West Hound White Terrier. Dog breed White Alpine Terrier (White, White Terrier). Breed Standard for the West Highland White Terrier

The small West Highland White Terrier was originally used as a burrowing dog to hunt foxes and other game that must be driven out of the ground. This one is dexterous and not large sizes the doggie easily penetrates into the smallest holes and fearlessly enters into battle with any predators. Despite the working qualities, the pet can become excellent companion and a friend for an active host.

History of the West Highland White Terrier breed

The breed was developed in Scotland. To obtain the best working qualities, the Cairn Terrier was crossed with local hunting dogs. The Highland White was officially registered as a breed with the International Cynological Society at the end of 1954.

V former countries The breed was introduced to the USSR in the late 90s. The breed was used along with hunting foxes and badgers. The breed gained popularity in Russia and Ukraine quickly, as the dog is distinguished by an obedient and cheerful disposition and an unusual appearance.

Description of the breed

The agile West Highland White Terrier loves ball and stick games and needs daily training. The dog loves long walks in the forest or in a park area. It can be kept in a house or apartment, but subject to daily walking.

The dog's cheerful disposition and activity create a real energy cocktail. The dog does not like to sit in one place and out of boredom is able to come up with entertainment for himself. The games will use the owner's personal belongings. The dog loves children and takes part in noisy and active games with pleasure. The curious dog is ready to explore new corners of the street and in the house. This is the reason for the frequent trauma of the puppy up to one year old.

The dog has a fine sense of smell, and the Highland is often used by rescuers to search for people under the ruins. A small and dexterous dog finds victims and can squeeze into the narrowest cracks, delivering water and medicines to people under the rubble. The hunting instincts of the breed come first. This is a real hard worker, ready to hunt down the game and drive it out of the hole all day.

Breed standard (appearance)

Pedigree West Highland White Terrier must match the exterior:

  • Body. Strong but small, square in shape with developed and lean muscles.
  • Back. Straight, short. The croup should not be higher than the pelvis. Dogs with high ass is also discarded.
  • Paws. Straight shape, not long. During runoff, the legs are parallel to each other. Pads and nails well developed, tightly compressed.
  • Neck. Short, dense, lean muscled, sloping slightly forward.
  • Head. Large, round.
  • Forehead. Tall, flat, round, convex.
  • Nose. Not long, with a clear transition from the muzzle. The nasal bridge is short and straight. The lobe with wide nostrils, large, has a black color.
  • Eyes. Not widely spaced triangular... They are dark in color: brown or black.
  • Lips. Thin, fit snugly to the teeth.
  • Bite. Correct, scissor. The teeth are large and sharp. The grip is well developed.
  • Ears. Small size, triangular shape. Set on high.
  • Tail. Thick, saber-shaped, but not long - from 13 to 15 cm. Does not curl into a ring, during a hunting stance it is straightened and raised up.
  • Wool. Hard guard, long and falling on the belly, with light curls, on the paws, muzzle and short on the back and tail. A feature of the breed is a bushy beard and eyebrows. There is a protective undercoat that is soft and silky.
  • Coloring. West Highland White Terrier always white color, other colors are discarded.
  • Dimensions. Height at the withers in bitches is on average 25-26 cm, in males up to 28 cm.
  • Weight. An adult dog by the year can weigh from 7 to 9 kg. Males are larger and heavier than bitches.

The average lifespan of the breed is 13-15 years. How long pets live depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding.

Character traits of the West Highland White Terrier

The description of the breed and its character are quite consistent with any terrier:

  • West Highland White Terrier is attached to the owner and readily obeys any of his commands;
  • an athletic and active breed, suitable for dog freestyle or agility;
  • the doggie is ready to fight for its owner and his property and will protect you from strangers;
  • to treat other pets in the house badly, it's a matter of jealousy, a small terrier is jealous of its owner and will not share his attention with someone else. The opponent will be treated with aggression;
  • it lends itself well to training and remembers the most difficult tricks. Sometimes he shows stubbornness, which easily passes. Even a novice dog breeder can raise the breed;
  • loves active games and, like all terriers, arranges a sports ground from the apartment. In the absence of the owner, having fun, it can damage his personal belongings;
  • loves walking and long walks in any weather;
  • does not tolerate careless handling, therefore it is not suitable for a family with small children. For a teenager, the West Highland White Terrier will be a great friend;
  • be wary of strangers and if there is a suspicion of aggression, the dog will show discontent and may even bite;
  • loves to run after rodents, birds and cats while walking. During an imaginary hunt, it loses the ability to respond to the owner. It is difficult to pacify the dog until it runs;
  • has a loud and loud bark, in an apartment or house can be used as a live "call";
  • does not tolerate loneliness, with a lack of attention begins to get bored, loses appetite.

The pros and cons of the breed are mostly related to the nature of the animal. Of the minuses, it stands out that a brave terrier is able to fight with larger males and requires special attention from the owner. The pluses include features: a good-natured character, affection for the owner and ease of maintenance.

Care and maintenance

Difficulties in keeping a West Highland White Terrier are mainly associated with snow-white wool animal. Rough awn rarely gets dirty, and wash your pet with special shampoos recommended no more than once every 6 months. Frequent washing leads to the loss of the protective layer of fat on the skin.

  1. Once every few days, the dog is brushed with a special metal brush, which removes excess undercoat.
  2. In spring and autumn, the dog needs a corrective trimming that will help the animal get rid of dead awn and emphasize the correct body shape. Additional trimming is carried out before exhibitions.
  3. The West Highland White Terrier often stains his beard while eating. The dog's muzzle is wiped with special wet wipes.
  4. Eyebrows are trimmed so that the hair does not get into the eyes and does not irritate the mucous membrane.
  5. Around the genitals and anus, the wool is cut short, this is done for hygienic purposes.
  6. Eyes and ears are cleaned with special antiseptic solutions every 2-3 days.

