How does our hair live? The life cycle of our hair

human varies from 1 to 6 years. During this time, the hair in the heart grows by 75-90 cm.Then another hair grows in its place. new hair.

A person loses 0.1% of hair daily

If theoretically a person had never cut his hair, then by the end of his life he could go down his own from the windows of the second floor of a multi-storey building. According to medical scientists, hair could grow up to almost 8 meters. However, they do not grow ...

There are about 100 thousand hair follicles on our head. Each of these follicles is capable of producing only one hair. The period of activity of the follicle is between a year and 6 years. Follicles work in cycles. First, the period of activity is 1-6 years, then the follicle rests for 3-4 months.

After rest, new hair grows if the follicle is not in the baldness zone. Thus, 85% of the hair on our heads is in the process of growing. The resting phase accounts for 1% of the hair, and 14% is ready to fall out.

If you find a lot of hair on the comb, do not rush to get upset, because this is a natural process. As a result of the end hair life, a person loses 30 to 100 hairs a day.

Fortunately, modern European hair products have been created that actively restore the hair follicle, care for and help prolong the life of the hair. Such Matrix products can be bought in an online cosmetics store from Europe. A wide assortment and excellent quality of products will not leave you indifferent.

Incredible facts

Despite the fact that they are not vital organs human body most people spend a lot of time, taking care of your hair and nails.

The next time you go for a haircut or manicure, remember these facts.

Facial hair

Facial hair grows faster, than any other body hair. If average person have not shaved my beard all my life, then it would have grown by 9 m.

A person is constantly losing hair, which is approximately 60-100 pieces per day. The amount of hair lost depends on several factors, including: change of season, pregnancy, illness, diet, age.

Different hair

Women's hair in diameter twice fewer men. Men's hair is rougher than women's.

The diameter of a man's hair can vary greatly.

One human hair can support the weight of 99 BC Therefore, the tale of Rapunzel actually looks believable.

Special nail

Fastest growing nail on the middle toe. It is not yet known why, but nail growth is associated with long fingers. The longer the finger, the faster the nails will grow.

Who has more hair

Some people increased amount hair almost like a chimpanzee. In this regard, humans are not very different from monkeys. We all have a lot of hair, but we do not notice this, since most of the hairs are too thin and small.

Blondes have more hair than brunettes.

Hair color determines its density. Everyone has on average 100 000 hair follicles, each of which is capable of producing 20 individual hairs throughout a person's life.

Blondes have an average of 146,000 follicles, while people with black hair typically have around 110,000 follicles. People with brown hair have an average of 100,000 follicles and redheads have the least Thick hair, about 86,000 follicles.

Interesting fact! Superimposed on each other keratin scales form the outer shell of the hair. Kernel- this is visible part hair. Hair root called the part of the hair that is under the skin. The hair root, in turn, is surrounded by a hair follicle, which is called follicle.

Hair type depends from the shape of the follicle. Slightly curly hair grows from an oval follicle, curly from a kidney follicle and straight from a round follicle.

Nail growth

The fingernails are growing 4 times faster than toenails. If you notice that you are cutting your fingernails more often, then this is not your imagination. This is due to the fact that those nails that receive more external influence and are used more often, grow faster. On average, nails on both feet and hands grow by 0.25 cm every month.

Hair lifespan

The average lifespan of human body hair is from 3 to 7 years old. Despite the fact that your hair grows every day and rather quickly, it can live a very long time, provided it is well cared for.

Hair growth takes place throughout our life. This process is natural and is part of functioning healthy body... Many people mistakenly believe that the strands grow continuously and only some of them fall out for some reason. However, this opinion is erroneous, since each hair during its not very long life cycle goes through several stages or phases of development.

Each follicle is subject to a completely individual hair cycle, which proceeds with a time shift compared to the cycle of each neighboring follicle. One hair grows, the other is dormant, while the third hair prepares to fall out. This asynchronous growth ensures that a person always has enough hair on his head, except of course when a person is prone to increased hair loss (alopecia).


Life cycle hair proceeds in 3 phases, which are constantly repeated.

