How to cope with nervous shock. Treatment of nervous breakdowns. What are the consequences after a nervous breakdown?

Human existence is unthinkable without nervous tension. The resulting excitement motivates to overcome difficulties, achieve goals, self-improvement and development. Moderate, occasional and manageable stress helps maintain a zest for life and provides a chance to reveal hidden talents. However, such gifts of fate, provoking nervous tension, should be in moderation.
Just as an unbearable physical burden can deprive us of strength and cause health problems, chronic overstimulation of the psyche can provoke an imbalance in the functioning of the body's systems. One of the common problems of our contemporaries is a nervous breakdown, which deprives us of our usual activity and rewards us with negative experiences.

Although a nervous breakdown is not recognized as an independent psycho-emotional disorder, this condition has clearly defined symptoms. At its core nervous breakdown– an acute reactive stage, informing about the development of some abnormal process in the body. Breakdown– the first stage at which the harmonious interaction in the functioning of organs and systems is disrupted. This is a kind of indicator that a person’s nervous system is exhausted, and the psyche is performing functions with all its might.

A nervous breakdown is a strong sign indicating that:

  • depression;
  • anxiety-phobic disorder;
  • neurosis;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • Neurasthenia.

  • Although a nervous disorder rewards the subject with unpleasant and painful sensations, its occurrence performs positive protective functions for the body. In this way, an overly stressed nervous system tries to throw off an unbearable burden, urging a person to take a break, rest, and reconsider his lifestyle.

    Factors that initiate the development of a reactive state nervous system- diverse. In this case, it does not matter how serious, by objective standards, the traumatic situation was. The leading role in the development of a crisis is played by the subject’s interpretation of the event: if he believes that a negative phenomenon is significant, the body reacts to this with dysfunction.

    The causes of a nervous disorder can be minor but chronic stressors or sudden intense stress. Among the common factors that create the basis for the start of an imbalance in the body are the following circumstances:

  • global changes in the subject’s personal life that arose unexpectedly, for example: the death of a spouse;
  • long-standing unfavorable atmosphere in the family, for example: husband’s alcoholism;
  • negative climate in the workforce, excessively difficult work schedule;
  • deterioration of financial situation, for example: significant financial difficulties due to job loss;
  • pathologies of the nervous and endocrine system organic origin;
  • congenital defects of the central nervous system;
  • disruptions in neurotransmitter metabolism;
  • flaw useful substances due to a poor diet;
  • negative impact of viral or bacterial infection, affecting the structures of the nervous system;
  • improper daily routine, lack of rest;
  • presence of bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • forced social isolation.

  • The risk of experiencing nervous exhaustion is present in persons with a special personal constitution, when the following traits have become accentuated in a person’s character:
  • anxiety;
  • suspiciousness, vulnerability;
  • uncompromisingness, intolerance to the opinions of others;
  • selfishness, power;
  • excessive criticism and demands on oneself;
  • excessive responsibility, diligence;
  • the desire to do everything perfectly.

  • Signs
    Symptoms of a nervous disorder can be divided into three large groups:
  • mental and psychological;
  • physical;
  • behavioral.

  • For most people, the first signs of a nervous breakdown appear in the form of changes in psycho-emotional status. A balanced person becomes an irritable person, reacting intensely to unimportant stimuli. Unusual sounds, the slightest noise, bright light deprives the subject of balance.
    He is distinguished by fussiness, impatience, and inconsistency of actions. His performance deteriorates due to the fact that he cannot concentrate on doing one thing. Unpleasant signs nervous stress: absent-mindedness, “lapses” in memory, that is, the individual simply cannot remember what he intended to do, in what sequence he planned to do the work. A person with a nervous disorder gets tired very quickly, and a night's rest does not give a surge of strength.

    New character traits appear: indecision, low self-esteem. A person becomes suspicious, vulnerable and touchy. He is fixated on his experiences, overcome by irrational anxiety and anticipation of imminent troubles.
    A person with a nervous breakdown is characterized by illogical attacks of tearfulness that resemble hysterical attack. Most often, a person’s mood is sad and depressed, but periodically there are moments of “enlightenment” when a person’s emotional background stabilizes.
    As the disorder worsens, the subject may develop obsessive ideas of his own uselessness, worthlessness, and guilt. For some people, ideas about their own sinlessness, invincibility, and greatness become dominant thoughts.

    The psycho-emotional signs of a nervous breakdown are gradually joined by symptoms felt at the somatic and vegetative level. Patients make complaints, including:

  • irresistible headache pressing, squeezing nature;
  • discomfort and pain in the heart area;
  • intense dizziness;
  • the appearance of “double vision”, “flying spots” before the eyes;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • profuse sweating.

  • Among the mental and behavioral manifestations of a nervous breakdown, the leading role is given to a change in a person’s eating habits, most often: a complete lack of appetite. The duration and quality of sleep undergoes changes. A person complains of persistent insomnia, frequent awakenings at night, getting up too early, dreams with frightening content.
    The appearance of hypochondriacal inclusions may be determined in the form of excessive care of the individual about own health, his conviction in the presence of some difficult to diagnose and incurable illness. Another sign of a nervous breakdown is a change in sexual behavior. The person's interest in opposite sex, the need for intimate relationships disappears. Men find problems with potency, women lose the ability to achieve orgasm.
    A noticeable behavioral symptom of a nervous breakdown is the person’s inability to motivate himself to perform. As a result, a person cannot fulfill his professional duties, which negatively affects his career.
    A nervous breakdown has an extremely negative effect on the subject’s interaction in society. A person loses the ability to control his emotions, quickly loses self-control, and demonstrates anger and aggressiveness.

    Treatment methods
    A program on how to overcome a nervous breakdown is drawn up by a doctor for each patient individually, depending on the severity of his condition and the dominant symptoms. In most cases, the patient is recommended to use the possibilities of psychotherapeutic techniques, including hypnosis. In some patients, a nervous breakdown requires medication. From the pharmaceutical industry they use:

  • antidepressants;
  • anxial analysts;
  • mood stabilizers;
  • nootropics;
  • sedatives of plant origin;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

  • What to do when a nervous breakdown reaches its climax? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of psychologists who will help you get rid of the painful symptoms of the disorder and will allow you to prevent the development of a crisis in the future.