The pet is allocated a separate place in the house, where a bed and bowls for food and water are placed. Dog most spends time next to the owner, having chosen one of the armchairs or a sofa. During moulting, the dog's white undercoat will remain on furniture and carpets. Even frequent brushing will not save the furniture, so it is recommended to think carefully before buying a puppy.

Pet health

The hunting breed has good immunity, and an adult dog rarely gets sick viral diseases... After a year, mainly pathologies associated with the predisposition of the breed may appear. The West Highland White Terrier can show genetic diseases.

  • Fibrosis of the lungs. Mainly develops against the background colds... It is recommended to monitor the pet, not to let the dog sleep in drafts and cold ground.
  • Dermatitis associated with yeast lesions upper layers epidermis. To be treated with antifungal ointments, in difficult cases, antibiotics are prescribed to the dog.
  • Diabetes. As a preventive measure, proper nutrition is selected.
  • Eye pathologies: cataract, conjunctivitis.
  • Deafness, which in puppies from birth and is associated with the white color of the dog.
  • Bitches do not tolerate childbirth, so whelping is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Once a year, the dog is vaccinated against diseases: hepatitis, distemper, enteritis, adenovirus, parainfluenza. Additionally, rabies vaccinations are scheduled.


You can teach the puppy commands immediately after getting used to the new home and owner. The puppy will learn to carry out the first basic commands during the games. Throwing a ball to the baby, you can teach the dog commands: come to me, fetch.

Starting from three months, the dog can be enrolled in OKD courses. Under the direction of experienced dog handler the terrier will learn the basic commands: sit, lie, stand, place, next to, fu.

It is not recommended to punish a pet for its stubbornness. If the puppy refuses to follow the command, divert his attention to the game. After a while, return to training. Despite its stubbornness, the breed is easily trainable.

For training you will need:

  • harness or collar from soft skin that will not wash the animal's hair;
  • long and short leashes;
  • favorite toy in the form of a bone or a ball;
  • delicacies that will be encouraged by the pet.

Hunting skills are taught separately. Usually young animals are hunted and trained on the example of adult dogs.


How to feed a pet depends on its health, genetic predispositions and the wishes of the owner. A dog prone to allergies and diabetes mellitus it is recommended to feed with dry food. The following brands are suitable for the West Highland White Terrier: Purina One, Royal Canin Mini Adult, Savarra Adult Dog Small Breed, Kennels' Favorite Petite Adult.

The diet of a dog on natural food includes proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nutrition is selected balanced and does not contain allergenic products... Allowed Products:

  • lean meats: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey;
  • offal;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • vegetables, except for potatoes and onions;
  • fruit.

The number of servings depends on the age of the dog:

  • up to 3 months - up to 6 times a day, with an interval of 3-4 hours. Serving size up to 150 ml;
  • from 3 to 4 months - up to 4 times a day. Serving size 200 - 250 ml;
  • from 4 to 6 months - up to 3 times a day. Serving size up to 500 ml;
  • from 6 to 8 months - 2-3 times a day;
  • from 8 months and older - 2 times a day. Serving size up to 1.5 l.

For a pet on natural food, vitamins are added to the diet: 8 in 1 Excel,

Unitabs Brevers Complex, Beaphar Irish Cal.




Origin: highlands of Scotland

Class: according to the FCI classification: group 3 "Terriers", section 2 "Small Terriers"

Usage: the breed was bred for hunting a burrowing animal. Currently used as a companion.

Color: White

Dimensions: height at the withers: 25-28 cm; weight: 6-10 kg

Life Expectancy: with proper care 12-15 years

Small white dog West Highland White Terrier breed looks like a funny soft toy, with a large head and a perky raised tail.

Selflessly brave, energetic, perfectly adapted to hunting in the harsh conditions of the highlands of Scotland, the Vestik is able to be a watchdog and an excellent companion dog.

History of the breed

The dog was bred in the highlands of Scotland. The harsh and stingy Highlanders would never feed a dog just for beauty.

All Scottish Terriers, as for selection, are distinguished by excellent working qualities.

Small, brave and with strong jaws, the terriers helped mountain hunters to hunt foxes and dangerous heavy badgers.

Most Scottish Terriers are similar and clearly share common roots.

The West has a resemblance to scotch tape, , and Norwich Terrier .

At that time, it was believed that light-colored puppies were weaker and more susceptible to disease, so white terriers were mercilessly rejected.

But then the hunters realized that it was not so easy to confuse a white dog with an animal and accidentally kill in the heat of the hunt.

Especially the breed enthusiast Colonel Edward Malcolm contributed to the consolidation of the white color.

The colonel bred exclusively white and cream terriers on his estate, Poltalloh, after his favorite red terrier was mistakenly killed while hunting.

White dogs were also preferred by the Duke of Argyll of Rosenith and Dr. Flaxman of Fifshire.

Thanks to these three people, the West Highland White Terrier acquired its distinctive appearance.

Vestas have very good hearing, like Boston Terriers.


Vestik is a real terrier full of ebullient energy.

Like all terriers, the lead is prone to dominance and needs serious education and socialization.

Secondly, the child is unlikely to be able to become a real authority for the West: the dog needs a firmer hand.

This is due to the fact that the Vesta, for all their cute white fluffiness, have remarkable will, stubbornness, inventiveness and a penchant for adventurous pranks.

It's amazing how cunning the intellect of this tireless adventurer can be.

Vesta are incredibly loyal to their owners and at the same time terribly jealous.