HEIGHT(anagen phase): The hair root nourishes the hair and it grows. The cells divide fairly quickly, almost five times faster than normal skin cells. Cell nutrition has a very great importance so that the hairy substance (keratin) is constantly renewed.

About 85 to 90 percent of the hair is in this active state, which has a duration of three to seven years. How long hair has continued to grow is determined by heredity. For eyebrows, for example, this period is only four months.

How productive the cells really are is shown by the following calculation: With a growth of 0.4 mm per day and an average of 100,000 hairs on the head, the daily growth rate of hair is about 40 meters. This means that about 1200 meters of new hair grows on the head in a month.

But hair can never grow infinitely long, as can be seen in the following example: For each hair growth per centimeter per month and a growth duration (due to heredity) of three to seven years, a hair can grow in length from 36 to 84 centimeters. Of course, they can grow longer, but not indefinitely.

TRANSITION(catagenic phase): Transformation processes take place in the hair follicle and the hair is no longer supplied with nutrients. About one to three percent of all hair is in this stage, which lasts three to four weeks. The hair root is becoming more and more keratinized.

Peace and rejection(telogen phase): Hair attachment becomes more and more weaker. Now even light mechanical stress, such as combing or brushing, washing hair or simply growing new hair, is sufficient to make old hair fall out. This phase lasts two to three months, after which the hair is detached from the root. 12 to 15 percent of all hairs are in this phase of rejection. Thus, according to the structure of the hair roots, it is possible to determine in which phase of the life cycle it is in this moment every hair.


The formation of our hair begins in the mother's womb. At this stage, only vellus hairs on the body of the head are laid and grow. They are soft and short and lack pigment. Shortly before the baby is born, some of these hairs are replaced with pigmented ones.

In the first years of a baby's life, vellus hairs replace the so-called intermediate ones. Later, namely during puberty, they are transformed into harder strands, which are called terminal strands. They are much denser and may differ slightly in shade from the previous ones. At this stage, body hairs also appear. In the area of ​​the eyebrows, eyelids and in the nostrils there is a special type - bristly hair. Each person on the surface of the head simultaneously has all the named species.

In general, the growth of the strand is carried out due to cell division, which lie in the deep layers of the dermis and are not visible to our eye. In order to understand this process, you need to learn more about the structure of the hairs.


Each hair consists of several parts:

  1. The rod is the part that is visible and lies above the surface of the epidermis, it is composed of inanimate cellular structures that are filled with keratin;
  2. Root - this constituent element lies at a depth of about 2.5 mm in the thickness of the skin, and it is composed of living cells that are capable of developing, dividing and growing continuously.

It is the bulbs that largely determine the state and appearance hair, and also determine the process of hair growth. However, the division of cellular structures cannot occur without the participation of tissues located near the roots. Together, these structures make up a part of the hair called a follicle or sac. They come up to him blood vessels and nerve endings.

Interestingly, the shape of the follicle determines the appearance of the hair:

  • curly curls appear from the oval;
  • straight, smooth strands grow from a round hair follicle;
  • kidney-shaped gives curly hair.

The hair follicle has great value for the growth and health of curls. If it is damaged, then the dying off of the root will occur, and in the future its restoration seems impossible. Also, next to the hair follicle pass sebaceous glands, they also significantly affect the condition and beauty of the hair. With underdeveloped ducts, the scalp is dry and peeling is observed. If the sebaceous glands are enlarged and actively work, then the dermis will be oily and shiny. The secretion produced is antibacterial and protective function for the skin.

Healthy, staying in good condition bulbs are able to provide complete and fast growth hair, as well as increase their lifespan.


The growth process of the strands is cyclical. Over the course of its life, the hairs go through several successive stages, each of which has its own characteristics.


The whole process of strand growth begins precisely with the growth phase - anagen. At this moment, the cells of the hairs, which lie in the bulb, begin to activate for division. The "signal" for this implementation of this process comes from the hormones contained in the blood. With the formation of new cellular structures, the follicle expands in width, the core is formed and gradually thickens, the formation of a coloring pigment - melanin occurs. The pigment quickly penetrates into the structure of the hair and determines its color. However, the rod does not yet cross the boundaries of the epidermis, but only approaches its upper layer.

