Harm and benefits of hormonal contraceptives. Are contraceptive drugs harmful or beneficial? The benefits of hormonal contraceptives for the female body

Hormonal contraceptives are the basis of one of the most reliable methods of birth control. It is difficult to even count the number of women who use this method In my life. There is no arguing that taking pills is quite simple and in an effective way contraception, however, there is an opinion that hormonal contraceptives cause irreparable harm to a woman’s health.

Modern ones contain female sex hormones such as gestagen and these hormones are contained in different ratios. These medications must be taken every day. Sex hormones influence ovulation, the endometrium and the properties of cervical mucus, thereby helping to prevent unwanted pregnancy. All new generation hormonal contraceptives are 99.9% effective.

Hormonal contraceptives, produced in tablets, are divided into:

  1. Non-combined, which do not contain estrogens. Such contraceptive drugs include gestagen-containing tablets, such as Continuin, Fermulen, Microlut.
  2. Combined, containing various combinations of gestagen and estrogen. These drugs include: Femoden, Marvelon, Demoulen, Mercilon, Microgynon, Ovidon, Tri-Regol, Anteovin, Triziston, Triquilar.

Hormonal contraceptives have a number of advantages. They are one of the most effective ways contraception. Use helps bring the menstrual cycle back to normal, while the menstruation itself becomes less heavy and almost painless. The use of tablets helps relieve psychological discomfort caused by the need for constant concern for preventing possible pregnancy. In this case, a woman can fully realize herself in sexual relationships, which has a beneficial effect on the connection between partners.

There is scientific evidence that hormonal contraceptives reduce the risk possible development benign tumor of the mammary glands, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, ovarian and uterine cancer. They help prevent various inflammatory diseases genital organs.

These contraceptives help eliminate acne (blackheads) and prevent hair loss. Since the contraceptive effect of combined pills occurs from the moment you take the pill, they are sometimes used for emergency contraception. In order to provide an almost 100% guarantee of protection, they must be taken according to a strict schedule, without missing a single day.

Another advantage of taking such drugs is the rapid restoration of the possibility of conceiving a child. So, already a month after stopping taking the pills, a woman may become pregnant.

Of course, like anyone medicine, y hormonal contraceptives There are also some disadvantages. These include the need for strict adherence to the dosage regimen, the possibility of pregnancy if at least one day is missed, the existing likelihood of complications and side effects. Also, these drugs do not protect against the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Hormonal contraceptives should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have many contraindications. It is advisable to undergo full examination, since the list of contraindications to taking hormonal contraceptives is very wide. The choice of these drugs is carried out strictly individually.

Almost every woman, before starting to take oral contraceptives, asks the question: “Is there any for her health?”

Of course, say that birth control pills absolutely harmless would be wrong. Like any drug, oral contraceptives (hereinafter referred to as OK) have. But provided that you do not have any and that you take them correctly, the risk of any health problems associated with taking OCs is minimal. For a young, healthy, non-smoking woman, side effects from birth control pills are very rare.

Let's take a quick look at some of the problems that oral combined contraceptives, that is, let's talk about dangers of birth control pills:

1. If you have problems with blood coagulation (clotting), then by taking pills, you increase the risk of health problems such as deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins, thromboembolism by 3-4 times pulmonary artery. If you have a tendency to form blood clots, you should absolutely not take pills!

2. If your age is over 35, you have problems with overweight(obesity), there have been cases of thrombosis or other blood clotting disorders in your family, you are going to take an air flight, and also if you are expecting surgery, especially with long postoperative period, then you should also abandon OCs due to the high risk of blood clots (thrombi).

3. If you smoke, taking the pill significantly increases your risk of heart attack, especially if you are over 35 years old. Women with other risk factors cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and obesity, are also more susceptible high risk when on birth control pills. For healthy, non-smoking women with normal blood pressure there is unlikely to be any harm from birth control pills.

4. You increase your risk of stroke if you take pills and smoke at the same time, have high blood pressure or suffer from severe headaches (migraines), especially if they are accompanied by flickering (so-called “floaters” in front of the eyes), dizziness, loss of coordination, weakness, fainting, or speech problems.

5. Some women who take OK complain that while taking the pills they have problems with increasing blood pressure. To find out whether the pills really cause this increase, you need to track your blood pressure over time for at least 2 to 3 months. After this, you will need to stop taking the pills and look at your blood pressure - if the pills were the cause of the high blood pressure, then the pressure should gradually, over several weeks, return to normal.

