What time is caesarean performed? Relative indications for caesarean section. Important points during caesarean section. Planned caesarean

Each pregnancy in a woman proceeds in a new way, different from the previous one. Childbirth, accordingly, also goes differently. If the baby was born for the first time with the help of gynecological surgeons, this does not mean that now everything will happen according to the same scenario. What to do if you have a second caesarean section? What is important for a woman to know? Is it possible to avoid surgery? Today's article will answer these and some other questions. You will learn about how long it takes to do planned second caesarean section, how the body recovers after manipulation, is it possible to plan a third pregnancy and is it really possible to give birth on your own.

Natural birth and caesarean section

Let's find out how a second caesarean section is performed and what indications it has. What is important to know? The natural birth of a child is a process intended by nature. During childbirth, the baby goes through the appropriate paths, experiences stress and prepares for existence in the new world.

C-section involves the artificial birth of a child. Surgeons make an incision in the woman’s abdomen and uterus, through which they remove the baby. The baby appears abruptly and unexpectedly, he does not have time to adapt. Let us note that the development of such children is more difficult and complex than those born during natural childbirth.

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers are afraid of the cesarean section procedure. After all, preference has always been given to natural childbirth. A few centuries ago, a woman had no chance of survival after a Caesarean section. At an earlier time, manipulation was carried out only in patients who had already died. Now medicine has made a big breakthrough. Caesarean section has become not only a safe intervention, but in some cases necessary to save the life of the child and mother. Now the operation lasts only a few minutes, and the capabilities of anesthesia allow the patient to remain conscious.

Second caesarean section: what is important to know about the indications?

What does the doctor pay attention to when choosing this route of delivery? What are the indications for a second intervention in natural process? Everything is simple here. The indications for the second cesarean section are the same as for the first operation. The manipulation can be planned or emergency. When prescribing a planned caesarean section, doctors rely on the following indications:

  • poor vision in a woman;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • heart failure;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma and hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • narrow pelvis and big fruit.

All these situations are a reason for the first intervention. If after the birth of the child (the first) the diseases have not been eliminated, then the operation will be performed during the second pregnancy. Some doctors are inclined to this opinion: the first cesarean section does not allow the woman to give birth again on her own. This statement is wrong.

Is it possible to give birth on your own?

So, you are recommended for a second cesarean section. What is important to know about him? Which ones are there? real readings to perform an operation if everything is in order with the woman’s health? Repeated manipulation is recommended in the following cases:

  • the child has ;
  • less than two years have passed since the first caesarean section;
  • the suture on the uterus is incompetent;
  • During the first operation, a longitudinal incision was made;
  • abortions between pregnancies;
  • the presence of connective tissue in the scar area;
  • location of the placenta on the scar;
  • pregnancy pathologies (polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios).

Emergency surgery is performed in case of unexpected divergence of the scar, weak labor activity, in serious condition women and so on.

You can give birth yourself if a second caesarean section is recommended. What is important to know? Modern medicine not only allows a woman the natural process of childbirth, but also welcomes it. It is important that future mom was thoroughly examined. Conditions for natural birth after a caesarean section the following circumstances occur:

  • More than three years have passed since the first operation;
  • the scar is wealthy (muscle tissue predominates, the area stretches and contracts);
  • thickness in the seam area is more than 2 mm;
  • no complications during pregnancy;
  • a woman's desire to give birth on her own.

If you want a second child naturally, then you should take care of this in advance. Find maternity hospital, who specializes in this issue. Discuss your condition with your doctor in advance and get examined. Attend your appointments regularly and follow your gynecologist's recommendations.

Pregnancy management

If the first birth took place via cesarean section, then the second time everything can be exactly the same or completely different. Expectant mothers after such a procedure should have an individual approach. As soon as you find out about your new situation, you need to contact a gynecologist. Features of managing such a pregnancy are additional research. For example, in such cases, ultrasound is done not three times during the entire period, but more. Diagnosis before childbirth is becoming more frequent. The doctor needs to monitor your condition. After all, the entire outcome of the pregnancy depends on this indicator.

