Pros and cons of the braces system. Pros and cons of braces - myths and reality! Non-ligating or self-ligating orthodontic systems

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Today, braces are the most effective, and therefore the most popular device in correcting malocclusion and correcting uneven teeth. This device can cope with even the most severe cases of dental pathology.

To understand why this correction system has gained such popularity, it is necessary to take a closer look at its design, as well as the pros and cons of such orthodontic devices.

Knowing and understanding, at least superficially, the above issues, you can confidently choose best option a device that would satisfy the buyer, both in price and functionality.

What are braces

A non-removable structure that is installed on the dentition to straighten crooked teeth. Alignment imparts to the dental system correct position, thereby correcting dental misalignment.

Main elements of the corrective system:

  • braces-locks;
  • rigid type arc.

Each lock is “seated” with glue to “its” tooth. A power arc is threaded between the latches of these locks, due to the elasticity of which the process of alignment of all dental units is carried out.

What defects of the dental system are corrected with braces?

The following defects of the dental system can be corrected with braces:

  1. Gaps between teeth;
  2. Crowding of teeth;

Important! An undeniable advantage of braces is the ability to correct even serious pathologies.

Based on the characteristics of the body, the age of the person, the severity of the case to be corrected, on average it can last 1.5-2 years. After removing the corrective structures, the treatment does not end, but flows into the final stage, during which the patient is prescribed a course of therapy, which includes wearing either retainers or trainers. The purpose of such devices is to record the results of treatment. The period of their use is the same as that of wearing braces - 1.5-2 years.

Differences in the design of braces

Self-ligating systems. Specifics of fastening close

Thanks to the variety of systems, differing as, the patient is free to make a choice in favor of one or another device that corresponds to his ideas about the aesthetics of the appearance of his smile and is suitable for him in terms of cost.

There are vestibular type braces that are attached with outside teeth, and installed with inside dentition. The disadvantage of the vestibular design is quite obvious - the bite-correcting device is always in sight, and therefore communication during treatment with such a system can be somewhat constraining, both for the patient himself and his interlocutor. The advantage of lingual devices is their complete concealment in oral cavity– with them, teeth correction will take place unnoticed by others.

Read also: The teeth moved apart after the braces were installed. What to do in this case?

By design, braces are also divided into:

  1. Self-ligating;
  2. Ligatures.

The first ones have a fastening that allows the arc to fit into the groove and slide in it. The advantage of such a pattern of arc movement for the patient is that the treatment takes place faster and the result is maximum.

The latter use thin wire or elastic bands to tension the arc. The disadvantage of this solution is that the tensioning elements require periodic adjustments, which will require a visit to the orthodontist. Plus - relatively low cost.

Differences between braces by material

For the manufacture of modern braces, a number of materials are used that have proven themselves with positive side, both in terms of the comfort provided when wearing the systems, and in terms of the duration of their operation. Let's list what types of braces there are, depending on the material used.

- the most in demand, and therefore the most popular corrective devices. They have earned the trust of a wide range of consumers thanks to their capabilities - they can be corrected even in severe cases, when another type of braces is powerless in front of them. Due to the presence of smooth grooves in the mini-locks, the arc passing between them slides freely, with virtually no resistance. This fact is most in the best possible way is reflected in the timing of bringing the bite back to normal: the treatment process goes faster. The strength and durability of metal as a material, as well as its resistance to the development of corrosion processes, makes it absolutely safe for human health. If we add to these advantages a very affordable price, it becomes obvious: metal braces still remain No. 1 among products for this purpose.

The only one, but significant disadvantage, they are considered to be excessively noticeable on the teeth, which during a conversation may not have the best effect on the reaction of the interlocutor, who, even without meaning to, will be forced to lower his eyes and look what is called “in the mouth” of the opponent. Therefore, those who want to more or less hide the treatment they are undergoing should opt for other types of corrective systems.

Ceramic braces

The most successfully intertwined best qualities orthodontic devices: durability and effectiveness of treatment, inconspicuousness, achieved through individual selection of the color of the material to match the tooth shade. This fact suggests that braces of this type, unlike, say, metal ones, are made to order, taking into account the characteristics of the color of each patient’s teeth.

Read also: What is the alternative to braces? How to replace them

The advantages of ceramic bracket systems are as follows:

  • stealth
  • maintaining the original color regardless of the type of food consumed
  • relative reliability (metal ones will naturally be stronger)
  • no allergic reactions
  • long service life

Disadvantages of such products, there are still some, and very significant ones: there is friction of the arc in the grooves - due to this, the treatment period is extended; fragility of bracket clasps - a mechanical blow (for example, with a teaspoon) can be fatal to the corrective element; the ability to accumulate plaque from food, which the patient needs to remove more carefully than from metal devices.

