How long does it take for wheat porridge to be digested in the stomach? Products that are “average” in terms of digestion time. Digestion time for dairy products

Consider the digestion time of various foods. I think many people will be interested in this and every person should have an idea about it. Knowing the digestion time of foods is very important to maintain your health. If you know the digestion time of food, you will be able to prepare dishes that will be digested normally in your stomach and will not poison the body with toxins from undigested food residues.

When talking about the digestion time of food, we will understand the full cycle, that is, the period of time that is necessary for foods to be completely broken down into useful substances. Many gastroenterologists will tell you that the digestion time of even heavy meat products does not exceed 4-5 hours. But they talk about the time it takes for food to be digested in the stomach. In fact, food does not stay in the stomach for more than 4 hours. After which it goes first to small intestine, where the process of assimilation occurs, and then in colon for removal.

The figures below are average values. The time of digestion and assimilation also depends on the individual characteristics of the body, on the diet, food composition, amount of food eaten and on the compatibility of products with each other. So, friends, let's look at which foods pass through our stomach almost instantly, and which stay there for many hours.

Water - if your stomach is empty, then water goes straight into the intestines.

Fruits and vegetables

On average, fruits take 30-60 minutes to digest. Digesting fruits requires almost no energy or enzymes.

Fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable broths - 20-30 minutes.

Semi-liquid juices, such as pureed vegetable or fruit salad - 20-30 minutes. For example, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, will leave our stomach within 20 minutes after you drink it.

Juicy fruits: oranges, apples, pears, plums and so on. For example, a couple of eaten juicy and aromatic oranges will leave the stomach in 30-40 minutes. Grapefruits, grapes - 30 minutes. Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc. - 40 minutes

Fleshy fruits and dried fruits: bananas, figs, dates will go through the stomach in no time. longer time than juicy fruits, but still very quickly compared to the products that come next. Watermelon - 20 minutes. Melons - 30 minutes.

Raw mixed vegetable salads - tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, celery, green or red pepper, other juicy vegetables - 30-40 minutes

Leafy vegetables - spinach, endive, kale - 40 minutes

Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin, corn on the cob - 45 minutes

Root vegetables - carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc. - 50 minutes

Cereals, cereals and legumes

Digestion time for grains

Concentrated carbohydrates - cereals and cereals. The digestion time of cereals and grains in the stomach increases sharply. Therefore, it is recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach, separately from cereals and cereals. A plate of regular porridge leaves the stomach only after 4-5 hours!

Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, corn flour, oats, pearl barley - 90 minutes

Durum wheat pasta - 3 hours

Semi-concentrated carbohydrates - starches, Jerusalem artichoke, acorns, corn, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams, chestnuts - 60 minutes

Digestion time for legumes

Beans and legumes. Regular peas and chickpeas, lentils, beans (white, red, black) are digested in an hour and a half. Soya beans- 2 hours

Grains or legumes of one type: 2.5-3 tsp.
Mixture of grains and/or legumes (no more than two types): 3-3.5 tsp.
Mixture of grains and/or legumes (more than two types): more than 4-5 hours.

Nuts and seeds

Seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, sesame - about 2 hours
Nuts - almonds, peanuts (raw), cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts are digested in 2.5-3 hours.
Tip: If you soak the seeds and nuts in water overnight and then crush them, they will be absorbed faster.
Soaked nuts: 1.5 tsp.


Raw milk leaves the stomach slowly, pasteurized milk even slower, and boiled milk even slower. Milk that is rich in fat passes through the stomach more slowly than milk that is low in fat.

Skim milk, ricotta, low-fat cottage cheese, feta cheese, and homemade cheese are digested in about 90 minutes.
Milk is completely digested within 12 hours. Tea or coffee with milk: 24 hours.

Whole milk cottage cheese - 2 hours
Hard cheese made from whole milk, such as Dutch and Swiss, will require 4 to 5 hours to digest.
Fermented milk drinks - 1 hour

Animal proteins

Boiled eggs stay in the stomach longer than raw eggs. Scrambled eggs remain there for just as long.
Egg yolk - 30 minutes
Egg (completely) - 45 minutes.
Fish - 45-60 minutes
Chicken - 1-2 hours (without skin)
Turkey - 2 hours (without skin)
Beef, lamb - 3-4 hours
Pork - 4-5 hours

On average, meat is digested in the stomach within 4-5 hours, and is absorbed by the body for a very long time. Bacon is digested slowly, because of the fat it reduces stomach acidity. It is difficult for most people to digest. Fat significantly interferes with the secretion of gastric juice after eating, reduces absorption and delays the digestion process.

