Easy and use of ordinary porridge from pea. Pea porridge - benefit and harm

"Without bread, yes without cereal - our works and what works are" - so the Slavs have revealed porridge. A lot of folk customs are connected with this dish: from rites at the birth of a child, when it symbolized the continuation of the kind, and before the symbol of the peace treaty between the warring parties, when opponents together cooked porridge and her ate. Today is a whale of such sacred meaning Do not give, but consider it from the point of view of ordinary food.

And we, in the sense of time, let's talk about the pea porridge, her nutritional properties and various methods Cooking. So, pea porridge: benefit and harm.

Calorie and dish composition

On our lands, peas began to cultivate along with wheat and oats in the XI century. And before that, they had more primitive "vegetarians" about ten thousand years ago somewhere on the expanses. north Africa and southwestern Asia. Today, peas do not grow except that only in the North Pole. What caused such popularity of this inexpressible plants? So that peas are a very useful and affordable product saturated with vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, natural saccharides and starch. Using pea dishes, we replenish your body with energy, we are becoming more resistant to stress, improve mental activity.

It is difficult to believe that in a small pea contains almost half of the table of chemical elements:

  • on micro level - Fe (iron), zn (zinc), Al (aluminum), V (vanadium), F (fluorine), Mo (molybdenum), ni (nickel), SR (strontium), Si (silicon), Ti ( titanium), b (boron), Mn (manganese), i (iodine), Cu (copper), Sn (tin), SE (selenium), zr (zirconium), Ca (calcium);
  • on the macro level - Mg (magnesium), Na (sodium), Cl (chlorine), k (potassium), P (phosphorus), s (sulfur);
  • vitamin complex - beta carotes, B1-B12, A, E, PP, H;
  • diaminohexanic acid (lysine).

The calorie content of boiled peas is the lowest among the croup, but at the same time he is twice the nutritional value of boiled potatoes and makes a worthy competition of beef meat. So, in a hundred grams of pea boiled contains:

  • 60 kcal;
  • 6.0 g of proteins;
  • 9.0 g of carbohydrates;
  • 0.0 g of fats.

Many wonder what kind of pea porridge is useful? Let's deal with. Considering chemical composition Product, its use for the body is undoubted. Firstly - the protein, nothing is alive without it, because it is a building material of organic cells.

Secondly, vitamins. So, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that promotes the rejuvenation of the organism and the removal of free radicals from it, which reduces the risk of oncology. Water-soluble group of vitamins B1-B12 normalizes the work nervous system, improves the composition of the blood, reduces the content of nicotine in smokers. Vitamin A improves eyesight and reduces the susceptibility of the body to infectious diseases. And, of course, iron is our hemoglobin.

It is impossible to overestimate the health benefit from the minerals contained in the pea caress. The spectrum of their impact on the body is quite wide:

  • strengthening bone tissues;
  • improvement of cardiac activity;
  • strengthening vessels;
  • prevention of heart attack and hypertension.

Amino acids will help to relieve fatigue, right up to chronic, prevent herpes, normalize the activities of the cardiovascular system.

Periodically, including the pea porridge in its menu, you contribute to the purification of the body from toxins and ballast substances. And for patients with asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis, this dish should become one of the regular.

And, by the way, about the increased meteorism from the pea: if it is well welded to the state of the puree, then he, on the contrary, will help solve this problem, along the way, having understood with indispensable, heartburn and constipation. If you do not like too strained peas, then for the elimination of the meteoric effect, add carrots to the pea dish and eat porridge with bread.

Who can not eat a pea porridge?

Pea porridge is contraindicated to people with diagnoses such as:

  • acute form of pancreatitis;
  • gout;
  • acute form of jade;
  • chronic gastric and duodenal gut;
  • the aggravation of heart disease.

See also:

Pea porridge in a slow cooker: recipes with photos

For those who seduced and decided to taste a pea porridge with heat from the heat, we stored a couple of recipes for the preparation of this fabulously useful dish in a slow cooker. Why Multicooker? Because, in contrast to the use of a conventional pan, we exclude the risk of burning porridge, and ready dish It will be gentle and air.

Classic recipe


  • peas are dry dry - 450-500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • butter butter will not spoil);
  • salt to taste.


