How to overcome depression on your own when you have no strength. How to overcome depression on your own, tips and tricks. Spring depression - seasonal affective disorder

A feeling of persistent melancholy, causeless fatigue and bad mood probably familiar to each of us. A person may experience internal emptiness, as a result of which difficulties arise even in relationships with the closest people. Faced with such troubles, called depression, we try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. But how to get out of depression on your own?

It turns out that such methods exist. But in order to know how to cheer yourself up, you need to understand where depression comes from, who is most prone to it, and how to deal with it all.

You can and should look for a way out of a depressed state

Before you understand how to get out of depression, you should consider key features, predetermining its occurrence:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • characteristics of temperament - if a person, for example, has high demands on his personality, he underestimates himself and is always dissatisfied with what he achieves;
  • regular stress, family conflicts, difficult psychological situations.

The onset of depression can be guessed by the following symptoms:

  • Stable low mood, in which anxiety and feelings of melancholy predominate. Moreover, nothing can be done about it: even what could previously lift your spirits no longer works.
  • Slow thinking. It becomes difficult to concentrate and find the right words. The number of ideas decreases; a person, simply put, “slows down.” At the same time, the thought process is colored in negative tones, even if you have to think about something joyful.
  • Motor retardation associated with impaired will. I can't force myself to do anything.

With a persistent character similar symptoms you need to consult a psychotherapist who will advise you on how to overcome depression or first try to pull yourself out of this state on your own.


What to do if you are depressed? How to help yourself and overcome this problem without medications? Psychology talks about several steps that will help you find a way out of seemingly the most hopeless psychological situations.

Keeping your own diary

This will help you understand the causes of a negative mood and assess the consequences of this condition.

  • events;
  • thoughts;
  • emotions;
  • reactions.

The subsequent presentation of such a diary significantly facilitates the work of the psychotherapist, and he will be able to quickly select suitable treatment for the patient's recovery.

The main thing: do not give up halfway through the activity you started, setting aside at least a quarter of an hour every day for new notes (you can, for example, do this shortly before bedtime).

Awareness of your own emotions

Strong emotions should not be avoided, even if it is anger or sadness. Moreover, there is no need to be shy about delight and joy. In a normal state, all emotional feelings are transitory: anger passes, sadness subsides. From the same emotions as joy and delight, in general, you can expect many positive results.

Some people find drawing or coloring helpful in expressing emotions. Thus, it is possible to maintain internal balance. It would be a good idea to show the resulting drawings to a psychotherapist.

Attempts to avoid strong emotions and the desire to hide them will sooner or later lead to depression.

Variety of physical activities

How to overcome depression on your own? Sometimes for this a person needs to prove to himself that he is worth something. Completely remaking yourself in a short time is almost impossible, but changing your lifestyle is desirable, which, of course, will require some effort. Starting to live again is not so easy!

Even doctors confirm that physical activity in the form of exercise, jogging, swimming and walking helps improve vitality. It can be difficult to start, but if you still overcome yourself, after a couple of weeks it will be impossible to imagine life without such physical activity. They will become a habit.

In addition, it allows you to improve sleep, which is extremely important for health, and makes your thoughts clearer.

No – information overload!

If you constantly read what the media writes, you are unlikely to learn how to overcome depression, since every second news has a negative connotation. At least for the duration of your struggle with the described condition, avoid receiving this kind of information.

Don't sit in front of the TV or computer screen, forget about TV shows. It is better to read a book or go for a walk and meet with friends to chat. Sometimes all this helps to cope even with a very severe depressive state.

Building personal relationships

Life situations are constantly changing. In these conditions, it is important to learn how to maintain relationships with people around you (especially with loved ones). These relationships must have mutual value.

If building reciprocity does not work, a psychotherapist can help. There are certain rules of construction interpersonal communication, compliance with which really works. All difficulties will be overcome over time. Mechanisms that interfere with building relationships and setting personal boundaries will be identified.

If necessary, you can undergo communication training, which is usually beneficial and helps to diversify your current life.

Getting rid of perfectionism, which leads to destruction

Perfectionists are most often dissatisfied with everything they manage to achieve and they do not receive pleasure from the activity itself. As a result, the individual becomes exhausted over time and is increasingly exposed to stress.

Perfectionists are highly prone to depression

Fixing his attention on the negative, a person tends to paint in black tones even those events and phenomena that are positive. It is important that the amount of pleasure received from the work fully compensates for the displeasure that one had to feel during the work process.

If you managed to cope with a difficult task, you should not subsequently belittle its significance and the importance of the work done. You also shouldn’t ignore the praise of others, accepting them without exaggeration or understatement.

It helps to analyze a particular situation with a psychotherapist. Over time, you will be able to adequately assess your own capabilities and abilities - this will allow you to lift yourself out of very severe depression.

Yes to life’s small joys and pleasures!

You shouldn’t be overly ascetic, forbidding yourself everything. Some whims should be allowed. Doctors advise establishing the following rule: give yourself at least one small joy at least once a day.

For example, shopping helps many people - however, there must be appropriate financial opportunities for this. Sometimes you should allow yourself extra-hour sleep, without fear that your loved ones will think: “I’m completely lazy.”

All ways to get out of depression are related to the ability to be happy. It’s really possible to enjoy the most ordinary little things in life. Even the fact that you woke up relatively healthy, have the opportunity to breathe air and communicate with people around you is already an excellent reason for joy.

Perhaps a trip will distract you from negative thoughts - at least a short one, for example, a trip out of town.

