Burdock - healing, beneficial properties of the root, juice, seeds. Medicinal and beneficial properties of burdock

Remember how in childhood, children, playing in the yard, often “awarded” each other with such “medals” from burdock? This is how this plant spreads everywhere - along roads, in glades, wastelands, in yards and gardens. Summer residents consider it a weed. And sometimes I think, passing by a giant clinging to clothes, that he attracts with his hooks on the inflorescences, because he wants to draw attention to himself, as if asking: “Don’t pass, notice me, because I’m so useful, I can treat.” And he can help summer residents. If suddenly your head hurts or your knee aches, then you need to attach a sheet, and it will become easier. Today MirSovetov will acquaint its readers with healing composition plants and ways of using burdock in medicine.

Strength and power are felt in the form of burdock. The scientific name for burdock is Arctium lappa. The word "Arctium" is translated from Greek as "bear". It is believed that burdock was born in Russia, and after 1815 it was brought to Europe by Russian cavalry. Once Georges de Mestral (an engineer from Switzerland) was walking with his dog. And here burdocks clung to her wool. Taking out the seeds, the engineer took a good look at them and soon created a Velcro fastener. And that was in 1948. Burdock usually grows as tall as a person, but there are also three-meter giants, and there are up to 100 seeds on a bush. Burdock is fed to cows, its seeds are liked poultry, he is also a honey plant. Yes, it is edible for humans. In the Caucasus and Siberia, it is considered a vegetable plant. The Japanese call burdock gobo (or gabo) and grow it in gardens. One of the legends says that Gabo really wanted to make friends with a man whom he revered and respected as a ruler. But everyone hurriedly passed by the plant and even brushed it aside and scolded it. And only one peasant paid attention to the burdock and sheltered it in his small garden. Then, as a token of gratitude for the friendship, the gabo promised the good peasant that his family would not lack food. Since then, in Japan, you can find large beds with burdock, which is eaten. The roots are suitable fresh, fried, boiled and baked. But only annual, that is, one-year-old roots are suitable. They also make mashed potatoes instead of potatoes, jam and even marmalade. Some people like a coffee drink made from roasted roots, which are then ground in regular ones. And young leaves in the spring can be added to various salads, borscht and soups. The Portuguese, Brazilians, Italians, Koreans still use the roots for food and claim that they taste like artichokes. Gardeners sometimes use the plant to control caterpillars of cabbage whites and scoops.

Chemical composition

And what was found in the burdock from useful substances? Inulin (up to 45%), proteins, tannins, flavonoids, bitterness, organic acids, B vitamins, and mineral compounds were found in the roots.

In the leaves, in addition to listed vitamin C, mucus, carotene.

The seeds have fatty acid, lignan glycoside arctiin.

Medicinal properties

The advantages and range of effects on the body of burdock are as follows:

  1. Diuretic, choleretic, laxative, diaphoretic action.
  2. Antitumor activity due to the presence of alkaloids.
  3. Antioxidant and immunostimulant.
  4. Leaves have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antirheumatic properties.
  5. Juice improves work, metabolic processes, cleanses the blood.
  6. Roots due to inulin improve the production of insulin by the pancreas, increase the concentration of glycogen in the liver. Experiments have proven that burdock lowers blood sugar.

Burdock preparations will be useful for the following ailments:

  • hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation and ulcers in digestive tract, colitis, constipation;
  • neurodermatitis, dermatitis, exudative diathesis, eczema, acne, burns, boils, hair loss;
  • diabetes mellitus, gallstones and kidney stones;
  • , delay of menstruation, ;
  • pneumonia, ;
  • skin cancer and other tumors, cysts on organs;
  • gout, rheumatism, arthrosis;
  • , migraine.

Application in medicine

Dioscorides and Dr. Alexander the Great wrote about how to use burdock for treatment.