If you decide to pet another dog or even a cat in his presence, your pet may be terribly offended and rush to punish a competitor.

If you want to have another animal in the house, the size of which is larger than a snail, keep this in mind.

Like most terriers, the Vesta adore starting a fight, and with equal fury the terrier is able to rush both at the crumb and at the huge, one head of which weighs more than the entire Vestik.


The West Highlands can still go hunting with you.

With Vesta you can go in for active canine sports, keep it just "for the soul" and for long walks in good company.

How to choose a dog

Vesta are becoming more and more popular and unscrupulous people profit from the sale of pseudo-pedigree puppies.

Therefore, never buy a dog from the market.

Even if you are lucky, and the purchased puppy turns out to be healthy, it is not at all necessary that it will grow out of it as a West Highland, and not an ordinary little white mongrel.

Contact famous nurseries with a good reputation, not the first year working with the breed.

In this case, you can get all-round assistance in raising and raising a puppy, see the parents of the baby and make sure that West Highland White Terrier puppies were raised in good conditions.

Examine the baby carefully: he should have clear eyes, without any discharge, a clean wet nose, clean and pink ears.

The belly should not be swollen, and there should be no signs under the tail loose stools.

Care features


The white wool of the Vesta requires constant care. The dog needs to be brushed two or three times a week, and washed once a month.

To preserve the characteristic appearance of the Vesta, it is necessary to cut or trim several times a year.

It is faster and cheaper, but degrades the quality of the wool.

Owners usually prefer to trim the hair around the anus and genitals on their own. This is necessary for hygiene and ease of maintenance.

Be sure to regularly examine the dog's ears, trim the claws if they do not wear off themselves.


It is necessary to walk with the vests for at least 2 hours every day, and during the walk, the dog should run around and release its energy.

Decent unhurried walks on - not for the West.

You need to play with him, work out, run.

This is why terriers are not very suitable for seniors, but great for families with middle-aged children.

If you live in your own house with a plot, you may be disappointed. Vesta love to dig everything and everywhere.

If you value your flower beds and a well-kept garden, then better dog do not let there.

But you can fence off a small area for your pet in which he can satisfy his digging inclinations.

Pour a pile of sand and sawdust there, and the West will selflessly dig, without causing harm to the garden.


Vesta are unpretentious in food, but prone to food allergies... The diet of terriers should have enough meat, fish, vegetables.

A third of the diet is porridge, of which buckwheat and rice should be preferred.

Barley, corn, millet, pearl barley and semolina not good: they only load the digestive system.

Milk can only be given to puppies, but fermented milk products must be included in the diet.

Low-fat kefir, cottage cheese should be at least 1/5 of the dog's diet.

From vegetables, zucchini, cabbage, greens are suitable.

Terriers happily gnaw both carrots and beets, but these brightly colored fruits can change their coat color, which is undesirable for show dogs.

From fruits, you can give apples, pears and other fruits, if the pet does not suffer from allergies.

It is forbidden to give bird bones, smoked and spicy foods, as well as feed the dog with waste from the table.

This is how it looks healthy puppy West Highland Terrier


Vaccination takes place on general rules: Produced by the breeder at 4 weeks of age, from plague and parvovirus.

10 days before vaccination, you need to give the babies an anthelmintic.

The second vaccination occurs at 8-9 weeks - plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis.

After 2-3 weeks, you need to do the third vaccination with the same vaccine + rabies vaccine.

In the future, vaccinations are done annually.


You can knit a dog only after it reaches maturity, at the age of 2-2.5 years, when it has come.

Only dogs of the breeding class participate in mating, which are valuable from the point of view of selection. A couple is picked up at the club.

West Highland White Terrier is a fearless hunter and a cheerful companion: description, character, care

A small white dog of the West Highland White Terrier breed looks like a cheerful stuffed toy, with a large head and a perky raised tail. But don't let the cute looks fool you: the West Highland White Terrier is a serious dog, like most terriers. Selflessly brave, energetic, perfectly adapted to hunting in the harsh conditions of the Highlands of Scotland, the Westik is capable of being a watchman and an excellent companion.

If you are looking for a funny, small, curious and very intelligent dog, then the West Highland White Terrier is what you need. Today this breed pet very popular. Still - a cute face, a funny and playful character will hardly leave anyone indifferent. Many do not even realize that this dog is actually a wonderful underground hunter.

Where did the West Highland White Terrier come from?

Unfortunately, no one can say with certainty the exact historical period of the appearance of this breed. It is only known that the first serious mentions of it refer to this breed was bred in Scotland, the most likely ancestor of the White Terrier is the Scotch Terrier.

Initially, these were working hunting dogs, the prey of which were small rodents and burrowing animals. With its diminutive size, the West Highland White Terrier is distinguished not only by its vigor and courage, but also by its strength and endurance. The hunt went like this: the dog had to find the animal's hole and drive it out of there. In some cases, White Terriers retrieved already dead prey from shelters, which they got in a difficult battle underground. In the household, these cute creatures helped their owners get rid of rodents.

From a distance, the noticeable white color of the terrier was not invented by chance. In nature, there are no wild animals with such wool, thanks to this, the hunter is unlikely to confuse him with, say, a fox or badger.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the White Terrier received the official and unchanged name and breed standard to this day. Only in the modern world it is rarely used as a hunting assistant. Over time, the West has become a sought-after and irreplaceable friend of many families around the world.

General description of the dog

The West Highland White Terrier is a one of a kind white terrier. He has a very attractive, even somewhat doll-like appearance, behind the softness and tenderness of which very hardworking, intelligent, quick-witted and decisive animals are hidden. If your pet is a West, then you must be sure active person otherwise he will just be bored. They are restless, very playful, intelligent and easily trainable dogs that will demand your attention all the time.