Plastic braces

A good, but expensive solution that allows you to effectively correct only small abnormal deviations in the bite. For treatment severe forms plastic braces are simply not intended for illness. They perfectly match the color of the teeth, making them almost invisible. They are not capable of becoming a source of allergies, since their design uses not ordinary, but medical plastic.

The disadvantages of plastic braces are quite significant, judge for yourself:

  • tendency to develop deformations from solid food
  • having the ability to color
  • relatively low strength
  • service life is only 1 year.

Limited service life forces the patient to undergo a full course of therapy purchase one or more additional copies of corrective devices, which significantly affects the final cost of the entire treatment procedure.

Sapphire braces

Artificial, also known as medical, sapphire has recently begun to be used for orthodontic purposes. Braces that do not have sharp edges are not capable of causing any damage to the human oral mucosa. Sapphire braces are transparent, and therefore they are practically invisible on the dentition.

However, all good things come at a price, and corrective products are no exception in this sense. The price of sapphire braces is not affordable for everyone - after all, this stone, although grown artificially, is usually classified as precious.

Possible problems when wearing braces

Technological progress does not stand still. Medical products manufactured using modern technologies, are improving every year. They become more convenient and functional. Braces systems are no exception.

Modern medicine has found many ways to correct almost any defect in appearance, but not everything is so simple: most often these corrections involve a decent amount of money and a lot of patience. Installing braces is no exception. Experts consider them the most effective way bite correction.

Lucky are those who “suffered” in adolescence, but if you have not been a schoolgirl for a long time and have only now decided to undergo this procedure, then you are probably overcome by fears and doubts.

Do you need braces?

First you need to figure out whether the game is even worth the candle? Considering that the “game” is quite tedious and expensive: even the simplest braces are not a cheap pleasure.

Most often, those who agree to get braces are those who simply don’t like the way their teeth look. In most cases these are women. But what if you think that everything is fine with your bite, but the doctor convinces you otherwise and strongly recommends braces? This is not uncommon, because the specialist immediately sees those defects that you might not even suspect about. And to be convincing, he lists everything that threatens malocclusion: head, facial, ear pain, gum disease, speech defects, even gastrointestinal diseases associated with poor chewing of food. And this is not a complete list.

Faye Dunaway on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. 2002.

Tony Barson/Getty Images

The question is: which bite is considered wrong? A couple of years ago, The Huffington Post published an article by American professor Mark Ackerman, where he admitted that the dental community has still not reached a consensus on this issue.

Ackerman writes:

“Forty years later, there is still debate within the American Association of Orthodontists about whether the primary goal of orthodontic treatment is a “beautiful” or a “healthy” smile... With a century of history behind it, orthodontics is now experiencing a “teenage crisis” of identity.”

To the question of who exactly needs braces and who doesn’t, the author of the article does not even try to answer unambiguously, summing up the following:

“If you think you or your child needs braces, it probably is.”

In short, the orthodontist can only inform you about the existing problem, but the decision to install braces, naturally, must be made by you yourself.

What are we afraid of when it comes to braces?

The duration of treatment depends entirely on what tactics the doctor chooses in your particular case, but you should not count on instant transformation. We'll have to be patient. Although, perhaps, the wait will be brightened up by the fact that already in the first months you will notice changes for the better in the mirror. But it’s too early to rejoice: in order to consolidate the effect, it will take time - on average 1-2 years.

At some stages of wearing braces, you will actually experience discomfort. For example, the installation of the bracket system itself and getting used to it are not the most pleasant periods. On the first day, it will seem to you that your mouth literally won’t close, but after a few days the discomfort should subside considerably. Don’t be surprised by headaches - this trouble, too, will most likely not last long. Usually enough painful sensations They also occur after correction, which the doctor will do to you regularly after installing braces (usually every 2-4 weeks).

Tom Cruise at the premiere of the film "Minority Report". 2002.

Dave Benett/Getty Images

What scares girls more than discomfort is the looks of others. It seems that everyone around is looking at you and, of course, sees you as “Ugly Betty”: after all, an “ugly” heroine in a movie must wear metal braces, having removed which in the finale she will become a beauty. In reality, everything is not so scary. Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with braces, and if you continue to smile and laugh calmly, believe me, no one will faint at the sight of you.