As already mentioned, the leaves can be removed headache especially in hot weather. If you are engaged in weeding in your area, then put a young leaf under a scarf to your forehead, it will immediately become cooler and more comfortable. But for the treatment of pain associated with arthrosis, arthritis or bruises, take a sheet, roll a rolling pin over it so that the juice comes out and the central vein softens, and bandage it to the sore spot. With knee pathology, it is more convenient to tie a scarf over a burdock leaf and go to bed like that. In case of rheumatism, burdock leaves rolled with a rolling pin cannot be dispensed with. For a long and persistent cough, try also using the leaves. Put them on the chest and back at night. It is better to apply with the bottom side (it is lighter and more pubescent). If the leaves are very large and thick, then they are preliminarily doused with boiling water. Juice is usually made from the leaves by passing them through a meat grinder and then squeezing them out. Swabs and cotton pads soaked in it are applied to wounds, ulcers, boils,. Wipe face with acne. And it is desirable to rub into the hair with them strong fallout. If you take the juice inside, you can get rid of cysts on the kidneys or ovaries. Juice spoils quickly, so it is often preserved by adding alcohol or vodka as a preservative. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils, ointments are prepared from leaves, roots and seeds.

Infusions are usually made in a thermos. Take crushed raw materials in the amount of two tablespoons and place in a thermos. Next comes boiling 250 ml of water and pouring it into a vessel. After several hours of extraction active substances and straining the infusion is ready for use both internally and externally.

To prepare the tincture, stock up on raw materials and alcohol (vodka is also suitable). Preparation will take two or three weeks.

For a decoction, take 15 inflorescences with seeds (or 4 tablespoons of crushed roots) and fill with water (400 ml). Wait a few hours, and then boil on a low flame for 15 minutes. After straining, the decoction can be drunk or used externally. This is one of the ways to prepare a healing decoction.

As anticancer drugs suitable roots or inflorescences. After the courses of chemotherapy, traditional medicine advises a 10-day course to purify the blood.

About how to use Burr oil, MirSovetov has already informed its readers.

Herbalists include large burdock in multi-component collections for the treatment of obesity, alcoholism, hyperthyroidism, ascites, hemorrhoids, and nephrolithiasis.

If you have diabetes, try taking the following collection: burdock roots, blueberry leaves or shoots, bean leaves, flaxseed and chicory roots.

Until now side effects and no contraindications were found in the plant.

And one more reminder. It is desirable to use the leaves fresh for treatment, but the roots must be dug up in the first year of the plant's life, when it has not yet bloomed. In the second year, the roots become coarse and hard, their properties weaken. It is worth going on a hike for the roots in late autumn or early spring. If it is not possible to procure raw materials on your own, then you can find burdock roots in pharmacies.

Surely almost every person saw "tenacious" burdock inflorescences along the roads and in countryside. A variety of burdock, burdock has long been a medicinal herb and is used even in official medicine, because it has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing effect. The article is devoted to the description of this remarkable representative of the flora, its habitat and folk recipes, where the familiar burdock is the main ingredient.

What does burdock look like and where does it grow

Burdock is considered to be large weed grass , however, in Lately there is a trend among gardeners to cultivate it as a medicinal and vegetable plant. For example, one of the species is the huge Sakhalin burdock, which is actively grown in gardens and even on balconies and stocked up for the winter, as if it were potatoes.

Among other things, this giant can serve good service, if you pick large leaves and cover the south side of the garden with them in the evening, so that in the morning the scorching rays of the sun do not harm the young plantings, you will get something that looks like a canopy.

The area of ​​distribution of burdock includes the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia, the European part of Russia, the Far East and middle Asia.

How to determine that in front of you is a big burdock? Distinctive features - high pubescent stem (from 120 centimeters); large ovate leaves, decreasing as they approach the top; powerful root system rod type, going deep underground (more than half a meter). The foliage is green on top and greyish on the underside.

Burdock, as it is also called, is a herbaceous biennial from the Compositae family. In the first season, the plant acquires basal leaves, and in the second it starts up high stem branches. The period of active flowering occurs in the second half of summer, and the growing season occurs in August and September. Burdock flowers have a tubular structure, they look like red-violet spherical baskets. At the end of ripening, the fruits cling to the clothes and wool of animals - this is how the plant develops new territories.

How and when to dig up burdock root (video)

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Terms and rules of collection

To take advantage of the healing properties of burdock, you need to follow a few rules regarding its preparation. Roots, leaves and fruits have a healing effect.

Root big burdock should be dug in the first autumn of his life, because at this time they have the greatest strength (if you failed to do this in the fall, you can try in the spring before the first leaves appear). Burdock roots must be handled with care, being careful not to damage the top skin. After uprooting, carefully clean the root from the ground, cut into pieces and dry at a temperature of 40 degrees in a ventilated room. When harvesting, the rhizome is not recommended to be washed. The shelf life of such a blank is up to 5 years.