White Terriers feel great at home, they are obedient and friendly. They constantly accompany and protect their owners and become true true friends for them.

Size and lifespan

They are very small and compact animals, the sizes of which are different between males and females. A White Terrier bitch can reach a weight of 7 kg and a height at the withers of 28 cm, larger cables - height at the withers - 30 cm, weight - 10 kg. They have a disproportionate body (the head seems to be the same as the rest of the torso), which makes them even more unusual.

Average terriers are from 12 to 15 years old, but only with proper maintenance of the animal and constant care for it. With the West you need to spend a large number of time. These dogs love to walk and play and should receive it every day. Shades of coat color range from white to wheaten.

Detailed physique description

The West Highland White Terrier has the following appearance:

  • Compact yet robust build with a wide lumbar spine, powerful hips and shoulders.
  • Rounded head with intense hairline. Narrowed, blunt muzzle, massive brow ridges.
  • Strong jaws with
  • Black nose.
  • The eyes are not too prominent, dark in color, of medium size. The eyes of the Westies are intelligent and piercing. Light colored eyes are allowed, but this is not very good.
  • Small triangular ears upright with a light wool on the tips. It is not advisable to cut the hair on the ears of terriers.
  • Slightly elongated wide neck, sloping shoulders.
  • Short and muscular forelegs with a thick coat. The front legs are larger than the hind legs, they have a rounded shape, the toes are tightly brought together.
  • Compact body shell, straight back.
  • The hind legs are also short and well muscled. Small feet with black nails and pads.
  • 15cm straight tail with short hair. Docking the tail is strictly prohibited.
  • The coat is not very long with a thick undercoat, there should be no curls.
  • The color is exclusively white.
  • The gait is free, light and straight.

There are some discrepancies in appearance, but they are all undesirable.


The West Highland White Terrier dog is quite calm, but at the same time mischievous and playful with its owner. For all their intelligence, good manners and endurance, pets are ready to fight for loved ones and protect them from any misfortune, engaging in serious fights with animals of even large sizes. Terriers fight to the bitter end.

Small, but very courageous, they are perfectly trainable, they learn everything very easily and quickly. They require a lot of attention and education, rarely stubborn.

Energetic and active, they have a good "feel". They sense danger and do not leave the arrival of guests unnoticed. They love to be in the spotlight, they are sociable, although their owner is inclined to be jealous of other pets. They love children, treat them carefully and carefully. They do not tolerate being ignored, they do not tolerate a rude attitude towards themselves.

What diseases is the West Highland White Terrier prone to?

It is difficult to say that the Vesta are sickly dogs. However, like any other breed, they have some predispositions to diseases such as:

  • allergies and dermatitis;
  • fibrosis of the lungs;
  • atopy;
  • problems with (more often necrosis or dysplasia of the joint);
  • (including cataracts and conjunctivitis);
  • cardiomyopathy, osteopathy;
  • deafness.

In some cases, congenital meningoencephalitis, a disease that white dogs are especially prone to, may manifest.

Proper maintenance and care

It is necessary to take care of such a beautiful pet carefully from the very early age... A West Highland White Terrier puppy must be brushed twice a week and must be clipped or trimmed every year.

Wool grows quite actively on the face, therefore it must be plucked out (near the eyes and ears). To maintain hygiene, it is good to rid the genitals of excess hair.

This dog needs to be bathed regularly (at least once a month, depending on weather conditions) due to the fact that the coat quickly gets dirty and dirty. And, of course, training! This is an integral part of the growing up of an animal, and the owner must unconditionally take more high position, he is in charge, and the dog should understand this from an early age.

Activities of the National Breed Club (NBC)

Such an organization began its existence in the Russian Federation back in 1999. Then the NKP included 2 varieties of dogs: Cairn Terriers and West Terriers. And already in 2004 a separate monobreed club appeared.

NKP West Highland White Terrier organizes annual events for animals and their owners, dog shows are held in various cities of Russia. Only owners of true West Highlands can get on them, pets must fit the standard "West Highland White Terrier breed", have all kinds of documentary evidence of this and a good pedigree.

NKP also sells white terrier puppies. Numerous articles posted on the official website and seminars held by the club help the owners of these beautiful creatures answer many questions they may have.

Photo of West Highland White Terrier | Dreamstime.com

basic information

Assessment of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level The level and frequency of hair loss in the animal.

Tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to its owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the behavior of a dog in society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

Tendency to bark Propensity to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues Potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even the owner's car.

Friendliness to cats A tendency towards tolerance for cats and a decreased manifestation of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness to children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory.

Friendliness to other dogs The dog's tendency to find mutual language with their other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

West Highland White Terriers are small hunting dogs with assertiveness, great instinct and passion, whose homeland is Scotland. On the territory of the British Isles, these dogs have established themselves as wonderful catchers of foxes, otters, badgers, rabbits, small rodents, acting underground without hearing the owner. But in Russia they are purchased to serve a person at home because of their small size (weight about 8-10 kg, height at the withers - 25-30 cm) and complaisance, if the owner, from the very acquaintance with the puppy, managed to establish the correct connection (where the dog always obeys the owner). Also Russian representatives breeds successfully participate in competitive events, but they are rarely used in the capture of burrowing animals in our country.

