A one-month-old baby has a small, hard lump in his armpit. The lump under my arm hurts. A lump under the arm is oncology

A lump under the armpit is a lump that may or may not be painful.

More often occurs when hygiene is not observed, wearing tight clothing, or after cuts. But there are cases when hard ball signals a serious illness.

What does the lump mean and who treats it?

If a lump appears under the armpit, an inflammatory process may be developing.

This can be easily calculated by its appearance:

  • around the bump;
  • hot skin in the area of ​​education;
  • deterioration of general condition.

The ball can be in the only one and plural. It looks like an abscess, tumor, or small nodule. This can be seen in the photo. The tumor does not divide people by age, so lumps can occur in anyone, even a newborn baby. The sooner the problem is identified, the sooner the problem can be solved.

Doctors who study and treat people with such cases identify a number of factors that contribute to the development of a solid tumor in the armpit.

We are talking about the following reasons:

  • obstruction of an exocrine organ;
  • hidradenitis

Small tumors may indicate a recent pathology caused by infection. In this case it is a complication. Without certain knowledge, the growth can easily be confused with a boil; the ball hurts when pressed.

They are similar in appearance, only there is pus inside. At the last stage of ripening, it bursts and pus comes out.

Few people know which doctor to contact with a lump. All pathologies associated with purulent inflammations, a purulent surgeon is engaged. If a small knot appears under the arm, do not panic; it is better to immediately seek help to identify the cause.

A timely visit to a doctor eliminates the risk of prescribing surgical intervention.

If the pathological formation is not advanced, he will tell you which doctor to go to, other than the surgeon. The patient is referred to an infectious disease specialist. Diagnosis is carried out and excluded serious illnesses which may be accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes.


Tumors come in different forms, and their appearance also varies slightly.

The following formations are found:

  • small and medium in size;
  • soft consistency, dense;
  • the lump under the arm hurts when pressed, without pain;
  • flesh-colored or closer to dark burgundy, without redness;
  • smooth or ridged tissue around the area of ​​inflammation;
  • internal localization or protruding on the surface.

These manifestations are important when making a primary diagnosis. You can recognize oncology if several factors are combined, these are: redness, enlargement of a nodule under the skin, painful sensation, immobility.

The exact cause is determined by the doctor, based on appearance ball and the patient's condition.


Most often, the reasons for the development of a lump under the arm are related to the lymphatic system. When you touch it, you can feel a singular nodule, a non-painful tumor. The formation can move when pressed or be stationary. Skin color does not change.

In this case, we can talk about conditions such as:

  • cuts, purulent wounds near the affected area;
  • presence of arthritis, arthrosis, shoulder;
  • eczema, psoriasis on the hand where the ball appeared;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • hidradenitis;
  • myocarditis.

When a malignant or benign education, a person is prescribed activities that reveal serious pathologies. If you ignore it for a long time, there is a risk of oncology. On late stages The prognosis for this disease is poor.

In adults and children

If a lump appears in men, poor hygiene is often to blame. As a rule, hidradenitis develops. The disease occurs due to poor genetics, increased sweating. The disease also appears in adults who have had diabetes.

It is important to be careful when shaving your underarms. Cuts and minor abrasions should be avoided. The latter most often causes a lump under the armpit in men. If a man's razor is not cleaned after each shave, there is a risk of infection and, consequently, the development of formation.

If a ball has formed under the armpit and it hurts, this does not mean the presence of cancer.

Lumps under the armpit in women are more often a pathology. You shouldn’t run it, because the consequences are different. It is important to promptly identify the cause and begin treatment.

If a lump hurts, it will not always be malignant. This may be a cyst that resolves after gentle therapy or is removed during one of the non-hazardous procedures. The prognosis is good.

There is a risk that biopsy and colcoscopy show poor results. It's about sprawl cancerous tumor and proliferation of metastases. The outcome depends on the speed of response to the pathology. The surgeon will definitely decide to remove the malignant lesion.

The situation is dangerous because the mammary glands are located near the armpit. In advanced cases, a woman may lose her breasts.