Be sure to visit other specialists before delivery. You need to see a therapist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, neurologist. Make sure there are no restrictions on natural childbirth.

Multiple and regular caesarean section

So, you are still scheduled for a second cesarean section. At what time is such an operation performed, and is it possible to give birth on your own during a multiple pregnancy?

Let's assume that the previous delivery was carried out surgically, and after that the woman became pregnant with twins. What are the forecasts? In most cases, the outcome will be a second cesarean section. The doctor will tell you at what time it is done. In each case, the individual characteristics of the patient are taken into account. The manipulation is prescribed for the period from 34 to 37 weeks. In case of multiple pregnancy, they do not wait longer, as a rapid natural birth may begin.

So, you are pregnant with one child, and a second cesarean section is scheduled. When is the operation performed? The first manipulation plays a role in determining the deadline. Repeated intervention is scheduled 1-2 weeks earlier. If the first time a cesarean was performed at 39 weeks, now it will happen at 37-38.

The seam

You already know at what time a planned second caesarean section is performed. The cesarean section is repeated using the same suture as the first time. Many expectant mothers are very concerned about aesthetic issues. They worry that their entire stomach will be covered in scars. Don't worry, that won't happen. If the manipulation is planned, then the doctor will make an incision where it was made the first time. Your number of external scars will not increase.

The situation is different with the incision of the reproductive organ. Here at every reoperation is selected new area for the scar. Therefore, doctors do not recommend giving birth using this method more than three times. For many patients, doctors offer sterilization if a second cesarean section is scheduled. When admitted to the hospital, gynecologists clarify this issue. If the patient wishes, dressing is performed fallopian tubes. Don’t worry, doctors will not carry out such a manipulation without your consent.

After surgery: recovery process

You already know when a second caesarean section is indicated and at what time it is done. Reviews from women report that recovery period practically no different from the one after the first operation. A woman can stand up on her own in about a day. A new mother is allowed to breastfeed her baby almost immediately (provided that no illegal drugs were used).

Discharge after the second operation is the same as during natural childbirth. Within one or two months, the discharge of lochia is observed. If you had a caesarean section, it is important to monitor your well-being. Consult a doctor if unusual discharge occurs, fever, or worsening general condition. Discharged from maternity hospital after the second cesarean section, approximately 5-10 days, the same as the first time.

Possible complications

With repeated surgery, the risk of complications certainly increases. But this does not mean that they will definitely arise. If you give birth on your own after a cesarean section, then there is a possibility of scar dehiscence. Even if the suture is strong, doctors cannot completely exclude this possibility. That is why in such cases artificial stimulation and painkillers are never used. This is important to know.

When performing a second cesarean section, the doctor faces difficulties. The first operation always has consequences in the form adhesive process. Thin films between organs make the surgeon's work difficult. The procedure itself takes longer. This could be dangerous for the child. Indeed, at this moment, potent drugs used for anesthesia penetrate into his body.

A complication of a repeat cesarean can be the same as the first time: poor contraction of the uterus, its inflection, inflammatory process and so on.


Some women are interested: if a second caesarean section is performed, when can they give birth for the third time? Experts cannot answer this question unambiguously. It all depends on the condition of the scar (in in this case two). If the seam area is thinned and filled connective tissue, then pregnancy will be completely contraindicated. With sufficient scars, it is quite possible to give birth again. But, most likely, this will be the third caesarean section. The possibility of natural childbirth decreases with each subsequent operation.

Some women manage to give birth to five children by caesarean section and feel great. Much depends on the individual characteristics and technique of the surgeon. With a longitudinal incision, doctors do not recommend giving birth more than twice.


A caesarean section performed during the first pregnancy is not a reason for a repeat procedure. If you want and can give birth on your own, then this is only a plus. Remember that natural childbirth is always a priority. Talk to your gynecologist about this topic and find out all the nuances. Best wishes!

