Children's blepharitis. Blepharitis in children: possible causes, symptoms, treatment methods. Features of the treatment of children's blepharitis

Inflammation of the eye in a child is a problem faced by many parents. Often, mothers are interested in what are the reasons for its development, what treatment should be used and whether it is possible to treat the baby at home. Inflammation of the eye is a fairly common disease today. It is observed in newborns and older children, has pronounced symptoms. Treatment can be done at home, but not for babies. Babies should be treated under specialist supervision.

The most common eye diseases conjunctivitis is present in adult children and newborns. Conjunctivitis can affect babies of different ages.

When a child has inflammation, swelling of the eyelids is observed, blood vessels stand out, the eyes turn red, and take on a painful appearance.

The eye is an organ made up of different tissues and particles that perform a variety of tasks. By the definition of eye inflammation, we mean a variety of inflammatory currents. Various inflammations affect the constituent parts of the eye. For instance, inflammation of the eyeball noticeable by the reddening of the connective tissues of the organ. Also, inflammatory processes capture the area around the eye - these are the eyelids, which causes discomfort and discomfort.


Inflammation of the eyelid is caused by such diseases as: blepharitis, barley, molluscum contagiosum, abscess, boil.


- inflammation in the tissues of the eyelid, which occurs due to the penetration of bacteria - staphylococcus of the sebaceous gland. It will occur with a cold. Obvious symptoms are swelling near the lower eyelid. Furuncle - inflamed tissue with purulent contents. The boil itself opens, all the contents come out, after a while a small scar forms.

Blepharitis is characterized by prolonged inflammation of the eyelids. Localized at the lower end of the eyelid. With blepharitis, the eyelids become swollen and heavy. and bake. An abscess is characterized by a strong suppuration process, develops after a boil disease.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva or mucous membrane is the most prominent inflammatory disease eyes. Occurs due to the influence of chemical, physical and bacterial factors. often occurs after a foreign body enters the mucous membrane, as a result of which the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. Inflamed vascular mesh covers the protein and inner sides of the eyelid.

It often affects two eyes at once. First, one becomes inflamed, and a few days later the second. Conjunctivitis is not considered a very serious disease, but it brings a feeling of discomfort and irritates the mucous membranes. There are 3 types of conjunctivitis: allergic, bacterial, viral.


An allergic form of inflammation is formed as a result allergic reaction organism. Allergies are caused by foods medical drugs, house dust, pollen from flowers. With this form, the eyelids turn red and pus is released. irritating besides the eyes nasal cavity... This conjunctivitis is easy to treat, and the symptoms will go away on their own when you remove the cause of the allergy.

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The bacterial form affects two eyes at once. It is mainly due to the penetration of dirt and sand into the baby's eyes. Foreign bodies injure the mucous membrane, bacteria gain access to deep tissue layers, causing inflammation.


The viral form is formed with a cold or sore throat. The disease is transmitted from one eye to the other. The baby feels discomfort, cutting sensations, burning, itching. The mucous membrane becomes red, purulent discharge is observed.

Lacrimal ducts

Inflammation in the lacrimal canals of the eye mainly occurs in children due to dacryocystitis, canaliculitis, dacryoadenitis.


- a purulent process that is located on the wall of the lacrimal sac. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the skin over the lacrimal sac. Often seen in newborns.


Canaliculitis - manifested by inflammation of the lacrimal tubules. It develops with complications of conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis. During the disease occurs abundant discharge tears.


Dacryodenitis - inflammation of the lacrimal gland, occurs during the complication of infectious ailments (colds, flu, sore throat, measles)... With dacryodenitis, the head hurts, the temperature rises, and a breakdown is observed.


Inflammation choroid the eyes or irises are called iritis and iridocyclitis. Iritis - affects the iris itself, and cyclitis - the ciliary body. Inflammation occurs due to sinusitis, traumatic injuries, dental pathology.

In newborns

Inflammation of the eyes in a newborn baby is very common. The children are still very weak, they are just beginning to get used to their new habitat. When symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor so that he prescribes the correct treatment for a little patient.

Inflammation of the eye in newborns is noted due to dacryocystitis. It occurs due to the underdevelopment of the lacrimal canal. It is observed in a newborn and blepharitis. The baby's eyelids become inflamed, eyelashes fall out. The reasons are different infectious diseases, bad conditions residence, hypovitaminosis. For additional diagnostics the newborn is examined for worms.


Blenorrhea of ​​newborns is an inflammation that is common. When a baby is born, immediately wipe the eyelids with sterile materials. Then drip 1 drop of 1% lapis solution into both eyes. The therapy helps to protect the newborn from the ingress of bacteria from the mother's genitals. Blenorrhea in newborns is accompanied by swelling, redness of the eyelids, and the release of sticky contents.

Inflammation of the eyes in a newborn is due to conjunctivitis. The reason for the development of the disease may be bathing in non-sterile water, contact with objects that the infected person used. The body of newborns is rather weak and clings to various viruses.

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Inflammation of the eye in a child is determined by general symptoms that are similar in almost all diseases. The main symptoms of inflammatory eye diseases:

  • redness;
  • severe tearing;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • profuse discharge from the eye;
  • burning and itching;
  • the presence of pus;
  • photosensitivity;
  • painful sensations;
  • the discomfort;
  • increased body temperature;
  • deterioration of vision.

If you find any of the listed symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist to determine accurate diagnosis... Treatment should be started immediately.


Treatment must begin with the elimination of the cause of the formation of the disease. It is not worthwhile to establish a diagnosis on your own, you need to consult a specialist. Make an appointment with a doctor if any symptoms are found.


Eye drops are considered the most effective method against inflammation. It is necessary to choose drops depending on the reasons that caused the inflammation. For example, in case of a cold or exposure to a bacterial infection, baby drops with an antibiotic are prescribed... If the baby's activity is disturbed lacrimal canals, then you need to use drops similar in composition to a human tear.