For those who care too much about the opinions of others, we can recommend choosing the least noticeable types of braces: light ceramic, for example, will cost more than metal ones, but will not be conspicuous. There are also lingual braces, which are installed with reverse side teeth. However, it is worth consulting with your doctor to find out if this option is right for you.

In general, there are quite a lot of types of braces: in addition to the most popular - metal - and the already mentioned ceramic, there are plastic, titanium, even sapphire. If you perceive your new “accessory” more as a way to stand out, then you may like colored braces - and this option also exists.

Yes, you will have to partly change your lifestyle by devoting more time to oral hygiene. Over time, you will get used to brushing your teeth. special brushes after every meal, but at first, especially if you have a busy schedule, this is not as easy as it might seem. But, in order to protect yourself from embarrassment (for example, when after a meeting you notice that a sprig of parsley left over from lunch was sticking out of your teeth the whole time), it is better to build five minutes into your schedule for dental care.

Speaking of food: while wearing braces, you will have to give up some foods and drinks, perhaps your favorite ones. Say goodbye to nuts, caramel, chewing gum, as well as coloring drinks - coffee, red wine (if you have light-colored braces).

Provided that you are in the hands of an experienced specialist and follow all his recommendations, and also do not intend to give up ahead of time, your efforts will definitely pay off. After treatment is completed, what will attract the attention of others is not your braces, but how smiling and satisfied you have become with yourself. By the way, after parting with braces, you will probably find that many of your friends didn’t even notice your newly acquired “freedom,” but it seemed to you that everyone was looking at your teeth.

This is what those who decided on them only in adulthood say about their experience with braces.

Faith Hill at the Grammy Awards. 2013.

Steve Granitz/Getty Images

Svetlana, 34 years old, lawyer:

“There was a ten-year gap between the thought of getting braces and the installation itself. The first feeling is an incredible sense of coolness, similar to the pride you feel as a child when you are the first to own a two-wheeled bicycle. On the first morning there was panic from pressure in the jaw, which I was able to cope with by remembering what awaited me as a result and why I did this. Now it’s part of me, I can’t remember what I looked like without braces. The only discomfort is the need to visit the orthodontist frequently: mine, for example, wants to see me at least once every two weeks. So I dedicate two Sunday mornings to him – and to my Hollywood smile.”

Aina, 24 years old, editor:

“I’ve been wearing braces for a year now, with at least another six months left (my orthodontist doesn’t give an exact time frame). Initially, uneven teeth and malocclusion were not noticeable, but at some point I noticed that the dentition began to move chaotically. And I decided to immediately get braces while the situation could be corrected. As soon as they were installed for me, all the crookedness of my teeth began to be evident, my self-esteem was at zero. The support was very helpful young man, who was loyal to my decision, although he had not noticed my dental problems before.

After installing braces, my jaw and head hurt for about two weeks, but I can’t say that I experienced the torments of hell: for example, I endure a lingering cold more severely. After eight months, I noticed that my teeth were almost perfectly straight. I can say that as soon as the teeth are straightened, braces no longer seem so ugly, but look quite tolerable. Now, after a year, I am completely calm about them, I don’t notice them at all. I can already see positive changes, and I haven’t even taken off my braces yet! IN Lately Even the oval of the face changed, cheekbones appeared.

I don’t see anything wrong with straightening teeth as an adult; we live in a fairly tolerant and tactful society: during the year of wearing braces, I have never encountered negativity about my smile. In my opinion, it’s even harder for children with “hardware” on their teeth; their peers can be very cruel.”

Gwen Stefani at the opening of the Dior boutique in New York. 1999.

Evan Agostini/Getty Images

Ella, 30 years old, junior analyst:

“I wore braces for three years - longer than I planned. Initially, I was told that the treatment would take no more than two years, but I didn’t go for “lifts” regularly, so it took so long. At first I was a little embarrassed to smile, but then I got used to it and even at business meetings I didn’t feel any discomfort.

The effect is noticeable, I am happy with it and do not regret that I decided to get braces. The only thing is that now I would have learned in more detail about all the nuances of treatment at the very beginning: for example, they didn’t really explain to me that after removal I would need to see an orthodontist for some more time (for me - six months). In general, I would advise asking the doctor all your questions right away so that there are no surprises.”

A specialist speaks about the pros and cons of installing braces in adulthood.

Elena Gnedova, orthodontist:

“Of course, more effective and faster treatment passes in children. If you didn't have braces as a child and the problem persists, it's not too late to start treatment as an adult, but there are certain challenges you may face. In adults, the muscular skeleton is already fully formed; individual teeth may be missing; some teeth have previously been subject to prosthetics; some must be removed before installing braces.