The fruits of the great burdock are obviously harvested during the ripening period. Then they, like the roots, are dried in the shade and heat. As for the leaves, it is better to collect them in the spring before the flowers appear or right during flowering. Seeds are stored for three years, and foliage - 1 year.

Useful properties of burdock

Burdock has a lot of useful and medicinal properties, which are important to know for everyone who prefers to use for the treatment of ailments. medicinal herbs.

Medicinal properties of burdock root

Burdock root owes its beneficial properties to its rich chemical composition.: it contains inulin, vitamins (C, B, E, D), pectins, essential oils, various mucus, tannins, organic acids and many other components.

Burdock root has a diuretic, choleretic, laxative and diaphoretic effect; effective in the fight against acne, furunculosis, eczema, allergies and seborrhea. Burdock root extract can help with joint pain as well as diabetes.

Benefits of burdock fruits and seeds

The main useful property of the seeds and fruits of burdock is the ability to normalize the functioning of the intestines, therefore, infusions from them are used for colitis, constipation, intestinal atrophy and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Besides, "thorns" are used to whiten teeth and diabetes, allergies and benign tumors.

Healing properties of plant leaves

Large burdock foliage is also used as folk remedy. Freshly picked or soaked in water, the leaves do an excellent job with wounds, cuts, burns, abrasions, bumps and other damage to the surface of the epithelium.

Joint pains and the so-called "lumbago" can also be removed with a compress from the leaves of a large burdock. It is enough just to apply a lubricated vegetable oil sheet to the sore spot, cover it with a compress film and fix it properly with a bandage.

The healing properties of burdock root (video)

Recipes using burdock in folk medicine

Traditional medicine is a storehouse with recipes from great burdock, because, as mentioned above, the plant has the widest range healing properties. For convenience, all recipes can be conditionally divided into three large groups according to the parts of the burdock used in them: drugs from the roots, decoctions and compresses from the leaves, infusions of fruits (flowers, seeds). Here are the most popular ones:


  • Root infusion. Pre-prepared crushed root is poured with boiling water in a thermos and infused overnight. The ratio is 5 g per 0.5 l. Then the tincture is drunk during the day while still hot. If there is no thermos, you can infuse the roots in any other container, but you will have to warm it up before each use.
  • For cooking, you will need a tablespoon of root chopped in a meat grinder and a couple of glasses of plain water. First you need to arrange a mixture water bath for 15-30 minutes, and then carefully filter through several layers of gauze bandage. Take the resulting decoction several times a day before meals for 4 weeks. The decoction helps with chronic constipation.
  • root juice big burdock with honey. Grind the burdock root in a blender or meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice, after placing the mass in three-fold gauze. Ground roots are poured with liquid honey, then everything is mixed and infused in the dark and cool for 21 days. The final stage is straining. Take this medicine for a week, several times a day before meals. The dosage is 10 ml.


  • May leaf juice. In sunny May, you need to pick burdock leaves, wash them, dry them and grind them in a meat grinder. All juice is squeezed through gauze; reception - a tablespoon before meals. The duration of taking the mixture is 3 weeks (1 week, then a pause, then another week). Recommended to be taken every year chronic hepatitis.
  • Leaf infusion. You will need 2 tbsp. l. ground leaves and half a liter of boiling water, which they need to pour and leave overnight. Strain before use. Method of application: incomplete glass 3 times a day separately from meals.
  • Burdock leaf compresses: You can use both dry and freshly plucked leaves. This method is very effective in joint diseases and against bedsores.

Burdock is popularly known as the big burdock. This plant is unpretentious, therefore it is often found in rural areas, where there are many wastelands and vegetable gardens. However, there are healing properties of this herb, which are used in medicine and cosmetology.

Burdock is a tall biennial plant, sometimes it reaches a medium human growth. The structure of the root system is well developed, the shape of the root resembles a spindle, it reaches a length of 0.6-1.5 meters. A powerful tall stem appears in the second year, basal leaves grow in the first year.

Despite the large size of the plant itself, its flowers are small in shape. From afar, burdock attracts attention with a large number of purple flowers. They tend to easily cling to fabric due to thin spines located throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leaves framing the inflorescence.

Despite the large size of the burdock, its flowers are small in shape.