  • Treatment of conjunctivitis is accompanied by the use of drops that have an antibacterial effect: Levomycetin, Sulfacil sodium.
  • Eye drops are used for diseases such as blepharitis, furuncle, abscess,. Drops are prescribed: Penicillin, Erythromycin solution.
  • When the work of the lacrimal organs is disrupted, drops are prescribed: Likontin, Oftolik, Oksial, Vizomitin. To relieve inflammation that causes allergies use: Vizin,.

To instill eyes, the newborn needs to be swaddled and placed on a flat surface. You need to bury both eyes, as the inflammation passes from one to the other.

Folk remedies

There are good folk remedies for treating eye inflammation in children. As a rule, these are compresses and washes. It is important, before starting treatment and using folk remedies, to consult a doctor.

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Compresses remove irritation and soothe the skin. Compresses made from tea, parsley, and various herbs help well.

  • To prepare parsley compresses you need: finely chop the parsley, wrap it in cheesecloth and dip in boiling water. As soon as all the water drains off and the gauze cools down, it must be applied to closed eyes for a few minutes.
  • In case of inflammation, it is recommended tea compresses... Tea must be brewed, cooled, and allowed to brew for about 30 minutes. Then strain and apply over eyes for 10 minutes.
  • Jasmine, rosehip and clover leaf compresses remove inflammation well. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients, add a little honey, leave for 20 minutes, strain. ready.
  • You can insist compresses in boiled milk. Compound: rose leaves, burdock, calendula... Insist on a warm heating pad for 7 minutes. Apply to warm eyes.


Washing effective folk remedy. You can rinse your eyes with infusion pharmacy chamomile... For 1 glass of hot water 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile. Insist for about an hour. Wash eyes with decoction onions... To do this, boil the onion, add a little honey to the broth and boric acid... You need to rinse about five times a day.

It is forbidden to wash the baby's eyes with mother's milk and saliva. Milk and saliva are good breeding grounds for bacteria.

A large group of diseases with similar symptoms. Inflammation spreads with blepharitis for all or part of the eyelid. It affects two or less often one eyelid at once. Blepharitis occurs in acute and chronic forms. Blepharitis in children is the most common condition due to the inability to provide normal eye care on their own. By rubbing the eyelid with dirty hands, a child can easily infect the eye. This leads to the rapid development of blepharitis. Record all stages of treatment for a medical card.

Causes of occurrence

In order not to miss the moment of onset and start treatment in a timely manner, you should be aware of the causes of the onset of the disease.

  • it is natural for a child to rub his eyelids with dirty hands;
  • the eyelids become inflamed with a sharp decrease in immunity. A child who has had ARVI, acute respiratory infections, flu or other illness is easier to face with blepharitis;
  • overwork, excessive excitability will affect the condition of the eyelids;
  • the manifestation of allergies makes the eyelids red, causing itching. Kids on family photos often show signs of blepharitis after playing with animals or during ragweed flowering;
  • the eyes suffer from staphylococcus after a sore throat;
  • the cause of the development of scaly blepharitis is often demodex mites;
  • manifests itself along with various diseases eye;
  • with metabolic disorders, the eyelids turn red and itch;
  • the first symptoms of a malfunction in the digestive tract are redness;
  • the cause of the development of blepharitis is vitamin deficiency;
  • the reason for the appearance of red eyelids may lie in chronic diseases of the oral and nasal cavity;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene and lack of parental control will certainly lead to blepharitis.

Young parents who are faced with incomprehensible symptoms should definitely call a pediatrician. If you are using a private professional, send him a photo. Tell us how it started. Follow all recommendations. After the arrival of a specialist and conducting the necessary research, the method of exposure to the affected area is selected.

If blepharitis occurs in infants and newborns

Among the reasons for the appearance of blepharitis in newborns, experts distinguish the main two:

  1. External. Redness of the baby's eyelids is a sure sign high concentration dust, poor maternal hygiene and non-compliance with pediatrician instructions.
  2. Internal. The eyes of young children who are not yet talking instantly signal the penetration of staphylococcus, fungi or other microbes and bacteria into the body.

In the first months of life, it is important for a child to carefully observe personal hygiene, daily wet cleaning in the room. A weak immune system in children allows blepharitis to develop rapidly. Treatment is required to begin immediately if the initial symptoms are confirmed. If you miss a change in the child's condition, without taking action, you will face complications. Blepharitis without the right treatment quickly turns into chronic stage... The cornea of ​​the eye becomes covered with microcracks, which opens the way for infection and ultimately leads to complete loss vision. You cannot choose the treatment method yourself, only the advice of an ophthalmologist or experienced pediatrician will help to overcome the disease. Severe inflammation of the eye in a child leads to the formation of ulcers and scarring of the edge of the eyelids. This will prevent eyelashes from growing properly, making them rare and ugly.

Under the supervision of an experienced professional and noticing the first symptoms of blepharitis, take the photo as large as possible. Send to your doctor and ask for advice. Quickly taken measures will help to more effectively deal with the disease and prevent the transition to a chronic form. The child's well-being will improve and will help to wait for the pediatrician if:

  • moisturize the eyelid with a tampon or clean cotton cloth. This will remove scaly layers, relieve irritation and itching;
  • use a special ointment as advised by your doctor. Apply a thin layer to the affected area;
  • Apply the medication before bed so that it does not get into your eyes.

It takes maximum effort to focus on identifying the root causes and quickly addressing them. The more effective the study, the easier it is to diagnose and deal with scaly blepharitis. . At each stage of the disease, take photographs and attach to the archive. This will make it possible to trace the treatment and avoid possible complications further.

What Dr. Komarovsky says

The main thing is to make a prompt and correct diagnosis. After that, we begin to treat, be sure to observe generally accepted rules of hygiene and take a photo at each stage. A simple table will help you understand what you are faced with and what to do before the arrival of a specialist.