Fatty food. This can be pure fat, for example, lard, or simply fatty meat or fish, ice cream, and so on. Fat greatly inhibits gastric digestion. Exactly fatty food takes the longest to digest. By the way, fatty fried meat, for example, kebab, takes up to 72 hours to digest, while our body spends a lot of energy on digesting such food. A person who regularly eats meat carries around several kilograms. feces, which turn into waste and release toxins that poison the body.

It is important not how long the food stays in the stomach, but in what form, digested or not digested (digested or undigested), it passes into the intestines, and what happens to it next.

Many people, even those who monitor their diet, do not take into account such a factor as the time it takes for food to be digested in the stomach and what it affects, so in this article we will look in detail at how long it takes for food to be digested in the human stomach and what affects the speed of digestion.

What determines the rate of food digestion over time?

  • Drinking water and other liquids during meals. It is not recommended to drink water and drinks during meals, as they dilute gastric juice and the time it takes to digest food increases (or the food is not completely digested).
  • Many products after heat treatment (cooking, frying, stewing) take longer to be absorbed in the human body (the time for assimilation of products increases).
  • Cold food is digested faster over time.
  • Food eaten at lunch is digested faster than food eaten in the morning and evening.
  • The speed of digestion in the stomach and absorption in the body is greatly influenced by the type and amount of food consumed, since different foods are absorbed at different speeds (from several minutes to several hours), and when they are mixed, the digestion time can increase.

Of the listed factors that significantly influence how quickly the food eaten and drinks drunk will be digested, let us dwell in more detail on the speed of digestion of all products separately and consider how many hours various foods are digested (meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc. .) in the human stomach.

Table: how much food is digested in the human stomach

The product's nameProduct digestion time
Water and drinks
Water (drink on an empty stomach)immediately enters the intestines
Vegetable and fruit juices15-30 minutes
TeaAbout 60 minutes
Broth (vegetable, chicken, meat)20-40 minutes
Vegetables and greens
Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear)1.5-2 hours
Potatoes (new potatoes)2 hours
Boiled potatoes2-3 hours
Fried potato3-4 hours
Carrots (fresh)50-60 minutes
White cabbage (fresh)3 hours
Sauerkraut4 hours
Beetroot (boiled)45-55 minutes
Tomatoes30-40 minutes
Cucumber30-40 minutes
Bulgarian pepper30-40 minutes
Salad30-40 minutes
Greenery30-40 minutes
Zucchini (boiled)40-50 minutes
Corn (boiled)40-50 minutes
Corn (canned)partially digested for at least several hours
Salads dressed with vegetable oil50-60 minutes
Mushrooms5-6 hours
Fruits and berries
Orange30 minutes
Grapefruit30 minutes
Grape30 minutes
Cherry40 minutes
Peach40 minutes
Pear40 minutes
Apple40 minutes
Kiwi20-30 minutes
Banana45-50 minutes
A pineapple40-60 minutes
Mango1.5-2 hours
Lentils3 hours
Peas2-2.5 hours
Green peas2-2.5 hours
Beans3 hours
Soybeans2 hours
Dried fruits and nuts
Dates2 hours
Raisin2 hours
Prunes3 hours
Nuts (walnuts, pine, hazelnuts, peanuts)3 hours
Seeds (seeds) of sunflower, pumpkin, sesame2 hours
Cereals and porridges
Millet60-80 minutes
Rice60-80 minutes
Buckwheat (buckwheat porridge)60-80 minutes
Barley porridge60-80 minutes
Oatmeal60-80 minutes
Milk and dairy products
Milk2 hours
Fermented milk drinks (for example, kefir)60 minutes
Homemade cheese90 minutes
Brynza90 minutes
Low-fat cottage cheese90 minutes
Fat cottage cheese2 hours
Hard cheese4-5 hours
Yogurt2 hours
Ice cream2-2.5 hours
Chicken meat1.5-2 hours
Turkey2 hours
Pork3.5-5 hours
Beef3-4 hours
Mutton3-3.5 hours
SaloAt least 5-6 hours
Dumplings3-3.5 hours
Fish and seafood
Lean fish (eg cod)30 minutes
Fatty fish (herring, trout, salmon)50-80 minutes
Shrimps2-2.5 hours
Seafood Cocktail2.5-3 hours
Flour products
Bread (wheat, rye)3-3.5 hours
Pasta, spaghetti3-3.2 hours
Egg white30 minutes
Egg yolk45 minutes
Scrambled eggs (fried eggs), omelet2-3 hours
Boiled egg2-2.5 hours
Chocolate2 hours
Honey1-1.5 hours
Marshmallow2 hours
Halva3 hours
Gumnot digested (leaves the body within 12-36 hours)

