How to introduce potatoes into your baby's complementary foods. Expanding the baby’s diet: introducing mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes have excellent taste qualities, so babies eat it willingly.

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What you need to know about potatoes

Mothers who decide to give their baby complementary foods in the form of mashed potatoes must remember that potatoes are an insidious product. Despite the fact that the dish is well absorbed and easily digested, it must be introduced into food with extreme caution. Excess starch can cause constipation, and due to the high carbohydrate content, the child may gain weight.

Potato peels contain solanine, a toxic substance that has an extremely negative effect on the body. Its concentration is especially high if the potatoes have been stored for a long time or have turned green; such peels must be peeled off very carefully. For your baby, it is better to choose tubers that are dense, healthy, and without sprouts or green spots.

How to prepare puree for a breastfeeding baby

Soak the peeled potatoes in water for 24 hours to remove excess starch, and then cook. There is no need to salt the water, and do not add salt to the finished puree either - salt can harm your baby. Drain most of the water from the pan with boiled potatoes, mash them in the remaining broth and pour in the milk. If the puree, in your opinion, turns out to be watery, masher it a little more - and it will become more elastic.

Can be done mashed potatoes in a steamer. Cut the potatoes into two or four pieces depending on size and place in a double boiler for half an hour. If the potatoes are young and not very large, you can cook them uncut. When cooking is finished, peel the potatoes. This method is the most gentle, but keep in mind that it will be difficult to crush the puree to such an extent that there are no lumps in it. Rub it additionally through a fine sieve - it's quick and easy.

Mashed potatoes intended for babies should be tender and airy. If you are going to feed your baby mashed potatoes for the first time, the portion should be very small. Give your baby a teaspoon of puree and monitor his condition to see if an allergy to the new dish manifests itself. If everything goes well, the volume can be gradually increased.

Mashed potatoes are one of the easiest dishes to prepare. It would seem that you boiled potatoes, cooked them and you were done! However, if you add other vegetables or spices to this dish, it will turn out much tastier and healthier!

Many mothers are concerned about the question: can a child have mashed potatoes and from how many months? Mashed potatoes for children can be prepared from 6 months. Pediatricians recommend not giving up mashed potatoes in favor of other vegetables. Potatoes contain many vitamins and minerals, and carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for a small body. The only limitation when eating potatoes is being overweight.

What are the benefits of potatoes for a child? This vegetable improves metabolism, normalizes water balance and removes toxins from the body. Besides, high content Potassium blinks improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

Mashed potatoes: a simple recipe


  • 2 potato tubers
  • 2 tablespoons milk

Making Mashed Potatoes

1. Peel the potatoes, wash them, boil them in water or steam them, or bake them in the oven.

2. Mash the hot potatoes, add butter and hot milk, a little salt, mix everything thoroughly and beat.

Mashed potatoes with onions

Mashed potatoes with onions Suitable for a child over 1 year old as lunch or dinner. You can combine onion and potato puree with any meat or fish dish.

To prepare mashed potatoes with onions we will need the following: products:

  • potatoes - three hundred (300) grams;
  • onions - two hundred fifty (250) grams;
  • one tablespoon butter;
  • a little milk for making puree;
  • two chicken yolks;
  • salt to taste.

There's no science to making mashed potatoes for your baby. Onion and potato puree is easy and quick to prepare.

Recipe for mashed potatoes with onions will look like this:

1. Peel the potatoes and onions and boil together in salted water until tender. Boil hard-boiled eggs in another bowl.

2. Boil milk. Mash the prepared vegetables with a masher until pureed, add a piece of butter and boiled milk.

Before serving, add egg yolks mashed with a fork to the potato and onion puree and add salt to taste. Serve warm. Bon appetit!

Note. This dish can be topped with sour cream and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Mashed potatoes with carrots


  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon butter

Recipe for mashed potatoes with carrots

How to make mashed potatoes with carrots?