DiseaseThe reason for the occurrence.ManifestationsHow to fight
Scaly blepharitisThe root cause is seborrheic dermatitis.The edges of the eyelid are red, covered with greasy scales. The meibomian glands are slightly swollen.Using special shampoos for shampooing. Obligatory removal of scales with a damp swab twice a day. With a heavier form, bactericidal ointments are used.
Ulcerative blepharitisPeople can get sick throughout their lives. It is accompanied by the frequent appearance of acne, barley and seborrhea.Severe swelling, the formation of dense crusts, after removal of which bleeding sores appear. V chronic form without proper treatment, there is a deformation of the eyelids.Using medicated shampoos and rinsing the eyes daily with warm water. After cleaning, lubricate the damaged area with a bactericidal ointment.

The main advice is to quickly respond to any changes in the child's condition. Do not self-medicate and do not trust the experience of neighbors and girlfriends. Each child is different, and what is beneficial for one can be detrimental to the well-being of another. Only a doctor is able to choose a method of exposure and achieve a good result.

How to treat scaly blepharitis in children

To quickly help your child and make the fight against the disease effective, start by removing pets. Give your favorite cats, dogs, parrots to relatives or friends, trying to minimize psychological trauma. Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do not be lazy to change your baby's pillowcases every day.

  • UHF and electrophoresis with the use of antibacterial drugs helps well;
  • remove from the diet any foods that can cause allergies;
  • Fighting the disease is required in a comprehensive manner, and not only with pronounced consequences.

Do not underestimate the insidiousness of the disease. At first glance, this is a simple disease that does not deserve our attention. Parents often do more harm than germs and bacteria through their irresponsibility. Simple hygiene standards, adhered to every day, will make your baby's life cloudless. A photo in a family album of a joyfully laughing firstborn is a good argument for dads and moms.

Blepharitis is inflammatory process, affecting the edges of the eyelids, that part of them on which eyelashes grow. Outwardly, this disease looks like thickening and redness of the eyelids, the appearance of discharge from the eyes.

Blepharitis in a child occurs due to the vulnerability of his immune system, which has not yet been fully formed. Also, children have very thin eyelid skin, it is easy to injure it.

There are several types of childhood blepharitis, they all differ in origin and characteristic symptoms.

Allergic dermatitis in children occurs due to exposure to an allergen. The main therapy here is the elimination of the allergen.

Causes leading to the onset of the disease

The cause of blepharitis in children can be either an infection (fungus, bacteria, or demodex mite) or an allergy.

The most common culprit for blepharitis is Staphylococcus aureus, very resistant to most antibacterial drugs.

The mite that causes demodicosis lives in the feathers and down of birds; therefore, feather and down pillows are quite common sources of infection.

Infection with a tick occurs through a household contact, a child can pick it up from an adult patient carrier, using, for example, a common towel and a common pillow.

The appearance of blepharitis in children is usually preceded by:

  • violation of hygiene due to poor sanitary conditions. Often, the introduction of infection into the eye with unwashed hands provokes the development of inflammation;
  • allergic diseases, diabetes in a child. Children who are most susceptible to blepharitis are often sick colds and with chronic disorders of the digestive system;
  • pathology visual apparatus: myopia and hyperopia;
  • chronic conjunctivitis, which can also lead to an inflammatory process of the eyelids;
  • lack of vitamins in the diet;
  • constant eye irritation with dust, wind, smoke.

Children who often have colds are more likely to have blepharitis.

Blepharitis symptoms

Typical for blepharitis common symptoms in children, there is a sensation in the eyes of itching and burning, "sand". The eyes turn red and swell, purulent crusts may appear along the edges of the eyelids.

Characteristic fast fatiguability eye, photosensitivity. The appearance of eyelashes changes: they lose their color, fall out, begin to grow in the wrong direction. New eyelashes grow back very slowly.

With blepharitis, the child constantly rubs and scratches his eyes, blinks from the bright light. In the morning, it can be difficult for him to open his eyelids because of the dried secretions that stick together the eyelashes.

The affected eyelid may become deformed.

Treatment and prevention

If there is a suspicion that a child has blepharitis, it is necessary to show it to an ophthalmologist or pediatrician.

Blepharitis does not respond well to therapy, after healing it tends to recur again and again, taking chronic course... Therefore, the approach to treatment must be serious and persistent.

Important! Only a specialist is able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment... Self-medication will lead to the fact that the disease will take a protracted course.

Depending on the age of the child, the tactics of therapy are selected individually for each small patient.

Immunal is prescribed to strengthen the immune system along with a local effect on blepharitis.

In the treatment of blepharitis in children, anti-inflammatory drugs are used topically. These are ointments, drops and medicinal lotions.

It is important to remember that many medicines have age restrictions, so, for example, one year old baby will receive medical recommendations that differ from those prescribed for an older child.

In the treatment, you can resort to physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis, UHF, UFO.

When demodicosis is detected, anti-mite agents are prescribed first of all. If the causative agent of the disease is staphylococcus, or another type of bacteria, then it is selected suitable ointment with an antibiotic.

With blepharitis of an allergic nature, ointments containing hormones are shown. The baby's tendency to allergies should alert parents, you will have to carefully monitor his diet in order to exclude allergenic foods from the diet.

Along with the local effect on the disease, it is imperative to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses in order to avoid repeated relapses. For this purpose, vitamin therapy and taking immunostimulants such as Immunal and echinacea preparations are suitable.

For the successful cure and prevention of blepharitis in children, it is necessary to carefully follow the sanitary and hygienic rules. A small family member must have their own bed linen and accessories, a towel. They need to be washed and ironed periodically. Wet cleaning with ventilation should be carried out regularly in the house, since the accumulating dust is an ideal breeding ground for demodectic mites.

Medical treatment for blepharitis in a child depends on his age.

To prevent a condition such as blepharitis in infants, all newborns, immediately after birth, are treated with antiseptics.