At detailed review From the table presented, we can conclude that the digestion time in the stomach for various categories of products is:

  • Water and drinks are absorbed within 20 minutes.
  • Vegetables are digested within 30-60 minutes (with the exception of vegetables containing large quantities of starch).
  • Fruits and berries are digested within 20-40 minutes.
  • Legumes are digested within 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • Cereals and porridges are digested within 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • Nuts and seeds are digested within 3 hours (180 minutes).
  • Milk and dairy products are digested within 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • Fish and seafood are digested within 1 hour (60 minutes).
  • Poultry meat is digested within 2.5-3 hours.
  • Large meat cattle absorbed within 4-6 hours.
  • Eggs are digested within 40-45 minutes.

Note: the most quickly digestible foods are berries, fruits (excluding banana and avocado) and vegetables (excluding potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke), as well as fruit and vegetable juices. And products such as coffee, tea with milk, hard cheese, canned fish and meat, stewed meat, pate take a long time to digest or leave the human body without being digested (partially or completely).

  • More thoroughly chewed food is digested better and faster.
  • It is healthier for the body to eat foods that have the same digestion and absorption time to reduce the load on the stomach.
  • Products with high content It is better to consume protein only in a warm form (it takes longer to digest in the stomach, due to which all proteins useful for the body are broken down). Cold protein products do not have time to be digested in the stomach and are sent to the intestines, which can lead to unpleasant consequences(gastrointestinal upset, constipation, bloating).
  • It is better not to drink water and drinks during meals, so as not to dilute the gastric juice. By the way, ordinary drunk water is absorbed quickly (drinking on an empty stomach), while it does not linger in the stomach and is immediately sent to the intestines.
  • Nuts and seeds are better absorbed if they are first soaked overnight in water and then crushed.
  • Vegetables are better absorbed and bring more benefits to the body when they are not seasoned with oils (vegetable, olive), which prevent them from being broken down in the stomach (by covering them with a “protective” film).

We hope the table indicated in the article helped you find answers to questions such as how much oatmeal in water is digested in the stomach, sauerkraut, canned corn, low-fat cottage cheese, dumplings, chewing gum, lard, fish, meat, bread, apples, tangerines, bananas, grapes, persimmons and mushrooms.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much food is digested in the human stomach, you can build your diet so that there is no heavy load on the stomach, and many healthy foods were absorbed better and would have more benefits for the body. Their useful tips and reviews,

Sometimes, without being a doctor, it is worth delving into the details of the digestion process, assessing how long food passes through the gastrointestinal tract, and comparing the absorption of foods by duration. Why know how to digest food quickly? The body is good at this matter, let it deal with it itself. Because the unconscious choice of unsuccessful combinations makes the stomach harder and provokes complications. Let's see why it is important to know the digestion time of food.

How long does it take for a person to digest food?

Fuel consumed in the form of food is essential for the functioning of the body. Without necessary nutrients development, restoration and protection of cells are impossible. Food eaten passes a long way, before becoming building blocks necessary for the body, however, the energy consumption for processing and the time of digestion of food strongly depend on the food’s belonging to a certain class.

The answer to the question of how long food is digested in the stomach may surprise you with its range: from half an hour to 6 hours. What determines the time it takes to digest foods? How long does it take for food to enter the intestines? After 7-8 hours of progress along small intestine with parallel breakdown, food passes into the large intestine, where it can remain for about 20 hours. Let’s summarize how long it will take for food fuel to be processed into feces (we apologize for the terminology “not for the table”): around 1.5 days.

Digestion time in the stomach:

It is worth separating the concepts of “digestion” and “assimilation”. The first determines how long food remains in the stomach, undergoing processing in the form of splitting into simple chemical compounds. The second involves the absorption of the obtained elements and their use to replenish energy needs, regenerate cellular tissues, and maintain the viability of organs and systems.