Timing, duration and progress of the operation

All pregnant women experience fear before childbirth. And it’s even worse if the birth takes place not naturally, but by caesarean section. But to make it not so scary, let's figure out why a caesarean section is performed, at what time the operation is usually performed, how long it takes and consider the entire course of the operation.

During pregnancy monitoring, the doctor makes a recommendation on how the birth should proceed. If a woman’s pregnancy is progressing normally, then most likely the birth will take place naturally. If there are any abnormalities during pregnancy or during the birth itself, then doctors may decide to perform the birth by cesarean section.

There are emergency and planned caesarean sections:

  • prescribed during pregnancy. In this case, the woman in labor prepares for the operation in advance, goes through everything necessary examinations and at a predetermined stage of pregnancy is admitted to the pathology department. Most frequent indications for a planned caesarean section are:
    • premature placental abruption;
    • hemolytic disease fetus;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • severe form of gestosis;
    • absolutely narrow pelvis;
    • transverse position of the fetus, etc.
  • Emergency caesarean section carried out in case of unforeseen complications directly during childbirth that threaten the health of the mother or child. The health of both the child and the mother may depend on the timeliness of the decision to perform the operation. In such situations, the qualifications of the doctor and the determination of the woman in labor are very important (after all, the operation cannot be performed without her consent).

Optimal timing

A planned caesarean section is usually performed at 40 weeks of pregnancy. This optimal time for the operation - if the fetus is of sufficient weight, it is already considered full-term, and the child’s lungs are developed enough for him to breathe independently.

With a repeat caesarean section, the timing of the operation is shifted downwards - it is done a couple of weeks earlier than the planned date of birth, usually the 38th week of pregnancy.

This approach avoids the onset of contractions, which reduces the risk various complications during the operation. Remember that only a doctor can correctly determine at what time to perform a cesarean section in each specific case.

Preparing for surgery

A woman in labor who is scheduled for a planned cesarean section is usually sent to the hospital about a week before the operation. If a woman wants to stay at home, she can come to the hospital on the day the operation will take place. But this is permissible only in the absence of severe complications and when good health mother and child.

Postoperative period

After surgery, painkillers are usually prescribed because the woman experiences severe painful sensations after caesarean section. Also, depending on the woman’s condition, the doctor may prescribe different medications, such as antibiotics, or supplements that improve performance gastrointestinal tract.

You can get up after surgery no earlier than six hours later. It is also recommended to buy a postoperative bandage, which will greatly improve the condition when walking.

Nutrition after surgery must be special - on the first day after a caesarean section, you can only drink plain water.

On the second day, a woman can try soups, cereals and other liquid foods.

On the third day, at proper recovery, you can eat any food that is allowed during lactation.

If you are still scheduled for a planned caesarean section, then you should not be afraid. Most often, fear of cesarean section occurs due to insufficient awareness of the operation. Knowing exactly what she has to go through, it is much easier for a woman to psychologically prepare herself for the upcoming events.

It happens that pregnancy occurs with some disturbances, due to which it is contraindicated for a woman to give birth on her own. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe a planned birth via cesarean section. There is no clear answer as to when a planned cesarean section is performed, since each pregnancy is individual. Therefore, the time for surgical delivery is determined by the gynecologist on an individual basis.

A planned caesarean section is a pre-planned surgical procedure prescribed for pregnant women who have contraindications to natural childbirth. The operation is prescribed when there are absolute readings to carry it out. The question of the need for delivery in this way is decided in advance by the gynecologist.

Woman passing thorough examination from a gynecologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, endocrinologist and other doctors. If the experts come to the conclusion that a cesarean section is necessary, the woman is given a date for the operation, approximately a week to a week and a half before which the patient is admitted to the maternity hospital. A pregnant woman needs to decide in advance on the type of pain relief. During the operation, the wall of the peritoneum and the uterus are cut, and then the child is removed through the incisions made.

Increasingly, during a planned caesarean section, a transverse incision is made, which is more cosmetic than a vertical suture crossing the peritoneum from the navel to the pubis. Similar delivery operations in obstetric practice occur quite often, saving the lives of thousands of babies.