6. By taking the pill, you become more susceptible and more vulnerable to HIV infection. Also, taking OCs can significantly increase the risk of developing benign tumors liver and jaundice.

Are there any health benefits to birth control pills?

Yes, there is, and quite a big one. And for the vast majority of healthy, nonsmoking women, these benefits may outweigh the small risk of the complications listed above. So, what are the benefits of birth control pills?

1. Most women, after starting to take birth control pills, noticed that their menstrual pain and symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). In addition, their periods became lighter and shorter than before starting oral contraceptives.

2. Women taking birth control pills lose less blood during menstruation, so they are less likely to develop iron deficiency anemia- a disease that is diagnosed in 20% of non-pregnant women, and during pregnancy this figure at least doubles. Just in case, let's remember: symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include fatigue, weakness and pale skin.

3. Women who take oral contraceptives are significantly less likely to develop ovarian or endometrial (uterine lining) cancer than those who have never taken birth control pills. And the longer you take OK, the lower the risk of these types of cancer (moreover, this “protection” of the body lasts up to 20 years after stopping taking the pills!).

4. Women diagnosed with endometriosis report a decrease in pain syndrome in the pelvic area, as well as reducing the intensity of other endometriosis symptoms when they take the pill. Of course, birth control pills do not cure endometriosis, but they can stop its progression.

5. Women taking birth control pills are extremely rarely diagnosed with breast cysts (benign diseases).

6. Taking oral contraceptives can lead to increased density bone tissue, to reduce excess hair on the face and body (manifestations of hirsutism), and also helps get rid of acne ( acne) on the face.

7. Since it is aimed mainly at suppressing ovulation, oral contraceptives effectively prevent not only the onset of normal, physiological pregnancy, but they still don’t allow it to develop ectopic pregnancy. It does OK an excellent remedy contraception for women who are at particular risk of ectopic pregnancy.

8. Women who are approaching menopause note that taking the pills reduces the frequency and intensity of their hot flashes. In addition, as we said above, birth control pills increase bone density, which is especially important at this age.

As you can see, the benefits of oral contraceptives greatly outweigh the risks harm of birth control pills, but the final decision on choosing a method of contraception is in any case yours. Just don’t forget to consult your gynecologist!

The questions are answered by the deputy chief physician, obstetrician-gynecologist of the “Personal Doctor” network of clinics, Evgenia Vladimirovna Lisitsa.

Evgenia Vladimirovna, tell our readers about modern hormonal contraceptives, what are they and how do they work?

Hormonal contraceptive pills can be safely called a unique discovery of the twentieth century, which made a breakthrough in modern contraception. More than 50% of women in Europe and America prefer this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, oral contraceptives are not so popular in Russia. The main reason is myths and fears that prevent you from contacting a gynecologist, getting competent advice and a prescription for one of the most reliable contraceptives. Most of all, patients are frightened by the word “hormonal”, which paints the image of a “hairy fatty” who will no longer be able to have children or will certainly get cancer. These fears are from the past - from the 60-80s of the 20th century, when there were 2-3 drugs and the doses of hormones in them were more than 2-5 times higher than modern ones. Today, more than 20 oral contraceptives (OCs) with ideally selected microdoses of synthetic hormones are produced. Many of the modern OCs are not just means of preventing pregnancy, but also therapeutic drugs.

The principle of operation of all oral contraceptives is that under their influence, ovulation is blocked, i.e. the egg does not mature and does not leave the ovary, so the sperm have nothing to fertilize, and pregnancy does not occur.

Can taking hormonal contraceptives lead to infertility?

No, if the doctor prescribed and prescribed contraceptives correct scheme taking these drugs. The possibility of conception is restored 1 to 3 months after stopping taking the pills.

How long can you continue taking birth control pills without harming your body?

If there are no contraindications to taking birth control pills, then a woman can use this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy for as long as she needs it. Previously, it was believed that breaks were needed in taking oral contraceptives so that the ovaries did not “forget” their function. To date, there is no reliable statistical data that long-term use OK somehow negatively affects reproductive system women. On the contrary, there is evidence that interruptions in taking birth control pills are a stressful factor for endocrine system, since they force the body to first spend a period of adaptation to taking OCs, and then again adjust to discontinuing the drug.