The completion date of protein processing differs significantly from the indicators of how much carbohydrates and fats are absorbed over the same period. For the first, the splitting process coincides with the moment of digestion, facilitating further absorption; for the second, digestion spreads to the intestines ( complex carbohydrates), delaying penetration into the blood.

It is important to understand how much food is in the stomach, to distinguish between the time of digestion of foods and the time of assimilation. Doctors do not recommend mixing meals, adding a new batch of “fuel” until the old one is completely processed and take into account total time How long does it take for food to be digested in the stomach? In our article, digestion will also mean complete assimilation for ease of orientation.

What is absorbed most quickly (table)

The period indicating how long it takes for food to enter the intestines after processing in the stomach is the rate of digestion. Products sometimes differ in directly opposite characteristics regarding this parameter.

A table of food digestion by time will help systematize indicators and divide food into groups.

Digestion time of food in the human stomach: table

Category Products Time
Fast absorption (carbohydrates) Berries, fruit and vegetable juices, fruits(except banana, avocado), vegetables

No more than 45 minutes.

How long does it take to digest fruits - 35-45 minutes

Medium digestion (proteins with some fat) Eggs, seafood, poultry, dairy products (except cottage cheese and hard cheese)

About 1-2 hours.

How long does it take for fish to be digested - 1 hour

Long-term absorption (complex carbohydrates) Potatoes, cottage cheese, hard cheese, cereals, mushrooms, legumes, baked goods, nuts

Approximately 2-3 hours.

How long does it take to digest porridge - 2 hours

Not digestible Canned fish, stewed meats, pasta (from durum varieties), tea and coffee with milk, animal meat, mushrooms

More than 3-4 hours or it simply disappears.

How long does pork take to digest - up to 6 hours

It became clear how much food is digested in the human stomach. The table reflects approximate product grouping vectors, presenting the overall picture. However, certain ways of processing and mixing ingredients can affect the absorption of food. Let us highlight three stages of complicating life in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Same digestion time, no heat treatment, no added fats or sugar.
  • Same digestion time, added sugar or butter, spices.
  • Different time digestion, different processing and cooking methods, whether oils or fats are added.

In the third situation, it will be especially difficult for the body to assimilate the incoming fuel due to fats, which create a film that repels gastric juice, and the lengthening of the processing time of the “material.” As you can see from the table, meat and mushrooms take the longest to digest. Take this into account when planning a menu, especially for children: quickly digestible food is preferable for a child

The feeling of heaviness and lack of appetite will tell you how long the food is actually being digested. A simple combination of components according to the processing time and pacification of fanaticism from fats will improve overall well-being.

A competent analysis of data on how much food is digested will allow you to build an infallible nutrition system that is ideal for the body. There are a number general rules, following which will greatly facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. Try not to mix products of different time parameters so as not to burden the stomach.

2. Aim to create recipes and combinations within the same time group.

3. Adding oils increases the duration of food digestion by an average of 2-3 hours and, consequently, the total time that food remains in the stomach after eating.

4. Diluting undigested food with any liquid will reduce the concentration of gastric juice, complicate the processing of the “material” and clog the intestines with undigested residues susceptible to fermentation.

6. Boiled and fried foods lose some of their beneficial properties and are deprived of their original structure, so the digestion time increases by 1.5 times.

7. Cold food is processed faster and can lead to obesity due to disruption of the absorption process. The feeling of hunger returns faster, the processes of absorption and utilization are disrupted, and the intestines undergo rotting processes. This rule especially applies to protein foods, which must be digested for at least 4 hours, and when cold, leave the body in 30 minutes.

8. Consider what's most important favorable time for processing “material” is lunchtime, so the thirst for mixing incompatible categories can be quenched without consequences. Breakfast and dinner are not characterized by such activity, so try to select foods that have the same digestion time and rapid absorption.

9. When asked whether food is digested during sleep, the answer will be a call to simple logic. Night time is a period of rest and recovery for the whole body, including gastrointestinal tract. Eating too much before going to bed is tantamount to filling your stomach with useless rotten food, since the body will only digest and absorb the fuel fermented overnight in the morning.

Despite the visual isolation and independence of the gastrointestinal tract, the indicators of how many hours food is digested in the stomach sometimes directly depend on our conscious choice. Make it easier for your body to work.