For all these reasons, the treatment period is definitely longer than in children. Additionally, many adults have gum problems, which can be made worse when you wear braces. The good news is that adults are better at taking care of braces than children, and careful care is very important.”

A beautiful smile is the key to success and good luck for every person. However, not everyone can boast of straight teeth and a correct bite. But, thanks to modern orthodontic methods, namely the braces system, everyone can achieve a great smile.

What are braces and what are they for?

A braces system, or simply braces, is a non-removable structure that allows you to straighten your teeth or correct your bite, regardless of age. The system consists of an arch and clasps, which, thanks to a special glue, are attached to the teeth. Braces are made from different metals or alloys, are characterized by several types of fastening, and also oblige the patient to observe special rules of oral hygiene.

Young girl with braces

Indications and contraindications for installing braces


  • Various degrees of bite deformation;
  • Crowding of teeth;
  • Excessive development of one jaw relative to the other;
  • Dystopia – incorrect position of one or more teeth;
  • Eliminating gaps between teeth.


  • Absence of a large number of teeth;
  • Weak teeth;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding);
  • Immune system diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Disease skeletal system, at which it is noted low level its healing;
  • Tuberculosis, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Allergy to any materials.

When is the best time to start wearing braces?

It is impossible to answer the question posed unambiguously. Each case is individual. Usually the most suitable age is 10-12 years. It is at this time that the child’s active growth occurs, as well as the completion of the formation of the bite. Thus, wearing a brace system will give a good and quick effect.

Depending on the case, the doctor may prescribe treatment in more early age, and sometimes at 17-18 years old. Everything is quite individual.

Photos before and after braces

When choosing the optimal age for installing and wearing braces, it is worth considering:

  • The degree of malocclusion;
  • Condition of tooth enamel;
  • General development of the patient;
  • Willingness/unwillingness to wear braces;
  • Level of oral hygiene.

It would be a good idea to visit an orthodontist at the age of 3-4 years, when the primary dentition is fully formed. This will allow you to determine in advance whether the child has any problems and how to solve them.

There are three main periods for orthodontic treatment:

Early treatment

Between the ages of 5 and 10 years. During this period, to change the bite or straighten the teeth, removable “plates” structures and elastic mouthguards – trainers – are installed. IN special cases“partial braces” are used.

However, it is worth noting that treatment is considered complete only after all permanent teeth. Thus, treatment can last from 5-6 years to 14-15, which can lead to unpleasant consequences(the child will get tired of wearing braces for so long). So start early treatment Only worth it if absolutely necessary.

Treatment during adolescence

11-12 years old. This age is the most favorable for orthodontic treatment. Because This is a time of active growth for the child, solving bite problems and straightening teeth occurs faster and better. Usually at this age a brace system is installed.

Since this orthodontic structure is non-removable, great attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

Treatment for adults

Over 18 years old. Treatment with braces is effective regardless of the patient’s age. However, there are still some differences in teeth alignment and bite correction.

Braces for an adult

Alas, with age general state teeth are getting worse. The patient faces problems such as dental fillings (some teeth are pulpless), tooth extraction, chronic illness gums – periodontitis. The condition of the body as a whole may also deteriorate. All this can lead to lengthy and not always high-quality treatment.

The basis of treatment is also braces.

Pros and cons of braces

  • The main benefit is the ability to correct any pathology associated with the position of the teeth, regardless of age;
  • Achieving a beautiful, and most importantly healthy smile. Thanks to the braces system, after 2-3 weeks of treatment, positive changes in the position of the teeth are visible.
  • Absolute absence of any age restrictions. The only limitation may be bad condition teeth and gums.
  • Oral hygiene becomes more difficult. The patient should brush his teeth more thoroughly. If hygiene is not taken seriously, the accumulation of plaque can lead to caries, gingivitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums.
  • Most patients are put off by the length of time they wear braces. Treatment can last from several months to 3 years. Not everyone will agree.
  • High cost of braces. Basically, the price depends on the material from which the clasps and arches are made, the duration of treatment, as well as the qualifications of the orthodontist.
  • The harm from braces may include increased vulnerability of tooth enamel to the threat of caries.

Lingual brace system

This is a type of orthodontic structures (they are also called invisible) that are attached to the inside of the teeth. This type of braces is popular among movie and pop stars.

How are lingual braces positioned?