Indications for planned caesarean section

Although delivery by cesarean section is often performed, such an operation cannot be considered the norm, because it is prescribed in the presence of certain indications, of which there are quite a few:

In all these clinical cases Traditionally, a planned caesarean section is prescribed. Although it happens that surgical delivery is carried out at the request of the woman in labor, when she is afraid of severe pain or possible complications. But doctors always try to dissuade the patient from cesarean section if there are no clear indications for it.

At what time is delivery performed by elective caesarean section?

Quite often, doctors wait until the last minute to perform a cesarean section, so women are worried about what week such an operation is performed. The reason for such uncertainty is the individuality of each case and the influence of many factors such as the condition of the pregnant woman, the course of pregnancy, characteristics of fetal development, etc. Although there are some generally accepted standards that doctors rely on.

The norm for planned surgical delivery is 39-40 weeks, i.e., a period as close as possible to natural childbirth. Such proximity is necessary to minimize respiratory distress syndrome in newborn babies. The ideal time is considered to be the time when the first contractions appear, the so-called. harbingers. But such terms are generally accepted for normal pregnancies.

If the pregnancy is multiple, then at what period is a planned cesarean section performed? For women with HIV infection or multiple pregnancies, planned surgical delivery is prescribed at 38 weeks. If monoamniotic twins are detected, then the operation is performed at 32 weeks. But these dates are approximate. The final timing depends on various additional factors such as abnormal placental presentation, etc.

For whom cesarean section is contraindicated?

There are no absolute contraindications for surgical delivery, because the factors leading to the appointment of such an operation are quite serious and often involve the issue of preserving the life of the child or mother. Possible contraindications include intrauterine fetal death, severe and long-term fetal hypoxia, various deformities or non-viability of the fetus, a high probability of postoperative complications in the mother, etc.

This also includes situations where it is impossible to exclude stillbirth or the death of a child during childbirth. In such clinical situations, the primary task is to preserve women's health and the greatest possible reduction in the likelihood of developing septic or infectious complications during operational activities, because dead child may cause a dangerous infection.

If the indications for cesarean section are absolute, although there is infectious process, then delivery is carried out abdominal type, i.e. the child is removed along with the uterus.

Preparing for surgery

The operation is serious, so it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. To do this, the woman is admitted to the maternity hospital about a week before the appointed date so that she undergoes a detailed examination. In addition, during this period the intrauterine state of the fetus is assessed, and the pregnant woman is finally determined on the type of anesthesia. To avoid various types of allergic reactions, it is necessary to study the presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to the medications used.

In general, anesthesia comes in several varieties:

  1. General. This is general anesthesia, which involves placing the woman in labor into an artificial medical sleep. Typically used in in case of emergency, because it does not require much time, although it has many undesirable consequences;
  2. Endotracheal. This is also a variety general anesthesia, in which a tube connected to a machine is inserted into a woman’s trachea artificial ventilation pulmonary system. Such anesthesia is often combined with general anesthesia;
  3. Epidural. This anesthesia is the most common and involves the introduction of an anesthetic drug into the epidural cavity. A woman is fully conscious during the process of childbirth;
  4. Spinal. Such anesthesia is considered the most preferable today, as many patients note. In this case, the drug is administered into the spinal cavity.

In addition to choosing anesthesia, preparing for a planned cesarean section includes carefully collecting the necessary supplies that will be needed in the hospital after the operation. This includes hygiene items, documents, things for the mother and child, money, etc. Some mothers try to shave their pubic hair at home on their own. But doctors do not recommend doing this. The problem is that after such shaving, inflammation appears, which can lead to the development of infection. You also need to prepare before the operation drinking water, because after a cesarean section you can’t eat anything, but after anesthesia you will definitely have extreme thirst.

Regardless of how many weeks the operation is performed, it is necessary to purchase a postoperative postpartum bandage in advance. Wearing such a bandage from the first days after cesarean helps eliminate pain and accelerates the healing process of the suture. The quality of preparation for caesarean section determines the favorable outcome of the operation and the absence of postoperative complications. Absolutely all mothers are worried about planned operation, so everything is recommended exciting questions Discuss with your doctor in advance.