1. Simmer carrots cut into small pieces in a small amount of water.

2. Boil the potatoes and while hot, rub them together with the carrots through a sieve.

3. Salt the pureed vegetables, add butter, hot boiled milk, stir thoroughly and beat until the puree becomes fluffy.

Serve baby puree warm with meat or fish.

Mashed potatoes with vegetables


  • 100g assorted vegetables
  • 1 medium potato tuber
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1/2 spoon of butter

Making mashed potatoes with vegetables

1. Wash vegetables (cabbage, carrots, turnips, beets), peel, cut, place in a saucepan, add a small amount of water and simmer under the lid. From time to time, check that there is always water in the pan (add boiling water if necessary). Bring vegetables until half cooked.

2. Wash, peel and coarsely chop the potatoes. Add potatoes to the semi-cooked vegetables and simmer everything together for another 15 minutes. Rub the stewed vegetables through a sieve or chop with a blender, pour in hot milk, add a little salt, mix well and bring to a boil. Add butter to the finished puree.

The recipe for baby mashed potatoes is quite simple. Bon appetit!

Potatoes are one of the cheapest, most accessible and familiar dishes on our table. It is stored for a long time, does not spoil, is easy to prepare, and can be used all year round. In this regard, mothers are wondering when they can give potatoes to their child. Let's figure it out together.

First, let's compare it with other vegetables.

Composition of boiled potatoes without salt compared to boiled zucchini and broccoli

potato zucchini broccoli
Kcal 86 19,8 35
Proteins, g 1,71 0,6 2,38
Fats, g 0,1 0,3 0,41
Carbohydrates, g 20 3,5 7,18
Starch, g 17
Fiber, g 1,8 1 3,3
Organic acids, g 0,1 0,3
Water, g 77,5 92 89,2
Saccharides, g 0,85 1,1 1,39
Calcium, mg 8 14 40
Sodium, mg 5 1,6 41
Potassium, mg 328 206 293
Magnesium, mg 20 8,8 21
Phosphorus, mg 40 12 67
Vit PP, mg 1,31 0,76 0,55
Vit B1, mg 0,098 0,023 0,063
Vit B2, mg 0,019 0,026 0,123
Vit B5, mg 0,51 0,11 0,616
Vit B6, mg 0,27 0,11 0,2
Vit B9, mcg 9 15,2 108
Vit A, mcg 4,9 77
Vit C, mg 7,4 3,26 64,9
Vit E, mg 0,01 0,109 1,45
Beta-carotene, mg 0,002 0,029 0,929
Iron, mg 0,31 0,39 0,67
Zinc, mg 0,27 0,45
Selenium, mg 0,3 1,6
Copper, µg 167 61
Manganese, mg 0,14 0,19

Having studied the table, we see that potatoes are many times higher in calories than broccoli and zucchini, are also many times higher in carbohydrate content, contain a lot of starch, have a lot of magnesium, and contain B vitamins.
In potatoes a large number of potassium, which is good for the heart and blood vessels; in this indicator it is superior to other vegetables. It is also ahead of its competitors in selenium content, which is beneficial for immunity and work thyroid gland.

Why don’t pediatricians recommend starting complementary feeding with potatoes?

  • Potatoes contain a lot of starch (about 17%), small children do not digest starch well and can cause increased gas formation, intestinal colic, constipation. With age digestive system the child matures and starch does not cause these digestive disorders in children.
  • Potatoes belong to the group of high-calorie foods. 100 g of boiled potatoes contains approximately 86 kilocalories. For underweight children, this is good. Introducing potatoes into the diet will help you gain weight, but it is better for overweight children to give potatoes occasionally 1-2 times a week, replacing them with lower-calorie vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, carrots, beets, etc.
  • Potatoes belong to the group of products with average degree allergenicity, i.e. it can, although infrequently, cause allergies in children. Potato varieties with dark, reddish or pink skin most often cause allergies, less often those with yellow skin.

