Captopril instructions for use from pressure dosage. Captopril - quick help with high blood pressure

Captopril – remedy, used when necessary to lower blood pressure and to prevent other diseases. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which contain “captopril”, and the medicine was named after this substance. Captopril helps lower blood pressure and also reduces the strain on the heart.

The medicine must be used to prevent diseases such as:

  • Arterial hypertension. If this disease occurs, tablets should be taken as additional treatment, together with other drugs;
  • Heart failure;
  • Impaired functioning of the left ventricle (in the presence of myocardial infarction);
  • Occurring in the presence of diabetes, diabetic nephropathy;
  • Autoimmune nephropathies (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus);
  • Cardiomyopathy.

Benefits of the drug

This drug is one of the best for the treatment of hypertension and other types of diseases. The main advantage of the tablets is that it significantly reduces the risk of death from diseases of cardio-vascular system. Also, one of the advantages of the drug is its safety. People can even take captopril old age. The drug does not affect the male genital organs. Thanks to Captopril, the incidence of cancer is reduced.
The drug is much cheaper than its analogues, but at the same time it has good quality. Efficacy of the drug. Captopril as a medicine was prescribed to treat hypertension and heart failure in the 90s of the 20th century. Many people have noted it as an excellent drug when it is necessary to lower blood pressure almost immediately.

There are many new treatments available to treat the same conditions that Captopril treats. However, most studies have shown that the drug Captopril copes with the reduction blood pressure and prevents mortality several times better than newly invented drugs. The drug copes well with treatment, providing high quality, but also has a low cost.

Treatment and effect

This drug has a noticeable effect when taken regularly. It significantly reduces the pressure in the arteries and keeps it at values ​​not exceeding the norm. Usually, as soon as about an hour passes after taking the drug, Captopril significantly reduces blood pressure. But to consolidate this result, you need to take the drug for a month. If necessary, reduce the load on the heart, the drug provides required action, due to vasodilation.

With the help of Captopril, endurance and tolerance of any stress increases in people who have suffered from heart failure or suffered a heart attack. It is also worth noting that the drug can increase renal blood flow. This property is used to treat diabetic nephropathy.


Almost 100% of reviews about the drug are positive. This is explained by the high quality and effectiveness of the medicine for the diseases that it eliminates. Reviews contain information about the speed and quality of blood pressure reduction with this drug.

The drug is an indispensable medicine for blood pressure. Does not exclude the remedy and negative reviews. They are associated with side effects that have caused people to stop taking the medication.

Directions for use and dosage

It should be consumed about an hour before meals with plenty of liquid. The medicine has an individual dosage. When taking the drug, it is necessary to constantly monitor the body's reaction in order to increase or decrease the dose. Maximum dose per day 290 mg. If this dose is exceeded, the effect of the drug will not increase, but side effects may appear.

Reception medicine usually start with a dose of 24 mg per day. Depending on the change in the person’s condition, after a couple of weeks you can increase or not change the dosage. If a person suffers from hypertension, the dosage of the drug is usually 24 mg 2 times a day. In severe cases of the disease, it is worth increasing the dosage to 60-90 mg. For effective treatment of blood pressure, Captopril is taken 3 times a day, 5-13 mg. If no effect is observed, then after a week you can increase the dose to 24 mg.

For heart failure, the drug is also taken at a dosage of 5-13 mg. The dose can only be increased to 24 mg. For this disease, the drug must be taken together with other drugs. After a heart attack, the drug can be taken three days later. Initially, the dose should not be more than 6 mg, but it should be increased after a couple of days. The dosage of Captopril for diabetic nephropathy is 24 mg per day or 60 mg a couple of times a day.

For children under 18 years of age, the drug can only be used in rare and extreme cases. The dose of the drug is calculated depending on body weight. Typically 1.5-3 mg per kg of body weight during the day. While taking the drug, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys so that there is no serious complications. When high concentration If there is protein in the urine, it is advisable to stop taking the medication.

If a person has diseases such as: vasculitis, connective tissue diseases, stenosis renal arteries, the drug should be taken with extreme caution.


  • Low blood pressure;
  • Severe renal dysfunction;
  • Kidney failure and other kidney-related diseases;
  • Increased potassium levels in the blood.

Also, the medicine is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and cases when a girl is breastfeeding. Prohibited for children under 18 years of age. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergic reactions to substances included in the drug, as well as in cases of hereditary edema.

