Pink discharge during pregnancy: should you be wary? Pathological secretion during pregnancy

Carrying a child is a period when a woman is especially attentive to own health. The appearance of pink discharge during pregnancy early stages may be a cause for concern. Sometimes this condition does not bring danger, but in some cases it indicates the development of pathologies. The shade of vaginal secretion can change, and from it it is possible to judge the health of a woman’s reproductive system.

After conception in female body Significant changes are beginning. Unusual mucus and cramping may be alarming expectant mother, but often they are a sign of natural restructuring of the reproductive system.

Pinkish discharge during pregnancy worries women. Any drops of blood on the underwear may indicate a threat of miscarriage. A young woman may find that the secretion at times turns yellowish, reddish or brownish. Every change has its reason.

It is not necessary that a change in the color of vaginal mucus warns of a disease or pathology of pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, the pelvic organs become especially filled with blood, which increases the risk of pinkish particles appearing on underwear.

Hormones begin to work differently. Walls cervical canal and the uterus becomes more loose. This increases the risk of minor damage, causing the moisture to change color.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

Pale pink discharge during pregnancy can be considered part of the norm. The appearance of this color indicates the presence of blood particles. Depending on their quantity, the shade and intensity of coloring of the secretion changes.

Non-dangerous causes of pinkish mucus include the following factors:

  • recent gynecological examination;
  • intense sexual intercourse;
  • hormonal changes;
  • taking a smear for testing.

A woman cannot independently determine how serious her health condition is. Only after a medical examination is it possible to confirm or refute any concerns.

Reasons for appearance

Light pink discharge during pregnancy can be caused by several factors. Some do not pose a danger to a woman, while others require professional treatment.

Causes of pinkish discharge:

  • the presence of microscopic cracks in the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • increased content of red blood cells in cervical mucus;
  • hematoma in birth canal, from which the body spontaneously gradually gets rid of;
  • minor injuries during sexual intercourse or after visiting a gynecologist;
  • changes in hormonal levels due to conception;
  • infectious diseases of the genital tract.

Pregnancy is often complicated infectious diseases, in which a pinkish or bloody secretion may appear. A pathogenic pathogen does not always enter a woman’s body after conception.

The infection could remain from a previous illness. Opportunistic bacteria exist for a long time in the human body without causing unpleasant symptoms. Only during pregnancy, when the defenses are reduced, does a woman develop an infectious inflammatory process.

Unpleasant white and pink mucus can bother an expectant mother with thrush. It is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The doctor often decides that the patient needs treatment course vaginal suppositories. Therapy is usually carried out in the second and third trimesters.

Pinkish discharge after “”, which is often prescribed for thrush, is normal. The secret should not be abundant and long-lasting. If this symptom appears, you should inform your doctor. Perhaps he will recommend other candles.

Danger of discharge

Scarlet discharge during pregnancy large quantities not accompanied by pain, weakness, discomfort or unpleasant smell, are not dangerous for mother and fetus. Most often, such manifestations are associated with the functioning of the vaginal mucosa.

This can be dangerous in the following cases:

  • the presence of a large amount of blood in the mucus;
  • profuse leucorrhoea;
  • formation of a cheesy secretion after any stress;
  • the appearance of brown-pink mucus after bowel movements;
  • disturbing pain in the lower abdomen, fever;
  • the occurrence of itching and burning;
  • painful urination.

If they become abundant, especially in the early stages, this is a reason to immediately call an ambulance. You should not travel to the nearest hospital department on your own. This phenomenon indicates the development pathological process. The following dangerous reasons can provoke the condition:

  • detachment of the ovum;
  • placental abruption;
  • acute infections;
  • uterus.

Only a gynecologist can assess how dangerous the changes are. Self-medication by a pregnant woman is a risk for her and the baby.

Pink discharge during different periods of pregnancy

During pregnancy, pink discharge may appear at different stages. This process is always caused by certain reasons.

After conception

Before conception, the cervix and vagina were in a stable condition. Secretion was controlled by sex hormones, the level of which was constant. When a woman became pregnant, a restructuring occurred. Until the 6th week, small amounts of thick mucus may be observed.

More often this is due to the loose surface of the mucous membrane, which at the beginning of pregnancy is especially sensitive to any external influences.

Pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, they can inform the woman about the process of the implantation period. After conception occurs, the embryo begins to implant into the wall of the uterus. It lasts from 1-2 weeks. A few drops of blood indicate that this stage is completed.

In early pregnancy, the appearance of pink spotting will not be a reason to see a doctor if the secretion is not abundant, odorless, bright red, and does not last more than two days.