There are also other types of burdock: cobwebbed, small and 8 more species. Of all the varieties, Sakhalin burdock stands out for its size, which local residents often use instead of an umbrella if the rain is taken by surprise. The nature of Sakhalin is so favorable for this plant that the leaves in diameter reach 1.5 meters, and the height of the grass is 3 meters. Useful qualities possesses only a large burdock. First of all, it is worth highlighting honey, the pollen of which is collected from burdock. He possesses all medicinal properties plants, has a pleasant smell and delicate taste.

In general, every centimeter of burdock has its own use, because every part of it contains valuable components.

Gallery: burdock (25 photos)

The healing properties of burdock root (video)

The use of burdock root in traditional medicine and cosmetology

The root of the plant contains a whole range of useful substances: starch and protein, various oils, acids and resins, vitamins, minerals and many other elements.

Preparations containing burdock root are used to remove excess fluid from the body by urination, sweating, as a choleretic and mild laxative, as a supporting element for the pancreas. For external use, ointments and decoctions are used to relieve allergy symptoms, eliminate itching, to provide the first medical care if an antimicrobial, antiseptic or disinfectant action is needed.

Consider the description of recipes from the burdock rhizome, indicating the diseases for which it is used. It should immediately be noted that contraindications are present only for pregnant and lactating women, as well as with individual intolerance to mental illness.

Burdock root contains a whole range of useful substances

  1. Allergy. Any form of root (dried or fresh) is poured with cow's milk. For 10g of burdock, a glass of liquid (0.25l) is taken. On low heat in a water bath, stand for a couple of hours, not allowing to boil. To do this, do not cover with a lid. Then let it brew for the same period of time and strain. Take 2 tbsp. l. several times a day (at least 5), regardless of the meal.
  2. Gastritis. Grind burdock roots, pour a third of a tablespoon into 0.2 liters of boiling water. Insist for half a day, strain. Take 100g before meals 4 times.
  3. Scrofula. A decoction of the roots (proportions as for gastritis), insist 1/3 hour, strain. Drink a cold drink as often as possible. Wiping of sore spots is also recommended.
  4. Healing of problematic wounds. The root is poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5, the mixture is infused for 24 hours, after which it is boiled over low heat for ¼ hour and decanted. It is applied topically directly to the wound.
  5. Coronary artery disease. A dry root is poured with boiling water, and a fresh one - cold water. Proportions: 2 tbsp. burdock, 500g liquid. The night is brewing. Drink 150g before meals for ¼ hour or one hour after it.

There are many other ways to cure various diseases with the help of a large burdock. In cosmetology, burdock oil is actively used, which is considered in recipe No. 4, against hair loss. It is rubbed into problem areas to stimulate work. hair follicles and blood circulation in them.

In cosmetology, burdock oil is actively used against hair loss.

Gallery: burdock (25 photos)

Medicinal properties of seeds and fruits of burdock

The leaves and root of the herb are more often collected for the preparation of medicines, but do not forget about its seeds. They contain vitamins B, fatty oils. In its pure form, they are used for diseases of the throat, colds, edema and measles. 15g should be eaten during the day. Squeezed juice is drunk in the absence of appetite and weakness of the body, the decoction is prescribed in combination with other herbs to achieve a laxative effect. Jade can be cured with "pills" from seeds, which are mixed 1: 1 with duckweed and crushed. After that, honey is added and 5g pills are formed, which must be consumed three times a day.

Burdock fruits are used in mixture with other plants (blueberries - fruits and flowers, wild strawberry leaves, corn stigmas, cornflower, beans) for the treatment of the pancreas. For this, a decoction is prepared and taken for two weeks before meals, ½ cup.

How to make burdock tincture (video)

How to use burdock for joint pain

Everyone, sooner or later, is faced with changes in the joints, due to which pain. In such cases, you can make compresses from burdock. One of the cooking methods is to steep the seeds in vodka or alcohol.(30g per ½l). The preparation procedure lasts 2 weeks, after which the medicine should be filtered and applied to diseased joints. For a warming effect, use breathable materials: a woolen scarf, scarf, to avoid tissue necrosis.

In summer, the leaves of the plant can be used to treat joint pain. To do this, finely chop the grass and place in a jar without air access. In such conditions, burdock should be in the sun until mold appears. The mixture has bad smell, but effectively relieves pain from the first time.