All these contraindications are reasons to prohibit taking this medicine. However, with the slightest restrictions, you can take the drug, but with extreme caution and consultation with your doctor. Such indicators include low content leukocytes, platelets in the blood, cerebral ischemia, age over 70 years, renal dysfunction, lupus erythematosus, cardiomyopathy and others.


In case of an overdose of the drug, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Hypotension
  • A sharp decrease in pressure;
  • State of shock;
  • Being in a stupor;
  • Heart rate decreases (less than 60 beats per minute);
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Angioedema.

In order to eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to prohibit taking the drug, and also to rinse the stomach. In order to replenish blood volume, it is necessary to administer saline. intravenous solution. Also, to eliminate symptoms, they carry out symptomatic therapy. This therapy helps support the functioning important organs for a person. Adrenaline is used for this. If you need to take the drug with other drugs, you should pay attention to drugs that increase potassium in the blood.

You should be careful with painkillers and alcohol, as Captopril significantly enhances their effect. Many drugs significantly enhance the effect of Captopril. These include diuretics and vasodilators. Because of them, blood pressure may decrease.

When taking Captopril with immune drugs there is an increase in the risk of a decrease in the level of leukocytes, as well as the occurrence of other diseases.

Side effects

Medicine may cause various side effects, if any of which occur it is necessary to stop taking the drug. Side effects primarily concern nervous system. The person experiences high fatigue, dizziness, headaches, fainting, frequent drowsiness, depression appears, seizures may occur, and impaired functioning of the senses.

Side effects associated with the cardiovascular system and blood circulation are manifested in hypotension of various complexities, the formation of angina pectoris and arrhythmia, cerebral circulatory disorders, chest pain, the occurrence of a heart attack, a decrease in platelet levels and other diseases.

The respiratory system when taking the drug gives the following side effects: shortness of breath, pneumonia, bronchitis, as well as rhinitis and cough without sputum.

The drug may cause side effects related to the gastrointestinal tract. Such as the appearance of anorexia, ulcers, taste disturbances, inflammation of the tongue, vomiting, nausea, stomatitis, bloating, sensations of heaviness, pancreatitis and others.

The reproductive and urinary systems also have side effects after using the drug. They are impaired kidney function, an increase or decrease in the volume of urine below the accepted norm, the appearance of protein in the urine, and impotence.

Side effects concern the skin and allergic reactions. They manifest themselves in the appearance of redness or rashes on the body and facial skin, erythroderma and other diseases, urticaria, anaphylactic shock and the appearance of Quincke's edema.

The drug may also cause the following side effects: increased body temperature, chills, joint and muscle pain, blood poisoning, increased potassium levels. decreased amount of sodium and glucose in the blood, decreased hemoglobin, acidosis and others.

pharmachologic effect

Contained in the composition angiotensin-II drug is a hormone that has the property of narrowing blood vessels. This hormone helps increase sodium retention in the human body. Captopril is a drug that belongs to the group of ACE inhibitors. Consequently, it can stop enzyme activity and reduce the concentration of the hormone in the blood. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce vascular resistance and increase cardiac endurance. The drug helps increase blood flow in the vessels that nourish the heart and kidneys.

How the drug can lower blood pressure:

  • Reduces the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme;
  • Stimulates the synthesis of bradykinin - a natural vasodilator (relaxes blood vessels);
  • Promotes increased synthesis of nitric oxide in tissues;
  • Minimizes the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood.
  • Stops aldosterone synthesis;
  • Strengthens the elasticity of the arteriolar wall.
  • Stabilizes blood circulation in the brain in patients with hypertension with symptoms of cerebrovascular insufficiency.

How does the drug protect the heart:

  • Affects the reduction of the mass of hypertrophied left ventricular myocardium, this is most often expressed when combined with calcium channel blockers;
  • Reduces preload and afterload of the myocardium;
  • Reduces the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias;
  • Does better condition coronary circulation;

To lower blood pressure, many patients are prescribed Captopril tablets. This medicine is recommended to have in the medicine cabinet for every person who has ever had such problems, as well as for people over 40 years of age. Most often the drug is taken for emergency assistance at strong increase pressure, but you can use it on an ongoing basis. Drinking Captopril is allowed only as prescribed by the attending physician, since the dosage of the drug for different conditions varies greatly.