How the stomach digests food: video

Best time for different foods

The indicator of how many hours food is digested in the stomach directly depends on the nature of the material itself. This topic We have already touched on the above table “Time of digestion of foods in the human stomach”, now let’s look at the categories in more detail.

Cereals and legumes

  • Let's take cereals. Buckwheat - digestion time will stop at 3 hours.
  • The digestion time of rice in the stomach is 3 hours.
  • Digestion time for millet porridge is 3 hours.
  • How long does pearl barley take to digest? Also 3 hours.
  • Digestion time oatmeal is 3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest oatmeal in water (from flakes)? Only 1.5 hours.
  • Is corn digestible in the human body? Yes, if there is enough weight in the body to excrete the necessary enzymes. The procedure will take 2.3 hours (corn grits).
  • Let's move on to legumes. How long does it take to digest lentils? The answer is 3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest peas (dry) - 3.3 hours.
  • The digestion time of green peas will stop at 2.4 hours.
  • How long does it take for beans to be digested in the stomach? At least 3 hours.

Many people are interested in how much is digested rice porrige in the stomach - the same as regular rice - 3 hours. The absorption time of semolina porridge is slightly less - 2 hours. Boiled corn takes approximately 2.5 hours to digest, depending on the ripeness of the cob. And the most easily digestible cereals, as you probably already understood, include one familiar from childhood - an ideal, quickly digestible porridge for children and adults.


Many people are interested in how long it takes for meat to be digested in the stomach? It depends on what kind of meat you prefer in your gastronomic preferences.

  • How long pork is digested depends on the part: tenderloin - 3.3 hours, loin - 4.3 hours.
  • The digestion time for lamb converges to 3.3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest chicken breast? About 3.2 hours.
  • How long does it take for duck meat to be digested? Approximately 3.3 hours
  • How many hours meat (beef) is digested does not depend on the part. Approximately 3.3 hours.
  • How long do dumplings take to digest in the stomach - 3.3 hours.
  • The digestion time for lard can exceed a day.

The rate at which meat is digested in the human stomach also depends on the method of its preparation. For example, the time it takes to digest ground beef will be reduced if you add pureed vegetables such as zucchini or carrots when preparing ground beef patties. But jellied pork feet will take a very long time to digest - more than 5 hours. Chicken jellied meat is digested a little faster - about 3-3.5 hours.


  • How long fish takes to digest depends on the variety: low-fat (cod) takes 30 minutes, fatty (herring, salmon, trout) - 50-80 minutes. Hake is quickly digested in the stomach - no more than 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest shrimp? About 2.3 hours.
  • Assimilation sea ​​cocktails will take approximately 3 hours.

When creating a menu, do not forget about such a factor as the compatibility of various products.


  • How long does it take to digest potatoes? Young - 2 hours.
  • How much is digested? fried potatoes? It's already 3-4 hours. Boiled - only 2-3 hours. How long does it take to digest a baked potato? Young - about 2 hours.
  • How are carrots digested raw? In 3 hours. The question of why carrots are not absorbed without oil is not entirely correct: vitamin A is poorly absorbed because it is fat-soluble. With oil, carrots take longer to digest, but the benefits are greater.
  • How long does it take to digest fresh cabbage (white cabbage) - 3 hours.
  • How long does it take for sauerkraut to be digested in the stomach? About 4 o'clock.
  • How long does it take to digest boiled beets? This will take approximately 50 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest a cucumber? On average 30 minutes (like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, herbs).
  • The corn vegetable cannot be digested for longer than 45 minutes (cook without oil).

Now you know which vegetables are poorly digested: cabbage, fried potatoes, and celery root will also take a long time to digest. The rate of absorption of lean cabbage soup also depends on the time of absorption of cabbage and will be approximately 3 hours. Why else can soup take a long time to digest: tough meat for the broth, using too fatty a piece of meat for the broth, great content vermicelli and long-digesting cereals.


  • Consider the kiwi. Digestion time will be 20-30 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest an orange - 30 minutes.
  • How long do tangerines take to digest - also 30 minutes.
  • Let's take grapefruit. Digestion time is 30 minutes.
  • How long does it take for an apple to be digested? The process will take 40 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest a banana? Approximately 45-50 minutes.
  • Wondering how long it takes to digest pineapple? The answer is 40-60 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest a mango? About 2 hours.

There are other types of fruits that take a long time to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. For example, do you know how long it takes to digest persimmons in the human stomach? Almost 3 hours! Therefore, you should not eat this product at night.