The above steps may be the answer to the question: how to get out of depression on your own? However, if the matter is really serious and it comes to mental disorder, it is likely that they will not help. You will need medication and psychotherapeutic methods, which only a qualified psychotherapist can prescribe.

Drug treatment

Getting out of depression is possible by taking certain medicines. Naturally, you should not experiment with this yourself, otherwise you risk doing more harm to yourself than helping. But it is advisable to take what the doctor prescribes, strictly following the recommended dosage and frequency of administration.

Some are known to participate chemical substances in brain circuits and their direct influence on mood. In particular, we can recall dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin - all of these are neurotransmitters that transmit signals from one brain cell to another.

Researchers have discovered a relationship between depression and an imbalance in the levels of these substances in the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to take antidepressants that change the sensitivity of neurotransmitters, thereby improving their availability.

Drug treatment for depression can only be prescribed by a doctor

As a result, a person’s mood improves (although the mechanism explaining why everything happens this way has not yet been studied in detail).

Here are the main types of antidepressants prescribed by a doctor to get out of stress and prolonged depression:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - they are aimed at changing the content of serotonin, which helps cope with nervousness.
  • Inhibitors responsible for the reuptake of norepinephrine, as well as serotonitis.
  • Tricyclics - their use may be accompanied by side effects, and therefore they are prescribed by doctors only in extreme cases.
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are traditionally used when other treatment options are ineffective. These same drugs are actively used in the treatment of other mental illness. You should be aware that MAOIs interact dangerously with components of many other medications, as well as with some products. That's why treatment course involves following a strict diet and is carried out under the close supervision of a doctor.

Other medications, such as sedatives and stimulants, may also be prescribed. Separately, they are not effective in the fight against depression (they certainly won’t get rid of a permanent disorder), but in combination with antidepressants they can be quite effective.

Treatment of depression in women

How can a woman get out of depression on her own? Since in at different ages Female representatives may experience hormonal changes, this directly affects a woman’s mood and her attitude towards the world around her. Another reason may be a lack of nutritional components in the female body.

In addition, it is worth remembering that due to high sensitivity, women are more susceptible to stress and nervous shock than men, when a nervous environment contributes to a deterioration in mood, and it is more difficult to recover from all this.

Often they are looking for a way to lift themselves out of deep depression that has formed due to separation from a loved one (divorce from her husband), childhood illnesses, deterioration of relationships in a team at work, and so on.

But instead of tugging at the Internet search engine with requests and requests: “ Help me get out of depression - I can’t do it on my own“It’s best to make an appointment with an experienced psychotherapist.

You can force yourself to cope with a mild form of the disorder, but what to do and what to do if depression is already permanent? How to get out of it and get out? There is no way on your own - only with the help of psychotherapeutic sessions and, quite possibly, drug treatment. This applies to both women and men.

You should not treat this disease superficially, thinking that it will go away on its own and does not pose a danger. In the absence of treatment (or if it is carried out incorrectly), the form depressive disorder can become threatening and develop into more serious mental illnesses. Even hospitalization is possible.

But how to avoid this and overcome depression on your own? Is it possible to achieve this on my own or is it still impossible to do without a psychotherapist?

Permanent depression will not go away on its own

The main thing is not to panic, because this will only aggravate the situation, but will not solve the problem. The best way to overcome the described condition at the beginning of the disease is to have sessions with a psychologist. It cannot be said that the desired results will be achieved quickly, especially if the condition is serious, but you definitely should not give up and give up.

To answer the question “how to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything?” - let's take it apart piece by piece.

If you're feeling blue right now, it wouldn't hurt to find out what exactly you're in - what is depression? Translated, this state means “to crush”, “to suppress” and is characterized by:

  • - low mood,
  • - lack of joy and interest in life,
  • - decreased self-esteem,
  • - irritability,
  • - desire to be alone.

These manifestations are accompanied general fatigue, sleep disturbances, poor appetite. But, in any case, no matter how bad you feel right now, understand that depression is just a state (like any other: for example, dissatisfaction, victimhood, anxiety), and after considering it in detail, you will understand how to get out of depression on your own.

I'm sure you've already tried many known methods fight the blues: change your lifestyle, go for walks fresh air, meet with friends more often, watch positive films, change the environment, play sports, experience more positive emotions. It didn't help much - right? Do you know why? The methods listed are an attempt to be distracted by external circumstances in order not to pay attention to internal, psychological problems.

One day, mental discomfort will outweigh the illusion of external comfort - and again you will return to the thought “how to get rid of depression?”

Are you okay with walking in circles? If “no,” let’s look further.

Any condition has signs, beginning and cause. For each person, everything listed is individual, personal. If you get out of a mental crisis by general standards and advice, there will be little use. So now take a piece of paper, a pen/pencil - and try to answer the first thing that comes to mind, without thinking or evaluating your answers in any way:

  • — What do you most often feel in your body when you are depressed?
  • — what emotion are you experiencing? Irritation, fear, tearfulness, apathy - write yours,
  • -What do you constantly think about? Write down all the dark thoughts in a row, indiscriminately,
  • — what do you imagine (what mental picture do you see before your eyes) in the most mentally difficult moments?

Re-read what you wrote. What does this remind you of, what does it look like?..

Now find the moment when you last felt in a good mood, cheerful, with the desire to do things - when was such a period of time in your life? And remember the beginning of depression - when you first felt a bad mood for no reason and “don’t have the strength to do anything”? Write down these two points.

Trust the first answer to the question - what happened between what was good and what became bad?

Perhaps a serious quarrel, separation, loss of a person or thing dear to you, physical injury, surgery, witnessed a rather unpleasant or dangerous situation. Write your answer.