This phase of hair growth is the longest, it can last from 2 to 5 years. True, as a person grows up and ages, the stage gradually becomes shorter and shorter. At this stage, there is usually about 80-90% of all curls.

During the anagen period, the hair gradually begins to go beyond the upper border of the epidermis and rises above the surface of the skin. By this time, the bulb had already finally formed and acquired its shape: in some people it is round, in others it is slightly flattened or has the shape of an ellipse. The hair shaft lengthens by an average of 0.5 mm daily during the anagen phase.


This is the shortest stage in the life cycle of a strand; catagen takes only 2-4 weeks. At this point in time, the hair shaft is completely exposed to the surface and is significantly elongated. The bulb in the bag rises slightly upward, moving closer to the borders of the epidermis, its cells begin to regress. In the catagen phase, the blood stops supplying the hair follicle, and it gradually shrinks, decreasing in size to 1/6 of its previous state. At the same moment, the production of the coloring pigment stops.

Cellular structures of hairs and roots that have lost their nutrition stop dividing further, and the growth of curls completely stops. About 2-3% of all strands are at the catagen stage.

The phases of hair growth, along with the features of their structure, determine the appearance of the entire head of hair. For example, it is much easier to grow long and beautiful curls in young age, this is due to the fact that with each new cycle the hair grows to a shorter length. In addition, after 30 years, the rate of regrowth of the strand gradually becomes lower. In total, each human hair goes through about 25 cycles.


it final stage in the life cycle of curls. In the telogen phase, the hair follicle is at rest. During this period, the hair is held only skin, therefore, it is not difficult to remove it, or it will fall out on its own. This usually happens at the moment when new, emerging and forming hair begins to push out the old one. At this time, the hair follicle again enters the anagen stage, and the process of new hair formation begins in it.

The duration of the telogen phase is 3 months. At this stage, about 10% of all curls are at one moment, so every day we can lose 50-100 hairs. Next begins new cycle growth of strands. Thus, on average, 20 to 40 hairs are generated in a follicle over the course of a person's entire life.

Our strands grow daily and continuously, during the day this process is faster than at night. During the off-season (autumn and spring), the speed also increases. In children, curls grow by about 13 mm in a month, in adults a little faster - by 15 mm, this process is most active in the period of 16-25 years, it slows down with age, and the hair growth rate no longer exceeds 11 mm.


Loss of curls is a completely normal and natural process, so old hairs are gradually replaced by new ones. At the same time, the phases of growth and rest are observed in neighboring follicles at different times, otherwise balding areas would periodically appear on the scalp.

For those people who are not familiar with the problem of strong hair loss, each newly growing hair does not differ from the previous one, it has the same thickness and can grow to the same length. Hair loss rate - up to 100 pcs. daily, this is about 1/10 of the head of hair. If this number is significantly higher, then there is reason for concern, perhaps, in this case, we are already talking about pathological process- loss of curls.

In the early stages of hair loss, weakening, thinning and deterioration of the condition of the strands is observed. If at this moment to resort to treatment, then there is every chance to return the roots to their previous health. Otherwise, the curls will become worse and thinner, and the rate of their regrowth will slow down, the hair will fall out more often, and bald areas will become noticeable on the head.


  1. Incorrect and too frequent dyeing causes destruction of hair follicles, as chemicals can penetrate deep into the dermis. This situation leads to premature transition hairs in the catagen phase.
  2. When there is a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients hair follicles gradually begin to die off, and the strand rods lose their shine and elasticity.
  3. Diseases internal organs and the use of some drugs lead to a deterioration in the condition of the bulbs and strands.
  4. Stressful situations and excessive physical exercise lead to the fact that the hair begins to thin not immediately, but after 2-3 months.
  5. Improper care of curls, the influence of direct rays of the sun on them, overheating and hypothermia have a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair and its follicles.


