The child has green snot in the morning. Cold-like nature of the disease. Pediatrician Komarovsky about green snot

So, you wake up in the morning and see an unpleasant picture: the child has green, thick snot. Where did they come from, how serious is it and what to do about it? This sign is a companion to a cold that your baby might have caught. This symptom, under no circumstances, should be ignored or left to chance. In this article we will find out why this phenomenon occurs and discuss ways to prevent and treat green snot in a child using traditional and folk remedies.

Causes of children's green snot

Usually a runny nose is the main cause of green snot in a child. This symptom occurs when there is inflammation respiratory tract. This disease is infectious in nature and can be caused by any virus that enters the children's body through respiratory system. Green snot in your baby indicates the active reproduction of these viruses or bacteria, which die under the influence of cells performing protective functions immune system (leukocytes). Dead cells accumulate in mucus and acquire such an unpleasant color.

Sometimes there are cases of microplasma and chlamydial rhinitis, which is very dangerous. The onset of the disease is characterized by a large amount of discharge from the nasal cavity. If you find this manifestation in your child, it is most likely an infection. viral nature. For well-being and general state This process does not affect the body. However, if the runny nose is not cured at this stage, the viruses will be successfully replaced by bacteria. This is how a new inflammation begins, developing based on the vital activity of bacteria, which explains the reason for the appearance of green skin in a child. thick snot. The nasal mucosa swells and becomes painful, making it difficult for the baby to breathe.

Basically, green snot appears in a child during the following periods:

  • in early spring, while the baby’s immunity is weakened after winter;
  • in late autumn, with the onset of cold weather, during periods of high humidity;
  • during the period of adaptation of the baby to a new environment, when there are many children in the same room, and infections spread especially quickly;
  • in the first days of the visit kindergarten.

If such situations arise, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary, since inflammation can negatively affect other organs directly related to the respiratory system.

Why shouldn’t children’s green snot be released, and why are they dangerous?

A child may develop green snot on its own, without accompanying symptoms: temperature, cough. But this does not mean that they are harmless. As a rule, this unpleasant mucus also flows inward, and not just outward. And inside the bacteria awaits an even more suitable environment for reproduction: moist and warm. Green snot flows down the larynx and into the child's lungs, and this is much more serious than a simple infection in the nasal cavity.

In addition, the transition from the nose to the ear in children is very short, which means there is a risk of pus penetrating directly into the ears, which will also provoke otitis media.

The runny nose itself - alarm signal to the fact that something is going wrong. Parents need to remember that negligence today can lead to big problems in the future!

Treatment of green snot in a child

To the question of how to cure green snot for a child, there is no single universal answer. Needed here A complex approach and, most importantly, consultation with a doctor. For example, to ease the baby’s breathing during the period of snot discharge, an experienced professional will prescribe the use of vasoconstrictor drops, which should be instilled strictly in certain doses. Also, the doctor will recommend that you do not abuse such drugs, as they have some side effects and they can be addictive to the body. Your pediatrician will tell you in detail about these and other nuances.

In addition to drops, in order to get rid of green snot in a child, antibiotics are used as prescribed by the doctor. However, their use may be accompanied by dysbacteriosis, and as a result, weakening of the baby’s body, so only doctors prescribe them and only with great caution.

Green snot can be a symptom of adenoids or the development of bronchitis; for this reason, parents also do not need to choose drops for treatment on their own, but rather follow the prescriptions of the ENT doctor. At home, you can make gentle drops based on saline that destroy pathogens. Other effective ways traditional treatment we'll look at it next.

How to cure green snot in a child using folk methods?

When choosing how to treat thick green snot, many often start with home methods. At the initial stage, they can be quite effective, and the decisive argument in support folk remedies is their gentle effect on children's immunity. Your baby's green snot will go away if:

  • use potato, beetroot, parsley root, and carrot juices as drops (all juices must be freshly squeezed and diluted 1:1 with water);
  • bury your nose with herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula;
  • give the child a warm drink with honey;
  • rinse your nose with solution table salt and water;
  • use inhalations and steam baths (best using a nebulizer).

Do not forget that when instilling medical and homemade drops into your nose, you should first blow your nose and the nose should be thoroughly cleaned.

Prevention of green snot in a child

To prevent your child from being tormented by such a scourge as green snot, every parent needs to know and carry out certain preventive actions helping to strengthen the immune system:

  • Provide your baby with a nutritious, balanced diet.
  • Periodically ventilate the rooms in which the child remains for a long time.
  • Take frequent and long enough walks in the fresh air.
  • IN summer time The baby should eat a lot of different fruits, vegetables, berries and greens.
  • Starting from autumn and ending with the spring months, ensure that your child consumes mineral and vitamin complexes.