Why am I asking this? It could happen that you are “stuck”, with your thoughts and your attention, in a negative event you experienced - and it still puts pressure on you, blocks energy... affects your well-being, behavior and desires in the present time. What to do?

How to get out of depression - 2 ways

How to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything? There are two simple and effective ways.

First, ask yourself:

  • — where and when did the trouble happen to me?
  • - Where am I now?

Ask alternately 1-2-1-2-1-2-…. And listen to the inner changes. This method will help pull yourself out of the past into the present.

The second is a single question:

  • - How does depression benefit me? Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Why do I need her? What benefits do I get from it?

Be honest and write the first thing you think of. Were there really no other ways to get the benefits mentioned?..

If you really want to get out of a depressed state, try one thing.

Imagine your depression - in all its fullness and beauty in the form of a three-dimensional 3D picture: alive, with all the details, feelings, thoughts, despondency, and yourself with the appearance of an unhappy person, “killed by life”. You like?..

Yes - continue to be there, okay, it's your own choice. No - imagine getting out of this picture, being outside of it, looking at it from the outside. It’s the same as leaving one room into the corridor, or from an apartment onto the street. Did you imagine? And how do you feel now?

And now about the fact that “there is no strength to do anything.” Nature, the universe, are designed in such a way that forces appear only if there is a need for them - a point of application appears, a task for which these same forces are needed! Not the other way around. Even if your soul is gloomy and physically difficult, you somehow had the strength to get up, get to the computer, go online, and find the article you are reading now. That is great! Think about the small things at home that need to be completed, who you promised to call or help, remember who is waiting for you, or invite someone you will be glad to see.

The scale and speed of things are not important - in any process the main thing is the action itself!

And further. Think about those who are waiting for you to return to life, who need your care, support and love. For a minute, feel yourself in their place - why should they see you in prostration day after day?..

How to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything? Can I ask differently - what does it take to live and be happy? First of all, live. And secondly, rejoice.)

I wish you good luck, your Ali Baba.

According to statistics and according to the World Health Organization, depression is a type of mental disorder that occurs due to... various reasons. Around the world, about 350 million people suffer from this disease, and all ages, nations and nationalities are susceptible to the disease. But it’s worth immediately noting the fact that most of us confuse banal mood swings and negative emotions with depression. The latter is a violation of the mental component, which not immediately, but rather regularly spoils a person’s quality of life, leading to complex forms of disorders, including suicide or committing crimes.

As for suicides, there are quite official statistics– approximately 800 thousand people die per year. Agree, the figure is depressing, moreover, it can scare everyone. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to cope with depression on your own or do you need to see a doctor? Let's figure it out together and in detail.

Important facts that signal depression

First, let's study the exact, medical formulation of depression - it is a suppression of a person's mood, accompanied by a complete or partial loss of the ability to enjoy life, problems with thinking - pessimism of reasoning, inhibited reactions, movements. Officially, the condition is referred to by various terms, which include clinical, unipolar, depressive disorder, dysphoria, dysthymia. The duration of the depressed state varies, most often in serious phases it lasts up to six months or a year. This fundamentally distinguishes the problem from ordinary mood swings.

Most believe that depression often occurs after serious psychological trauma. Yes, grief does not decorate life, what happened hurts the soul and brings only black and gray colors to the course of fate. But normally this condition does not last long; it is not for nothing that they say that time heals. But if a person continues to suffer for more than 3-4 months, the alarm should be sounded. The psyche is obviously affected and it needs to be restored using the right methods. Otherwise, suicide is not far away, or a person can become schizophrenic, neurasthenic, etc.

What is the way out?

Most often, it is unfortunate situations in life that become the key to a depressive state, which is not so easy to cope with. The person suffering from mental illness should also pay attention to himself. If feelings of detachment, melancholy, sadness and sadness accompany it for a long period, you need to take care of yourself.

Important: it is impossible to cope with severe depression in its advanced phase on your own. There are disorders that include not only somatic, but also physical aspects of the body.

You should not assume that this state will leave the mind as easily as it entered it. It’s like a long and drunken sleep that takes away the last of your strength, or a dry cough that leads to complications in the respiratory tract. If left untreated, depression will get worse and can lead to serious mental illness. First of all, you need to find out the causes of the problem, and only then begin to solve them. The main reasons include:

  1. Frequent psychological trauma.
  2. Prolonged bad weather, lack of sunny days for weeks.
  3. Frequent physical fatigue.
  4. Insomnia, lack of sleep.
  5. Problems at work or family.
  6. Protracted chronic disease.
  7. Frequent failures and problems.
  8. Experienced grief, regardless of when it happened.
  9. Lack of vitamins, improper diet.
  10. Passion for alcoholic drinks, drugs, smoking.
  11. Change of place of residence, climate, loss of property, etc.
  12. Menopause.
  13. Adolescence.

An important point in treating depression is thorough examination body. Problems with thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance directly affect psychological processes. The release of serotonin, dopamine, endorphin stops, which mandatory leads to depression.

How to determine whether it is depression or not

Most important step in the treatment of depression is its definition. As we already know, it can easily be confused with other psychological conditions that require a different medical approach. You can do this yourself if you pay attention to the following signs:

  • the desire and ability to work and function normally is lost;
  • rapid fatigue, drowsiness occurs, simple and easy tasks take all your strength;
  • feeling of complete emptiness, tearfulness, mood swings, irritability;
  • feeling of inferiority, lack of self-esteem, constant feeling guilt;
  • insomnia or excessive sleepiness;
  • rapid weight gain or loss, strong appetite or lack thereof;
  • impaired attention, inability to make decisions, inhibition of thinking;
  • constant headaches, digestive problems, muscle pain, convulsions;
  • Regular occurrence of suicidal thoughts the only possibility get rid of suffering.