Is it necessary to change birth control pills periodically?

If the drug was correctly selected by the gynecologist and justified its effect, then there is simply no point in switching to another. It is advisable to replace the drug only if there are negative symptoms associated with taking OCs and they last more than three months from the start of taking the pills. It must be remembered that contacting a gynecologist in in this case is mandatory, since these symptoms may not indicate individual intolerance to a hormonal contraceptive, but the presence of some gynecological disease.

What is the likelihood of gaining excess weight while taking COCs?

A healthy woman who eats rationally and leads an active lifestyle can safely take birth control pills without fear of ruining her figure. The main thing is that before you start using hormonal contraception for the first time in your life, you must contact a gynecologist for consultation and undergo all the necessary studies (detailed family and personal history, blood pressure measurement, laboratory research necessarily including examination of blood clotting and hormonal levels), gynecological examination(including ultrasonography pelvic organs, oncocytology) and consultation with a mammologist.

Until what age can you take birth control pills?

Age itself cannot serve as a contraindication for hormonal contraception. However, after the onset of menopause, when contraception is no longer required, using these drugs is inappropriate and sometimes even harmful to women's health. In the period preceding menopause, it is also recommended, in consultation with a gynecologist, to replace conventional contraceptives with special ones. hormonal agents, used to compensate for the deficiency of hormones, the production of which decreases significantly with age (the so-called hormone replacement therapy (HRT)).

The correct selection of hormones in the period preceding menopause allows a woman to feel healthy, confident, and forget about hot flashes and sudden mood swings characteristic of the perimenopausal period.

Is the effect of oral contraceptives dangerous for the fetus if pregnancy occurs while taking them?

If the patient started taking oral contraceptives during pregnancy and this lasted no more than the first month of pregnancy, then they are completely safe for the unborn child. However, since in the sixth week of pregnancy the fetus begins to develop genital organs that are sensitive to the effects of hormones, hormonal medications can lead to certain disorders. In such cases, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Do oral contraceptives provide any protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?

No, birth control pills of any kind do not protect against venereal diseases and AIDS. In this sense, this method of contraception is suitable only for women who have a regular sexual partner, or for those who additionally use a condom. Only then can the actual safety of sexual intercourse be guaranteed.

How compatible are hormonal contraceptives with other medications?

The compatibility of drugs in each case may be different; it is best determined by a doctor. With this in mind, you must warn the specialist who prescribes you this or that medicinal product If you are taking birth control pills, and vice versa, you should inform your gynecologist about the medications you are taking.

If there is a single or short-term need to take a drug that obviously reduces the contraceptive properties of the pills, during this period it is recommended to use an additional method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

In what situations are additional contraceptive methods necessary?

The need for additional contraceptives may arise, as we have already said, in the case of taking a number of medications that reduce contraceptive properties. In addition, it is recommended to use condoms for vomiting or diarrhea caused by food poisoning. Hormonal substances are poorly absorbed into a weakened body, so the likelihood of pregnancy increases markedly.

In addition, it is recommended to use additional methods contraception if you forget to take a few pills. Be sure to also use a condom when having sexual intercourse with a new partner to ensure protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

In what cases is it necessary to contact a gynecologist when taking hormonal contraceptives?

In general, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist once every six months, and this applies to both those taking birth control pills and those who do not use them. However, if any non-standard phenomena occur (for example, the appearance of spotting spotting from the vagina), and even more so if pain occurs in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist unscheduled.

For any questions, call us and make an appointment with a gynecologist!

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For most women who choose hormonal contraception, the question of whether birth control pills are harmful is great importance, because any hormonal drug tends to disrupt the natural background of human hormones.

Any contraceptive method must meet two criteria: effectiveness and safety. In this regard, there are real risks and side effects, as well as myths and stereotypes. Birth control pills: harm and benefit - what else? Let's try to figure out why birth control pills are harmful and what benefits they can bring.

What harm can contraceptives cause to the body?

It should be noted that modern science and medicine are constantly evolving. And according to recent studies, women try at least two drugs until they find the right one and get rid of the side effects. Side effects include weight gain, mood changes, and libido decreases significantly. In addition, there are allergic reactions on the components of the drug. Sometimes more dangerous manifestations occur.