    Tip 1
    If nervous tension goes off scale, it is urgent to calm passions. We use techniques deep breathing: We take ten slow breaths and the same number of sharp exhalations. We use a proven relaxation method: we strongly strain our muscles, hold the tension for a few seconds and completely relax.

    Tip 2
    A companion to a nervous breakdown is anger, rage, aggression. We urgently need to free ourselves from such negative feelings. The easiest way is vigorous physical activity. This could be a long-distance run or swim, fitness classes or dancing. If this is not possible at home, you can desperately beat the pillows.

    Tip 3
    An instantly available means of cooling dust is cold water. As soon as you feel a surge of hostility, drink a glass of chilled liquid, then take a shower with ice water.

    Tip 4
    As soon as we feel that an outburst of indignation is imminent, our task is to switch attention from internal experiences to external events. We choose some bright and extraordinary events, for example: attending a match of your favorite football team, a karaoke competition, watching a new blockbuster.

    Tip 5
    In the evening hours, when we are plagued by anxious thoughts, we make sure to arrange a relaxing procedure: immerse ourselves in a warm bath, adding a few drops of lavender oil or pine extract to the water.

    Tip 6
    Without what is it impossible to overcome a nervous breakdown? Without identifying the true culprits of psycho-emotional stress. We should carefully analyze our own experiences. Establish a chain: cause - effect. If you cannot independently determine the factors that provoked a nervous disorder, you should seek help from a professional psychologist.

    Tip 7
    After we have managed to identify the instigators of mental discord, we should “reboot” our brain, replacing the destructive components of thinking with functional elements. We must consciously relive the traumatic event in our thoughts. However, now we should not act as the main characters, but rather be outside observers. A look from the outside will allow you to interpret the drama that happened differently and reduce the relevance of the problem.

    Tip 8
    Writing down your worries on a piece of paper can help reduce the significance of stressful circumstances. Divide the page into three columns. In the first column we try to present the tragedy as honestly as possible. In the second column we write down our feelings and consequences of the disaster.
    The third column is reserved for indicating the emotions and behavior of the “ideal person”. That is, we describe how, in our opinion, our perfect hero acted in such a stressful situation: what he would feel, what he would say, how he would act. Then we make assumptions about what the outcome of such behavior would be. After this, we try to act like our ideal: daily practice of new behavior will change our worldview.

    Tip 9
    Accepts as an axiom: any life event has some purpose. Even the most terrible disaster brings some gains. At first, an attempt to recognize such a fact brings desperate internal resistance. Then divine insight comes, and you begin to understand that the tragedy was not so catastrophic. The drama allowed me to discover some new qualities in myself, stimulated me to take some actions, and motivated me to acquire other values.

    Tip 10
    If the benefit from the misadventure cannot be discovered, we recognize the completed drama as a test sent from above. We understand that we cannot predict or change events destined by fate. It is in our power to change our attitude towards this phenomenon, to learn a lesson, to develop such qualities in ourselves that in the future we will bypass the evil irony of fate. The main rule: do not blame or reproach yourself, but find in yourself such character traits that will allow you to crawl out of the swamp with your head held high.

    Tip 11
    How to get rid of a nervous breakdown? It is necessary to reduce the severity of your experiences. To do this, we become caricaturists: we draw our resentment, anger, hatred, despair and transform them in the picture into funny funny characters. Let our grief become a little roaring baby in the picture, next to which there is a brave, cheerful boy. Next to the evil, indignant old woman we place a kind, noble old man. In this way, we will clearly prove to ourselves that grief always comes next to happiness. And it is in our power to change our perception of reality.

    Tip 12
    If we discover symptoms of nervous stress, we should definitely have a heart-to-heart talk with someone we trust. Our silence, isolation, and solitude will only worsen our well-being and cause depression. This does not mean that we should surround ourselves with a crowd of friends and be in public 24 hours a day. However, a friendly conversation in a cozy cafe will save our inner world from worries. Even if it seems to us that we have no energy at all to meet with friends, we need to overcome ourselves and set aside at least an hour for communication.

    Tip 13
    If severe nervous breakdowns have already occurred in the past, which you could not cope with on your own, at the first signs of a crisis, it is better to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. The doctor will select the best scheme to correct the problem situation and suggest the most effective ways to get rid of the disorder.

    Tip 14
    Anyone who is predisposed to disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system needs to reconsider their diet, including foods with essential vitamins and minerals in the menu. For most of us, high cortisol levels, which are typical during stress, cause poor appetite. In its turn poor nutrition further impairs the body's functioning, exacerbating stress reactions.

    Tip 15
    The most important condition to prevent nervous stress: avoid overload. Learn to relax and fully rest. Pay attention in a timely manner to the deterioration of your psycho-emotional state and eliminate problems that lead to nervous tension. Should have one good habit: Saying “no” to requests that throw us off track. Clearly define the limits of your capabilities and deliberately not cross the line that deprives you of moral stability.

    Final advice
    A nervous breakdown occurs suddenly, but this condition does not last forever. We remember: every person can prevent a nervous disorder and is able to cope with it. unpleasant symptoms. Believing in yourself and focused work works wonders.

    Helps someone shout or tears, for some long walks or sleep. If after this the patient begins to feel better, it means full treatment not required. If your health only worsens, this indicates that you need to see a doctor for a solution. psychological problems. The advice to you from specialists is to undergo a course of treatment at the center.

    What is a nervous disorder?

    Under this concept there is a whole group of diseases - neuroses, depression, psychosomatic disorders, insomnia. A breakdown is an acute phase of a disorder, which is increasingly sudden. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

    These are diseases that are more common than the common cold. Most of I've encountered them at least once. And it’s difficult to say exactly how many people were exposed to the disease, because not everyone turns to a specialist for help. The risk is very high.

    Causes of a nervous breakdown

    A breakdown is a defensive reaction to the fact that a person is overloaded and needs emergency help due to an external factor. A doctor should consult; the syndrome is increasingly being called acute.