Important: if the condition is not running, you can deal with it yourself. But as soon as thoughts of suicide arise, immediately consult a doctor.

First of all, a person must do a self-analysis of his own condition. To study from what moment negative, depressed moods began to appear, what was the reason. In addition to psychological aspects, this should include illnesses suffered before signs of the disorder appeared. Perhaps someone will consider it a banality, but any situation, even the most seemingly difficult one, must be looked at as if through, that is, in a simpler way. Yes, this is a difficult task, but if you delve into it completely and are tormented by emotional impulses, it will only get worse. And not for the one who created the situation, but for you!

And yet, it is very important to think about such a phenomenon as comparison. After all, it is known that everything is known in him. Go to sites where people share their troubles, read them, delve into the problem of an outsider. You can even show your participation, write a few words of support, this will calm you down a little and occupy your thoughts with other details.

The next step is to identify the root causes that caused the mental disorder. Analyze the situation that led to depression from beginning to end, and think whether everything depended on you, whether it was your fault. In this case, there is no point, moreover, it is detrimental to health to take on someone else’s responsibility for problems.

The main causes of depressive disorder include the frantic pace of our lives, the pursuit of profit, lack of contacts, silence, tranquility, and banal rest. In such cases, any trouble, even a trifle in everyday life, can become a trigger for depression. Are all the benefits of the planet worth your own health? Do you need to earn a lot if then “cats scratch at your soul?” No! So think about your behavior. Now let's go further and explore ways to get rid of depression on your own.

Create yourself an idol

Many of us have moments when we feel empty, unnecessary, worthless. Often the condition is formed after hopes are dashed and we expect more from a person than he can give us. Sometimes it seems that everything is against us - failures at work, quarrels and scandals in the family, problems with children, parents, lack of money, illness, etc. and so on. And all this is accompanied by severe disappointment in life and relationships. Nothing is nice, everything is terrible, there is a dead end ahead. This is a depressive state, especially if it lasts not a day, a week, but months.

It is a mistake to believe that this only happens to you. Believe me, people for whom everything collapses at once are the majority on this planet. It’s just that everyone endures hardships in their own way and responds differently to the challenges of fate. If you think that this is not so, open the Internet and read the biographies of the richest, most famous people. And you will learn that they were repeatedly tested and endured them steadfastly. Those who couldn’t are no longer with us, unfortunately.

It turns out that behind the clouds there is still a warm and gentle sun, which will look out to us in any case. It doesn’t hurt to carefully study the advice from strong stars and apply them to yourself. Believe me, there are many effective methods, and they have been repeatedly tested and approved by leading scientists.

Love yourself

In moments of failure and problems, you cannot assume that this will always be the case. And despairing, forgetting about themselves, their health and appearance, some, even after the end of the troubles, remain in a state of “anabiosis.” Seeing such a depressing picture, the only thing I want to do is to a normal person- feel sorry for you and go as far away as possible. No matter how the situation develops, if you have at least some strength to stand up and straighten up, put yourself in order, be beautiful.

Moreover, scientists say that bright colors and a rich palette can lift your mood. Buy cosmetics different colors, paint your lips brightly, apply bright eye shadow and blush. Let them think what they want about you, the main thing is to raise your spirits. Of course, you don’t need to overdo it and look like a clown. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation and at the same time attract positive attention.

Throw away everything unnecessary

Not only attitudes and words, but also things can aggravate a depressive state. If there are any in the house, get rid of them. This also includes the personal clothing of the person who brought trouble, or they remind of the deceased, as well as bills, receipts, loans, etc.

And yet, it is not enough to think about problems, it is more important to think about ways to solve them. Search, communicate, find out, or analyze your own behavior. Even simple steps to identify and get rid of bad thoughts are in themselves optimistic notes that can awaken a person from depressive lethargy.

Let's start pampering ourselves

We have already touched on the topic of our appearance to lift our spirits. But that is not all. It is perhaps more important to pay attention to own body. Even ancient healers argued that it is impossible to get rid of illness if you do not take care of your body. Start in the morning. After getting up, stand in front of the mirror and pay attention to the silhouette. Well, everything seems to be fine? If something is wrong, we will correct it. Good physical exercise no one has canceled yet. Let's say more, they activate points on the body and areas of the brain responsible for a good mood and bringing pleasure.

At the same time, to look better and better every day, follow these recommendations:

  1. Sleep tight. Do not forget that at night a person must sleep, and at this time the areas responsible for important things wake up: appetite, digestion, mood. Also, sleep is a complete rest for the body, without which strength will only dry out. Do not forget that you need to sleep and stay awake only according to the schedule. You shouldn't lie in bed for a long time, and you shouldn't go to bed late either. Remember, the sweetest and healthy sleep starts from 11 pm.
  2. Physical activity. Do exercises, just a couple of movements will significantly improve your mood. It’s even better to take up Eastern practices, especially yoga will help in this sense. In the 7 chakras, attention is paid to everything, including the human psyche. And moments of meditation are designed to focus attention and concentration internal forces on important aspects. Just 40-50 minutes of calm, light exercise will be the key to reducing excess weight, good health and excellent psyche.
  3. Portray normal condition. You shouldn't make people feel sorry for you. Every sympathetic word can hurt even more and strengthen discomfort. Look good, try to keep the “brand” in everything. Let them admire you, and even envy you. This is the only way to raise your self-esteem and begin to enjoy life.
  4. Change your hairstyle. A visit to a hairdresser or makeup artist best improves your tone and mood. An excellent effect is achieved by changing hair color, curling, beautiful styling, and make-up.
  5. Have a cry. Yes, just give free rein to your emotions, maybe even cry. This is the most proven way to relieve yourself of the entire burden of tension. And don’t worry that one of the neighbors will hear your sobs, it’s okay. In Japan this method officially recognized, office workers who are tired of their bosses resort to it. They cry in public and are not shy. Howl like a beluga, shout out problems that you are simply tired of.
  6. Break the dishes. Breaking plates and cups not only helps with the onset of illness, but also serves as an excellent preventive measure nervous breakdowns. In order not to find yourself in the “embraces” of depression, buy cheap dishes in advance and, at the right moment, beat them as hard as you can.
  7. Remove dietary restrictions and eat sweets. Go to a store or cafe, try a sweet cake with a thick layer of cream, eat your fill of chocolate, sweets, and cotton candy.
  8. For some, a piece of fried meat lifts their spirits. It’s also not a problem, if you don’t have one in the refrigerator, run to the market, buy the best piece, even with your last money, and grab a bottle of light wine along the way. Fry, pour and put it all into your stomach. Just don’t overdrink, although on the other hand you might end up with a hangover, a headache, or a slight malaise. Yes! Exactly! This will also take your attention away from depression.
  9. Record your life. Previously, almost every intelligent person started a diary and wrote down every day they lived in it. Those who are often attacked by depression should adopt this good habit. Write down your days, problems, conversations, situations in a notebook. Then start analyzing all this - and the attacks of mental disorder will go away on their own. The reason for this is the obvious answers stored in your notes. The diary also reflects pleasant moments that, when read, involuntarily make you smile and lift your spirits.
  10. Gossip. Call your most chatty friend or acquaintance. Discuss someone else's life, give vent negative emotions. Yes, this is not a very, frankly speaking, beautiful approach. But what can we do, in each of us sits that same creature that just wants to throw mud at someone. But only when talking, keep yourself within limits so that offended person didn't ruin your mood even more.
  11. Make new acquaintances, attend a party with friends, start an easy romance. If mental illness is associated with the betrayal of a loved one, then this is the best way to distract yourself. Don’t forget - “Wedge – they knock out with a wedge!”
  12. Get a kitten, a dog, as a last resort fish. Thanks to the presence of a living soul in the house, life will take on different shapes - there is someone to rush for, someone to caress, feed and even scold.
  13. Go to the store immediately. It's no secret that one of the the best ways to overcome depression - shopping. Even if you don’t have a lot of money, just go around the storefronts, outline the purchase you need, and a fix idea will arise - to collect money. She will outshine negative thoughts and turn your attention to the positive.

And the last thing - don’t sit at home, don’t isolate yourself in your troubles. Go outside, go to friends, take a walk around the city, forest, by the river or sea. Walk until your legs refuse to go any further. Physical pain is much easier to treat than mental illness. Walk through those places where a lot of children walk, you can hear children's laughter, noise and din. Visit a cafe, listen to fun music, look around and be glad that you are breathing, living and admiring the world.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Depressive illnesses have been the most common over the past few years mental pathology. There are approximately 100 million new cases of depression every year. Emotional depression, a feeling of loneliness in a crowd and a feeling of the meaninglessness of existence - this is how this condition can be described in general terms. Only a specialist can tell you how to get out of depression, especially if the condition has dragged on and prevents a person from living a full life.

Depression – mental disorder, accompanied by emotional depression, inability to enjoy life, decreased motor activity and impaired thinking.

A person in a state of depression experiences fatigue and sadness, loses interest in everything that is happening. The disease negatively affects the socialization of the individual: the patient avoids communication, his performance decreases, the usual course of life is disrupted, the future seems unpromising and gloomy.

Besides psychological signs, the condition may lead to physiological deterioration with signs of cardiovascular disorders, dizziness and headaches. The main danger that depression entails is suicidal tendencies. According to statistics, about 15% of depressed patients commit suicide. Therefore, it is so important to treat depressed people with understanding, and not to consider the disorder as a manifestation of selfishness, laziness and pessimism.

Depression affects women and older people in 70% of cases.

Leading causes of the condition

The causes of the violation are combined. The combination of several provoking factors at once leads to the occurrence of a disorder to varying degrees expressiveness.

Most experts associate depression with the peculiarities of life in modern society:

  • fast rhythm of life;
  • constant stress;
  • high population density and lack of long-term contact with nature;
  • lack of physical activity and physical inactivity;
  • severe psychological trauma due to loss loved one, experienced shocks, conflicts, etc.;
  • seasonal factors, lack of sunlight;
  • abuse of alcohol and certain types of medicines;
  • psychological and physical exhaustion;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unfavorable social environment - lack of support and;
  • endogenous disorders of the central nervous system– bipolar disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, manic-depressive psychosis, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, etc.

The likelihood of developing depression increases with hormonal changes in the body: puberty, menopause. Associated with fluctuations has become highly prevalent hormonal levels, exhaustion of the body and the new responsibilities of a young mother.

Russian psychiatry distinguishes two large groups of depressive states: simple (minor) depression and complex (major) depression.