Animal products

  • How long does it take for milk to be digested? - 2 hours.
  • How long does it take for cottage cheese to be digested? Approximately 2.5 hours. Is the cottage cheese low-fat? About 2.4 hours.
  • How long does cheese take to digest - 3.3 hours.
  • I wonder how long it takes for kefir to be digested? From 1.4 to 2 hours (low-fat - fatty).
  • The digestion time for fermented baked milk will be 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest yogurt? Approximately 2 hours.
  • For gourmands: how long does ice cream take to digest? The process takes 2.3 hours.
  • How much is digested? boiled egg- 2.2 hours. A egg white? The same indicators.
  • How long scrambled eggs are digested depends on the volume. A dish of two hard-boiled eggs - 2-3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest an omelet? A little over 2 hours.

Flour products

  • The time it takes for bread to be digested in the stomach depends on the type of flour: from 3.1 hours (wheat) to 3.3 hours (rye).
  • The question of how long the bread takes to digest is difficult. The product contains a lot of fiber (100 grams = 4 loaves of rye bread), which takes a long time to digest.
  • How long does it take to digest pasta? Approximately 3.2 hours.

Sweets (honey, nuts, chocolate)

  • How long does it take for marshmallows to be digested - 2 hours.
  • The digestion time for chocolate will be 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest halva? Approximately 3 hours.
  • Peanuts, like other nuts, take an average of 3 hours to digest, but the process can be speeded up if the product is crushed and soaked.
  • Let's take dried fruits. Digestion time varies from 2 hours (raisins, dates) to 3 (prunes, pear).
  • The digestion time for honey is 1.2 hours.


  • Coffee with milk is not digestible, since tannin and milk proteins form an indigestible emulsion.
  • The digestion time of tea in the stomach will be about an hour.
  • How long does water stay in the stomach? Together with food - about an hour. Liquid drunk on empty stomach, immediately enters the intestines. About 350 ml is absorbed at one time (applies to water and food).
  • How long does it take for soup to digest? Vegetable broth - 20 minutes, meat broth - depends on the base and ingredients, difficult to determine.

The time food spends in the human stomach is an extremely variable value, but it can easily be brought under control. Follow simple rules meal, combine ingredients that are appropriate in time to avoid overloading the gastrointestinal tract and causing fermentation, choose right time. It's easy to be healthy.

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In order to be healthy and live long, it is very important to know and take into account the digestion time of food in the stomach. According to doctors, a person who, when eating, does not take into account the time of digestion of food, carries kilograms of rotting food, develops many diseases and shortens his life.

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For good digestion The following key points need to be taken into account:

  • It is completely unacceptable to throw foods that require different times of digestion into the stomach, as if into a “furnace,” - by doing this you expose it to additional and unjustified stress. For example, a dish of potatoes with pork will take about 5-6 hours to digest, while potatoes eaten separately would be digested and go to the intestines within an hour.
  • It is optimal to mix food at the same digestion time ( vegetable salad, apples with pears, carrot-beet juice) - this will only slightly extend the time the food stays in the stomach due to the difficulty of selecting enzymes for processing compared to a mono diet. This version of the “hodgepodge” is the most gentle for the body.
  • Adding oils, even to salads, lengthens the time spent in the stomach by 2-3 times, due to the effect of enveloping food and the impossibility of its rational processing with juices and enzymes.
  • You should not drink water, tea and other liquids if there is undigested food in the stomach - by doing this you dilute the gastric juice, complicate the digestion of food and increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, along with the liquid, undigested foods inevitably “slip” into the intestines, which will rot or ferment in it for a long time.
  • If you drink water on an empty stomach, it immediately passes into the intestines.
  • Chew your food thoroughly - this also speeds up the digestion process due to better grinding and the start of enzyme processing in the oral cavity.
  • Consume protein food only in a warm form - warm food in the stomach is digested for about 2-3 hours (which is optimal time for the breakdown of proteins), and only after that it enters the small intestine, where the breakdown stage continues useful substances from food.
  • Cold food in the stomach is digested much faster, so proteins do not have time to digest normally and are sent straight to the small intestine, as a result of which bacteria found in meat products (proteins) begin to multiply and cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, gas, constipation etc.)

Digestion time in the stomach


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How long does it take for food to be digested?


It is useful to know how long it takes the body to digest different category food.