Distinctive external features of these Scottish dogs- white coat without any blotches and smart dark eyes. The build of such terriers is strong, compact and quite muscular. The skull is convex, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, the brow ridges are prominent and noticeable. The muzzle tapers towards the nose (black), the eyes are widely spaced relative to each other, the protruding forehead of the dog makes the eyes deep-set. The ears of the West Highland White Terrier are small, triangular in shape. The neck, which is rather large in diameter at the base, is muscular and strong. The chest is deep, the ribs are smoothed around the edges. The back is straight, widened in the lumbar region, muscular. The tail is set high, of medium (or even small) length, carried perpendicular to the body of the dog, without curving over the back. The limbs are strong (especially the muscular hindquarters) and powerful, short, in proportion to the body of the dog. The coat is coarse, straight and dense, the undercoat is soft and short. They live for about 12-15 years.

Photo of the West Highland White Terrier:

Photo of dogs of West Highland White Terrier breed | Dreamstime.com

Origin story

Their history is mysterious, since on the territory of Scotland such hunting dogs live a long time ago, and purposeful breeding work began only at the beginning of the 19th century. The earliest mentions of white terriers, dating from the 12th century, are considered, but it is not known whether these were the real ancestors of today's news (as their owners often call them shortly) or only dogs similar in exterior. Lovers and connoisseurs of the breed are similar in the opinion that they descended from a variety of terriers living on the island of Great Britain. The closest relatives of West Highland Terriers are Cairn and Scottish terriers, which is noticeable to the naked eye - these three breeds are so similar in appearance. Often these dogs interbred with each other, and the Scottish owners did not separate them by breed, calling them Scottish Terriers. West Highland White Terriers of that time could be not only white, but also cream and light piebald. At the end of the 19th century, news was bred in several places in Scotland, and the breeders had animals that were different in appearance, but similar in their hunting data. The purpose of the West Highland White Terriers at that time was to catch game, and most breeders noted that the white (or almost white) shade favorably distinguished the news from the animals that were hunted. After all, the same small Cairn Terriers could often be mistaken for a fox, therefore, the hunter could confuse and shoot not the game, but his own own dog... The white color of the lead made the dog visible at any time of the day and in any weather. Gradually, West Highland White Terriers from the Scottish provinces interbred with each other, which subsequently revealed to the world a compact, active and tireless hunting dog - a white highland terrier, merciless to game, friendly to people.

West Highland White Terrier character

West Highland White Terriers are most commonly acquired between 2 and 4 months of age. Almost immediately, the owner should take up the education of the dog, since ill-mannered news can be stubborn. But those individuals who are lucky to be under the care of a competent and rather tough owner become obedient and friendly. Most often they get along well with other pets. In some cases, the natural hunting instinct can force them to chase rodents (and even), but this happens infrequently, if the owner has taught the dog "not to touch his own." Dogs of this breed are curious, active, playful even in adulthood. Loyal to the owner, they can, if necessary, act as housing guards, raising a loud bark. However, they do not differ in spitefulness towards people, therefore, as guard dog they are rarely turned on. West Highland White Terriers love to be in the company of people, they are happy to accompany the owner. They are not annoying, they can find something to do if necessary, if the owner does not have the opportunity to devote time.

These small terriers can do well in homes with large living areas. The dog's place should be located away from the draft, it should be equipped not only with a bed, but also with toys (so that the dog can spend its energy when the owner cannot entertain it). Also, a bowl of clean drinking water should always be with a sleeping place. In some cases, for West Highland White Terriers, they place near the bed and a litter tray for the toilet.

A prerequisite for keeping the West Highland White Terrier is fairly long and active walks. If the owner has his own land plot, a dog of this breed will gladly spend time in the yard, play, run, just breathe fresh air... But even with such a pastime, one should not replace full-fledged outings (to the training ground) and trips outside the city with walks around the perimeter of the yard, since communication with, contemplation of people, cars, perception of the sounds of the city is extremely important for the socialization of the animal.

As food for the lead terrier, you can choose natural food or ready-made dry food (before buying a puppy, you should ask the breeder what kind of food the baby is accustomed to). The advantages of the finished feed are balance, low consumption, saving the owner's time. Negative side- high price really good feed... Feeding natural food (not to be confused with dishes designed for people) will require from the owner not only time, but also certain knowledge in order to correctly calculate the calorie content, choose the right ingredients for preparing a dog dish, and also calculate the content of vitamins and nutrients... High-quality meat should prevail in the composition of natural food (which is also expensive today).

Training and education

The characteristic Scottish West Highland White Terrier must be raised in an environment of love and reasonable severity. It is naive to believe that a puppy who is allowed any prank will grow up to be a well-bred dog. From the first hours of the dog's stay in the house, the owner must establish proper contact with the animal, then the dog will trust the person, considering him a leader. The ill-mannered news can perform a number of actions, unpleasant and dangerous - to chase other animals, pick up any food or objects on the street, dig the master's beds, and so on. A trained dog will not cause trouble for either the owner or anyone else. As praise for good behavior, the dog can be rewarded with a treat and kind word... As a punishment, you can influence with a stern voice, as well as ignore the dog, not responding to its calls to play. Beating an animal is not worth it - this is not only insulting, but also separates the news from the owner, introduces distrust to the person.

Dogs of this breed are trained from about six months - independently or with the help of an instructor. In the process of training, the dog will learn not only the main commands, but will also begin to behave correctly outside the house. Probably, the best way training of the West Highland Terrier, when the process is directed by the owner under the guidance of a specialist. But for this, from an early age, the puppy must trust the owner.

Health and disease

Messages are not problematic in the field of health, they are, with proper care and lack of serious diseases able to cross the 15-year threshold. However, a number of diseases inherent in these terriers are as follows: eye diseases (cataracts, keratoconjunctivitis dry, eyelid volvulus, retinal atrophy, etc.); fungal and allergic diseases, as well as tumors on the skin (yeast and allergic dermatitis, atopy, food allergy, histiocytoma); diseases of the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia of the joints, craniomandibular osteopathy); heart disease (cardiomyopathy); brain disease (meningoencephalitis); illness endocrine system(chronic hyperglycemia).