    The reasons are stress that regularly affects our organs or short-term shock.

    Everyone falls into one group or another. People are often prone to:

    • are constantly being thinned out for events that have happened to them or are about to happen in the future;
    • increased desire to work;
    • cannot improve relationships in the family or at work;
    • with low self-esteem;
    • cancer patients;
    • those who are facing serious changes;
    • young parents who just had children;
    • experienced the loss of a loved one;
    • failures in personal relationships or relationships with parents;
    • lack of money for a normal existence;
    • job loss;
    • responsibility that cannot be handled;
    • anxiety.

    Relapse begins due to negative events, but problems may begin after major events- wedding, moving, new job, birth of the first child.

    Men have varying degrees of stress tolerance. It’s easy for one to survive life’s problems, while the other is overwhelmed by their appearance and begins to show aggression.

    Signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

    Symptoms and signs of a nervous breakdown, depending on the type of disorder, have general symptoms, which are characteristic of types of breakdowns. Among the consequences:

    1. lack of appetite, sleep, energy;
    2. constant irritability, anxiety, nervousness;
    3. the appearance of negative thoughts;
    4. fear of tomorrow;
    5. change in performance;
    6. constant desire to sleep;
    7. poor concentration;
    8. memory problems;
    9. negative thoughts;
    10. manifestation of apathy;
    11. headache;
    12. pressure;
    13. changes in mood, anxiety;
    14. panic attacks, fatigue;
    15. problems with the cardiovascular system;
    16. phobias.

    A person’s behavior changes greatly, but the disease affects all organs. The disease is accompanied by symptoms: headache, shortness of breath, heart problems, poor appetite, blood pressure fluctuations, and mental changes. It is advisable to contact a psychologist.

    Diagnosis of nervous breakdowns

    Development occurs at the moment when the patient is simply no longer able to bear the load. The psyche simply becomes uncomfortable working under the same conditions, it asks possible methods help. And a person tolerates everything that happens to him, although the state has already reached its peak. Emotions are overwhelming, anything can be expected at any moment. Explosions occur, although everything could be fine for many years. But a critical moment has begun, everything needs to be corrected so that your organs no longer experience this feeling.

    It’s all because of the reason that was the beginning of the occurrence. The tank was filling very slowly, but surely, and at one point it simply exploded from overfilling and would not be able to work.

    There are two models of behavior in a difficult situation:

    • Explode for any reason. At the same time, the patient splashes out his emotions and shows indignation. Strong scandals and conflict situations are characteristic of this type and the reasons for divorce.
    • Accumulate all the grievances in yourself, as in large vessel. He endures all insults until the last moment. Apathy towards everything, a depressive state, and a reluctance to communicate with anyone may begin. A mental problem begins to appear, if of course it was not there before.

    But how can we avoid the danger of overfilling that same vessel and cope with the consequences? You can avoid this by becoming aware of your feelings, emotions, experiencing and accepting them.

    In a hospital or at home?

    It is easier to prevent a breakdown than to treat it. During a breakdown, not everyone knows how to calm a person down. Just a few years ago, to calm the patient, they poured a bucket of cold water on him, if, of course, there was cold water nearby. If this does not help, you need to contact an ambulance.

    Screaming will not help; a person is not able to control his actions. A raised voice can only make things worse, which should not be allowed.

    Everyone decides for themselves where it is better to treat the disease - in a hospital or at home. If, for example, the breakdown was caused by the situation in the family, then it would be logical to send the patient to the hospital. The psyche may simply not cope if this happens again.

    In other situations, having relatives nearby can have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being. Any drug is prescribed after comprehensive examination. The patient must be under the supervision of a doctor; many drugs can be addictive. After treatment, it takes another month to recover.

    But vice versa, it is better to treat a nervous breakdown at home in women and men. We need to understand what led to this state. If, for example, constant tension arises at work, you need to take a vacation or quit altogether, there is nothing more valuable than health. If the cause is overwork, you need to build a more gentle schedule for yourself, which will include 8 hours of sleep, a walk in the fresh air during the day, and proper nutrition.

    When treating at home, you need to consult with a therapist to draw up an action plan. Treatment within the walls of the home is aimed at relaxation and distracting the patient from the problem. The method is safe for life and health.


    The emotional state has a direct connection with physical condition. If a nervous breakdown has been detected, symptoms begin to appear: problems with the heart, problems with the digestive system, dizziness. A breakdown may begin in a patient who has attempted to commit suicide.

    If the problem is not diagnosed, it begins to accumulate like a snow globe. The patient begins to have communication problems, becomes more hot-tempered, irritable, and his psychological state worsens.

    A breakdown leads to drug addiction or taking excessive amounts of alcohol, and promiscuous sexual relations. The search begins for a method of discharge, getting rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in the form internal factor. It is necessary to get help from a psychotherapist in time.

    Specifics of treatment

    Nervous breakdowns do not appear out of nowhere. This is a long-term disease that has not been treated for years, or prolonged stress that the patient has experienced. To get rid of an ordinary nervous breakdown, you need to reconsider your life, get rid of the cause - treat the underlying disease, limit your communication with those who bring you to such a state.

    This lengthy process can take a month or even more. There are medications that will help the patient during periods of treatment. Those who are treated at home without a doctor’s prescription cannot even imagine the harm they are causing to their body.

    The disorder appears by various reasons, the treatment of a nervous breakdown, especially in women, must be approached comprehensively.

    Non-drug ways to deal with a nervous breakdown

    • Sports activities. Sports exercises will help you calm down and recharge yourself with positivity. This method has not harmed more than one patient. Sport improves heart function, brain function, and sleep.
    • Relaxation programs: meditation, yoga, body massage. Relieve tension, relax the body, get rid of negative thoughts. Do it at least 2 times a week.
    • Compliance healthy image life. No matter how strange it may sound, it helps. Alcohol, drugs, coffee - all this affects the nervous system.
    • Proper nutrition, essential vitamins.