In conclusion, we note once again: self-medicate your child without the advice of a doctor, and even more so medications, too risky. In order not to harm the child, in case of any illness, first seek help from a pediatrician and only then make plans for further action.

A runny nose in children, especially young ones, happens quite often. Their nasal passages are very narrow, and the mucous lining in them is delicate and sensitive. Nasal discharge does not always indicate the onset of a serious illness. They may be allergic or other non-infectious in nature. But you cannot ignore this symptom. The color of the discharge can tell you a lot, especially if it is pronounced. Most often, snot takes on various shades of green. Let's figure out if a child has green snot, what does it mean.

What do shades of green mean?

When green snot appears in a child, there can be a variety of reasons. We can only say for sure that pathogenic microorganisms - viruses or bacteria - got inside. Moreover, the thicker and more intense the discharge, the more late stage there is a disease. Therefore, the color of snot is important factor, helping the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

This is what green snot in a child means different intensity coloring:

It is also important for mothers to remember that it is very rare for a child to immediately develop green snot. On early stage any disease caused pathogenic microorganisms, nasal discharge is colorless.

Only as dead bacteria and neutrophils accumulate in the mucus does the snot acquire a distinct green color. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and start treatment as quickly as possible.

Prevention methods

Although it is not so difficult to cure green snot in a child, it is better to simply prevent its occurrence. Simple preventive measures will help harden your baby, strengthen his immunity and reduce the likelihood of an infectious disease:

An excellent means of prevention to prevent green snot from appearing in children is to regularly rinse the nose with a solution. sea ​​salt or herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, etc.). This will clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus and create an unfavorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

When the baby is already sick, the nose can be washed up to 3 times a day (preferably before instilling drops). But this must be done carefully - under high pressure of water, snot can get into the Eustachian tube and provoke otitis media.

The mother's attentive attitude to the baby's health will allow her to detect the first signs of the disease in time and begin treatment immediately. If you are not sure that you can cope with the disease yourself with home remedies, then be sure to consult your doctor!

Nasal discharge can have a very different character, color and consistency. The nature of the disease can be determined by the shade and thickness of the snot. in the morning indicate the addition of bacterial flora. The special color of nasal secretions is given by bacteria and leukocytes that have died in the nasal cavity - cells of the immune system that perform protective functions. Moreover, the greater the number of pathogenic microorganisms and protective cells in the mucus, the more saturated its shade will be.

The main reason for the appearance of green snot only in the morning is that infectious and viral diseases sometimes they can occur in a latent form. And since a child’s body develops immunity until the age of 7-8 years, this phenomenon can be considered an absolutely normal reaction to the invasion of pathogens. However, this kind of discharge should not be ignored, since the infectious process can provoke the development of quite serious complications.

Etiological factor

A change in the shade of the mucous secretion indicates the presence viral infection, to which foreign bacterial flora was mixed.

Weakened immunity

Most often, discharge of this nature appears in children during the off-season, when children's the immune system weakens significantly.

The child’s body is very sensitive to various viruses and infections, so even the smallest virus can trigger the development of the disease.


Most common cause the appearance of green discharge from the nose in a child is a visit to kindergarten. This is due to the fact that being in a small room, pathogenic bacteria spread at high speed. When the child's body adapts to new conditions, runny nose and colds will occur much less frequently.

The importance of timely treatment

Green snot in itself is not dangerous, since its appearance indicates good resistance of the body to infection. However, this does not mean that this kind of runny nose should be left to chance. It is necessary to understand that with the accumulation of pathological exudate, the likelihood of spread infectious process on neighboring organs, increases significantly. Therefore, in the event of mucous discharge that has green tint, you definitely need to show your child to a doctor.


A runny nose of bacterial origin, as a rule, is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, and therefore the nasal breathing. Nasal congestion leads to sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and the child becomes lethargic and moody. The main task, in this case, is to restore breathing through the nose. Optimal treatment can be prescribed after identifying the reasons that provoked the development of the bacterial process, so therapy should be started only after consulting a doctor.


For relax symptomatic manifestations and relief of congestion, the use of nasal vasoconstrictors may be recommended. When using drugs in this group, you should be as careful as possible, since they have quite a a large number of side effects. They must be used strictly following the pediatrician's instructions, without violating the recommended dosages, and without increasing the duration of the course of treatment.


Taking into account the severity of the disease, treatment may be prescribed antibacterial drugs. Due to the risk of microflora disruption while taking antibiotics, such medications are prescribed in case of emergency, and with extreme caution.