Some interesting facts

  • Literally the name of the breed can be translated as "white burrowing dog from the west of the Highland (the largest of the 32 regions of Scotland)."
  • The snow-white coat, coupled with the black pigmentation of the nose, lips, eyelids and fingertips, makes this breed look like little white bears. However, their nature may not be mild. When an animal gets excited, such qualities as courage, courage and fearlessness are revealed.
  • In the filming of the famous French film "Asterix and Obelix" about the adventures of the Gauls, dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed took part, playing roles along with the famous Gerard Depardieu.
  • The price for a puppy of this show class breed can be about 60,000-100,000 rubles, a breed class will cost from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles, and a pet puppy can be purchased for 20,000-30,000 rubles.

The West Highland White Terrier is a fairly ancient breed, so there is not so much reliable information about its origin and development as we would like. Few written sources from the Middle Ages claim that the ancestors of today's West Highlands successfully hunted small animals as early as the 12th century. At the same time, modern researchers are sure: the true history of this species of terriers began at least several centuries earlier.

The homeland of the West Highland White Terriers is the western Scotland with its rocky ridges and minimalistic mountain landscapes (West Highland from English - western highlands). It was here that small but grasping shagmatics revealed their hunting potential, pulling otters out of stone crevices and digging badger holes. What's interesting: at first, West Highland White Terriers had a wider palette of colors, ranging from fawn to brindle varieties. But individuals with white wool in those times immemorial were not quoted, as they were considered unnecessarily painful, so the owners tried to get rid of all white puppies in the litter.

The breed owes its present appearance to two eminent Scots who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries - Colonel Edward Malcom and the 8th Duke of Argyll, George Campbell. Both gentlemen approached the issue of animal breeding in an innovative way, starting to select and in every possible way to promote white-haired news. Well, since at that time the name of the West Highland White Terrier was not yet fixed for the breed, the colonel's wards were christened Poltalloch Terriers (after the name of the estate in which they were bred), and the Duke of Argyll's pets - Rosenette Terriers.

The first club of lovers of the West Highland White Terrier breed was opened in Scotland in 1904, and its founder was a descendant of the same George Campbell. Pretty soon, or more precisely, three years later, the first nursery, specializing in the cultivation of snow-white Vestikas, began its activity. However, it was possible to put an end to the formation of the unique exterior of the breed only in 1924, after the breeders were officially prohibited from exhibiting at dog shows, in whose pedigree other representatives of the terrier group were noted (Scottish Terrier, Cairn Terrier).

Video: West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier appearance

The West Highland White Terrier is a snow-white, compact shaggy with an inquisitive look, vaguely reminiscent of the Bichon Frize. Thanks to their cute appearance and more than modest dimensions (the height of an adult dog is up to 28 cm, weight is up to 10 kg), the West Highlands are quite suitable for the role of apartment residents. Moreover, they are not particularly fragile, like most representatives decorative rocks, which means the owner does not have to control every step and jump of the pet.


The skull of the West Highland White Terrier is wide, slightly convex, with a pronounced stop and prominent brow ridges.

Jaws and bite

Despite the fact that the West Highland White Terrier is an almost miniature dog, its jaws are powerful. As for the bite, it is of the representatives of this breed of full, scissor type.


The wide and deeply set eyes of the West Highland White Terrier are almond-shaped and dark color iris. The dog's gaze is intelligent, perceptive.


Have a large, black nose, almost not protruding beyond the muzzle.


The small, pointed ears of the West Highland White Terrier are set not too wide and carried straight. The outer side of the ear canal is covered with a velvety fur that is never cut.


Dogs have a moderately long and well-muscled neck, which gradually thickens towards the body.


The body of the representatives of this breed is compact, with a straight back, a strong lumbar region and a wide croup.


The front legs of the West Highland White Terrier are short, well-muscled and without curvature or eversion. In some cases, the paws of the animal may be slightly unfolded. Experts explain this feature by the fact that during the hunt, the ancestors of today's dogs tore the ground, throwing it to the sides, which provoked an easy marking of the limbs. The hind legs of the West Highlands are short but sinewy, with a fleshy and broad top... Dog's feet are rounded, with plump pads and tightly knitted toes, while the front feet are noticeably larger than the hind feet.


Have a straight tail up to 15 cm long, which it carries almost vertically.


The coat of the West Highland White Terrier consists of a dense, furry undercoat and a coarse top coat, which can be up to 5 cm in length.


The West Highland White Terrier belongs to those few breeds, modern representatives of which exist in a single color - white. An important point: the color of the coat is very unstable and very dependent on external factors, therefore, among animals, individuals are often found whose "coats" have a yellowish undertone.

Defects and Disqualifying Vices

Any more or less noticeable deviations from the standard can affect the show evaluation of the show class West Highland White Terriers. These are usually wavy or curled hair, large ears, short or vice versa - an excessively long neck, atypical set of the limbs. A dog may not be allowed to participate in competitions, as a rule, for two reasons: unreasonable aggression or cowardice, as well as for obvious defects in behavior and physical development.

Photo of west highland white terrier

West Highland White Terrier personality

White and fluffy West Highland White Terriers just outside. Inside, these charming "Scots" are far from being as good as they seem at first glance, moreover, they are rather stubborn and do not really like to observe subordination. At the same time, against the background of their more aggressive and temperamental relatives in the terrier group, the West Highland White Terriers seem, if not quite quiet, then quite manageable pets. However, this is not an innate dignity, but rather the result of the work of pedigree specialists, who for a long time "extinguished" the hunting instincts of the breed and stimulated its companion qualities.