Description of the medicine

Captopril tablets are classified as an antihypertensive drug, that is, a lowering blood pressure. The drug belongs to the group of ACE inhibitors. It is produced in tablets intended for oral administration. Among patients with, it is possible to use the medication sublingually. The active components are quickly absorbed by the oral mucosa, penetrate into the blood, and reduce blood pressure within 15 minutes. This feature of Captopril allows it to be used to reduce critical pressure indicators, prevent possible complications and negative consequences.

How long does it take for the drug to take effect after oral administration? During oral administration Captopril is absorbed quite quickly by the walls of the stomach, the therapeutic effect is observed after 30–40 minutes. If you take the tablet immediately after a meal, therapeutic effect slows down somewhat and the effect is observed after an hour.

The product is produced in blisters of 20 tablets in cardboard packages of 20 and 50 mg. Externally, the tablets are round in shape and white in color.

Important! Research has shown that active ingredients Captopril may be excreted from breast milk Therefore, taking the drug during lactation is strictly prohibited.

Mechanism of action

The action of the tablets is complex. It lies in the fact that the active components of the drug interfere with the body system responsible for increasing blood pressure. It is called the RAAS system (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system). Consists of several elements. Captopril suppresses the work of one of them, thereby reducing blood pressure. As a result, the vessels dilate and pressure levels decrease.


The drug contains the active substance captopril and auxiliary components, including lactose, starch, Castor oil and some other components. The content of the active substance depends on the tablets; they come in 12.5, 20 and 50 mg.


Let's look at what Captopril tablets help with. IN medical practice indications for use are as follows:

  • hypertension of all degrees, including forms of the disease that cannot be treated with other antihypertensive drugs;
  • high blood pressure, which occurs in conjunction with angina pectoris, cardiac and vascular insufficiency;
  • hypertension developing as a result of kidney pathologies;
  • . The patient needs to chew the tablet and not swallow;
  • increased blood pressure due to bronchial asthma;
  • nephropathy in diabetics;
  • heart failure accompanied by congestive processes. Captopril works well when glycosides and diuretics are insufficient;
  • primary hyperaldosteronism or Conn's syndrome.

The main indication for the use of Captopril is high blood pressure.

In addition to these conditions, the instructions for use include some other diseases. The decision to prescribe the drug is made solely by the doctor, based on the patient’s diagnosis and complaints.

Dosage and application regimen

Why is the drug prescribed? The dose of the drug and dosage regimen are individual for each patient. During the therapy period, the doctor may prescribe tablets of 12.5, 25 or 50 mg.

From pressure at hypertension at the initial stage of therapy, 25 mg of the drug is usually prescribed in the morning and evening. If necessary, the dose of the drug is gradually increased. The time interval between dose increases should be at least 2–3 weeks, since the drug has the ability to accumulate in the body. The maximum daily dosage depends on the patient's condition. In particular severe cases 150 mg per day is allowed.

For high blood pressure among people with severe heart failure, Captopril is prescribed at a dosage of 6.25 mg several times a day. If there is no required therapeutic effect, the dosage is increased after 2 weeks. The standard dosage regimen is 25 mg three times a day.
For patients with impaired renal function, the medicine is prescribed 75 mg per day. For severe renal pathologies the dosage can be increased to 100 mg per day.

The dosage and regimen are selected by the doctor

When a hypertensive crisis develops, Captopril should be taken every 20 minutes, a tablet under the tongue, to reduce blood pressure, but no more than 3 times. If the patient simultaneously takes a Nitroglycerin tablet, the dose of Captopril should be reduced to 2 tablets.

Important! Captopril is prescribed with extreme caution to elderly people. The starting dose is usually 6.25 mg. If these indicators are violated, severe complications often develop.

Side effects

Incorrect dosage or failure to comply with contraindications during treatment with Captopril can provoke an overdose and the development of undesirable consequences. Among them are the following:

  • peripheral edema, attacks of tachycardia;
  • increased creatinine concentrations and impaired renal function, proteinuria;
  • blood composition disorder;
  • neuralgic disorders, dizziness, migraines;
  • chronic fatigue, depression, apathy;
  • attacks of dry cough, pulmonary edema, bronchospasm;
  • local allergic manifestations as skin itching and rashes;
  • dry mouth, stomach pain, stool upset, nausea;
  • paresthesia.

Symptoms of overdose include a sharp decline pressure, acute disorder cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction, vascular collapse, thromboembolic complications.

