear.

In a house or apartment, a mini dog should have its own place, preferably warm and without drafts. The animal takes up little space and can be placed in any nook. The doggie loves toys and active games, it has been noticed that he does not need them.

If we consider photo of miniature bull terrier, then he has a short, silky coat, practically does not shed or the shedding process goes unnoticed. Grooming includes wiping the body with a soft brush, rag or sponge.

The health of the pet is determined by the condition of the coat. In a healthy individual, the coating should be soft and shiny, in a sick person it should be dull and matte. They rarely bathe; most often they use special dry shampoos. The claws on the paws are trimmed periodically, about once every two weeks.

It is very important for a pet balanced diet. The approximate diet is for four days. For an adult dog, one feeding is enough. Food should be 80% animal protein, and 20% additives (vegetables, cereals, fermented milk).

Representatives of this breed are susceptible skin allergies. The main reason is poor nutrition and frequent use hair care products. The body produces a special protective layer on the surface of the body, in which pathogenic infections die. Due to the fact that it is often bathed, this layer is washed off, allowing it to develop harmful microbes.

Trial training is provided to the puppy from the age of 2 months, this is the age when it is purchased from the nursery. It is important that the dog has frequent contact with all household members and additional pets too. he will get used to it, and he will develop a friendly attitude towards others.

Miniature Bull Terrier puppies are born weighing about 100 g. They grow very quickly and by the first month of life they can already weigh 4-5 kg. By 8 months, the dog's growth ends. The average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The purity of the breed can only be offered by miniature bull terrier kennel. Breeders scrupulously select for breeding only males with an impressive pedigree. Here you can buy absolutely healthy baby with all documents and vaccinations.

Breed price

Buy a miniature bull terrier necessary for those who prefer an active lifestyle. The right approach to learning is also important. Otherwise, it will grow uncontrollable and dominate. If you take the animal as a puppy, then he will fall in love with all family members: from small to adult. He is also calm with other pets.

Concerning prices on miniature bull terrier, then she is rather big. Adult dog will cost approximately $3500, puppies in the range of $1500-2000. It is best to give preference to famous and trusted breeders. In this case, you can purchase a completely healthy pet without genetic pathologies.

When you hear the word “bull terrier,” you think of a large, strongly built dog, but there is a mini version of this beautiful breed. In the photo, the mini bull terrier is no different from its large counterpart. The differences between them are only in the height and weight of the animal. But such qualities as intelligence, activity and calm disposition are exactly the same.

Appearance of a miniature bull terrier in the photo

The International Canine Federation is developing standards various breeds dogs.

The first indicator is growth. It should be between twenty-five and thirty-five centimeters.

The second indicator is weight. Throughout the world, the normal weight for this breed is considered to be in the range of eleven to fifteen kilograms; in Europe, this criterion is reduced to nine kilograms.

The miniature bull terrier belongs to the “Terrier” class, “Bull-type” section, standard No. 11 (according to the ICF classification).

History of this breed

The history of the breed began in 1930, when the first litters of puppies began to be born.

The main reason In order to breed a more compact version of dogs such as bull terriers, there were rats that needed to be caught.

Of course, the standard version of the breed could cope with the task, but due to its rather large size, dogs of this breed often failed to cope with catching rodents. But their smaller version began to cope with catching rodents much better.

The disadvantage was that during the first time of breeding this breed, there was no uniform size of the individual, since the dimensions of the puppies from different litters varied greatly from each other.

The size problem was resolved in the 30s, when they began to be crossed with toy terriers, and a single breed size was formed.

However, as a result of solving the first problem by crossing two breeds, two more problems were formed. The first of these was that now the puppies were not born big enough. Their average weight was 3 kilograms.

The next problematic point was that in the hybrid of a toy terrier and a miniature bull terrier, the genes of the former were dominant, which negatively affected the physical abilities of the animal. As a result, the breed lost its effectiveness in exterminating rodents, and was therefore forgotten for several years.

The breed was revived in the 40s of the twentieth century, when selection began to be carried out by breeders more competently than before. The result of such hard work were the mini bull terriers that are now known modern society. In this breed it was possible to maintain all the proportions of a standard bull terrier in a reduced form.

The breed was developed not only by breeders, but also by members of the first English miniature bull terrier clubs. Ultimately, the breed gained great popularity and has maintained it for 70 years. The dogs themselves became not only rodent exterminators, but also loyal friends to man, strong fighters, and reliable guards.