Traditional methods of treating blepharitis

At home are often used folk methods disease treatment:

  • Treating the eyes with a solution of laundry soap is suitable for combating demodectic mites. Dissolve a teaspoon of shavings of laundry soap in a glass of boiling water. Shake the resulting liquid until foam forms. Treat the eyelids with this foam: apply, hold a little and rinse. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the skin of the eyelids with petroleum jelly.
  • Pour half tablespoons of chamomile and calendula inflorescences into a glass and pour boiling water. Insist for 15 minutes, then strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of thyme: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, rinse the eyelids with the resulting solution 2 times a day.

Here is what Dr. Komarovsky advises for scaly blepharitis:

  1. Wash your hair and face only with a pharmacy medicinal shampoo;
  2. In the morning and in the evening, rinse the eyelids with soapy water (warm);
  3. Remove scales from the eyelids with a cotton swab 2 times a day.
  4. In difficult cases, apply ointments with antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids (hormones).

Aug 10, 2017 Anastasia Tabalina

Blepharitis symptoms and treatment

V childhood many children suffer various eye diseases which can lead to blurred vision (conjunctivitis, barley , eye blepharitis). Today we will tell you about which types of blepharitis most common in childhood, symptoms characteristic of a particular type of blepharitis and treatment diseases with modern and folk remedies.
Blepharitis is called inflammation at the edges of the eyelids, which is often chronic and occurs in children quite often. In most cases
the appearance of the disease provokes Staphylococcus aureus. To cure this eye inflammation in a child difficult, but in Lately developed effective methods treatment and complete destruction of the infection that causes eye inflammation ( drops , ointments, special compresses for the eyes).

Blepharitis in children Symptoms that appear first.
Among the signs of blepharitis in children, there are swelling and swelling of the eyelids, excessive loss of eyelashes , redness of the eyes, which is accompanied by itching and burning. Under the lower eyelid, irritation is noticeable, as if dirt got there.

Seborrhea, or scaly blepharitis of the eye (photo below)- a disease characterized by narrowing of the palpebral fissure, burning sensation in the eyes, the eyelids turn red and become thicker. However, the patient suffers this type of ailment much easier than ulcerative blepharitis. Schoolchildren are the main contingent that faces with ulcerative blepharitis... Crusts form near the eyelashes at the edges of the eyelids, sores appear under them, and they bleed from time to time. Angular blepharitis received this name due to the fact that it affects only the corners of the palpebral fissure. With meibomian blepharitis the eye, the meibomian glands become inflamed (they are in cartilage tissue century). When pressed on the eyelid, a white mass with a yellow tint begins to flow out.

Blepharitis in children Treatment and disease prevention.
When blepharitis appears after an eye infection, the child is prescribed antibiotics. When an allergy is the cause of the disease , then you need to stop the access of the allergen to the eye, rinse the baby's eyelids with warm water and soap, stop irritating the surface with ragweed (if there was a reaction to it).
In advanced situations, peeling is observed skin around the eyes and eyebrows, on the head. Then the doctor recommends using a specialized cream or shampoo.

Another type of disease is blepharitis demodectic, named after its pathogen, the Demodex mite. Demodex lives in the bulb of the eyelash, and gets there when a child comes into contact with birds, their down and feathers that fill the pillows. Increased likelihood of catching the disease in children with chronic gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, various types of allergies , focal points of infection. When mite begins vital activity in the follicles of the eyelashes, the epithelium peels off and these cells accumulate between the hairs. Cylindrical muffs are formed near the roots of the eyelashes, they become larger over time.

Treat demadecotic blepharitis problematic: the marginal edge, the skin of the eyelids and face have to be treated with solutions with alcohol.

Often blepharitis in children (see photo below) develops due to weakened immunity, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, constant eye strain , diabetes mellitus or the presence of worms. Therefore, if a child has symptoms of blepharitis, it is important to immediately seek professional help To pediatrician to identify the causes and source of the disease, the passage necessary examination and analyzes. If the child has blepharitis, treatment will be aimed at strengthening the child's immune system, adjusting the diet and taking medications regularly (as well as the use of ointments and special lotions, shampoos) until the infection is completely eradicated and elimination of blepharitis symptoms.

Now you know which symptoms indicates that the child is developing blepharitis of the eye... We examined the types of blepharitis, methods of treatment diseases and methods prevention of re-infection (development of chronic blepharitis). we also learned that demodectic blepharitis causes a mite that enters the eyelash follicles and causes eye inflammation in a child.

Next article.

Today blepharitis in children is frequent illness... This is an inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, associated with a too thin layer of the skin and fiber in this place, due to the looseness of the tissues and the complete absence of fat.

In some cases, the eye for a long time may remain unchanged, although blepharitis will develop full swing... This gives parents the wrong opinion that this disease is quite simple and does not require any special drug treatment... In fact, inaction with such a diagnosis can result in serious complications for the child's health. To avoid them, you need to try to protect the baby from the factors that provoke the development of childhood blepharitis.


  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • severe overwork (both physical and mental);
  • hypothermia;
  • the demodex mite, which enters the cilia bulbs when the baby comes into contact with birds, down and feather pillows, as well as chronic problems Gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, different types allergies, focal points of infection;
  • weakened immunity;
  • gastrointestinal problems intestinal tract(colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis);
  • constant eye strain;
  • diabetes;
  • worms;
  • getting dirt under the eyelids;
  • sensitivity to various irritants (pollen, cosmetics, dust);
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • bleeding from a diseased tooth, tonsils in chronic tonsillitis;
  • refusal to wear glasses with hyperopia, since the muscles of the eyes suffer from tension and fatigue;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rubbing eyes with dirty hands;
  • anemia;
  • external atmospheric phenomena: contact with the eyes of wind, smoke, dust.

If parents know exactly what reasons can cause this unpleasant disease in a child, like blepharitis, they can somehow protect the eyes from infection. First, teach him to follow the basic rules of hygiene. Secondly, to introduce him from an early age to healthy way life. Thirdly, in time to treat any internal diseases... If it did not work to save the baby, you need to see the first signs of blepharitis in a timely manner. This will allow you to start treatment as early as possible.