  • Absolutely invisible, because attached to the inside of the teeth;
  • Do not injure the tissues of the oral cavity, namely: cheeks, gums and lips;
  • With their help it is possible to correct a deep bite;
  • Virtually eliminate the possibility of damage to tooth enamel;
  • Allergy sufferers can also wear them, because... Gold can be used in the manufacture of lingual structures.


  • May affect diction in the first 2-3 weeks of wearing;
  • Possible injury to the tongue and excessive salivation;
  • Production time is about 2 months;
  • Compared to vestibular (those that are attached to the front of the teeth) braces, lingual braces are difficult to care for;
  • The duration of treatment increases by 3-4 months;
  • Quite a high price;
  • There are more contraindications than for regular ones.

Ceramic bracket system

Consists of the same elements as regular metal. Material for production of this type Braces are made of polycrystalline or monocrystalline ceramics.


  • Aesthetics. The color of the ceramics is similar to the enamel of teeth, which ensures that the system is invisible.
  • Hypoallergenic. Ceramic braces can be installed on patients with hypersensitivity to metals;
  • Thanks to the smooth surface and rounded shape, the possibility of injury to the cheeks, gums and lips is eliminated.
  • High strength;
  • resistance to coloring substances contained in food; do not turn yellow over time.

Sapphire and ceramic braces


  • Quite a high cost;
  • The duration of treatment increases by 3-4 months;
  • Due to the tight fit of the bracket to the tooth enamel, demineralization and destruction are possible.

Are braces harmful to teeth?

For 20 years clinical researches and technological capabilities have improved orthodontic treatment. Thanks to this, wearing modern braces is absolutely safe.

However, patients may encounter certain difficulties:

  • Discomfort. After installing the braces, the patient will feel discomfort. The degree of discomfort directly depends on pain threshold. Usually the patient feels a slight pain in the teeth and gums.
  • Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. People often assume that braces leave stains on the teeth or damage the enamel, and also lead to swelling of the gums. It is a myth. The patient should remember to brush his teeth thoroughly, use dental floss and a brush to clean the system. In this case, there will be no problems with your teeth.
  • Root resorption is the reduction of tooth roots. It is difficult to determine whether braces had an effect in one case or another, because... Root resorption can occur without orthodontic treatment. Some people are predisposed to this.

Consequences of wearing braces

After completing treatment with braces, the patient may experience complications. If during the treatment the teeth did not have enough calcium, after removing the system, stains may appear on the teeth, i.e. foci of demineralization. Following this, caries appears. A gum pocket may also appear.

You need to understand that the condition of the teeth after removing braces depends entirely on the level of oral hygiene during the treatment itself.

In addition, an experienced orthodontist must not only select the right material and design, but also carefully examine the patient’s oral cavity during each visit. This way you can avoid complications.

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that bracket systems are the most the best method treatment in orthodontics. Of course, there are disadvantages. However, the result is worth it. Treatment with braces gives effective results. Even the most complex problems of bite and crooked teeth can be corrected thanks to modern orthodontic structures.

If a person doesn't have too much beautiful smile, he may think about purchasing braces. Most people immediately abandon these thoughts due to many prejudices and myths. Some of them are based on the fact that the original bite correction systems had an extremely unattractive appearance and very large dimensions.

And the fact that this design needed to be used not for months, but for several years, forced others to change their minds. The pros and cons of braces will be discussed in detail below. Even now, in the age of information, you can often hear on the street or see messages on forums that braces are harmful to dental health.

To improve the level of your own education, you need to immediately understand these myths and evaluate all the pros and cons of installing orthodontic appliances.

  • pros

    In order not to harm own health When trying to fix your smile, you need good motivation and knowledge. Affirmative arguments include:

    Correction and correction of any pathologies of your teeth

    The current level of development of dental medicine makes it possible to correct absolutely any aesthetic problems and occlusion problems at any stage of their development. If the person who wishes does not have a single contraindication from their extremely small list, then there are no difficulties here, except budgetary ones.

    You will have a healthy and attractive smile

    Getting rid of defects that negatively affect the attractiveness of teeth is the most common reason for visiting an orthodontist. After several weeks have passed since installation, positive results will already be noticeable, so this fact is difficult to overestimate. On general health This will also have a positive effect on the human body.

    No contraindications based on age

    Braces do not have any age restrictions, so they can be placed not only on people who have their own teeth, but also on those who are planning to install implants. In this case, only a person can limit himself due to lack of motivation.

    Teeth can be corrected at any age, so now you can increasingly see representatives of the older generation with corrective structures on their teeth

    Disadvantages of installing orthodontic systems

    Despite all the considered advantages and debunked myths, braces still have a number of disadvantages. They do not directly affect health in a negative way, but they can scare off insufficiently motivated people.