Wash solutions

An important part in treating green snot in a child is clearing the nasal passages of accumulated mucus. The most suitable means for this purpose are solutions made from sterile sea ​​water. Replace pharmaceutical products, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of sea or table salt to 1 liter of warm boiled water.

Traditional methods

Most parents give their preference to old, proven methods that have been used for more than one generation. On initial stage development of the disease, such remedies can be very effective, but it is worth understanding that home therapy can only be auxiliary, i.e. complement the main treatment. In any case, the use of certain drugs must be approved by a doctor.

The following methods will help eliminate green snot in a child and facilitate nasal breathing:


Procedures for instilling nasal decoctions based on medicinal herbs. Chamomile and calendula are good for this purpose.

Beetroot and magpie juice

Instill the juices of beets, potatoes, carrots or parsley root into the child's nasal passages. Such means are characterized by fast therapeutic effect, however, they should be used with extreme caution, as they can provoke an allergic reaction. It is important that medicinal juices were freshly squeezed and diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

Inhalation procedures

It is best to use a nebulizer for inhalation, since breathing over steam bacterial rhinitis not recommended due to the likelihood of infection spreading into the respiratory tract.

When green snot appears in a child in the morning, it should be remembered that self-medication, in this case, can only aggravate the situation and lead to the development of more serious illnesses. To avoid this, it is imperative to visit a specialist, since only a doctor can prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

A constant runny nose in the morning causes a lot of discomfort, even though it goes away on its own soon after waking up. This process can greatly ruin your mood for the whole day. What causes it, and is it possible to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom?

Causes of a constant severe runny nose with mucus in the morning

Usually characterized by the sudden onset of a runny nose in the morning, then it goes away as quickly as it started. Such an unpleasant start to the day is familiar to many people, but only a few really pay attention to it and try to solve the problem.

There can be many reasons for a runny nose in the morning; experts call the following main factors causing morning rhinitis:

  1. Hypothermia. If it was cold in the apartment at night, a person may wake up in the morning with a severe runny nose or nasal congestion. He may also sneeze.
  2. Allergy to wool. Severe runny nose in the morning may occur in people who have animals in their home, especially if they sleep with them. It is for this reason that children sneeze most often.
  3. Allergy to pollen from flowering plants. During the flowering period of plants that are strong allergens, it is observed copious discharge mucus from the nose morning time. This symptom may be accompanied by sneezing, itching and redness of the eyes, nasal congestion and even coughing. Allergic reaction the organism can arise not only from house plants, because pollen penetrates into the apartment when the windows are open or is carried in from the street on a person’s clothing or hair.
  4. Allergy to dust. House dust is another reason why a runny nose in the morning especially bothers a person. Dust may be on bedding or furniture near the bed.
  5. Development of chronic runny nose. In case acute form rhinitis was not treated in a timely manner or the treatment was not effective enough, chronic runny nose occurs. With this disease, a runny nose with mucus most often appears in the morning; this is one of the main signs of chronic rhinitis. After some time, the secretion of mucus from the nasopharynx stops a little, however, this does not mean that inflammatory process eliminated.

If you sleep on a down pillow and cover yourself with a wool blanket, and you sneeze and blow your nose for a long time in the morning, you should change your bedding. Down and wool are strong allergens, try replacing them with hypoallergenic materials, such as bamboo fiber.

Preparations for the treatment of runny nose in the morning in children and adults

In a child, a runny nose in the morning causes more discomfort than in adults, especially if he does not yet know how to blow his nose. To understand the cause of this condition of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests. If a child sneezes and complains of increased mucus production, treating allergies with medications is not enough; it is important to first eliminate contact with the allergen.

Antihistamines for the treatment of a runny nose in the morning in children and adults are aimed at blocking the action of histamine, a modifier that causes dilation of blood vessels in the nasopharynx and swelling of the mucous membrane. Such drugs will also help reduce the intensity of the unpleasant symptom if it is caused by a cold. In addition, runny nose and sneezing in the morning can be reduced with the help of.

To normalize the functionality of the nasopharynx, when a patient complains of a morning runny nose and sneezing, specialists can prescribe the following medications to treat the disease:

  • antiallergic drugs;
  • vasoconstrictor drops and sprays;
  • hormonal ointments and aerosols.

Among antihistamines, which are recommended to be taken immediately after the occurrence unpleasant symptoms allergies, experts prescribe Teridin, Claritin, Zyrtec, Telfast. To narrow the blood vessels on the nasal mucosa and relieve its swelling, you can drip your nose with Xymelin, Tizin, Fasin and other drugs from this group.

At chronic rhinitis, which appears morning runny nose, children and adults can be prescribed homeopathic medicines Sinupret or Sinuforte. You should know that they do not act immediately, since they have a cumulative effect.