All West Highland White Terriers do not like to be ignored, and these snow-white babies do not cope well with loneliness. So, before you introduce the young news into your house, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice silence and your own peace for the sake of a four-legged hustler. West Highland White Terriers have a partnership with children: they enjoy playing together, while both parties involved in the process feel on an equal footing. It's another matter if the dog has to deal with babies who, through their thoughtlessness, can annoy her with obsession or cause pain. In this case, the lead will definitely fight back (guess in what way).

It is easy for the West Highland White Terrier to delegate guardian duties. Most of this breed has keen hearing and is able to warn the owner about the appearance of a stranger with a sonorous bark. At the same time, they do not feel much hostility towards strangers, which means they will not frighten your guests with sudden swoops and disgruntled grumblings.

Despite all the efforts of the breeders, the specialists in burrow hunting in the West Highland White Terriers have not completely died, so from time to time the dogs will be drawn to exploits. In particular, on walks, Vestikas will selflessly dig trenches in search of an imaginary gopher, and when they see a garbage rat or some other small animal, they will immediately rush into battle. Treat this behavior of a pet with a slight irony: after all, every breed has its own harmless cockroaches.

Education and training

The West Highland White Terrier will never obey the commands of someone who does not respect and considers himself to be deliberately stupid, so the first thing to start training a dog with is to assert his own authority. In addition, the pet will have to be constantly stimulated, since this is not the breed that will work on sheer enthusiasm. If your ward has successfully completed the command, cajole him with a treat, and then give him a pause - West Highland White Terriers like to hunt aimlessly and fool around. By the way, about games: from the very first days, let your pet understand that it is strictly forbidden to practice hunting skills on the owner and the rest of the family. If the angry West Highland White Terrier is still trying to taste your hand or leg, gently turn his attention to the toy.

Important: while training and practicing commands, try to be alone with your pet. The presence of strangers only slows down the training process, since it is more difficult for a dog to concentrate if two people are communicating with it at the same time.

You should train your West Highland White Terrier puppy to use the collar and leash before going out for the first walk. To do this, buy a one and a half to two meter strap and an unfastening collar with a lock, which will not need to be worn over the head, thereby frightening the animal. After the lead turns 10 months old, you can train with him on the sites. Difficult and especially stubborn individuals should be enrolled in some dog club, where an individual training program will be selected for them, as well as their behavior will be corrected.

If you do not want your living together with your West Highland White Terrier to become a who-who-wins confrontation, pay special attention to teaching your pet basic behaviors. In particular, do not let the messenger lie on your bed and do not let him look with hungry eyes at the family members gathered around the table. And there are no exceptions to the rules and indulgences: despite the external weakness and fragility, twisting from the owner of the rope from the West Highlands is simply virtuoso.

Hunting with West Highland White Terrier

As noted earlier, it is not customary to go with today's West Highland White Terriers on foxes and badgers. Moreover, at competitions and exhibitions, representatives of this breed have long been judged exclusively by external parameters and almost never in terms of performance. On the other hand, no one has the right to prohibit the owner of the West Highland White Terrier from walking with his ward on the animal either. So if you are eager to try your pet in business, sign up for any kennel club where there is a training hole, and practice your pupil's hunting talents as much as you want. As practice shows, in their work they are extremely reckless, but at the same time they do not lose their minds. In addition, they very quickly learn the habits of a wild animal and can change tactics of behavior with lightning speed, if the situation requires it.

Every year West Highland White Terriers are increasingly turning into room-sofa pets, and the reason for this is the desire of the owners to keep the soiled "fur coats" of their wards relatively clean. However, by nature, the lead is not so sissy and is quite capable of spending time outside, even if the weather leaves much to be desired. Bright, cute clothes and blankets, in which West Highland White Terriers are often dressed, are by no means a necessary measure, but rather desire the owner to emphasize the uniqueness of his pet. In reality, West Highland White Terriers do not suffer from the cold even in the winter months, provided that you do not keep the dog outside all day.

Trimming and brushing West Highland White Terrier

A nice bonus for fans of sterile cleanliness: West Highland White Terriers do not shed and practically do not smell. Of course, the fur of animals is regularly renewed, but the dead hairs from their "fur coats" do not fall out, but simply fall off. Accordingly, in order to preserve the image of the pet, it will have to be trimmed once every couple of months or, if it is a show dog, every 30 days. A haircut for these charming shaggy people is prohibited, as it changes the structure of the coat, softening it and provoking curling of the hair. As a result, the West Highland White Terrier loses its original appearance and becomes like a hybrid of a lapdog and a Bichon Frize. However, if you are not ambitious and do not plan to go to exhibitions, you can try to cut your ward's hair. Your self-esteem for the message will not be affected in the least.

Before trimming, the West Highland White Terrier is thoroughly combed, after which the throat area and the area at the elbows are treated with a stripping knife as short as possible. The line from the withers to the croup, as well as the crest of the neck, is also pinched with a knife, keeping total length wool 4-5 cm and smoothing transitions. As an example: an exemplary West Highland White Terrier must have short hair on the sides and the so-called skirt - lush, decorating the fur on the sternum. The hair on the forehead, crown and cheekbones is plucked by hand (plucking technique), giving the head the shape of a chrysanthemum. The hair on the legs is usually not shortened.

If you want to preserve the unique snow-white color of the West Highland White Terrier, get ready to devote an extra hour to an hour and a half to your pet's coat. The fact is that the wool of representatives of this breed often turns yellow when dog saliva gets on it or from feed, therefore, to neutralize unwanted undertones, it is necessary to use a cleaning composition of crushed chalk and boric acid... The mixture is rubbed into the slightly moistened wool, after which its chalky particles are combed out with a regular hair brush.