Green potato peel is not a sign that the product is hypoallergenic, but on the contrary - danger sign! When exposed to light, the green pigment solanine is formed in potato skins, which is toxic to humans and, in large quantities, life-threatening. Adults can cut off the green areas from the tubers and cook such potatoes for themselves, but it is strictly not recommended to use green tubers for cooking for a child.

To reduce the allergenicity of potatoes, their starch content and therefore their calorie content, it is recommended to wash them, peel them and then soak them in cold water for 12 hours, changing the water every 2-3 hours. Soaking potatoes also helps to get rid of the harmful substances they contain: nitrates, traces of chemical fertilizers, etc.

When and how can you give potatoes to your child?

  • As we have already found out, they don’t start with it. First, the child is introduced to other vegetables: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, only when the child gets used to them, they begin to add potatoes to vegetable puree, not as an independent dish, but component, for example, zucchini with potatoes or zucchini with broccoli. Do this no earlier than 5-6 months, start with about ½ teaspoon, doubling the amount daily. To put it simply, add a piece of potato to the zucchini before cooking and cook the vegetables together under a lid, then puree them in a blender and give them to the child, the next day, add 2 pieces of potatoes to the zucchini, etc. It is recommended that the total volume of potatoes V vegetable puree did not exceed 50% of the volume of the entire vegetable puree.
  • It is recommended to give real mashed potatoes, without the addition of other vegetables, to children no earlier than 10 months, and preferably 1 year, since this dish contains predominantly easily digestible carbohydrates and does not have significant nutritional value for the child, it contains little protein and fat, not very a lot of vitamins that are needed for the growth and development of a baby in the first year of life.
  • In the diet of children over 10 months old, potatoes should not exceed 50% of the total daily volume of vegetables, i.e., in addition to potatoes or mashed potatoes, the children's diet must contain other fresh, boiled and vegetable stew: cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, etc., salads made from them.
  • From 10 months, boiled potatoes can be given to the baby in the form of small soft pieces so that the baby learns to chew. From 1.5 years, when he learns to chew well, he can be given potatoes boiled in their skins or baked in the oven (of course, after peeling them first).
  • From 1.5 years old, a child can be given potato casserole. From 2 years old, potato pancakes and potato pancakes.

Fried potatoes, French fries and chips are not considered foods baby food, they do not bring any benefit to the child. The less often they are in the child’s diet, the better, the most the best option, if the child eats them at all.

Potatoes as medicine

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Potato dishes are allowed for acute and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
At acute diseases In the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended in the form of purees or as part of pureed soups.
Potatoes do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and have an astringent, enveloping, and anti-inflammatory effect.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

Potatoes contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Most of the potassium is found under the skin. Therefore, in case of illness of cardio-vascular system Potatoes boiled or baked in their skins will be useful. The peel must be removed immediately before eating. Only potatoes from a new harvest will be useful (in the summer-autumn period); in winter and spring, it is recommended to cut off the thicker potato peel and remove it along with the peel most of potassium, such potatoes will be useless for the heart and blood vessels.

For burns

For burns, it is recommended to cut the potato in half and apply the cut side to the burn site for 20-30 minutes or grate it and apply the paste to the burnt area. Potato juice has analgesic, cooling, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

Potato cakes for cough

This is a kind of potato on the chest or back. Its purpose is to warm up chest improve blood circulation in the lungs, bronchi, trachea. Potatoes are boiled in their skins, mashed warm (to form a flat cake), wrapped in thick fabric, check for yourself that the cake is not scalding, but pleasantly warm, then apply it on your back between the shoulder blades or on your chest, in the area of ​​the manubrium of the sternum. A cellophane film is placed on top and the child is wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf. The compress is applied for 2 hours.
You can repeat the procedure from 1 to 10 times daily or every other day.

Now you know when and how to give potatoes to a child. Stay healthy!