Useful bash with stewed vegetables


  • dry peas - 230 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper black ground.


Pea porridge can not be called a frequent guest on the family table, despite the magnificent taste and mass of useful properties. This product boasts a unique valuable composition, which determine the benefits and harm of pea porridge.

Composition and calorieness of pea porridge

Regardless of how the pea porridge is prepared, it is always the idea.

Important! The indispensable property of this legume culture is the fact that as a result heat treatment valuable properties Do not lose.

The composition is determined by the presence of the following useful components:

  • retinol;
  • riboflavina;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • folic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamins of the N-group;
  • nicotinic acid.

In addition, the composition has beta carotene, 70% of the total vegetable protein, few fats and carbohydrates.

Venas pea porridge and mineral connections. It is especially worth noting calcium, selenium, phosphorus, tin, titanium, iodine, silicon, iron, fluorine. Alimentary fiber and fiber is also contained in sufficient quantity. Thanks to the latter, the digestive system is well functions.

Lysine, choline and organic acids - important components Pea porridge benefit. But the pea porridge is especially valuable due to the content of omega-3 and -6 acids responsible for nail health, hair and skin cover.

Porridge from this type of legume is not only a very useful, but also a rather low-calorie product. In 100 g of water prepared on the water and without butter, there are only 92 kcal. Add to porridge butter, Calorie will increase to 134 kcal, and useful properties will increase.

Calorie dishes with fried onions are much higher - 285 kcal in 100 g. The amount of calories depends on whether it is cooked with oil or without oil.

Useful properties of pea porridge

The pea porridge is rich in vegetable protein, which is involved in muscle growth. Especially useful dishes from pea those who are engaged in sports sitting on a diet, whose work is connected with heavy physical exertion.

For adults

Pea porridge, whose health benefits are invaluable, and the denial is minimal - the real storehouse of useful components that are required for the full work of the entire human body.

The benefits of pea porridge:

  • Improves performance, stimulates brain activity, strengthens the strength and gives a good mood.
  • It is rich in the content of nicotine acid that helps stabilize the level of cholesterol in the blood and ensuring the purity and strength of the vessels.
  • Selenium contained in pea caress is endowed with antioxidant properties, thanks to which the body is protected from the effects of radioactive elements, as well as heavy metalsFree radicals that can harm.
  • Pea food helps prevent the development of dermatitis, acne. The abundance of vitamin B supports good condition Skin, mucous membranes.
  • Thiamine in the composition of pea porridge is endowed with the useful properties that allow the intestinal muscles in the tone, and takes part in many internal processes.
  • The lysine is an amino acid that helps fight bacteria, microbes and viruses.

For seniors

Pea porridge, the benefits and harm of which are well studied, is an indispensable component for the elderly. It has the following impact on an aging organism:

  • strengthens the bone-artistic system;
  • minimizes the likelihood of arthritis and arthrosis;
  • slows down the aging processes;
  • reduces the risk of developing senile dementia;
  • the man becomes more attentive, he has improved coordination;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps to fight anemia;
  • improves appetite;
  • enhances blood pressure.

Important! The benefits of pea porridge for the human body, especially the elderly, can lead to improving the work of many organs. The main thing is to use this ingredient correctly in order not to harm.

Can there be a pea porridge pregnant and nursing women

The benefits of pea porridge for women who are carrying a child causes numerous disputes. Pregnant women themselves tend to think that such food provokes meteorism.

Important! If a pea porridge is cooked correctly, then it will not call increased gas formation.

In order to avoid a meteorism, which women are so afraid, at the cooking stage, it is recommended to add spices to it that interfere with the formation of gases: dill, cumin.

The only thing that future mom should pay attention to avoiding possible harm, – excessive hugging dish.

But women, breastfeeding women, can not drink a pea porridge, despite the inspiring list of beneficial properties - all doctors came to this opinion. This is explained by the fact that breast kids The digestive system was not fully formed, and, despite the beneficial properties, these legumes will affect it in the best way.

But this requirement is not categorically. In the event that a child has no negative reaction, the beans can be introduced into the diet, but only in a little bit and no more than once a week.