Once a month, West Highland White Terriers are bathed with diluted pet shampoo (conventional remedies will not work). Not the most useless purchase - a whitening shampoo, which allows you to preserve the exquisite shade of the vest's coat. Just do not test it on a puppy, otherwise you risk seriously spoiling the baby's hair structure. Otherwise, any detergent formulation designed specifically for wire-haired dogs is suitable for the representatives of this breed.

Once every 5-6 days, the West Highland White Terrier should be combed with a rare comb with metal teeth that will not tear the undercoat, but only gently remove dead hair and debris. But this is if the pet's fur coat is tough and healthy. Individuals with soft wool will have to be combed more often, otherwise tangles are provided for you. In addition, do not forget to wipe the dog's face with a napkin after eating so that food debris does not get stuck in the coat and does not provoke a change in its color.

Once a week, you need to pay attention to your ears: pluck out long hair that interferes with the free circulation of air inside the ear funnel, and remove dirt accumulated in the sink. The eyes of the West Highland White Terrier are best examined every day. If brown streaks are found on the fur under the lower eyelids, the dog is most likely allergic, so grab the pet in an armful and run to the veterinarian for a consultation. The Vestikos' teeth are brushed a couple of times a week. In addition, it is useful to introduce various solid foods into the dog's diet, the particles of which act as abrasives and partially remove plaque. The paws of the West Highland White Terrier also need care, so after each walk they should be thoroughly rinsed, and in winter, when the roads are sprinkled with reagents, they should also be lubricated with vegetable oil.


If your West Highland White Terrier does not hunt (and he probably does not hunt), compensate for his lack of adrenaline and positive emotions will have to walk and exercise. It is necessary to take the Vestikans out onto the street at least twice, and preferably three times a day, and it should not be 15-minute jogging on the playground. The first walks begin at 3 months of age, after the puppy has been routinely vaccinated and spent a week in quarantine. By the way, up to 6 months, babies are taken out into the street (they are taken out, not taken out) 5-6 times a day, which is due to the need to form their ability to relieve themselves outside the home.

News loves to dig in the ground and are able to destroy a well-groomed flower bed or green lawn in a matter of minutes, so if you do not want to constantly argue with landscape designers and public utilities, it is better not to let your pet off the leash in the city. Walking with the West Highland White Terrier in nature, it is also better not to lose vigilance. Firstly, because dogs that are drugged by unfamiliar smells and sounds instantly become difficult to control. And secondly, because the news is experiencing a real passion for the fall, in which they prefer to tumble well before reacting to the command of the owner.


The diet of the West Highland is not much different from the menu of its other terrier brethren. In particular, half of the dog's meal should be lean meat, which is supplemented with vegetables (broccoli, pumpkin, turnip), cereals (rice, buckwheat), dairy products and fruits. However, since most people tend to be prone to food allergies, the approach to the preparation of the menu should be as careful as possible and preferably with the involvement of a veterinarian.

Eliminate chicken from the West Highland White Terrier's diet once and for all and wheat grits... The same rule applies to industrial feed. If in the composition of the store "drying" were found Wheat flour and chick, put this product back on the shelf and never look at it again. As for vitamin supplements, sometimes chopped greens (nettle, dandelion, parsley), brewer's yeast and salmon oil can be mixed into the feed of West Highland White Terriers. Once a week it will be useful to treat a fluffy quail egg, and in season it can be pampered with half an apricot, a slice of pear or a ripe plum. By the way, despite the fact that West Highland White Terrier sweets are strictly prohibited, dogs are just crazy about them. So when you are about to eat ice cream or candy, do not forget to hide well from the four-legged beggar.

For your information: The coat of the West Highland White Terrier can change its color and acquire a yellowish undertone if the dog's diet includes foods containing artificial or natural dyes. For pets, this is not critical, but for show-class individuals, such changes can fundamentally spoil an exhibition career.

West Highland White Terrier health and disease

West Highland White Terriers live on average up to 13-15 years old and are less prone to hereditary ailments than their terrier counterparts.

Diseases that can occur in West Highland White Terriers:

  • cranial osteopathy;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • epidermal dysplasia;
  • ichthyosis;
  • congenital deafness;
  • dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • diabetes;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • meningoencephalitis in white dogs;
  • Perthes disease;
  • Shaker's syndrome;
  • hypeuricosuria.

How to choose a puppy

  • Choose reliable, proven nurseries registered by the RKF. They usually have all planned mating.
  • Give preference to breeders or kennels who are ready to provide advice to their clients throughout the puppy's growing up period. Unscrupulous "breeders", whose main goal is to make a profit from the sale of animals, as a rule, do not make such concessions.
  • If possible, take a look at a few litters. Offspring from different parents can differ significantly in both external and behavioral indicators.
  • The gender of the West Highland White Terrier practically does not affect the type of his temperament and intellectual abilities, although it is believed that males of this breed learn faster than bitches.
  • Assess the level of hygiene and conditions of the puppies in the kennel. It is great if the kids do not sit in dirty cages, but move freely around the territory allotted to them.
  • Feel the belly of the puppy you like. If additional swelling is felt in the navel or there is a protrusion of the peritoneum, it is likely that in the future the baby will be diagnosed with a hernia.
  • Responsible breeders test West Highland White Terriers for genetic diseases, so before buying, do not be too lazy to familiarize yourself with the test results, so that later you will not be surprised where your baby has health problems.

Photos of West Highland White Terrier puppies

How much does a West Highland White Terrier cost

The average price tag for a promising West Highland White Terrier puppy, in whose pedigree the international champions were noted, is 30,000 - 45,000 rubles. A pet with minor exterior defects can be purchased for 15,000 - 20,000 rubles.

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