It is difficult to imagine a person’s diet without potatoes. This is a versatile vegetable, so it is added to various dishes. Mashed potatoes have pleasant taste, and this dish is very easy to prepare. It is liked not only by adults, but also by children. When can you give mashed potatoes to your baby? From the article you will learn about the secrets of its preparation, the benefits of the dish and from what time it is included in the baby’s diet.

The benefits of mashed potatoes

This may seem unusual, but potatoes are not inferior to broccoli, cabbage, and zucchini in terms of quantity. useful substances, and in some ways even superior. Many people consider dishes made from this vegetable to be useless and junk food, however, scientists completely disagree with them.

What are the benefits of mashed potatoes for infants:

  1. Folic acid. Pregnant women know that it is necessary for the development of the brain and the whole nervous system.
  2. Potassium and aluminum. The first element helps the functioning of the heart and kidneys, and the second helps the growth and development of tissues.
  3. 20 g of potatoes contain up to 5 mg ascorbic acid. In terms of vitamin C content, the vegetable is ahead of apples and avocados.
  4. Rutin (vitamin P). Together with ascorbic acid, they strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to viruses, which is especially important for a fragile baby’s body.
  5. Tubers contain a lot of selenium (more than nuts or seeds); it is the leader among other vegetables in terms of its content. It helps you work efficiently thyroid gland and the immune system.

Can the baby have mashed potatoes? To answer this question, you should find out all the advantages of the vegetable:

  • Protein content. It is made up of amino acids, which are building material for the cells of the baby's growing body.
  • Fiber improves digestion and cleanses the body of toxins.

Potatoes are a source of strength for developing organism baby. In this situation, the calorie content of the product is more of a plus than a minus, because the body constantly needs energy. Potatoes turn out to be harmful and too high in calories precisely because of the way they are prepared. After all, there is a huge difference between a roasted root vegetable and a “uniform” one.

Disadvantages of dishes for kids

In the use of mashed potatoes for infants, there are negative points. Here's what they are:

  1. The presence of starch can cause allergic reaction. If it appears, then potatoes should not be given to the baby until he is 12 months old. At the same time, everything necessary substances it can be obtained from hypoallergenic foods.
  2. Solanine, which is a deadly toxic substance, can accumulate in the root vegetable. Because of him he gains greenish color. Solanine is formed under the influence sunlight, so it is best to store potatoes in a dark room.
  3. Problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, constipation) may arise. To avoid this, it is best to combine potatoes with foods that remove food from the body.

Excessive inclusion of it in the diet contributes to weight gain excess weight. Therefore, it is necessary to control the amount of potatoes entering the body along with various dishes.

How to choose a root vegetable?

When purchasing vegetables, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is best to buy new potatoes. It contains the most ascorbic acid and lacks solanine.
  • It is best to choose medium-sized tubers. They contain more vitamins and less starch.
  • If there is a lot of water in the tubers, it means they contain a large amount of nitrates. This is easy to check. You need to pierce the tuber cut in half with a toothpick. If water leaks through the hole, it contains a lot of nitrates.
  • It is best to buy potatoes produced by a local producer, rather than imported from abroad.
  • Parents need to stock up on root vegetables during the harvest season to protect themselves from genetically modified products.

Choose potatoes without damage or sprouts. The best root vegetable is the one that is grown on your own personal plot or from conscientious summer residents.

The recommended age of a baby at which it is allowed to introduce root vegetables into the diet is 6.5-7 months. Infants who are on artificial feeding, become familiar with mashed potatoes much earlier than infants. The root vegetable is not the first vegetable that the baby has tried. Before this, he had already eaten pureed zucchini, cauliflower and pumpkin.

At what months can mashed potatoes for infants be added to the menu? According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is best to start complementary feeding at 8 months. First it should be mashed potatoes and soups. He believes that the root vegetable should be included in the diet after fermented milk products and cereals.

There is no need to rush if your baby has constipation and digestive problems. Like any new product, it is best to cook potatoes in water without adding any additional components(salt, milk or butter). You need to start with 1-2 teaspoons and be sure to observe the reaction. If allergies occur or stool retention occurs, potatoes should be avoided for a while. It is not an essential product, so its absence will not affect the baby’s health in any way.