When such a condition develops, it is necessary to call ambulance or urgently transport the person to the hospital. Therapy is carried out using measures aimed at restoring pressure and eliminating the symptoms of overdose.


Captopril tablets are widely used in medical practice to reduce high blood pressure, but, like many other drugs, the medicine has certain contraindications. These include:

  • conditions accompanied by narrowing of the aorta;
  • myocardiopathy;
  • having an allergy to the main thing or Excipients drug;
  • the patient is prone to swelling;
  • mitral valve pathology;
  • kidney disease;
  • undergoing a kidney transplant;
  • The patient's age is up to 14 years.

The medicine has a number of contraindications that are important to observe.

Failure to comply with the contraindications described above significantly increases the risk of developing severe consequences and side effects.

Interaction with other drugs

When using Captopril simultaneously with other drugs, their interactions should be taken into account. The simultaneous use of some drugs helps to enhance the effect, while others, on the contrary, reduce the effect of the drug.

Drug interactions:

  • Vasodilators and diuretics enhance the therapeutic effect of Captopril.
  • while taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the effect of the drug may be slightly reduced.
  • Estrogen medications reduce the effectiveness of Captopril.
  • Clonidine reduces the effect medication.
  • the risk of developing hematological disorders in patients increases with the use of Captopril.

In addition, the drug increases the risk of hypoglycemia in patients taking medications containing insulin.

special instructions

In patients taking the drug, strict monitoring of renal function is necessary. To do this, a person must regularly take a urine test for laboratory testing.

During the treatment of patients with acute insufficiency Cardiac therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Despite the fact that Captopril is well tolerated by patients and has positive reviews, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

If a person has pathologies associated with connective tissue, the medicine is prescribed very carefully. If kidney function is impaired, strict monitoring of all organs and systems is carried out, since there is a threat of kidney damage from an infection that cannot be treated with antibacterial drugs.

A few weeks before using Captopril, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of diuretics. This will help prevent possible side effects.

If the pressure decreases significantly during the use of the medicine, the patient should take a supine position with his legs elevated. With the development of a serious condition associated with severe hypotension, it is necessary to administer a sodium chloride solution.

When using the drug, be sure to take into account its special instructions.

Important! If any side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a leading physician.

Alcohol compatibility

It is not recommended to combine Captopril with alcoholic beverages. The simultaneous use of alcohol with the drug enhances its hypotensive effect. In addition, this combination negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys.


For pathologies in patients accompanied by increased blood pressure, the doctor's prescription may include a medicine such as Captopril or its analogues. Among the drugs with similar effects and scope of application, the following should be highlighted:

  • Captopril-akos is a direct analogue of Captopril, used to reduce blood pressure in patients with various states. The medicine is an ACE inhibitor, prescribed for hypertension, to stabilize blood pressure after a heart attack and to treat other diseases;
  • Captopril - produced in the form of capsules and tablets, used for arterial hypertension, circulatory disorders in the brain, aortic stenosis, after kidney transplantation and other conditions;
  • Captopres – contains the active ingredients hydrochlorothiazide and captopril, and is an antihypertensive drug. Used for therapy among patients suffering various forms hypertension. The drug is available in tablet form. They should be taken orally without dissolving;
  • Rami Sandoz is a highly effective remedy used in medical practice both as an independent remedy and as a component complex therapy. The medicine quickly reduces blood pressure and restores blood pressure.

Many patients independently select analogues of one or another medication, not suspecting that such negligent attitude towards their health can provoke severe consequences and threat to life. Prescription of medications should be done exclusively by a doctor.

Price and terms of sale

The approximate cost of the drug in pharmacies is from 15 rubles. The medicine is dispensed upon receipt of a prescription from a doctor. It is recommended to store the product at a temperature no higher than 22 degrees in dark places protected from children.

You can buy Captopril at any pharmacy

Helping lower blood pressure. The drug is also used for heart failure.

The effect of Captopril on blood pressure allows you to maintain the patient's condition normal. However, it belongs to strong medications that are not sold without a prescription.

Therefore, it is not recommended to take the drug without a doctor’s prescription and determining the dosage in order to avoid further deterioration of health. How to take Captopril tablets correctly, how long it takes for it to take effect, how much it lowers blood pressure and other nuances of treatment with this drug will be discussed in the article.