From what age the pea porridge can give a child

Reply definitely, from what age the baby can be introduced into the ration of a pea porridge, which has a lot of useful properties, is difficult. Todders to give such a product of pediatricians to give such a product, as it can harm. Some parents are introduced in the menu this component in more early age, in 9-10 months. This option is allowed only if the child has already used to other types of feeding and tolerates food well.

Important! Baby up to 6 months feed pea food is generally prohibited, nothing but harm will not bring it!

Ideally pea soupendowed with indisputable beneficial properties and cooked traditional prescription, You can try to give children of 4-5 years of age.

Is it possible a pea porridge when weight loss

The use of pea porridge for weight loss is reduced to the establishment of natural metabolism. The trace elements contained in it will help in solving such a problem. How to achieve this?

  1. Regularly arrange unloading days With this component (choose a day during which to use pea dishes three times).
  2. Diet on pea kashe - Survived by B. lately Direction of recovery. In one of the techniques you need to include this type of legumes, while eliminating the partially consumption of meat. In the intervals there are fruits and fresh berrieswhich are also endowed with the useful properties.
  3. For breakfast there is muesli and kefir.For dinner - vegetable saladswhose benefits are also great. More drinking (not only water, but also fruit tea, decoctions).

Pea mashed potatoes on a diet - a great opportunity to throw off excess weight, prepare delicious and satisfying delicacy.


The benefits of pea mashed potatoes will be maximal if you cook the dish correctly.

Important! Combine with legume meat - it's not the best way. The resulting composition is characterized by severity, satisfying and digested more difficult. The dish, rather, will bring harm than the benefit of the body.

Preference should be given porridge on water or on vegetable broths.

So that the cooked delicacy is tasty, you need to adhere to certain preparation rules:

  • previously, this component is soaked in water for 10-12 hours;
  • when soaking, add a slight salt;
  • after soaking, the liquid is drained and added clean water.

Important! Remember that the cooled porridge becomes thick, because it is better to cook it up to a semi-liquid consistency.

Pea Porridge Cooking Recipes

Pea puree, the benefits and the harm of which are largely determined by the method of preparation, can be prepared in different ways.

Pea porridge on water

You can get a delicious and satisfying dish with minimal time spending on the following recipe.

It will take:

  • peas - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 l;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Vegetable, painted in advance, put on the stove and boil to readiness, not forgetting often stirring. During cooking, most useful properties persist.
  2. The resulting porridge will be salted.
  3. If you wish, you can fry separately onions and carrots and add them to porridge.

Pea Porridge in Multicooker

It will take:

  • peas - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • pepper, salt, butter - to taste.


  1. Thoroughly washed vegetable to shift in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Add water so that it hides the contents of 3 cm.
  3. Solid salt, spices.
  4. Install the "quenching" program for 2 hours and cover with a lid.
  5. In the hot pea porridge add oil and leave for 15 minutes to insist.

Pea porridge without soaking

It will take:

  • peas peeled - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 0.5 h. l. without a slide;
  • creamy oil - to taste.


  1. In the boiled water, pour out peas and salt.
  2. From time to time stirring, bring the contents of the pan to the boil, then remove the foam, muffle the fire and boil 1-1.5 hours until it is welded.

    Important! The cooking time is determined by the quality of the cereals.

  3. It remains crowded everything to a puree state, add butter and can be served.

Pea porridge with meat

It will take:

  • keepy croup - 200 g;
  • beef - 200 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • spices, salt to taste.
  1. To start meat, sliced \u200b\u200binto small pieces, roasted with carrots and onions on vegetable oil In the deep saucepan of 5-10 minutes.
  2. After that, water is added.
  3. Cook an hour on slow fire with constant stirring.
  4. Salt, spices and oil are added at the end.

How to cook pea mashed potatoes

For making mashed potatoes, you need to stock:

  • faceted glass of pea of \u200b\u200bthe chest;
  • 3 table. spoons of fatty butter;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 1 large carrots;
  • pinch salts.
  1. Peas rinse and pour 2 cm with water above.
  2. Dishes leave for a couple of hours.
  3. After that it is thoroughly rinsed, pour water and peak 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Water is recommended to be salted immediately.
  5. While the main ingredient is boiled, vegetables are cleaned, crushed and roasted to light rug.
  6. Boiled bean product, vegetable roast shock in a blender and brought to a puree consistency.