If no negative reactions occurred when introducing mashed potatoes into the diet, then the mother can continue to give it. Such a dish should not be on the baby menu more than 1-2 times a week.

Mashed potatoes promote weight gain if you are underweight. In this case, it can be cooked much more often. However, you should not overdo it to avoid problems with the digestive system.

How to cook it correctly?

There are no difficulties in the technological process. How to make mashed potatoes for babies? You don’t need any effort or special kitchen equipment for this. To obtain tasty dish, you need to have basic culinary skills to cook the root vegetable.

Before starting the process, you need to pay attention to its quality and freshness. It is best to take medium-sized tubers. Parents should buy potatoes for babies directly during the ripening period.

For the first feeding, puree is prepared as follows:

  1. You need to soak the potatoes for 2 hours. cold water. This will help free it from nitrates and starch. Along with harmful substances, useful substances will also leave, but there is no way to do without this.
  2. You can cook potatoes with the three most by known methods: bake, cook as usual or steam. To the most useful option include the first one.

For a baby? And what will you need for this?

Kitchen tools

To prepare mashed potatoes you need to have on hand:

  • blender;
  • small saucepan;
  • a bowl for soaking root vegetables;
  • plate;
  • teaspoon.

A blender will be needed to chop the potatoes that will be boiled in the pan. A bowl is necessary to rid root vegetables of starch and nitrates.

A knife should be used to cut tubers, and a plate and a teaspoon should be used to feed the baby.

Step-by-step recipe for making puree

To prepare you need to take:

  • potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • glass of water;
  • 2-4 teaspoons of milk.

Step by step recipe mashed potatoes for babies includes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Peel the tubers. In this case, it is best to cut it off in a thick layer to free it from harmful components.
  2. Soak the potatoes for 2 hours. As a result, the potatoes are “freed” from starch and other harmful substances.
  3. Place in water and bring to a boil. You need to cook until fully cooked over medium heat. A vegetable is considered fully cooked when it can be easily pierced with a knife.
  4. After determining readiness, the water must be completely drained. The tubers should cool slightly.
  5. Beat them in a blender or mash them with a masher with the addition of broth or milk. This is done to ensure that the puree becomes soft and tender. There should be no lumps in it.
  6. The dish can be cooled and given to the child.

Pediatricians do not recommend adding salt to mashed potatoes, like other dishes for your baby.

Second puree recipe

Infants older than 8 months can already be fed multi-ingredient meals. You should prepare not only mashed potatoes for babies, but also add them to the dish cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, as well as chicken or veal. This is especially true when the baby refuses potatoes.

How to cook mashed potatoes for babies? The recipe includes cauliflower and root vegetables. If the child does not like potatoes, then you need to take very little, gradually increasing the amount.

Vegetables are placed in a saucepan and filled with water. You can add greens. Boil everything until tender and grind using a blender. The puree is made from vegetable broth with the addition of milk. You can add 1 tsp to the dish. olive oil.

Potato soup

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients: 2 root vegetables, 150 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. butter and a leek stalk.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the tubers thoroughly, peel, cut and soak for 2 hours in cold water.
  2. Wash the onion, chop and fry in butter. Add water and simmer.
  3. After boiling, add potatoes and cook for 30 minutes.
  4. Grind vegetables using a blender or masher.
  5. Add milk and mix well.

Soup should be given to the baby only warm. And remember that the baby must be at least 8 months old.