The active substance of this drug is captopril, and the auxiliary ingredients are lactose, talc, magnesium stearate, and corn starch. Captopril has cardioprotective, hypotensive, natriuretic, and vasodilating effects. When it is used, vasoconstriction is observed, as well as the release of aldosterone.

Captopril tablets

Due to the fact that biologically active components are released, the vasodilator effect is noticeable, and renal blood flow also improves. The drug has vasoconstrictor properties, which are expressed in a decrease in the formation of arginine vasopressin and endothelin-1, and a decrease in norepinephrine, which is released from nerve endings.

How quickly does Captopril work? Regarding the hypotensive effect, most often it becomes noticeable 20-60 minutes after consuming the drug, and the duration of action of Captopril in different patients ranges from 6 to 12 hours. Therapeutic effect lasts depending on the dose of the drug taken.

Thanks to the application of this medicine you can notice that peripheral resistance blood vessels decreases, in addition, the load on the heart decreases and the pressure in the small circle decreases.

Angioprotective properties appear only when taking the drug in large doses. The drug also affects the size of peripheral arteries. Captopril is immediately absorbed and is completely absorbed gastrointestinal tract. The drug is excreted through the kidneys within 2-6 hours.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed for use in the following diseases:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus, nephropathy;
  • heart failure;
  • rehabilitation for heart attack patients;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Regardless of the disease, first of all, you should consult a doctor, who will also determine the dosage and duration of use.

Advantages of the drug

Captopril is enough effective drug, used for heart failure and hypertension.

The drug has the following advantages:

  • decrease in pressure indicators;
  • lack of influence on potency in men;
  • the possibility of using the medicine for elderly patients;
  • the development of nephropathy is suppressed;
  • development oncological diseases minimal;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • Death from heart failure when using the drug is extremely rare.

In addition, it is worth noting that Captopril has a fairly low price, and you can find it in any pharmacy.

Instructions for use

Captopril should be taken one hour before meals. You should not bite the tablet, but swallow it whole, do not chew it. You need to take the tablet with at least half a glass of water.

The number of doses and doses should be determined individually after tests and appropriate research.

According to the instructions, the dosage of the drug depends on certain disorders and diseases. If arterial hypertension is observed, then Capriptol is usually drunk twice a day, 250 ml, then it is increased to achieve positive effect. However, more than 100 ml cannot be consumed. However, in some cases, when there is no effect and persistent hypertension is present, the drug is prescribed 75 mg twice a day.

In case of heart failure, it is first prescribed minimum dosage 2-3 times a day. Its increase is also gradual, however, not earlier than the tenth day of administration. Usually maximum daily dosage here is 50-75 ml. If there is no effect, then it is doubled. It is also important to know that Captopril is most often prescribed with diuretics so that the effect is stronger.


The following are absolute:

  • liver failure;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • progressive renal artery stenosis;
  • hypotension;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • mitral valve stenosis;
  • after a kidney transplant;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • primary hyperaldosteronism;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • age under 18;
  • hereditary angioedema;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance.

There are exceptions when it is necessary to see a doctor. For example, with leukopenia, cerebral ischemia, thrombocytopenia, diabetes mellitus, being on hemodialysis, kidney transplantation, age over 65 years, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy etc.

Side effects

Captopril can cause a number of side effects, namely:

  • affect the nervous system and sensory organs: dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, fast fatiguability, confusion, convulsions, depression, central nervous system depression, visual impairment, numbness in the extremities;
  • disrupt the functioning of the hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems: hypotension, agranulocytosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, neutropenia, lymphadenopathy, disorder heart rate, peripheral edema, thrombocytopenia, anemia, pulmonary embolism;
  • negatively affect the respiratory system: shortness of breath, bronchitis, dry cough, bronchospasm, interstitial pneumonitis;
  • affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: stomatitis, taste disturbance, nausea, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, vomiting, glossitis, pancreatitis, liver damage, diarrhea;
  • disrupt work genitourinary system: impotence, renal dysfunction, oliguria, proteinuria;
  • cause reactions to skin: redness, rash, Stevenson-Johnson syndrome, alopecia, itching, herpes zoster, urticaria, photodermatitis.

If all of the listed side effects do not manifest themselves in most cases of drug use, then when simultaneous administration, disastrous consequences are practically unavoidable.

In view of large quantity side effects, you should not use the drug yourself. It is imperative to consult a doctor and be monitored.