The group of simple conditions includes the following types of depression:

  • adynamic with physical and emotional inhibition;
  • agitated – accompanied by anxiety, increased arousal, feelings of guilt and fear;
  • dysphoric – chronic dissatisfaction with outbreaks of irritability;
  • ironic - deliberate demonstration Have a good mood and hiding the truth depressed state;
  • stuporous – motor inhibition which can reach complete immobility;
  • anxious - a persistent feeling of danger, anxiety, anxiety, depression;
  • melancholic – increased tearfulness, deep depression, severe “mental pain”, accompanied by pain in the heart area.

The group of complex depression includes syndromes with a variety of symptoms and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system:

  • asthenic – disturbance of emotionality, inability to express feelings;
  • hysterical - violent manifestation of emotions, exaggerated attitude towards all events;
  • hypochondriacal – development of overvalued ideas combined with delusions;
  • psychasthenic - manifests itself in complete inhibition, indecision, timidity.

There is a protracted form of depression, the signs of which can be observed for 2-2.5 years.

One of the varieties is alcoholic depression, which develops against the background of alcohol withdrawal or coding.

Signs of Depression

Regardless of the form, the disease covers several vital areas. It is the combination of several symptoms that allows doctors to make a depressive diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Depression is characterized by an individual course - the signs of the disorder in different patients may be of the opposite nature (from insomnia to drowsiness, from overeating to complete failure from food). The causes of the disease and psychological characteristics the patient will be determined how to get out of depression.

Emotional symptoms

Emotional disturbances are the most striking and typical manifestation of a mental disorder. TO emotional signs relate:

  • melancholy, despair, depression;
  • mood swings;
  • anxiety and a persistent feeling of fear;
  • irritability for no apparent reason;
  • decreased interest in life;
  • low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life;
  • loss of interest in favorite activities;
  • difficulties in expressing feelings and emotions.

Physiological symptoms

This symptomatology is associated with somatic manifestations– the patient complains of deterioration in health, signs of other pathologies appear.

The most common complaints are:

  • sleep problems;
  • loss of appetite or an insatiable desire to consume food;
  • disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • decreased or absent sexual desire;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain in the heart, joints, muscle pain.

Behavioral changes

A patient suffering from depression changes his usual behavior:

  • becomes passive;
  • afraid of public events and large crowds of people;
  • strives for loneliness and refuses communication;
  • loses interest in previously familiar surroundings, friends, family, relatives;
  • refuses entertainment.

Patients with depression may exhibit pathological attachment to alcoholic drinks, which is fraught with the development of alcoholism.

Cognitive disorders

Cognitive disorders are associated with disturbances in thought processes and difficulties in obtaining and processing information.

How does this manifest in the patient:

  • cannot concentrate on the simplest task;
  • afraid to make decisions;
  • becomes inattentive;
  • often thinks about death and has suicidal conversations;
  • unable to show a sense of humor, joke or laugh;
  • thinks only in a pessimistic way.

All symptoms as a whole can progress if measures are not taken to combat the disorder. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary that a set of signs or individual symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

Symptoms of depression are generally similar in both sexes. However, there are differences in the course of male and female female depression associated with physiological and psychological gender characteristics.

Depression in women is characterized by seasonality and a protracted tendency. Signs most often appear in autumn and winter, accompanied by changes in eating behavior. In addition to low mood, women complain of vegetative symptoms - pain in the stomach and intestines, discomfort in the heart area.

Of the psychological signs, the most pronounced are constant worries about one’s fate and loved ones, anxiety, fear of failure, fatigue, and permanent tension.

However, getting out of depression is less difficult for women than for men. Representatives of the weak are more attentive to own health and seek medical help in a timely manner.

The hormone testosterone protects men from depression, so the stronger sex suffers from depression three times less often. The insidiousness of male depression lies in the fact that patients are not inclined to notice signs of the disease in themselves, preferring to treat themselves with cigarettes and alcohol. They don't recognize traditional treatment psychological problems, consider depression a sign of weakness and do not rush to see a doctor.

Signs of male depression include increased fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in work and favorite activities, sleep disturbances.

Feelings of guilt, anxiety, suspiciousness, apathy, and derogatory behavior are not typical for male depression.

How to get out of depression on your own? If the disease appears in a short-term, minor form, you can use a simple psychotherapeutic approach that is accessible to everyone. To successfully get rid of the disorder, it is necessary to clearly understand the cause of its occurrence and take self-medication with full responsibility.

  1. Take responsibility and decide to change at a deep level.
  2. Use affirmations - short affirmative phrases with a positive attitude.
  3. Avoid solitude and strive for contact with others.
  4. Do not refuse the help of friends and loved ones, do not withdraw into yourself.
  5. Turn to spiritual food - the works of philosophers and writers, life-affirming films.
  6. Completely eliminate alcohol, nicotine and psychoactive substances.
  7. Change your daily routine and regulate your sleep.
  8. Exercise.
  9. Show love to loved ones, strive to bring them joy and selflessly help.
  10. Attend exciting events, take up a new hobby, or return to old interests.

If depression is associated with severe trauma, serious violations functions of the central nervous system, you need to contact a highly specialized specialist - a psychotherapist. Good healing effect gives A complex approach: a combination of medications, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

The main pharmacological drugs to combat depression are antidepressants. They stimulate the body to produce nerve impulses, responsible for mood, behavior and activity.

Treatment of depression is carried out with drugs of four generations.