The introduction of complementary foods is an interesting, but at the same time difficult process. There are several tips on how and when to give mashed potatoes to a baby:

  • High quality products are used to prepare the dish. This applies not only to potatoes, but also to other products.
  • It is best to cook root vegetables in enamel or ceramic dishes.
  • Before feeding the baby puree, the mother should taste it. Even high-quality potatoes can be bitter.
  • Initially, the root vegetable needs to be diluted with a decoction. Milk can be added several times and must be low-fat.
  • Babies usually like potatoes. You can alternate it with other vegetables. If this is not done, then the baby may refuse the latter.
  • Mashed potatoes should be given no more than 2-3 times a week. The dish must be fresh.
  • Infants who are on breastfeeding eat complementary foods without special wish. In such cases, you should not rush things and force the baby. This situation should be discussed with your pediatrician.

For any baby, the time comes when he needs to switch to plant and animal foods. Parents must understand that the process requires them to invest time and special patience.


When can you give mashed potatoes to your baby? It is allowed to introduce the dish into complementary foods from 6.5-7 months. Potatoes are not the healthiest root vegetable, but they can diversify a child’s menu. The vegetable rarely causes allergies, but can also cause constipation and bloating. Initially, mashed potatoes are prepared in water without adding any components. This way, the baby will quickly get used to the taste of the dish, and it will not negatively affect his body.

Potatoes are eaten by everyone, everywhere; they are, without a doubt, the most popular, beloved and frequently consumed vegetable in our country. Potato dishes are always tasty and filling. It’s not for nothing that people called it second bread. Is it worth giving potatoes to children and what qualities do they have more - beneficial or harmful - we will try to figure it out.

  • Due to carbohydrates, which are mostly starch, 100 g of potatoes contains 70–80 (depending on the variety) kcal, which is two to three times higher than other vegetables. A serving of potato dish will provide the child’s body with a tenth of energy. Potatoes are one of the main sources of minerals and vitamins for the inhabitants of our country: they are affordable for everyone, potato dishes are very tasty, varied, a serving of potatoes contains 1/3–1/5 of the necessary minerals, 1/2 daily dose vitamin C and P (100 g of fresh potatoes contains 20–25 mg of vitamin C, potatoes that have been stored until spring contain several times less). The point is not that potatoes are very rich in vitamin C, it’s just that this product in our country is consumed daily and in quantities exceeding that recommended by nutritionists. By including potatoes in your daily diet, you can make them a real complex of useful vitamins and minerals.
  • Potatoes are good for a child’s digestive system: due to the mineral content, they have an alkalizing effect, they contain a lot of fiber, therefore, consuming potato dishes, the body is cleansed of toxins, and the work of the stomach and intestines is stimulated. Boiled, baked potatoes, and potato juice will benefit children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, liver diseases), because potatoes have enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists from the UK have proven that potatoes contain unique antibacterial substances that prevent the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the stomach.
  • Potatoes are a source of potassium, which is essential for normal operation heart and kidneys. Potassium strengthens the functioning of the heart muscle and helps remove excess fluid from the body. 100 g of fresh, unpeeled potatoes contains on average about 500 mg of potassium. Norm child's body in potassium consumption 600–1700 mg (15–30 mg per 1 kg of body weight). There is more potassium under the skin, so baked potatoes in their jackets will be healthier from this point of view.
  • Potatoes are the leader among all vegetables in selenium content, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. immune system, has antidystrophic and antiallergic effects.
  • Bronchitis and colds go away quickly if you use hot potato decoction or freshly cooked crushed potatoes in the form of inhalations; these vapors contain antiseptic and antibacterial substances. A compress of crushed tubers on the chest helps improve blood circulation in the lungs and bronchi; for sinusitis, boiled potatoes in their jackets are effectively applied to the nose and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.
  • Potato juice has an antispasmodic effect, so it can be used for headaches.
  • First aid for burns – apply a cut slice of potato (for better effect potatoes can be grated), leave for 20–40 minutes. Potatoes have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Potato damage

  • When stored under the skin of potatoes, solanine is formed. A larger percentage of this substance is found in sprouted, green potatoes. To be poisoned by them, you need to eat several kilograms of unpeeled old potatoes, but still, to avoid getting even small doses harmful substance into the body, it is better to cut off the thicker layer of peel and avoid eating green and sprouted potatoes.
  • Eating potatoes is contraindicated for urolithiasis.
  • It is not recommended to eat potatoes for weight loss: this... If you are obese, eating potatoes should not exceed twice a week.