Video on the topic

Review of blood pressure medications Capoten and Captopril - duration of action, composition, nuances of use:

Thus, Kiptopril is considered a fairly effective drug for heart failure and high blood pressure. Information about how long it takes for Captopril to act and how quickly it reduces blood pressure only confirms this. However, due to many side effects and contraindications, it must be taken with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Cardiovascular pathology, including hypertension, confidently occupies a leading position among all ailments modern world. If people suffering from these diseases learn how to take captopril for high blood pressure, it will help reduce mortality and improve quality of life. Medicine as a representative large group angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, appeared in medical practice in 1975 and immediately became widespread in many countries around the world. Thanks to him unique properties, cardiologists and therapists managed to reconsider the treatment tactics for hypertension and chronic heart failure.

Read in this article

Pharmacological properties

The main function of this drug is to reduce blood pressure in patients. This mainly occurs due to the blockade of the action of natural vasodilators, in particular bradykinin.

In this case, the walls of the vascular bed relax, their resistance decreases. There is a decrease in pressure in the central and peripheral arteries and veins, and blood flow in the renal vessels improves.

On the part of the heart, the use of captopril increases cardiac output and at the same time reduces the load on the heart muscle. This leads to the stabilization of cardiac activity in patients suffering from heart failure, and in healthy people increases tolerance to physical activity. It is no coincidence that this substance was included by the Anti-Doping Committee in the list of drugs prohibited for athletes.

Captopril is often used for diseases urinary system. By increasing the lumen of the renal vessels, it is possible to reduce the development of renal failure in patients with diabetes mellitus or in the presence of other chronic pathologies.

In case of emergency use of the drug in case of a sharp increase in blood pressure, treatment begins with 25 mg of captopril. The principle of use in this case is the same as when taking nitroglycerin. The tablet is kept under the tongue until completely dissolved, in which case an 80% decrease in blood pressure will occur within 7 to 10 minutes.

If the patient has chronic heart failure, which has caused an increase in blood pressure, treatment should be completely controlled by a doctor, since the initial dose of 12.5 mg per day may be too high for the patient. For most patients, the dosage is 50 mg per day for 4 weeks.

If the clinical picture of heart failure is accompanied by disruption of the left ventricle, the patient may experience swelling of the peripheral tissues. In this case, diuretics are usually added to 50–70 mg of captopril per day to unload the vascular bed.

Captopril for kidney diseases

A separate topic is the use of this drug for various diseases kidney In this case, the cause of the occurrence should be taken into account.

With the development of renal dysfunction due to various somatic pathologies, it is necessary to determine the patient’s blood level and fluctuations in blood pressure throughout the day. Only after the examination the patient is prescribed an individual dose of captopril. It will also be useful to monitor blood potassium throughout the treatment.

Anti-high blood pressure tablets captopril can also be used if the patient has diabetic nephropathy. For patients with diabetes mellitus, 6.25 mg of the drug 3 times a day is sufficient.

It should be noted that if a patient with renal failure is undergoing hemodialysis, the amount of medication taken must be halved 5-6 hours before the procedure.

When not to use to treat high blood pressure

This drug does not have many contraindications. This may include:

  • various allergic reactions caused by the use of captopril or other ACE inhibitors;
  • if the patient is tall renal pressure caused by a sharp narrowing of the renal arteries on both sides or there is a single kidney;
  • chronic liver diseases accompanied by cirrhosis and liver failure;
  • the use of the drug is strictly contraindicated for women during pregnancy or lactation. If there is a need for the use of captopril by a nursing mother, the child must stop breastfeeding until the end of treatment.

All other contraindications described in the literature are usually relative. They should be taken into account by the attending physician when prescribing antihypertensive therapy.

What to do if you take extra pills

The main symptom of accidentally taking a large number of tablets of this medicinal substance can be a sharp rise in blood pressure, up to loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest. If such a nuisance occurs, you need to immediately lavage the stomach using a tube or induce vomiting yourself. You can offer the victim activated charcoal.

When the first symptoms of a drop in blood pressure appear (tinnitus, nausea, cold sweat, weakness, dizziness), the patient is placed on his back, raising the head end of the bed. First aid to the victim can include a large volume transfusion saline solution and injections of hormonal drugs.