  1. Tricyclic drugs - Amitriptyline, Imipramine. They are used only when severe forms in a hospital setting.
  2. Second generation drugs - Befol, Pyrazidol. They have a calming effect, but will not help cope with severe depressive disorders.
  3. Third generation drugs - Citalopram, Fluoxetine. Activate the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, successfully stop panic attacks and phobias.
  4. Fourth generation antidepressants – Duloxetine, Milnacipran. They have a selective effect on serotonin and norepinephrine, without blocking the functions of other neurotransmitters.

IN severe cases antidepressants are combined with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and nootropics. Tranquilizers are effective in anxiety states, they calm and help fight fears. Neuroleptics are used in suicidal patients, with severe depression crazy ideas. Nootropics have stimulating properties, restore the functioning of the nervous system, help in the fight against nervous exhaustion, apathy, lethargy and increased fatigue.

Any medication for treating depression is available only with a doctor's prescription!

Psychotherapeutic practices

Psychotherapy for depression involves the use of certain methods of psychocorrection depending on the pathogenesis and form of the disease. Therapy is aimed at teaching the patient to cope independently depressive symptoms, decide important life questions, control emotions and conditions that inevitably lead to depression.

Recognized as the most effective the following types psychotherapy:

  • cognitive-behavioral – aimed at correcting behavioral errors that lead to depressive disorder;
  • interpersonal – helps to form healthy relationships between the patient and people around him;
  • psychodynamic – aimed at searching for the internal conflict underlying the pathology.

Aromatherapy, art therapy, bibliotherapy, methods of self-hypnosis and hypnosis are also used to combat depression.

Prevention of depression

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take decisive measures so that the emotional state does not worsen. In the off-season, the room should have a lot of light and a large number of lighting fixtures. Frequent walks in the fresh air, daily gymnastics and feasible sports will help.

General restoratives - rosehip decoction, herbal tea, ginger, medicinal balms - can keep the body and spirit in good shape. You should saturate your life with healthy positive emotions as much as possible - do your favorite things, watch good films and pamper yourself with pleasant purchases.

A positive outlook on life, bright plans for the future, good friends and interesting meetings - all this will help improve your mood and leave no chance for depression.


Depression is not just blues and bad mood. This is a serious disease that leads to dangerous disorders at the physiological level. Only qualified doctor will tell you how to get out of depression, help you find the meaning of life and take a fresh look at the world.

Depression is considered quite serious psychological disorder arising for various reasons. However, many people who are faced with this try to find a way to get out of depression on their own. Often the apathy that arises, indifference to everything that happens, goes away with small investments and efforts of the person himself.

Before looking for options on how to overcome depression, despondency and melancholy, you should remember an important rule - if independent attempts do not lead to results, the condition worsens or despair appears over wasted energy, you should seek help from an experienced psychologist. At a professional level, a specialist will tell you how to behave and complement the treatment medications and will teach you how to get rid of depression at home.


How to relieve depression? This state is similar to prolonged indifference - the patient seems to be in a dream; during the recovery process, both ups and downs of mood can be observed. Perhaps the chosen technique will not help the first time - but there is no need to fall into despair. A person is able to help himself with depression, he just needs to understand that depression will try to absorb him again, so he will have to show some effort.

There are various methods of struggle, but whichever one is chosen, you should start with small steps, gradually approaching the goal. Choose by any means possible - every saving method helps you remain yourself and overcome difficulties, but this takes time.

Getting out of depression by searching for the causes is the most correct and important step on the path to healing. Before looking for a way to quickly get rid of suppressed emotions, ask yourself why such disorders happened to you, which led to a state where you don’t even want to lift your head from the pillow. Unfortunately, apathy and despondency arising from external factors are often confused with banal laziness. If depression has developed because of it, you should not be cured, but look for strength in yourself, coping with troubles and responsibilities.

Many people attach too much importance to their own work investments; they believe that they work more than a colleague, and they invest more effort in their home and family than other family members. Gradually, resentment and laziness develop, the person stops wanting evening walks or simple conversations at the end of the day, and he imagines to himself that he has become depressed. In this case, psychologists recommend looking at things more simply. No matter how simple and easy it may sound this advice, but often we oppress ourselves by envying our neighbor, paying attention to other people’s successes, or starting a whole scandal over a mere trifle. And then we suffer in search of a way to get out of depression.

What to do when you're depressed? When conducting self-analysis, it is important to honestly answer the question - what bad happened in your life? Why don't you want anything? After all, if you look around, there are people who have much more problems, but they do not despair and try to change their lives. Do you think this is useless? This is what every depressed patient says, exaggerating their own difficulties. If you don’t know people who have faced real troubles, they can easily be found on forums on the Internet. Just become familiar with their fates, and the feeling that everything is bad will quickly leave you.

The second part of introspection should be devoted to the reasons found - here we need to ask the question, who is to blame for this? There are circumstances that do not depend on the patient, but there are situations in which he is the main character. For example, if a mistake occurred at work due to your fault, then you need to undergo additional training, improve your qualifications, and not make any more mistakes. Coping with depression means taking a step forward by increasing the level of knowledge, both professional and psychological. Sitting around and suffering will not lead to good results.

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without the intervention of specialists? Having analyzed the reasons and their culprits, a person himself will come to the answer. But in most cases, patients do without the help of psychologists.

Looking for a new image

How to get rid of depression forever? Having found a new image - almost everyone has encountered a depressive mood famous people, media persons or just ordinary citizens of our and other countries. Go to the library, read stories on the Internet and recharge yourself with the spirit of those who managed to set new, achievable goals and began to work towards them, forgetting about the disorder. Getting rid of depression is like losing weight - having found like-minded people who have faced the same problems, but have successfully overcome them, it is easy to repeat the path to success.