Dispelling myths about contraceptives

There are a number of myths about contraceptives, as a result of which many women are afraid to take hormonal drugs. Of course, if any medicine is taken thoughtlessly, it will not have its positive effect.

  • Myth 1: Risk of development cancer cells increases when taking oral contraceptives.
  • Myth 2: Hormonal pills provide only bad influence on libido.
  • Myth 3: The effect of contraceptive drugs on fertility (the possibility of conceiving) in the future is negative, and their continuous use leads to infertility.
  • Myth 4: The risk of thrombosis increases, but the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases decreases.
  • Myth 5: Contraceptives influence changes in body weight in the direction of increasing it.
  • Let's try to figure out what is true and what is fiction.

Myth 1

One of the most significant questions that interests women is: “Do birth control pills cause cancer?”

Numerous studies have found the following:

  1. regular use of COCs for at least three years without a break reduces the risk of developing cancer, and the effect after discontinuation of the drug lasts up to three to five years;
  2. the risk of developing endometrial cancer with regular use of COCs is reduced, as endometrial atrophy occurs due to the lack of a hormonal surge;
  3. Ovarian cancer rarely occurs when taking COCs, since due to the lack of ovulation, the ovaries are not injured;
  4. the risk of breast cancer is low due to the absence of a hormonal surge and the absence of an increase in estrogen concentrations;
  5. the only cancer whose risk of development increases is cervical cancer, since it is based on a viral infection.

There are studies showing that the appearance of cancer cells may increase after continuous use of contraceptives for more than 8 years.

Myth 2

Women who took contraception Several 10 years ago there was a persistent tendency to decrease libido due to the content of a huge dose of hormonal components in the tablets. Currently, an active search is underway for a drug that does not have an effect on libido. One of the latest drugs Belara fully meets these stated requirements.

And if earlier the harm of contraceptives was increasingly noted, now the benefits of contraceptives have already been proven.

Myth 3

Are contraceptives harmful to fertility (ability to conceive)? And is it necessary to take breaks from taking oral contraceptives? No!

Women who have given birth can safely use COCs. Much more questions arise nulliparous women planning pregnancy in the future. The danger is that they may experience amenorrhea. Menstruation after withdrawal oral contraceptive may not resume for two reasons:

  • due to the development of endometrial atrophy;
  • due to hyperprolactinemia, which inevitably occurs when taking COCs

In order to exclude Negative influence and check the resumption of independent menstruation; in this group of patients it is necessary to take a break from taking COCs after 6 to 12 months from the start of use.

Research on the effect of contraceptives on fertility was also carried out by scientists from the USA. They found that women who stopped using birth control became pregnant quickly. These studies also suggest that it is easier for a woman who took birth control to become pregnant than one who did not take it. Although the negative impact in this study was also found, and it lies in false menstrual cycles.

Once again, it should be emphasized that only by following all the rules for taking pills, you can reduce the harm of contraceptives.

Myth 4

Another question that interests women: “Are hormonal contraceptives harmful to the heart and vascular system?”

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels can trigger the development of thrombosis.

Why are contraceptives harmful? The answer is simple: an increased risk of thrombosis. Although, according to scientific studies, such a risk is very minimal. But if a woman smokes and takes contraceptives, then her risk of thrombosis is greater than that of a non-smoker.

In addition, it has been proven that if a woman has thrombophia, even hidden, thrombosis can develop in the first three menstrual cycles on hormones. If this does not happen, the development of thrombosis while taking COCs is tenths of a percent and tends to zero.

The effect of birth control on hemoglobin levels in the blood has a positive effect, because periods become shorter than usual and iron loss becomes less.

Recent evidence suggests that birth control pills may reduce the risk of heart problems and vascular system. In addition, thanks to these tablets, the possibility of plaque formation on the walls of blood vessels is reduced.

Myth 5

The harm of hormonal contraceptives, which is noticeable earlier than others negative impacts- this is a possible set excess weight. Studies have found that the wrong medications lead to instant weight gain. That is why the most common concern among women is related to possible weight gain while taking oral contraceptives.

Body weight can increase due to two factors:

  1. synthetic estrogens included in COCs, due to their lipophilic properties, can lead to weight gain of up to 500 g;
  2. the progestin component is an anabolic steroid, which leads to an increase in appetite. Often, doctors advise taking birth control pills with the lowest estrogen content in order to avoid gaining weight.