First trimester

In the first trimester, white-pink discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy, when implantation of the fertilized egg is already behind, indicates hormonal changes in the woman’s body or progesterone deficiency.

Hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy lead to looseness of the mucous membrane, and blood is formed due to minor injuries. Lack of progesterone leads to the fact that menstruation appears at normal times, contrary to an interesting situation. To avoid the threat of interruption, the doctor selects treatment with hormonal drugs.

With proper therapy, at the 10th week of pregnancy and later, there should be no pinkish mucus associated with hormonal changes.

Second trimester

Pink discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy is not considered normal. This period is characterized by calm, because the main changes are behind us.

Bloody discharge or spotting should prompt a woman to undergo testing. Such mucus is considered pathological.

Last trimester

Pink discharge on later When the 37-39th weeks are approaching, you should be wary. Clots released in the third trimester are the release of a mucus plug. The secretion may contain blood.

Recession of the cork occurs individually. For some women, the process is performed quickly, before giving birth. Others noted that the plug came off in parts and over a fairly long period of time.

Appearance copious amounts mucus indicates the imminent onset of labor. The occurrence of pain or stiffness in the abdomen is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, as these may be signs of placental abruption.

With the onset of the desired pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to monitor her body. Of course, symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and lack of appetite will not alert a woman, but will only give her confidence that she will see her baby in nine months. Discharge during pregnancy can be both normal and pathological manifestation. We will try to figure out what light or pale pink discharge means during pregnancy.

Pink discharge during pregnancy

Normally, pink discharge during pregnancy may appear during the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, and it is accompanied by slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. If this discharge is not heavy (spotting) and lasts no more than 1-2 days, then you should not worry. If a pregnant woman’s pink discharge becomes abundant, does not end on day 2, or even changes color to red or brown, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Some women experience light pink discharge during pregnancy on the days when she is supposed to have her period.

The second cause of pink mucous discharge during pregnancy is minor trauma to the genital mucosa after gynecological examination or ultrasound examination with vaginal sensor. In women who are in interesting position, the mucous membranes of the genital tract are full of blood and even with careful examination, microdamages are possible, which are clinically manifested by pink discharge. Therefore, during pregnancy it is not recommended to perform vaginal examinations unless absolutely necessary.

Discharge during pregnancy - what does it mean?

The most dangerous thing is the presence of bloody discharge at any stage of pregnancy. The presence of bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates either that the woman is likely to have an abortion, or that the pregnancy has already been terminated, and the fetus and membranes are coming out.

Late in pregnancy bloody issues from the genitals they talk about . This symptom is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the mother and fetus may die from bleeding. Pink-brown discharge during pregnancy can be observed with a frozen pregnancy, endometriosis of the uterus, as well as with a developing ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

Cloudy yellow-pink discharge during pregnancy with an unpleasant odor may indicate inflammation of the genital organs. If you do not immediately seek help from a doctor, the color of the discharge may turn green. This type of discharge may be accompanied high temperature, weakness, malaise, lower back pain and loss of appetite. In this case, the woman will have to take antibacterial therapy, and maybe even have the discharge analyzed to identify the pathogen that causes such an inflammatory process.

White-pink discharge during pregnancy can be observed with thrush, which tends to worsen during pregnancy. The use of antifungal suppositories, which are prescribed to a woman by a doctor, will help get rid of discharge and the itching that accompanies it.

Thus, a woman needs to monitor her discharge, especially if she is expecting a baby. Light pink discharge during pregnancy is often a variant of the norm and should not alarm the expectant mother if it is: not abundant and not prolonged. If, nevertheless, a woman is concerned about the nature of her discharge, then it is better to play it safe and ask the doctor how normal this is.

Everyone knows that during pregnancy women are advised to rest. But how can you be calm if some changes in your body are scary? For example, leucorrhoea appears. And if white discharge during pregnancy does not frighten the expectant mother very much, then pink discharge makes her worry. And for good reason! Often, pink discharge during pregnancy is a sign of various pathologies.

In the early stages, pink discharge during pregnancy may not conceal anything terrifying. Most often the reason for their appearance is microcracks, which form on the walls of the vagina after sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist using a mirror or douching.

Of course, many ladies now have a question about why there was no such discharge before. It's very simple: in the first weeks of pregnancy the hormonal background women. Under the influence of hormones, the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus loosens. At the same time, the number of tiny blood vessels– capillaries. So they bleed even with minor injuries.

White-pink discharge during pregnancy can also be caused by: embryo implantation. This happens 6-12 days after conception. More often future baby firmly attached to the walls of the uterus on the 8th day. However, sometimes this process can take a long time. As a rule, it is accompanied by slight pink discharge, which disappears within a day, and sometimes after a few hours.