For example, after drinking water on an empty stomach it immediately enters the intestines.
Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are absorbed by the body in fifteen to twenty minutes.
Also, in twenty minutes the body absorbs watermelon.
It takes the body half an hour to digest: salads (mixed, from vegetables and fruits), melon, oranges, grapefruits, grapes.
In forty minutes the following fruits and berries are digested: cherries, apples, pears, peaches, apricots etc.
Also, the body will need forty minutes to digest tomatoes, lettuce (red, romaine, Boston, garden leaf), celery, yellow peppers, cucumbers and other various juicy vegetables.



For the processing of root crops, for example, such as carrots or turnips, the body will require about fifty minutes.
Avocado, eaten on an empty stomach is digested within two hours, since it contains a large number of fat
To digest vegetables that contain starch, the body will need at least an hour.
Cereals that contain starch, for example: rice, buckwheat, pearl barley etc., are digested from sixty to ninety minutes.
Legumes such as beans, lentils etc. The body absorbs it in ninety minutes.
The stomach will need from an hour to two to digest foods such as: soft-boiled egg, cocoa, broth, rice, boiled river fish and milk.



For digestion sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds It will take the body about two hours.
Almonds, pecans, peanuts, Brazil nuts and walnuts our stomach will digest it in two and a half to three hours.
From two to three hours our stomach will digest foods such as: omelet, bread, hard-boiled eggs and boiled sea fish.
Boiled chicken and beef, Rye bread, ham and potatoes will take about three to four hours to digest.
It will take four to six hours to digest following products: peas, herring, mushrooms, fried meat.

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It is worth noting that all indicators are averaged, and also, much may depend on the characteristics of the body.

5:732 Nuts on a raw diet.

It's no secret that nuts are the hardest food to digest among all raw foods. When dry, they are hard and bitter in taste, and even a small amount can make your stomach feel heavy.

Why is this so?

The fact is that the seeds and nuts that are available for sale are in a dormant state. In this form, they are practically not absorbed and are excreted from the body unchanged.

When at rest, dry nuts and seeds retain substances contained inside called enzyme inhibitors (substances that inhibit enzyme activity), whose function is to protect the seed and inhibit germination in unfavorable conditions. They are the ones that give bitterness to the taste.

When a seed falls from a tree, deprived of a source of moisture, it dries out and the embryo falls asleep, so that in the spring, when the snow melts, it wakes up again and gives new life. Nature does not allow the seed to germinate before a certain period, preserving its viability, thereby ensuring that it is provided with sufficient moisture in the soil to germinate and continue the race.
According to Dr. Edward Howell, when we eat dry seeds or nuts, we neutralize some of the enzymes that our body secretes, which can even lead to an enlarged pancreas.

There are two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors. The first is to cook the food, but in this case the enzymes will also be destroyed; this option does not fit into the raw foodist nutrition system. The second option is more preferable. We place the seeds in a humid environment, that is, we soak or germinate. In this case, the inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes doubles.

What's happening.

Changes in soaked nuts and seeds chemical composition and the germination mechanism starts.
The essence of this process is transformation complex substances into simpler ones: inactive growth substances located in the embryo are activated and contribute to the synthesis of enzymes that decompose complex reserve substances into simpler ones. First, enzymes are formed that convert starch into simple sugars(in wheat this is fructose, which is why the sprouts have a sweetish taste). A little later, under the action of other enzymes, storage proteins are converted into amino acids. Approximately on the third day, fats are decomposed into fatty acids.

Thanks to these chemical processes soaked nuts and seeds become more digestible. They become sweet, the water washes away the inhibitors, taking the bitterness with it. We get our nutrients from the very accessible form: active enzyme system of the plant, macro- and microelements, flavonoids and great amount vitamins and antioxidants. This entire complex of useful substances is organically built into the living tissue of the plant and is found in balanced quantities and ratios.

Increases significantly when soaked nutritional value nuts and seeds. The taste also changes, they become juicy, sweetish and practically in no way inferior to their fresh counterpart. In addition, if there is any doubt whether the product has been processed, soaking - the right way check it out. Spoiled or roasted seeds will become rotten during the soaking process, will be soft and have a radically different color than live nuts and seeds.

How to soak.

It's simple: unroasted nuts or seeds need to be poured drinking water and leave for several hours or overnight (depending on the type) at room temperature, rinse and drain in the morning. There is no need to wait for sprouts, since simple soaking already starts the germination mechanism. As soon as the sprout hatches, the nutritional value decreases as the substances are spent on growth.