Moreover, in case the right choice the drug will be beneficial and have an effect on the body therapeutic effect if necessary. They will also protect you from metabolic disorders.

The benefits of contraceptives

Not only the harm, but also the benefits of contraceptives are known.

And if you have a question: “Is it harmful to take birth control pills?” It's worth weighing the pros and cons.

In addition to the positive contraceptive effect Hormonal drugs have a non-contraceptive effect which manifests itself:

  • in reducing blood loss during menstruation, which leads to normalization of hemoglobin;
  • in reducing the risk of developing endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, cancer of the genital organs and rectum;
  • in improving the condition during the development of PMS.

Research by US scientists has shown that taking birth control pills significantly alleviated PMS. 700 women took part in the experiment. Before the start of the study, 72% of women noted the negative impact of PMS. After they started taking birth control pills, that rate dropped by more than half, from 30 percent to 16 percent. Scientists have also found that birth control helps reduce swelling, mood becomes more stable, and the risk of depression decreases.

In order to ensure that the harm of contraception is minimal and questions do not arise about whether taking birth control pills is harmful, a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. Only then will you be able to find out what benefits hormonal contraceptives will have for you.

Thus, to the question of whether it is harmful to take contraceptives, a negative answer was received, taking into account risk groups. The benefits and harms of contraceptives are ambiguous, and should be determined close connection together.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Hormonal imbalance causes many problems in the body. And then hormonal therapy, which is widely used in medicine today, comes to the rescue. But at the same time, conversations about the dangers of hormones for health do not stop. So what are hormones - a panacea or a harm?

The harm of hormones and their benefits

ABOUT the harm of hormones first started talking about hormone replacement therapy, which became widespread in the mid-to-late last century, especially in the West. So, first of all, it began to be used to relieve the symptoms of menopause, treat diseases such as dwarfism, hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, etc. Today there are two opposing opinions: someone believes that hormonal therapy is a benefit for humans (especially for women) , others talk about its dangers and believe that such therapy can provoke many diseases, as well as obesity.

The last statement has a right to exist - it has already been established that hormones can increase the likelihood of breast cancer, increase the risk of thrombosis, etc. At the same time, medicine does not stand still, and hormonal drugs used several years ago are different from modern medicines- they are manufactured using more advanced technologies and undergo a better degree of purification. Another example is hormonal therapy during menopause, which helps a woman maintain her shape during this period. difficult period and not gain weight. On the one hand, hormones really cope with this task, but on the other, if a woman has already begun to gain weight, they can, on the contrary, only accelerate weight gain. As for the development of cancer cells, this side effect Combined estrogen-gestagen drugs can cope.

One of the reasons why some doctors are of the opinion that hormones are harmful is because the dosage is unclear. The level of certain hormones in human body is not a constant value, since in the process of life and depending on various conditions their content may vary greatly. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed very carefully, taking into account individual characteristics, constantly monitoring the increase or decrease in hormone levels. But, often, neither patients nor doctors have the opportunity or time for such careful monitoring, therefore, in most cases, only average doses are prescribed, which can lead to excessive use of hormonal drugs, and the harm from such therapy will be clear. At the same time, we should not forget that our body is quite smart and is capable of removing excess of certain substances on its own. But this only happens if everything internal systems it works without failures, which, alas, is rarely expected. In addition, to hormonal drugs an addiction may simply develop, and the glands internal secretion They just get lazy about producing hormones on their own.

When is the risk of hormonal harm justified?

Hormone therapy is perceived as an extreme, life-saving measure, used only when all other methods have failed, and the risk of complications or consequences of the disease is higher than the risk of complications from hormonal treatment. It is very important that the medications are chosen correctly. The use of bioidentical hormones is recommended - they are a kind of “golden mean”. As for hormonal contraceptives, they should also be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the woman, the state of her hormonal levels and under the supervision of her doctor. For diseases upper sections Gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcers are recommended hormonal patches or quickly dissolving tablets so that penetration into the stomach can be avoided. The risk of hormonal harm is also greatly increased by disordered and long-term use medications - usually a certain period of time is enough for the balance to return to normal. Constant use of hormones is prescribed only if, for example, a woman has undergone surgery to remove an ovary.

Possible harm hormones does not mean that they should be abandoned completely. You just need to use them only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you may not only not help, but also greatly harm your body and worsen your health.