The problem of hair thinning is observed in cases where the telogen stage in the life cycle of the strands begins to drag on and take longer, or the rest phase affects more than 10% of the scalp. In this case, it becomes noticeable how the density of the curls decreases, and the strands are lost more and more often.

  1. At the heart of most anti-baldness research is the idea of ​​shortening the duration of telogen and stimulating "dormant" bulbs.
  2. Another group of methods is aimed at restoring the functions and activity of hair follicles.
  3. The effectiveness of cosmetics containing vitamins and other nutrients for the restoration of hair follicles has also been proven.

Our curls grow constantly throughout our life, but the speed is different. This indicator depends on age, season, conditions environment and the individual characteristics of each person.

The life cycle of hair is often compared to the process of plant growth throughout the year: roots appear and develop in spring, active growth begins in summer, it slows down by autumn, a period of regression sets in, and dying occurs. In this regard, do not be afraid of the fact that strands leave our head every day, but when severe loss you need to think about and take appropriate measures.


  • The hair on the head is genetically programmed to repeat its growth up to 25 times throughout a person's life.
  • The length of the hair can increase by 12 mm every month.
  • If you never cut your hair, then its length can reach 107 cm.
  • Hair growth is faster during sleep and in summer.
  • Hair grows faster at the age of 16-24.
  • In women 40-50 years old, up to 20% of the hairline falls out.
  • As you grow older hairline becomes drier.

Control over the hair growth cycle

Each human hair follicle functions according to an individual biological rhythm. Therefore, even if the growth of individual hairs begins at the same time, gradually the synchronicity is lost. As a result, on any part of the head, a mosaic pattern of follicles is formed in relation to the stages in which the hair cycle is located.

The evidence of the presence of its own cycle in each follicle can serve as the peculiarities of their development during transplantation. Hair follicles transplanted to balding areas continue to be in the anagen phase. That is, the signals for the vital activity of each follicle are individual. But at the same time, the influence of exogenous factors on hair growth is not excluded, such as the level of hormones, metabolic processes, the content of micro and macro elements, and others.


  • At frequent haircuts hair growth is not enhanced. Visually, the effect is ensured by the fact that the hairline looks healthier and thicker, since split ends are cut off and the hair "breathes".
  • The number of hairs falling out will not increase as the length increases.
  • Anti-tangle shampoo is not a hair loss remedy. However, it can preserve the hair, since the hairline will be less prone to trauma when combing. Read more:
  • Conditioner after shampooing is not at all an "extra" remedy. Most of these products are rich in collagen, which helps to restore hair and renew the hair structure.

The hair cycle has certain advantages that none of the other skin appendages have. So if hair growth continued indefinitely, and there was no periodic hair loss, then this would harm the functional abilities of a person. If the life cycle of all follicles occurred synchronously, then all hair would grow and fall out at the same time. That is, a person in one period of his life would be absolutely bald, and in another he would have a very thick head of hair.

If the scalp is healthy, then about 10-15% of it is in the telogen phase. If this ratio exceeds 20%, then it is advisable to conduct an analysis for the presence of pathologies.

Video: trichologist consultation

Hair growth is due to the proliferation of cells in the upper layer of the skin. It is known that they grow constantly, but at a different rate, which depends on the age of the person and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Already in the womb, human hair begins to grow, but also vellus hair, which will begin to fall out soon after birth and will gradually be replaced with new ones over time. Hair grows much more slowly in babies and old people than in healthy mature people. On average, hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month.

Each individual hair "lives" for a certain period of time, and then falls out; after a while, it is replaced by a new hair, and so on throughout human life. The average lifespan of a hair on the head is four years.

Human hair performs a protective function, protecting the head from the adverse effects of sunlight, chemicals and atmospheric factors.

Hair growth phases

Hair growth is a cyclical process, it lasts throughout our life. Hair grows continuously, faster during the day than at night, and in spring and autumn, hair growth also accelerates. The average hair growth rate in children is 13 mm, in adults - 15 mm and in the elderly - 11 mm per month.