In children, lymph nodes enlarge due to infection, with development tumor processes. A metabolic disorder called “storage disease” is also affected.

A local, separate formation is located next to the source of inflammation. Therefore, it is worth carefully examining the child’s hand and shoulder blade where the lump appeared. In the case of children, it is important to carry out timely diagnostics to study the spread of compaction to other areas.

What to do after a ball appears

If you find a small lump under your armpit that looks like a lump, it most likely indicates the development of an inflammatory process. This formation usually causes painful sensations, has a round or irregular shape. The color of the cone can be different and depends on its etiology; it can be red, white and even greenish. The size of the formation may also differ; it usually rises above the surface of the skin and is noticeable even to the naked eye.


Ghiradenitis is an inflammatory process inside sebaceous gland. It is usually accompanied by the formation of pus. Enlargement and subsequent suppuration sebaceous glands located in the armpit is the result of vigorous activity staphylococcal infection. Bacteria move through the flow channel of the sebaceous gland, and after entering it they begin to actively divide and develop. This situation can occur due to failure to comply with basic hygiene. Small particles of sweat or deodorant begin to accumulate if a person does not wash regularly enough. Because of this, a lump appears, which hurts and causes a lot of inconvenience. In some cases, hidradenitis develops in children.

Treatment of hidradenitis consists of local treatment of the affected area using disinfectants (bactericidal soap) and antiseptics (solutions of iodine tincture, boric alcohol, salicylic acid) drugs. At the same time, a lotion of clindamycin solution is applied and regular hygiene procedures.

In some cases it may be necessary surgery– opening the affected area and excision of fistula tracts and affected tissues. If therapy does not produce results, transplantation of the epidermis from other areas is practiced.

The patient is prescribed antibiotics as antimicrobial therapy - tetracycline, doxycycline or erythromycin.

If hidradenitis affects you too often, it is necessary to carry out specific immunotherapy. For this purpose, a staphylococcal vaccine or gamma globulin is usually used.

The lymph nodes

In some cases, the cause of the appearance of a specific compaction in the armpit is inflammation of the lymph node. If a person is healthy, then the lymph nodes are invisible and not palpable. They can increase as a result of a sharp drop in the body's defenses, after suffering illnesses, for example, influenza, infectious lesions of the nasopharynx, ears. Sometimes an increase in the size of a lymph node is a consequence of inflammation of the mammary glands. Besides excessive sweating in which improper hygiene care behind the armpits can also cause an inflammatory process.

The last reason is typical for people with excess body weight, often with diabetes mellitus.

If a lump under the armpit is the result of inflammation of the lymph node, then to eliminate it, the doctor may recommend taking a course of antibiotics. In addition, various local remedies effects - ointments, lotions, etc.

There are also traditional methods treatment of this kind of cones. For example, taking Echinacea tincture (alcoholic) internally is a good option. Take ten drops four to five times a day, dissolving them in fifty milliliters of water. To eliminate the inflammatory process, you can also take a decoction of goldenseal. It should be drunk in the amount of ten tablespoons per day.

Sometimes the lymph node in the armpit enlarges due to the development of cancer. In this case, after taking antibiotics, its size does not decrease. On the contrary, the formation can grow and grow, as the tumors grow and multiply. This type of cancer is called lymphoma and is characterized by rapid development. Therefore, if antibiotic-resistant lymph node enlargement occurs, you should immediately contact an oncologist.


Diseases such as leukemia or cervical lymphadenitis, as well as some others, may be manifested by the appearance of a lump under the armpit.

There are other forms of cancer that can cause this phenomenon. In addition, compaction in the armpit can occur as a result of damage to the body by AIDS, measles and mumps.

Treatment options

Usually the appearance of a lump in the armpit is accompanied by noticeable unpleasant sensations. Until the abscess forms, the skin may itch and a burning sensation occurs. When touching the affected area, the patient feels pain - this precisely indicates the development of the inflammatory process. The abscess may not open - within a few weeks the lump may increase and even fester, and after treatment it will disappear without a trace. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, because if purulent masses or bacteria penetrate the blood, this can lead to sepsis.