Progress of planned surgical delivery

In the operating room, the woman is given a cap and shoe covers. To avoid the development of thrombosis, the pregnant woman's legs are tightened with special elastic bandages or put on compression stockings. The rest of the clothing is removed and the patient is placed on the table. Then, when the anesthesia is given, the woman may be placed on her side (spinal anesthesia) or asked to sit up (epidural anesthesia). After this, the infusion is connected, and a cuff is put on the arm to control blood pressure.

A special screen is installed just below the woman’s chest to isolate the area of ​​surgical operations. A woman is having a catheter installed skin covering the abdomen is treated with a special disinfectant solution and covered with a special sterile cloth.

How is a planned caesarean section performed? When the anesthetic begins to act, the pregnant woman is dissected into the peritoneum and uterine wall, after which the baby is carefully removed. The doctor cuts the umbilical cord and transfers the baby to a neonatologist for treatment, examination and evaluation. vital signs. All this is done in a short period of time, taking about 10 minutes. If the woman in labor feels well, the baby is placed on her chest for a short time.

After which the placenta is removed. The surgeon carefully examines the uterine cavity and, if there are no deviations, sutures its wall with absorbable material. Sewn in the same way abdominal wall. To avoid leaving a disfiguring scar, the doctor makes a cosmetic suture, which is then processed antiseptic and is covered with a bandage. From the beginning to the end of surgical delivery it takes about half an hour.

Possible complications after cesarean section

In some cases, postoperative complications are likely, which are usually removable and passing. They affect the mother herself, but may
touch the child too. The most common problems are:

  • Anemia due to heavy blood loss during surgical delivery;
  • Absence or difficulty with the onset of lactation;
  • Adhesive processes in abdominal cavity;
  • Varied menstrual irregularities, for example, the first period may last more than a week, or it does not come sufficiently long time etc.;
  • Problems with the baby's blood circulation;
  • Trobophlebitis of the pelvic veins, endometritis, etc.

Irreversible complications include hysterectomy or infertility. After a cesarean section, most women lose the opportunity to give birth naturally, which also cannot be corrected. There is a theory that during cesarean delivery in babies there is a disruption in the production of hormones and proteins, which can negatively affect extrauterine adaptation and mental activity newborn But this is just a theory that has not been definitively confirmed.

Rehabilitation and recovery period

About a day after a cesarean section, the postpartum woman is in the intensive care unit, where her condition is closely monitored. Immediately after surgery, cold is applied to the abdomen to speed up uterine contractions and stop bleeding. When the anesthetic effect wears off, the woman begins to feel uneasy severe pain, for the relief of which the patient is given painkillers. Additionally, saline solution is administered to replenish lost volumes of fluid, and drugs to normalize gastrointestinal activity.

During the first hours after a cesarean section is performed, the postpartum woman should lie down. Usually at this time, women note weakness and chills, mild nausea and dizziness. This is where pre-prepared water comes in handy, since patients are worried about extreme thirst. You are allowed to sit down after 6-8 hours, and when the dizziness goes away, you can go to the toilet. The newborn remains in the neonatal department all this time, from where his mother periodically brings him.

The next day, the postpartum woman is transferred from the ICU to the department, where she takes care of the baby independently. After about 3 days, the patient stops receiving pain-relieving injections, but the suture continues to be treated daily. Approximately on the 5th-6th day, the postpartum woman undergoes tests, does ultrasound diagnostics scar and organs of the abdominal and pelvic region. If there are no complications, on the 7th day the mother goes home with the baby.

At home you should also follow certain rules postoperative rehabilitation. You are allowed to wash in the shower after about one and a half to two weeks, and in the bathroom after a month and a half. Sexual rest and refusal physical activity observed for 8 weeks. Next pregnancy will become possible only in a couple of years, so it is necessary to competently approach the issue of protection.

Sometimes during an examination, a gynecologist finds various abnormalities in the expectant mother or her child that threaten their health. In this case, the doctor decides on surgical delivery so that everything goes smoothly, without problems.