Hair growth phases- these are certain stages of the life cycle that each hair goes through from the moment of birth to natural shedding. There are three phases of hair life:

Anagen (growth phase)- the period of formation of a new hair, namely a new hair follicle - the root of the future hair. This is the longest phase of hair growth and lasts 2-4 years. Throughout this period, the hair grows continuously. Often we do not let go of our hair for so long, but just go to the hairdresser. By the way, the phase of hair growth - anagen is interestingly observed in newborns. At birth, their head is practically bald and at 2-4 years old it is already covered with full-fledged hair. The analogue of the season of the anagen phase in plants is spring. Intensive hair growth occurs. Cells hair follicle at the same time they are intensively divided.

Catagen (intermediate phase)- called the resting period of the hair, or the boundary phase of hair growth, this is the end of hair growth. Some processes may still be ongoing or close to completion, but in fact the hair is no longer growing. This is the most short phase hair growth in the hair life cycle, it lasts 2-3 weeks. An analogue of the season of the catagen phase in plants is summer (June). Hair growth in the follicle stops, the pigment is not formed, the follicle contracts, and its base moves towards the skin surface.

Telogen (rest or shedding phase)- during which hair can spontaneously fall out or be removed with light effort. Telogen lasts an average of 3 months. Hair falls out at the moment when new hair begins to grow under it.

Exists early telogen and late telogen.

V early telogen phase the hair no longer grows. This can be noticed by young girls who like to grow a braid to the waist, it grows to a certain size (the length of the braid, its size are individual and depend on the speed of hair growth), and then it simply does not grow. Then, as a rule, they get tired of looking after her and they cut their hair. The early telogen phase is sometimes equated with the catagen phase, and is not isolated into a separate phase. The analogue of the season of the early telogen phase in plants is summer (August).

Late telogen phase- this is a natural death - hair loss. The hair may still be in the follicle for some time, but as a rule, after 3-4 months (the duration of the telogen phase), it will fall out. And again, a new hair growth cycle begins - the anagen phase. Sometimes the late telogen phase is simply called the telogen phase. The analogue of the season of the late telogen phase in plants is autumn (November).

So, we have learned the basic life cycles of hair. Now you understand that baldness is just a failure in this very change in the growth phases of the foliage. As if in the summer it suddenly snowed and frost began.

Hair loss is part normal process replacing old hair with new ones. The average percentage of hairs in the anagen, telogen and catagen stages is 85, 14 and 1 percent, respectively.

Hair types

There are three types of hair - cannon, bristly and long... There are also a number of transitional types of hair inherent in humans in different periods its development.

Fluffy hair cover the skin of the arms, legs and trunk. This hair is soft, short (about 1.5 mm in length), non-pigmented and lacking in medulla. This is the first hair that appears on the body of the fetus during intrauterine development; they are also called "primary". Shortly before birth, vellus hair is partially replaced by pigmented hair. In the first years after birth, this type of hair on the scalp is transformed into the so-called intermediate hairs, which at the beginning of puberty are replaced by harder ones - terminal ones, they can have a slightly different color and density than the hair of the previous generation. In addition, the terminal hair is noticeably denser.

Bristly hair- these are eyebrows, eyelashes and those that grow in the nostrils. They are quite tough, pigmented, but not long. By old age, this hair begins to grow stronger on the face, mainly in men.

Long hair grow on the head, beard, chest, armpits and on the external genitals. Hair on the scalp undergoes several stages of development: their noticeable growth begins at the age of 2-3 years, and during puberty they acquire their final appearance. In the same period, pubic and armpit hairs are slightly modified - they become thicker and curly. In normal cases, the distribution of body hair is dictated by gender, age, nationality.

Hair types

Now let's consider Hair types.

For effective hair care important factor- this is to correctly determine your hair type, since otherwise you can only worsen their condition.

Hair is conventionally divided into three main types - oily, dry and normal.

Oily hair depends on the type of skin: oily hair grows on oily skin, dry hair grows on dry. Normal skin is moderately oily, not dry, does not flake, does not have large pores and blackheads. Oily skin is covered with a thicker layer of sebum and has a specific oily sheen. This type of skin is characterized by enlarged pores. Dry skin is often flaky, chapped, irritated. However, mixed skin types are also very common.