For arthritis and arthrosis, you can use similar decoctions of burdock roots topically. Also, with arthrosis, you can take a dry crushed root inside. And externally they treat with fresh leaves: arthrosis - with a bandage with them at night, arthritis - cut June leaves should be covered in full growth and spend a couple of hours during the day. It is necessary to alternate treatment with leaves for arthritis with compresses of honey and alcohol, proportions 1: 1, application time - 4 hours.

Burdock is familiar to most people, because its seeds cling to clothes during walks. City residents consider this bush a weed and do not pay attention to it, nevertheless, burdock has long been considered healing herb. Not only leaves, roots and even thorns are used - the seed material of the plant. The benefits of burdock are due to its chemical composition, and burdock-based products treat many ailments.

What does burdock look like and where does it grow

Burdock belongs to the Astrov family., this plant has a powerful branched root, reaching more than 10 meters. The height of the bush varies from 60 to 180 cm, the young specimen forms basal leaves, and the adult has a large and erect stem. large leaves green color are heart-shaped, and below they are grayish and dull. The flowers are collected in spherical baskets, the diameter of which is 3 cm, the fruits of burdock are oblong achenes that ripen in September.

In summer, you can recognize burdock by its characteristic wide leaves, often covered with dust near roads. In autumn, the plant is recognized by its sticky thorns - seed pods. Burdock grows near human habitation, on wastelands and clearings, it can often be seen in parks and near summer cottages.

Such a plant is distributed throughout the steppe and forest-steppe territory of the European part of Russia, it is also found in the Urals, in Western Siberia Far East. A similar plant grows there - Sakhalin burdock. Burdock has also grown in the Caucasus, it feels good on the banks of rivers and lakes, in the field.

Medicinal properties of seeds (fruits) and burdock root

Burdock seeds are a source of nutrients for the body, but few people think about it. This gift of nature contains the following components:

  • fatty oil;
  • B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • saponins;
  • glycosides.

The seeds have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative and antipyretic properties. They are used to treat diseases digestive system, including colitis and constipation. Valuable glycosides provide antitumor activity natural remedy. Malic and citric acids increase immunity, help the body cope with colds.

IN traditional medicine burdock root is also successfully used. It is rich in polysaccharides, fatty acids, tannins, essential oils, as well as vitamins and minerals. Means based on this part of the plant strengthen immune system , relieve the symptoms of stomatitis and periodontal disease, relieve inflammatory process. In addition, burdock roots normalize body temperature, restore liver function, and improve blood composition. In some cases, it is useful to take drugs based on the rhizome for intoxication.

Burdock: useful properties (video)

How and when to dig up burdock root

It's important to know, that a young plant in the first year of life has useful properties, it is precisely such specimens that need to be harvested. In autumn, when the bush began to fade, it's time to stock up on burdock rhizome. People collect it in September or a little later. It is easy to distinguish one-year-old burdock from the old one: the first does not form prickly boxes with seeds.

The roots of the plant go deep into the ground, so pulling them out entirely will not work, the main thing is to extract the thick part.

At the dug out rhizome, remove the aerial part, then carefully clean it from the ground with a stiff brush. Do not immediately wash raw materials in cold water first, dry it well. Be sure to cut off the small roots and cut out the rotten places of the underground organ of the plant.. Cut large specimens into small pieces and dry in the attic or near the battery, regularly ventilating the room.

For accelerated drying of raw materials, you can use the oven, but the temperature should not exceed 45 ° C. Dry roots become light and easily broken, their smell is weak, and their taste is sweetish. Store blanks in glassware with a tightly closed lid for 2 years.

Folk recipes using burdock

Knowing the structure and healing properties of burdock, you can recover from many diseases and strengthen the immune system. No wonder this plant is added to modern drugs, and its juice is considered an effective drug for sick people.

The use of burdock for joint pain

In the old days, people were treated with burdock, the plant overcomes rheumatism of the joints and other ailments. To prepare a decoction, 1 teaspoon of crushed root is poured with a glass of boiling water, the liquid is infused for 20 minutes. The cooled agent is taken 50 ml 4 times a day before meals.

In order to relieve pain in gout, it is recommended to take medicinal baths from burdock flowers and leaves. Take 40 years. fresh raw materials and fill it with 500 ml hot water, then boil the mixture for about 5 minutes. The resulting broth is diluted and used for its intended purpose.