For most women with problems, a caesarean section is the best option. It all depends on how the woman’s pregnancy progresses, and doctors have to decide on the type of delivery. When a elective caesarean section is performed, the operation is performed with fewer complications than in the case of an emergency operation.

Planned surgery carried out after 38 weeks, and emergency - when labor has begun, if something has gone wrong and there is a danger to the life of the woman in labor or the child. Caesarean section is an operation that carries a number of risks, so it is performed only when indicated:

Let's find out what week a caesarean section is performed for a breech presentation. It all depends on the given situation. A pregnant woman with a fetus that sits in the womb butt is offered go to the maternity hospital early at 37 weeks. If everything is in order, then the planned cesarean section takes place, as usual, at 38–39 weeks.

But at what time is a planned caesarean section performed in the presence of several fetuses? Many twins are born ahead of schedule - somewhere after the 37th week. A planned cesarean section for multiple pregnancies usually occurs at 38 weeks, and if there are three children, at 35–36 weeks.

Based on this information, the doctor decides when to perform the operation. Sometimes doctors in the maternity hospital advise the patient to wait until the day when the first light contractions begin. A woman is admitted to the maternity hospital ahead of schedule so that she can be monitored for the onset of labor. Usually a pregnant woman goes to the hospital several weeks before her expected due date.

How is a planned caesarean section performed? In what week is a planned caesarean section performed? At what time is the second caesarean section performed? You need to ask your gynecologist these questions, he will explain everything to you in detail so that you don’t have any questions during the preparation and the operation itself.

They try to schedule a planned operation at a time when close to the natural birth date. Spontaneous onset of labor is not taken into account. Let's pay attention to what week a planned caesarean section is performed. The operation is usually performed at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, and at what stage is the second cesarean section performed? The second and third are done at 38 weeks, sometimes earlier.

Caesarean section - preparation for surgery

How to prepare for surgery:

Most operations are completed on time spinal or epidural anesthesia. With this type of anesthesia, the woman is conscious, but she does not feel the lower part of the body. She does not feel pain or touch.

  • The entire operation takes 40–50 minutes;
  • The doctor will make an incision in the abdomen and uterus (about 10 cm long). The incision is usually made just below the bikini line;
  • The baby will be taken out through the incision and thoroughly checked;
  • then the baby is placed on the mother’s chest;
  • remove the umbilical cord and placenta;
  • sew up and treat the wound;
  • They will inject antibiotics to prevent infection and hemostatic drugs.

What happens after surgery

There are pros and cons of cesarean


  • there is no risk of a lack of oxygen for the baby during childbirth;
  • reducing the risk of birth injury to the child during the birth canal;
  • reducing stress in anticipation of childbirth;
  • reducing the risk of urinary incontinence


  • the child is born prematurely if the gestational age is incorrectly calculated;
  • sometimes when the uterus is cut, the baby is injured;
  • danger that the intestines will be damaged and bladder mothers;
  • increased maternal blood loss when transfusion is needed;
  • risk of complications from anesthesia (pneumonia, allergic reaction, low blood pressure);
  • increased risk of infections, blood clots in the mother;
  • decreased bowel function after surgery;
  • the woman spends more time in the hospital;
  • longer recovery period;
  • possible complications during breastfeeding;
  • possible increased likelihood of clinical postpartum depression;
  • the appearance of adhesions on the uterus.

Second and third caesarean section, what you need to know

Recovery after repeat cesarean takes longer and harder. The skin was cut twice in the same place, so it will take longer to heal than usual. The process of uterine contraction will increase, the woman will experience discomfort. There are complications with repeated surgery. They are different, it all depends on the health of the mother, the course of pregnancy and the development of the child.

Consequences for the newborn

  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • hypoxia.

If you have a second cesarean section, don't worry! The main thing is to follow all the recommendations when preparing. All doctors know how many weeks a planned caesarean section is performed and will definitely calculate everything so that there are no complications.