Below is a photo of a bull terrier and a mini bull terrier:

Mini Bull Terrier and its main distinguishing features

Behavior in the family circle

Their main qualities are increased activity, friendliness, courage, discipline.

Although society has a rather mistrustful attitude towards such dogs, they rarely show aggression towards humans without a clear reason. The reason for not the most friendly attitude of people towards this breed is hidden in the past.

In the past, both miniature and traditional bull terriers participated in dog fighting. To raise a good fighter who would bring profit, it was necessary to raise the dog in severity, and sometimes even in cruelty. All this was done to develop the animal’s aggressive character and resilience.

Any dog ​​can become aggressive if it is not raised correctly. Dogs of this breed respond well to training, as they say experienced dog handlers.

If the dog is well trained and loved by the owner, then its character will be appropriate - calm and affectionate. Outbursts of rage in a physically and mentally healthy dog ​​are almost impossible.

Communication with strangers

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their good nature and friendliness when it comes to meeting new people. strangers. Dogs of this breed are not known for their desire to communicate with other dogs.

He would rather mind his own business instead of actively interacting with other dogs, but can sometimes be somewhat aggressive towards another animal.

Such a dog will be able to make friends with another animal only if they live together.

Behavior of miniature bull terriers with babies

Young children often play with a dog in ways that may not intentionally hurt it. She may react to such behavior with aggression, which can lead to dire consequences. It is always worth observing the interaction between such a dog and the baby.

When the child grows up and understands what to do to the dog physical pain not only impossible, but also dangerous, then his communication with the animal will become as safe and enjoyable as possible for both parties.


Features of keeping a dog

You can bring a dog into the apartment. The Mini Bull Terrier does not have any long hair, nor large sizes, besides, these dogs are clean.

But it is worth considering that if a person active life, he can long time stay at work, then this breed will not suit him.

This is explained by the fact that such a dog needs activity and frequent physical activity. The dog will find something to do at home, but this may damage the owner’s furniture, shoes and other property. You should walk with her at least 3 times a day.

The future owner should prepare for the fact that at the age of 2 years the dog will not require excessive effort from him. Daily walks, games at home and on fresh air- everything a puppy needs.

But upon reaching the age of two years, the dog will need individual special program training, which should include the following important elements, such as a variety of running (uphill, stretching, with weights), long walking and jumping.

There are areas of caring for this dog that require minimal effort from the owner. For example, cleaning your ears and cutting your nails. The need for brushing arises only in spring and autumn, when the dog begins to shed.

Proper Puppy Training

Stubbornness is one of the main qualities of this breed, which cannot be corrected. Even the most talented trainer cannot cope with such a task.

If a dog doesn’t want to do something, then nothing will convince him. This breed is trainable.

Raising a dog is very important for both a single owner and a family owner, because in the absence of basic knowledge, the dog can harm an adult family member or a child. It is very important to find an approach to the dog that will allow the owner to raise a good bodyguard and true friend.

What diseases is this dog susceptible to?

Dogs have excellent health, live 12-14 years. It is worth paying attention to organs such as the kidneys, heart and ears, they are not strong point the health of these dogs.

They are prone to certain genetic diseases, such as aortic stenosis, tracheal hypoplasia, primary lens luxation, destruction kneecap, Perthes disease.

To reduce the risk of diseases in your pet, you should purchase a puppy from a trusted breeder. People who are engaged in professional animal breeding carefully select animals for crossing. The risk of genetic diseases in puppies is minimized.

Where can you find a true friend and what is his price?

No matter how beautiful these dogs are in the photo, the price of this breed is very high. The price of a puppy depends on its color, this is explained by the greater propensity for diseases in individuals white.

The market price for a healthy puppy starts at 80 thousand rubles, while white puppies are usually sold at a discount of about 25%.

Due to the high price, this breed is not very popular, so a small number of breeders are engaged in breeding it. As a rule, you can purchase a puppy from a large nursery.

Mini and standard

The Miniature Bull Terrier is a variation of the Standard Bull Terrier. To be more precise, it is a smaller copy of it, since the breeds differ only in size, and the external data and character traits are identical.

True, some dog breeders note that they are more active and playful than their “big brothers.” Real “energizers” who cannot be exhausted. Owners say they are more stubborn than standard boules. The temperament of the varieties is identical. The size of minis is misleading: owners pay less attention to their upbringing, hence the increased activity and “donkey” stubbornness.

Miniature boules live longer than standard boules. They have their own genetic disease- dislocation of the lens. Pathology leads to blindness. When crossing individuals of two varieties, the puppies are registered as mini. This is done so that the pathology does not spread among standard individuals.