If you notice a developing lump in your armpit, consult your doctor. After thorough examination he will be able to diagnose the disease and select the appropriate treatment. If the lump has an infectious and purulent environment, antibiotics and drugs that stimulate immune system.

Do not squeeze out the resulting formation under any circumstances. The doctor can prescribe you various physiotherapeutic procedures, UHF, as well as dry heat. But the treatment method depends solely on the cause of the lump. If the specialist decides that the seal needs to be opened, he will do it himself.

There are situations when some lump may appear under the armpit. Most often it is a local inflammatory formation. This lump under the arm hurts inside and causes discomfort. This can happen as a result of injury from shaving or wearing tight clothing.

The lump is inside. Photos, causes of inflammation

Several factors can provoke such a situation. For what reason a lump formed under the armpit, only a doctor can determine. It could be:

  • boil - inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland (popularly this disease is called;
  • lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node;
  • enlarged lymph node as a result of any infection, for example, ARVI, mumps, measles, etc.;
  • neoplasm (tumor benign or malignant).


Boil (furuncle) is most often its development provoked by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Shaving in this area or wearing tight clothing that rubs the skin in the armpit area can cause microtrauma. Infection easily penetrates through them. At this site, a slight swelling and slight redness first appears. Then the inflammatory process begins to progress. The lump is inside and causes inconvenience.

Color skin above the formation changes and acquires a bright red tint, sometimes with a bluish tint. The temperature of the skin over the area of ​​inflammation is increased, this can be felt when touched.

The patient's general condition may worsen, chills appear and the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher. Often in such a situation there are symptoms of intoxication - nausea and even vomiting.

In this case, you need to apply for medical care. Most likely, the boil will have to be opened. A course of antibacterial drugs may also be prescribed for treatment.


The next reason why a lump has popped up under the armpit and hurts may be hidradenitis. This disease is an inflammatory process of the apocrine sweat glands, which are located in the shallow layers of the epidermis. The causative agent of hidradenitis is very often Staphylococcus aureus. It penetrates through microscopic injuries to the skin that can occur during shaving, depilation, or as a result of poor personal hygiene. can also provoke this disease.

Most often, this disease is encountered by those who have reduced immune defense. Colds, exacerbation of chronic processes and even caries can weaken the immune system.

Children cannot have hidradenitis before the onset of puberty, because the apocrine glands do not work until this moment. This disease can occur in both women and men. But in women it develops more often. The fact is that the fair half of humanity has much more apocrine sweat glands than men, and they are more developed. In women, in addition to sweat, these glands also secrete pheromones.

With age, the work of these glands weakens, and after 55 years, inflammation of the sweat gland practically does not occur.

Treatment of hidradenitis

If a lump under the armpit has already formed inside, you should definitely contact a surgeon. It is impossible not to treat hidradenitis, because the infection can go further and affect the lymph nodes or cause an abscess that will have to be opened.

If the inflammatory process is not started and is at early stage, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed. On sore spot apply napkins moistened with antiseptic solutions.

Physiotherapy may include ultraviolet irradiation and dry heat. These treatments often help prevent severe inflammation and avoid the formation of pus.

If the lump under the armpit hurts inside, and the inflammatory process has already gone too far, treatment is carried out surgically. After all the pus has been removed, antibiotics are prescribed.

What can cause hidradenitis?

The causative agent of the disease (staphylococcus) most often penetrates through small wounds on the skin that may remain after depilation or shaving. To reduce the risk of developing this disease, you need to use only high-quality hair removal done exclusively by professionals, and, of course, carefully observe personal hygiene.

In addition, to prevent the lump under the armpit from forming inside, it is better not to use antiperspirants with talc and medical supplies, which contain aluminum salts. Such remedies are prescribed to get rid of excessive sweating. But by solving one problem, they create another. Such antiperspirants can clog the sweat glands, thereby creating good conditions for inflammation.