Burdock root for hair treatment

Burdock Root Helps Eliminate Inflamed Scalp Elements Thus, it prevents hair loss and maintains their shine and health. The essential oil in the composition of the natural remedy relieves dandruff and itching, and the fatty acids protect the strands from aggressive factors environment.

A decoction is suitable for preventive rinsing- take 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials and pour it with 1 liter of water, the mixture is simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. The cooled liquid is used as a finishing agent after shampooing.

You can also prepare a concentrated infusion from burdock root by mixing 2 tablespoons of raw materials with 1 liter of boiling water. After cooling, the product is added to masks and hair balms.

The healing properties of burdock root (video)

Burdock juice

To obtain it, young leaves collected in April or May are taken. Cut them along with the petioles, then soak in cold water and pass through a meat grinder, and you can also use a wooden rolling pin. The crushed mass should be wrapped in gauze and squeezed out, and the use of a special device for squeezing juice is also allowed.

Fresh juice has the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

It is drunk for diseases of the digestive system, such as heartburn, flatulence, chronic constipation, and the drink also treats oncology. When applied externally, the juice is more effective, it helps to get rid of dermatitis and relieve inflammation.

How to prepare a tincture of burdock

It is very easy to prepare a burdock-based tincture, it treats joint pain and improves intestinal motility. You will need the following ingredients:

  • crushed burdock root (100 g);
  • alcohol 70%.

Dry raw materials mixed with honey, pour a glass of alcohol in a clean glass container and infuse the mixture for at least 14 days. At the end of this period, filter the liquid and take orally 2 times a day shortly before meals. The recommended dosage is 30 drops added to water or tea.

It's important to know that even herbal remedy has contraindications. Burdock in capsules and other forms should not be taken without interruption, an excess of vitamins and minerals will cause a deterioration in well-being. In addition, during pregnancy and lactation, burdock may be prohibited for use. Allergy sufferers should be careful about taking decoctions and infusions, all types of burdock can cause unpleasant phenomena.

Knowing the description of this plant, you can get the most out of it. Use time-tested recipes and see how valuable wild burdock is.

How to make a tincture of burdock (video)

Burdock (burdock)

Burdock (burdock)

It won't bite you painfully, And it won't let go of its claws, How generous and how rich it is. Not a weed, but a real treasure!

burdock- biennial herbaceous plant Compositae family (Asteraceae). It grows everywhere near housing, in wastelands, on the outskirts of fields and roads. FROM therapeutic purpose the whole plant is used. Burdock contains polysaccharides, essential oil, tannins, inulin, phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamin C, bitter and other substances. A decoction and infusion of the roots is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and volatile agent in the treatment of skin diseases. With rheumatism, gout, joint damage, sore spots are wrapped in fresh burdock leaves. An infusion of burdock roots in almond oil, known as Burdock Oil, helps to strengthen hair.

Who does not know with what efforts it is necessary to tear off prickly lumps of his offspring from clothes and hair. Not by chance burdock was considered a symbol of obsession in those days when people used plants as symbols and gave them with meaning - a lily as a sign of longing, a rose as a sign of love, the bell denoted talkativeness, the reed - indecision (it always fluctuates on the lake, even if there is no wind), the tulip - pride ( shedding petals, it does not bend), forget-me-not - fidelity and constancy, plantain - endurance, aspen and poplar - cowardice (their leaves always tremble), thistle - protection, rebuff (plucked, it dies instantly).

Aster family (Asteraceae) - ASTERACEAE

Description. A large biennial herbaceous plant 60-180 cm high. The root is fleshy, taproot, slightly branched, up to 60 cm long, with a straight, elastic, furrowed, felt-pubescent stem. Leaves petiolate, broadly heart-ovate, toothed. The lower leaves are large (up to 50 cm long, slightly less wide). The flowers are collected in spherical baskets arranged in the form of a corymb or corymbose panicle. The flowers are tubular, bisexual, with a lilac-purple corolla; crest-shaped cup. The fruits are oblong, glabrous, ribbed, spotted achenes 5-7 mm long with a tuft. Blooms in July - August; fruits ripen in August - September.

Geographic distribution. The European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, less often in Siberia, the Far East.

Organs Used: roots.