At the most severe conditions the patient is taken to the intensive care unit, where, in addition to other methods of stabilizing the condition, a hemodialysis session can be performed. This will help remove the ACE inhibitor from the victim’s blood and reduce the risk of acute renal failure.

Side effects of the drug

Most often, when taking captopril, you may experience skin manifestations in the form of a rash or redness of the mucous membranes. Many patients reported a dry cough that lasted throughout the entire period of treatment with this medicine.

Dry cough when taking captopril

Frequently pathological symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting, nausea, stool upset, and dry mouth quite often force hypertensive patients to refuse to use captopril to relieve high blood pressure.

When prescribing a course of therapy with ACE inhibitors, it should be taken into account that taking alcohol together with the drug causes a sharp drop in blood pressure. The same effect is observed when this drug is taken simultaneously with antidepressants and hypnotics. But regular aspirin is practically an antidote and significantly slows down the effect of the drug.

When answering the question of most patients, whether captopril lowers or increases blood pressure, the dose and concomitant medications taken by the patient should be taken into account. That's why similar drugs It should not be taken on its own, since instead of stopping an attack of arterial hypertension, you can get the opposite effect.

It is very important if the patient is undergoing planned or emergency surgery, inform the anesthesiologist about treatment with ACE inhibitors. This group of drugs, when interacting with anesthesia drugs, can reduce blood pressure to critical levels, which can cause completely unnecessary complications.

Analogues and pricing policy

The Russian pharmaceutical industry offers its patients the drugs “Kapozid” and “Capoten”. The Ukrainian manufacturer is represented on the pharmacy market with the medicines “Kaptopres-Darnitsa” and “Normopres” from the Kyiv Vitamin Plant. Most analogues are practically the same in their constituent substances, only “Captopres-Darnitsa” includes, in addition to captopril, also a diuretic.

Analogues of the drug Captopril

IN Lately“Captopril” produced in Slovenia is widely available. This drug is heavily advertised medical representatives, however, there is a big difference from domestic analogues is not observed in its action.

In the pharmacy network of Ukraine this medicinal substance can be purchased from 30 - 35 hryvnia for 20 tablets of 25 mg. IN Russian Federation prices are approximately the same, the price is 13 - 20 rubles. for standard packaging.

Captopril is the most accessible and common drug for the relief of high blood pressure and long-term treatment heart failure. Its reasonable price and minimal side effects make it the #1 choice for many patients.

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  • The active component is Captopril . Additional substances: lactose, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, corn starch, hydrogenated castor oil.

    Release form

    Captopril is available in tablet form. The dosage depends on the manufacturer. Acceptable dosages: 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 mg. The tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. Each cardboard pack contains 2 blisters and instructions from the manufacturer.

    pharmachologic effect

    The medicine provides hypotensive effect . The active substance inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme, which prevents the transition of angiotensin I to form II. It is angiotensin II that is the basic component of the renin-angiotensin system, which has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Due to a decrease in the level of angiotensin II, a decrease in production and due to the accumulation of the vasodilator substance bradykinin, a hypotensive effect is achieved.

    The medication reduces the overall resistance of blood vessels to blood flow, reduces the level of afterload and pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Blood pressure medications may additionally lower aldosterone levels in the adrenal glands.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    About 75% active substance absorbed quite quickly from digestive system. Eating can reduce absorption by 30-40%. The maximum level of the active substance in the blood is recorded after 30-90 minutes. The active substance binds to albumin by 25-30%.

    Captopril is excreted in milk during lactation. carried out in the hepatic system. Metabolites do not have pharmacological activity. 95% of the drug is excreted through the renal system, almost half - in its original form, the rest - in the form of metabolites. In case of severe kidney pathology, an effect is observed cumulation (accumulations).

    Indications for use of Captopril

    What are Captopril tablets for? The medication is used mainly for relief hypertensive crisis , reduction.

    Main indications for use of Captopril

    • renal hypertension ;
    • essential hypertension (increase in blood pressure of unknown etiology);
    • malignant (with resistance to other medications).

    What is Captopril Akos used for? Indications for use Captopril Akos

    • diabetic nephropathy in patients with (type 1);
    • left ventricular dysfunction in patients who have undergone and achieved a clinically stable condition.