Harm pea porridge and contraindications

Pea porridge for breakfast benefits not everyone. In rare cases, the product is harmful.

  1. Negative impact This is a bean can put on older people who suffer from an increase in quantity uric acid in blood.
  2. Harm can be caused to patients with kidney pathologies and gallbladder at the time of exacerbation.
  3. Contraindicated to children up to the year.
  4. It is not recommended to use people with blood circulation impairment of non-declared etiology.
  5. Patients with duodenal pathologies, as well as suffering from meteorism, should also refrain from the use of this legose to avoid harm.
  6. With low acidity gastritis gastrophes, it is better to exclude from the diet, as they stimulate the reduction in the acidity of the stomach.

It is best to try pea food at first not large quantitiesAnd, if no reaction has arisen, you can safely introduce it into the diet.

What a pea is better to choose for porridge

The pea favor for women will be brought only if the beans are correctly selected.

For porridge, it is better to stop the choice on the peeled pea, which in the store can be found in general or split on halves. Whole cook longer than the cheerful.

It is better to choose a product yellow colorHolding maximum number Useful properties. Porridge from it turns tastier.

If a loose product is purchased, it must be pre-dunk for 6-8 hours. During this time, the dense shell is exfoliated.


The benefits and harm of pea porridge are well understood. Delicious and satisfying dish will not leave anyone indifferent. A rich composition will help not only satisfy, but also to supply the human body by all necessary trace elements and substances. However, it is not necessary to abuse such food, as this may lead to undesirable consequences. Also actively used legumes endowed with useful properties when weight loss.

Even in the oldest times from pea began to prepare a variety of dishes. This product was distinguished by a democratic price and exceptional benefit. He used particularly popular with Slavic peoples. The benefits of pea porridge and today is not subject to doubt.


Despite the fact that the composition of pea in large quantities contains protein, it is absorbed much better than some meat products. Due to the fact that the composition of the pea porridge has no analogues, it can be considered a unique "guest" of our table.

The rich composition of the pea allows him to be a decent substitute for meat dishes. The composition of the pea contains vitamins of groups A and E, the most valuable macroelements, trace elements and amino acids. This contributes to the beneficial effect of pea on the human body. There are a lot of lean and vegetarian dishes prepared with the participation of this product.

According to modern nutritionists, the use of pea helps to reduce the risk of developing oncological pathology.

It is also believed that the pea porridge allows you to cope with convulsions.

Nutritionists and doctors note the positive effect of pea porridge on:

  1. Assimction with the body of the useful substances.
  2. Cardiac I. vascular system. The product prepared on the water contributes to the normalization of pressure, reduces the intensity of headaches, has substantial assistance to the body during atherosclerosis.
  3. Height muscular mass (This is explained by finding the product of a solid amount of protein).
  4. The withdrawal of salt from the body (in view of positive influence Porridge on the musculoskeletal system, it is often advised in the diagnosis of rheumatism and osteoporosis).
  5. The condition of the skin (the product does not allow wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin).
  6. The state of nail plates and hairpots.
  7. Metabolic metabolism (often doctors advise to include porridge in their diet when diagnosing sugar diabetesas well as existent kilograms).
  8. Physical I. mental condition The body (porridge, cooked on the water, is obliged to be included in the diet in the symptoms of chronic fatigue).
  9. Immunity (due to the content in the composition of the product of the solid number of vitamins of the group B, porridge is shown as preventive tool infectious diseases).
  10. Vision (the improvement occurs due to the content of beta-carotene and vitamin A).
  11. Rapid removal from the body of toxins and stones in the kidneys and the bustling bubble.

You can cook a pea porridge from dried peas and from fresh. In the first case, peas need to soak. Given that legumes, and peas including "loves" to burn, it is important for cooking a dish with special attention.

The benefits of the product will be even more increased, if you enrich the porridge with vegetables. It is not allowed to add high-quality vegetable or butter. Of course, if preparing diet porridge, To add fats you need to go carefully.

  • renal pathologies;
  • oily skin;
  • anemia;
  • pressure problems;
  • malokrovia;
  • bad appetite;
  • frequent or chronic constipation;
  • nonsense;
  • meteorism.