At this stage, it is wrong to copy other people's goals - the new meaning should correspond to your desires. Overcome yourself, try to suppress despondency in yourself, replacing it with activity. At the same time, always remember that another simple person managed it on his own, and you can do the same! Repeat to yourself like a prayer: “You are not defeated, new successes are beginning.” Having clearly drawn a new image for yourself, your future self, you need to work every day to quickly begin to live up to it.

Love yourself

How to get out of depression on your own? Just learning to love yourself - you need to understand that we are not perfect. There is not a single person on Earth who has never experienced failure, been disgraced, or made mistakes. It is important to stop self-flagellation, berating yourself for your inability to achieve any sky-high successes. This does not mean that you have to be lazy - everyone achieves certain goals, you need to rejoice and praise yourself at all stages overcome. Having learned to love yourself, it is easier to move forward and, perhaps, one day achieve the desired goal, which drove you into depression.


What to do if you are depressed? Many people find it helpful to keep a personal diary, in which it is necessary to record all negative as well as positive thoughts. These entries will correspond to attempts to lift yourself out of depression. Every time you are in a bad mood, return to reading what you have achieved, remember how good it was at that moment when you filled out the pages of the diary. By analyzing your own thoughts, it is easy to understand which path has already been completed and how much remains to be done.

Physical and emotional changes

It is difficult to notice when depression begins, but it always acts on three interconnected levels - body, mind, spirit. Therefore, a combination of practices aimed at everything at once will be more effective. Introspection, journaling, self-searching, and the other methods described above to combat depression work on the mind. All that remains is to use the body and spirit - yoga, dancing, fitness and other sports activities help with this.

By dancing, riding a bicycle, doing asanas, or repeating a simple step sequence in an aerobic gym, a person gains positive emotions. The same interaction between body and spirit occurs, all the negativity spills out, suffering goes away, and a smile appears on the face by itself. After regular classes, the question “how to overcome depression and return to life” will disappear by itself. The main thing is to maintain regularity. You shouldn't break into active life, otherwise your strength will quickly run out. It is enough to visit fitness or dance halls 2-3 times a week, where there is always a positive atmosphere.


It is impossible to cope with depression on your own without changing your quality of life. Pay attention to how much you sleep - if the duration of sleep is less than the recommended norm, then no matter how hard you try, you still won’t get enough sleep, and accordingly you will perceive what is happening poorly. It is necessary to reduce the load, alternate work and rest, and use weekends to relax. Perhaps you have long wanted to take a trip - put all your things away for later and go on a trip, even for a few days, but you will feel how your soul rejoices.

It is recommended to drink herbal tea to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Also, we must not forget about appearance - a good-looking person who has made an effort to come in clean, ironed clothes, with makeup and hairstyle (if we are talking about a woman), simply will not allow himself to become sloppy on every occasion.

Between us girls

It is no secret that it is the female half of the population that suffers from despondency. How can a girl get rid of depression quickly? To begin with, it is recommended to cry, just not in the presence of spectators, but to get out of depression yourself; after that it will be much easier to pull yourself out of despondency. Having thrown out emotions, you should move on to active actions:

  • Assess the situation, reasons and set new goals.
  • Going to the store to update your wardrobe - shopping is the best antidepressant, and shopping removes all the negativity.
  • Visit a beauty salon and change your hairstyle or manicure.
  • Talk to a loved one - who, if not a friend or mother, can listen, feel sorry for you and, if necessary, give advice? There is no need to put off the conversation until later, thinking that your loved ones won’t have time to listen to whining. By pouring out your soul in time, it will be easier to fight depression, because it will not have time to consume you. A friend can distract you by inviting you to a cafe or a movie - such outings can cure you just as well as medicine.

Can women overcome depression at home, with depression at home? Of course yes, using all of the above methods. Remember Bridget Jones - you wouldn’t wish a worse fate on your enemy, but she told herself “you can do it” and received a bonus in return.


How to get out of depression on your own? Paying attention to any type of creative activity, it is easy to become a fan of one of the directions. Drawing, knitting, sewing are good distractions - now handmade in any form is in fashion, so it won’t be difficult to find yourself. Everyone can pull themselves out and help themselves. To make a unique thing, to be proud of yourself - won’t this help to save yourself and change your dull attitude to a positive one?

Group classes

Getting out of depression with the participation of a support group and seminars held within their framework will happen faster and more effectively, because at the meetings it is easy to meet people, after learning whose stories you will think: “you’re not so bad.” If you can’t get rid of depression on your own, but you don’t want to go to a psychologist, like-minded people will help you get out of a depressive state - they can handle it, you can do it.

What should you not do?

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life without harming yourself? There are several steps that definitely should not be used when depression takes away all the positivity and core of life:

  • Trying to drink away or eat away your worries - having fallen into the clutches of yet another addiction, it is easy to become a hostage, and then self-help for depression will definitely not help.
  • Trying to take out anger by being rude or injuring someone - there are different ways to get out of depression, among them there is screaming and force, but we are talking about screaming somewhere in nature, and beating a punching bag or pillow.
  • Mindlessly consume antidepressants - we must remember that they help remove symptoms, but they do not fight the causes and essence of the problem.


What is depression and how to deal with it? How to cure depression on your own? How to help? Such questions will not bother you until you diversify your life, solve the problems that have arisen and rid yourself of thoughts on the topic “Nobody loves me”, “Nobody needs you” and others - this is an illusion created by you. No one will correct your mistakes for you, nor will they set priorities or reconsider their goals. By changing yourself, you won’t have to wonder “how to deal with depression on your own.”