Chemical composition . The roots contain the polysaccharide inulin (up to 45%), proteins (more than 12%), essential oil (up to 0.17%), fat-like substances (0.82%), palmitic, stearic acids and hydrocarbon C26H54, as well as sitosterol and stigmasterol ; in the seeds, the glycoside arctiin C27H34O11, decomposed during hydrolysis into arctigenin C21H24O6 and glucose; fatty oil (up to 20%), consisting of glycerides of linoleic (58.5%) and oleic (19.1%) acids. The leaves are found to have tannins, mucus and about 0.03% essential oil.

Pharmacological properties and application. According to various authors, burdock has antimicrobial activity, has an anti-febrile (antipyretic) effect and is indicated for colds, effective at peptic ulcer stomach, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis, locally - with rheumatism, bruises, wounds, headache (in the form of a compress on the forehead). There is evidence of the antitoxic effect of burdock preparations (for insect and snake bites, poisoning with mercury preparations, etc.).

Preparations from the roots of the plant used in scientific medicine as a diuretic. Infusion of its roots on almond or olive oil known as burdock oil and is used externally to strengthen hair. In folk medicine, burdock root, called burdock root, is recommended orally for rheumatism and gout, as a diuretic and diaphoretic, and also externally for skin diseases - eczema, acne and furunculosis.

To prepare a decoction, take 2 tablespoons of crushed root, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes on low heat, cool, filter and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day (Afonasyeva, 1981).

Burdock is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, upper respiratory tract And gastrointestinal tract(Florya, 1975).

In the Urals and Western Siberia, burdock is used for dropsy, diabetes, gastritis, kidney stones, chronic constipation, scrofula, rickets, cancer of the stomach, uterus, esophagus, eczema, lichen, boils, ulcers, acne, seborrhea. fresh juice leaves heal wounds. Lotions are made from an aqueous infusion of seedlings to improve vision (Surina, 1974).

In Ukraine, burdock is used for diseases urinary organs, with stones in the liver, with trophic ulcers, tapeworms. The juice of the leaves is used to treat skin cancer. At skin itching, hair loss apply a decoction of the roots. Fresh burdock leaves with coltsfoot leaves are applied to the chest for mastitis. Leaves boiled in milk are applied to wounds, abscesses, boils. For skin cancer, a decoction of inflorescences and roots infused with vodka are used. A decoction of the roots is used for hemorrhoids, skin tuberculosis, joint tumors, sexually transmitted diseases, warts , malaria.

To prepare a decoction, pour 20 g of fruits with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, insist until cool and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

To prepare an ointment from burdock root, take 1 part of the decoction of the root, thicken to half and mix with 1 part of lard.

To prepare an ointment from burdock leaves, take 20 g of dried burdock leaves, chamomile flowers, hoof root, willow-herb, pour 4 cups of boiling water, boil for 15-20 minutes, filter and add a spoon butter and glycerol in a ratio of 1:1 (Popov, 1973).

At the burdock root diaphoretic action is quite pronounced, and therefore it is used as an antipyretic, anti-febrile agent.

In China, the roots and leaves of burdock are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of dry burdock leaves in a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and take a tablespoon an hour after eating.

Fresh burdock leaves are applied to burns, abrasions, cuts, inflamed skin areas.

To prepare the ointment, take 75 g of fresh chopped root, 200 g of sunflower oil. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Filter.

In China, the whole plant is used in the treatment of syphilis, poisoning, snake and insect bites (Fruentov, 1974).

In Korea they use burdock seeds. According to Korean researchers, the seeds contain up to 30% fatty oil, B vitamins. Seeds are used for sore throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, measles, colds, mumps, and edema. It is recommended to take 16 g per day. A decoction of seeds is prescribed together with other plants. Pills are prepared from the seeds - they take burdock and duckweed seeds in equal proportions, grind them into powder, add honey. Take 5 g three times a day for nephritis. Seed juice is taken for loss of appetite and general weakness(Shpilenya, 1989).

In Belarus, a decoction of the root on the water is taken for hemorrhoids and kidney disease. A decoction of the root in milk is given to drink with diathesis.

Burdock root is rubbed on a grater, mixed with lard and lubricated with a rash on the head and used for eczema.

At high temperature the patient is covered with fresh burdock leaves.

Decoction of burdock leaves drink like tea malignant tumors. Used for walleye, warts, liver disease (Ges, 1976).

It has been experimentally established that the extract from the root improves the composition of the blood in patients with gout. The content of mucus and tannins justifies the use of tea from the roots of burdock in case of stomach disease.