Pea porridge saturates pretty quickly. For this reason, it is often involved in a variety of diet. In addition, the use of peas accompanies improved fat metabolism.

Peas is a magnificent diuretic. With regular use of this product, the excess fluid is rapidly excreted from the body along with the urine. By reinforcement metabolic processes There is an improvement in metabolism. As a result overweight Quickly reset. Peas is a real leader in the presence of protein. In addition, starch in the peas is much more contained than in potatoes. Thirty percent of pea cereal make up herbal proteins. Also in the composition of the product there are useful trace elements and selenium, which is a great antioxidant. Often pea products are included in the menu during unloading Daysas well as diet.

Specific "pea" diet is known to all fans useful nutrition. The most popular dish is a pea porridge, cooked with oil and vegetables. In order to avoid bloating, it is recommended to add dill or fennel to porridge.

The "pea" diet is characterized by simplicity and utility. In view of high level Protein, as well as for the reason that the peas perfectly "gets around" with many vegetables, it is recommended even to persons leading an active lifestyle, assumed reinforced physical exertion. Being a sufficiently satisfying dish, pea porridge for a long time will help relieve the growth of appetite.

Children pea porridge is allowed only from three years.


Pea porridge is strictly contraindicated in diagnosing such pathologies as:

  1. Cholecystitis.
  2. Blood circulation.
  3. Acute kidney disease.
  4. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The damage of pea porridge is also celebrated for elderly. Also, this product causes the formation of gases and bloating. For this reason, porridge should not be included in the human diet suffering chronic pathology Stomach and 12 pans. If there is gout, you should also eliminate porridge from the diet.


Porridge is often included in the diet of professional athletes. The calorieness of the pea porridge is quite low. In the finished form, the energy value of the product is about 90 kcal. Low caloric of pea porridge makes it possible to include a product in a variety of dietary programs.


You can use a pea porridge not all. So, it is strictly contraindicated:

  • suffering jade;
  • sick gout;
  • persons with a diagnosis of "inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract";
  • people suffering from the ulcer of the stomach.

Given the fact that young children often have colic in the abdomen, to include a pea porridge in a children's diet is recommended solely after three years. Otherwise, the baby will be tormented from the bloating of the abdomen and pain.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and Minerals

Pea porridge is useful for the body because it is starch and vegetable protein. Also in the composition of the product contain natural sugars and carbohydrates.

Rich porridge and vitamins. It contains vitamins of groups A, E, B, N and PR. Quite diverse I. mineral composition Product. Casha contains the necessary organism selenium, calcium, tin and zirconium. From the necessary macroelements in this product there is sodium, phosphorus, chlorine and magnesium.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin Content (mg) % of the daytime
Pp. 2.2 32,5
Beta carotine 0,01 0,2
A (RE) 2 0,2
IN 1 0,81 54
AT 2 0,15 8,3
AT 5 2,2 44
AT 6 0,27 13,5
AT 9 16 4
E (TE) 0,7 4,7
N (biotin) 19 38
PR (equiv .Niacin.) 6.5 -
Choline 200 40
Mineral Content (mg) % of the daytime
Iron 6,8 37,8
Zinc 3,18 26,5
Iodine 5,1 3,4
Copper 750 75
Manganese 1,75 87,5
Selenium 13,1 23,8
Chromium 9 18
Fluorine 30 0,8
Molybdenum 84,2 120
Boron 670 33,5
Vanadium 150 375
Silicon 83 277
Cobalt 13,1 131
Nickel 246,6 -
Tin 16,2 -
Titanium 181 -
Strontium 80 -
Aluminum 1180 -
Zirconium 11,2 -

Pea porridge is considered pretty satisfying and useful dish. But it is necessary to use it moderately to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Nowadays, everyone knows the invaluable properties of legumes and their wealth of vitamins and microelements. Dishes prepared on the basis of soybeans, peas, lentils, beans, very nutritious and delicious. And in Russia and Ukraine special relation deserved peas. Since time ancient Russia Dishes with pea always attended the Slavic table. Below will be about useful and harmful properties pea Kashi., as well as about its composition and contraindications.