Walking the dog

Your dog's behavior becomes destructive if you don't walk him properly. Be sure to take him outside twice a day. And not in short bursts, but for an hour or two each time. During walks, you need to keep the animal occupied with something. Physical exercise choose depending on the age of the pet.

Up to eight months. Intense physical activity should be avoided. The dog’s joints and ligaments are not yet strong: during serious training they can easily be damaged. At this age, a leisurely walk, contact with other dogs, and playing ball with the owner are useful.

It is not without reason that fighting dogs attract the gaze of any person. These four-legged athletes combine strength, a sea of ​​energy, boundless devotion and incredible intelligence. Unfortunately, not every dog ​​lover has the opportunity to keep a classic representative of the breed in his apartment. The miniature bull terrier is almost a copy of ordinary bulls, but thanks to its compact size, it can easily live even in a small living space. Read the description of the Mini Bull Terrier breed, see photos and videos about the breed.

The Miniature Bull Terrier breed was first registered in England at the beginning of the 19th century. At this time, the British were actively engaged in the selection of standard bull terriers used for dog fights. To breed a real athlete, white terriers, bulldogs and Dalmatians were selected for breeding. The resulting litters often began to produce miniature but stocky puppies that were copies of their athletically built parents. The babies were not culled, but were used as rodent hunters (mice and rats). Thanks to their small size and agility, the dogs very quickly caught tailed pests and dealt with them.

To adjust the size of mini-bulls to the perfect size, they began to use toy terriers in selection, but soon abandoned this idea: the puppies turned out to be too light, and the features of terriers began to be visible in them more and more clearly. After some time, the miniature bull terrier breed was finally brought to the required standards, and now the miniature bull terrier is a 100% smaller copy.

Mini Bull Terrier Standard Required

Miniature copies differ from their older brothers only in size, appearance dogs is identical. The breed standard must combine the following requirements:

  • the head is necessarily ovoid in shape, a long and deep muzzle, smoothly transitioning to the nose, the skull between the ears looks flat;
  • the nose is curved, the earlobe is always black, the nostrils are wide and well open;
  • lips are wide, close to the gums;
  • the lower jaw is equipped with white teeth, strong and deep, only a scissor bite;
  • eyes in the shape of small triangles, narrowed, pupils black or dark brown;
  • The ears are small and thin in size and can be cropped;
  • the neck is strong and muscular, has no skin folds;
  • the stomach is tightened, chest area wide and powerful;
  • the back is slightly convex;
  • the tail is thickened at the base, noticeably narrows towards the tip, at rest it is located between hind limbs, when moving, takes a horizontal position;
  • shoulder blades with pronounced muscles, wide;
  • the front legs are parallel to each other, seemingly strong, the hind legs have pronounced muscular thighs and knee joints;
  • the paws are compact in size, the toes are curved, the claws are black;
  • The coat is short, rough to the touch, and the hair is straight.

The classic color of the Miniature Bull Terrier is white, but spots on the head are allowed. According to the standard, red, brindle, pure black, brown and red colors are also allowed. The main requirement for color is that one color should charmingly predominate more than others.


Miniature Bull Terriers are hyperactive dogs, so a stay-at-home owner is not suitable for them. These four-legged pets are ready to run, play, frolic around the clock and will never refuse to accompany the owner wherever he decides to go. You need to walk your dog a lot and fruitfully; 10-minute walks will not do your pet any good. While walking with the animal, you need to be active (let the dog run, jump, carry heavy objects, engage in tug-of-war). If the bull has not splashed out its energy enough, the dog may begin to cause mischief at home (gnaw shoes, furniture, spoil children’s toys and the owners’ things).

Despite the fact that the Miniature Bull Terrier is a fighting dog breed, it is a very affectionate animal. The pet simply adores all family members and shows special love for children. Due to the low pain threshold A dog allows children to do a lot of things: pull their ears, pull their tail, paws. However, if the dog did not grow up with children, he may be jealous of small residents. For a bull terrier, the owner comes first, and when a newborn child begins to take all the owner’s attention, the dog is capable of being offended and mistaking the baby for a potential rival.

Experiences aggression towards other animals, because this dog was originally bred to fight with its own kind. When walking, it is better to avoid communicating with other dogs, otherwise fights will inevitably occur. It should be remembered that despite its reduced dimensions, the miniature bull terrier is an exact copy of its standard counterpart, which means that the power and clenching force of its jaws is quite large. Not every person will be able to unhook him from another dog.