Symptoms and Signs

The complexity of this disease is that the symptoms of blepharitis in a child can be easily confused with signs of other eye ailments. The same barley, for example. Therefore, if during a certain time abnormal, unhealthy phenomena occur with the baby's eyes, parents should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms may include:

  • swelling, swelling on the eyelids;
  • redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • sticking and falling out of eyelashes;
  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • irritation under the lower eyelid;
  • narrowing of the palpebral fissure;
  • thickening of the eyelids;
  • crusts along the edges of the eyelashes, which then turn into bleeding sores;
  • if there is inflammation of the meibomian glands, when pressing on the eyelids, a whitish, yellowish mass flows out from under them;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the eye area;
  • peeling of the skin on the head, around the eyebrows and eyes;
  • telangiectasia is a visible expansion of small blood vessels of the skin in the form of a mesh or asterisks.

If there are several such manifestations, it is recommended that the child be shown to the doctor as soon as possible, and not self-medicate. Blepharitis symptoms are a signal that specialist intervention is required. Only he will be able to carry out a competent diagnosis and, in accordance with the type of disease, prescribe therapy.

Types of blepharitis

In medicine, there are several types of children's blepharitis (depending on its symptoms and origin):

  • scaly (simple, seborrhea);
  • ulcerative;
  • angular;
  • meibomian;
  • demodectic;
  • allergic;
  • chronic;
  • rosacea.

Any of these types of blepharitis in children is characterized by its own characteristics, on which the prescribed treatment will depend.

Treatment of the disease

After the doctor examines the child, conducts an examination, talks with the parents, identifies possible reasons diseases, diagnose symptoms, determine the type of blepharitis in a child, he will give recommendations on how to treat it.

  1. When allergic blepharitis is diagnosed in children, it is recommended to exclude contact with the allergen, rinse the eyelids with warm, filtered water and soap.
  2. Special eye cream.
  3. Shampoo if blepharitis is seborrheic and touches the scalp.
  4. Edging of cilia alcohol solution can be prescribed for demodectic blepharitis.
  5. Strengthening the immune system with vitamin therapy.
  6. Correction of diet, hypoallergenic diet.
  7. Century massage.
  8. Such physiotherapeutic methods as electrophoresis with therapeutic solutions (antibiotics, vitamins C and B are most often prescribed), UHF therapy, UV irradiation, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization.
  9. External treatment of the eyelids with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol, 1% - brilliant green, tincture medicinal calendula, a decoction of chamomile.
  10. External treatment of eyelids affected by blepharitis antibacterial ointments: erythromycin, tetracycline, Oriprim-P, Colbiocin, Ophthalmim.
  11. Ointments in the form of combined medications that combine both an antibiotic and glucocorticosteroids: Maxitrol, Dexa-gentamicin, Garazon.
  12. When treating ulcerative blepharitis in children, it is recommended to carefully remove purulent crusts from the eyelids. They come off easily if you soften them beforehand with lanolin or sterile petroleum jelly.
  13. Antimicrobial eye drops buried in conjunctival sac: solutions of miramistin, picloxidine, sodium sulfacyl, chloramphenicol.

Prescribed by a doctor, timely treatment of blepharitis in children leads to complete recovery without complications. If you miss the disease at the initial stage and ignore medication, this can lead to the most undesirable consequences, including deterioration of vision.


If the child has red, irritated eyelids, there is a burning sensation near the eyes, the skin is peeling, and the cilia stick in the morning, most likely it is blepharitis.

What is blepharitis?

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids that can be chronic. Its symptoms - redness, scaly skin on the eyelids, burning sensation - can resemble allergies. Therefore, if something like this appears, you should contact a pediatrician, who, in case of inflammation of the eyelids, will refer you to an ophthalmologist.

If blepharitis is left untreated, it can cause conjunctivitis or barley, and more severe cases can occur.

How is blepharitis treated?

Blepharitis can be treated at home if the inflammation has just begun, however, you still need to see a doctor.

Before going to bed, it is imperative to rinse the infected areas. To remove the crust, you need to wet it with warm water soft tissue and put it on the child's closed eyes for about 5 minutes. Then gently, so as not to damage the skin, wipe the eyelids.

If the eyelashes stick together, you can dilute baby shampoo (2 drops of shampoo in 1/3 cup of water) and soak cotton swabs in this solution. Then gently clean the upper and lower lash line with them.

In addition to the ointment, drops may be prescribed.

It is very important to do these procedures regularly for several days, even after the visible manifestations of blepharitis have disappeared, in order to prevent its reappearance.

What Causes Blepharitis?

Very often, the culprit for the appearance of this scourge is seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, bacterial infection(for example - staphylococcus aureus), in addition, anemia, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, helminthic invasions, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can contribute to its appearance.

Prevention of blepharitis

Parents should be encouraged and encouraged in every way frequent washing hands. In addition, you need to teach your child not to rub his eyes in any way. Friction can spread infection or worsen pre-existing symptoms.

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Symptoms of blepharitis in children

If your child has blepharitis, their eyelids may become irritated, red, scaly, and swollen. When your child wakes up in the morning, you may notice a crust on his eyelids. The child may feel a burning sensation and itching in the eyelid, and when he blinks, he may have a feeling that something has got into the eye. Children with blepharitis may also have profuse lacrimation.

Blepharitis can lead to other eye conditions such as stye, chalazion, or tear film problems, which can lead to excess watery eyes or dry eye, which in turn increases the risk of corneal infections. Blepharitis can cause problems, but it usually doesn't cause vision problems. Read more about blepharitis here - Blepharitis: causes, symptoms, treatment.

Causes of blepharitis in children

Blepharitis occurs when excess sebum on the edge of the eyelids causes bacteria to grow permanently on the eyelids. As a result, the edges of the eyelids become irritated and inflamed.