Benefit and harm pea porridge

Pea porridge is full-fledged source All necessary human organism amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants. Also in the composition of pea are present and mineral salts, Natural fiber, proteins. Porridge from this product is very nutritious, well suits enough calorie, so it is very popular in the environment of athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. The calorie content of pea porridge is about 180 kilocalories Per 100 grams of the product, if not consider oil. This porridge is considered one of the most high-calorie dishes among all porridge. For example, rice porridge in the amount of 100 grams will enrich the body with only 130 kilocalories, buckwheat - 150 kcal. But if you cook a pea porridge on water and without adding oil, its caloric content is quite low and quite suitable for diet nutrition. Pea porridge saturates the body slow carbohydratesWhat promotes a very long sense of satiety. There are a lot of proteins in pea kashe vegetable origin, so it regular use Promotes the rapid increase in muscle mass, which is an important moment for athletes. Porridge from pea is wonderfully combined with meat and vegetable dishes. The benefits of pea porridge also consists also in its influence on digestive system. It helps to get rid of meteorism, constipation, improves appetite and activates digestive processes in the stomach. Beneficial features This cereal is used during the treatment of anemia, Malokrovia, Drops blood pressure.

Antioxidants contained in pea caress have a positive effect on skin. They help keep the skin young, taped and healthy. Also, the porridge of pea is a good "friend" of people with overweight problems, since even a small amount of porridge for a long time neutralizes the feeling of hunger. Surprisingly, the peas are well combined with buckwheat, so it is recommended to give a bucking last stage Hooking pea porridge add a small amount of buckwheat. A wonderful addition to the pea caress will be a fresh salad with greens. Pea porridge can use people of different age categories - And children, starting three years old, and the elderly. But still there is some harm from the use of porridge under certain diseases. Very to get involved in pea porridge should not be to people of old age, in order to avoid problems with digestion. It is categorically contraindicated by porridge from nephritis in acute stage, cholecystitis, weak blood circulation, as well as in some other diseases at the aggravation stage. Also worth being careful with her because of her high calorie. It contains relatively little carbohydrates, so it will become an excellent component of various diets.

It is well known as important for any living organism to observe proper nutrition. Indeed, we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat. However, healthy food and tasty food Not always compatible concepts. Most people having summer cottages with garden and garden, love to rummage straight from the bush with a gentle fresh inland pea. We all beautifully familiar with such an indispensable ingredient of various salads as canned green peaAnd from the dried fruit of this unpretentious bean culture you can cook fragrant satisfying pea soup. But when it comes to pea caress, then many people have a given dish with antipathy and dislike. Some do not like this eater because of the risk of increased gas formation, others associate it with hospital nutrition, the third does not tolerate the appearance of pea porridge, which is essentially solid puree. Yes, and in the menu restaurant establishments High kitchens such a porridge can hardly meet. Meanwhile, the benefits of pea porridge are known for a long time, therefore dishes made from legumes (pea, lentils, beans, soybeans), many centuries have already occupied an important place in the nutritional diet of Slavic peoples.

Source protein

Our ancestors who preferably consumed the plant gifts of nature, considered thick chowers and cereals from the pea of \u200b\u200bthe Bogatyr food. The proverbs and sayings were told about the peas, they mentioned in the epics and fairy tales. It is not surprising because the pea porridge has a high nutritive value, quickly fills the forces after severe physical Loads And has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Unfortunately, the food of modern people is oversaturated with oily and carbohydrate food, which sometimes negatively affects our health. In the pea, there are also carbohydrates, but they are very helpful, since they are complex and slowly digested in the body. There are practically no fats in it, and the main advantage of this representative of the legume family is the rich in the content of vegetable protein - indispensable building material of our body. Someone can skeptically argue that animal proteins are indispensable and that without them can not do. However, many people infrequently use meat products, and our ancestors, in general, ate meat only on large holidays. In addition, for those who regularly observe long-lasting Christian posts, as well as for avid vegetarians, completely excluding animal foods from their diet, pea porridge is a full healthy food that only benefits the body.