    With the help of drugs and medicines

    1. Medicine offers drugs with sedative effects. Dizziness and heart problems can be treated with medication. These are not pills that will cure your relapse, but they will make you feel much better. Medicinal use one of the effective ones.
    2. Preparations based on plant extracts have a calming component.
    3. Vitamins. When you are in a stressful state, you especially need to enrich yourself with vitamins such as B group, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, so that depletion does not occur.
    4. Biologically active additives. They contain extracts of soothing plants.
    5. Antidepressants. Strong drugs that should never be used without a prescription. They have a lot side effects, therefore, are prescribed in emergency situations.

    Restoration of the nervous system after a long course of treatment

    In order to consolidate the therapeutic effect, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, making sure that the diet contains plenty of fruits, fiber and carbohydrates. In addition, take vitamins regularly after consulting your doctor. Pay attention to reducing the amount of coffee and tea you drink, replacing it with juice. Eliminate bad habits from your life. If a person plays sports every day, then his health will be much better. If possible, go on vacation.

    How to protect yourself from breakdown

    The most important thing is to correctly identify the disease and begin treatment for the breakdown from any side. Unfortunately, many people accept the appearance of irritability, insomnia, bad mood and a number of other factors as a phenomenon with which absolutely everyone lives. Therefore, you should not contact a neurologist. But that's not true! It is important for your loved ones to be there at this moment when it is difficult to survive everything! Experts require that treatment be started as early as possible.

    Stress is not a normal condition and must be treated! Don’t be afraid to disturb the doctor with your trivial questions - sleep disorders, mental disorders, tearfulness, forgetfulness, memory impairment, dizziness, and more. These are all points that can be resolved at the formation stage. But if you do not pay attention to them, then you can wait for clinical depression, which can only be gotten rid of with the strongest drugs, the use of certain tranquilizers.

    Breakdown is an acute condition caused by external stimuli and having signs of depression and neurosis. To a man without medical education, it is difficult to determine the symptoms and recognize an approaching breakdown based on the signs, because they are similar to other mental disorders.

    Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

    • irritability;
    • fatigue and feeling tired;
    • sudden change of mood;
    • sleep and eating disorders;
    • migraine;
    • anxiety;
    • panic attacks;
    • apathy;
    • thoughts of suicide.

    However, attacks acute condition are not necessarily accompanied by a violent reaction, sometimes the deviation proceeds quietly, the patient withdraws into himself, becomes apathetic, does not want anything and does not complain.

    If you notice the signs of a nervous breakdown in time, the consequences will not be so severe.

    Emotional Signs

    • worry and anxiety;
    • tearfulness and growing feelings of guilt;
    • decreased self-esteem;
    • lack of interest in work, friends and life;
    • depression;
    • thoughts about suicide.

    Physical signs

    • fatigue and weakening of the body;
    • migraine;
    • lack of appetite and insomnia;
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
    • after and during the disorder the heart hurts;
    • decreased sexual desire;
    • Irregular menstrual cycle.

    Cause of a nervous breakdown. Photo:

    Behavioral signs

    • with a nervous breakdown, hysterics are possible;
    • sudden mood swings;
    • attacks of anger and violence;
    • the situation with the cardiovascular system worsens.

    Diagram of a closed circuit of a nervous breakdown. Photo:

    What is the cause and how does the nervous disorder manifest itself?

    • Doctors say the main reason is severe emotional shock, for example, the death of a loved one, breakup of a relationship, change of place of residence, loss of a job and strong stress.
    • But sometimes a strong shock can occur against a background of exhaustion, for example, from constant overexertion at work, stress, lack of sleep and depression.
    • In addition, disturbances in the production of hormones, alcoholism, drugs and heredity can lead to mental health problems.

    Interesting! The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not have an article on causing an employee to have a nervous breakdown in the workplace, however, if there is medical confirmation, then financial compensation for damage to mental health can be obtained from the employer through the court.

    The reason for poor health is quite simple - it is the body’s reaction to stressful situations. Difficulties at work, in the family, in relationships, as well as joyful events, such as the birth of a child or a wedding, lead to overexertion and plunge the patient into a state of complete exhaustion.

    Risk factors include:

    • hereditary predisposition;
    • cases;
    • VSD, cardiovascular diseases;
    • problems with;
    • vitamin deficiency;
    • and drug abuse.

    Stages of a nervous breakdown

    A nervous breakdown does not occur suddenly; it goes through several stages before developing into a serious problem.

    1. At the first stage, the person disappears at work, his ability to work increases, he becomes optimistic, but at the same time, anxiety and restlessness in his soul only grow and lead to disturbances. Tremors, fever and insomnia are possible.
    2. Vigorous activity in the first phase leads to complete physical and emotional weakening. The individual believes that he cannot do anything, that all his efforts do not lead to success. He begins to get irritated for any reason, has difficulty sleeping, headaches, panic attacks, and rapid heartbeat.
    3. By the third stage, the person completely loses confidence in his abilities. Self-esteem drops critically, apathy and a depressed mood appear. Dizziness, pressure surges, attacks of nausea, and poor appetite are common. Menstruation after a nervous breakdown may not occur regularly, in addition.

    Nervous breakdown in men

    The stronger half of humanity is less likely to experience mental illness, because... have a more stable psyche and a high level of stress resistance.

    If a man is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, he will not cry or refuse to work, he will only be irritable and aggressive. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on your loved ones and friends. It is noted that refusing food or overeating, insomnia, outbursts of anger and aggression, giving up a favorite hobby and talking about death are things that should be paid close attention to.

    Nervous breakdown in women

    The weaker sex is most susceptible to mental difficulties, and it is quite easy to understand that a woman is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The girl is more whiny and touchy, hysterics occur, and anxiety and anxiety grow. Self-esteem drops, sudden mood swings occur, even minor problems become difficult to resolve.

    Physical symptoms in women that indicate abnormalities include constant headaches, dizziness, lack of sleep and appetite, decreased libido and excessive feelings of guilt, which as a consequence turns into a form of paranoia.

    Nervous breakdown in pregnant women

    During pregnancy, a woman becomes more vulnerable and vulnerable, therefore mental illness on maternity leave is a common thing.