Also, pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy may appear on the day when, according to the calendar, pregnancy should have occurred. period. This means that the mother's body produces less progesterone than necessary. Therefore, detachment of a small part of the endometrium begins.

Usually, during menstruation, the endometrium peels off completely from the uterus and comes out along with the blood. But due to the action of progesterone, this does not happen. Therefore, it is not at all necessary that pink discharge during pregnancy be followed by spontaneous abortion.

Quite often, such discharge lasts only a few hours, and then completely stops, or is replaced by white discharge. In this case, there is no threat of pregnancy failure, but you need to inform the doctor. The gynecologist will prescribe a hormone test for the woman, and if the progesterone level is critical, he will select a hormonal drug that will allow her to maintain the pregnancy.

However, sometimes pink discharge that appears in the early stages may indicate placental abruption. In these cases, with each passing hour, the discharge becomes more abundant, and blood is more clearly visible in it. Remember, bloody discharge during pregnancy in most cases indicates the need medical care. Not feeling well? Call " Ambulance"! It’s better to pay for a “false call” than to lose a child!

What are the dangers of pink discharge in the second half of pregnancy?

In the second half of pregnancy, there should be no pink discharge, but sometimes they still appear. Moreover, light pink discharge during pregnancy may indicate cervical erosion. It’s unpleasant, of course, and this disease can add problems during childbirth, but practically nothing can be done. Erosion should be treated either before planning a pregnancy or after childbirth.

However, if pink discharge appears during pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist observing you should know! If the cause is erosion, the doctor will select harmless drugs that can strengthen the cervix and stop the process of ulceration. This supportive therapy will allow you to carry your baby to term.

Sometimes in the second half of pregnancy, women experience pinkish-brown discharge. This fact should be scary, because a brown tint indicates that the exudate contains a significant amount of coagulated blood. It could have appeared due to partial placental abruption, which means there is a threat premature birth. Especially if such pink-brown discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the lower back or lower abdomen.

In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, it is advisable to do this through a special vehicle - an ambulance. Sometimes the issue of continuing pregnancy is resolved within a few hours. Your baby’s life depends on how quickly you get to the hospital, so don’t delay and call the emergency room as soon as you feel unwell and notice pink-brown marks on the pad.

In addition, pink discharge during pregnancy may indicate the presence of infections in the vagina. Only a timely smear test will help determine the disease. After this, a gentle treatment is usually prescribed that cannot harm the health of the unborn child. There is no need to be embarrassed or put off visiting a doctor.

An untreated infection can cause fetal development defects and even the death of the baby.

Also, pink discharge often acts as a harbinger of labor. This happens on last weeks pregnancy, when the cervix begins to ripen, and then the mucous plug that closed the entrance to the “holy of holies” comes off.

But in any case, the doctor should be notified immediately about the appearance of pink discharge!

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Pinkish discharge during pregnancy, what is it, why does it appear and should you see a doctor? Many women this symptom perceived as something like menstruation and believe that in the first weeks after conception this is considered the norm. This is wrong. This symptom characterizes the threat of miscarriage and requires medication support.

The reasons why pinkish discharge during pregnancy is a detachment of the fertilized egg or endometrium. And a mandatory indication for ultrasound examination. There is no need to be afraid of an ultrasound. The vaginal sensor that will be used during the study will not harm the cervix and the baby, and will not cause miscarriage or developmental defects in the embryo. But in this way it will be possible to make sure that there is an embryo in the fertilized egg, it is alive (there is a heartbeat), and there is something to save. After all, pinkish discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can occur with an ectopic and frozen pregnancy. And in these cases, the treatment tactics will be completely different. At ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg is surgically removed. And if it’s frozen, they do vacuum aspiration or curettage of the uterus. It should be noted that with both an ectopic and a frozen pregnancy, hCG is diagnosed in the woman’s blood, but only its level is slightly lower than what should be at this stage.

If a fertilized egg is found in the uterus and there is an embryo, so-called preservation therapy is prescribed. Treatment can be carried out in a hospital or at home. This is not important. Unless in a hospital, medicines will be provided free of charge.

Main medicine is a progesterone drug. This can be Utrozhestan, which is used vaginally, and Duphaston, which is taken orally. Sometimes they are appointed together. For women with toxicosis, including vomiting, it is better to be treated with Utrozhestan, so it will definitely be better absorbed. Progesterone is usually taken for a long time. Up to 20 weeks, and sometimes longer. Canceled gradually so that pinkish or light pink discharge does not reappear during pregnancy and a threat does not arise.