Soaked nuts and seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days. But if you wash them, dry them thoroughly and place them in a container or jar with a tight lid, they can be stored and retain their natural taste for about a week.

Flavoring and beneficial features revived nuts.

By soaking nuts and seeds we revive them. In an awakened state, according to your taste and nutritional properties they are far superior to sleepers.
Live macadamia nuts are creamy, fresh walnuts are very tender, young hazelnuts are quite juicy, and almonds are soft enough to be crushed with your fingers.


The taste of the revitalized walnut is very delicate and sweet, without bitterness. Many people like these nuts because they are quite filling and soft. A revived walnut, compared to a dormant walnut, contains 2 times more useful substances in an active, easily digestible form. That is, your body almost does not need to expend its energy on digesting the revived nuts, since they are devoid of heavy substances and soak in the stomach in a matter of minutes.

Walnuts are dried to 8% moisture content to kill mold and bleach the shell. When sold in shell, they are disinfected and heat treated to kill insects, then treated with bleaches. The shelled nut is not bleached, but may be subjected to chemical treatment during storage. Walnuts do not germinate at home. It is recommended to look for environmentally friendly walnuts(organic)


Most raw foodists know that whole raw almonds sprout. Indeed, sprouted almonds taste better than dry ones. You should not germinate almonds for more than 2 days (at least 6 hours, but no more than 1 day), otherwise the shoots will acquire a rancid taste or rot. There are two ways to consume them: with and without peel. The peel contains a lot of tannin and is difficult to digest.

The most useful are the so-called paper almonds and almonds in whole shells. In the natural shell, the nut retains more beneficial properties, since it not only protects the fruit from external harmful effects(dirt, dust, fungi, etc.), but also creates a special microclimate that allows you to preserve all the benefits of nature.

Peanuts are legumes and germinate easily. Just like sprouted almonds taste better than dry ones. Some raw foodists prefer to remove the skin before eating. Part of the husk comes off dry, the remainder comes off relatively easily after soaking for 1-2 hours. Dry peanuts contain a large amount of inhibitors, and they are mainly concentrated in the skin. It is they who have earned it the reputation of a heavy and even poisonous product in its raw form. But everything changes when soaking: some of the inhibitors are washed out, some are destroyed, starches are converted into sugars, the entire accumulated supply of nutrients is converted into a biologically active form, a mass of vitamins and amino acids is formed, and in the end it is a completely different, completely harmless and energetically valuable product.

Some nuts may be contaminated with toxic mold (aflatoxin), in which case they should be discarded. The healthiest thing to eat is sprouted peanuts without skins.

Pine nuts.

After collection, they are dried and crushed to remove the shell, which damages the embryo, which deprives the nut of viability. The likelihood of shelled nuts sprouting is low. Unpeeled ones sprout like almonds.

It is washed and dried to 8-10% humidity before transportation. It is assumed that the drying temperature does not exceed 38C. Non-organic nuts are bleached with sulfur dioxide. Hazelnuts do not germinate at home. Soaking in water has little effect.

Botanically, cashews are the seeds of the fruit of the cashew tree, a tropical tree closely related to mangoes and pistachios. The nut is in a dense, hard shell containing toxic substances. Temperatures up to 200 C are used to separate the shells. For vegetarian cashews, mild (above 40 degrees) is used. heat treatment to neutralize the vapors of the toxic oil contained in the peel. This processing is still quite gentle and it retains many of the beneficial properties of cashews.


The strong Macadamia shell is similar in color to milk chocolate on the outside, and has two beautiful halves on the inside, white and brown. The processed nut quickly turns yellow and acquires a heavy taste, so you can easily distinguish a raw nut from a non-raw one.

Brazil nuts Collected from wild trees in the Amazon. Due to the difficulties of cultivation, only a few Brazilian plantations exist. Often, before transporting nuts, they are dried to 11% moisture in the shell and up to 6% shelled. Nuts are freed from the shell by soaking in water (possibly salted) and then boiling for 5 minutes; the shell becomes softer and is removed manually or automatically. But there are also unprocessed Brazil nuts.

You can tell a roasted nut from a raw one by breaking it in half and looking for dark yellow spots inside. A raw nut should be an even light yellow color, almost white. The taste of raw Brazil nuts is quite pleasant, fattier than macadamia nuts, slightly salty.