    • The deviation is accompanied by frequent headaches, dizziness, feelings of anxiety and restlessness, nightmares or insomnia. A nervous breakdown that can happen to a woman during pregnancy has serious consequences not only for her, but also for her unborn baby. This will negatively affect his health.
    • Besides to the expectant mother You shouldn't worry too much, because... severe shock can cause uterine tone and cause miscarriage.
    • Stressful situations can cause disturbances in diet and sleep, migraines and increased toxicosis. Exhaustion can also cause the newborn to be hyperactive and hysterical after birth.

    Nervous breakdown in children and adolescents

    Mental illnesses appear at any age. The symptoms can reveal abnormalities even in a small child.

    Difficulties in the family or kindergarten can lead to the baby having a tantrum. There are two types of its manifestation - loud and quiet.

    1. During a loud tantrum, the child screams, cries, behaves aggressively, and throws things. This is good because... Thus, the child gets rid of negative emotions.
    2. Quiet hysteria is much worse, because... the child withdraws into himself, does not speak, cries quietly, bites his nails; in addition, during or after a nervous attack, a high temperature may rise.

    With any manifestation of hysteria, the main thing is to notice the child’s well-being in time and help him cope with negative emotions.

    Once a child starts school, the likelihood of a breakdown increases. The causes of a nervous breakdown in adolescents include the lack of friends, a favorite activity, frequent quarrels in the family, and an unbearable workload at school.

    Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in teenagers

    • insomnia;
    • anxiety;
    • lack of appetite;
    • quarrels with peers;
    • irritability and aggressiveness.

    These symptoms of a nervous breakdown, which appear in adolescents in the run-up to a seizure, have bad consequences, for example, making friends with bad company, reluctance to study, and using alcohol and drugs.

    Expert opinion on the issue of nervous breakdown in adolescents

    Vera Aleksandrovna Yanysheva answers

    “Teenagers have a nervous breakdown in our high-tech world. Cover the causes of this condition, whether this condition depends on age, and the symptoms of a nervous breakdown. Is it necessary to deal with a nervous breakdown and how can these problems be solved while protecting the child?

    How do you think, What is most important for a teenager? That's right, find yourself. He needs to get answers to the questions: “ Who am I?«, « What am I living for?«, « What is life?«, « What am I doing in this world?«.

    He begins to think about the meaning of life, analyzes his life and the world around him - and does not always see the world as ideal. He sees that in our world of high technology much attention is paid to the material component. Every online resource has great job offers and career choices. There are headlines all around that it is easy to become rich and successful, like this or that genius already at the age of 16 - a millionaire businessman. All this should be a call to action for a teenager, but sometimes it works quite the opposite. He sees that he does not meet the requirements of society.

    The teenager looks around for moral support, but all his family and friends are always “busy.” And even if they are free, they can devote time to their children, they sincerely do not understand what their problem is, in general. Parents believe that they provide their child with everything necessary: ​​they dress him, feed him, take him to all sorts of educational clubs and ask questions “ What else is missing?«.

    Parents of children with nervous breakdowns often come to me.It should be noted that usually in such cases psychiatrists are not helpers. They prescribe medications that relieve symptoms and syndromes. As a rule, this only harms children: they need strength and a clear head, and after taking pills things don’t happen the way they want.

    When do teenagers have a nervous breakdown?

    During childhood, a child is attached to his parents. When he goes to school, teachers become more important to him. Then they, too, lose significance in the teenager’s eyes. Soon the importance passes to friends, the team - the same teenagers. This is a normal reaction to a puberty crisis. It is called grouping reaction.

    But even grown-up children need warmth, support and acceptance from their own teachers, especially important from their parents. And where can they get them if the adults themselves received practically no support and warmth? After all, our parents took care of us exactly the same way as we take care of our children: they dressed us, put on shoes, but forgot about our inner spiritual world.

    During my practical work as a psychologist-psychotherapist, I noticed certain patterns of the psyche: children, adolescents and even young people reflect the internal state of their parents. There is such a concept: scripted behavior program. It is passed down by photocopy from the older generation to the younger.

    It has been proven by practice: unprocessed parental problems at the psychological level are transferred to children.

    The child’s brain, like a computer, reads the negative thoughts of its parents and unconsciously begins to feel their internal tension, excitement, anxiety and restlessness. Frequent and long-term unconscious internal tension of adolescents leads to a nervous breakdown.

    Nervous breakdown in teenagers- a common occurrence. It would seem that some people take life’s problems calmly, but this is only at first glance. Such a person usually hides his internal imbalanced state. A nervous breakdown leads to an aggressive or depressive psycho-emotional state.

    The reasons that lead to a nervous breakdown and disharmonious state are the following:

    • divorce of parents or a state close to it;
    • mother or father losing a job;
    • financial difficulties in the family, including those arising from the payment of a mortgage or the death of a loved one who provided financial support for the family;
    • other negative emergencies or crises in the country and in the world.

    The teenager himself has reasons:

    • he cannot find his place in a group of peers;
    • he has low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence;
    • he went through humiliation, insults, and rejection by his peers.

    In these situations, the child experiences excitement, anxiety, anxiety, and fear for tomorrow. It is at such moments that you want protection and support. And there is no warm contact with children. This leads to feelings of uselessness, loneliness, rejection, and unloving. And these negative states are “postponed” all the time.

    They accumulate in the subconscious, accumulate, and when their number reaches a critical mass for this child, an explosion occurs. This can also happen against the background of sudden stress. It can end unfavorably both for those around him and for the teenager himself - up to somatic diseases and mental disorders.

    My psychotherapeutic work also testifies to the fact that the cause of a nervous breakdown is the problems of the parents, and not the teenager himself. I will talk about them below.

    At what age should you expect a nervous breakdown?

    A nervous breakdown can occur at any age. Most often this happens during the crisis of puberty: at 12-16 years old. But I encountered such situations at an older age: at 19, 20, 21 years old.

    How does a nervous breakdown manifest?

    This condition can manifest itself in different ways. Children develop feelings of anxiety, worry and fear. The teenager feels that he cannot understand what is happening to him, does not understand himself, his feelings, his actions. Therefore, children may withdraw into themselves: depression may occur emotional sphere: irritability, aggressiveness, sleep disturbance, and appetite appear.