If we consider vitamin composition Pea, then the presence of vitamins A (RETTINOL), E (tocopherol), RR (niacin), H (biotin) and, of course, is extremely important for vitamins of vitamins in (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothen and folic, pantoten and folic Acids). People who are not indifferent to their health have the idea that Vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of hormones, intracellular exchange Substances support normal condition Connecting tissues and skin (elasticity, elasticity) is responsible for visual acuity. Group vitamins are indispensable for nervous system and stimulation brain activity. They take direct participation in various vital redox reactions, prevent the formation of cholesterol sediments, regulate blood glucose levels. Vitamin RR has a positive effect on blood system, Expands the vessels, prevents thrombosis. Vitamin N confronts the development of irritability, fatigue, insomnia, eliminates the dryness of the skin and its peeling. The tocopherol is well known for its powerful antioxidant properties that protect the cell membranes from the aggressive action of free radicals and, respectively, protecting the body from development malignant tumors. In addition, Vitamin E prolongs the youth of the skin, strengthening its ability to regenerate, which most women are well aware.


From trace elements in the pea there are calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, selenium and some other useful mineral components. But still, it is worth it to stop on the potassium content (870 mg) and phosphorus (330 mg), which in this bean culture most. Potassium is the most important regulator of water salt and acid-alkaline balance At the cellular level, extremely necessary for the functioning of the glands internal secretion, vessels, and most importantly, heart muscle. Potassium (together with sodium and magnesium) not only warn swelling and supports normal heartbeatbut also takes part in carrying out nerve impulses to various internal organs, among other things, the structures of the brain. In turn, without phosphorus, a full metabolic metabolism and formation is impossible bone tissue. This trace element is part of DNA, a number of amino acids, provides (along with calcium) the strength of bones and teeth, affecting both intellectual and physical abilities of a person. Phosphorus deficiency is osteoporosis, pain in the bones, trembling in the limbs, drought, drowsiness, constant fatigue. Perhaps the storehouse of vegetable protein, as well as such a balanced vitamin and mineral composition will help break the stereotype of the hostility of many skeptics to the pea caress and will conquer them more often to include this dish in their everyday menu.

Beneficial features

It is curious that in 100 grams, dry pea cereals contains about 300 kcal, and in the same amount of cereal cooked from it on the water - only 90 kcal. This allows you to rank this dish to diet food. Porridge from the pea quickly quenches the hunger, saturates the body with energy, but does not give a person to flow, which is very important for people with overweight and diabetics. Fiber contained in this bean cruel contributes better digestion, cleanses the body from malicious toxic substances, so this dish is also recommended for those who suffer from persistent chronic constipation. Of course, to withstand a full-fledged diet on the pea caress is extremely difficult, but to arrange weekly unloading days to any person. After such days, the metabolism is accelerated, well-being significantly improved, appearance And even resistance to various kinds of illness.

Thanks high content Protein, this is a nutrient dish often include athletes in their diet to build muscle mass and replenishing the lost strength. In addition, there is a very significant proportion of lysine in the pea - indispensable amino acidable to raise the mood and improve psychological background. And the ability of pea porridge to carry out an excess fluid from the body, clean blood vessels And to wash the "bad" cholesterol is estimated even by many cardiologists who advise their patients suffering from atherosclerosis and heart disease, to regularly erect this dish. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that porridge porridge in the process of cleansing the body from toxins can also remove excess nicotine, which is very useful not only for smokers, but also for those who decided to part with this harmful habit.

So, the benefits of such a useful and affordable dishes available for any person are obvious, but that it becomes a frequent guest in every home, you need to be able to cook it correctly. If you show a fantasy, the pea porridge can get very tasty both in itself and in combination with vegetables, smoked, chicken, mushrooms, or as a filling for pies, casserole, rolls. There are many recipes for her preparation, some of which we present our readers.

Classical pea porridge on the water


  • Water (for cooking) - 500 milliliters;
  • Butter creamy - 50 grams;
  • Salt to taste.

Before proceeding with the description of the method of preparing this porridge, it should be noted that peas in the form of cereals can be solid polished and crusted (with separated seeds). So that the whole pea is able to completely soften, it needs to be prepared 1.5 - 2 hours, and the grains crushed in at least one hour. Therefore, before cooking, the croup is recommended to pre-dunk - fill cold water For a couple of hours, and best do it for the night.