A pet will be able to get along with other four-legged animals only if the animals grow up together from childhood. It is not recommended to let a bull terrier off a leash on the street, since four-legged friend constantly strives to get into fights with other relatives. Dog socialization must be carried out with early age, then the mini bull will grow up obedient and balanced.

The Mini Bull Terrier is completely non-aggressive towards people, because if a puppy shows even the slightest degree of aggression towards a person, the dog is immediately discarded. Bull Terriers become very attached to their owner and try to follow him everywhere. Experienced breeders claim that boules are able to sense the mood of their owners; if the person is happy, the dog rejoices with him; when the owner feels bad, the pet becomes depressed.

Particular attention should be paid to walking the dog, because a pet such as a miniature bull terrier requires daily training. Walking with your pet for 15-20 minutes is not enough; walks should last at least 1 hour. Moreover, the walk itself should include active physical activities. If the dog has nowhere to put his energy, the pet begins to splash it out on things around him or becomes completely uncontrollable.

Miniature bull terriers are only suitable for keeping in apartments or private houses; in a kennel or enclosure the dog will simply die. Pets are deprived of the undercoat inherent in many breeds, so they are constantly cold and catch colds. With the onset of cold weather, you need to take your dog out for a walk only in insulated overalls. During the hot season, your four-legged pet should be protected from sunburn and overheating.

Coat care should consist of weekly combing (with a soft rubber brush); this breed does not need grooming. To make the coat shine, you can wipe it with a piece of soft suede. Water procedures should be carried out only as needed; frequent bathing will lead to dryness and irritation of the skin.

Every week, the Bull Terrier should wipe its ears with a gauze or cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide, tea leaves or chlorhexidine. Several times a week, the dog's eyes are wiped to remove dirt and their teeth are brushed with toothpaste intended exclusively for dogs. When brushing your teeth, it is convenient to use a special rubber brush. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow, but not more than once a month. In dogs that are highly physically active, their claws usually grind down on the asphalt on their own.

Dog food

Bull Terriers are prone to obesity, so you need to feed your dog only high-quality and balanced food. The food can consist of natural products or be ready-made industrial. If the owner decides to feed the dog dry food, the brand of food should be chosen very carefully. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers who produce premium and super premium class. When feeding dry food, it is important to provide the dog with clean and fresh water, which will be in direct access. Deciding to feed the dog natural products, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Meat is not suitable for feeding a miniature bull terrier. fatty varieties. The dog is allowed to feed chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal and beef. The pet is pampered several times a week sea ​​fish without bones.
  2. Vegetables and fruits should only be fresh or boiled.
  3. The allowed cereals are buckwheat, rice, and rolled oats.
  4. 2-3 times a week the animal should be fed chicken or quail eggs, dairy products.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to feed your dog sweets, chocolate, sausages, and canned food.

Bull Terrier puppies eat at least 4-5 times a day; adult pets need to be fed 2 times a day after a walk. Between meals, it is not recommended to give the Bull Terrier any food from the owner’s table. If you really want to treat your pet, you can give him an apple or carrot.

Feeding a bull terrier with natural food includes not only fresh and high-quality products, but also vitamin complexes. Only a veterinarian has the right to prescribe vitamins to a miniature bull terrier.


You need to start training your mini bull from the very first days the puppy is in the house. From the first minutes, a small pet needs to be shown who is the leader in the pack, otherwise it will not be easy to re-educate the dog. Bull Terriers love to dominate, so they need a strong and confident owner. It is extremely important to show your pet his place in the pack. The dog must have a rank lower than that of other inhabitants of the apartment. The owner should feed the puppy only after all other residents have eaten, not allow the dog to sleep on high places (on the owner's bed), enter the door first and only then allow the dog to enter. If these rules are not followed, your four-legged friend will quickly take a leading position in the family.

Diseases of the breed

The lifespan of mini bulls is approximately 10-13 years. Miniature Bull Terriers are distinguished by their good health, but this breed has gene diseases inherited:

  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart. Manifested by seizures and shortness of breath.
  • Complete deafness. It is found mainly in bull terriers that have pure white color wool Sometimes there are puppies that have hearing loss in only one auditory organ. These dogs live full life, but are no longer allowed for breeding.
  • Lens luxation eyeball. The disease is accompanied by severe pain and discomfort and leads to the development of glaucoma. Without necessary veterinary care The dog may go completely blind.
  • Kidney failure. Diagnosed on initial stage the disease can be corrected with medications and a specially selected diet.
  • Cup displacement knee joint. The dog experiences severe pain, begins to limp. If treatment is not started, the pathology ends in arthritis.
  • Allergic reactions. Skin rashes can occur due to a sudden change in food, intake medicines, action of chemicals.