Recovery after cesarean

A woman needs more time to recover after surgery than after a vaginal birth. She will have to stay in the hospital more days, compared to normal childbirth. She may experience some abdominal discomfort for the first few days and will be given pain medication. At home, you will have to avoid lifting weights (you can’t do it after surgery) and watch the stitch.

Number of births by caesarean section in Lately has grown a lot. In Brazil the figure exceeds 56%, and the state is taking steps to reduce the number of surgeries performed without indication. WHO has established a clear percentage of operative births - this is 10–15% of all births in all countries. It has been proven that when 10% of all births in a state are assisted surgery, then the mortality rate of infants and mothers falls, since most women with health problems need it. IN different countries The percentage of operations performed varies. In Brazil and the Dominican Republic, where about 56%, in Egypt 51.8% of children were born by caesarean section, in Turkey (47.5%) and Italy (38.1%).

Currently, planned caesarean section is very common operation carried out by different maternity hospitals. Doctors are aware of all the nuances of surgical delivery, know what to do if there are complications and will answer the question “how many weeks is a cesarean section performed?” So don't worry in vain and don't be afraid. Trust the doctors, follow all their instructions - and then everything will be fine with you and your child.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, literally every mother worries about how the birth itself will take place and at what period it is necessary to wait for a joyful event. In the case of such a complex operation as a caesarean section, the timing of the procedure is critical. The more accurately the doctor determines the date of the upcoming birth, the higher the likelihood that the outcome of the operation will be favorable.

It is worth noting that a good obstetrician-gynecologist, even during pregnancy monitoring, should find out how the woman will give birth. If the expectant mother feels normal and there is no danger to her and the baby, most likely the birth will take place naturally. If during pregnancy or after the onset of labor serious abnormalities are observed, the doctor prescribes a cesarean section.

Planned caesarean section: timing and prerequisites for the operation

The specialist informs the woman about a planned caesarean section during pregnancy. This also has its advantages, since expectant mother has the opportunity to find out the exact date of birth of the baby. The doctor may prescribe a cesarean section, timing of the operation, and other additional procedures. In order to determine the date of the upcoming cesarean as accurately as possible, a number of various studies and analyzes are carried out during pregnancy. This is the only way to calculate the optimal date for future births.

The main indications for a planned caesarean section are:

  • Placental abruption ahead of schedule;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Excessively narrow pelvis;
  • Incorrect presentation of the fetus, its damage;
  • Rh conflict between mother and child.

Some complications during childbirth are difficult to predict, so if something goes wrong during labor, your doctor may order an emergency caesarean section. The main thing is that in such a situation he can quickly determine the extent of the problem and choose optimal method her decisions. In such cases, courage and awareness are required from the woman in labor, because the gynecologist has no right to carry out such an operation without her consent.

Caesarean section: at what time is it better to perform the operation?

If a caesarean section has been pre-arranged, the operation often takes place around the 40th week of pregnancy. This is the most convenient and optimal time to carry out such a procedure. By this time, the child is already quite developed and is able to breathe on his own, which means he is quite ready to be born.

In cases where a caesarean section is not performed for the first time, the date of the operation is slightly shifted towards more early date. Often, surgical delivery is scheduled for the 38th week, approximately 10-14 days before natural labor begins. This option is used to avoid waiting for contractions, which could pose a danger to the mother and child. However, in each specific case, everything happens differently, so the doctor always determines the timing of a cesarean section based on the individual characteristics of the woman and the nature of the pregnancy.

In order for the woman in labor to recover as soon as possible after the operation and be able to return to her previous lifestyle, she is prescribed permanent bed rest and painkillers. If the young mother's condition worsens or requires medication, the doctor may prescribe additional medications.

It is worth remembering that caesarean sections are performed quite often today, and there is no need to be afraid of this operation. As a rule, women have a fear of medical procedures, because they do not fully understand what will await them. If the expectant mother is well informed about this issue, and the treatment is carried out by a qualified specialist who will prescribe a planned cesarean section, the timing of the procedure and the course of recovery after it, there is a high probability that the birth will go well.