In addition to progesterone, they are prescribed sedatives, most often it is valerian in tablets. In addition, antispasmodics, if there is a painful tone of the uterus - “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”. Sex life needs to be cancelled. Bed rest may be recommended.

It is not necessary to take a progesterone test during pregnancy. The exact amount of this hormone required for successful gestation pregnancy, unknown. Therefore, all women with a threat of miscarriage are prescribed this hormone. And the dosage is changed up or down depending on the symptoms, the woman becomes better or, on the contrary, worse.

It may bleed if the placenta is attached very close to the internal os or even covers it. Fortunately, in most cases, the placenta migrates higher on its own, with the growth of the uterus, and the symptoms disappear.

Less commonly, pink vaginal discharge can be explained by cervical pathology. But then, as a rule, they do not arise spontaneously, but after some impact on the cervix. So-called contact discharge or bleeding. For example, after a transvaginal ultrasound, gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. The diagnosis is made by examining the cervix. Ectopia (erosion) may bleed. If there are signs of inflammation, it is prescribed antibacterial therapy. In some cases, they may additionally take a smear for cytology and do a colposcopy, examine the cervix with high magnification, if there is a suspicion of more serious, dysplastic changes.

Non-contact pinkish discharge during late pregnancy has a different nature. They are usually associated with the passage of a mucus plug from the cervix - a sign imminent birth. In this case, not just pink smear appears on the laundry, but copious mucus with pink or red streaks. The cervix bleeds a little when dilated.

But sometimes this symptom may indicate premature placental abruption. Then this happens much earlier than the expected due date, mucus is not released. You need to see a doctor.

When carrying a child, a lot of things change in a woman’s body: hormonal levels change, the rate of blood circulation changes, and all organs experience additional stress abdominal cavity.

Sometimes these changes can even be somewhat frightening. For example, pink discharge.

Pink discharge during early pregnancy

It is possible that in the first three months they occur due to the high vulnerability of the internal genital organs or because blood circulation in the pelvic area is increased.

They can also occur after a vaginal ultrasound, examination by a gynecologist using a speculum, or after sex. This may be blood that has accumulated under placental abruptions and is released out. This pink discharge proves that the uterus has fused with the fetus.

Another reason for pink discharge during pregnancy is hormonal changes. This manifests itself on those days when menstruation is scheduled to occur. This should not cause concern.

Pink discharge during late pregnancy

During this period, they are most likely the cause of placental previa or placental abruption. You should consult a doctor if you have lower back pain and pink mucus constantly coming out of your vagina. This may be a sign of pathology.

During the prenatal period, pinkish discharge causes the plug to come out. Throughout pregnancy, this mucus serves as protection for the cervix. When the plug comes off, you can expect the beginning labor activity.

When to sound the alarm?

In cases where the discharge becomes dark brown and more abundant, you should consult a doctor - this can be a serious threat of miscarriage. That may be why different reasons. First of all, there is an infection that can be dangerous. A swab must be taken.

Otherwise, darkened discharge may indicate a hematoma. Blood coagulates, causing a hematoma. Only a doctor can solve this problem. Therapy includes hormonal drugs and vitamins.

With pink discharge, the main thing is to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of pinkish discharge during pregnancy

  1. This occurs due to the sensitivity of the tissues of the genital organs and active receipts blood to them. The reasons for this are hormones that begin to act energetically during pregnancy and also due to the rush of blood to the uterus. Discharge due to this can be caused after intervention in the vagina - ultrasound with a sensor, examination by a gynecologist with a mirror, sex.
    Such discharge is usually light pink in color, it is not abundant, and can appear once throughout pregnancy.
  2. A small placental abruption also causes pink discharge.
  3. Good implantation of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.
  4. On the days when your period should begin, such discharge may appear along with mild pain in the lower back.
  5. When the plug comes out - a phenomenon that occurs at the end of gestation. This - normal sign approaching birth.
  6. Such discharge may be leakage of amniotic fluid. This occurs due to premature rupture of the membranes.
  7. Another reason - increased tone uterus. In this case, pink discharge is profuse, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This is a threat of miscarriage. If your discharge turns from pink to brown, contact your doctor immediately. Brown color signals that a large amount of blood has coagulated.
  8. Bacterial vaginosis, infections, inflammation of the uterus. In infections, pink discharge is accompanied by severe pain and itching of the genitals.
  9. Other factors: hot bath, stress, physical fatigue.
Special attention deserves pink discharge in the second or third trimester and lasts for a long time. There should not be any during this period.