Blepharitis often occurs with seborrheic dermatitis (dry patches of flaky, scaly skin around the scalp or face), allergies, or rosacea (a skin condition in which the skin becomes flushed).

Do I need to take my child to the doctor

You will need to take your child to a doctor to have their eyes examined. While adults may try to treat the disease on their own before going to the doctor, it is better to take the child to the doctor to make sure that you are dealing with blepharitis, and then start immediate treatment.

Chronic condition and relapses of blepharitis in children

Blepharitis is treatable, but relapses can occur. Unfortunately, this disease is often chronic.

Blepharitis can start during infancy and can go away and start again over the years. Maintaining good eyelid hygiene is an important preventive measure for a child who has once had blepharitis. With proper treatment and good hygiene, you can reduce the number of flare-ups.

Blepharitis in a child - the upper and lower eyelids are very swollen

Treatment of blepharitis in children

You will most likely be advised to apply warm compresses to your child's eyelids for 5 to 10 minutes, 2 to 4 times a day (replace the lotion every time it cools). After applying the compresses, gently massage your eyelids in a circular motion with a clean fingertip or warm tissue.

Cleanse your eyelids several times a day after using warm compresses and massages, as this reduces bacteria and removes dead skin cells, which keeps pores open and the affected area can heal. To cleanse your eyelids, your doctor may recommend warm water, a special saline solution, diluted baby shampoo, or a special eyelid cleanser. The procedure for cleansing the eyelids will not cause pain your child, so feel free to do this procedure. You can find out how to treat blepharitis at home here - Treating blepharitis at home.

If your child is old enough to follow simple instructions, ask him to look up when you peel his lower eyelid and down when you peel it upper eyelid... To clean your eyelids, use a cotton swab, gauze swab, or a clean tissue, gently wiping off any particles along the eyelid.

If your child has a blepharitis-related disorder such as dermatitis or rosacea, they must be treated at the same time.


Blepharitis is an eye disorder characterized by bilateral lesions of the eyelid margins. This is one of the most common diseases found in ophthalmology. Often this eyelid disease occurs in children, as they cannot take care of their personal hygiene on their own. Having played in the sandbox, and then rubbing his eyes with dirty hands, a child can easily expose the eyelids to an inflammatory process.

A bunch of various factors that lead to blepharitis in children:

  • Rubbing eyes with dirty hands.
  • Reduced immunity. The reason for the weakening can be hypothermia, previous infections (ARVI, acute respiratory infections and other diseases), severe overwork.
  • Allergic reactions to pollen, household dust, wool and other allergens.
  • Staphylococcus aureus, which can occur after a sore throat.
  • Demodex mite.
  • Other eye diseases.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Helminthic invasion.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Diseases of the oral and nasal cavities.

There are several types of blepharitis:

  • Simple.
  • Ulcerative.
  • Demodectic.
  • Meibomian.
  • Chronic.
  • Allergic.


Observing the baby, parents may notice that the child's eyes have changed, the eyelids have become swollen, red. It seems that the child is crying, however, these are manifestations of the disease.


  • Lachrymation.
  • Redness and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Itching and burning.
  • Sensation of a foreign body.
  • Fear of bright lights.

Now let's look at what features are typical for each type of blepharitis:

  • Simple, differently scaly. It is characterized by all of the above symptoms, and crusts form at the base of the eyelashes, which come off, forming sores. Eyelashes fall out along with the crusts.
  • Ulcerative occurs after the removal of the crusts. The eyelids swell even more, and the eyelids are deformed. Subsequently, the pathogen may join, and the process will become purulent.
  • Demodectic occurs through contact with ticks, usually infection occurs through contact with feathers of birds. This is a long chronic illness, difficult to treat. The most common symptom is itching and burning of the eyes.

  • Meibomian develops in connection with an inflammatory purulent process in the meibomian glands. A characteristic symptom there will be purulent discharge when pressing on the cartilage in the corners of the eyes.
  • Allergic blepharitis is associated with the presence of an allergen in the environment. Important symptoms itching and burning, lacrimation and redness of the eyes will appear. Sneezing is usually added to this.
  • Chronic is called when the process is repeated or is not curable for a long time, about 2 years.
  • Blepharitis in infants can be caused by adverse effects environment or if there are microorganisms or viruses in the child's body.

Sometimes blepharitis can reduce visual acuity in a baby, only, rather, it will be revealed at an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Knowing the symptoms, parents themselves can identify the presence of a disease in a child, so, just to make a final diagnosis, is necessary professional diagnostics specialist, therefore consult your specialist doctor. But what the doctor will do - he will carefully collect anamnesis, carefully examine the site of the inflammatory process, check visual acuity, take eyelashes on microscopic examination to establish the cause of the disease, and direct you to general clinical research in the form general analysis blood and general urine analysis. After all the research, knowing the reason, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the child.


  1. Good personal hygiene is important. Change the pillowcase your baby sleeps on every day. Make your baby wash their hands all the time. We'll have to remove pets that have wool from the apartment for the duration of the treatment.
  2. Also, the doctor can prescribe physiotherapy procedures, this is an important component of blepharitis treatment. This is mainly UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial agents with groups of vitamins that act locally, darsonvalization.
  3. Diet. It is important to exclude the consumption of foods that are most likely to cause allergies.
  4. Etiotropic treatment. This is when the drug acts on the cause of the process. Usually prescribed antibiotic therapy... Using ointments or eye drops.


  • Tobrex.
  • Floxal.
  • Tsipromed.
  • "Alomid" (for allergic form).
  • "Okomistin" (with a purulent form).
  • "Maxidex".
  • Lofox.


  • "Blefarogel".
  • Demalan.
  • Floxal.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment.
  • Erythromycin ointment.
  • Levomycytin ointment.

You also need to use tincture of calendula, ethanol, infusion of chamomile, brilliant green, in order to wipe constantly inflamed eyelids. These funds are used for antiseptic purposes. Locally, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed with the use of hydrocortisone, furacilin ointment.