A lump under the armpit, it hurts inside - what else could cause this situation? Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph node, in in this case located in the armpit. As in previous cases, the causative agent of the disease is bacterial infection. Most often it is staphylococcus or streptococcus. Less commonly diagnosed are specific lymphadenitis, which is caused by pathogens of tuberculosis, syphilis, etc. In this case, the infection most often enters the lymph nodes from the affected organ.

Lymphadenitis, as a rule, is acute. You get up and feel weak. Even the slightest touch to the area of ​​the inflamed lymph node causes pain.

To treat lymphadenitis, antibiotics are necessarily prescribed. If the lump under the armpit (inside) is caused by infection of another organ, then it also needs to be treated. Put accurate diagnosis and only a doctor can prescribe treatment that will help.

Is a lump under the armpit cancer?

I really want to say no, but sometimes it really is. Often, a small lump under the armpit may indicate cancer. For example, very often in case of breast cancer, the axillary lymph node also reacts.

In this case, the formation under the armpit will be painless. The skin over it will not be changed. In 9 out of 10 cases of breast cancer detection, women find the tumor on their own.

Lump under the armpit - what to do?

So, if a lump has formed under the arm, under no circumstances should you self-medicate, warm it up yourself, or go to the “grandmothers”. The wisest thing to do would be to seek qualified help. After the necessary examination, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. And if it really turns out to be oncology, delay can cost lives. Most often, such problems are still associated with some kind of hygiene violations or excessive use of antiperspirants.

If a painful lump appears under the armpit, you should treat this with attention. The fact is that various oncological and systemic diseases, at which the increase in group lymph nodes is the first symptom. Therefore, first you need to adequately assess your health. Think about whether you have Lately unreasonable periods of temporary general malaise, feelings of chills, muscle weakness or increased body temperature. If these symptoms periodically appear and disappear, then you need to see a therapist for treatment. medical examination and conducting a series of analyses.

The most reliable of them is the expanded general analysis blood. In chronic inflammatory processes and development oncological tumors the doctor will see a shift in the blood test leukocyte formula with total leukocytosis and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In some forms of tumors, hemoglobin levels decrease and B12-deficiency anemia is diagnosed. What to do if a lump appears under the armpit, we will tell you in this material.

Causes of lumps under the armpit and shape

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of a lump under the armpit are associated with an enlarged lymph node. On palpation, a single nodule is felt, which is soft and elastic. It doesn't hurt to touch him. It can be motionless, and also move freely within 1-2 cm. The skin over the lymph node is not changed, not hyperemic. May be a symptom of the following conditions:

  1. presence of cuts and purulent wounds on the skin surfaces of the hand on the side where the lump appeared;
  2. arthritis and arthrosis in a state of exacerbation in the area of ​​the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints;
  3. eczema and psoriatic lesions of the skin of the hand on the affected side;
  4. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  5. pneumonia and chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  6. pericarditis and myocarditis.

The following forms of lump under the arm are found:

  • small or medium size;
  • soft or compacted;
  • painful or painless on palpation;
  • normal color, hyperemic or pigmented (brown);
  • mobile or fused to surrounding tissues;
  • internal or protruding above the surface of the armpit.

All these signs are important in establishing the initial diagnosis. As a rule, a combination of factors such as a rapid increase in size and redness of the skin, pain and lack of mobility on palpation, and increased pigmentation of the skin of surrounding tissues make one suspect an oncological lesion. Only a doctor can determine the exact causes of a lump under the arm.

Remember a simple rule: if the lump under the armpit is painful, then you must avoid any procedures using thermal energy and urgently consult a doctor to exclude malignant neoplasm in the area of ​​the lymph node.

Not less often, swelling can be a consequence of blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. Hidradenitis develops against the background of systematic use of deodorants during the hot season. In the future, against this background, atheroma may form, which must be removed in surgical procedure. Such conditions do not go away on their own.

What to do if you have a lump under your armpit?

It is not recommended to treat any growths on your body on your own. Any careless actions may lead to rapid growth pathogenic tissues. Particular care should be taken when handling various types of heating. Avoid compresses, mustard plasters and heating pads. On the contrary, you should ensure rest in the affected area and sufficient hygienic care of the skin.