Accordingly, we will consider the types of hair in more detail.

Fatty hair has a characteristic dull sheen, through a short time after washing, they stick together and begin to seem dirty, untidy. Greasy hair often combined with oily dandruff, they are thicker than normal.

The next day after washing, or even by the end of the day, the hair loses its volume, begins to shine strongly, individual strands stick together. As a rule, if the hair is oily, then on the face oily skin, that is, the sebaceous glands produce more sebum than needed.

Dry hair is thinner, fluffy, fragile, poorly reflects light, because of this, they look dull, lacking gloss. They tear easily, get confused, difficult to comb, split at the ends. Quite often, along with this, peeling of the scalp occurs, dry dandruff appears.

If the sebaceous glands on the scalp secrete little sebum, the hair becomes dry and brittle, often breaking and splitting. However, dry hair is often the result of improper care, and not a consequence of the decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Normal hair - reflects light well, shimmers in the sun, elastic, moderately thin, not too dry or greasy, there is no dandruff on the scalp. This means that the sebaceous glands of the scalp and the whole body produce no more fat than normal, and hormonal metabolism is not disturbed. Hair has a healthy shine, does not stick to each other on the fifth or sixth day after shampooing.

Along with these three main types, there are also mixed(combined) type, and hair can be emaciated and damaged.

Hair mixed type, this is usually long hair, oily at the roots and dry at the ends due to the fact that they are not sufficiently greased along the entire length. The ends of this type of hair often split without getting the necessary lubrication.

The head has to be washed often, and this makes the hair even drier. This problem is well known to women who often use a hairdryer or constantly color their hair. At the same time, their hair was originally of the fatty type.

Depleted hair is usually rough and has lost its shine and manageability. If such changes occurred quickly and abruptly, then this serious reason for anxiety. It should also not be forgotten that some hair changes occur gradually and can only be noticed in a timely manner under a microscope.

Damaged hair also looks different, such processes can occur with it:

Split- the end of the hair resembles a brush or broom. Some of these hairs are also found among healthy hair... Sometimes splitting starts in the middle of the hair. This hair gets tangled, very difficult to comb, and for the most part they remain on the comb, and carry along with normal hair.

The reason for this phenomenon is not entirely safe. general state the body when the nutrition of the follicle is disturbed. There may be problems with vascular system... It is worth paying attention to the state of your health, if necessary, consult a doctor. And be sure to cut the "wrong" ends.

Hair knots- On the hair shaft, thickenings are formed, resembling nodules. If you look at them under a microscope, you can see a split hair shaft that resembles two panicles nested one inside the other. Hair often breaks off at the site of these knots. Most likely, the process of keratinization of the hair is disrupted. The reason may lie in improper care: frequent curling, combing, the use of certain chemicals. In this case, you should cut your hair short and provide it with thorough care. If after two months nodules still form, you need to consult a specialist.

Hair loops- the hair itself is curled into loops and tied in knots. Sometimes there is one loop or knot on the hair, sometimes several.

In the lumen of the loop, microscopic dust particles and skin discharge are retained. Hair is easily tangled, it becomes more difficult to comb it, and it is completely impossible to style it. This happens if the hair is too dry, or if it is not properly cared for.

Hair becomes damaged, as a rule, after dyeing and perm. Such hair lacks softness, it feels rough and uneven to the touch. The main problem of such hair is the lack of moisture, and all the means that are used to treat them are designed to compensate for this lack. Damaged hair cannot be dried with a hairdryer, and if you cannot do without a hairdryer, then you must definitely use hair styling products that will help reduce harmful effect hair dryer.

Hair shape

The shape of the hair depends on the shape and spatial location of the follicle, the inclination of the hair shaft relative to the skin surface, the amount of keratin in the hair shaft, race and individual characteristics. In short, the shape of the hair depends on the shape of the root.

There are three types of hair shape: smooth or straight(1-3), wavy(4-6) and curly(7-9)

In turn, smooth hair is divided into: flat-wavy, tight, smooth.