If you are allergic, be sure to remove all possible allergens. This can be a wool carpet, a cat, a dog, feather products, sweets, fruits, and much more. Dr. Komarovsky advises using eye drops "Alomid" as they are the most effective antiallergic drug. He also advises the following drops - Hi-Krom, Kromoglin, Lekrolin, Kromoheksal.

If meibomian blepharitis is diagnosed, then the ophthalmologist will definitely prescribe a massage for the child in the area of ​​the meibomian glands. Do not be skeptical about this, as this procedure will improve the outflow of purulent contents from the ducts. You can independently perform such a massage, for this you need to press with your fingertips with clean hands on the eyelids with light massaging movements.

Blepharitis in newborns should be treated in the same way and at the same time strictly observe the dosage of drugs, this must be done by the attending physician.

The effectiveness of treatment can be assessed by the presence or absence of symptoms. You will notice that the baby's tears have stopped flowing, the eyes have become less red, the child rubs his sore eyelids less with his hands. If eyelashes stopped falling out, and even, on the contrary, their growth resumed, it means that the process is on the mend.


To prevent the disease from reoccurring, carefully supervise that the child does not touch his face and eyes with dirty hands. A handkerchief, towel, bed linen and other personal hygiene items for a child must be separate.

For prophylaxis in the winter-spring period give your child vitamin supplements they support immune system in good shape. Try to protect your child from people with infectious diseases.

With properly prescribed treatment, as well as following the doctor's recommendations, children are able to quickly get rid of this disease, but this requires careful parental control. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of parents who are faced with this childhood disease.

The term "blepharitis" in ophthalmology is usually used to denote inflammation of the eyelids. This disease can be caused by a number of reasons and have a different nature of the course. Often, blepharitis is diagnosed in children, including newborns and infants.


According to the characteristic clinical picture and conditions of the onset of blepharitis, ophthalmologists there are several of its varieties:

  • scaly, or simple. It is manifested by hyperemia and an increase in edema along the edges of the eyelids. Distinctive feature this form of blepharitis is the formation of peculiar scales, which are particles of desquamated glandular epithelium;
  • ulcerative. Here there is a purulent inflammatory process, localized in hair follicles eyelashes. Pathology is characterized by the formation of ulcers along the edge of the eyelid;

Etiology of the disease

Most common reason the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the thickness of the eyelids in children is an excessive production of secretion by the sebaceous glands located in the thickness of the eyelids. Drops of the secreted substance accumulate at the edges of the eyelids, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Seborrheic dermatitis is often associated with blepharitis. This condition manifests itself a kind of stratification of dry skin on the face and scalp. There may also be a number of signs of an allergic reaction.

In addition, the causes of inflammation of the eyelids in children are often elementary non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, chapped eyes, illiterate treatment of functional visual disorders, chronic anemia different etiology, lack of vitamins, inflammatory diseases oral cavity and nasopharynx, chronic inflammatory processes in one of the parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, blepharitis can be one of the signs of the presence in the child's body of a focus of infection or helminthic invasion.

Not only the symptomatology, but also the tactics of further therapy depends on the type of pathogen of the pathological process.

The clinical course of blepharitis in children

One of the main symptoms of blepharitis is severe itching in the area of ​​the eyelids. Parents may notice that the child is constantly scratching his eyes, despite repeated requests from adults not to do so. Objectively, you can notice redness and swelling of the edges of the eyelids, as well as constant lacrimation. The child will constantly complain of severe itching or say that he has a speck in his eye.

With scaly blepharitis, small scales may appear in the eyelash growth area. The skin underneath will show signs of inflammation.

The ulcerative form of the disease is characterized by the formation of purulent crusts on the eyelids. If the child tries to comb them, then he will remove the scales along with the eyelashes, and a small ulcer will appear on the site where the crust was, which may bleed.

In addition to local symptoms, the child may have signs general malaise... If he is not provided with qualified assistance in time, then in the future the disease can turn into a chronic form and provide negative impact on the baby's eyesight. Also, the inflammatory process can spread to neighboring organic structures and provoke the occurrence of more serious ophthalmic pathologies.


The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist based on the child's subjective complaints, an objective examination of the eyelids, taking anamnesis and identifying concomitant diseases, as well as the results laboratory research... Parallel to eye visometry and biomicroscopy... In addition, the attending physician may prescribe a study of the refractive capabilities of the child's eye in order to identify a possible latent form of hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (myopia) and astigmatism.

If a specialist suspects that the baby has demodectic blepharitis, then the child's cilia are subjected to detailed laboratory analysis.

To confirm blepharitis of an infectious nature, a bacteriological culture of a smear from the conjunctiva is performed. To refute or confirm helminthic invasion as a possible cause of the development of the disease, a sample of the child's feces is examined for worm eggs.

Sometimes a child suffering from this disease needs consultation of narrow specialists, for example, an immunologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist and others.

If there is a chronic course of blepharitis, which is accompanied by hypertrophy ( pathological proliferation tissue) of the edges of the eyelids, then the specialist must allow possible availability in the patient's body malignant neoplasm e.g. squamous and basal cell carcinomas and cancers sebaceous glands century. To confirm or deny given diagnosis, you need to spend biopsy followed by a histological examination of the biopsy.

How is blepharitis treated in children?

For the treatment of the disease use modern methods which are most effective. Treatment tactics are always determined only by an ophthalmologist. For this, it is necessary to accurately establish the causes and form of the disease.

It must be remembered that treatment of blepharitis should not be limited to the primary removal of symptoms. You can not arbitrarily stop taking medications without preliminary consultation ophthalmologist, so as not to provoke the development of relapses and the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

During therapy, the doctor may raise the question of the advisability of using not only local antibacterial agents, but also general antibiotic therapy. This is usually associated with the appearance of abscesses (fibrous capsule with purulent exudate). In this case, may be assigned the following drugs: oxacillin, ampicillin, sulbactam, amoxicillin and others. It may also be necessary to open the abscess surgically.