    Captopril tablets for blood pressure are widely used in cardiological practice, but have certain contraindications for use:

    • narrowing of the aorta;
    • primary hyperaldosteronism ;
    • narrowing of the mitral valve;
    • condition after kidney transplant;
    • gestation;
    • renal artery stenosis ;
    • tendency to form edema;
    • myocardiopathy ;

    In pediatric practice, medication can be prescribed only after reaching 14 years of age. Patients are advised to refrain from work that requires concentration.

    Side effects

    From the nervous system The following side effects may occur:

    • paresthesia;
    • asthenia;
    • fast fatiguability.

    The cardiovascular system:

    • cardiopalmus;
    • orthostatic hypotension.

    Digestive tract:

    • cholestasis;
    • stool disorders (or);
    • epigastric pain;
    • violation of taste perception;
    • nausea;
    • level up ;
    • increase in ALT and AST.

    Hematopoietic system:

    • decrease in number;
    • anemia ;
    • neutropenia;
    • agranulocytosis (in the presence of autoimmune pathology).


    • acidosis;
    • increasing K+ levels in the body.

    Urinary system:

    • disorders of the kidneys;
    • detection of protein in urine.

    In some cases, a dry, nonproductive cough is recorded. Possible:

    • bronchospasm;
    • presence of antinuclear antibodies;
    • lymphadenopathy ;
    • serum sickness .

    If other negative reactions are registered, a doctor’s consultation and temporary independent discontinuation of the drug Captopril are required.

    Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

    The tablets are intended for oral administration. The medicine quickly reduces blood pressure. Only your doctor can prescribe Captopril tablets. Instructions for use at hypertensive crises : a 25 mg tablet is placed under the tongue, which provides a faster hypotensive effect. Instructions for use Captopril Akos with renovascular form of hypertension : 12.5 mg three times a day. The effectiveness of the drug increases when taken on an empty stomach.

    How to take the medicine for heart failure: three times a day, 12.5-25 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 150 mg.

    At what blood pressure should I take Captopril? The drug belongs to the group of “first aid” medications and is recommended for use in in case of emergency when, during treatment according to a standard regimen, pressure increased to high levels due to stress and physical activity.


    If you take the pills incorrectly, an overdose can occur, which is manifested by a pronounced decrease in blood pressure. The patient's condition may become more complicated thromboembolism , myocardial infarction.

    It is recommended to place the patient in a horizontal position, elevate lower limbs, try to restore blood pressure by intravenous infusion physiological solution. Peritoneal dialysis does not give the expected effect. There is a positive trend in the background.


    Together with the use of cytostatics and immunosuppressants, it can develop leukopenia . Hyperkalemia may develop with simultaneous therapy with potassium-sparing diuretics:

    • Amiloride;
    • Triamterene .

    During treatment, anemia may develop due to decreased activity. IN medical literature Cases of diagnosing leukopenia associated with additive bone marrow hematopoiesis have been described. may increase the severity of hematological effects. can reduce the hypotensive effect of Captopril. The medication can increase concentration. More often drug interactions manifests itself in patients with severe pathology renal system. Captopril is not contraindicated.

    Terms of sale

    Storage conditions

    Best before date

    special instructions

    What's better Captopril or Kapoten ? These two drugs are absolutely identical, because active substance In them, the INN is Captopril. The main difference between Capoten and Captopril is in the manufacturer.

    During treatment, a false-positive reaction may be recorded when determining acetone in the urine. In pediatric practice, the medication can be used in the absence of the effect of other antihypertensive drugs.

    Analogues of Captopril

    Level 4 ATX code matches:

    Structural analogues of Captopril:

    • Alkadil.

    Captopril and alcohol

    Alcohol can enhance the hypotensive effect of the medication. There is a joint negative impact on the functioning of the hepatic system.

    Reviews about Captopril

    This is one of the most discussed antihypertensive drugs on the Internet. Many patients share their many years of experience treatment with Captopril and note its high effectiveness in emergency cases, when conventional daily therapy does not help and the pressure remains at high levels.

    There are reviews about Captopril, among which the following is often described: by-effect, as is typical for all medications of the ACEI group. In general, patient reviews of Captopril are positive.

    Captopril price, where to buy

    Captopril is considered the most affordable antihypertensive drug, which can be found in home medicine cabinet every hypertensive patient. The cost of the medication depends on the dosage, manufacturer and region of sales. The price of Captopril in Russia varies in the range of 20-140 rubles (Captopril Akos - 20 rubles, Captopril Sandoz - 140 rubles).

    • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
    • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
    • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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