    A child has a nervous breakdown. Photo:

    For example, a previously calm child may begin to become aggressive: rebel, show disrespect to elders in every possible way, or become rude. He may begin to become depressed: withdraw, withdraw into himself, cry. Some teenagers may stop studying and stop communicating with others.

    Alcohol and drug use can also lead to a nervous breakdown during puberty. A child can begin to use these substances in the company of his peers to relieve internal anxiety and unconscious tension that he experiences. The teenager does not understand what is happening, but when he takes a certain dose of alcohol or drugs, he relaxes and loses control. This occurs through the effect of this substance on the frontal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for thinking (will and locus control are also located there: this is the first block of the brain according to Alexander Romanovich Luria).

    Luria Alexander Romanovich, Soviet psychologist and neuropathologist, one of the founders of neuropsychology. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1937), doctor medical sciences(1943), professor (1944), full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. Photo:

    Several cases from my practice

    One mother brought her daughter, a 1st year university student, to me. The girl studied constantly, did not leave the house, sat at the computer, and had no friends. If she communicated on the Internet, then she communicated in such a way as her mother said, anxious state, and the contacts were random and fleeting. Moreover, the girl hated shopping like her peers. She was absolutely satisfied with the clothes she had.

    We worked one session with this girl. Almost the entire session I heard only one thing: “Yes, everything is fine with me! I do not have problems!". I worked with her on all issues, checked her internal state from all sides, such massive work, but practically nothing came of it.

    Her mother came to see me next. We worked with her for 3 hours. Everything that the mother did not like about her daughter’s behavior turned out to be in her herself. When my mother and I had already worked for 10 sessions, she called me and said: “You know, Vera Alexandrovna, I’m working, but changes are happening in my daughter! She got a boyfriend and fell in love with shopping. She became interested in many other life projects.” According to her mother, the girl became active, interesting, and began to study well and with interest at the institute. This example demonstrates that the internal state of a parent is transmitted to his child.

    Here is an example of transmitting a scripted behavior program. Mom brought her daughter, who had a very high IQ. The girl entered the Institute of Physics and Mathematics for three years, but each time she dropped out of the university. After her third admission and voluntary expulsion from the university, she developed suicidal tendencies.

    Of course, we did psychotherapeutic work with her. But it was clear that this problem ran right in the family. Then I offered to work for my mother, and then my grandmother. They repeated negative attitudes one after another, which we worked through and let go. As a result, the girl and mother harmonized their psycho-emotional state, and the girl was able to continue her studies and get a job.

    There was another very interesting situation. They brought me to young man who has lost the desire to learn. Mom said so: “The apathy is complete. We don't know what to do." The boy was very difficult to work with. He has a phlegmatic temperament, and every word had to be drawn as if on a lasso. We worked with him for 2 sessions, and almost nothing came of it.

    But what happened to mom? Fears and more fears. These mother’s fears were passed on to the child, along with the mother’s extreme stress. The young man did not understand why he did not want to study, did not understand why he had apathy. Of course, we did what could be worked out with him, but basically all the work was done with my mother. The mother’s internal state changed—the young man’s emotional state changed.

    Thus, many teenagers were brought to me whose behavior worried their parents. We started working with children, they could not give any arguments that they had any problems, they could not work through them, because these were the problems of their parents. We start working with one of the parents (usually the mother), and the adult himself sees: “But these are not my child’s problems! This is my problem." We work through this situation with the parent and the teenager’s behavior becomes stable and harmonious. And unconscious anxiety and tension leave him forever.

    How to protect your child from a nervous breakdown

    Do I need to deal with a nervous breakdown? Yes, but we must not fight it, but remove the causes of this condition. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that teenagers suffer from lack of attention, dislike, uselessness and, of course, from emotional and sensory rejection.

    To protect your child from a nervous breakdown, you need to provide him with support, warmth, and acceptance. In a word, love. What is love? This is when there is positivity and joy in the soul.

    How can these problems be solved?

    The main thing is that you need to take care of your children now: remove your negative behavior scripts so that it is not passed on to your children. This can be done in natural-psychic psychotherapy.

    You need to harmonize your psycho-emotional state in a timely manner and pay attention to the psycho-emotional state of your children. In addition, from birth you need to establish a good relationship with your child. Don't wait for him to grow up. When he grows up, he will no longer need you, he will need his peers. It is also important to competently adapt the child to society so that he does not feel inferior and does not become an outcast.

    Develop, love and may you and your children be healthy!”

    Answered by Sakharova Olga Yurievna

    Relationship Expert

    “From the age of 11, a teenager begins to expand social connections and perceive the source of information not so much as parents, but peers and, more often, even the Internet. This stage of growing up and separating from an adult is very important for a child, and it would be best if an adult competently accompanies him in this process. Without interfering, without forcibly limiting, but carefully trying to find common ground. Teenagers are looking for themselves, trying things out, and communicating as equals will only strengthen their self-confidence. As opposed to mistrust of parents, isolation and “hanging out” in gadgets. “Mom, I want to paint myself purple” - “If you want, why not. But if you want to hear my opinion, which one suits you better, I, of course, can tell you, but I won’t insist.” If they ban it, they will go against the opinion of “the people who teach us how to live,” and the more bans there are, the greater the gap between generations. If you shut up the “wrong desire” with criticism, then you won’t be allowed to try, even if you make a mistake. But draw your own conclusion. Learning to trust yourself.

    From 12 to 18 years of age, a person experiences puberty, accompanied by a hormonal explosion, the formation of personality and increased internal tension. To prevent relationships with parents from turning into mutual counter-actions and conflicts, it is important to learn to hear each other. And also explain to the teenager that in addition to rights, he has responsibilities: study, try to take care of himself, help around the house, take care of younger ones, etc. When an adult soberly and calmly voices such a position, shows discipline by example and asks the teenager, then the latter automatically grows respect and desire to follow the example of an older relative. The teenager will feel his contribution to the common cause, and there will be no time left for the Internet and crises.”