    For achievement effective result To correct your bite, you must follow strict rules of oral hygiene, otherwise, instead of a corrected smile, you may get serious illnesses. It is enough to clean your braces with special brushes and use mouth rinses. You need to take care of the system after every meal.

    The main problems are classified as follows:

    Long procces

    The long time it takes to correct a dental malocclusion also negatively affects the popularity of this solution. The duration of treatment ranges from one to three years.

    It seems that this is a very long time, and the person begins to gradually lose interest in this, but positive results are noticeable after the first weeks, so the motivation will not lose its strength. In addition, every month during which you wear this system further confirms the correctness of the decision made.

    The first results of dental correction can be seen within 5-6 months after installation of the structure


    Yes, orthodontics, like any dental devices, are expensive. On average, the total amount for dental correction ranges from fifty to three hundred thousand rubles. The price is greatly influenced by the chosen clinic, the duration of the course of treatment and the device itself.

    Already now you might think that this is a very large amount, but it will easily pay off over time, due to the fact that many of the causes for the development of various diseases will be corrected long before pathologies appear.

    Destroying myths about braces

    The process of straightening teeth, according to people, is constantly accompanied by inconvenience and pain, but this is not so. Before moving on to braces - the pros and cons - I suggest dispelling the most popular myths about braces. Let's take five of the most famous.

    Myth 1: “It’s ugly!”

    Once upon a time this statement was true, but compared to those times, our dental treatment technologies have moved much further. Such orthodontic systems are only small degree can change a person's image. During their production, those materials that are distinguished by aesthetic appeal are taken as raw materials.

    Nowadays, not only conservative metal varieties are available, but also many others - ceramic, plastic. If there is a need to wear braces secretly, it doesn’t matter. There are lingual invisible braces, which are installed from the inside.

    Such structures are installed on the inside of the teeth, which provides an aesthetic appearance to the smile.

    There is no need to be upset because you will be haunted by constant discomfort. Within a week or a week and a half, a person will completely get used to this idea. And the feeling that the smile will be more attractive every day will definitely support the doubter.

    Myth 2: “This is for children!”

    This is a misconception about the relevance of such a device only in childhood is no longer so common, but there are still people who adhere to it. In fact, there are no age-related contraindications to installing braces. The only difference for people of different ages– long-term bite correction. In older people, the duration of the period during which the bite is finally fixed is longer.

    Naturally, the speed of its correction, and, accordingly, the speed of movement is also a purely individual characteristic. The duration of wearing an orthodontic system can be determined accurately only after an examination of the entire dentofacial apparatus.

    Myth 3: “It hurts!”

    In fact, any discomfort may actually be noticeable, but only in the first few days. Due to the fact that this pressure will be unusual for the teeth, you may notice aching sensations, and in some cases the gums will begin to itch.

    Since everyone human body is unique, then the length of the period of inconvenience will also vary. These symptoms do not require any medical intervention because they create stressful situation for the body.

    Statistical studies show that after seven days, braces no longer cause any discomfort.

    Myth 4: “It’s harmful!”

    There are no direct statements confirming this, but there are still people who consider the expression to be true. The impact of braces is completely safe, because they have a very gentle effect. Some problems with braces can only arise in those who do not follow any recommendations of a medical specialist.

    If you do not take care of your own oral hygiene, then unpleasant plaque will gradually accumulate around the device, which can cause stomatitis, caries and other dental pathologies to develop. Damage to tooth enamel can only be caused by a preliminary lack of the required amount of minerals. Exploratory survey will always show this, and the attending physician will definitely recommend the necessary measures to avoid dental erosion.

    Myth 5: “It will cause allergies!”

    These devices have a number of contraindications, but most of them relate to various gum pathologies.

    To install the device, you must first be cured of all noticed disorders and prepare for a long period of treatment. Due to lack of interest, the frequency of installation of devices also decreases, because how many of us loved visiting dentists as children?

    Types of systems


    Metal staples are the most common option due to their low cost. In addition to the low price, they have greater endurance, a faster course of treatment than others, and a variety of raw materials, which eliminates the possibility of allergies.

    The disadvantages include their low aesthetic appeal. Cheap and cheerful, so to speak.


    Compared to metal ones, they are much more invisible, but their mere use imposes a large number of prohibitions on a person. Most of them relate to foods that can stain your teeth.