With a protracted course of the disease, tetracycline tablets are prescribed inside, the course of treatment for which is usually 1-1.5 months. Besides the main therapeutic effect- destruction of the infectious pathogen, you can also note its effect on the secretory activity of the meibomian glands. Any antibacterial agents are used strictly on the recommendation of a doctor after preliminary identification of the source of the pathogen, so self-treatment with antibiotics "blindly" will most likely not bring the desired result.

Medications local action which contain corticosteroids in their composition are not used for long courses to avoid side effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used if there are signs of chronic non-infectious blepharoconjunctivitis. Most often, drugs are prescribed in such a situation. indocollir or diclofenac.

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky in Russia devoted one of his programs to this topic.

One way or another, the key to successful blepharitis therapy is strict observance all medical recommendations. Remember should not self-medicate or experiment with various questionable traditional medicine techniques.

As known, best remedy from disease, - its prevention. The main thing is to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Will tell about the causes of eye inflammation in children under one year old pediatric ophthalmologist in the next video.

Blepharitis - inflammatory disease century which often affects a child's eyes.

This is easily explained by the lack of a correct understanding of young children about hygiene, but such a disease can be triggered by other reasons.

In children, blepharitis is very common in a chronic form, and treatment of this type of disease requires immediate intervention specialists, since the absence necessary measures can lead to various complications.

Blepharitis in children

Among the ophthalmic diseases that occur in children, blepharitis is mentioned more often than other diseases.

In the process of the development of this disease, the pathogen that has fallen on sebaceous glands century, begins to cause inflammation.

In the first days and even weeks, blepharitis in children can occur with mild symptoms, therefore many parents mistakenly do not perceive this disease as a serious ailment.

Important! In fact, the disease must not only be treated, but also a number of preventive measures must be taken so that the child does not catch this kind of inflammation.

Causes of occurrence

Primarily childhood blepharitis is caused by an infection called Staphylococcus aureus, which lives in the organisms of adults and children, but behaves neutral in relation to humans.

As a result of certain diseases and pathologies, this and some other infections begin to intensify, which leads to blepharitis.

Predisposing factors v in this case are:

  • hypothermia of the child while walking;
  • transferred diseases of an infectious nature;
  • physical overwork;
  • helminthiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • a tick that causes demodicosis (betrayed both from other people and from wild and domestic animals);
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • various types of allergic manifestations;
  • malfunctions of immunity;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • dental disease;
  • avitaminosis.

In most cases, the child will become infected by rubbing or touching his eyes with dirty hands..

But pathogens can enter the eyes and through the air.

Whatever the reason, it is important to establish it as accurately as possible. The quality of treatment and its speed always depend on this.

Symptoms of the disease

Children's ophthalmic diseases on initial stages may have similar symptoms, so the diagnosis always requires a careful examination by a qualified specialist.

Signs and symptoms immediately noticeable - these include:

  1. Burning, itching and stinging in the eyes, sometimes accompanied by painful sensations.
  2. The eyelids may swell strongly or swell a little (depending on the degree of the disease and the form of blepharitis).
  3. Eyelashes with such a lesion of the follicles begin to fall out.
  4. In the morning, eyelashes stick together due to the discharge of purulent masses from the inflamed glands.
  5. The palpebral fissure narrows, sometimes it is impossible to open the affected eye completely.
  6. The skin of the eyelids thickens and coarsens.

Important! The more of these symptoms appear, the higher the likelihood that the child has blepharitis. In any case, it is better to play it safe and visit an ophthalmologist, even if there are at least one or two symptoms.

Even if blepharitis was avoided, the baby most likely has some other ophthalmological disease, which can also be dangerous for eyesight.



After diagnosing blepharitis, the doctor prescribes treatment, during which it is important to observe hygiene measures and not to violate the dosage of medication.

Important! Treatment of blepharitis in children is a combination of measures of a different nature, combined into one system, which allow us to influence the disease in a comprehensive manner and quickly cope with it.

In cases of blepharitis, doctors not only do not mind using folk recipes, but even recommend the use of some of these funds to enhance the effect.

Along with traditional eye rinsing medications for blepharitis in children, you can use washing of the inflamed eyelid with extracts of chamomile, calendula, sage.

But that's just additional measures: Correct treatment requires the use of special ointments and drops as basic remedies.

Among the ointments for treating a disease in a child are popular sulfanilamide, hydrocortisone, furacilinic.

These are safe remedies that are indicated for the treatment of children from two years of age. Among the drops, it is better to choose the same soft and safe chloramphenicol or albucid.

Perhaps the treatment will require the use of physiotherapy methods. These are procedures such as magnetotherapy, ultraviolet radiation, electrophoresis and UHF therapy.

Blepharitis is difficult to treat, and if there are no results in the first weeks, this does not always mean that there is no effect: it may be, but minimal and just beginning.

Important! Also, this disease can often recur in the form of relapses and with neglected form go to chronic appearance... But even such complex cases are ultimately cured if all the doctor's requirements are met.


The main preventive measure allowing to eliminate blepharitis is keeping the house clean and teaching the child the rules of personal hygiene.

Children often carry ophthalmic pathogens with dirty hands, so it is necessary to explain to them about the importance of washing their hands every time they return from the street.

Also, parents should make the child understand that the use of other people's towels, handkerchiefs, clothes and hats can also lead to eye diseases. This also applies to drops used by another person: sometimes bacteria and infections that cause illness remain on the container with the medicine.

Useful video

From this video, you will clearly learn about the symptoms and causes of blepharitis:

In the event that someone in the family is ill with blepharitis, it is possible to save the child from the disease only by isolating the sick person.

This does not mean complete isolation in a separate room, but the allocation of separate dishes, linen, slippers to the patient, as well as the exclusion of his contact with healthy family members.

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