Contact your doctor immediately. After the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you and tell you what to do with the lump under the armpit. You should be especially careful if a lump appears under the child’s armpit. Thus, children often develop leukemia and other malignant diseases hematopoietic system.

If you have a lump under your arm, then you should not immediately invent terrible diseases, as this could be a common blockage of the sebaceous glands, which is common to many people and occurs in many parts of the body. If the formation does not increase in size and does not hurt, then there is a reason to observe it for several days. If in 5-7 days it does not resolve or appears additional symptoms, then you can make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Reasons for appearance

On a note! Lymph nodes (in the form of balls) in the armpits can be felt even in healthy people. Especially in women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The reasons for the appearance of an internal lump under the armpit may lie in the following pathologies:

  1. Blockage of the sebaceous glands. A very common phenomenon, especially among people who ignore the rules of personal hygiene. Characteristic symptoms– the appearance of a small moving ball in the armpit, not accompanied by painful sensations. The size usually does not exceed a pea. Hard to the touch.
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes. Most often observed during or immediately after previous viral diseases(flu, sinusitis, sore throat, etc.). It appears as a dense lump under the armpit the size of a pea, which feels inside to the touch. In difficult cases, it may be accompanied by severe pain when pressed.
  3. Hidradenitis. The most common cause of a lump under the armpit in men and women. The basis of this disease is inflammation of the sweat glands. Other name - " bitch udder" It is almost always painful with redness, swelling and purulent discharge. Unlike lymphadenitis, axillary hidradenitis appears in the form of several red-bluish balls measuring 1-2 cm. Average duration course of the inflammatory process – 2 weeks.
  4. Atheroma. A tumor-like formation in the form of a ball the size of a lentil grain. Localized in the armpits against the background of diseases associated with the sweat glands (hyperhidrosis). Atheromas are absolutely painless when palpated and easily move in any direction. Can reach sizes walnut. Color – pale gray. In many cases, atheromas mature and become inflamed. The final process is the release of masses that consist of crystals of cholesterol, sebum, microorganisms, horny skin scales and remnants of lost hair.

All of these diseases occur equally in women and men aged 20-55 years. In children and the elderly, tumors under the arms are rare, since the apocrine glands do not function as actively. But, there is a category of people who are at risk of developing formations in the armpits:

  • having problems with excess weight;
  • hormonal disorders (very often the ball begins to be palpated during pregnancy or puberty);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • having problems with sweating.

It has been proven that people suffering from hyperhidrosis are twice as likely to experience lumps under their arms. Moreover, their process is very acute, painful and in 90% of cases ends with the opening of the abscess under local anesthesia.

Lump under the arm photo

Treatment and removal

If a ball appears under the armpit that does not hurt or itch, then it is recommended to observe it for 2-3 days and if it does not go away on its own or begins to redden, swell or fester, immediately seek help from a doctor.

Inflamed lymph nodes in 90% of cases are a consequence past illness affecting the immune system. There is no treatment here other than strengthening the immune system and treating major diseases (flu, herpes, etc.). Blockage of the sebaceous glands and atheroma should be examined by a dermatologist - only he makes the decision to remove the tumor. Most experts are of the opinion that it is better to remove it before the inflammatory process begins and there is a high probability of a long healing process.

Hidradenitis is the most difficult to treat, since this disease is prone to relapse and is always accompanied by inflammatory processes and highlighting large quantity purulent-necrotic masses. Here without surgical treatment not enough. Opening the abscess and treating the lesion with proteolytic enzymes is indicated. Much attention is paid to vitamin therapy, which includes vitamins A, B, C.

  • avoid injuring the skin in the armpit area;
  • strengthen personal hygiene;
  • fight excessive sweating;
  • treat armpits with antiseptics after shaving;
  • use only high-quality deodorants.

It is also recommended that people at risk take a daily shower and wash their armpits laundry or baby soap. Shave your armpits as little as possible; in case of a cut, immediately treat the wound with chlorhexidine or alcohol.