After soaking, the water is drained, the swollen peas are shifted into the pan, poured with a new cold water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. After boiling, cooking continues on slow fire, after occasionally stirring porridge, otherwise it can burn. The whole process of cooking takes 30 - 40 minutes, after which the peas becomes ruffy. It remains to add butter, salt and you can feed porridge to the table, both an independent dish and in the form of a side dish. Such a classic version of the preparation of this unpaid food is well suited for unloading days and diets for the purpose of weight loss. In former times, this dish called "Gor District".

Pea Porridge with Fresh Mushrooms


  • Pea cereals - 200 grams;
  • Mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
  • Salt, pepper, greens - to taste.

Delicious fragrant porridge from peas with mushrooms will be appreciated by members of your family and those people who adhe church posts. First of all, peas must be prepared for cooking, as already described in the previous recipe: pour cold water overnight. After that, the croup is cooking on a weak heat, constantly stirring, for half an hour.

Until porridge is preparing, you should cut onion and peeled washed fresh mushrooms (Cubes), lay out everything in a frying pan and fry on vegetable oil until ready. A few minutes before the end of the frying, add a crushed garlic, salt, pepper, spices to the onions-mushroom mixture. To shift the roasted mushrooms with a bow into the cooked porridge, mix well, bite the pan into a warm blanket (about half an hour), after which you can serve to the table by sprinkling fresh greens. As can be seen, it is very simple to prepare such a dish, and those who do not keep posts can use butter for roaster.

Pea porridge in pots (calculation for 4 servings)


  • Pea cereals - 250 grams;
  • Smoked chest (or bacon) - 200 grams;
  • Onions - 2 middle heads;
  • Salt, black ground pepper, bay leafSpices - to taste.

In the older times, porridge porridge was prepared in Russian furnaces in clay pots and cast iron. Thanks to their swollen shape, a wide neck and narrow DNU, chimney covered the surface of the containers from all sides. The modern version of the preparation of this original Russian dish implies the use of ceramic pots and ovens. At the same time, porridge is no less tasty and very satisfying.

The advantage of this dish is that the hostess will not need to stand around the slab and constantly stir porridge. First you need to cut onions and small pieces of the breast, then fry them in a frying pan to ruddy color. After that, a pre-closed pea cereal to distribute in the pots, put a roasted chest and onions from above, add salt, pepper, laurel, spices. Fill the containers to the edges hot water (can be meat or chicken broth), cover the pots with covers and send them to the oven, heated to 180 °. Porridge is preparing in the oven 45 - 60 minutes, soaking during this time with aroma of smoked meat and spices. The dish is served on the table right in the pots, decorating the greens. Everyone who tried this fragrant dishes remain very satisfied and are very surprised why they did not have to cook it before.

Pea Porridge in Multicooker


  • Pea cereals - 2 glasses;
  • Meat or chicken fillet - 400 grams;
  • Onions - 1 head;
  • Creamy oil - 50 grams;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Water - 5 glasses.

Currently appliances It develops with extraordinary speed, so in modern home kitchens you can find various cooking devices. IN this case We are talking about a slow cooker. Perhaps there are little people who would be disappointed with its action. It is important that in this wonderful kitchen unit you can cook a delicious pea porridge without prior soaked cereals, and the cooking process itself does not take much time and strength.

First, it will take a pretty rinse a pea cereal in running water. In the bowl of the multicooker, put the creamy oil, on which to fry a few minutes of finely chopped onions and cut meat fillets. Fall asleep in the bowl of pea cereal, mix everything, add salt and spices, pour water, close the lid and set the appropriate cooking mode on the device. It may be "quenching", "porridge", "cooking", "pilaf" or something like that. It all depends on the model of the unit used. Typically, cooking time takes no more than an hour, with this hostess do not need to control the cooking process. A smart car will announce its ending with a sound signal. The finished kashe need to give a little cool so that it thickens, then sprinkle with dill and can be served to the table. Quickly, tasty and very helpful!

Well, the benefits of pea porridge for the health of any person, including children and representatives of old age, is an indisputable fact. Finishing remains to wish to modern people Finally realized that traditions healthy nutritionCharacteristic of our ancestors is not outdated at all. Isn't it worth thinking about what is better to abandon dubious fast food and hamburgers and stop your choice on forgotten by many dishes, which at all times amounted to and make up the basis of healthy and inexpensive food?

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