    Of the braces that have great aesthetic appeal, plastic ones have the lowest cost. But after a while they lose their attractiveness due to the loss of their original color. Another disadvantage is its low strength.


    Ceramic braces are considered the most versatile type. Due to the exact repetition of the color of the teeth, they are hardly noticeable, they cannot be stained in any way, they are more resistant to damage than plastic ones, and have a high aesthetic appeal.

    The disadvantages include a really high cost, a longer course of treatment (can be solved by glazing the grooves) and a complicated process of removing them.

    Such structures are attached only to the outside of the teeth, but due to ligatures of light or transparent shades they are almost invisible

    Non-ligating or self-ligating orthodontic systems

    This is an improved version of the basic braces model. Due to the fact that ligatures need to be changed much less frequently, you do not need to visit your treating orthodontist often. On some human teeth, the components of this system are smaller, for example, on the upper incisors. The period of bite correction will be significantly shorter due to slight friction.

    Ligature-free designs are distinguished by the fact that their mechanism does not contain a metal wire (ligature) running along the entire arch of the teeth.

    These braces do not require as much oral care as others. But the cost of the system is much higher than that of a conventional metal one.

    There are two types of corrective systems: vestibular (attached to the front of the teeth) and lingual (located at the back of the teeth)

    Lingual system

    It can be considered the ideal among all options, due to its complete invisibility. This is achieved by attaching the device to the inside of the teeth.

    In addition to invisibility, they have significant disadvantages. For example, the cost of their installation can seriously affect the decision to correct your smile, oral hygiene is more complicated than other types, and noticeable problems with diction at the very beginning of the treatment procedure can scare off even ardent fans of bite correction.

    This system is the most the best option, if a person wants to correct defects in his smile, without in any way showing that he has braces. Having considered the pros and cons of braces, they existing species, we can confidently conclude that their installation is necessary for any person with sufficient capabilities.

The pros and cons of braces will help determine in which cases it is beneficial to use them. Modern devices are distinguished by high quality and aesthetics. IN a short time help correct malocclusion, position of teeth, and stretch them when teething is difficult.

Braces are installed separately on each tooth. Fastened with a metal arc. It is easy to adjust to normalize the load on the teeth. The duration of treatment depends on individual case every patient. At this time, routine examinations by the orthodontist are carried out. Braces systems are divided into the following types:

  • metal;
  • ceramic;
  • plastic;
  • sapphire.

In addition to the bracket itself, an additional elastic band can be installed on it. This helps establish the correct position of the tooth. Pulls that look like small rings that have good elasticity. This is why they are called elastics.

The rubber bands are attached to the braces using special locks. This does not affect the location of the arc or its functionality. Elastic bands exert stress on one, several or all braces. Thus, the teeth begin to move into the correct position. The disadvantages of braces are very minor. Such devices are installed exclusively by a doctor. He determines which brackets they need to be placed on and tightened correctly.

It is worth noting that rubber bands help speed up healing process. If they are installed correctly, the patient does not feel discomfort during chewing and opening the mouth. Otherwise, you need to see a doctor again to reset the traction.

In addition to elastics, the patient can have springs and mouth guards installed.. They improve the bite in a short time. After installation, pain may occur for several days. This is normal because the teeth are subject to stress. Soon they will get used to the new position and the pain will go away.

Benefits and Features

The main advantage of braces is the fastening in the form of sliding clamps. They come in the form of locks and latches. In this case, replacing the arch and adjusting a separate bracket is carried out effortlessly.

During the period of establishing this system, the orthodontist does not apply physical strength. That's why the patient at the first stage of treatment does not have strong pain in the jaw area. The first changes are observed after 2-3 months. Therefore, braces have practically no disadvantages.

It is worth noting that the treatment is painless and does not last long. The patient visits the doctor approximately once every 8 weeks. The archwires are changed quickly enough, so a person does not spend a lot of time visiting the orthodontist.

The bracket system moves correctly during the treatment process. The big advantage is that various pathologies can be eliminated without removing teeth. Previously this was problematic. Modern products effectively expand the dentition, if necessary. Dentists are now offering a discreet, non-ligature appearance. Suitable for patients who have complexes about installing such systems. Before installation, you should study the pros and cons of braces.

It is worth noting that ligature-free braces have the ability to install arches of a special small diameter. In this way, you can achieve treatment results faster. The bracket system allows you to correct not only the location, but also the incorrect bite.

Traditional systems have an arc. For fastening, the doctor has to spend a lot of time and effort. During the treatment period, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the system, periodically tighten the arc and change it. It is very uncomfortable. The patient visits the orthodontist once every 2 weeks. The appointment lasts from 30 to 40 minutes.