Wavy on: broad-wavy, narrow-wavy, curly;

Curled on: curly, slightly curly, strongly curly, weakly coiled, highly coiled.

On the cut, smooth hair forms a circle, wavy hair forms an oval, and curly hair forms a flattened oval.

Different human races have different hair quality.

Have Caucasian (European) race the hair is straight or slightly wavy, usually fine. They are not very resistant to mechanical, physical and chemical attack... But they are very varied in color - from very light to black and red.

Have representatives of the Asian (Eastern) race the hair is thick, strong and straight, usually black. They are able to grow longer than representatives of other groups. Can withstand great amount dyeing and curling procedures. This hair is the most resistant to any impact, therefore it is used in most wigs and hairpieces.

In people Afro-Caribbean group hair is very curly, coarse, and at the same time - thin, with a porous structure. Hair color is defined by a combination of black and red pigments, which gives shades from black to golden brown. This type of hair is more vulnerable than the hair of other ethnic groups.

Why do some people have wonderful fluffy hairstyles, while others do not? What, do they have more hair, or are they somehow differently arranged? And how many hairs on the head does a person have in general? Let's start from the very beginning. The first hairs begin to appear in the embryo at 4 - 5 months in the mother's belly. At first, there are very few of them. Gradually, their number reaches the normal, average.

And what is it, normal? Experts give a figure of 100 thousand. But it is very average. The actual number varies greatly. You can say, for example, how many hairs are on the head of blondes - 150 thousand (it turns out that blondes are the hairiest). And the weakest "hat" has a red-haired European, who has about 70 thousand hairs.

It's no secret that our "hairstyle" is constantly being updated. The residue on the comb should not scare anyone, unless, of course, it goes off scale. A natural question arises, how much hair should fall out, say, in a day. You can do some simple calculations. About 15% of the hair is in the process of hair loss, which lasts up to 100 days. Let's take the average hairiness figure, which is typical for most brunettes (100 thousand). This means that 15 thousand hairs are going to fall out. If this number is divided by 100 days, then it turns out that about 150 pieces should fall out every day.

Of course, no one will count how many hairs are left on a person's head, because new ones appear instead of those that have fallen out, and this process is continuous. That's why general form our hair does not change, unless, of course, we visit a hairdresser.

However, most women are not so much worried about the question as the hair on the head, how long the hair lives, how long it grows and how to make the hair thick and beautiful. It turns out that one hair lives in women almost 2.5 times longer than in men (five years versus two). And by the way, this hair contains practically full information about our life during its existence. When the hair cycle ends, it falls out and hair follicle"Takes vacation" for three months. Then, with renewed vigor, he takes up the "bearing" of new hair. One bulb can grow up to 30 new hairs. By the way, men and women have one more difference: women's hair sits under the skin 2 mm deeper than men's. So, the problem of baldness worries more the strong half of humanity.

Hair growth rates vary in humans. The maximum figure is 0.5 mm per day, per month it will be 1.5 cm. On average, 1 cm per month is considered normal. This speed also depends on the length of the hair. The smaller it is, the faster the hair grows back.

But, perhaps, it is not so interesting how many hairs there is on a person's head, how what influences hair growth. And, of course, I want to know why some people grow hair faster, while others slower. To do this, let's talk a little about Actually, the core itself is 95% keratin. It is a proteinaceous horny substance rich in sulfur and nitrogen. Growth depends on how much of this keratin our body produces in the follicle. This is such a bag in which the hair follicle is located, from which it receives all the nutrients and building materials, as well as pigment. Pigment, as well as substances useful for hair growth, is released less with age, therefore, there is not as much hair on the head of older people as it was in their youth, and gray hair appears.

We can summarize: how many hairs on the head of a particular person depends on age, gender, hair growth rate and, of course, on how we care for them. Do not neglect special cosmetics which help hair to become stronger, better adhere to the follicle and grow faster.

And finally, a few interesting facts about our hair:

  • 20 tons of cargo can withstand an average female braid;
  • a Vietnamese man who has not cut his hair in over 30 years;
  • human hair can be stretched up to 20%, after which it will return to its original length.
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