    Answered by Evgeniy Feliksovich Shvedovsky

    Neuropsychologist, clinical psychologist at the St. Luke Center for Health and Development, methodologist at the Federal Resource Center MSUPE

    « Breakdown- is not a separate disease in itself. This is some collective image of an acute affective state that arose on a neurotic or depressive basis under the influence strong impact from outside.

    If speak about adolescence, then mental instability is characteristic of this age. The puberty crisis, which begins on average at 12 years of age, is one of several age-related crises childhood, from which a teenager can emerge either by overcoming it - compensation, or by some other clinical form. There are frequent cases of juvenile schizophrenia, often associated with the unfavorable course of puberty crisis. Therefore, we can say that the most sensitive age for adolescent nervous breakdowns is the age of the onset of puberty crisis. A nervous breakdown may itself be a symptom of a medical condition in the form of a psychotic episode or an acute reaction to stress that is difficult for the growing body to cope with.Since this is not a separate disease in itself, it is difficult to name specific symptoms.

    Prevention and elimination of the consequences of a nervous breakdown

    Of course, everything is individual. If a child is sensitive to environmental factors (noise, large crowds of people, etc.), which can be stressful for him, then it is worth thinking about how to protect him from this. Parents, of course, should think about this first and foremost, creating favorable conditions for harmonious development.

    If we talk about overcoming the consequences of the body’s stress reaction, then there are many methods, ranging from the simplest and “physiological” - unconscious:

    • breathing exercises;
    • concentration on certain objects, factors;
    • withdrawal of attention from the stress agent;

    - to methods used in various psychological approaches, for example, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) - rationalization or art therapy “draw your fear”.

    As for high technology, this should be taken rationally. PIt is clear that in our world they exist and there is no escape from them - digitalization, virtualization, etc. And they bring both new knowledge and new problems.

    Progress in the development of science on the one hand and an additional stress factor on the other hand are influential not because they exist as such, but because communication using digital gadgets, games (mainly online) and other “virtual communication” technologies have a very high intensity. You have to come into contact with much a large number of people. The child’s brain may also not be ready for this.”

    Nervous breakdown in the elderly

    The closer to old age, the more people feel helpless. The elderly are less mobile, become decrepit, constantly feel pain and acquire chronic diseases, therefore they are also susceptible to mental stress. In addition, for adults, the death of loved ones, retirement and mistreatment can cause primary symptoms and lead to serious consequences, for example, neuroses and.

    It is important to know what to do in a situation where an elderly person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

    Interesting! If the whole body trembles or shakes, then this is also a sign of severe stress and can lead to the onset of a seizure.

    Treatment for a nervous breakdown

    The cure for exhaustion depends on the severity and well-being of the patient. In some cases it is prescribed drug treatment, in others, you can do without medications.

    • At the first signs of a nervous system breakdown, it is best to maintain your health and start taking vitamin complexes, herbal-based sedatives and establish a daily routine.
    • If the condition worsens and the question no longer arises How do you know if you are having a nervous breakdown?, then you should take glycine and anti-stress medications, and also make an appointment with a psychologist.
    • The last stage of a breakdown requires mandatory use of prescription medications and contacting a doctor, such as a psychologist or psychotherapist.

    Treating a nervous breakdown at home

    If an individual is aware of the problem and has a desire to fix something, it is possible to cope with a nervous breakdown without medication or going to the hospital.

    • Sport. It has long been known what allows you to let off steam and negative emotions. Fitness, wrestling, or yoga will allow you to take your mind off your worries, and after class they will not seem insoluble or dangerous. In addition, meditation and breathing practice will help relieve symptoms and help in treatment. Moreover breathing exercises can be used even when among people, for example at school or at the workplace.
    • Physiotherapy And relaxation. Physiotherapy has long been known for its positive impact on human body. And in order to get rid of the symptoms and negative consequences of a breakdown, you need to attend a massage session, sign up for pleasant spa treatments, arrange a massage, and this method works on both women and men. After such a rest, not a trace will remain of worries.
    • Lifestyle And diet. In order not to expose your body to unnecessary stress, it is important to carefully monitor your schedule. Avoid overwork, get good sleep, don’t skip breakfast, and don’t abuse junk food or alcohol.
    • Herbal infusions. Tea with is considered a good sedative, normalizes sleep and reduces anxiety during nervous exhaustion. used to combat insomnia and anxiety. has a sedative effect. Tea with leaves relaxes and relieves irritability. St. John's wort tincture removes the effects of illness and neurosis. In addition, herbs such as oregano, ginseng, eleutherococcus, fireweed and hops have proven themselves well in the fight against stress.

    Doctor's help

    Psychotherapy is not very popular in the CIS countries, but sometimes the help of a specialist is invaluable and should not be neglected in case of a nervous breakdown. It is communication with a psychotherapist that will help prevent frustration, and if a breakdown occurs, he will tell you how to recover from it.


    If the problem is deeper and treatment of a nervous breakdown at home is not successful, you need to use heavy artillery.

    • Sedatives, such as, or are available without a doctor's prescription, and therefore people often use these medications on their own. However, you should be careful, although these medications have a sedative effect and normalize sleep, they also cause side effects and have contraindications.

    Glycine-Bio. Photo:

    Valoserdin. Photo:

    • Plant-based sedatives, for example (based on St. John's wort) also do not require a prescription and are effective in treating a nervous breakdown. They quickly calm you down, but at the same time reduce your concentration, slow down your reactions and make you sleepy afterwards. Therefore, they should be used with caution if the patient drives a car.

    Novo-Passit. Photo:

    Negrustin. Photo:

    • Anti-stress medications, such as, or will help you calm down after a nervous breakdown. They are good because they are not addictive, but they fight well against anxiety, restlessness, and protect the neural system.

    Hevert Kalmwaler. Photo:

    Tenoten for children. Photo:

    • Prescription drugs, for example,

      Phenazepam. Photo:

      Grandaxin. Photo:

      Pyrazidol. Photo:


      As an additional therapy, multivitamin complexes are indicated, for example, and, which support the body during treatment after a nervous breakdown. In addition, homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements also provide support to the patient’s body.