The advantage of such devices is that the arc does not need to be blocked. This allows the doctor to move the teeth without much effort. Therefore, you can significantly speed up the process of treatment and correction of the bite. Now Doctors use high-tech power arcs. They are more sophisticated and easy to use.


Before installing elastic bands on braces, the doctor must examine the condition of the brackets and arches. Additional load is needed if it is necessary to speed up the process of correcting the bite. Often used in cases of significant curvature of teeth. It must be taken very seriously. An incorrectly fixed rod will cause the tooth to grow in the wrong direction. In this case, treatment with braces will become useless.

Rules for securing rubber bands:

  • They are attached to special hooks. Wear simultaneously on the top and lower jaw. This is a very important point.
  • The doctor must distribute the load of pulling the elastic bands. It is important to fix the elastic correctly so that the tooth changes in the desired direction.
  • Place evenly on both jaws for symmetry. This promotes proper jaw movement.
  • The presence of traction on braces should not cause discomfort to the patient.
  • The patient himself can choose the color of the elastic bands for installation.

The bracket elastic is secured with special hook-tools. Correctly fixed rubber bands are practically not felt in the oral cavity. The physician must ensure that the patient does not experience severe discomfort, and if necessary, loosen the tension. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the malocclusion and the curvature of the teeth.

Indications for establishment

Children do not have a formed dental system, so they are prohibited from having braces.

In adulthood, this treatment allows you to establish the correct position of the teeth and, if necessary, correct the bite. Optimal age for therapy – 10-12 years. Any braces have a small number of disadvantages.

Older people have no restrictions on treatment. Such systems help eliminate wide tooth gaps. Useful for correcting misaligned teeth. They also effectively help to stretch them out during difficult teething.

Braces for changing the bite

Modern dental clinics can provide patients with braces of any type. Vestibular ones are considered the simplest, and gold ones are considered the most expensive and high-quality.. Mostly, patients want the staples to be invisible. To do this, doctors can offer ceramics, which are hardly noticeable on the teeth.

There are the most expensive brace systems that are installed on internal part. These are the most invisible staples. The process of installing them is very complex and requires highly qualified doctors. The cost of such an orthodontic device is high.

The sapphire type is considered cheaper. These vestibular braces are made from artificial sapphires. The main difference is that they are hypoallergenic and do not irritate the mucous membranes. Less noticeable are systems that are held together with a colorless arc. Treatment with damon braces is very effective. The difference is that drug therapy carried out over a short period of time. Such systems do not contain ligatures.

Correcting a malocclusion is very difficult. Before installing braces, the patient must be aware of the complexity of the treatment and responsibility. The main advantages of installing braces include:

  • Possibility of correcting any dental pathology. Modern orthodontic devices allow you to correct bite and other problems that spoil appearance and a person's smile. The list of contraindications is not long.
  • Aesthetic smile. With the help of such systems you can achieve remarkable results. Braces provide an opportunity to notice changes initially after installation of the system. This affects overall health
  • No age restrictions. Orthodontic appliances are installed on formed permanent teeth. Cannot be used to treat children under 11 years of age. They help get rid of complexes, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Despite the advantages, before installation, the patient should find out what the pros and cons of braces are.

Correcting your bite with braces is not always an advantage. None of the species can cause harm to health. Any braces have few disadvantages. The main disadvantages include:

Difficulty in performing high-quality oral hygiene

In order for the benefits of correcting the bite to occur in a short time, it is necessary to take oral hygiene seriously, since if teeth are not cleaned properly, caries and gingivitis may occur and other pathologies and diseases. It is not difficult to prevent such problems: for this you need to use special brushes and brushes for braces, as well as threads, rinses and an irrigator.

If you monitor your oral health after every meal, you can prevent any harm to your teeth and gums.

Long process of wearing orthodontic systems and retention

Many people are put off by the need to use braces for many months, or to be more precise, from 1 to 3 years. Indeed, the period is impressive, but it seems so only at the very beginning of the system installation. The first changes appear within a few weeks, which allows you to remain inspired.

High cost of orthodontic systems

Any dental equipment is expensive, but braces are especially expensive. The total cost of braces varies on average from 50 to 300 thousand rubles. The cost largely depends on dental clinic, type of orthodontic appliance and duration of the selected program.

Initially, it seems that braces are very expensive, but in the end, every expense will pay off, since correcting the bite allows you to prevent the development of huge amount diseases, especially the digestive and respiratory systems.