Interesting to know! American scientists (University of California at Davis) conducted an experiment and now believe that normally cooked potatoes (not French fries or chips) can even dietary nutrition. After all, weight gain is not affected as much by potatoes as by ketchups, mayonnaise, sauces, nutritious salads and fatty food(cutlets, fried meats), which are traditionally served with it.

At what age can children eat potatoes?

Potatoes are a hypoallergenic product. It is allowed to be introduced into a child’s diet from 5-6 months.

Interesting to know! On average, every resident of Russia eats 6–10 kg of potatoes per month. The most potatoes are eaten in Ireland, 145 kg of potatoes per inhabitant per year, slightly less in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland - 130 kg per inhabitant per year. But in Germany it is two times less – 70 kg. Behind last years In EU countries, the consumption of processed potato products (french fries and chips) has decreased.

How to cook potatoes

  • IN fresh potatoes cut the peel thinner, and it is better to bake or boil it in their skins; in old potatoes, the layer of cut peel should be much thicker.
  • When cooking jacket potatoes, they should be thoroughly washed under running water and scraped with a knife.
  • You can cook potatoes by steaming or in a small amount of water in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid.
  • You should throw potatoes not into cold, but into boiling water.
  • Potatoes should be cooked for 15–20 minutes; the smaller they are, the faster; if you cooked the potatoes for 30 minutes or more, most likely you bought a non-edible potato variety. For cooking, it is advisable to choose tubers of the same size.
  • You should peel potatoes immediately before cooking; do not store peeled potatoes in water or light.

The most delicious varieties of potatoes

Early varieties: “Borodyansky pink”, “Rosalind”, “Bullfinch”, “Adretta”, “Vineta”, “Timo”, “Impala”, “Sprint”, “Red Scarlett”.
Medium varieties: “Aurora”, “Blue”, “Mozart”, “Symphony”.
Late varieties: “freckle”, “simply red”, “temp”.

Application of potato starch

Potato starch is more often used in everyday life for making jelly; it can be added as a thickener to cutlets, gravies, mousses, and confectionery creams. You can sprinkle starch on burns to allergic rashes make starch baths (brew 4 tablespoons of starch per bath). Starch is a paste and, as an environmentally friendly and safe product, is ideal for gluing walls in a children's room.

Potatoes contain mainly complex carbohydrates, which become sugar after 15 minutes in the stomach. Meat is a protein food, and animal protein at that. It takes the stomach at least 3 hours to digest such protein. By consuming these products together, you disrupt the absorption process of both, load the stomach with work, the absorption of nutrients worsens, the fermentation process is activated, all this is manifested by heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of fullness. Eating potatoes, pasta and other flour products with meat promotes the growth of adipose tissue.

On a note!

Potatoes should be stewed in a sealed container, adding a small amount hot water or broth, it will taste better if you add tomato paste, fried onions and carrots, parsley, Bay leaf, black pepper.
You can fry potatoes either raw or pre-cooked by adding animal fat or vegetable oil to the pan.
Bake the potatoes in the oven until golden brown and golden brown. Potatoes can be boiled, fried or stewed first. Grease the baking tray vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs.

Interesting to know! English doctors from the University of Birmingham believe that eating potatoes daily helps improve your mood, and eating baked potatoes and mashed potatoes for dinner will help cope with insomnia. The whole secret is great content carbohydrates, tryptophan and amino acids.

Recipes with potatoes

Potato pancakes cannot be classified as healthy dishes, but sometimes they can be offered to a child to diversify his diet.

Potatoes are the most commonly used vegetable in the kitchen. It can be added to all soups (you can even cook milk soup with potatoes), boil, fry, stew, bake. Below are the most delicious recipes from potatoes for children.