In China, the seeds are used externally for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Burdock root is taken for poisoning with mercury vapor.

Young burdock leaves show antibacterial activity. The second fraction of plant alkaloids obtained by electrolysis retards tumor growth.

In Australia, the biennial root is used as a mild diuretic and cholagogue(Kovaleva, 1971).

Infusion or decoction of the roots taken as a blood purifier (Sklyarevsky, 1970). In Bulgaria, recently, the presence of sitosterol, a compound that is effective tool for the treatment of adenoma prostate.

burdock leaves used for dislocations, furunculosis (Petkov, 1988).

Studies by pharmacologists have established that burdock preparations have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and have an antitoxic effect in case of benzene poisoning (Minaeva, 1991).

Best results for chronic constipation burdock seed decoction(Kulikov, 1975).

With sciatica and sciatica, fresh leaves are applied to a sore spot (Turova, 1983).

Burdock leaf juice drink with tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and duodenum(Katukov, 1975).

Burdock seeds are dried, crushed into flour, mixed with cow's butter, and this ointment is smeared on scabs with scrofula. People believe that burdock juice causes menstrual bleeding.

Methods of preparation and use

1. One tablespoon of the crushed roots of the plant is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, filtered. Assign half a glass 3 times a day.

2. One tablespoon of the leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, after 1-2 hours it is filtered and administered orally 1 tablespoon every half an hour - an hour after a meal.

3. The same infusions, as well as leaves, are used topically by applying to a damaged (burn, cut, abrasion) or inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. With absence fresh leaves use dried, but before use soak them in warm water.

4. Shredded fresh roots(75 g) burdock is infused for a day in a warm place in 200 g of sunflower oil, then boiled for 15 minutes over low heat and filtered. This decoction is used topically.

5. Water infusions of burdock leaves or roots are also used for rinsing the mouth and throat.

But let's remember the burdock. It can be found everywhere, but especially he loves garbage places, wastelands, landfills. It grows in almost every garden, summer cottage. He seems to be asking for a person. Indeed, this wonderful plant is very useful.

Burdock produces a wonderful root vegetable, which will replace carrots, parsley, parsnips. Burdock roots can be eaten raw, boiled and fried, and made into cakes. In Japan, it has long been introduced into culture as a vegetable plant called gobo, it is grown on household plots and industrial plantations. Currently, as a vegetable plant, burdock is already cultivated in Belgium, France, China, and the USA. Burdock roots should be harvested in late autumn, in the first year of growth, when its root is juicy and nutritious and reaches the size of a large carrot.

Used in soups and peeled petioles of young burdock leaves, they are rich in vitamin C.

Dishes from it are useful diabetics, people with eczema and others skin diseases. To strengthen hair growth, burdock oil was used (10% extract from the root in olive or almond oil). This oil is a good remedy with dry seborrhea, hair loss, dermatitis.

Popular with the people original treatment for rheumatism: the joints are smeared with burdock root ointment, then the patient lies down in the bath on the shelves and lies there for half an hour, at which time he drinks a warm decoction of burdock roots in sips. When the protruding sweat begins to dry up, the joints are again rubbed with ointment and bandaged with warm woolen scarves for the night. The ointment is prepared from ground burdock root in equal volume with pork fat. Compresses from fresh burdock leaves help with gout, arthritis, polyarthritis. A decoction of leaves and roots is given to children with diathesis, liver disease, constipation, skin tuberculosis and tumors.

burdock roots fried with potatoes: wash the roots, peel them, boil for 3 minutes, put in a pan, add the same amount of potatoes, vegetable oil, salt and fry until cooked, add green onions before serving.

Soup with burdock stalks: take young leaves of burdock, separate the petioles from them, peel them like carrots, cut them into circles, boil and hold in water for 5-6 minutes, drain the water, and then fill the soup with them 5-10 minutes before readiness.

Burdock fritters: take a glass of finely ground burdock roots and add one glass wheat flour(preferably coarse grinding), pour a glass of kefir or yogurt, add salt and sugar, an egg to taste. Bake pancakes for sunflower oil.

Burdock Root Coffee: chop the washed roots, dry, roast in the oven until brown and grind in a mill. Brew at the rate of one teaspoon per cup of boiling water. You can add an equal amount of chicory to the burdock. This coffee is especially useful for diabetics.