Price and selection of puppies

A miniature bull terrier dog is not a cheap pleasure. The price for puppies without pedigree is from 200$. The most expensive are show-class dogs intended for exhibitions and breeding. The cost of mini bull terriers will be about 1700$. The high cost of miniature bull terrier puppies is mainly due to the rarity of the breed, because miniature fighters have not yet had time to firmly gain a foothold among dog breeders.

Before buying a puppy, it is better to consult with an experienced breeder who will help you choose a dog that is absolutely healthy and has an adequate character. Dogs must be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. The character of the parents. The father and mother must boast a stable psyche to any kind of irritants.
  2. The puppies' build is strong, their belly is toned and elastic.
  3. Eyes small size, shiny, triangular in shape, without any discharge.
  4. The head is regular egg-shaped.

You need to choose a puppy who behaves calmly and calmly. If the baby tries to hide in a corner or vice versa, shows aggression towards other members dog family, then such a dog can bring a lot of trouble in the future.

Most optimal age puppy at the time of purchase – from 2 to 4 months, raising an older teenager will be more difficult. People who do not have experience with the breed should not adopt an adult miniature bull terrier, since the chances of re-educating the dog in their own way are negligible.

Do you know what a Miniature Bull Terrier is? If you were unfamiliar with this breed, then you should get to know it. The Miniature Bull Terrier is exactly the same dog as the Bull Terrier, but there is one difference - its size. Due to its small size, this dog is ideal for keeping in city apartments. Although this is not the only reason why people choose representatives of this breed.

One cannot but agree that people in all centuries have been attracted to the incongruous. This small, almost couch dog has incredible willpower and enormous power. Behind the touching face hides a bright temperament and a sharp mind. It is this combination that makes this breed very interesting and attractive.

A little about the origin

Of course, the history of the appearance of minibulls is very closely related to the origin of ordinary bull terriers. Now we'll tell you how it all happened. In the nineteenth century, bull terrier litters produced very small puppies. These dogs were well built, and their health was also excellent. Such dogs were also excellent rat catchers. Therefore, the breeders decided that small dogs should not be culled under any circumstances. They need to be bred as an independent breed.

Probably, in order to consolidate their size, miniature bull terriers were infused with the blood of Jack Russell terriers, as well as fox terriers. In order to improve the type of small dogs, matings with large representatives of this breed were allowed until 1988.

representatives of the breed

According to standards, a miniature dog differs only in size from a regular bull terrier. But there is some discrepancy between the real state of affairs and the norms. The Miniature Bull Terrier is characterized by goggle eyes and an apple-shaped head. Otherwise, he is the same as the larger representatives of the breed.

The body of these dogs is muscular, athletic, and proportional. The tail is thick at the base and short. The eyes are triangular, set close to each other. The ears are small. The height at the withers is on average thirty centimeters. The weight of a representative of the breed ranges from eight to sixteen kilograms.

Miniature Bull Terrier: character

The temperament of mini dogs is exactly the same as major representatives breeds The dog has high intelligence and a perky disposition. Easily trainable. Minibull is brave and courageous. He will fight back even a dog that is several times larger than himself. Such a dog cannot live without the attention of its owner. The minibull has a sensitive heart, he loves tenderness and affection. This dog is not suitable for everyone, because it has a wayward character.

This is a short-haired breed, so it does not need constant brushing. The only thing you need to do for such a dog is to carry out weekly cleaning using a special rubber brush or glove. It may still require additional care during the molting period.

Another important note concerns nutrition. The diet needs to be taken under control, as dogs of this breed are prone to excess weight and obesity.

Training and education

The main character trait is stubbornness. Because of this, there may be serious problems in interaction with the owner. You need to start training from the moment the dog crosses the threshold of your home. Your main task is to ensure that the miniature bull terrier listens to you unquestioningly and follows your commands. Otherwise, a cute puppy may turn into a naughty and dangerous dog. You need to educate firmly, but without aggression.

Of course, in addition to a “firm” hand, the dog must know what tenderness and love are. The Miniature Bull Terrier is a very sociable animal. This dog needs constant contact with people. Therefore, the dog owner should not skimp on affection. Then the miniature bull terrier will reciprocate your feelings.