Potato soup

  • Potatoes – 3 pcs. average,
  • Cauliflower – 200 g,
  • Carrots and onions - 1 pc.,
  • Garlic – 1 clove,
  • Hard cheese – 100 g,
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Water – 5 glasses,
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cut the washed and peeled potatoes into cubes, wash the cabbage and divide it into florets, grate the carrots on a large vegetable grater, finely chop the onion and garlic. Pour water into the pan, when it boils, add potatoes and cabbage, cook until fully cooked. Fry carrots, garlic and onions in a frying pan (for small children, onions and carrots can be thrown into the pan along with potatoes and cabbage). Add the fried vegetables to the pan and simmer everything over low heat for a few more minutes. Then beat everything with a blender, add salt, pepper, sour cream, mix everything well. Before serving, sprinkle the puree soup with grated cheese and chopped fresh herbs. Serve with black bread or croutons.

Milk soup with potatoes

  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.,
  • Water – 300 ml,
  • Milk – 500 ml,
  • Salt, butter to taste.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and throw them into boiling water. After 15 minutes, add milk and cook everything for another 5 minutes. At the end, add salt and butter. Along with potatoes, you can add carrots to the soup (just cook them longer) and a boiled egg.

Mashed potatoes

  • Potatoes – 250 g,
  • Milk – 50 ml,
  • Butter – 10 g,
  • Chicken egg – 1/2 pcs. or just the yolk,
  • Salt to taste.

Steam the potatoes until tender, mash, add hot milk, stirring and boil for less than a minute so as not to burn. While the puree is hot, add butter, egg and salt, mix everything thoroughly. Can be served with tomato juice, stewed vegetables, salad.

Potato pancakes

  • Potatoes – 1 kg,
  • Wheat flour – 3–3.5 tbsp. l.,
  • Egg – 2 pcs.,
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil for the frying pan.

Wash the potatoes, peel them and chop them on a fine grater. Gradually stirring, add eggs, flour and salt. Fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides until crusty. Serve potato pancakes with sour cream, salted sour cream and curd paste.

Potato babka with minced meat

  • Potatoes – 1 kg,
  • Minced meat – 300–400 g,
  • Carrots – 2 pcs. average,
  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste,
  • Vegetable and butter.

Peel the potatoes and grate on a large vegetable grater. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on the same vegetable grater. Place the onion in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil; when it is browned, add the carrots to the frying pan and fry everything together for 1–2 minutes. At the end add a piece of butter. Then add fried onions and carrots, eggs, and salt to the grated potatoes. Mix everything well. Add a little raw finely chopped onion, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out half of the vegetable mixture in an even layer, then spread a layer of minced meat and cover everything with the remaining vegetable mixture on top. Bake at 180 C for 50 minutes until golden brown. You can serve this dish with sour cream and a glass of kefir.


  • Raw potatoes – 10 pcs. medium size,
  • Boiled potatoes – 2 pcs.,
  • Flour – 3–4 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt to taste.

The potatoes should be grated on a fine grater or using a food processor, and all the juice should be squeezed out with gauze until it reaches the consistency of plasticine. The resulting potato juice let sit for 10 minutes, then drain the juice and add the starch back to the potatoes. Grind the boiled potatoes into puree and add to the dough, add salt. Mix the dough well and make dumplings the size of a table tennis ball. Cook for 20–30 minutes. Dumplings can be made with minced meat and mushroom filling. Traditionally, dumplings are served with milk, sour cream, honey or fried onions.

Potatoes go well with:

  • Low-fat sour cream, cream, feta cheese, cheese, vegetable and butter;
  • Any vegetables, legumes;

It is not recommended to combine with meat, poultry, sweets, confectionery products, tomatoes, dried fruits and fruits, with any fatty foods (including high-fat dairy products).
The benefits of potatoes are obvious. Potatoes can replace expensive foods while maintaining a balanced healthy diet nutrition.

If used correctly, showing moderation and foresight at the table, you will not cause any harm to yourself or your child by eating potatoes.