      It will be interesting! Director Pedro Almodóvar directed the film "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown", which tells the story of 4 women who find themselves in different situations and try to get out of them by all means. In this film, the director dispelled many stereotypes about women.

      Gerimaks Energy. Photo:

      Consequences of a nervous breakdown

      After a nervous breakdown, a person may experience depression, various phobias and, as a result, thoughts of suicide. Besides emotional exhaustion negatively affect the state of health in general - they arise sharp jumps pressure, migraines, gastrointestinal problems. If left untreated, the patient begins to abuse alcohol or use drugs in order to relax and forget about worries.


      At the first signs indicating a nervous breakdown, no tests need to be done; action must be taken immediately. For example, adjust your diet, get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air, go to the movies or a spa, take herbal medications.


      It is impossible to miss how a nervous breakdown occurs, and therefore, at the first manifestations, you need to contact a specialist and strangle the disease at its very beginning. Although women are more likely to find themselves in this predicament, men should also pay attention to their condition and know how to recover from the disorder.

    A nervous breakdown is a disorder caused by psychological overstrain, stress, or psychological trauma. Nervous breakdowns are characterized by a strong emotional reaction to situations. The cause of the breakdown may be worries about personal life problems, overwork, resentment, unfulfilled ambitions, unfulfilled desires. Despite the differences in the causes of the disease, main feature The human condition is a long stay in a situation that causes depletion of strength and energy and causes negative emotions.

    Nervous breakdowns are a common phenomenon in both men and women. But the fairer sex is more susceptible to this problem, especially in a midlife crisis (30-40 years old). The reason for this predisposition is the tendency to experience negative situations emotionally.

    Women are simply not able to cope with the avalanche of problems on their own. In addition, the female psyche is structured in a special way: representatives of the weaker sex are more likely to experience not the problems themselves, but their experiences of these problems.

    A nervous breakdown goes through three main stages:

    It is not at all necessary that a breakdown will be characterized by sudden emotional manifestations. The exact opposite is possible clinical picture, characterized complete absence activity, activity, passivity and lethargy.

    Signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

    The main symptoms of a nervous breakdown:

    • mood disorder: sudden changes, stupor, hysteria;
    • autonomic disorders: disturbances in the functioning of cardiovascular disease;
    • disorders of the nervous system, including problems with brain activity.

    Signs of a nervous breakdown:

    • nervous internal tension;
    • lack of interest in life, activities, events, people;
    • aggressive reaction to requests or appeals from people;
    • sleep disorders, including insomnia;
    • sudden change in weight: loss or gain;
    • state of fatigue and depression;
    • anxiety, suspiciousness, negative thoughts;
    • irritability;
    • touchiness;
    • aggressiveness and hostility towards others;
    • pessimism and apathy;
    • headache;
    • absent-mindedness and inattention;
    • fixation on an object, person or event;
    • Digestive problems.

    Nervous breakdown in middle-aged women

    Psychological portals are full of articles about the midlife crisis in men, avoiding this topic in women, which creates the impression that the fair sex is completely unaware of this condition. However, it is not.

    It’s just that, unlike men, whose crisis is characterized by self-searching and feelings of unfulfillment, women 30-40 years old experience a certain fatigue. The fact is that that period is active in working life for building a career and strengthening one’s position. Also active in raising children, most of whom are in adolescence, requiring special attention and control.

    As a rule, the first signs of illness in the parents occur during this period, which causes additional anxiety and worry.

    In addition, taking care of your appearance requires a lot of effort.

    All together requires a woman to spend a lot of energy and leads to overwork, which can cause a nervous breakdown.

    The body of a pregnant woman undergoes enormous changes. The consequence of these changes may be overstrain, which can develop into nervous breakdowns. Even a minor situation or minor problem can cause a surge of emotions, negative reactions and somatic disorders.

    A pregnant woman is irritated by literally everything: loud voices of people, smells, sounds, taste characteristics. What is not normally an irritant for a pregnant woman is a cause or offense.

    The reasons for this behavior are in a special hormone - gonadotropin, the concentration of which reaches its peak already in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is this hormone that provokes nausea, irritability and can lead to a nervous breakdown.

    Subsequently, the situation is balanced by the production of progesterone, which is responsible for normal conditions development of the fetus in the womb. This hormone, in order to care for the fetus, leads to increased fatigue pregnant woman.

    Another hormone that influences behavior is estriol. This hormone is responsible for the emotional state, causing increased sensitivity.

    After childbirth, these hormones are produced in smaller quantities, but the body gets used to their constant presence and also begins to react inappropriately. For this reason, postpartum depression occurs, which can also lead to a nervous breakdown.

    Danger of a nervous breakdown

    A nervous breakdown is not an emotional outburst, as most people mistakenly believe. It is a severe disorder that can have a range of profound negative consequences.

    The most common are:

    • deterioration of human health: headaches, disorders cardiovascular activity, changes blood pressure, ulcers and gastritis;
    • depression;
    • phobias and anxiety disorders;
    • mental disorders of various types.

    At the same time, relationships with people around you are disrupted: family, friends, colleagues. It is these relationship violations that are irreparable. Many people find comfort in various types of addictions: alcohol, drugs, nicotine. These addictions themselves can become a serious consequence of a nervous breakdown.

    Mental disorders can include anger, resentment and even suicidal attempts.

    In case of a nervous breakdown, you need to contact a good specialist. You should not self-medicate with various sedatives and drugs. You need to understand that each group of drugs affects specific manifestations and cannot be universal. In addition, treatment alone cannot lead to positive results.

    Treating a nervous breakdown is a long process. Even with the first improvements, it is necessary to continue taking the medications and all the doctors’ recommendations. The reason for the need for long-term treatment is the possibility of relapse of the disease. Visible improvement does not mean cure.

    Particular attention should be paid to preventing a nervous breakdown.

    1. Control your emotions during the process important activities. At the first signs of tension and irritability, try to change the type of activity.
    2. Learn to “listen” to your body, noticing the first signs of its disorder.
    3. Try to be outdoors more. This will saturate the body with oxygen.
    4. Move more, forcing your body to experience physical activity.
    5. Do not self-medicate.
    6. Dose work and rest.